Strength and Conditioning For Skeleton
Strength and Conditioning For Skeleton
Strength and Conditioning For Skeleton
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1 author:
Tim Mosey
Edith Cowan University
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62 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2014 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
energy gained depletes (16). The inten-
tion of the athlete outside of steer-
ing requirements needs to be that
of complete stillness and relaxation—
compared with rigid and stiff body
positions. When steering is neces-
sary, the athlete needs to make subtle
adjustments—particularly with their
trunk—to place force at the appropri-
ate location on the sled. Away from
actual sliding, this component of the
race can be directly addressed in an
S&C program (Figure 2). Neck
strengthening and specific endurance
is necessary to withstand the applied
gravitational force through corners
and throughout the duration of the
Figure 1. Skeleton push start. race (Figure 3).
(14). Kivi et al. (14) showed that there SKELETON “ON-SLED” During the stance phase of maximal
are similarities between the initial start- KINEMATICS velocity sprinting (MVS) to produce
ing position and that of a track athlete A skeleton competitor may feel the propulsion in the forward direction,
from blocks. Their results highlighted effect of gravitational forces between the primary catalyst is the gluteus
that single- and double-foot take offs 5 and 6 times applied to them travel- maximus (24,27). During the stance
were equally as good in attaining fast ling through corners at speeds over phase, the knee extensors—particularly
start times. The athlete never raises 135 km/h (16). The ability of the ath- the vastus medialis—are responsible for
their torso during the PS—unlike a typ- lete to maintain control of their sled stabilizing the knee joint throughout
ical sprinter—therefore trunk angle does during these periods of the race is contact time. The gluteus medius and
not change. Angles at the knee and thigh important. However, if athletes apply the oblique abdominals are responsible
remain similar until the athlete loads forces through adjustments on the sled, for stabilizing the trunk and pelvis (17).
onto the sled (14). The trunk angle re- steering with shoulders or toes, or Wiemann and Tidow report that from
mains the same, which is a consideration making adjustments to directly control toe off contact through to the flight
the S&C coach needs to make when the direction of the sled, the momentum phase, the primary movers are the knee
thinking about exercise selection. built is potentially lost and potential flexors (semitendinosus, semimembra-
nosus, and biceps femoris) (24). The
authors found that the knee extensors,
in particular, the vastus medialis, could
not be considered muscles that pro-
duced forward acceleration in upright
sprinting. The main propulsion for for-
ward acceleration in upright sprinting
during contact comes from a combina-
tion of the gluteus maximus and adduc-
tor magnus, which combine to control
outward rotation and abduction of the
pelvis. The hamstring muscle group,
being knee flexors, has a hip extension
function and knee extension function
in the support phase (24). Frick et al.
(10) found that knee extensor activity
was very high in sprint acceleration
(AS) compared with MVS and there-
fore suggested that the knee extensors
were more important in AS than MVS
Figure 2. Prone stability ball stabilization.
(Table 1) (10,28).
Table 5
Sample resistance training program—General preparation phase (off season)
sprinting option to make the move- When considering using exercises balance on tandem stability balls
ment more sport specific. The S&C that may be considered “sport spe- by engaging their gluteal muscles
professional should ensure that this cific,” the following are some novel and anterior core. They attempt to
sport-specific method is not overdone options that may develop strength balance by reacting to the unstable
in consequence of losing valuable train- and endurance in skeleton speci- environment beneath their body.
ing time directed at specific methodol- fic positions. During the prone The athlete makes subtle adjustments
ogies to develop acceleration and stability ball stabilization exercise to the stability balls movement to
maximal velocity qualities. (Figure 2), the athlete attempts to maintain stability.
Table 7
Example weekly speed session
Day Order Exercise Notes Intensity (%) Recovery Wk 1
Prone neck strengthening (Figure 3) re- anchored to a bench or box. They The supine neck stabilization exercise
quires the athlete to place an elastic place their torso in a similar position (Figure 5) involves the athlete placing
band over their head and attempt to to where they would be at the start of a stability ball on a box so they can
maintain a neutral head position. The a race or practice run. The athlete maintain a 458 angle to the floor. In
weight plate offers an anchor point for then does a single-leg squat flexing a supine position, they place their head
the band—not a movable resistance. At- the knee, with the hip joint angle re- on the ball and raise their hips so they
tempting to keep the chin up is also an maining fairly constant because of form a straight line between shoulder
alternative to a neutral head position. the initial trunk flexion. The chest is and knee. The athlete then manages
In the single-leg bent over squat lowered to the knee by flexing the knee. the movement of the ball by applying
(Figure 4), the athlete assumes a bent The athlete then returns to the initial subtle balancing movements with their
over Borzov position with back leg start position by extending the knee. neck to maintain the still position of
the ball. Placing space between the ball
and the wall increases the ability of the
ball to move and raises the difficulty of
the exercise.
Supine twisting crunch (Figure 6) is
performed with the athlete supine on
the ground, knees bent to 908. The ath-
lete then raises their torso from the
ground and twists a shoulder toward
the opposite knee. This is performed
in a controlled manner with a small
torso raise from the floor compared
with a full crunch.
The PS in skeleton seems to be an
important factor for skeleton perfor-
mance. There are similarities between
Figure 4. Single-leg bent over squat.
AS and the PS. Athletes should incor-
porate strength, power, and speed
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