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Draft Reclamation Manual Release Comments On This Draft Release Must Be Submitted To by 1/17/2022

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Comments on this draft release must be submitted to [email protected] by

Background and Purpose of the Following Draft Directive and Standard (D&S),
Hiring Process-Merit Promotion

The Bureau of Reclamation is revising the HRM 04-08, Hiring Process-Merit Promotion, to
ensure compliance with the recently issued Department of the Interior’s Merit Promotion &
Staffing Policy Personnel Handbook, dated November 2020, and streamline consistency in merit
promotion hiring practices using newly acquired human resources systems. This revision will
provide consistency in merit promotion program operations Reclamation-wide, promote
collaboration between all stakeholders involved in the hiring process, and provide emphasis on
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) efforts during hiring practices.

Reclamation subject matter experts throughout the Human Resources Policy Office (HRPO) and
Servicing Human Resources Offices (SHROs) have collaborated to revise this D&S and
incorporate the goals outlined above. The following is a summary of the changes from the
current publication within this revision:
•formatting changes have been made throughout the document to comply with the new
required template for D&S documents per RCD 03-01;
•the addition of applicable authorities (e.g., PB 20-20) and removal of rescinded or
superseded authorities (e.g., 370 DM 335);
•the addition of new definitions and updating definitions for clarity and consistency
throughout this HRM and across all HRMs;
•the updating of terminology consistent with new DOI Initiatives, USA Staffing, and the
DOI MPP (PB 20-20);
•the removal of any binary language IAW EO 13988;
•the addition of DEIA efforts and strategic hiring requirements assessing a vacancy and
available recruitment mechanisms;
•the addition of shared recruitments/certificates (PB 20-14);
•the removal of all mentions of the Reclamation Merit Promotion Desk Guide and directs
readers to the DOI MPP;
•the updating approval process for hiring official requests to restrict an area of consideration
to the Reclamation HCO (previously the Manager, HRPPD);
•the addition of language to applicability to clearly include all GS, FWS and pay band
positions (such as BB) in the competitive and excepted service (agreements still prevail);
•the addition of timeliness requirements for corrective actions to program violations;
•the removal of Accretion of Duties language, providing direction to higher level or alternate
HRM policy;
•the addition of recordkeeping and electronic case filing requirements;
•the addition of Interest Announcements;
•the requirement for hiring officials to provide a selection justification and/or non-selection
explanation with certificate reviews; and
•the extension of the life of certificates to promote and facilitate using shared

The goal of preparing this external review is to and provide stakeholders with the opportunity to
comment on it in draft form.

The Reclamation Manual is used to clarify program responsibility and authority and to document
internal Reclamation-wide methods of doing business. All requirements in the Reclamation
Manual are mandatory.

See the following pages for the draft D&S.

HRM 04-08
Reclamation Manual
Directives and Standards

Subject: Hiring Process-Merit Promotion

Purpose: This Directive and Standard (D&S) establishes promotion and internal
placement requirements for filling competitive and excepted service
positions. The benefits of this D&S are to standardize the Bureau of
Reclamation’s systematic means of selection for promotion and internal
placement to assure recruitment methods and selection procedures are
equitably and consistently administered on the basis of merit and fair and
open competition.

Authority: 5 United States Code (USC) 33 - Examination, Selection, and Placement;

5 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 335 - Promotion and Internal
Placement; Department of the Interior (DOI) Personnel Bulletin (PB) No.
20-20, Agency Merit Promotion Plan Policy and Staffing Guidance,
November 10, 2020; DOI PB No. 20-14, Shared Certificates Policy,
September 10, 2020; DOI Memorandum, Efficiency 2020: Simpler,
Smarter, Faster Mission Delivery, February 24, 2020; DOI Departmental
Manual (DM), 370 DM 312.2, Workforce and Succession Planning,
March 5, 2006; Executive Order (EO) 13932, Modernizing and
Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates, June
26, 2020; DOI PB 20-21, Requirements for Assessment Practices During
the Selection Process, December 22, 2020.

Approving Official: Deputy Commissioner – Policy, Administration and Budget (PAB)

Contact: Human Resources Division, Human Resources Policy Office (84-12100)

1. Introduction. This D&S, together with procedures outlined in the DOI Merit Promotion
Plan (MPP) (PB 20-20), cover promotion and internal placement actions for competitive and
excepted service positions. Identification, qualification, evaluation, and selection will be
made on the basis of merit principles, without regard to political, religious, or labor
organization affiliation or non-affiliation, marital status, race, color, sex, national origin,
non-disqualifying physical or mental handicap, sexual orientation, or age and shall be based
solely on job-related criteria in accordance with legitimate position requirements. A sound
Merit Promotion (MP) program properly administered and fully supported by management
and employees at all levels is essential to the staffing of an effective and highly motivated
workforce. Servicing Human Resources Offices (SHROs) will advise and provide training
to hiring officials and employees on MP practices and selection procedures as needed. The
Human Resources Policy Office (HRPO) will provide clarifying guidance, implementation
procedures, and determine appropriate action for MP procedural best practices and
corrective actions. Procedural guidance outlined below must be followed during MP
recruitment efforts to conform with the requirements of 5 CFR part 335.103.

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2. Applicability. This D&S applies to all Reclamation General Schedule (GS) positions up to
the grade GS-15 level or equivalent and to Senior Level (SL) positions, Federal Wage
System (FWS) positions, and positions in any other pay systems (e.g., Bargaining Board
[BB]) unless specifically exempted by special instructions and authority governing the
specific pay system involved. Where this guidance is silent, flexibilities within the DOI
MPP or higher authority are preserved. Where this guidance conflicts with a negotiated
agreement covering bargaining units, the agreement will prevail.

3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA). Where at all possible, the MP
program will utilize outreach recruitment and hiring through DEIA efforts to represent a
diverse and equitable workforce. Hiring officials must consider (at a minimum) the
utilization of non-competitive hiring authorities when assessing a vacancy to ensure a
welcoming environment to all prospective applicants, placing a high value on diversity of
experience and cultural perspectives to build a 21st Century workforce that reflects the
diversity of the Nation. Sources for improving diversity will include outreach to Historically
Black Colleges/Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges, schools with
significant Asian Pacific Islander populations, and other academic institutions focused on
underserved communities. SHROs and Diversity and Inclusion Specialists will jointly
identify and utilize targeted recruitment outreach sources and advise hiring officials, as
appropriate. See Reclamation Manual D&S HRM 04-04, Pre-recruitment Consultation for
more information.

A. Management Directive 715 (MD-715). The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Commission’s MD-715 requires agencies to take appropriate steps to ensure that all
employment decisions, including promotion and internal placement actions, are free
from discrimination. Reclamation must perform an annual self-assessment and develop
action plans for the removal of barriers to equal opportunity.

B. Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP). SHROs and Diversity

and Inclusion Specialists must maintain FEORP files (as appropriate) and adopt best
practices to promote DEIA efforts through workforce diversity strategic plans.

4. Strategic Hiring. Reclamation stakeholders of the MP hiring process include (but are not
limited to) the Reclamation Leadership Team (RLT), hiring officials, SHROs, EEO,
personnel security, and subject matter experts (SMEs). Appropriate stakeholders will utilize
strategic hiring methods during MP hiring while maintaining fair and equitable hiring
practices. In order to effectively recruit and acquire top talent for Reclamation, SHROs and
EEO will partner to educate and consult hiring officials on various targeted outreach and
strategic hiring methods available for effectively and efficiently filling vacancies during the
Pre-Recruitment Consultation and on an as-needed basis. SHROs will advise and counsel
hiring officials on available tools and options to retain Reclamation’s top talent. All
stakeholders participating in the MP program have an obligation to execute effective hiring
solutions most likely to best meet the Reclamation’s mission objectives, contribute fresh

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Directives and Standards

ideas and new viewpoints, and meet Reclamation’s affirmative action goals (5 CFR part

A. Hiring Flexibilities. Hiring officials will consider leveraging flexible hiring authorities
and programs during MP hiring alongside the competitive process, prior to the use of
contracting with private sector temporary firms (HRM 04-02, Obtaining Private Sector
Temporary Help Services). Hiring flexibilities include (but are not limited to):

(1) Non-competitive or special hiring authorities [e.g., Schedule A, Veterans

Recruitment Authority (VRA)];

(2) Inservice placement actions (e.g., reassignment, conversion);

(3) Direct hire authorities (e.g., Scientific, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM), Cybersecurity);

(4) Federal, DOI, or Reclamation student hiring programs (e.g., Pathways, Resource
Assistant Internship); and

(5) DOI or Reclamation-specific career developmental programs (e.g., Resource

Assistance Internships, Rotational Engineers).

B. Data Analysis. Stakeholders will use reporting mechanisms such as the MD-715,
FEORP, and Time-to-Hire (T2H) datasets to assess and evaluate areas to improve the
overall MP hiring process. Hiring officials will practice data-driven decision-making to
evaluate the effectiveness of previous recruitment efforts to develop hiring solutions
that produce sufficient candidate pools.

C. Workforce Planning. Future planning is required to sustain a successful future

workforce. Hiring officials will refer to HRM 15-02, Position Classification and
Position Management, to ensure position management principles are applied prior to
beginning MP hiring efforts. When considering MP hiring, stakeholders will refer to
workforce and succession plans and ensure recruitment efforts align with forecasted
human capital needs and DEIA goals. Strategic hiring practices will align with
Reclamation’s strategic goals and mission objectives. Mission-critical occupation
vacancies will take precedent in MP hiring efforts. Stakeholders must be proactive in
planning and forecasting Reclamation human capital needs through continual
assessment of current and future knowledge and skills gaps. MP hiring options will be
used not only to recruit and retain, but to develop and grow the workforce.

5. Public Notice and Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA).

A. Advertising MP Vacancies. All Reclamation vacancies and temporary promotions

lasting 121 days or more must be advertised using USA Staffing, Reclamation’s talent
acquisition system, and publicized on USAJOBS (www.usajobs.gov), the Federal

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Government’s official website for posting jobs. Exceptions only apply to recruitment
associated with reorganizations and budget constraints (see exceptions in paragraph
5.B.(2) below). Hiring officials must notify direct reports of MP opportunities during
an approved extended period of absence of five business days or longer.

B. Area of Consideration (AOC). Hiring officials, in consultation with the SHRO, will
determine the AOC and the length of time a JOA will remain open. The AOC may be
as large as Government-wide or as narrow as Reclamation-wide local commuting area
(LCA), unless covered by an exception listed in paragraph 5.B.(2) below. AOCs must
be sufficiently broad to ensure the availability of high-quality candidates and to
consider the nature and level of the positions covered. All AOCs must be set to
promote fair and open competition and to attract and maintain a diverse workforce.

(1) Requesting Approval to Restrict AOC. An AOC more restrictive than

Reclamation-wide, LCA must be approved by the Reclamation Human Capital
Officer (HCO) before a position is advertised, unless the AOC is a result of an
exception as listed in paragraph 5.B.(2) below. Requests must be in writing and
describe the nature and level of the position, why the restrictive area of
consideration is appropriate, and how the restrictive area of consideration will
result in high-quality candidates, not violate fair and open competition, and
consider similarly situated employees (same line of work, series, and grade level
in the organizational entity). In addition, the justification for the restricted area of
consideration must include information supporting the fact that there are
sufficient internal candidates and must include an estimate of the number of
eligible candidates within the proposed AOC.

(2) Exceptions to Requesting Approval to Restrict AOC. Hiring officials may

restrict the area of consideration and the vehicle for announcing positions that are
a result of reorganizations or budget constraints. The basis for the exception must
be documented in the USA Staffing vacancy case file. Hiring officials must also
assure adherence to local workforce diversity outreach plans, which may require
mandatory areas of consideration for occupations with low participation rates. For
actions that are excepted from competition, see the DOI MPP, Section 1.5.

(a) Reorganization. In a reorganization where the changed responsibilities of an

office or organization require changes to existing positions and grade-levels
but no increase to staffing levels, the area of consideration may be restricted
to the employees within that organizational entity for competition or
selection without competition where appropriate.

(b) Budget Constraints. If budget constraints prevent a manager from hiring for
a new position or increased responsibility, the existing employees within that
organization may be exclusively considered for promotion to accommodate
the new tasks and responsibilities.

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C. Career Assistance Transition Programs. Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP)

and Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) program requirements may
affect the AOC and open period of the JOA. Priority consideration must be given to
any surplus/displaced DOI employee in the LCA. The provisions for granting special
selection priority are those described in 5 CFR part 330, Subpart F and G and DOI PB
No. 11-06. Receiving SHROs are responsible for adhering to proper clearance
procedures when receiving a shared certificate from an Originating SHRO.

D. Open Period. A typical JOA open period (i.e., the duration of the USAJOBS JOA
application acceptance timeframe) is ten business days, however, the minimum open
period for a MP JOA is five business days. In partnership, SHROs and hiring officials
will establish an adequate open period based on the recruitment strategy developed
during the Pre-Recruitment Consultation and Strategic Recruitment Discussion (refer
to HRM 04-04). Considerations when determining the JOA open period include (but
are not limited to) the job analysis, assessment strategy, nature of the position,
promotion potential, duty location, previous recruitment efforts, and/or available labor
market. Where Standing Registers (or “Open Continuous”) JOAs are used when many
vacancies exist, or future personnel forecasting approves proactive recruitment, the
JOA must clearly specify the nature of the open period.

E. Shared Recruitments. Hiring officials must consider the use of shared

recruitments/certificates when seeking candidates for positions that are commonly
filled or mission critical. Originating and Receiving SHROs will provide procedural
guidance to hiring officials in order to coordinate with internal Reclamation offices or
other DOI bureaus for sharing certificates.

6. Accepting Applications. Candidates must comply with application procedures as outlined

on the JOA to be considered under MP procedures. Application materials [resume,
supporting documentation, and responses to the technical questionnaire (TQ)], must be
submitted by the closing date of the JOA and by the method(s) specified in the JOA.
Candidates must also meet all qualification and eligibility requirements for consideration by
the closing date of the announcement, unless the JOA specifies otherwise. Candidates that
do not comply with required application procedures as indicated on the JOA will be
considered ineligible for further consideration. Hiring Officials and SHROs must assist
employees with application submission procedures appropriately, upon request.

A. Positions with a Minimum Education Requirement. Where certain positions require

possession of a minimum education, applications will be accepted for candidates that
cannot provide proof of degree completion by the close date of the JOA, but instead
provide sufficient supporting documentation as proof of degree (e.g., letter from
University Registrar confirming degree completion date). Official transcripts must be
received prior to sending any selectee an official job offer.

B. Multiple Hurdle Assessments. For those JOAs that include multiple hurdle
assessments, applicants must comply with assessment procedures as outlined on the

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JOA and any follow-on instructions and deadlines provided to further evaluate
candidate qualifications. This may require candidates to submit further supporting
documentation to SHROs after the JOA open period.

C. Late Applicant Filers. Preference eligibles and non-competitive candidates that

request to apply to a JOA after the open period will be directed to apply via USAJOBS
under the same Vacancy Identifying Number (VIN) using the “Invite Late Applicant”
function. SHROs will initiate the Late Applicant Filer procedures using the applicants’
name and email and grant them access to the online application for 48 hours.

7. Evaluating Candidates. SHROs will conduct an initial eligibility and qualification

determination for all candidates against predefined evaluation criteria (minimum
qualifications, specialized experience, education, selective placement factors, etc.) SMEs
will participate in assessment panels as needed to contribute to diverse and holistic
evaluation practices when assessing the technical and general competencies of potential
candidates and making selections for hire. Hiring officials must ensure interviews are
consistent, structured, and that all questions are job-related. Reference checks must be
timely, properly conducted, and strive to obtain the same information consistently of each
candidate. All stakeholders involved in MP candidate evaluation will adhere to the
requirements EO 13932. Refer to the DOI Assessment Practices Guide for procedural
guidance in assessing candidate best practices.

8. Issuing a Certificate of Eligibles. SHROs will issue certificates for 30 calendar days to
hiring officials, allowing no more than two 30-calendar-day extensions to make candidate

A. Approval for Extensions Beyond Initial 90 Days. HR officers will approve

reasonable extension requests beyond the initial 90 days in increments of two weeks at
a time, not extending beyond a total of 120 days from the original certificate issuance
date. Shared certificates extensions are allowed for up to 240 calendar days from
original certificate issuance date. All extension requests and approvals beyond the
initial 90 days must be in writing and maintained in the USA Staffing vacancy case file.

B. Reissuing Certificates. Certificates will be reissued to the originating hiring official by

request to allow additional selections to fill subsequent vacancies of identical positions
up to 120 days of the initial certificate issuance date. Certificates returned unused
cannot be reissued for the same position vacancy; a new certificate attached to a new
hiring action request will be issued to a hiring official requesting shared certificate
access. Certificates will be reissued to hiring officials for 30 days in the case of a
candidate withdrawal or declination.

9. Returning a Certificate of Eligibiles. Hiring officials are responsible for returning

certificate reviews to human resources to include a selection justification or non-selection
explanation. This will be documented in the certificate review notes or in writing otherwise
and filed as an official record in the recruitment case file. Referred candidates will be

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assigned the appropriate Audit Code on the certificate before returning to the SHRO. If a
certificate is to be returned unused and the vacancy is filled through an alternate source, the
non-selection explanation and Audit Code will be included and assigned appropriately for
recordkeeping, quality review, and auditing purposes.

10. T2H Reporting Requirements. Stakeholders will adhere to DOI T2H reporting
requirements and collaborate to continually improve MP processes to strengthen the hiring
process. SHROs will ensure all data fields are key entered appropriately into USA Staffing
for accurate data collection, to include the requirements for reporting on DOI Key
Performance Indicators and any other data fields as directed by the HRPO to streamline
efficiencies. Refer to PB 20-09, Time-to-Hire Reporting Requirements and PB 20-12,
Strengthening Departmental Hiring and Vetting Practices for DOI requirements.

11. Recordkeeping. SHROs must maintain an electronic case file record for all MP hiring
actions and personnel associated through maximum utilization of USA Staffing.
Competitive hiring recruitment records will be maintained in the VIN case file documents
and non-competitive hiring action records will be maintained in the New Hire case file
documents, appropriately. New Hire records must reflect a status of “Complete” within
60 days of a New Hire’s entrance on duty date, to include any required documentation
transmitted to the employee’s electronic Official Personnel File (eOPF). Records not
authorized to be maintained in an appropriate personnel system or database will be filed and
managed in accordance with the Information Management Handbook (RCD 05-01,
Information Management).

12. Corrective Actions. SHROs must take immediate action to correct a violation or program
deficiency. In order to ensure that actions are processed in accordance with regulatory
and/or procedural requirements, corrections of errors will be made as soon as discovery is

A. Records. Case file documentation will include all relevant and sufficient historical data
to enable a third-party reviewer to reconstruct a case file.

B. Priority Consideration. Priority consideration is an effort to correct a prior MP plan

violation, such as missed consideration. In accordance with 5 CFR part
335.103(c)(3)(vi), consideration of a candidate not given proper consideration in a
competitive promotion action is an exception to competition. The candidate must be
notified in writing that they are eligible for a one-time priority referral for a like
position, i.e., same grade, minimum qualifications, and geographic location of the
original competitive announcement. The candidate will be referred, non-competitively,
after any available CTAP candidate but before any other candidates. The hiring official
is not required to select an individual referred under this corrective action but must give
the candidate proper consideration. The hiring official must also provide to the SHRO
documentation detailing the reason why the priority candidate was not selected before
another certificate of eligibles will be issued.

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13. Accretion of Duties. In rare circumstances, a non-competitive promotion is a result of the

gradual addition of responsibilities to an employee’s position. For promotions based on
accretion of duties, the requirements and criteria described in the DOI Position Management
and Position Classification Policy Handbook, Section 2.17, Accretion of Higher-Graded
Duties, must be applied (HRM 15-02). Refer to DOI MPP, Section 10 and Appendix D to
verify eligibility and procedural guidance for potential accretion of duties situations.

14. Interest Announcements (IA) for Temporary Assignments of 120 days or less. Where
timing and budget allows, hiring officials must consider the use of IAs to fill vacancies
temporarily (120 days or less) with internal employees while such MP vacancy public notice
requirements are being conducted. IAs will be distributed to all Reclamation employees to
afford interested, eligible, and qualified candidates such growth opportunities. SHROs will
survey internal employees, capture the applicant pool, refer candidates, and coordinate
temporary assignments (the use of USA Staffing functions is permitted). Candidates must
provide a supervisory endorsement with their application to be considered for the temporary
assignment. Hiring officials must coordinate temporary assignments with the supervisor of
record for those candidates selected for IA opportunities. Time spent on detail or temporary
promotion based on a selection from an IA does not afford non-competitive eligibility for
promotion to the permanent vacant position of record.

15. Definitions.

A. Accretion of Duties. The non-competitive promotion of an employee whose position

has expanded in responsibility over time and is reclassified at a higher grade due to the
additional duties and responsibilities.

B. Area of Consideration. The organizational and/or geographic boundaries within which

eligible candidates may apply to be considered for a specific merit promotion and
placement action.

C. Career Transition Assistance Plan. A legally required Federal program that provides
eligible displaced Federal employees with intra-agency selection priority and
placement assistance for agency eligible employees who have been identified as
surplus and/or displaced due to downsizing or restructuring.

D. Certificate of Eligibiles. A certified document issued to a hiring official containing the

names of referred qualified candidates eligible for selection in compliance with
appropriate MP procedures. Otherwise referred to as “certificate” or “referral list.”

E. Competitive Service. All civilian positions that are (a) in the executive branch of the
Federal Government not specifically excepted from civil service laws (Excepted
Service) by or pursuant to statute, the President, or the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM), and not in the Senior Executive Service; and (b) in the legislative
and judicial branches of the Federal Government and in the government of the District
of Columbia specifically made subject to the civil service laws by statute.

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F. Extension of a Certificate. A request to extend the date a certificate is considered

valid beyond the 90-day life of the certificate duration when more time is needed to
make a selection.

G. Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan. A legally required Federal program

that provides eligible displaced Federal employees who have been identified as surplus
and/or displaced due to downsizing or restructuring with interagency selection priority
and placement assistance when agencies are recruiting for vacancies outside their
respective permanent competitive workforce.

H. In Writing. A form of communication that can be recorded and verified (i.e., email or
electronic notification).

I. Job Opportunity Announcement. Public notice of a vacancy that describes all

requirements of the vacant position and instructs applicants how to apply to the
position. JOAs must be posted on the USAJOBS website as a means of satisfying the
competitive procedure requirement. Otherwise referred to as “vacancy announcement.”

J. Local Commuting Area. The geographic area that usually constitutes one area for
employment purposes. It includes any population center (or two or more neighboring
ones) and the surrounding localities in which people live and can reasonably be
expected to travel back and forth daily to their usual employment, (5 part CFR

K. Mission-Critical Occupations. Positions that must be filled in order for an agency to

perform its core mission.

L. Originating SHRO. The SHRO that initiated a hiring action of a shared


M. Pre-Recruitment Consultation and Strategic Recruitment Discussion. The holistic

process for assessing a vacant position through the sharing of statistical workforce data,
discussing strategic and targeted recruitment options, and developing assessment and
selection strategies prior to a position being advertised. Stakeholders involved are HR,
EEO, hiring officials, and budget (as applicable).

N. Priority Consideration. The referral of candidates who are entitled to consideration

(such as being affected by a reduction-in-force) before other candidates are referred.

O. Promotion. The change of an employee to a higher grade or to a position with a higher

representative rate of pay.

P. Qualification Determination. A decision regarding whether an individual is

minimally qualified for a particular position.

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Q. Receiving SHRO. The SHRO that requests a Certificate of Eligibles (i.e., a shared
certificate) from an Originating SHRO.

R. Reclamation Leadership Team. Reclamation’s Executive Schedule, Senior Executive

Service, and Senior Leaders positions comprise the RLT.

S. Reissuing of a Certificate. A request to reissue a certificate to allow additional

selections to be made for other positions after a selection being made. The initial
certificate is audited and closed out by the SHRO and may be reissued only for
selections to fill new vacancies of identical positions or in the event of a declination or

T. Shared Recruitments. A process allowing multiple hiring managers across different

organizational functions to select candidates from one (shared) recruitment source if a
vacancy recruitment meets eligibility criteria to be shared; otherwise referred to as
“Shared Certificates.”

U. Subject Matter Expert. A person with bona fide expert knowledge about what it takes
to do a particular job. Former and current first-level supervisors are normally good
SMEs. Superior incumbents in the same or very similar positions and other individuals
may also be used as SMEs if they have current and thorough knowledge of the job's
requirements. An SME may provide input on qualifications determinations if they are
not the Selecting Official and if all applicant identifying information has been removed.
An SME who provides input on qualification determinations should not be a panel

V. Temporary Promotion. A promotion to a higher-graded position for a specified period

of time to accomplish project work; temporarily fill positions pending recruitment,
reorganization, or downsizing; or meet other temporary needs.

W. Technical Questionnaire. An assessment method used to screen and rate job

applicants’ technical capabilities through self-ratings of training and experience. The
TQ is also used to screen-out candidates that self-report to lack eligibility or minimally
qualifying experience requirements; otherwise referred to as “Occupational
Questionnaire” or “Assessment Questionnaire.”

X. Time-to-Hire. A term for the data metrics used to track the time it takes to recruit and
hire vacancies, measure the quality and speed of hiring, and report results to OPM

Y. USA Staffing. Reclamation’s talent acquisition system used to recruit, evaluate, assess,
certify, select, and onboard talent.

Z. Workforce Planning. A systematic process used to align the mission and goals of an
organization with the personnel needed to meet those goals.

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16. Review Period. The originating office will review this release every four years.

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