Cauvery College For Women Autonomous: (Rules & Regulations For Constitution and Procedures of Proceedings)

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[Rules & Regulations for Constitution and Procedures of Proceedings]

Authorized by: Principal


1. Establishment of Policy for Promotion of Research

2. Research Regulations

3. Constitution of Research Advisory Committee

4. Policy on Promotion of Academic Research

5. Policy on Scheme for Research Seed money

6. Policy on Consultancy Projects

7. Policy on Innovations, Incubation, Entrepreneurial Development

8. Code of Ethics and Policy on Ethical Research

9. Incentives & Other Benefits for Faculty Members

Establishment of Policy for Promotion of Research

Cauvery College for Women (Autonomous) is committed to promote research culture in

the campus by establishing a Committee on Research and implementing specific and goal
oriented research activities / schemes to facilitate research activities to be undertaken by the
faculty members independently or collaboratively involving industry and students. There
shall be the following research facilities established with required budgetary allocation.

I Research Regulations

The research regulations for Ph.D., is prepared and implemented as shown in

Annexure 1.

II. Constitution of Research Advisory Committee

A Research advisory Committee is hereby constituted to promote the innovative and

industrially relevant research to be undertaken by the faculty members of this institution with
high quality accuracy and outputs with marketing potentiality. The research advisory
committee constitutes of 5 members nominated as below:

1. Principal, the Chairperson

2. Three senior faculty members as nominated by the Chair person

3. and one Member Secretary

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure 2.

III. Policy on Promotion of Academic Research

A policy on academic research is to promote faculty involvement in research and

developmental activities shall be prepared and implemented. This policy shall deal with the
higher education of faculty members and faculty publication. A well-defined policy shall be
prepared and implemented to encourage the enrolment of faculty in Ph.D programmes and to
declare suitable incentives for Ph.D holders and to those publish research articles in journals
and reputed journals.

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure 3

IV. Policy on Seed Money for Internal Research

To promote Research and Publications, the Research Committee of Cauvery College

for Women (Autonomous) has formulated a policy for the Seed Money Internal Research
Projects with effect from (2021-22) and onwards.

a) The college shall provide Seed Money for the financial assistance to initiate research
in Arts / Science / Commerce / Management streams.

b) The college shall provide the basic infrastructure required to conduct Research

c) The Norms of Every faculty should be a qualified as Principal Investigator (PI) (Ph.D
completed) or with two years of experience is eligible to apply for Internal Project
which shall lead to collaborative funded Research projects.

d) As per qualified norms the PI are encouraged to identify inter-disciplinary research in

their chosen field of research.

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure 4.

V. Policy on Consultancy Projects

The college recognizes that Consultancy is an effective way to disseminate

knowledge and committed to make it accessible the available faculty expertise through
service to industry and society. The college, as a socially responsible institution wants to
make an early and direct impact on society through consultancy, whereas maintaining
balance between consultancy and the traditional roles as a teacher. All Research and Non-
research consultancies are governed by the established norms as described in the Policy on
Consultancy Projects.

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure 5

VI. Policy on Innovations, Incubations and Entrepreneur Development (Yet to be
confirmed by EDC)

The college shall promote Innovations, Incubation, and Entrepreneurial Development

among the teachers and students leading to development of innovative, commercially viable
and socially relevant products / materials which shall lead to Patents and Copyrights. Steps
shall be taken to assist the researchers and inventors to get protected their inventions and
intellectual properties.

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure 6.

VII Code of Ethics and Policy on Ethical Research

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure7

VIII. Incentives and other benefits for faculty members

A policy in this respect is prepared and implemented as shown in Annexure8.

Annexure 1

Research Regulations

The College offers Research Programmes (Full Time and Part Time) in the following

Ph.D - Social Work Ph.D - Computer Science

Ph.D - Commerce Ph.D - Tamil

Ph.D - Mathematics Ph.D - Management

Ph.D - Physics

Eligibility for Ph.D. Research Programme (Full time/ Part time)

The candidates will be governed by the Ph.D regulations of Bharathidasan University,

amended from time to time.

Research Colloquium

The Research Colloquium will be conducted once in two months and all Full-Time
and Part-Time Scholars should attend and present before Research Board, their research
progress carried out by them and obtain their consent for the continuance of the their
research. They are also expected to fix the further task to be accomplished. Besides that,
every research scholar is required to take active participation in International /National
conference/seminar organized by our college or other institutions.

Other Facilities

The college has equipped with well-established library functions from 9.00 a.m. to
5.00 p.m. The e-learning facilities with number of online journals, magazines and e-book
facilities are inbuilt within the library. The library offers facility to students to take photo
copies of their needed documents. The college has sophisticated internet center with 50 Mbps
connectivity to enable the researchers to involve in their research work. It has sufficient
laboratory facilities in all discipline of research departments to carry out the research work in
their respective field of research.
Annexure 2

Constitution of Research Advisory Committee

A Research Advisory Committee has been constituted to promote the innovative and
industrially relevant research to be undertaken by the faculty members of this institution with
high quality accuracy and outputs with marketing potentiality. The members of the Research
Advisory Committee are:

1. Principal , the Chairperson

2. Three senior faculty members as nominated by the Chair person, and

3. and one Member Secretary


1. The committee shall meet at least once in a semester

2. Adhoc and emergency meetings shall be convened by the Chairperson whenever
3. Any changes in existing research oriented programmes / schemes / activities shall be
brought to the notice of the research committee and approval of the committee is
4. The Chairperson of the research committee is empowered to monitor the activities and
progress of the research activities
5. The chairperson is vested with powers to take all strategic decisions, corrective
actions, preparing and updating policies as per rules and regulations as required by
apex bodies like the UGC, NAAC, and Bharathidasan University as well as policies
framed by our own college from time to time and approved by Governing Council of
the College.
Annexure 3

Policy on Promotion of Academic Research

1. The faculty members on roll but without Ph.D. degree must register for doctoral
2. Faculty with PhD should get the guide ship from the university and promote research
in the department
3. To promote research culture in the institution internal research seed money shall be
given to suitable projects, proposed by the faculty every year.
4. Faculty of each department shall conduct research in focused areas. It is mandatory to
publish research articles / project results in UGC indexed / WEB of Science /
SCOPUS indexed journals.
5. It is the duty of the faculty researchers to ensure the quality of the paper and a prior
plagiarism check before journal publications is a must.
6. The student projects (Ph.D) must be research focused.
7. The faculty members guiding Ph.D shall be given supervisor incentive.

8. Faculty with good number of publications in UGC indexed / WEB of Science /

SCOPUS indexed journals shall be given incentives.
9. Faculty with high citations and H index shall be given incentives.
Annexure 4

Policy on Scheme for Research Seed Money

Policy on Scheme for Research Seed Money

The Reddy Educational Trust is enlightened and interested to promote Quality

Education and Research. The Trust always strives to promote the application of technological
advancement for the benefit of the research Scholars and the Society . The Trust always
encourages the inspired brains to innovate through Research for which it extends support in
the form of Research Seed Money.


Any qualified faculty member, who is willing to be the Principal Investigator (PI),
should be currently working in Cauvery College for Women(Autonomous)shall apply for
seed money along with one or more inspired faculty members as Co PI who have the fire to
innovate and achieve the goals in a given time frame.

Proposal Format & Methodology

Norms for Qualifications for a Principal Investigator (PI) to apply for Internal project
and Collaborative Research Projects

The faculty should be Ph.D qualified with a minimum of two years of working experience.

1. A qualified faculty researcher shall submit application for policy for the Seed Money
Internal Research Projects in the prescribed format to the Convener, Research
Committee of Cauvery College for Women(Autonomous).

2. The proposals (not more than 1,500 words / 5 pages) is appended broad-based
information in the attachment 1


Research Proposal for Seeking Seed Money for Internal Research:

1. Name, address & experience of Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator

2. Broad Subject Area/Field of specialization

3. Title of the Research Proposal

4. Abstract (500 words)

5. Objectives of the Project (300 words)

6. Methodology

7. Particulars of Equipment Required

8. Particulars of any other Facilities Required

9. Budget for the Project

10. Expected Outcomes

The format may vary according to the Nature / Discipline of Research.

Important Dates:

The Schedule for Selection Process will be as follows:

Call for Applications: 1st week of July

Application Submission Last Date: 3rd week of July

Date of Approval: 1st week of August

Award of Seed Money after Scrutinizing: 3rd week of August

First Report Submission: 1st week of March

Utilization Certificate: 2nd week of March

Final Report Submission: 3rd week of June

Rules for Grant of Seed Money:

These rules shall be known as ‘Rules of Scheme with Qualification Norms for Research
Seed Money’.

1. The faculty members those followed by qualification norms working in Cauvery

College for Women (Autonomous) are eligible to make application seeking Seed

2. The minimum eligible funding for a project is limited to ₹.10,000/-.

3. Subject to availability of Funds, proposals will be scrutinized by Research Committee
as nominated by the Principal / Secretary.

4. The recommendations of the Research Committee shall be forwarded to the

Principal / Secretary of Cauvery College for Women (Autonomous) for the approval
and subsequent sanctioning of grants in favour of recommended proposals submitted
by the faculty members.

5. Financial Assistance will be released directly to the Principal Investigator.

6. The Starting Date of the Project shall begin from the Date of Approval as mentioned
in the sanction order irrespective of the actual date of release of grants.

7. The Project Duration is limited to a maximum of 12 months (1 year).

8. Progress Report and Utilization of Certificate shall be reported on completion of eight

(8) months.

9. The Investigators shall make a Presentation of the Outcome of the Research before
the Committee constituted for the purpose.

10. On completion of the project, two copies of the Final Project Report shall be
submitted to the Principal / Secretary through the Head of the Department after due
scrutiny and approval by the Convener of the Research Committee.

11. When the Principal Investigator (PI) wishes to leave the Institution, then it is the
responsibility of the PI to inform the same to the Principal through the Research
Committee. Then the Principal, in consultation with Research Committee and the
Head of the Department, shall evolve steps to ensure successful completion of the
project, through Co-PI before relieving the PI.

12. After the completion of the projects the Investigators must publish the reports /
findings in the form of scientific papers in UGC – CARE List Approved Journals
and/or International Peer Reviewed Journals which are indexed by Scopus / Web of

13. While Publishing Reports / Research Articles in the journals, the Awardees /
Investigators must acknowledge the grant received under the Scheme of Research
Seed Money extended by Cauvery College for Women(Autonomous) in the article to
be published.
Annexure 5

Policy on Consultancy Projects

The consultancy work will be carried out under the overall supervision of the
Principal of the college.
⮚ Consultancy services may be offered to industries, service sectors, government
and non-government departments in areas of expertise available in the college.
⮚ Consultancy services offered may cover a variety of activities.
⮚ All the research projects sponsored by the government (DST,DBT,ICMR,DRDO
etc) do not fall under the category of consultancy.
⮚ The consultancy and related services should not interfere with normal teaching
and research in the college.
⮚ Faculty members who undertake consultancy services on working days will
inform the head of the department and the principal and get prior permission.
⮚ When a consultancy service offered on a working day the faculty will share
the revenue with the institution. The revenue will be shared at a proportion of
80% and 20% respectively between the faculty and the institution respectively.
⮚ The faculty or a group of faculty engaged in the consultancy work shall
periodically report the progress of the consultancy work to the principal/IQAC
through the head of the department.
⮚ The norms of the government (15 days at the present) will be followed in
availing O.D.
⮚ Faculty members can also go for consultancy on holidays.
⮚ Publicity for consultancy will be made in the form of pamphlets which will
consists of list of experts and their areas of expertise. A list will also be
included in the college calendar, alumnae newsletter and the website.
⮚ Further amendments and additions to the policy could be done whenever
required. Such proposals will be considered by the consultancy cell in
consultation with the principal ..
Annexure 6

Policy on Innovations, Incubations and Entrepreneurial Development

Cauvery College for Women (Autonomous) strives to promote Innovations,

Incubations, and Entrepreneur Development among teachers and students leading to
development of innovative, commercially viable and socially relevant products / materials
which shall lead to Patents and Copyrights.

The Policy adopted by the college in this respect is as follows:

a) CCW shall establish a Centre for Innovation & Incubation to inculcate the culture of
innovation in the young and budding researchers in the institution.

b) The innovation center may be instrumental by organizing various kinds of

programmes such as ideation programs, collection of innovations from research
undertaken in respect of academic research, funded research, consultancy projects and
innovations / incubations.

c) Necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that every major invention achieved out of
conducting research shall be incubated in the incubation centre which will be
augmented from time to time.

d) Potential Student Innovators may be identified and allowed to select an incubated

product and use the same to be developed in large scale through separately established

e) The Entrepreneur cell of the College shall take steps to plan for providing training to
the Incubates. The training imparted shall be designed in such a way that it may
prepare the students to become successful entrepreneurs.

f) The student start-up companies shall be promoted in the campus by way of extending
financial support to the every innovation shall lead to filing a Patent.

g) The college shall provide support required for filing the patents and also for
completing the ground work required to get the patents registered and licensed

h) The college shall also encourage the teachers and researchers to apply and acquire
Copyrights for their publications / Books / Monographs.
i) Appropriate actions / steps be taken to get financial support and approval from
Central Government Agencies like DST / DBT / AICTE, etc and State Government
Agencies like TNSCST for the IPR Cell.

j) Awareness Activities / Programmes shall be organized with financial support from

governmental agencies as well as industrial bodies, apart from self supported
awareness programmes.

k) Capacity Building programmes shall be organized with suitable expertise available

within and outside the institution.

l) Faculty members shall be encouraged to undergo relevant diploma / certificate

courses on Intellectual Property Rights, offered by NPTEL / SWAYAM / Coursera,
Annexure 7

Code of Ethics and Policy on Ethical Research

This code of ethics in research sets forth as general principles of ethical conduct while
conducting scholarly research. The principles represent the values and mission of ccw which
enforces standards that direct researchers to an ethical course of action. The staff members of
the college have commitment to the pursuit of truth; an abiding dedication to the promotion
of the public good and a sustained interest in mentoring students and fellow researchers.
Research should be directed towards active dissemination of knowledge and enhance its
validity through rigorous discussion and responsible criticism.

Thus, all faculty, research staff and students should fulfil the responsibilities and
obligations stated below:

● Conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted standards of our code
of conduct.
● Ensure the accuracy of all data that the researcher and the collaborators have gathered
and used in their research.
● Ensure that only the correct data and research results are published in journals,
conferences and reports.
● Avoid misleading statements or declarations and vague assertions that could be
subject to misinterpretation. If such misinterpretation is brought to our attention, it is
our obligation to immediately issue clarification or rectification.
● Not to plagiarize; cite clearly all sources of information and data those are used in
● Give proper acknowledgment and credit to resource/funding sources of our research.
● Maintain transparency in the use and disbursement of resources for your research.
● Ensure that research results are accessible to the public once the research is concluded
or as soon as is reasonable.
● Respect the confidentiality of sources by not using or releasing data and information
revealed in confidence.
● Take diligent care of the equipment’s and material sources.
● Discuss among stakeholders (the funding source) the fair distribution of legal
ownership of the research or its product.
● Utilize, distribute, or share material resources and equipment in accordance with the
conditions set by the college.
● Observe safety practices in all the research activities.
● Ensure that laboratory wastes are properly disposed or treated and our research
activities do not result in environmental degradation.
● Report violation of any ethical code to the office or committee that has been duly
mandated to evaluate and act on possible violations of research.

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee shall consist of a President and three other members
as detailed below:

1. President -Principal of the College (1)

2. Members -Three senior faculty members as nominated by the president (3)

3. Member Secretary -Member Secretary of Research Committee (1)


1. To review the ethical safeguards of the proposed research.

2. To ensure the rights, safety and well-being of the trial subjects / respondents /

3. To enquire the complaints against research supervisors / guides / candidates

and make suitable recommendations to the President


Regular meetings: There shall be regular ethics committee meetings once in every

Emergency Meetings: A meeting shall be called for by the member secretary on

receiving the advices from the President, whenever there arises emergency situations

Note: A request letter may be submitted to the member secretary, by any interested person
who seeks an emergency meeting to absolve any issue related to her / his research
Annexure 8

Incentives & Other Benefits for Faculty Members

The Management of CCW is introducing the following policy for awarding

incentives and other benefits for the Faculty Members to motivate to involve in R&D /
Funding / Consultancy / Knowledge update

Category 1: Funded R&D Projects from the Government / Industry

1. 10% of the project value for a single member team.

2. 15% of the project value for a team of two or more members (variable %, as per the

Category 2: Consultancy Projects from the Government / Industry / NGO (Non

Governmental Organisation)

1. 40% of the surplus revenue after deducting all the expenses

2. It will be shared by the team members, as per their contribution.

Category 3: Organizing funded Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

1. 5% of the receipt value for a single member team.

2. 8% of the receipt value for a team of two or more members (variable %, as per the

Category 4: Attending Seminars / Conferences / Workshops/internship outside Tamil Nādu /

outside India

1. Registration fee will be paid by the college.

2. On-duty will be extended including a day prior and a day after the programme.
3. Once in a year it can be availed.

4. One way travel allowance will be given to the faculty attending seminar /conference
outside India.

Category 5: Study Online Course in Advanced Domain Area

1. Examination fee will be paid fully, when elite grade (70% and above) is obtained.
2. 50% of Examination fee will be paid, if the exam is cleared.
3. Once in a year it can be availed.

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