Snubber Design DR - Ray Ridley
Snubber Design DR - Ray Ridley
Snubber Design DR - Ray Ridley
Figure 1b: Flyback converter drain voltage Figure 2a: Flyback converter with primary RC snubber.
with no snubber Ringing frequency = 12 MHz.
Design Step 1:
Measure Leakage Inductance
The first step in the design of an effective RC snubber
is to measure one of the parasitic elements causing the
observed ringing. There are two choices of components
to measure- the total effective capacitance, or the leak-
age inductance. Capacitance is hard to define and meas-
ure. It is a combination of nonlinear semiconductor
junction capacitances, transformer winding capacitance,
and any other stray capacitances such as heatsinks. The Figure 3b: Flyback transformer primary leakage inductance
ringing frequency is often high enough that even an measurement
oscilloscope probe can impact the waveforms when
connected to the circuit. Due to proximity effects in the transformer, the leakage
inductance can vary significantly at higher frequencies,
as shown in Fig. 3b. Notice that the leakage actually
drops with frequency. For the design of the primary
NOTE: Whatever you do, do not RC snubber, we use the value of inductance obtained at
guess at the value of the leakage 12 MHz.
inductance. It is a common, (and
very flawed), rule of thumb to Design Step 2:
assume that the leakage inductance Measure the Snubber Ringing Frequency
is 1% of magnetizing inductance. It Fig. 1b shows the undamped ringing on the drain of
can be more than an order of magni- the FET. As mentioned before, care must be taken in
tude different from this, and snubber capturing this waveform. You can usually see it without
design based on the 1% number will even touching the drain of the FET with the scope
rarely be useful. probe, and this gives the most accurate measurement
unaffected by the probe capacitance.
Notice that the ringing on the FET is asymmetrical, charging is done with the inductance, and as such, the
with sharp peaks, and wider bottoms of the waveforms. dissipation may be a little lower than predicted
This is due to the nonlinear nature of the output capaci- by this expression. However, it is a good conser-
tance of the FET, which reduces as the voltage is vative design estimate.
increased. From this waveform, estimate the ringing fre-
quency, fr. To proceed with a good snubber design, this Design Step 5:
frequency should preferably be two orders of magnitude
Experimental Verification of Design
higher than the switching frequency, or dissipation will
The final step in the design is to experimentally test the
become excessive. If this is not the case in your power
snubber. Do not skip this important step. Errors in
supply design, you must work on reducing the leakage
measurement, miscalculation, excessive lead lengths
inductance of the transformer, or the circuit capacitance,
and nonlinear circuit events during switch transition
or both.
can all affect how well the snubber will work.
Design Step 3: Figure 2b shows the ringing on the drain of the pri-
Calculate the Snubber Resistor and Capacitor mary FET with the snubber in place. Notice that the
In order to damp the ringing properly, we need to calcu- ringing is very quickly damped out, greatly reducing
late the characteristic impedance of the resonant circuit. EMI. The peak of the waveform is also substantially
This is given by: reduced. The snubbed waveform is shown with an
input of 50 V, whereas the unsnubbed waveform was at
30 V input.
The ringing will be well damped if we use a snubber
resistor equal to the characteristic impedance of the It is difficult to reduce this voltage spike much further
ringing. We therefore use the design point of R=Z to using just a simple RC snubber. For many applications,
select the resistor. the RC snubber is the best solution, but for some
offline solutions using integrated power controllers, it
The snubber capacitor is used to minimize dissipation at is necessary to clamp this voltage to a lower value to
the switching frequency, while allowing the resistor to prevent failure of the FET. This is discussed in the next
be effective at the ringing frequency. The best design section of this article.
point to start with is the impedance of the capacitor at
the ringing frequency equal to the resistor value. Primary RCD Clamp for
Flyback Converter
Figure 4a shows an RCD clamp circuit, used to limit
the peak voltage on the drain of the FET when an RC
snubber is insufficient to prevent switch overvoltage.
The RCD clamp works by absorbing the current in the
Design Step 4: leakage inductor once the drain voltage exceeds the
clamp capacitor voltage. The use of a relatively large
Calculate the Snubber Dissipation capacitor keeps the voltage constant over a switching cycle.
The dissipation is determined by the size of the snubber
capacitor. The approximate dissipation is given by:
The resistor of the RCD clamp always dissipates
power, even when there is no power in the main con-
verter. Even with very little load on the converter, the
where V is the voltage on the FET given by the input
capacitor will always be charged up to the voltage
voltage plus the reflected output voltage. Make sure to
reflected from the secondary of the converter, vf. As
use the switching frequency, fs, in this calculation, not
the load is increased, more energy will flow into the
the ringing frequency. capactor, and the voltage will rise by an additional
amount, vx, above the ideal square wave flyback volt-
Note: the usual factor of ½ does not appear in this
age. The voltages are defined in Figure 4a.
expression since the resistor will dissipate power both
when the capacitor is charged and discharged. The
In most designs, the clamp resistor value obtained will be diode, resulting in ringing. The type of diode chosen for
very different from the resistor value for the RC snubber the RCD snubber is crucial. It must be as fast as possi-
described earlier. Don't expect to get similar values. ble with the proper voltage rating.
Design Step 4: The severity of this ringing will depend on the the
Calculate Power Loss reverse applied voltage across the RCD diode. The
higher you allow the clamp voltage to climb, the lower
The snubber design is now complete, but we need to
the dissipation, but the more voltage and dv/dt is
know what the dissipation will be for currents other
applied to the diode. A mere 20 ns turn-off delay is a
than the maximum current. Use the following equation
substantial portion of the ringing waveform period.
to calculate the voltage rise in a known snubber for a
Figure 4c shows how this ringing is increased as the
given peak current and leakage inductance.
allowed clamp voltage is raised. While the FET is still
well protected, the RCD snubber in this case has not
The value of the voltage rise, vx, above the flyback volt-
solved the EMI problem of the ringing waveform.
age is given by: Figure 4c:
Flyback converter
MOSFET voltage
with primary RCD
clamp and
decreased dissipa-
tion (ie increased
and the power dissipation is given by: value for vx)
Figure 5a: RC
snubber added
to the flyback