Career Guidance and Student Counseling
Career Guidance and Student Counseling
Career Guidance and Student Counseling
1. One should realize that career management is extremely crucial for ones
successful living, and should become a possessor of ones career
2. Identification of ones career goals and objectives is essential; what one
wants to achieve and what are the possible passageways that would lead to
the achievement of the desired career goals and objectives.
3. Identification of all the areas that would lead to ones professional
development is also regarded to be a vital career management skill; ones
professional development and ones career management goes simultaneously.
4. One should formulate a career development plan; in the plan all the areas,
requirements, capabilities and interests should be stated that the individual
finds best.
5. One should become aware and knowledgeable regarding how to carry out,
contribute and get involved in successful career conversations.
There have been many purposes of counseling and guidance in all aspects;
but in this case, the significant purpose has been identified from the perspective of
education and the purposes have been stated as follows: (Ojo, 2006).
Report on Effective Career Guidance. (2008). Retrieved September 11, 2016 from