The Medium-Horsepower Series From Massey Ferguson: Pure Performance and Power
The Medium-Horsepower Series From Massey Ferguson: Pure Performance and Power
The Medium-Horsepower Series From Massey Ferguson: Pure Performance and Power
100-170 MF6400&7400
The medium-horsepower series from Massey Ferguson:
Pure performance and power
Choose either MF 6400 Series • On MF 6400 models, the All models have new-generation
with Dyna-6 - the best semi- advanced Dyna-6 transmission styling, featuring:
powershift transmission driveline interacts with the engine • a pivoting bonnet, giving easy
around, or MF 7400 Series with management system to give even access to the engine and
Dyna-VT - Massey Ferguson’s more power and torque for PTO cooling systems (except
unsurpassed CVT transmission, and transport work. steep-nose versions).
then start to enjoy the benefits of • 50 km/h* maximum speed is • a robust front axle support
unrivalled field efficiency. now available on most models, casting and ‘structural’ engine
reducing journey times and sump that enable fitment
MF 6400/7400 Series highlights increasing haulage productivity. of the Massey Ferguson
• Exceptionally low 70 dB(A) • All transmissions feature IFLS, fully integrated front
in-cab noise level and clutchless operation, with left- linkage and PT0 system
automotive standards of hand Power Control. (MF 6465/75/80 and
comfort and controls reduce • Choice of Visio roof or MF 7465/75/80 models).
fatigue and increase Panoramic cab models*.
productivity significantly. • The most comprehensive, yet
• Latest generation Perkins and simple headland management
AGCO SISU POWER engines systems* reduce operator
featuring common rail fuel workload and increase
injection and four-valve cylinder productivity and work quality.
head design give outstanding • Datatronic 3 is available with
power and torque delivery, video capability and ISOBUS
excellent fuel economy and compatibility.
lower emissions.
* Specifications vary by model and market/legislation
The MF 6400 and MF 7400 MHP Model Line-Up
Model Engine Capacity Max. hp 1 Max. PTO hp 2 Max. boosted hp 3
MF 6445 Perkins 4 cyl. Turbo/intercooled 4.4 litre 100 88 110
MF 6455 Perkins 4 cyl. Turbo/intercooled 4.4 litre 112 100 125
02 MF 6460 AGCO SISU POWER 4.4 litre 125 110 135
4 cyl. Turbo/intercooled
02 MF 6465 AGCO SISU POWER 6.6 litre 132 115 144
6 cyl. Turbo/intercooled
MF 6470 AGCO SISU POWER 4.4 litre 135 120 145
4 cyl. Turbo/intercooled
MF 6475 AGCO SISU POWER 6.6 litre 142 130 162
6 cyl. Turbo/intercooled
MF 6480 AGCO SISU POWER 6.6 litre 157 140 172
6 cyl. Turbo/intercooled
ISO TR14396(EG 97/68), in 1st and 2nd range (0 to 11 kph on MF 6400 Series, 0 to 40 or 50kph on MF 7400 Series)
OECD, at PTO shaft 3 ISO TR14396 (EG 97/68) in 3rd and 4th range (5 to 40 or 50 kph) or in PTO application at any speed 03
MF 6400 & 7400 -
The driver’s choice
Straightforward ergonomic design, plenty of space, excellent
visibility and exceptionally low noise levels are the hallmarks of
the MF 6400 & 7400 cab. Add to that, automotive industry quality
materials and instrumentation, plus solid build quality and you have
the ideal environment to spend a productive working day.
Thoughtful design The result is that working long, Maintain output, day and night
It’s important to feel relaxed in your hard hours becomes far less The standard lighting gives
working environment, that’s why stressful and more productive. excellent night-time productivity,
we put every effort into making It’s a driving experience that with Xenon lights available as an
sure the operator space has really has to be tried to be fully option for even higher after-dark
everything you need to get the job appreciated. productivity.
done comfortably.
A breath of fresh air
The layout of the cab is The heating and ventilation system 01 MF 6400 Cab interior with
spacious and well planned, with has a large number of adjustable Dyna-6
conveniently placed switches, outlets, providing excellent (with optional Datatronic 3).
superb instrumentation and air distribution and accurate
controls logically grouped by temperature control. There is also a 02 MF 7400 Cab interior with
function. All of the most frequently choice of either manually adjusted Dyna-VT
used controls are mounted in the air conditioning or full climate (with optional Datatronic 3).
right-hand armrest, which moves control*, which will memorise
with the seat so everything always your chosen temperature setting
falls readily to hand. and return to it at start-up…
Clarity at a glance
The instruments display Excellent visibility
information either in digital, A large area of tinted, heat-
analogue or graphic form reflective glass, narrow pillars and
to present data in the most side-mounted exhaust all help to
appropriate way for ensure excellent all-round visibility.
optimum clarity. Large telescopic rear view mirrors
are available with optional heating
Quiet power and are electrically adjustable*, to
MF 6400 & 7400 tractors are also further aid safe manoeuvring and
exceptionally quiet, with sound transport.
levels inside the cab of 70 dB(A)
under load.
02 05
Quiet, comfortable and
economical... whatever
the task
The standard seat provides exceptional comfort but ride quality
can be further enhanced...
High specification seats be maintained, it is essential to The result is greater comfort when
The high specification, swivelling be able to deactivate the system. operating for long periods, leading
seat is fully adjustable including Or when working in a confined to increased productivity, improved
lumbar support, pneumatic space with a loader or with pallet work quality and a more relaxing
height adjustment, plus height, forks, where height control must working day.
and forwards and backwards be precise, again it is desirable to
adjustment of the right- hand deactivate the system.
armrest so that the armrest- But when switched on, QuadLink
mounted controls can be perfectly improves comfort, safety and
positioned. Options include a ‘low- speed, in transport with heavily
frequency’, super deluxe seat* with laden trailers, or during heavy-duty
Dynamic Damping System (DDS), applications on rough terrain.
double pneumatic lumbar support,
heating and ‘active carbon’ seat Dual Stage suspended cab
covering for greater comfort in To provide the ultimate in ride
really hot conditions. comfort, MF’s cab suspension 01 The high specification seat
system is available on all swivels 20o to the left and right,
QuadLinkTM suspension MF 6400/7400 Series tractors. helping to reduce back strain.
MF’s ‘QuadLink’ suspended front The design features ‘dual stage’
axle* further enhances ride comfort air suspension that can be 02 Heating switch and lumbar
and control. It has a compact, adjusted at the flick of a switch, adjustment switch on ‘super de-
simple design that automatically between two ride firmness settings luxe’ seat.
maintains a constant suspension to suit field or road transport
height, regardless of axle load. conditions. This unique operator- 03 ‘Dual stage’ cab suspension
The result is increased stability and controlled system stabilises cab system.
a significant improvement in driver movement more effectively and
comfort, productivity and safety... ensures a safer, more comfortable 04 & 05 ‘Waisted’ front support
both on the road and in the field. ride in all conditions. casting enables a tight turning
Operator-controlled Ride comfort improvement
Unlike many other systems, Compared to a ‘standard’ tractor, 06 QuadLink and cab suspension
QuadLink is operator-controlled so the overall effect of having a high switches.
you can choose whether to have specification seat, QuadLink
the system on or off. front axle suspension and cab
For example, when working in the suspension can be a reduction in Depending on speed and field or road
field with front linkage, where a vibration by up to 50%†. * Standard specifications vary by model and
uniform depth of cultivation must market.
02 03
04 06 07
Plenty of power ...
and more in reserve
All models featured in this brochure are powered by either Perkins or
AGCO SISU POWER, Tier lll emissions-compliant engines, featuring
common rail fuel injection and 4-valve cylinder head design.
They deliver high power and torque Any PTO application and any draft Four valves per cylinder
and work in perfect harmony with application requiring a speed of at The cylinder head design features
the highly efficient Dyna-6 and least 8 Kph can therefore benefit two inlet valves and two exhaust
Dyna-VT transmissions to give from a significant power increase. valves per cylinder enabling
outstanding performance in a the fuel injectors to be centrally
wide range of applications, with Engine Speed Control positioned in the cylinder head.
excellent fuel economy. Switches mounted conveniently on
the right-hand console enable two This design improves fuel/air
More usable power engine speeds to be pre-set and mixture and gas flow, giving
All of the engines have high torque memorised. optimum fuel combustion and
right down to 1,000 rpm, giving reducing emissions and fuel
incredible lugging ability to pull This enables one engine speed to consumption, whilst also improving
through difficult conditions or to be set for work and the other for engine reliability by reducing upper
help haul fully laden trailers on use when turning at the headland. cylinder temperature. The more
long, steep gradients. There is efficient combustion also improves
also significantly more power at The ability to return quickly and torque characteristics throughout
2,000 rpm than at 2,200 rpm (rated easily to precise engine speeds will the whole working range.
engine speed), to maximise PTO boost productivity, improve work
performance. quality and simplify operation in The overall result of all of the new
almost all of your daily tasks. engine features is that, model for
An increased constant power model, there is much more power
range of around 500 rpm, also Improved fuel economy and torque.
helps maintain work rate at lower Electronic engine management
engine speed, giving reduced constantly monitors a wide range
noise and fuel consumption. of parameters and makes continual
and incredibly fine adjustments to
Advanced Electronic Engine fuel injection. Combined with four-
Management valve cylinder head design and
The Electronic Engine Management common rail fuel injection, this has
system controls not only the very given significant improvements in
precise common rail fuel injection, both emissions and fuel economy.
but also enables a range of
advanced engine control functions, Common rail fuel injection
including Power Boost and Engine The common rail fuel injection
Speed Control*. system uses precise electronic
control to continuously monitor
01 Common rail fuel injection.
Power boost operating conditions and engine
Due to sophisticated interaction load, and to regulate the high-
02 MF’s electronic engine
between the engine and pressure fuel injection.
management system broadens the
transmission management
operating range within which the
systems, on MF 6400 models The result is faster response to
tractor is operating at optimum
when 3rd or 4th range is selected changes in field conditions and
fuel efficiency.
or when the PTO is engaged, EEM engine load, more power and
automatically gives a significant torque over a wider engine speed
03 Use ‘+/-‘ to pre-set engine
power and torque ‘boost’ (see range, excellent fuel economy and
speed and ‘A/B’ to memorise and
specifications for details). lower noise and emissions.
select the required setting.
Current engines
Optimum fuel economy
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Engine rev/min
01 02 02
MF 6400: The torque curve shows how MF 6400: High power, with power
‘pulling power’ is maintained as engine increase as engine speed falls between
speed falls and how it is also increased with 2200 and 2000 rpm.
A: Normal power curve.
A: Normal torque curve. B: Extra power, available
B: Extra torque, available when boost is engaged.
when boost is engaged. (3rd and 4th range or PTO applications)
(3rd and 4th range or PTO applications)
Power increase
Power (PS)
Torque (Nm)
: simply the
best mechanical
The MF 6400 Dyna-6 ‘Eco’ transmission is available with
Speedmatching or Autodrive levels of automation and either
40 or 50 km/h† maximum speed. With left-hand Power Control and
smooth on-the-move clutchless powershift changes, it’s simply the
best ‘semi-powershift’ transmission in the field today.
Simplicity and efficiency Also, apart from starting the tractor Left-hand Power Control
Dyna-6 uses four simple or hitching an implement, there is The left-hand Power Control lever
synchromesh gears, each with never any need to use the clutch provides convenient forward/
six Dynashift speeds. This wide pedal, so the seat can be swivelled reverse shuttle, powershift
spread of speeds within each for field work, eliminating the effort changes, range changes* and
range means you can change of foot pedal operation. And with fingertip de-clutching, leaving the
up or down under full load as a choice of either left- or right- right hand free to operate front and
conditions vary, to optimise output hand control, there’s real operating rear mounted implements.
and minimise fuel consumption. flexibility to suit any application or
driver preference. Shuttle operations are more efficient
too, with programmable forward/
reverse speeds, to reduce repetitive
tasks and speed cycle times.
The 40 km/h Dyna-6 Eco gearbox offers six Dynashift changes in each
range, excellent speed overlap and maximum speed at 1800 rpm (1900 rpm
for the 50 km/h transmission)
N Neutral
De-clutch Field working
Forward Drive range
Reverse Drive
Change up ratio
Main Range
Engine Speed
Right-hand control Variable shuttle take-up – AutoDrive (see diagrams); in the
The T-shaped gear lever (below On Speedmatching models, in Field sector, gives fully automatic
left) is mounted in the adjustable front of the LED display is a rotary upshifting and downshifting of
armrest, so it’s always perfectly ‘comfort control’ for adjustment Dynashift changes, and in the
placed for easy use. Simply of the rate of engagement of the Transport sector, gives automated
‘pulse’ the gear lever forwards or forward/reverse shuttle. Dynashift and range changes.
backwards to change up or down
through the six Dynashift ratios. So whether you are turning at the By adjusting the control, you
headland or working with a front can pre-select the engine speed
To change range, simply press loader, simply turn the control at which upshifting takes place,
the range selection button as you to achieve the optimum balance between 1600 and 2200 rpm.
move the lever. between comfort and productivity. Downshifting takes place when
engine speed falls under load
Creep and supercreep speeds Dyna-6 AutoDrive (optional) by around 20%, maintaining full
The (optional) creeper gearbox AutoDrive enables the operator to control and engine braking.
provides a 4.0:1 speed reduction, select the engine speed at which
giving additional 12 forward and 12 the transmission will automatically AutoDrive gives you total
reverse creeper gears with speeds upshift and will also downshift command of the transmission,
down to around 400 metres automatically according to load. with the exact level of
per hour at rated engine speed. automation you require for any
Supercreep is also available, giving The AutoDrive Controller has application, simply by turning
additional 24 forward and 24 three main settings: the AutoDrive Controller.
reverse gears, with speeds down – Manual, gives full manual control
to around 110 metres per hour at with Speedmatching switched off. 01 Power Control enables
rated engine speed. – Speedmatching, available within forward/reverse shuttle, powershift
both Transport and Field sectors, changes and fingertip declutching
Dyna-6 Speedmatching provides automatic selection of the - all from a single, convenient
(standard) most appropriate Dynashift ratio lever.
When changing gear or range, after a range change has been
Speedmatching automatically made. 02 Dyna-6 ‘T-handle’ gear lever
selects the most appropriate and Autodrive controller.
Dynashift ratio to suit forward Gear changes can then be made
speed. either individually or rapidly, from 03 Optional Autodrive rotating
A to F range by moving the gear controller.
For example, if a tractor is lever (or Power Control lever)
pulling a heavy trailer in 3rd gear forwards or backwards.
in Dynashift ratio ‘F’, and the
operator wanted to change into In Transport, sequential changes
4th gear, Speedmatching will also include range changes,
automatically select either C or D enabling 24 ratio changes, from 1A
ratio. to 4F, all at the touch of either the
left-hand Power Control lever or
the right-hand gear lever.
02 03
: precision and performan
nce from Massey Ferguson
: The Ultimate
Dyna-VT gives infinitely variable speed control with optimum
power, engine speed and fuel efficiency, resulting in significant
gains in output and productivity.
Stepless speed control Pre-set speed control In Economy Mode, ratio changes
Dyna-VT has two infinitely variable Travel speed and rate of are made at a maximum engine
speed ranges, 0-28 km/h for field acceleration can also be pre-set speed of 1800 rpm, so top speed
applications and 0-50 km/h* for and memorised within each of two is available at reduced engine
transport applications. ranges - ‘SV1’ and ‘SV2’. speed and economy is improved in
The memorised speed acts as lighter duty applications.
To start work, simply move the a cruise control to maintain a
left-hand Power Control lever into specified speed. It is activated by Forager Mode, is ideal when
‘forward’ or ‘reverse’ direction then pressing the SV1 or SV2 button foraging or baling. This mode
push the armrest-mounted located conveniently in the armrest maintains pre-set engine speed
Dyna-VT lever. The further you and can be adjusted, during work, and maximum power.
push the lever, the faster you simply by turning the appropriate
accelerate. No shifting of gears. SV1/SV2 rotary switch in the So if a large lump of crop is
No jerks. No breaks in traction binnacle on the right-hand console. encountered in the swath, just lift
or power; just infinite speed off the pedal while the material is
control from ‘supercreep’ to high Choice of operating modes baled or chopped. Ground speed
transport speeds! In addition to Lever Mode, where is adjusted but engine speed and
the Power Control lever or armrest- power is maintained.
To slow down, simply pull the lever mounted Dyna-VT lever are used, Once the problem has been
back. When you’ve reached your Pedal Mode is also available. tackled, simply press the pedal
chosen speed, just release the and you’re off again at normal
lever. Pedal Mode working speed.
Pedal Mode offers three further
Left-hand Power Control operating modes enabling tractor
If you prefer left-hand control, control by use of the accelerator
the Power Control lever adjusts pedal or hand throttle:
ground speed in a similar way, and
also gives convenient, left-hand Power Mode, gives ‘automatic
control of forward/reverse shuttle transmission’ characteristics,
(see page 10 for more details). with maximum speed at optimum
engine revs, so full power is on
Smooth forward/reverse shuttle hand for hauling fully laden trailers
Moving the Power Control lever and for other heavy
from forward to reverse position duty applications.
gives an incredibly smooth power
shuttle, with the added benefit
of being able to pre-set the
relationship between forward and
reverse speed.
Low speed and lower Maximum speed and high
power requirement. power requirement.
Harvesting and planting - with Transporting a fully laden trailer
precise ground speed control, to from the field at high speed - with
reduce engine speed, minimise maximum engine power available
in-cab noise and maximise fuel to maintain speed on hills.
0 50
40 40
Simple, infinite speed
control, from creeper
30 30 speeds to 50 km/h*
20 20
10 10
0 0
* Depending on market/legislation
Engine speed
Fuel consumption
With Dyna-VT there is no compromise. From ‘creep’ applications as low as 0.03 km/h to high-speed road transport, you set
the parameters for power, economy and comfort so that you can easily extract the maximum performance at the lowest
operating cost.
More power at the
wheels and PTO
The light yet tremendously strong transaxle design and low
power losses through the highly efficient transmissions give all
MF 6400 & 7400 tractors an outstanding power-to-weight ratio.
And with standard PTO speed coinciding with maximum engine
power and significant power boost available when the PTO is
engaged*, there is always plenty of power in reserve.
* See specifications for details
More PTO choice Economy PTO Differential locks and
A wide range of fully independent For lighter duty work, ‘540 Eco’ 4-wheel drive
PTO speeds is available, including (750) PTO speed is at around 1550 The Transmission Controller also
540/1000 rpm, Economy and a engine rpm, further improving fuel takes care of many of the normally
proportional ground speed option economy and helping to reduce repetitive tasks of 4-wheel drive
on most models. in-cab noise levels. and differential lock operation.
Speed selection is controlled Automated PTO control It ensures that you have 4-wheel
from the driver’s seat, plus In ‘Auto’ mode, the PTO can be drive when you need it; when
exchangeable flanged shafts. automatically disengaged when braking and when the differential
The flanged PTO shaft is extremely the linkage is raised (or when lock is engaged, and at over
strong and provides a simple, travelling at speeds above 25 14 km/h, switches 4-wheel drive
‘oil-less’ shaft change. km/h) and re-engaged when the off if you don’t need it.
linkage is lowered.
Control for front (optional) and rear The system also engages the
systems is grouped conveniently Further reducing the need for differential lock when you need it
to the right. Additional fender- operator input, the Transmission (after initial manual engagement);
mounted engagement and Controller monitors and controls when the implement is lowered
emergency stop buttons also give PTO engagement depending into work and disengages it when
added convenience and safety. on load. This gives a smoother the linkage is raised, when using
‘take-up’, giving improved driver independent brakes and also when
Power with economy comfort and also helping to protect travelling at more than 14 km/h.
540 and 1000 rpm PTO speeds are both implement and tractor from
achieved at or near to 2000 rpm, damage due to inappropriate
which is also maximum engine engagement.
power. With the ability to closely
match ground speed at the chosen
engine speed, you can always
match PTO speed, forward speed
and power for optimum output and
fuel economy.
01 02
MF hydraulics:
power with precision
The MF Electronic Linkage Control system still maintains
its position as the industry leader in terms of accuracy,
responsiveness, ease of use and reliability.
And with high-capacity hydraulic flow and pressure are automatically system that minimises the
systems providing excellent lift regulated according to demand, ‘pitching’ action - automatically
capacity and high oil flow for there’s no wasted power - or fuel, adjusting for different implement
external services, you can be used in pumping oil that’s not weights. This gives smoother,
sure that you’ll get optimum required. safer, faster transport and, by
performance from linkage- reducing shock loads through the
mounted and hydraulically-driven Auxiliary spool valves lift rams and hydraulic circuits, also
equipment. Implement hook-up is easy too, minimises the risk of damage to
with ‘decompression couplers’ the lift system.
Accurate draft control that enable connection and
Massey Ferguson’s digital ELC disconnection under pressure. ATC is independent of the
system gives the highest standards transport lock and can be
of draft and depth control. This With a choice of mechanical or controlled either manually or
optimises weight transfer and electro-hydraulic spool valves, automatically, linked to the ELC
traction, giving reduced wheel-slip, programmable SMS or fingertip lift/lower switch. It is then
tyre wear and fuel consumption switches, complex equipment activated when the implement is
and increased output. can be controlled more easily and raised and deactivated when the
effectively than ever. implement is lowered.
Simple ELC panel
With the more frequently-used Rear axle and linkage ATC and QuadLink
controls armrest-mounted and a The rear axle and 3-point linkage ATC operates in conjunction with
straightforward ELC control panel, are highly specified. Twin external the QuadLink suspended front axle
accurate operation is easy. lift rams, drawbar and quick- to give exceptional stability when
attach hook top and lower links, transporting or operating mounted
The system also incorporates external linkage control on both equipment at speed, giving greater
sensitivity, quick soil rear fenders, twin variable float comfort, safety and productivity.
engagement and automatic telescopic stabilisers and three
drop speed as standard. spool valves are all standard 01 MF 7475 with height-
equipment. A wide choice of adjustable hitch, pintle pin and
The rear linkage can also be hitches are available to suit drawbar.
operated from conveniently specific markets.
mounted push buttons on each 02 SMS and electro-hydraulic
rear fender. Active Transport Control (ATC) spool valve levers.
When driving across the headland
Load sensing hydraulics or transporting heavy mounted
The Closed Centre Load Sensing equipment, implement ‘bounce’
(CCLS) system (optional on can occur.
MF 6400 Series) provides high
oil flow for both linkage and Active Transport Control is
external services, with virtually integrated into the ELC system as
instantaneous response. And as standard. It is a shock- absorbing
02 19
The most versatile
tractor on the market
You’ll soon realise how much you can achieve with an
MF 6400 & 7400 Series tractor, especially if you choose a loader
to complement it. Like a large majority of the MF range of tractors,
the MF 6400 & 7400 Series have amazing loader capabilities,
making it even more versatile and ultimately, more productive
for you.
High performance construction Lock & Go - smarter, better • 110 litres/min CCLS hydraulic
from the world’s leading loader Work smarter with ‘Lock & Go’. system
manufacturer ensures that these A ground-breaking, semi-automatic • Adjustable shuttle
loaders deliver first class versatility connection and disconnection progressivity
and outstanding reliability. system which saves you valuable • Heavy-duty 4WD front axle
time when hooking-up loaders. with hydralock
Low running costs, operator By utilising the combination of • 55˚ max turning angle
comfort and an effortless working a unique sub-frame design, lift
environment make the MF 6400 cylinders and locking pin, you can ...MF 900: the perfect loader
& 7400 Series the right choice attach/detach loaders efficiently • Robust and efficient
for any dairy, livestock or arable and reliably. construction - ensures
business. Add to this a factory- maximum output
fitted, optimum usage loader Together with the multifunction • Loader sub-frames are
and you can achieve maximum joystick control levers you can be designed to allow drive-in
productivity, whatever the assured of operational ease and attachment - for quick and
application. safety with all functions. easy connection
• The semi-automatic ‘Lock &
Choose from an extensive range A full range of loader implements Go’ system holds the loader
Full integration of tractor and is available as well as rear ballast rigidly and securely in position
loader is achieved easily with the configurations to ensure optimum • All hydraulic hoses are safely
MF 900 Series, suiting all models handling, greater performance and concealed for protection
in the MF 6400 & 7400 ranges. safe operation. and greater visibility for the
You can choose from either operator
‘standard’ or ‘parallel’ lift, Unlimited tractor/loader • ‘SoftDrive’ system (optional)
as well as extensive options capabilities with MF 6400 and - Innovative shock absorption
and accessories to enhance MF 7400 Series system is available on all
performance and convenience. • Visio roof - Allows the operator models and ensures stability
to view the task at hand and comfort on rough terrain
• High capacity hydraulics - and in transport
• 57 litres/min standard flow • An extensive range of optional
(MF 6400 only) extras are available. Ask your
Massey Ferguson dealer for
more information.
Loader Model Ideal tractor model Lift height Lift time Lift force Loader weight
(at centre arm) (Centre arm &
ground level)
MF 940* MF 6445, MF 6455 3.75 m 4.5s at 60 l/min 2300 kg 515 kg
2.4s at 110 l/min
MF 945 MF 6445, MF 6455 3.75 m 4.5s at 60 l/min 2300 kg 585 kg
2.4s at 110 l/min
MF 950* MF 6445, MF 6455, MF 6460, 4.00 m 5s at 60 l/min 2400 kg 554 kg
MF 6470 2.7s at 110 l/min
MF 955 MF 6445, MF 6455, MF 6460, 4.00 m 5s at 60 l/min 2400 kg 621 kg
MF 6470 2.7s at 110 l/min
MF 960* MF 6460, MF 6470, MF 6465, 4.25 m 6s at 60 l/min 2700 kg 628 kg
MF 6475, MF 6480, MF 7465, 3.3s at 110 l/min
MF 7475, MF 7480
MF 965 MF 6460, MF 6465, MF 6470, 4.25 m 6s at 60 l/min 2700 kg 721 kg
MF 6475, MF 6480, MF 7465, 3.3s at 110 l/min
MF 7475, MF 7480
MF 975 MF 6465, MF 6475, MF 6480, 4.50 m 7s at 60 l/min 2850 kg 760 kg
MF 7465, MF 7475, MF 7480 3.8s at 110 l/min
Spool Valve Management ITCS enables management of: 01 SMS Joystick control provides
System (SMS) Wheelslip control – to convenient and precise spool valve
SMS* gives easier, more precise, automatically limit wheelslip to operation.
memorised control of the an operator-set maximum. This
electro-hydraulic, proportional increases traction, reduces tyre 02 Individual fingertip control of
4 spool valves enables accurate
spool valves. wear and protects soil structure. control at the touch of a button.
SMS: accuracy and simplicity Spool Valve Management – to 03 Display and adjustment of
SMS enables external hydraulic oil set the flow and timing of the additional automated functions
flow rates to be memorised and spool valves controlled by the provides efficient operator and
controlled via either an armrest- SMS joystick. machine control.
mounted joystick*. Each time the
same function and flow is required, Linkage/external services oil flow 04 Convenient touch pad enables
a single movement of the joystick is priority – to control, as a precise quick and easy operation of ITCS.
all that is needed. percentage, the split of oil flow
to the linkage and spool valves 05 Datatronic 3 provides
The benefits of SMS to ensure optimum efficiency for comprehensive information and
Memorised flow rates and one- different applications. additional automation to improve
touch operation greatly simplify the quality of work and reduce the
field, and especially, headland Headland control – interacts operators’ workload.
manoeuvres when operating with Engine Speed Control to
complex equipment or front and automatically change between A 06 Data logging provides a
rear combinations. and B engine speeds as the linkage valuable source of tractor and
implement recording that can
is raised and lowered. easily be viewed and analysed on
And, of course, SMS is ideal a computer to improve profit and
for faster, more efficient front Engine speed change can be increase output.
loader operation. delayed between 0 and 5 seconds
from linkage lift/lower switch
Integrated Tractor Control activation.
System (ITCS)
ITCS (available as an option on More information with ITCS Two versions of
all models and standard when ITCS also gives a read-out of both Datatronic 3 are now available;
Datatronic 3 is specified) provides ‘trip’ and total fuel usage, and with colour screen as standard.
an entry level of field and headland displays pre-set engine speeds, Video capability and ISOBUS
management that is ideal if all of forward speed and PTO speed. connectivity are optional.
the functions of Datatronic 3 are
not required.
* Options vary by model and market;
see ‘Specifications’.
01 02
03 04
05 06 23
More than just a tractor...
....more than just a headland management system – Datatronic’s
advanced features that help you every step of the way.
05 25
Tailored options for
higher productivity
Massey Ferguson Integrated This gives excellent load- Auto-Guidance steers the tractor,
Front Linkage System (IFLS*) carrying capacity and handling without operator input, to make
A new front axle support casting characteristics, while the immense parallel bouts, avoiding overlap or
enables factory-installation of rigidity reduces stress on unworked land. This reduces
Massey Ferguson’s IFLS; a neat, components, reducing maintenance driver fatigue and fuel usage,
fully integrated front linkage and requirements and down-time. eliminates unnecessary chemical
PTO system. Attached to an application and can significantly
exceptionally strong structural More style, more practicality increase productivity.
engine sump, this design means The updated bonnet styling is built
that no additional side rails are for practicality and robustness. *Available on MF 6465/75/80 and
MF 7465/75/80 models only
necessary when specifying the Rear hinged, the lockable bonnet
front linkage. So engine access raises fully, giving completely clear
is further improved and a tighter access to the engine, radiator and
steering lock is achieved, for faster re-designed cooling package.
headland turns and manoeuvring.
The radiators have a greater
The integrated front linkage design surface area for improved cooling 01 The Massey Ferguson
also has tremendous strength to and also hinge and separate for Integrated Front Linkage System.
cater for heavy, high-productivity easy cleaning. Also available: Ballast options
front-mounted equipment. The include the 900 plus 600 kg
new front linkage also incorporates modular front weights to aid
a towing clevis, electrical Simple servicing and routine accurate weight distribution.
connector and up to two spool maintenance
valve couplers. The conveniently placed engine 02-03 MF 6465/75/80 and
oil dipsticks and fillers are safely MF 7465/75/80, also feature easy
Extra visibility positioned on the ‘cold’ side of the access bonnet design and cooling
Visio roof engine, away from the hot exhaust. pack.
The Visio roof panel provides
excellent upward visibility from the And with convenient ground level 04 Panoramic cab with right-
normal seating position, which is refuelling, self-adjusting brakes hand-side pillarless design.
particularly useful in front loader and electronic protection of engine
operation when, for example, speed, 4WD, differential locks, PTO 05 Visio roof for excellent visibility.
stacking bales to maximum height. and transmission, routine tasks are
easy and servicing requirements are 06 Auto-Guidance in the form of
Panoramic cab minimised. the roof-mountable Topcon 150
All models are also available with which houses the Auto-Guidance
the Panoramic Cab. The pillarless Auto-Guidance electronics, including the GPS
design of the right-hand side of For faster, precision farming, the receiver.
the cab and the extensive window optional Auto-Guidance satellite
provides a perfect view of side- navigation system* uses leading
mounted equipment. Panoramic GPS technology to guide your
models are also available with the tractor and implements at higher
steep nose bonnet design and the rates of speed and accuracy. This
Visio roof. is especially valuable for more
accurate operation at night, in low
Built-in durability visibility or when working in pre-
The MF 6400 & 7400 ‘transaxle’ emergent crops.
designs are extremely strong yet
give low overall weight, with an
excellent power-to-weight ratio.
01 02
03 04
05 06 27
Built with passion...
...owned with pride! Read why people choose Massey Ferguson’s
award-winning, industry-leading machinery!
Fuel economy
Clive Jones of Lower Pendre Farm, Llangorse, Brecon, Wales
“The MF 6470 is reliable and economical, with plenty of power. I’m very pleased – it uses a lot less diesel than I
expected and much less than a similar sized tractor of another make that I’ve tried.”
On top of low fuel consumption across the MF fleet, Alexander and his operators appreciate the manoeuvrability of
the MF 7480 and the Dyna-VT transmission working in conjunction with the high torque engine. “Dyna-VT is easy to
operate and engages the engine without high revs despite the heavy weight of the dumpers,” he says.
Jean Claude Nivon and son Vincent with their MF 6460 and two of their Charolais herd.
An essential business tool - “We like the many functionalities “We like the size of the MF 6460,
Jean Claude Nivon and his that help towards an easier the excellent horsepower and
son Vincent run a 117 hectare working day for the operator. reliable engine. It’s a really multi-
arable, livestock and fruit Just one lever controls the front task tractor. Not only that, but our
loader, rear hydraulics and front dealer service support is second-
farm in Tersanne, France,
linkage, all from the well-integrated to-none.”
where they have found their armrest. Controls are sophisticated
MF 6460 with loader and SMS yet simple to operate and engine
control to be an invaluable speeds automation when using the
business tool. loader improves the efficiency of
the tractor whilst reducing driver
“To ensure the smooth running of effort.”
our farm, the MF 6460 has become
an essential part of our business. “Overall, the MF 6460 is
We use it for everything; cultivation, comfortable and accurate yet
ploughing, drilling, loading bales robust and tough enough to deal
of hay and straw, moving manure, with the many applications we put
loading trucks with delicate it through. Although a big machine,
apricots from the farm, we really manoeuvrability is perfect and the
appreciate the smoothness of the visibility from the visio roof is the
MF 6460 for this application.” biggest and best on the market;
it helps greatly when using the
tractor to store bales.”
We’d like to hear from you! If you want to tell us about your Massey Ferguson machinery, please go to and submit a testimonial.
Fixing the cost of your future with manager service plan
Service and Repair With a Plan and through Your dealer will prepare the
Plan* is a complete package this ‘preventative’ servicing, your servicing plan and can tailor
aimed at providing total care for machine will maintain excellent it to last up to a maximum of
your tractor including routine productivity throughout its long 10,000 hours.
maintenance, repair cover and full working life. The most important
AGCO backed warranty. This fully- aspect of this package is that you By choosing Service
backed contract will cover critical will never incur any unexpected and Repair Plan, not only are you
components such as: hidden costs. assured of complete peace-of-
mind for you and your business
• Engine and transmission It is possible to cut the cost of but also a higher residual value for
• Hydraulics maintaining your machine through your machinery, full dealer history
• PTO ‘preventative’ servicing and and genuine AGCO Parts inside
• Steering maintenance, thereby reducing and out.
• Electronics long term ownership costs and
• Cab and controls securing a productive future for For more information on
• Axles your business. Service and Repair
Plan speak to your
Assurance for the life of the Tailored to your needs Massey Ferguson dealer.
machine has been designed to
You can be assured of ‘preventative’ cater for your individual needs.
servicing using the latest technology Cover is available for up to 5 * Service and Repair Plan may not
years or 6,000 hours depending be available or may be market dependant.
and professionally trained Please contact your Massey Ferguson
technicians. With years of experience on your requirements. Available dealer to check availability in your area.
they are on hand to ensure that at initial point of sale or, for added
your machine runs at optimum flexibility, you can choose to take
performance. on a contract any time
up to 6 months after machine
All of this will be carried out registration.
according to a strict maintenance
schedule supplied by
Massey Ferguson.
AGCO Customer Support…providing local service to the
global brand
Massey Ferguson is a truly global State-of-the-art warehousing Practical local support
brand with machines operating all and logistics from AGCO Parts where you need it
over the world, from revolutionary Of course, every Massey Ferguson AGCO places great emphasis on
“little grey fergie” tractors to dealer is fully backed-up by providing the best service to our
the latest high-tech tractors the AGCO Customer Support Massey Ferguson dealers and this
and combines. Have you ever organisation which provides extends beyond the exceptional
wondered how we continue to industry-leading parts supply servicing and maintenance solutions
provide industry-leading parts through AGCO Parts’ state-of- and parts supply:
and service support to such the-art warehousing and logistics.
a vast array of machines and With outstanding service levels, • Expert training and
technologies across the globe? overnight delivery and inventory specialist equipment
covering all Massey Ferguson • Advanced diagnostic techniques
Behind every Massey Ferguson machines - even those over 10 • Information retrieval technology
machine is the powerful aftersales years old - we only ever supply to communicate the very latest
support of AGCO’s Customer genuine parts, and we guarantee parts and service information
Support organisation. the right fit, first time. • Highly skilled technical
support groups
Our main aim is to ensure that The right aftersales solution
every machine - old or new - is whatever the age of machine With aftersales support from AGCO
fully supported locally, offering Whatever the age of your Customer Support, it’s not just
every Massey Ferguson owner: Massey Ferguson machine, about supplying a filter or doing
AGCO Customer Support has an oil change. It’s about providing
• The best service in the industry the right aftersales solution to the best solution to our customers’
• Low cost of ownership save time & money, providing needs, wrapped up with industry-
• A reliable and durable machine appropriate, affordable and leading parts and service support.
• Minimum machine downtime reliable servicing and maintenance
• A high resale value solutions in every situation.
MF 6445 MF 6455 MF 6460 MF 6465 MF 6470
Engine Power, Nominal
Rated hp @ 2200 rpm ✪ ISO hp (kW) 95 (70) 105 (77) 115 (84) 120 (88) 125 (92)
Maximum hp @ 2000 RPM in ✪ ISO hp (kW) 100 (74) 112 (82) 125 (92) 132 (97) 135 (99)
1st and 2nd range
Maximum hp @ 2000 rpm 3rd and ✪ ISO hp (kW) 110 (81 125 (92) 135 (99) 144 (106) 145 (107)
4th range
Maximum torque @ 1500 rpm in 1st ✪ Nm 400 463 538 543 585
and 2nd range
Maximum torque @ 1500 rpm in 3rd ✪ Nm 463 525 585 600 625
and 4th range or in PTO application
Maximum power available @ PTO hp (kW) 88 (65) 100 (74) 110 (81) 115 (85) 120 (88)
shaft Maximum hp @ 1000 PTO rpm
OECD (accuracy +/– 2%)
Diesel, direct injection make Perkins Perkins AGCO SISU POWER
Cooling/fuel injection Water cooled, direct injection diesel. Tier lll compliant. Common rail electronic fuel injection. 4 valves
per cylinder
Operation and control Forward and reverse, multi-plate, oil-cooled clutches
with hydraulic actuation and electronic control
Dyna-6 - Speedmatcing Semi-powershift gearbox, with 6 Dynashift ratios in each of 4 electro-hydraulically controlled ranges. Power Control
and Speedmatching functions
Dyna-6 - AutoDrive ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
As ‘Speedmatching’, plus
AutoDrive, giving manual, semi -
or fully-automated Dynashift changes
Supercreep speeds - ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Additional 24F/24R Creeper speeds
Dyna-VT - - - - -
Operation and control Independent, electro-hydraulic with rear fender-mounted start/stop control and headland
automation. In-cab control lever
1000 rpm (21 spline shaft) rpm 2000 2000 2000 2030 2030
Maximum hp @ 2000 rpm ✪ ISO hp (kW) 142 (105) 157 (116) 137 (101) 155 (115) 167 (123)
Maximum power available @ PTO shaft hp (kW) 130 (96) 140 (103) 115 (85) 130 (96) 140 (103)
Maximum hp @ 1000 PTO rpm
OECD (accuracy +/– 2%)
Diesel, direct injection make AGCO SISU POWER
Therefore, all specifications should be confirmed with your Massey Ferguson Dealer or Distributor prior to any purchase.
However, inaccuracies, errors or omissions may occur and details of the specifications may be changed at any time without notice.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is as accurate and current as possible.
Cooling/fuel injection Water cooled, direct injection diesel. Tier lll compliant. Common rail electronic fuel injection. 4
valves per cylinder
Operation and control Forward and reverse, multi-plate, - - -
oil-cooled clutches with hydraulic
actuation and electronic control
Dyna-6 - Speedmatcing Semi-powershift gearbox, with 6 Dynashift ratios in each of - - -
4 electro-hydraulically controlled ranges. Power Control and Speedmatching functions
Dyna-6 - AutoDrive ❍ ❍ - - -
As ‘Speedmatching’, plus
AutoDrive, giving manual, semi -
or fully-automated Dynashift changes
Creeper speeds - ❍ ❍ - - -
Additional 12F/12R Creeper speeds
Supercreep speeds - ❍ ❍ - - -
Additional 24F/24R Creeper speeds
Field speed range 0.03 – 28 km/h Forward and 0.03 – 16 km/h Reverse
Road speed range 0.03 – 50 km/hs Forward and 0.03 – 38 km/h Reverse
Operation and control Independent, electro-hydraulic with rear fender-mounted start/stop control and headland
automation. In-cab control lever
1000 rpm (21 spline shaft) rpm 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030
● = Standard
❍ = Optional = Optimum specific fuel consumption (Manufacturer’s test)
– = Not applicable/available
** = Depending on market/legislation
▲ = Depending on market/legislation
✪ = ISO TR 14396 (EG 97/68 values are
comparable to ISO values +/- 0.5%)
MF 6445 MF 6455 MF 6460 MF 6465 MF 6470
Front power take-off and linkage (❍)
MF IFLS - Integrated Linkage System - - - ❍ -
Linkage control Electronic control of draft, position, Intermix, height/depth, rate of drop,
‘quick soil engagement’ and Active Transport Control
Lower links Quick-attach, hook end with Cat. 2/3 balls and cones
Maximum lift capacity, at link ends kg ● 5850/ ● 5850/ ● 5850/ 7100 ● 5850/
❍ 7100 ❍ 7100 ❍ 7100 ❍ 7100
Auxiliary hydraulics
- number as standard 2 2 2 3 2
Optional, CCLS models only Spool Valve Management System (SMS) with up to 4 electro-hydraulic Spool valves
Type Hydrostatic, balanced, with tilting, telescopic steering column
With power assisitance ❍ ❍ ❍ ● ❍
Less power assisitance ● ● ● - ●
Trailer brakes Hydraulic, pedal-operated
Overall length, to lower link ends m 4.25 4.25 4.32 4.90 4.32
Fuel tank capacity ●/❍ litre 130/190 130/190 145/210 270/- 145/210
MF 6475 MF 6480 MF 7465 MF 7475 MF 7480
Front power take-off and linkage (❍)
Operation and control Independent, electro-hydraulic. 6 or 21 spline, 35mm (13/8in) diameter PTO shaft.
1000 rpm @ 2000 engine rpm
Linkage control Electronic control of draft, position, Intermix, height/depth, rate of drop,
‘quick soil engagement’ and Active Transport Control
Lower links Quick-attach, hook end with Cat. 2/3 balls and cones
Maximum lift capacity, at link ends kg ● 7100 ● 7100 8600 8600 8600
❍ 8000 ❍ 8000
Therefore, all specifications should be confirmed with your Massey Ferguson Dealer or Distributor prior to any purchase.
However, inaccuracies, errors or omissions may occur and details of the specifications may be changed at any time without notice.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is as accurate and current as possible.
Auxiliary hydraulics
Optional, CCLS models only Spool Valve Management System (SMS) with up to 4 electro-hydraulic Spool valves
Type Hydrostatic, balanced, with tilting, telescopic steering column
With power assisitance ● ● ● ● ●
Less power assisitance - - - - -
Overall length, to lower link ends m 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90
Fuel tank capacity ●/❍ litre 270/- 270/- 270/- 270/- 270/-
01 Highly efficient, powerful diesel engines, built using 06 MF 7400 Series delivers power via the unbeatable
the latest technology to produce maximum torque, Dyna-VT continuously variable transmission which
outstanding fuel economy and lower emissions. now comes with Dynamic Tractor Management
(DTM) for maximum productivity and fuel efficiency.
02 MF 6465, 75, 80 and MF 7465, 75 and 80 now
come with super-efficient, 6-cylinder AGCO SISU 07 Available with Datatronic 3, video capability
POWER engines. and ISOBUS compatibility, together with the
most comprehensive, yet simple headland
03 Choose from 10 models in the 100 - 170 hp management system.
category to get precisely the right tractor for your
farming business. 08 Smooth, modern styling in line with the new
Massey Ferguson ‘family’ design.
04 Spacious, exceptionally quiet cab, combined
with sector-leading levels of comfort to create 09 Transport boost on most models means
a relaxing, stress-free working environment for 50km/h* can be achieved when undertaking
the operator. road work, reducing journey times and raising
operator productivity.
05 MF 6400 Series tractors offer the best in
mechanical transmissions with Dyna-6 10 Front axle support casting and ‘structural’ engine
semi-powershift. sump to allow fitting of the fully integrated front
linkage and PTO system.