The Yacht Design Process
The Yacht Design Process
The Yacht Design Process
The following article is a summary of how a new custom yacht design is imagined,
sketched and drawn. In addition to the following notes, our Introduction
our Introduction web
web page
provides an outline of our general approach to yacht design.
While seemingly complex, the design process is made up of a series of incremental steps,
much like the building process itself. The goal of undertaking the design of any new
yacht is to take a unique set of owner requirements and to turn them into the best possible
solution to those requests. If the resulting design is to be what it should be, each of
o f the
steps outlined below must be addressed thoroughly.
There is first the idea, and then the bringing forth of the idea into a functioning reality.
reality. In
order to get the relevant information on the table, two primary ingredients are necessary:
I. Owner's Specification: The first design task is actually performed by the prospective
boat owner. It is
is first to imagine the goal, and then to create an !wners "pecification or
mission statement for the proposed vessel. With
With that information understood,
und erstood, we will
provide a written #esign $roposal to outline how we propose to meet the goals that have
been set forth.
• %ather than being a detailed description of the result of the design process, the
!wners "pecification is better if seen as a general gu ide to the intent of the
• Toward
Toward that end, ideally the owners mission statement will be kept fairly simple,
since the details of the design will emerge as a result of the design process itself.
• The basic information needed is an outline of the intended vessels si&e, layout,
materials of construction, the intended use, range, speed, rig, and general
• The essential information should include the intended schedule for designing and
building the yacht.
II. Design Proposal: 'y first (ob is to understand the preliminary !wners "pecification,
then to provide the prospective client with a detailed outline for creating the new design.
This is in the form of our standard written #esign $roposal which includes the
• ) written
written outline of the design process itself.
• ) list of the deliverable drawings and documents.
• )n estimate for the design work required in order to create the design and to
detail the plans for the vessel as described.
The following paragraphs describe our design process, and outline the deliverable
drawings and documents.
Stage I - The Preliminary Design Study
)fter our Design Proposal has been reviewed, if the prospective boat owner approves of
what we have proposed, then the actual design work can begin.
) custom design starts with listening to the requirements of my clients. The ob(ective is
to create the best mutual design solution in terms of vessel type, layout, si&e and style.
'y goal is to propose an appropriate form and function to suit the vessels intended
purpose, and to follow that up with a thorough analysis of structure, stability and
With that, I will prepare a few +)# generated drawings in order to show the proposed
layout in $lan and $rofile views and a perspective view of the proposed xterior "tyling.
+ombined with a description of the proposed dimensions and other particulars of the
vessel, this is the beginning of what I refer to as "tage I or the preliminary Design
Stage I is basically a process of /discovery0 wherein we mutually discover the best
solution to your requests. In pursuit of that /discovery0 process we will review our
proposed design solutions against the original specification 11 or possibly the initial
specification will be revised according to what we discover. This process is both flexible
and adaptable.
#uring Stage I we will strive to establish the accommodations, styling, si&e, dimensions,
and the target displacement. !ur goal here is to provide a 2proof of concept2 for the
design so that further changes can be kept to a minimum. When the preliminary design
has been approved by the owner, Stage II can begin.
The first part of Stage II involves finali&ing "tage I "tudy #rawings. The preliminary
stimating Plans will therefore include:
!nce those drawings have been approved, we can proceed knowing that further changes
will be minimi&ed. When completed, the stimating Plans Pac!age will include:
9or smaller vessels there will be three drawing sheets at this point. 9or larger vessels
there may be two or more sheets in each category. The goal of Stage II is that enough
information be presented in the stimating $lans $ackage that firm quotes can be
obtained from prospective builders for construction of the vessel.
If you would like to review an example of our design work up to this point, stimating
$lans are available for any of the designs listed on our $lans 5ist page.
#uring Stage III the remaining design work is completed. With additional owner and
builder feedback, further decisions can be made with regard to equipment and finish as
The drawings, quipment 5ist and 6essel "pecification are refined and the remaining
drawings are completed in order to create a final "uilding Plans package. These
drawings and documents will finali&e the interior and exterior details, the machinery
arrangement, the deck plan, scantlings, construction sections, the boats final dimensions
and hull shape, and the as1designed displacement, range, performance, hydrostatics and
!rdinarily each of the above drawing categories will include several sheets. #epending
on vessel si&e and complexity, the 3uilding $lans may include anywhere from ;< to *< or
more drawing sheets.
#uring "tage III the quipment 5ist and 6essel "pecification are finali&ed in order to
accurately describe the intent, the layout, the scantlings, the construction, the systems and
the outfit of the vessel. In addition to the above listed drawings, the following
Documents will be included in the 3uilding $lans set:
7aving finished "tage III, the Design Phase of the new yacht will be complete. "ufficient
information will be contained in the drawings and documents to allow any professional or
amateur builder to build the vessel as intended.
Then the #onstruction Phase of the pro(ect may begin.
Standards $sed
Design %oals : Throughout the design process we have the following goals:
Structure : When creating a new design, classification society rules are the best guide for
the adequacy of structure. We will confirm compliance with one of the following rules as
appropriate to the vessel type, si&e, materials or bu ild venue:
• )3" @<<< 'otor $leasure Aachts yachts from BC to @<< scantling length 1
originally applicable to all yachts up to @<< 1 all materials-
• )3" ;CCD !ffshore %acing Aachts applicable to sailing yachts up to ;<<
scantling length 1 all materials-
• )3" ;CBE %einforced $lastic 6essels applicable to fiberglass vessels up to @<<
scantling length-
• )3" ;CBF )luminum 6essels applicable to alloy vessels from ;<< to F<<
scantling length-
• )3" @<;D "teel 6essels applicable to steel vessels up to @<< scantling length-
• )3" @<;F %ules for 3uilding and +lassing Aachts new rule applicable to all
motor and sailing yachts in all materials up to C< meters scantling length @CF
• I"!1;@@;F for vessels sub(ect to the ?1%+# standards yachts up to BE
measurement length 1 all materials-
• >ermanischer 5loyds wooden yachts up to BE scantling length-
• >ermanischer 5loyds plank1on1frame commercial wooden vessels up to ;;F
scantling length 1 applicable to larger vessels on approval-
• 3ritish 5loyds %egister plank1on1frame wooden yachts up to CE scantling length
1 applicable to larger yachts on approval-
Staility : To assess stability we use a variety of criteria depending on vessel si&e, use and
location, as follows:
• 9or private yachts under @D meters measurement length BE feet- intended for
registry in the ?, stability will be calculated according to the ?1%+# standards
• 9or private or commercial yachts above @D meters measurement length, stability
will be calculated according to I'!, '+) or other standards appropriate to the
vessel type, si&e and use.
• 9or commercial charter yachts in the ?", safety and stability will be calculated
according to the ?" +ode of 9ederal %egulations +9%-.
• 9or private or commercial yachts in the ?", stability will be calculated according
to the new )3" @<;F %ules for 3uilding and +lassing Aachts, which defer to the
I'! or '+) standards depending on vessel type and si&e.
• 9or yachts in +anada, stability will be calculated according to criteria established
by Transport +anada, which for the most part defer to to the I'! or '+) rules.
• 9or yachts in other locations, stability will be calculated according to locally
applicable criteria 1 most often the I'! or '+) rules, depending on vessel type,
service, and si&e.
When a vessel is destined for construction and use within the uropean ?nion, we also
prepare documentation regarding structure and stability in order to make obtaining a +
'ark a relatively easy process for the builder.
#uring the #onstruction Phase of the process, there may be various requests for
additional services in support of construction. )lthough we dont get into pro(ect
management per se, we remain available to act as the owners representative during
construction whenever we are asked to do so. In other words, although we do not get
involved in managing personnel, scheduling or purchasing, we are pleased to remain
involved in order to manage the flow of information and specifications for the builder.
9or passenger vessels or other commercial craft there may be the requirement to provide
additional drawings and reports for documentation and compliance with the relevant
standards. )nd when a vessel is destined for use within the uropean ?nion, we can
prepare documentation that makes obtaining a + 'ark relatively easy for the builder.
*# #utting +iles
!ne of the most valuable +onstruction "upport "ervices we provide for metal boats is to
develop =+ +utting 9iles in order to automate a portion of the vessels construction.
This leverages the work that has already been done in order to create the design and can
provide a significant labor savings to the yard. It also dramatically improves accuracy of
construction. With =+ cutting, the labor saved during fabrication of a metal hull will
usually pay for the cost of developing the =+ cutting files, plus some.
In other words =+ cutting is an opportunity to not only effect a true cost savings by
shortening the overall build time, but to also improve the quality of the result.
Testing the Design : With the computer generated model of the hull and superstructure
having already been created, it is a simple matter to make a scaled down physical model
for towing tank testing, or to verify the styling and features of the yacht in three
"uilding the "oat : ) substantial benefit of having generated a model of the hull on the
computer is that the vessels structure can also be computer generated and actually pre1
cut via computer guided laser or plasma cutting 1 or in the case of a >%$ vessel, the
mould created using a computer guided router.
3y this method, having detailed the hull plating and structure, the parts are nested onto
available plate si&es. The completed plate nestings are then sent to the metal cutters 1
usually by email. This is extremely convenient since the cutter can receive the
information immediately in order to start the work. When completed, the cutters have a
2boat kit2 that can be shipped wherever needed.
The Sa&ings : When building a metal boat in a production environment, assuming one1off
construction, industry feedback is generally that =+ c utting will save a professional
builder some *FH or so of the hull fabrication labor. The percentage of fabrication labor
saved by an amateur owner1builder is dramatically greater. 9or example, consider that
lofting is eliminated, as are templating for frame and plate patterns. 9or an amateur
builder, this also eliminates most of the 2what to do and how to do it and why2 kind of
worries... !ther 3enefits: 6ia =+ cutting an extremely accurate fit results. 9or a metal
hull this means there will be far less distortion during the weld1up.
9or construction in other materials such as >%$, =+ cutting nearly eliminates the labor
required for lofting and for mold construction. )n entire hull and superstructure mold can
be carved by five axis =+ router directly from the computer generated model, avoiding
nearly all tooling labor. ) builder can also pre1cut glass fiber or carbon fiber cloth,
especially useful with pre1preg cloth cloth that is pre1impregnated with resin and post1
cured by ?6 or by heat-. Where the materials cost is high, the improved efficiency will
quickly offset the cost of having developed the structure via computer modeling.
Design-Stream O&er&iew
9or more detail on our design and build strategy please see our +)# #esign "tream
article. The following flow1charts were created in order to show our design process 1
more or less taking the usual 2design spiral2 and stretching it out into a linear diagram. I
have used two different ways to represent the work1flow.
• "oftware in ?se 1 This is a simplified flow chart showing the software we use,
and how a few basic software groups interrelate during the process of creating a
new yacht design.
• $rocess #eliverables 1 This is a workflow chart showing our #esign $rocess
arranged in terms of the 2order of operations2 that we follow in order to create
each new yacht design. This process starts with our interaction with the client as
described above, then moves into the stages of the design process wherein we
produce the drawings and documents that we deliver to the client, the builder, and
to the metal cutter.
#ool D odels
The following are two examples of how we make good use of a *# +)# workflow in
order to create a design and its structure, then to communicate the result using *# $#9
files for use by both client and builder.
• *# 5ines #rawing 1 This is a *# perspective file showing the lines of one of our
designs. )s with all of our designs, it was created in a/surf , then imported to
icrostation so that it could be 2plotted2 to a *# PD+ for customer review.
Within the $#9, you can grab the *# model, rotate it, &oom, pan, walk1through,
and you can change the perspective. If you turn on the $#9 menus, you can also
manage the layers in the original +)# drawing, turning any of them on or off to
simplify the view. This is an excellent tool for visuali&ation of the spaces, and to
see the vessels shape from any angle.
• *# "tructure #rawing 1 This is a *# perspective file showing the structure of a
metal yacht design. 7aving been designed in a/surf , the vessels structure was
then created in 0or!shop J after which the basic structure was brought into
icrostation for editing and detailing, and then 2plotted2 to a *# PD+ for the
builder to use as a guide during assembly. It is an excellent way to view the
structure using simple, free (doe ,eader software. This enables the builder and
his crew to see exactly how the structure interrelates.
Aou will be surprised to discover that the cost to develop a new and unique yacht design
is ordinarily less than a yacht broker's typical fee to purchase an existing yacht...!
Ill repeat that in case you missed it... ven though there is quite a lot more work involved
to create a boat design, the cost to create a new custom yacht design is ordinarily less
than a yacht broker's fee for the simple act of signing the purchase papers...!
)s a percentage of the yachts cost the amount expended on design is really not very
much. If you also consider that a custom design will be tailored to your particular
requirements rather than being an 2off1the1shelf2 solution, the difference in satisfaction
will be well worth the effort expended. This is especially so if a custom designed yacht
will better serve its intended purpose and will therefore be able to do so for a longer time,
versus a vessel built to a stock design. In other words, by not having to replace the yacht
quite so soon, the cost of custom design work will easily have paid for itself, in all
likelihood many times over.
Is It Pro&en1
The question inevitably comes up: 2 Is it a proven designG2
The basic principles of boat design, while seemingly complex, are well established. If
faithfully attended to, the success of a new vessel is assured, and the result will nearly
always be an improvement on what has been done before on existing designs. Where
unusual features or hull types are requested, it is prudent to involve tank testing, which
can provide valuable insight as to vessel behaviorJ performanceJ stabilityJ seakeepingJ
etc. What ultimately makes a boat a success is whether the vessel is safe, seaworthy, sea
kindly, beautiful to behold, and above all, whether the v essel satisfies the originally stated
wishes of the owner.
I strive for long term owner satisfaction with the resulting vessel, using the most up to
date methods and design tools, including software optimi&ed for hull modeling, stability
and performance analyses. With this approach, I am able to leverage the work done to
create the design into subsequent detailing o f the vessels structure in order to provide an
=+ cutting file package to automate parts of the vessels construction, a process that is
outlined in our +)# #esign "tream article.
'y goal is to provide a complete 2design service2 from the point of imagining the vessel,
to creating the ideal solution to those con(urings, in other words to take the concept all
the way from napkin sketch to building plans, and to then provide the various
2construction support services2 noted above.
0here To "egin1
The place to start the design process is to first create an owners specification, or 2mission
statement.2 This can be as simple as a paragraph to describe the intended vessel, or
possibly a simple list of desired features such as preferences for rig, power, equipment,
materials of construction, overall si&e, accommodations, budget, pro(ect timing, and so
The owners mission statement need not be elaborate, since the particulars will be
generated by the design process itself... While sketches or design examples are not
necessary, if preliminary sketches or examples are available, certainly they can be
included. We refer to the owners mission statement as the 2Owner Specification .2 !nce
Ive understood its requirements I will provide our usual written Design Proposal 1
usually by return email or if necessary by letter or fax. !ur #esign $roposal is offered
free of charge and implies no obligation. It is (ust good information for your planning
purposes... In order to pursue a design inquiry in greater detail, please feel free to contact
me for more information or to request a Design Proposal .
+reating a new yacht design is by far the most rewarding path to long term boat
ownership, and the process itself can be quite a lot of fun...K
What do our clients think...G $lease review some of their Testimonials to find out...
)nd for the inevitable questions about the cost of boat custom design, our Design
Proposal will answer them definitively, however please also see our )rticles on the +ost
of boat design, and boat building.