The Delta Model:: Putting Customers Before Products
The Delta Model:: Putting Customers Before Products
The Delta Model:: Putting Customers Before Products
Arnoldo C. Hax
For many years the ultimate goal of strategy has been to achieve a competi-
war with one another, vying only to offer the superior product. But with the
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System Lock-In
• System Economics
• Market Dominance
• Achieving Complementor
Figure 1.
The triangle:
three distinct Enabled
strategic effective use of
Total Customer Best Product
Solutions • Product Economics
• Customer Economics • Rivalry
• Cooperation • Achieving Product
• Achieving Customer Share
Technology now is allowing us to treat like Pan Am were going bankrupt and uct economics, but also the customer eco-
our customers in a singularly individual- others were losing huge amounts of nomics, since Fidelity is trying to help
ized way. If we choose to do so, we can money, Southwest thrived by doing the customer in enhancing his or her
seek a greater proximity to the customer everything right internally. They used a financial performance in as comprehen-
and deliver a value proposition that is single type of plane, cut out seat assign- sive a way as possible.
driven to satisfy the customer’s specific ments and connections, and avoided
needs. This means that the customer is operating in congested airports. All of At the top of the Triangle stands the
placed at the very center of strategy and this enabled them to offer a great product most demanding strategic option, which
the primary objective is what we refer to at a low price, a product that was impos- we call System Lock-In. Here we are
as “customer bonding”: establishing a sible for other airlines to mimic because addressing the full network as the rele-
constructive and enduring relationship they had a completely different philoso- vant scope, the gaining of complementor
based on mutual trust, collaboration, and phy than Southwest. share as the ultimate objective, and the
joint benefits. system economics as the driving force.
The left-hand side of the Triangle is the Those who are successful in reaching this
In The Delta Model, Dean Wilde, SM crucial position we called Total Customer position gain a de facto dominance in the
’80, and I developed a management Solutions, which represents a 180-degree market, which not only assures them a
framework system with just such relation- departure from the Best Product position- customer “Lock-In” but also a competitor
ships in mind. Constructed around the ing. Rather than selling standardized and lock-out. The complementors play a key
three distinct strategic positions of “The isolated products to depersonalized cus- role because they are the basis for the
Triangle,” or delta, the model creates a tomers, we are providing solutions con- consolidation of this power. Bill Gates is
starting point for the development of a sisting of a portfolio of customized prod- the richest man in the world not neces-
strong organizational vision. At the right- ucts and services that represent a unique sarily because he has developed the best
hand side is the so-called Best Product value proposition to individualized cus- product or excels at customer attention,
positioning. This is because the primary tomers. This way, the relevant overall but because he has an army of people
way to attract, satisfy, and retain the cus- measure of performance becomes the working for him who are not on his pay-
tomer is through the inherent characteris- total customer wallet share. It is not our roll: all of the application software devel-
tics of the product itself. The position is supply chain that is relevant; it is the opers who are writing for the Windows
rather inward and narrow, based upon combined chain that includes the organi- operating systems. Once you reach the
prevailing product economics. Consider zation, the customer, and our key suppli- Lock-In it is hard to have it taken away
Southwest Airlines. In the rocky com- ers. As for companies like Fidelity, what from you because of the so-called net-
mercial airline industry, where companies guides them is not exclusively their prod- work effects, which create the proverbial
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Innovation at work
virtuous circle. In Microsoft’s case, cus- as the relevant business stage and the with different firms I have found the
tomers want to buy the computer with pursuit of close linkages with comple- Triangle to be an extremely effective tool
access to the largest set of applications, mentors are of great relevance for the in opening the minds of executives to dif-
and software developers want to write development of an effective strategy, no ferent strategic alternatives and the bene-
applications for the computers with the matter what your ultimate goal might be. fits and tradeoffs inherent in each.
largest installed base. Moreover, the transformation that a com-
pany should undertake to move away
I believe that not every organization has from a commoditized product-centric
the capacity or the ability to reach a mentality into a Total Customer Solutions
System Lock-In positioning. Neverthe- position is, in my opinion, a mandatory
less, the need to consider the full network challenge for all executives. In my work
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