HRM Assignment

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a) Definition of “Human Resource Management” (HRM)

Human resource management is a task which involves under a professional development of an

organization. It includes, Job analysis, Job description, recruitment and extra. It’s to ensure the
effectiveness and efficiencies of the organization to gain its competitive advantage in the market.

b) Explanation on the importance of HRM in an organization

Importance of HRM in the organization is its helps to rectify the outcome of the employees’
performances in the organization and its strategic objectives. Its typically a modern approach to
in maintaining people at the organization. It’s also help to achieve, retain and find the best people
for the job position.

c) Factors why organizations Reject HRM

I. Expenses
Human resource management always costs a lot of money. The process in the HRM
needs to be invested in terms of purchasing inventory or equipment upgrading. It can also
cost the development of the employees and the organization.

II. Lack Of Adaptability

It generally focuses on protocols and plans to standardize the business set by the
organization. Sometimes, human error in adapting the protocols from the Organisations
and its tendency to be ineffective on the development of the organization.
d) THREE (3) NEGATIVE impacts of not practicing HRM in an organization.

I. Organization Performance affected

According to [ CITATION Bri961 \l 1033 ] , the organization's performance will be affected if there is
no proper identification of the protocols of the organization. Organizational performance can be
challenging because of their various standards including sustainability, profitability, pleasing the
group, and willingness to deal with environmental changes. Somehow, however, organizational
performance can be calculated using financial metrics that have generally been thought of as
conceptualized on paper rather than in practice. on the results obtained is seen as in many other-
phrasing it is the mix, product variety of stakeholders and non-output measures [ CITATION
Gov21 \l 1033 ].

II. Employees Conflict

A company that lacks human resources may have difficulty developing and maintaining a
solid relationship with employees. Human resources bridges communication gaps
between company management and employees and offers employees the opportunity to
release their frustrations with the company and report wrongdoings. If your company
does not implement human resources, it must develop a plan to effectively communicate
and listen to employee concerns

III. Inefficient in Hiring Process

HR Professionals is the one who handle the hiring process in the organization and
identify the needs of the employees. According to [ CITATION Lau19 \l 1033 ] , HR
management, companies could mishandle this crucial process. This may lead to
unqualified staff, over- or under-staffing, or hiring employees with an overlooked
dangerous criminal history.
e) Suggest ONE (1) method that can be done to create awareness on the importance of HRM
among ALL companies’ leaders and managers. 
Methods to create awareness understand current business needs. The understanding of the
movement of the organization protocols and policies can be derived through the HRM.

f) Provide explanation why do you it is a good suggestion and will receive positive feedback
from employers.  Students can support answer with factual case study (Citation is required). 

According to [ CITATION Ame18 \l 1033 ],

I. It can help to expands the engagement both with their work and coworkers. Its benefits of
expanded engagement incorporate comfort with sharing unused thoughts and indicating
out issues that ought to be addressed it advances the engagement

II. Positive criticism that adjusts along with your organization’s measures can assist you and
your colleagues keep up the quality of both behavior and work that your boss anticipates.
This will assist you be effective in your part and clear the way for raises and promotions.

III. It creates performance Positive input has the ability to progress certain abilities and
qualities, indeed in case you're as of now a tall entertainer or in a administration position.
Moving forward execution can increment efficiency and decipher to picks up both for
your career and your organization.

IV. It is cost-effective Developing a strong, positive environment can both increment

efficiency and decrease whittling down. Together, these include up to fetched investment
funds as a result of important, steady criticism between colleagues and from bosses to
coordinate reports.


In conclusion, the practice of HRM needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to ensure
effective use of people and provide better returns to the organizations in terms of profit. HRM
practice is designed in this way, the firms stand to lose from not utilizing people fully. It’s does
not bode well for the success of the organization.

The practice of HRM must be viewed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the
organization instead of a standalone tint that takes a unit based or a micro approach. The idea
here is to adopt a holistic perspective towards HRM that ensures that there are no piecemeal
strategies and the HRM policy enmeshes itself fully with those of the organizational goals.

For instance, if the training needs of the employees are simply met with perfunctory trainings on
omnibus topics, the firm stands to lose not only from the time that the employees spend in
training but also a loss of direction. Hence, the organization that takes its HRM policies seriously
will ensure that training is based on focused and topical methods.

Becker, B. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational

Performance: Progress and Prospects. Jstor.

Govand Anwar, N. N. (2021). The impact of Human resource management practice on

Organizational performance. International Journal of Engineering , Business and
Management .

Teigeler, L. (2019, October 22). Consequences of Poor Human Resource Management.

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