Linares Et Al 2013
Linares Et Al 2013
Linares Et Al 2013
Abstract. The aim of this study was to describe the functional structure of the benthic community and how these patterns
vary among the rainy and dry season. The study site is the Salvia stream, a second order tributary of Mundaú River, Rio Largo
–AL. This stream drains a fragment of Atlantic forest and does not have any direct anthropic activity. The macroinvertebrates
were collected using a D net of 0,25mm mesh, during the rainy season (August) of 2010 and the dry season (March) of 2011.
The macroinvertebrates were identified and classified as one of the following functional feeding groups: Shredders, Gathering
Collectors, Filtering Collectors, Scrapers or Predators. The results showed a clear distinction among the two seasons, the rainy
season, dominated by Shredders, and the dry season, dominated by the Gathering Collectors, suggesting a difference between
the quality of the food available for the benthic community on the seasons. On the other hand, since both of the dominant
functional groups are dependent on allocthonous organic matter, its shows that the stream is highly heterotrophic on both
seasons. The study shows that the functional organization of the benthic macroinvertebrates in Salvia stream has clear seasonal
patterns and also reinforces the importance of the season to biomonitorng studies for this region.
Resumo. Estrutura funcional da comunidade bentônica em um córrego tropical no Nordeste do Brasil: variação sazonal.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a estrutura funcional da comunidade bentônica e como esses padrões variam entre a
estação chuvosa e seca. A área de estudo foi o córrego Salvia, uma segunda ordem afluente do rio Mundaú, Rio Largo-AL. Este
córrego drena um fragmento de Mata Atlântica e não tem qualquer atividade antrópica direta. Os macroinvertebrados foram
coletados por meio de uma rede D de 0,25 mm de malha, durante o período chuvoso (agosto) de 2010 e na estação seca (março)
de 2011. Os macroinvertebrados foram identificados e classificados em um dos seguintes grupos funcionais de alimentação:
trituradores, coletores, coletores de filtragem, raspadores ou predadores. Os resultados mostraram uma clara distinção entre
as duas estações, a estação chuvosa, dominado por trituradores, e a estação seca, dominada pelos coletores, sugerindo uma
diferença entre a qualidade dos alimentos disponíveis para a comunidade bentônica nas estações. Por outro lado, uma vez
que ambos os grupos funcionais dominantes são dependentes de matéria orgânica, mostrando que o córrego é altamente
heterotrófico em ambas as estações. O estudo mostra que a organização funcional dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos no
córrego Salvia tem padrões sazonais claros e também reforça a importância da temporada para estudos de biomonitoramento
desta região.
The seasonality plays an important factor at the the valleys, and with typical native vegetation for-
lotic ecosystems of Brazilian northeast region, as ming a canopy that filters the sunlight considerably,
rainfall, flow and current speed are the main factor but also contains patches of exotic species, espe-
that act directly on the benthic macroinvertebrate cially Asian bamboos (Bambusa sp.). Mata da Sálvia
fauna (Silveira, 2004), and there is a marked differen- is surrounded by sugarcane plantations, a common
ce among the dry and rainy seasons. Under the hy- characteristic for small Atlantic forest fragments in
pothesis that the seasonality cause significant diffe- Alagoas (Assis, 2000). It is located in the bioclimatic
rence on the benthic community on Salvia stream, zone, close to 75 biologically dry days, within the
the aim of this study was to describe the functional climate domain As’, according to the Köppen-Gei-
structure of a benthic community on Salvia stream ger climate classification, with dry summers, from
both on rainy and dry seasons. September to March, and rainy winters, from April
to August (Assis, 2000).
The stream is kept free from mostly anthropoge-
Study Area
nic impacts, as its waters are used for irrigation and
This study was carried out in the Salvia stream, human consumption. The only exception is a small
a small water course that belongs to the Mundaú water treatment plant, located near the mouth of
river watershed, located in Rio Largo Municipality, the river, after the forest fragment delimitation.
Alagoas. This environment is a second order stream,
with a homogeneous substrate composed of sand,
Data Collect
without rocks or algae patches. Ten sampling sites were determined along the
river (Table 1), with two replicates each site. To re-
The draining area of the Salvia stream is Mata da
present the two seasons of the region the samples
Sálvia, a 100 ha remnant of Atlantic forest. Its topo-
were collected on August/2010, for the rainy sea-
graphy includes a very irregular relief, with altitude
son, and on March/2011, for the dry season.
ranging between 120 m in elevation and 40 m in
Site Coordinates
1 S09°31’02,9” W35°49’54,6”
2 S09°31’02,9” W35°49’56”
3 S09°31’01,3” W35°49’55,5”
4 S09°31’22,4” W35°49’34,6”
5 S09°31’11,1” W35°50’05,3”
6 S09°31’27,2” W35°50’15,8”
7 S09°31’29,2” W35°50’21,3”
8 S09°31’33,4” W35°50’33,9”
9 S09°31’38,6” W35°50’41,2”
10 S10°32’16,7” W37°14’01,7”
The macroinvertebrates were collected using a lectors (FC), that capture fine particulate organic
D net (0,250mm mesh), with two sampling units at matter from the water column using silken nets and
each site. All samples were preserved in 70% etha- filtering fans; Scrapers (SC), who feed on algae at-
nol and the biological material was sorted using a tached on stable surfaces; Predators (PR), who feed
stereomicroscope. The organisms were identified on living prey. Each taxon is assigned to a single
to Family level, except for Oligochaeta and Hydra- FFG, except for Chironomidae. For this family the
carina, using specialized literature (Mccafferty 1983; key requires that 10% of the specimens to be coun-
Mugnai et al. 2010). ted as Predators and the rest as Gathering Collec-
tors. In order to assess whether functional feeding
The Functional Feeding Groups (FFG) were de-
group abundances were different among periods,
termined using the key presented in Cummins et al.
a T Student test was performed using the software
(2005), which classified the macroinvertebrates as
PAST 2.5 (Hammer et al., 2001).
one of the following functional feeding groups:
Shredders (SR) invertebrates that chews conditio- Results
ned litter or live vascular plant tissue (coarse par-
A total of 743 were collected, belonging to se-
ticulate organic matter); Gathering Collectors (GC),
venteen taxa (Table 2). Chironomidae (Diptera) and
that acquire fine particulate organic matter from
Palaemonidae were the dominant taxa, consisting,
interstices in the bottom sediments; Filtering Col-
respectively, of 41,05% and 36,47% of the total.
Table 2. Functional classification and absolute frequency of the macroinvertebrate collected in rainy (August/2010) and dry (March/2011) seasons
in Salvia stream, Alagoas state.
Considering the Functional Feeding Groups (Ta- season (66,76%) and the Gathering Collectors were
ble 3), the Shredders were dominant in the rainy dominant in the dry season (73,94%).
Table 3. Absolute and relative frequencies of the functional feeding groups collected in rainy (August/2010) and dry (March/2011) seasons in
Salvia stream, Alagoas state.
The results of the T test showed a significant di- mits the growth of autotrophic producers, as des-
fference between the two seasons among the Shre- cribed by Vannote et al. (1980). This explains the
dders (t:2,7846; p<0,05) and Gathering Collectors rarity of Scarpers collected on this study. Scrapers
(t:6,2401; p<0,05). The Filtering Collectors (t:2,0494; and Filtering Collectors are also hindered by the
p:0,0658), Scrappers (t:1,7008; p:0,1061) and Preda- unconsolidated substrate. This king of substrate
tors (t:1,555; p:0,1373) didn’t show significant diffe- does not allow the attachment of the algae, further
rence between the two studied seasons. limiting the food source available for the Scarpers,
and explain the absense of the filtering collectors
to attach themselves to consolidate substrata to
The results show that most of the macroinverte- capture their food on the water column (Cummins et
brates collected are associated to particulate orga- al., 2005).
nic matter. The macrobenthic community in Salvia
During the rainy season the benthic communi-
stream is dominated by Shredders and Gathering
ty is dominated by the Shredders, which indicates
Collectors, functional feeding groups dependent
a greater input of coarse particulate organic matter
on the input of riparian vegetation as primary food
originated from the surrounding terrestrial ecosys-
source. This is expected to a low order stream that
tem, which corroborates with the results from Rezen-
drains a forested area, as allocthonous organic mat-
de & Mazzoni (2005). It should be noted that the only
ter, mainly leaves from riparian vegetation, is a major
taxon characterized as a Shredder was Palaemoni-
energy source of low order woodland streams with
dae (Decapoda). Usually the process of shredding
well-developed riparian corridors (Benfield, 1997;
is carried by insect taxa, such as Trichoptera larvae
Wallace et al., 1997; Cummins et al., 2005; Tomanova et
and Plecoptera nymphs. Since none of these insect
al., 2006; Clarke et al., 2008; Uwadiae, 2010).
shredder taxa were collected at this study, the de-
The high proportion of both Gathering Collec- composition of plant material form coarse to fine
tors and Shredders to Scarpers indicate that the detritus in the Salvia stream is operated by macro-
Salvia stream is a very heterotrophic environment. consumers, a pattern that is common in tropical en-
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Recebido: 25/01/2013
Revisado: 02/07/2013
Aceito: 28/11/2013