BS Load Calc

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Tables of contents

1. Legislation, statutory regulation in Hong Kong & relevant

standard for electrical services

All of building services system is designed in accordance to legislation, statutory

regulation in Hong Kong , relevant standards and guidance listed in the followings.

Electrical • BS 7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installation.
• Guide Books of Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers.
• General Specification for Electrical Installation in Government
Buildings, Hong Kong and General Requirement for Electrical
Contract/Sub-contract/Quotation let by Building Development
Department, Hong Kong, 1984 edition. (E.G.S)
• Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations issued by
EMSD 1997 edition.
• Supply Rules of Hong Kong Electric Co., Ltd.

• Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Electrical Installations

Lighting • Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Technical
Memoranda TM12
• Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Technical
Memorandum No.5
• Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Code for
Interior Lighting
• BS5266, Part 1, Code of Practice for Emergency Lighting.

• Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lighting Installations (Draft)

Emergency Generator • Code of Practice for minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment
and relevant circular letters issued by the Fire Service Department

• Regulation of Environmental Protection Department.

Lightning Protection • BS6651, Code of Practice for Protection of Structures against lightning.
Lift and escalator • Code of Practice on the Design and Construction of Lifts and Escalators,
EMSD 1993. (COP/Lift)
• General Specification for Lift and Escalator Installation, in Government
Buildings, Hong Kong, 1984 edition.

• Building Regulation, CAP 123

Closed circuit • General Technical Specification for Monochrome closed circuit
television System television systems, Specification No .ESG 14 Issue No. 2 – Electronics
(CCTV) Division, EMSD.

• General requirements for electronics contracts, Specification No.

ESG01, Issue No. 6 – Electronics Division, EMSD
Security System • BS 4737 Intruder alarm systems.
Communal aerial • General Technical Specification for Communal aerial broadcast
broadcsat distribution distribution systems and aerial distribution systems, Specification No.
system (CABD) ESG 17 Issue No. 3-Electronics Division, EMSD

• General requirements for electronics contracts, Specification No.

ESG01, Issue No. 6 – Electronics Division, EMSD.
Building Management • General specification for Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation
System (BMS) and Central Monitoring and Control System Installation in Government
Building, Hong Kong, 1988 Edition (A/C,\. G.S.)
2. Electrical load estimation

1. For flats

According to ‘Code of practice for electricity (wiring) regulation), the electrical load
demand for each flat is calculated as the following table:

Purpose of switchgear Rating of Estimated Diversified Diversified

switchgear design factor current
current demand
Air-conditioning for living room (for 20A 12A 100% 12A
Air-conditioning for bedroom (for 20A 8A 40% 3.2A
Air-conditioning for bedroom (for 20A 8A 40% 3.2A
Heater for living room 15A 13A 100% 13A

(for winter)
Lighting for living room & terrace 10A 8A 66% 5.28A
Lighting for bedrooms, bathroom 10A 4A 66% 2.64A
Lighting for kitchen & entrance 10A 4A 66% 2.64A
Lighting for staircase & lav 10A 3A 66% 1.98A
Exhaust fan for kitchen 10A 4A 100% 4A
Washing machine 15A 7A 100% 7A
Socket outlet for living room 30A - 100% 30A
Socket outlet for bedrooms 30A - 30% 9A
Socket outlet for kitchen, entrance & 30A - 30% 9A
Overall 89.14A

(for summer)

(for winter)

The main switch for each flat shall be 100A single phase or 30A three phase.
However, according to HEC’s supply rule, 30A three phase is recommanded as the
main switch rather than 100A single phase because meter for 100A single phase is not

The electrical load for all flat = 89.14A/3 per flat x 220V x 64 flats

= 418.4kVA

2. For shops and kindergarten


PROCEDURE (REVISION 2)’ issued by China Light & Power Company Ltd., the
electrical load is estimated as below:

Usage Location U.F.A.*1 ADMD*2 Estimated Load

(m2) (kVA/m2) (kVA)

Shops* G/F 254 0.23 58.42
Shops*3 1/F 270 0.23 62.1
Shops*3 2/F 320 0.23 73.6
Kindergarten 3/F 212 0.05*4 10.6
Total 1056 204.72

*1 means Usable Floor Area (U.F.A)

*2 means After Diversified Maximum Demand (ADMD) based on COP 215 by CLP

*3 Shops is assumed as light metal retail stores.

*4 ADMD is included central A/C.

3. For landlord Supply

Usage Qty Estimated Load Estimated


AC System 43.6TR 1.85 kVA/TR 80
Escalators 6 Nos @30kVA 180
P&D System 1 Lot 60
General Lighting & Power 1000m2 including 20W/m2*5 23.5
External Lighting, Atrium Lighting 180m2 40W/m2*5 7.2
& Facade Lighting
Total 350.7

*5 Data is based on Maximum Allowable Lighting Power Density extracted from

Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lighting Installation.

4. For essential Supply

Usage Qty Estimated Load Estimated Load

Firemen’s Lift 2 Nos @40kVA 80
FH/HR System 1 Lot 40
Sprinkler System 1 Lot 20
Sump pump 1 Lot 15
Essential Lighting & Power 1 Lot 10
Security & BMS System 1 Lot 10
Total 175

Overall electrical load = (418.4 + 204.72 + 350.7 + 175)kVA

= 1138.82kVA

However, two factors shall be considered as below:

Electrical load 1138.82kVA

Mixed development diversity factor (MDDF) 1.14
Future extension 15%
Total electrical load 1493.0kVA

Total usable floor area = 7600m2

Total demand density = 0.196kVA/m2

So, 1 No of 1500kVA HEC’s transformer is required for the proposed residential


3. Generator loading
An emergency generator set is required to handle the following essential loads in case
of power failure & fire conditions. If the equipment is started simultaneously, the
starting current will be larger. So, in the building, the equipment of essential load is
started in sequence and control by BMS to reduce the starting current so as to select a
smaller generator.

The essential load estimated in (1) = 175kVA

Taking a safety factor of 10% for overload and a factor of 30% for future expansion,

The total essential load = 175kVA x 1.1 x 1.3

= 250kVA

So, a 300kVA generator set is selected. The generator should be operated normally
within 15 seconds in case and the capacity of fuel tank should be capable to operate
the generator for 6 hours.

Based on some manufacturer’s catalogue, the capacity of fuel tank is about 400L.

4. Lightning hazards

Based on BS 6651:1992, Part 2, the overall lightning is calculated as the following to

determine whether or not lightning protection is needed.

Probability of being struck, P = Ac x Ng x Ka x Kb x Kc x Kd x Ke x 10-6 ,where

Collection area, Ac = Area of roof + Area of perimeter of building + Area of


rounded corners formed by quarter circles of building


= LW + 2LH + 2WH + πH2

= 46x12 + 2x46x73 + 2x16x73 + πx732

= 26.3 x 103 m2

No. of flash per km2 per year, Ng = 1.1

Factor for use of structure, K = 1.2

Factor for type of construction, Kb = 0.4

Factor for contents (or consequential effects), Kc = 0.3

Factor for degree of isolation, Kd = 0.4

Factor for type of terrain, Ke = 0.3

So, P = 26.3 x 103 x 1.1 x 1.2 x 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.4 x 0.3 x 10-6

= 5.0 x 10-3

The probability of risk (5.0x10-3) is greater than the critical risk (10-5) so that lightning
protection is necessary. And, the actual design of the installation is illustrated by
drawing no. EE-EP-RF

5. Earthing system

In accordance with BS 7671, the earthing loop impedance shall not be greater than 0.5
Ω Due to the site constraint, the plate electrode and tape electrode cannot be used as
the earthing conductor. The most suitable and economic way is to use the rod
electrode. The following calculation is to determine the no. of rod electrode and the

Resistance of rod electrode, where L = length of rod,

d = diameter of rod,

ρ = soil resistivity

Code 12C of COP electricity (wiring) regulation stated that the diameter of rod
electrode should not be less than 12.5mm. The standard size of rod electrode in the
market is 12.5mm & 15mm.

After site visit, the soil in the Wan Chai is marshland. The soil resistivity is around 4

Consider a rod electrode of 4.5m length and 15mm diameter,

the resistance = = 0.9596 Ω

so that 2 rod electrodes in parallel is required to maintain 0.5 Ω earth loop impedance.
And, the spacing between the earth pits shall be more than 9m (2x4.5m) to avoid the
return loop.

6. Cable sizing

In this design report, the cable sizing procedure is referring to Code of Practice for
Energy Efficiency of Electrical Installation (Draft).

• To determine the design current Ib, nominal rating of protective device In

• To calculate the min. tabulated value of current It(min) as the below formula:

Ca = Correction factor for ambient temperature

(Assume the ambient temp = 35 0C)

Cg = Corection factor for grouping

Ci = Correction factor for thermal insulation

Note that all correction factor is referring to Appendix 4 of IEE Wiring Regulation
(16th Edition)

• To select a suitable size It of conductor which satisfy It

• To find effective current-carrying capacity Iz (Iz = It x Ca x Cg x Ci) and ensure
• To calculate the voltage drop along the conductor and determine whether or
not cable size selected is acceptable. For sub-main circuit, the max. voltage
drop is 1.5% and for final circuit, the max. voltage drop is 2.5%.

V.D. = r x p.f. x k x Ib x L , where

r = Voltage drop per ampere per metre at the conductor

operating temperature

p.f. = Power factor (assume 0.85)

k = correction factor of operating temperature

, where tl = operating temperature

tp = max. permitted conductor operating temp

, ta = expected ambient temp. (assume 35 0C)

• To calculate the percentage copper loss with respect to the total active active
power transmitted.

The following table (EE-Table 1) shows the cable size.

7. Vertical transportation
1. Lift Performance

In accordance to the CIBSE Guide D, the lift performance is calculated as the

following table:

Number of floor 9
Capacity of lift car 9 passengers
Number of passenger 7.2 passengers
Floor height 6m
Highest reversal floor 7.34
Probable number of stop 5.146
Total lift travel 54m
Contract speed 2.5m/s
Acceleration /deceleration 1m/s2
Upward running time 47.33 seconds
Downward running time 26.6 seconds
Door opening/closing time for centre door 2.5 seconds
Door operating time 30.73 seconds
Passenger transfer time 10.8 seconds
Round trip time (RTT) 115.46 seconds
No. of lift cars 2
Waiting interval 57.73
Handling capacity in 5 minutes 74.83
Total occupants 6 persons/flat x 64flats = 384
Peak arrival rate 19.49%

The lift performance is also simulated by computer software HEVACOMP (Results

please refer to )

From the CIBSE Guide D, the recommended arrival rate and waiting interval are 5-
7% and

40-90s for flats.

For the proposed building, the performance is satisfactory.

2. Escalator performance

According to CIBSE Guide D,

the escalator handling capacity, Cp = 60 v k s , where

v = horizontal speed (m/s)

k = average occupant density (people/step)

s = number of step (steps/m)

Due to architectural constraint, the physical data of escalator:

inclination of escalator = 300

height of escalalator = 4m

length of escalator = 6.9m

no. of step = 6900mm/400m = 17.25

width of step = 800mm

k = 1.5

h = height of step = 4000/17.25 = 231mm

s = 1000mm/231mm = 4.33

the speed = 0.5m/s (max. for 300)

the handling capacity = 60 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 4.33

= 194.85 person/min

From the CIBSE Guide D, the handling capacity for kindergarten is 92 person/min.

For the proposed building, the performance is satisfactory.

8. Lighting system

1. Shopping arcade corridor for G/F-2/F

Physical data of corridor, width = 2m, height = 4m

Data of luminaire: Manufacture = BEGA

Model no. = 6743

Type = Wall mounted discharge lamp with asymmetrical reflector

Lamp = 250W metal halide lamp (MBI-E)

Lumen output = 17000lm

Mounting height of luminaire = 3.5m

The angle of illuminating area = 300-00

The following calculation is based on technical data of BEGA 6743

the spacing between luminaires = 4m (obtained from cone diagram)

the average illuminance = 265 lx (obtained from cone diagram)

the luminous intensity (angle = 300) = 360 cd/klm x 17 lm = 6120 cd

the horizontal illuminance at the opposite side of corridor = 6120cd/(22+3.52)x0.8

= 302 lx

the luminous intensity (angle = 00) = 300 cd/klm x 17 lm = 5100 cd

the horizontal illuminance below the light fitting = 5100cd/(3.5)2x0.8

= 333 lx

(Assume the light loss factor = 0.8 & neglect the reflectance of walls due to open

2. Canopy

Physical data of corridor, width = 3m, height = 4m

Data of luminaire: Manufacture = BEGA

Model no. = 6180

Type = Recessed ceiling downlight c/w aluminium refelctor

Lamp = 80W metal halide lamp (MBF)

Lumen output = 4000lm

Mounting height of luminaire = 4m

The angle of illuminating area = -200-200

The following calculation is based on technical data of BEGA 6743

the spacing between luminaires = 4m (obtained from cone diagram)

the average illuminance = 80 lx (obtained from cone diagram)

the luminous intensity (angle = 300) = 360 cd/klm x 4 lm = 1440 cd

the horizontal illuminance at the side of canopy = 1440cd/(1.52+42)x0.8

= 63 lx

the luminous intensity (angle = 00) = 600 cd/klm x 4 lm = 2400 cd

the horizontal illuminance below the lighting fitting = 2400cd/(4)2x0.8

= 120 lx

(Assume the light loss factor = 0.8 & neglect the reflectance of walls due to open

3. Open atrium/corridor for L1-L5

Data of luminaire: Manufacture = THORN

Model no. = DLC 250/400

Type = Narrow bam medium bay lighting

Lamp = 250W/400W high pressure sodium lamp (SON-E)

Lumen output = 25500/45000 lm

Power input = 260W/410W per luminaire

The illuminance level is simulated by OPTILUME INTERIOR V3.03 by THORN

LIGHTING LTD. And the results is summarised as below tables

Floor Mounting height Displacement from Nos. of Type of Direct illuminance Power
above floor level corridor luminaire luminaire
L1 12m 3.5m 5 2450W
L2 12m 2.5m 5 2450W
L3 12m 2m 5 2450W
L4 6m 2m 5 2450W
L5 6m 1m 5 2450W

4. Shops

Physical data of typical shop: 9m(L) x 6m(W) x 4m(H)

Data of luminaire: Manufacture = SIEMENS

Model no. = CR370SA-cent04-S70T

Type = Sealed-frame luminaire with dished triumph lens

Lamp = 70W high pressure sodium lamp (SON-T)

Lumen output = 5900lm

Mounting height of luminaire = 3.3m

By using lumen method,

According to CIBSE Lighting Guide LG1(The Industrial Environment), the standard

illuminance is 500lx.

Assume UF = 0.5 & LLF = 0.7

nos. required

So, the decision is made to use N=15 luminaires. (3 columns of 5 pcs each).

The spacing between each luminaires = 1800mm

The power input = 15x87W = 1305W

Lighting power density = 24W/m2

The results is also simulated by manufacturer software SILICHT V4.1.


Appendix - P.

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