A Comparative Study On Perforrmance of Mutual Fund Products Offered by HDFC & ICICI (Balraj)
A Comparative Study On Perforrmance of Mutual Fund Products Offered by HDFC & ICICI (Balraj)
A Comparative Study On Perforrmance of Mutual Fund Products Offered by HDFC & ICICI (Balraj)
1.1 Introduction: -
funds were set up during this phase. There was decline in the value of
investment of unit holders in 1995 and 1996 due to decrease in the NAV of
equity funds. The 1996 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were more
comprehensive and revised Mutual Fund Regulations after regulations in
1993. The industry now functions under the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations
1996. With the entry of foreign mutual funds setting up funds in India and
including various mergers and acquisitions, the no. of mutual funds in India
has increased. Due to failure of foreign funds and lack of performance of
public sector funds, the confidence of investor in mutual fund has declined.
Due to this, it was found extremely difficult to raise money through mutual
Fourth phase since feb.2003 (Bifurcated of UTI): -
The UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities in February 1993 followed
by the repeal of Unit Trust of India Act, 1964. One is the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India, representing the assets of US 64
scheme with assured return and certain other schemes. The Specified
Undertaking of Unit Trust of India, functions under the rules and regulations
framed by government. It is registered with SEBI and functions under the
Mutual Fund Regulations. During this phase, the flow of funds into mutual
funds has increased sharply. There is significant growth in mutual fund due to
various tax-benefits, improvement in quality of investor service and positive
sentiment in the capital market. The Indian mutual fund industry has stagnated
around Rs. 100,000 crore assets till 2000-01.
The mutual fund industry has entered its current phase of consolidation and
growth. There has been increase in AUM by 11% during the year 2002. On the
other hand, UTI lose more than 11%in AUM. The private sector mutual funds
have benefited the most from the sudden ending of US-64 scheme of UTI. The
AUM has grown around 60% for the year ending march 2002. The graph
indicates the growth of assets over the years.
the private sector entered in it. The Erstwhile Kothari pioneer (now merged
with Franklin Templeton) was first registered in July 1993 in mutual fund. In
revised registration of SEBI I n 1993 the industry functions under SEBI. And
the fourth phase had bitter experience for UTI. It was bifurcated into two
separate entities. One is the specified under taking of UTI with AUM of
29,835cr. The second is UTI mutual fund ltd. Sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB
and LIC& it is registered with SEBI.
Research refers to search for knowledge. One can also define research as
a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific
topic. It is an art of scientific investigation.
Research Methodology: -
It is the way to systematically solve a problem. The methodology
adopted in this study is explained below: -
Research Design: -
A. Problem Defining: -
In a competitive situation with multiple mutual funds operating
in Indian market, it is necessary to know about the performance of
different mutual funds as the performance of mutual fund decides about
the future of Mutual Fund Company. In this study my focus is upon
performance of investors regarding HDFC &ICICI. This is my problem
to be studied for research.
B. Literature Survey: -
I have used newspapers, magazines related to business &
finance & apart from websites.
C. Type of research: -
The research is qualitative & descriptive in nature. Qualitative
research is that talk about the quality of the subject to be researched and
AMC was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, on December 10, 1999, and
was approved to act as an AMC for the Mutual Fund by SEBI on July 30, 2000. The
registered office of the AMC is situated at Ramon House, 3rd Floor, H.T. Parekh
Marg, 169, Back bay Reclamation, Church gate, Mumbai - 400 020. In terms of the
Investment Management Agreement, the Trustee has appointed HDFC Asset
Management Company Limited to manage the Mutual Fund As per the terms of the
Investment Management Agreement, the AMC will conduct the operations of the
Mutual Fund and manage assets of the schemes, including the schemes launched from
time to time.
Zurich Insurance Company (ZIC), the Sponsor of Zurich India Mutual Fund,
following a review of its overall strategy, had decided to divest its Asset Management
business in India. The AMC had entered into an agreement with ZIC to acquire the
said business, subject to necessary regulatory approvals. On obtaining the regulatory
approvals, the Schemes of Zurich India Mutual Fund has now migrated to HDFC
Mutual Fund on June 19, 2003. The AMC is also providing portfolio management /
advisory services and such activities are not in conflict with the activities of the
Mutual Fund. The AMC has renewed its registration from SEBI vide Registration No.
- PM / INP000000506 dated December 22, 2000 to act as a Portfolio Manager under
the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993. The Certificate of Registration is
valid from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006.
Limited. ICICI emerges as the major source of foreign currency loans to Indian
industry. Besides funding from the World Bank and other multi-lateral agencies,
ICICI was also among the first Indian companies to raise funds from international
We are one of India’s largest and most profitable mutual fund manager with ₹3.5
trillion in assets under management. Started in 1999, we were set up as a joint venture
between Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (“HDFC”) and Standard
Life Investments Limited (“SLI”). During FY18-19 we carried out an initial public
offering, and became a publicly listed company in August 2018. Currently, 26.1% of
the company is owned by the public. HDFC Asset Management Company (“HDFC
AMC”) is the investment manager to the schemes of HDFC Mutual Fund (“HDFC
choice for retail investors, with the highest market share in assets from individual
investors. Over one in four Indian mutual fund investors have invested in at least one
of our schemes. Our offering of systematic transactions further enhances our appeal to
individual customers looking to invest periodically in a disciplined and risk-mitigating
Our schemes have weathered multiple market cycles and carry track records of up to
25 years. We work with diverse sets of distribution partners which helps us expand
our reach. We currently have over 65 thousand empaneled distributors which include
independent financial advisors, national distributors and banks. We serve our
customers and distribution partners in over 200 cities through our network of 223
branches and 1,176 employees. Our highly stable Management has steered the
company since its inception through the ever-evolving industry. Our consistent
position as one of India’s leading asset management companies is driven by our
comprehensive investment philosophy, process and risk management. Our 29-member
investment team is highly experienced and competent with a track record of
performance, stability and a deep understanding of businesses. We also provide
portfolio management and segregated account services, including discretionary, non-
discretionary and advisory services, to high net worth individuals (“HNIs”), family
offices, domestic corporates, trusts, provident funds and domestic and global
About HDFC Group: Our company is part of HDFC Group, a recognized financial
conglomerate, with presence in housing finance, banking, life and non-life insurance,
asset management, real estate funds and education finance. HDFC Ltd is one of
India’s leading housing finance companies and our majority shareholders.
The AMC is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a well-known and trusted name in
financial services in India and Prudential Plc, one of UK’s largest players in the
financial services sectors. Throughout these years of the joint venture, the company
has forged a position of pre-eminence in the Indian Mutual Fund industry.
The AMC manages significant Assets under Management (AUM) in the mutual fund
segment. The AMC also caters to Portfolio Management Services for investors,
spread across the country, along with International Advisory Mandates for clients
across international markets in asset classes like Debt, Equity and Real Estate.
The AMC has witnessed substantial growth in scale; from 2 locations and 6
employees at the inception of the joint venture in 1998, to a current strength
of 1926 employees with a reach across over 300 locations reaching out to an investor
base of 6.2 million investors (as on September 30, 2020). The company’s growth
momentum has been exponential and it has always focused on increasing accessibility
for its investors.
HDFC asset management company Ltd. Or HDFC mutual Fund is currently the
largest mutual fund and actively managed equity mutual fund in India. It is the most
profitable asset management company (AMC) in the country as of 31 March,
2018.The Company manager’s assets worth Rs.3.43 Lakh Crore as of 31March,2019.
According to SEBI, its net worth Stood at Rs. 61,402 Crore, Total income at 35,229
Crore, profit (after tax) at Rs. 12,163 Crore in March 2018.
During FY 2018-19, the AMC reported a YOY increase in profit of 61%. They
registered a profit of Rs.930 Crore in March 2019, a 31% YoY growth. For the March
2019 quarter alone, their profits stood at Rs.276 Crore.
HDFC AMC recorded a 16.2% market share in the actively managed equity oriented
schemes in FY 2018-19.
The AMC manages significant Assets under Management (AUM) in the mutual fund
segment. It is the largest AMC in the country as per average assets under management
as on 31 March 2018 of Rs 305,739 Crores.
The AMC also caters to Portfolio Management Services for investors, spread across
the country, along with International Advisory Mandates for clients across
international markets in asset classes like Debt, Equity and Real Estate.
The AMC has witnessed substantial growth in scale, from 2 locations and 6
employees at the inception of the joint venture in 1998, to a current strength of 1913
employees with a reach across over 200 locations reaching out to an investor base of
more than 3 million (As onMarch31,2018).
A part of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani (ADA) Group, Reliance Mutual Fund is
one of the fastest growing AMCs in India.
Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is the sponsor and Reliance Capital Trustee Co.
Limited is the trustee of Reliance Mutual Fund (RMF). It was registered on June 30,
1995. Reliance Mutual Fund was originally Reliance Capital Mutual Fund and
changed its name in 2004.
SBI Funds Management Pvt Limited is a joint venture between the State Bank of
India (SBI) and financial services company Amundi, a European Asset Management
company in France. It was launched in 1987.
UTI Mutual Fund is a part of Unit Trust of India (UTI). It was registered with SEBI in
2003. It is promoted by SBI, LIC, Bank of Baroda and PNB.
UTI Mutual Fund was the pioneer in launching various schemes like Unit Linked
Insurance Plan (ULIP). Mr. Leo Puri is the Managing Director for this mutual fund
They found that higher profitability is the only major parameter for evaluating
banking sector performance from the shareholder’s point of view. It is for the banks to
strike a balance between commercial and social objectives. They found that public
sector banks are less profitable than private sector banks. Foreign banks top the list in
terms of net profitability. Private sector banks earn higher non-interest income than
public sector banks, because these banks offer more and more fee based services to
business houses or corporate sector. Thus there is urgent need for public sector banks
to provide such services to stand in competition with private sector banks.
The Reserve Bank of India plays a very vital role. It is known as the banker’s bank.
The Reserve Bank of India is the head of all banks. All the money formulations of
commercial banks are done under the Reserve Bank of India. The RBI performs all
the typical functions of a good central bank as it is involved in planning the economy
of the country. The main function is that the RBI should control their credit. It is
mandatory for the Bank to maintain the external value of the rupee. Major function is
that it should also control the currency.
5. K. C. Sharma (2007):
Banking has entered the electronic era. This has been due to reforms introduced
under the WTO compliances. Private sector banks have been permitted to open their
shops in the country. These banks are either foreign or domestic banks with foreign
partnerships. Some of them have been set up by Development Financial Institutions in
order to embrace concept of universal banking, as practiced in advanced countries.
The private sector on the other hand have began their high tech operations from the
initial stage and made the elite of the country to taste the best banking practices that
happens in the western countries. They have foreseen the digital world and have seen
the emerging electronic market, which has encouraged them to have a better customer
service strategy that would be able to deliver the things as per customer’s
and output is difficult and hence certain ratios of costs to assets or operating revenues
are used to measure banks efficiency. In the Indian context public sector banks
accounts for a major portion of banking assets, it is necessary to evaluate the financial
decisions of these banks and compare them with private sector banks to know the
quality of financial decisions on its impact or performance of banks in terms of
efficiency, profitability, competitiveness and other economic variables.
One of the key elements of importance for shaping the financial system of a country
is the pension fund. The fund contributes to the development of social security
systems of a country is the pension fund. The fund contributes to the development of
social security system of a country. A fund is established by private employers,
governments, or unions for the payment of retirement benefits. Pension funds are
designed to provide for poverty relief, consumption smoothing etc. Pension funds not
only provide compensation for the loyal service rendered in the past, but in a broader
significance. Works as a measure of socio- economic justice. Pension system refers to
the framework of arrangement under which individuals gain specified entitlements to
a regular income in retirement called pension.
also undertook the study on financial performance of nationalized banks in India and
assessed the growth index value of various parameters through overall profitability
indices. They found that out of 19 banks, four banks had excellent performance, five
banks had good performance and six banks had poor performance. Thus the
performance of nationalized banks differ widely
Fundamental of financial management covers all the aspects of the subject from the
basics overview of the financial environment to the financial analysis and financial
planning. The basic consists of forms of business organization which gives detailed
information about the financial management of the organization. After the analysis
part budgeting of capital and fundamental valuation of concept is in detail. It provides
an introduction to the financial management and to the financial environment. The
The financial performance of seven public sector and private sector banks during the
period 2009-10. They used three sets of ratio, operating performance ratio, financial
ratio and Efficiency ratio. The study revealed that Axis bank was on the top of these
banks followed by ICICI, BOT, PNB, SBI, IDBI and HDFC.
The main objective of this paper is to make a comparative study between private
sector banks and public sector banks and the adoption of various services provided by
this bank. The different services provided by these banks are M-Banking, Net
banking, ATM, etc. One of the services provided by the bank i.e. Mobile banking
helps us to conduct numerous financial transactions through mobile phone or personal
digital assistant (pda). Data analysis had been made in private sector banks like ICICI
Bank, INDUSSIND Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and public sector banks like SBI
Bank, SBBJ, IDBI and OBC Bank. These banks also provide Mobile Banking service.
The overall study showed that the transaction of Mobile banking through public sector
bank is higher than private sector.
Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a
common financial goal. This pool of money is invested in accordance with a stated
objective. The joint ownership of the fund is thus “Mutual”, i.e., the fund belongs to
all investors. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments
such as shares, debentures and other securities. The income earned through these
investments and the capital appreciations realized are shared by its unit holders in
proportion the number of units owned by them. Thus, a Mutual Fund is the most
Cost: -The downside of mutual funds is that they have a high cost associated
with them in relation to the returns they produce. This is because investors are
not only charged for the price of the fund but they will often face additional
fees. Depending on the fund, commission charges can be significant. You will
need to pay fee that will go towards the fund manager.
Index Does Better: - In some cases, the stock Index may outperform the
mutual fund. However this is not always the case as it depends in large part
on the mutual fund the investor has invested in, as well as the skill set of fund
manager. Therefore, it is a good idea to do your research before investing in
fund. It is historical data indicates that is consistently underperformed
compared to an index, then it is not wise investment.
Fees: -The fees that are charged will depend on the type of mutual fund
purchased. If a fund is risker and more aggressive, the management fee will
tend to be higher. In addition, the investor will also be required to pay taxes,
transaction fees as well as other costs related to maintaining the fund.
Chapter No 4
Table No.1
Male 66 65
Female 36 35
Male Female
From the above Chart it is interpreted that there is total 65 % respondents are
male respondents and 35% respondents are female.
Table No:2
15-25 38 37
25-35 24 24
35-45 31 30
45 9 9
Total 102 100
30% 15-25
24% Above 45
From the above chart it is interpreted that there is 37% respondents are in
between 15-25 age group and 30% and 24% respondents are in 25-35 age group
and 35-45 age group respectively. And remaining 9% respondents are from
Above 45 age group.
Table No:3
Response Percentag
Income s e
1-2 Lakh 27 27
2-4 Lakh 30 29
4-5 Lakh 32 31
more Than 5
Lakh 13 13
Total 102 100
26% 1-2 Lakh
2-4 Lakh
4-5 Lakh
more Than 5 Lakh
Up to 70 investors have income more than 5 lakh. 20 have between
4-5 lakh.10 investors have income between 2-4 lakh & there is no
investor who have income up to 1akh.
Table No:4
Group Female Male
15-25 8 30
25-35 12 12
35-45 12 19
Above 45 4 5
Total 36 66
Above 45
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Female Male
Interpretation :
From the above chart it is interpreted that, age between 15-25 there is
total 30 respondents are male respondents and 8 female respondents, then
25-35 age group there is 12 male respondents and 12 female respondents,
then again 19 male and 12 female respondents belongs from 35-45 age
group, remaining 5 male respondents and 4 female respondents belongs
from Above 45 age group.
Table No:5
30 28
25 22
20 18
1 1
0 0
Company's Family Friends and Internet Mentor
Employee Members and Peers
From The above chart it is interpreted that Many respondents (up to 28) have
been come to know about the HDFC company to be invested by their friends &
peers and (up to 10) have been come to know about ICICI. 18 respondents have
been known by their family & relatives about HDFC company and 17 have been
come to known about ICICI company .22 have been come to know by company
employees about HDFC company and 5 respondents have been known about
ICICI company & 2 by others. This means many have come to know by their
friends & peers.
Table No:6
Saving Account 33 10
Fixed Deposit 68 21
Insurance 32 10
Mutual Funds 73 22
Shares/ Debentures 37 11
Post Office 15 5
Real Estate 29 4
Gold/Silver 44 13
13% 10%
Saving Account
9% Fixed Deposit
5% Insurance
Mutual Funds
11% Shares/ Debentures
10% Post Office
22% Real Estate
From the above chart it is interpreted that out of total respondents 22%
respondents mostly prefer Mutual fund as a investment, then after that 21%
respondents prefer fixed deposit and 13% prefer gold/silver then 11%
respondents prefer real estate then 10% respondents prefer saving account
facility and remaining 9%,10% and 4% respondent prefer shares and
debenture, insurance and post office as investment source.
Table No:7
No Of Percentag
What do you prefer while investing? Respondents e
Previous Schemes 31 30
Previous Data 21 21
Growth Rate 37 36
Advise from Financial Advisor 13 13
Total 102 100
Previous Schemes
Previous Data
36% Growth Rate
Advise from Financial Advisor
From the above chart it is interpreted that 36% respondents prefer Growth rate
factor while investing, then 30% respondents prefer previous schemes data while
investing, again 13% respondents prefer the advice from financial advisor while
investing and remaining 21% respondents prefer previous data for investment.
Table No:8
No of
Which Mutual Fund Scheme have you used Respondents
Closed Ended 26
Growth Fund 10
Liquid Fund 19
long-Cap 2
Mid-Cap 9
Open Ended 19
Regular Income fund 16
Sector Fund 1
Total 102
19 19
Axis Title
Closed Growth Liquid long-Cap Mid-Cap Open Regular Sector
Ended Fund Fund Ended Income Fund
Axis Title
From the collected data 26 investors Used Closed Ended Scheme for investment.
19 investors used open Ended Scheme for investment. 19 investors used Liquid
fund Scheme For investment. 16 investors used Regular income fund for
investment. 10 investors are used Growth Fund For investment. 2 investors used
Long-cap for investment.1 investors used Sector Fund For investment.
Table No:9
Public 56 55
Private 46 45
Total 102 100
Chart Title
According to collected data and Above Chart 55% investors thinks that Public
Sector company is the best option for investment. Whereas 45% Investors think
that Private Sector Mutual fund providing Company is the best option for
Table No: 10
No.Of Respondents
No.Of Respondents
Form the above collected data 39 Respondents says that Better Returns And
safety is attracts them most.27 Respondents says that Reduction in risk and
transaction cost attracts them most.17 respondents says that Tax benefits attract
them. 11 Respondents says that regular income attracts them.8 Respondents says
that Diversification attracts them most.
Table No:11
No of Percentag
What is your Risk Profile? Respondents e
Risk Adverse 16 16%
Moderator 53 52%
Innovator 33 32%
Total 102 100%
Risk Adverse
52% investors are innovator means they like to take risk for more returns. 16%
are moderate towards risk means they are indifferent towards risk. 16% are risk
adverse means they mainly try to avoid risk.
Table No:12
Row Labels 15-25 25-35 35-45 45
Company's Employee 2 12 9 4
Family Members and
Relatives 19 3 9 4
Friends and Peers 15 9 13 1
Internet 1 0 0 0
Mentor 1 0 0 0
Who informed you that the company provides Mutual Fund Scheme?
Referral distribution by age of respondents
Chart Title
14 12
9 9 9
6 4 4
4 2
1 1 1
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Company's Family Friends and Internet Mentor
Employee Members and Peers
From the above Chart it is interpreted that in the age group 15 to 25,
respondents got 2 referrals from company employee and 19 from family
members and relatives 15 from friends and peers and then 1 and 1 from internet
and mentor. Again, remaining most of the respondent’s from different age group
are referred from company employees, family members and relatives and friends
and peers only.
Table No:13
19% Neutral
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Above Chart Shows That Out of 100 investors 36% investors are satisfied. 29%
investors are neutral towards employee behavior of a company. 19% investors
Table No:14
HDFC 69 68
ICICI 33 32
According to collected data 68% investors thinks that HDFC provides better
returns where as 32% Investors think that ICICI provides better returns.
Table No:15
From the collected data 51% investors think that Equity type of mutual fund is
Provides higher returns. 29% investors think that Debt type of mutual fund
provide higher returns. 20% investors think that Liquid type of mutual fund
provide higher returns.
Table No 16
24% 26%
Totally Ignorant
Partial Knowledge of Mutual
14% Fully Aware
Aware only of Specific Schemes
36% in which you Invested
From the above table and chart, it is seen that 36% of the total respondents have
partial knowledge of mutual funds and 26% are totally ignorant. 24% respondents are
aware only of specific schemes in which they invest and only 14% respondents are
fully aware about mutual funds.
Chapter 5 Findings:
1) While investing in Mutual Funds, most of the investors are influenced by
family and friends. It means that they are investing in those mutual funds
which are suggested by family and friends.
2) The most preferred investment avenue is Mutual Funds. This is because these
are highly liquid, available at cheapest price and we can easily divert the
amount from one plan to another.
3) We can see that most of the respondents go for investment on basis of growth
rate of the particular investment plan.
4) Majority of respondents have used closed ended mutual fund scheme.
5) Investors are more interested to invest in public mutual funds are they are
more reliable as they are owned by government, this means there are very low
chances of losing the principal amount. Infact, such mutual funds earns more
returns as compared to others.
6) While investing in mutual funds, the most preferred part is to earn good profits
from the investment, second important thing is the security of principal
amount. Thus, the most preferred feature considered while investing is safety
with good returns
7) The risk profile of most of respondents is moderate means they are able to take
medium risk.
8) While studying satisfaction level of respondents, it is seen that majority of the
respondents are satisfied with the present mutual fund scheme they are
investing in.
Chapter 6 Conclusion