Buying A Home
Buying A Home
Buying A Home
Table of Contents
Buying a Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Selling a House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Renting a Place to Live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Home Maintenance and Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Keeping Your Home Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
For More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
This Life Advice® booklet about Your Home was produced by the MetLife
Consumer Education Center and reviewed by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Note that first-time homebuyers and veterans may be eligible for spe-
cial financing terms. Contact your local U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) office, as well as local city, county, and
state housing bureaus, for information about programs in your area.
See For More Information on page 12.
How much can I borrow? The important question isn’t really, “How
much can I borrow?” Rather, it is, “How much can I afford to bor-
row?” Although many people who purchase a new home feel a
financial pinch until they adjust to the new obligation, it’s not a good
idea to borrow so much that you feel a tight squeeze. Fortunately,
lenders’ primary lending criteria will be how you look financially. The
amount you’ll be allowed to borrow will, consequently, depend on the
Buying a Home numbers — particularly your net worth and your current gross income.
Buying a house is a big step, but often a smart move. Home ownership • Net worth is calculated by totaling the value of all of your assets
enables you to build equity. Equity is the increased value of your (i.e., things you own: savings accounts, IRAs, stocks, cars, etc.)
investment in the house— that is, the difference between what you minus your total liabilities (i.e., everything you owe: credit card
could sell it for, and the debts against it (e.g., the mortgage). Also, balances, car payments, other long-term loans).
home ownership allows you to access two important tax deductions: • Current gross income is the total of your salary plus any income
mortgage interest and property tax. you receive from other sources (e.g., dividends, interest, disability
How Much House Can You Afford?
In general, 28 percent is the maximum percentage of monthly gross
“How much house can I afford?” is probably the first question you’ll income that a lender allows for housing expenses. Housing expenses
think about when you decide to buy a house — especially if you’re a are usually defined as: principal and interest on the loan, property
first-time buyer. Like most people who purchase a home, you’ll proba- taxes, homeowners insurance, any required homeowner’s association
bly need to borrow money to finance the purchase. Here, then, are the fees, and any required private mortgage insurance. Note that the 28
two most important considerations: percent maximum may vary depending upon several factors including
• How much down payment can you come up with? gross income and net worth.
• How much will a lender (e.g., bank) be willing to lend you? Lenders use a second number, 36 percent, as the maximum percentage
of your monthly gross income allowed for total debt. Total debt includes
Down payments, in general, range from 5 to 25 percent of the purchase
housing expenses plus recurring debt: car loans, credit card payments,
price of a house. The amount you’ll need to put down can depend on
child support, and all other debts that will not be paid off in a relatively
several factors, including the selling price, age and condition of the
short time (e.g., 6 to 10 months).
house, your credit rating score, the requirements of specific lenders, and
whether you are purchasing your first home. Use Chart A to determine the maximum housing expenses likely to be
allowed by a lender, based on your monthly gross income. Use Chart
If you’re selling a house, the money you realize from the sale may pro-
B to determine the maximum total debt a lender is likely to allow.
vide the down payment for the purchase of the new one. If your down
payment won’t come from the sale of another house, you will need to After you know your total monthly debt figure from Chart B, you can
take the money from savings. Investments, such as stocks and bonds or estimate how much you have available for monthly housing expenses
stock options from an employer are a potential source of funds for a by figuring out your recurring monthly debt, and subtracting it from
down payment. Bear in mind that the larger the down payment, the the maximum total debt number you calculated in Chart B.
lower the monthly mortgage payment and closing costs will be. See
Closing the Deal on page 3. In some cases, it may be possible to Chart A
borrow money from certain types of retirement accounts (e.g., IRAs) to Total Monthly Gross Income
help fund a down payment. It’s a good idea to ask the advice of a tax Qualifying Percentage x .28
professional or financial advisor before borrowing from retirement Maximum monthly =
accounts or liquidating long-term investments. housing expense ________
Chart B
Total Monthly Gross Income
Qualifying percentage x .36
Maximum total debt (e.g.,
monthly housing and =
long-term debt payments) ________
What will borrowing cost me? Once you have a general idea of how
much you can afford on a monthly basis, it’s time to get a handle on
the cost of borrowing. Generally, banks calculate monthly principal
Working with a Real Estate Agent
and interest payments per $1,000 borrowed. A real estate agent can be helpful in the search for a new home. Real
estate agents usually specialize in properties in certain geographic
Principal and Interest Payment Per $1,000 areas. They’re likely to be knowledgeable about schools, shopping,
Interest Rate 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years recreation, and transportation considerations in those areas.
5% $7.91 $6.60 $5.85 $5.37 Generally, the seller pays the real estate agent a percentage of the
proceeds of the sale, so there is no cost to the buyer. Keep in mind
6% $8.44 $7.16 $6.44 $6.00
that this means that the agent works for the seller, which may or may
7% $8.99 $7.75 $7.07 $6.65 not influence his or her advice. To find a reputable agent, ask family,
8% $9.56 $8.37 $7.72 $7.34 friends and business associates for recommendations. Interview sever-
9% $10.15 $9.00 $8.40 $8.05 al agents before choosing one. Ask each the following questions:
• Proximity to entertainment, supermarkets, religious institutions, etc. To find a qualified inspector, ask friends or business associates for rec-
• Type of neighborhood. Is there a mixture of families of different ommendations. Many home inspectors advertise in the Yellow Pages
ages? Seeing a number of swing sets in neighborhood backyards and on the Internet, often displaying their certifications and member-
may appeal to growing families, but can make you think twice if ship in professional organizations. You may want to ask for references.
you’re anticipating quiet weekends. Closing the deal. When choosing a mortgage lender, shop around.
• Property taxes in the area, and any common charges, co-op fees, Interest rates vary from lender to lender. Before deciding on a lender,
assessments. compare the terms of the mortgage as well as closing costs for both
15 – and 30 – year loans at both fixed and variable interest rates.
Most people aren’t lucky enough to find everything they’d like to
have in a house at a price they can afford. So, to help you keep your A fixed-rate mortgage guarantees that the interest rate and, conse-
priorities in order while you search, draw up a list of the things you quently, your mortgage payments will stay the same over the life of
must have, and a list of things you’d like to have in a home. For the loan. Variable-rate mortgages usually start out at a lower interest
example, you may have to have a certain number of bedrooms rate, which may rise at specified intervals (e.g., one year). Therefore,
because of the size of your family, but you may be able to do with- variable rate mortgages may result in higher rates — and payments —
out air conditioning initially, if you can add it later. Do your later in the life of the loan. There are several types of variable rate
homework. Read the real estate section of your newspaper, go to mortgages. Make sure you completely understand the terms of any
open houses, and/or retain the services of a real estate agent to mortgage loan before signing on the dotted line.
learn about prices in your chosen neighborhood(s). Closing costs. In addition to comparing interest rates, be sure to
When you have found the home that suits your needs and budget, consider closing costs, which can be a significant expense —running
make an offer. Your obligation to buy the house, however, should be into thousands of dollars. Closing costs are all of the expenses associ-
contingent upon the findings of a home inspection and your ability to ated with closing the deal — of making the legal purchase
secure a mortgage. transaction. Some closing costs will vary based on the price of the
home, and are not directly related to the loan (e.g., insurance, taxes).
Closing costs include items such as loan application and origination
fees, attorney’s fees, mortgage insurance premiums, transfer taxes,
prepaid interest, survey, deed preparation and recording, etc. Note
that some closing costs (e.g., loan application fees) may be nego-
tiable, while others (e.g., prepaid taxes) are not.
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) was enacted to
protect consumers when they buy houses, and to help them be better
shoppers for settlement services. RESPA requires lenders to give you
estimates so that you can compare loans and services. It also man-
dates that lenders make certain disclosures (e.g., typical costs,
affiliations). When you apply for a loan, the lender is required to give
Check it out. Before you purchase any home, you want to make sure you a Good Faith Estimate of loan-related expenses that you’ll be
you really know its condition. A house can appear perfect but have required to pay at closing. The estimate must be given to you or mailed
serious defects that only a professional can uncover. To avoid unpleas- to you within three days of your application. The lender does not need
ant surprises, hire a home inspector to perform a thorough inspection. to provide this information if your application is turned down during
Home inspectors identify deficiencies and irregularities, and prepare the three-day period. Make sure you understand all of the figures on
reports on the physical condition of the structure, including the roof, the settlement estimate and on the final settlement statement at clos-
exterior, plumbing, heating, cooling, insulation, and interior. You may ing. If you do not understand specific fees or costs, insist on an
want to be present during the home inspection, so that you’ll learn as explanation.
much as possible about the condition of your new home. Many mort- Real estate agents can help you sort through and understand the
gage lenders require a home inspection as well as inspections for paperwork involved in buying a house, but they are not lawyers or tax
termites and radon (a gas that can seep into a house through the experts. To fully understand the tax consequences of a home pur-
earth and cause health problems) and remediation of any problems chase, or to understand the legalities involved in the purchase, you
identified. may want to consult a real estate attorney and/or tax professional.
“stuff” as you can. Remember, if you don’t get rid of it, you’ll have to
move it! Clean all of the closets in the house and organize contents. If
you have liners on your shelves, make sure they’re fresh and clean.
If you have a lot of furniture in any rooms, consider putting some into
storage. Your rooms will look larger if they’re not crowded. If any
rooms are particularly drab or have worn-looking paint, repaint them
Selling a House if you can — preferably in a soft, neutral white. It’s a good idea to
If you change jobs, or if your family or financial circumstances change, remove most of your personal knick-knacks. The photos of your nieces
you may want to sell your home. Selling a home can be an emotional and nephews and your daughter’s little league trophy make it harder
experience, especially if there are other life changes going on as well. for buyers to “place” themselves in the space.
If you’ve decided to sell your home, try to focus on the practical mat-
When your home is being shown to potential buyers, make it as
ters that need attention — it will help the whole process go more
attractive as possible. Put fresh flowers in strategic places (e.g., in
the foyer where they’ll help make a good first impression) and fresh
guest towels in the bathroom. If possible, on the day you’re expect-
Curb Appeal Counts
ing a potential buyer, pop a batch of quick-bake cookies into the
A home that’s visually appealing and in good condition will attract oven for a welcoming aroma. If you don’t have time to bake, put a
potential buyers. Use the following suggestions to help ensure your teaspoon of vanilla extract on a plate in a “warm” oven for ten or
property will be appealing to people shopping for a home or just driv- fifteen minutes — it will smell like you baked cookies. But be care-
ing through the neighborhood. ful, don’t assault potential buyers with strong smells; avoid air
• Keep the lawn mowed and the shrubs trimmed; remove dead fresheners and scented candles.
plants. Cosmetic changes do not have to be expensive, especially if you’re
• Repair cracks in the foundation, chimney or walkways; resurface willing to do the work yourself. And costly home improvements may
the driveway if needed. or may not be a good investment when you’re preparing to sell. Keep
the value of other homes in the area in mind whenever you consider
• Repaint window casings, shutters, or doors, as needed.
improvements. Remember that potential buyers may not share your
• Store garbage, debris, lawn mowers, and hoses out of sight. tastes and may not want to pay for the upgrades you’ve invested in. If
• Keep the garage door closed. your home’s value is more than 20 percent above the average, it may
• Wash the windows. make it more difficult to sell. If you do make major changes or
improvements, keep them simple and neutral.
• Replace or repaint the mailbox, as needed.
• Have the outside of the house power washed, if needed. Hire an Agent — Or Go It Alone?
Some homeowners decide to sell their homes themselves in order to
Once Inside…
save the commission charged by a real estate agent. The commission
Curb appeal can get potential buyers through the door. It’s up to you rate may vary depending on the asking price of the house, but it is
to make sure they like what they see once inside. There are relatively generally five or six percent of a home’s selling price.
easy, inexpensive interior improvements you can make to enhance
If you choose to handle your own sale, you’ll need to write and place
your home’s overall attractiveness and accent the best features.
ads, answer calls, perhaps have a sign made, show your home to
Anything that says, “This home has been carefully maintained” makes strangers, and deal with the paperwork yourself. Sometimes buyers
a difference. Cleanliness is number one. Windows, floors, and bath- who know you are not paying a real estate commission will offer less
room tiles should sparkle (e.g., no moldy caulk around the tub). for your home. Also, it will be difficult for you to know whether buyers
Shampoo dirty carpets; repair dripping faucets; oil squeaky doors, and are qualified — that is, whether or not they are really in a financial
wash finger marks off of the walls. Small investments can have a big position to buy your house. Licensed real estate professionals can
bottom-line payoff. Keep your home clean and tidy at all times while offer valuable services, including:
it’s on the market.
• Helping you set a fair asking price for your home.
Remove as much clutter as possible. Cluttered spaces tend to look
• Promoting your home to other agents.
smaller. Clean the basement, garage, and attic and get rid of as much
• Listing your property with a multiple listing service. A multiple list- • How many other houses are for sale in your neighborhood?
ing service is an Internet database that provides subscribing real • Comparable home prices in your neighborhood.
estate agents with access to listings across a large geographic
If you need help to determine a fair selling price for your home, ask
the advice of a real estate agent or professional real estate appraiser.
• Making suggestions to help make your home more “saleable.” In general, realtors provide an appraisal at no charge (e.g., often
• Creating, paying for, and placing advertising for your home. called a “market analysis”). You can ask realtors from two or three
• Scheduling appointments to show your home to prospective buyers different agencies to prepare market analyses so that you can get a
even when you are not there. broader picture of the market. If a realtor does an appraisal for you,
ask to see the listings of at least three neighborhood properties com-
• Pre-qualifying potential buyers.
parable to your own that have sold in the past six months. If you hire
• Helping you negotiate with the buyer. a professional real estate appraiser to help price your home, ask the
• Helping you understand the paperwork. appraiser in advance to tell you what you’ll be charged, and ask for a
detailed explanation of the information that will be used to establish
If you decide to use an agent, ask friends and neighbors for recom-
a price.
mendations. Talk to several agents before choosing the one you want
to work with. Walk through your home with an agent to get a feel for
Legal and Tax Advice
how that person will handle prospective buyers. Ask prospective
agents how they plan to market your home, and ask them how they When you sell your home, particularly if you are selling on your own,
would price it. Don’t sign with an agent just because he or she sug- it’s a good idea to be represented by an attorney. Choose an attorney
gests the highest asking price. Negotiate the broker’s commission with expertise in real estate transactions. When a potential buyer puts
prior to listing your home, and sign for the shortest period of time an offer in writing and you accept it, the signed acceptance becomes
possible — usually three to six months. And, of course, make sure the the sales contract. Your attorney should review the contract before you
agent you choose has a personality you feel comfortable working sign, and be present at the closing to protect your interests.
with. Selling a home can have a major impact on your federal and state
tax liability. In most cases, you can exclude up to $250,000 in capi-
tal gains ($500,000 for married couples filing a joint return) on the
sale of property that was your principal residence for at least two
years. Check with a tax advisor for specific information on the tax
implications of selling your home.
Use newspaper “For Rent” ads to get a sense of the market (e.g., • Public transportation options
availability, price) in your targeted neighborhood(s). These ads are a • Parking availability or restrictions
useful resource, but you may need to learn to read between the lines.
• Whether it is a good “fit” (e.g., if you have children, you’ll
For example, “cute” may mean small, “charming” may mean old, and
probably want families with children nearby)
“prestigious” may be code for expensive. If you use ads, call or show
up early. Remember, a lot of other people are reading them, too.
Protect Your Interests
Other resources include real estate agents and apartment-locating
Before you sign a lease, inspect the rental unit for physical damage
services. The usual charge for a real estate agent’s service is the equiv-
and/or safety violations. Take photos (or make a videotape) of existing
alent of one month’s rent, which is sometimes, but not always, paid by
damage, date them, and get the landlord to sign them. Insist that
the property owner. Find out who is responsible before making a com-
safety violations be corrected before you move in, and ask that
mitment, and get it in writing.
agreed-upon repairs be noted in the lease.
If incentives are being offered to potential renters (e.g., one month’s
Some items to investigate/evaluate:
free rent) it’s an indication that the rental market is soft; that is, prop-
erty owners are in competition for renters. If you find this in your area, • Smoke detectors — the recommended number, in good working
you may be able to bargain, either on the rent, or on extras like new order.
paint, appliances, or carpet. • Locks — on all doors and windows (ask if the locks will be
There are many Internet sites devoted to linking renters with property changed or if you can change them at your own expense).
owners. Some of these sites are free — they’re paid for by the adver- • Appliances — safe and in good working order.
tising they promote; some may require you to “subscribe” — usually a
• Outdoor lighting — sufficient for safety and security.
small fee; and others may be sponsored by real estate agencies. It’s
worth a few hours of your time to search the sites that target the • Lead and/or radon hazards — has the unit been tested and found
geographic area you’re interested in, as these sites are likely to be safe?
updated often and frequently feature new listings. In apartment buildings, look at these additional items:
• Emergency exit signs in hallways; emergency exit doors unlocked.
• Mailboxes — in good repair, with a lock in accessible area.
• Fire extinguishers in recommended places with current inspection
• Stairs well lighted, well maintained.
• Elevators with current safety inspections.
• Common facilities (e.g., laundry) well lighted, well maintained.
Affordability and Location Find out about your prospective neighbors. Do they have children?
Exactly how much you have to spend to rent an acceptable apartment Animals? Do you hear a lot of noise from other units? Do you hear
will depend on the rental market in your area. In general, try to spend loud music? If you think a neighbor’s lifestyle may impact yours, now
no more than 25 percent of your monthly gross income on rent. For is the time to consider other options.
example, if you earn $30,000 per year, or $2,500 per month, you set
your limit at $625 per month. If you spend a higher proportion of your The Dotted Line
salary on rent, you may find your budget comes up short in other Once you’ve chosen a house or apartment, your landlord will ask you
important areas, like savings and entertainment. to sign a lease — a legally binding contract between a landlord and
Consider the following when checking out a neighborhood: tenant. The lease must contain your name, the landlord’s name, the
address of the apartment, the amount of rent and the payment sched-
• Distance from work
ule. In addition, a lease may spell out the following:
• Traffic in the area
• The landlord’s specific responsibility — if any — for maintenance
• Safety of the neighborhood (e.g., painting) and repairs.
• Proximity to good schools, stores, services • Rules about pets.
• Specific appliances included in the rental.
• Who is responsible for each utility (e.g., water, electricity)?
• Physical changes you are or are not permitted to make to the
apartment (e.g., wallpaper).
• Rules for terminating the lease early (e.g., subletting).
• Amount of security deposit, if any, and terms and conditions for
return of the deposit.
Read your lease carefully before you sign it. Find out exactly what you
can expect from your landlord (e.g., regarding repairs) and get it in
writing. Laws governing landlord/tenant requirements and relation-
ships vary from state to state. If you have a dispute with your probably save money compared to the cost of hiring professional
landlord, contact your state rental or housing agency to find out what movers. On the other hand, you’ll need to rent and drive an unfamiliar
remedies may be available to you. Never sign a lease if you are truck, and do a lot of heavy lifting yourself. You’ll also need to round
uncomfortable with any part of it. up willing family and friends to give you a hand. In the end, your deci-
The landlord will probably require a security deposit, usually the equiv- sion will probably be based on the relative cost, how much “stuff”
alent of one or two months’ rent. A security deposit is intended to pay you have to move, and how far you have to move it. If you have a
for damages to the apartment that occur while you are a tenant. A baby grand piano — or any piano for that matter — it’s probably best
landlord may also be allowed to keep the security deposit if you fail to to leave it to the pros. On the other hand, if you don’t have a lot of
pay rent or leave before the end of your lease. Security deposits are heavy furniture or appliances, a do-it-yourself move may be a smart
refundable if you fulfill your lease agreement and leave your apart- choice.
ment in good repair.
The Do-It-Yourself Move
Insurance protection. The owner will insure the building. To protect
your personal property, though, you will need to buy a renter’s policy. Consult your local Yellow Pages or the Internet for truck rental
Your rental insurance policy will typically protect you against losses agencies, and call to compare prices. Reserve a truck well in advance
from: of your scheduled move. People who work at truck rental facilities will
be able to help you estimate the size truck you need. They’ll also be
• Damage to your personal property from fire and/or wind
able to help you reserve furniture pads and dollies or hand trucks. If
• Theft you’ll be moving a lot of heavy items, consider renting a truck with an
• Personal liability if you are sued over accidental injury that occurs automatic lift. Check your home and auto insurance policies to see if
in your apartment rented trucks and your possessions are covered while moving.
• Living expenses if you are forced to live elsewhere while your
apartment is being repaired
Hiring a Moving Company
If you’re hiring professionals to move your belongings, you can also
Policies may differ from state to state and among insurance compa-
hire them to pack your belongings. It will certainly make things easier
nies. Consult an insurance representative to determine the type of
on you, but it will cost more than doing it yourself. Again, the first
policy appropriate for your situation.
step is to shop around. “Movers” are listed in the Yellow Pages and
on the Internet, but it’s best to start with personal recommendations
Moving from people you know who have recently moved. In addition, you may
Whether buying, selling, or renting, after the paperwork is done, it’s want to check out prospective movers with the Better Business
time to think about packing and moving. Careful organization is the Bureau. Another great resource is the U.S. Department of
key to keeping costs down and avoiding stress. Start by organizing your Transportation’s moving website,, for infor-
belongings. Pare down your possessions; have a garage sale or donate mation on protecting yourself from rogue movers, a moving checklist,
items you no longer need to charity. and more. Narrow the field to three movers and then get estimates at
least eight weeks before your move. Negotiate a price and be pre-
Handling your own move has advantages. You can move at your con-
pared to ask questions, including:
venience, give extra care to your prized possessions, and you’ll
• Does the mover charge by the pound or by the hour?
Change of address. Update your address online at the U.S. Postal
• How much insurance does the mover carry, and exactly what does Service’s website at or fill out a forward-
it cover? ing address form at the Post Office. Send change-of-address forms to:
• Is there an extra charge for moving on a weekend? ■ Family and friends
■ Magazines (give them four to six weeks notice)
Find out how much the mover charges for moving your possessions
and how much more it will cost to have the mover do the packing. Be ■ Credit card companies
aware that you may incur extra charges if your move requires special ■ Pension funds and investment firms
handling (e.g., elevators, stairs, or long carrying distances). You may ■ Professionals such as your lawyer, accountant, and realtor
also be charged extra for moving certain items such as china, a piano, ■ The IRS, Social Security office, and government or military
a car, or a pool table. pension offices
■ Your workplace, schools, and alma mater
Make sure you understand thoroughly what the mover is and is not
■ Associations and clubs
insuring. For example, some movers may only insure your belongings
■ Voter registration office
“by the pound”— not a very good idea if you’re moving heirloom
china. Check to see if your homeowners’ policy covers your belongings ■ Motor vehicle bureau
Home Maintenance and Repairs
■ Check flashing (e.g., around chimney, vents, skylights) for leaks; repair
Regular home maintenance can help you avoid major repair bills. as necessary.
Keeping your home in good condition brings peace of mind and the ■ Check chimney for damaged cap, loose mortar; repair/replace as nec-
comfort of a safe, attractive place to live. It’s also a smart way to take essary.
care of what may be one of the largest investments you’ll ever make. ■ Lubricate door locks, if necessary.
The Seasonal Maintenance Checklist that follows is a good start- Fall — Interior
ing point for developing your own checklist. Depending on where you ■ Check fireplace flue; make sure damper opens easily and closes
live, climate, etc., tailor the list to reflect your specific needs (e.g., completely.
swimming pool maintenance, irrigation system maintenance). Many of ■ Check insulation wherever possible (e.g., around electrical outlets on
these tasks are easy to perform yourself; for others you’ll need to hire outside walls); add or replace as necessary.
an appropriate specialist (e.g., annual furnace tune-up). ■ Have furnace serviced, clean or change filter.
■ Check and clean humidifier per manufacturer’s instructions.
Seasonal Maintenance Checklist
■ Call the utility company to do an energy audit.
Spring — Exterior
■ If you have a sump pump, test, clean, lubricate and repair as
■ Inspect outside of house for visible defects: e.g., cracked or peeling necessary.
paint, broken panes of glass, loose mortar between bricks. Repair as
■ Drain hot water heater, flush out sediment, and refill.
■ Vacuum refrigerator compressor, clean range hood filter.
■ Repair door and window screens if necessary, and install.
■ Inspect caulk and weather stripping around doors and windows.
Repair as required.
Financing Repairs Preventing Theft
Depending on the scope of your plans, you may need to seek funding Determined thieves can break into just about any home, but
outside your regular household budget. Possibilities include: you can take steps to make entry a lot more difficult for them. Following
• Short-term loans, perhaps from a 401(k) or 403(b). are some tips to help your protect your home from theft.
• Home improvement loans from banks, savings and loans, and cred- • Invest in a quality door. Doors with glass panes may present a
it unions. security problem.
• Second mortgages, or loans against the equity in your home. • Install deadbolts on all exterior doors and the door that connects
the garage to your house.
• Refinancing — paying off your old loan and taking out a new
mortgage on your home (i.e., remortgaging). • Secure windows and sliding glass doors with locks made for this
• Home equity line of credit. Like a second mortgage, but you can
make withdrawals as needed, rather than all at once. • Light the outside of your house to reduce your risk of burglary. Do
not open doors to strangers. Always ask for identification.
• Unsecured loans (usually most appropriate for small projects e.g.,
under $10,000). • Install peepholes in all solid doors. Don’t rely on chain locks to see
who is at the door. They can easily be forced once a door is ajar.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these options. For
example, if you refinance, all of the interest on your loan will be tax • Keep your garage door locked and basement windows secure.
deductible, but you’ll likely incur significant closing costs. On the other • Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed. Overgrown vegetation gives a
hand, the cost to obtain an unsecured loan is usually very low, but burglar more privacy.
you’ll pay a higher interest rate, and probably realize no tax advan- • Stop deliveries or have neighbors collect your mail and newspapers
tages. Compare interest rates, repayment options, and penalties. Be while you’re away.
sure to talk to a tax advisor about the tax implications of your options
• Familiarize babysitters and other regular visitors with your alarm
before choosing.
system, evacuation plan and safety procedures.
• Post a list of emergency numbers by the phone (see Emergency
Keeping Your Home Safe Information List on this page).
Whether you own or rent, it’s important to do everything you can to
Participate in a neighborhood watch program. If you don’t have one,
protect your home from fire and theft. Take a few minutes to make an
check with local police for information about starting one.
Emergency Information List (see below) and post it by the kitchen
phone. Note that your family name, address, and phone number Alarm systems come in many shapes and sizes and many levels of
should be on the checklist (e.g., for house sitters or babysitters). sophistication, at prices that range from a few hundred to several thou-
sand dollars. Many installers also charge monthly monitoring fees. Local
Emergency Information List police are a good source of information and recommendations regard-
For the ____________________________________ Family ing security systems, since they work with the security services in your
Fire, Crime in Progress, Police, Ambulance 911 area. They can also tell you what types of break-ins are most common
in your community.
This Address
A Home Safety Checklist is available on the next page. It will get you
This Phone
started on improving the safety and security of your home, but only if
Poison Control Center you use it to make improvements — stay safe!
Alarm Service
Family Physician
Close Relative
Home Safety Checklist Miscellaneous
Smoke Alarms ■ Steps/sidewalks level and intact
■ One on each floor of the home ■ Combustible/flammable material properly stored (e.g., paint and sol-
vents away from furnace, heat sources)
■ One near each sleeping area or outside of each bedroom
■ Trees healthy, not overhanging or touching house, limbs intact
■ Operation check monthly (battery and hard-wired)
■ Swimming pool fenced and secured; locks on all access doors/gates to
■ Battery check twice a year swimming pool
Fire Extinguishers ■ Matches and lighters stored out of children’s reach
■ In kitchen and basement/garage ■ Cabinets child-proof, if appropriate (e.g., cleaning products, medica-
■ Easily accessible (e.g., visible) tion, sharp objects out of reach)
■ Fully charged ■ Condition of outdoor deck, railings, and stairs checked annually, and
repaired/replaced as necessary
■ Within expiration date
For More Information Helpful Websites
References The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides
301 Simple Things You Can Do to Sell Your Home Now and for More information about buying, selling or renting a home, as well as specif-
Money Than You Thought: How to Inexpensively Reorganize, Stage, ic information for first-time home buyers.
and Prepare Your Home for Sale
by Teri B. Clark The Department of Veterans Affairs has information for veterans about
Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Company buying a home and how to apply for a VA home loan.
The Black & Decker Complete Photo Guide to Home Improvement
by Editors of Creative Publishing The National Realtors Association website allows you to search homes
Publisher: Creative Publishing international, 2nd edition for sale or rent in your desired area. The site also offers helpful calcu-
100 Questions Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask: lators, mortgage information and other resources for buying, selling,
With Answers From Top Brokers From Around the Country or renting a home.
by Ilyce R. Glink
Published by Three Rivers Press; 3rd edition Information to help you protect yourself when you move.
Free Brochures
U.S. Fire Administration
The Quarterly Consumer Information Center Catalog lists more than 200
helpful federal publications. Obtain a free copy by calling 888-8-PUEBLO
Online address change resources
or on the Internet at
The Insurance Information Institute offers free, informational
The official Federal Government website for free annual credit reports,
booklets, covering such topics as:
including reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
Am I Covered?
Insurance for Your House and Personal Possessions
Home Inventory
How to File an Insurance Claim
Renters Insurance
Settling Insurance Claims After a Disaster
Twelve Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs
You can download the booklets at To obtain a free copy
of a brochure, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Insurance Information Institute
Publications Department For information about other Life Advice topics, go to
New York, NY 10038 To order up to three free Life Advice booklets, call
800-METLIFE (800-638-5433).
You may also download The Insurance Information Institute’s free
Home Inventory Software at
Life Advice®
A free resource for consumers. If you would like more information or would like to
obtain other Life Advice booklets, call:
Or contact your local MetLife representative.
MetLife, Inc.
200 Park Avenue This booklet, as well as any recommended reading and reference materials mentioned, is for general
informational purposes only. It is issued as a public service and is not a substitute for obtaining profes-
New York, NY 10166
sional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation. Consult the appropriate professional advisor for more complete and current information.
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