Bursting Check Rectangular Pile v1.2

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Version Date Comment

v1.1 1/5/2021 Divide shear links direction length and width

Contract: N103 - NSC
Design Engineer: SKA
Approving Engineer:
Date: 12/23/2021
Calculation Template: Bursting check rectangular pile v1.1
Calculation For: DE6 panel, KPEd
Utilization ratio 0.743 OK

Reacton taken by stud N = 4329 kN

No of studs in length n legth = 6

No of studs in width n width = 4
Embedment length l embed = 2000 m

Longitudinal shear force per unit length (in length) Ved,l = 649.35 kN/m/side
Longitudinal shear force per unit length (in width) Ved,w = 432.90 kN/m/side

Angle θ = 45

Tension force, horizontal force (length) Hed,l = 649.35 kN/m/side

Tension force, horizontal force (width) Hed,w = 432.90 kN/m/side

Assumption, tension force (horizontal) on links will be spread by all of links uniformly in each respective direction

No of links legs in length direction n links,l = 1

No of links legs in width direction n links,w = 1

Tension in 1 link leg (length) T,l = 1298.70 kN

Tension in 1 link leg (width) T,w = 865.80 kN

Used links VARIES

Links leg area (length) Asw,l = 804.25 mm2
Links spacing (length) s,l = 200
Links leg area (width) Asw,w = 549.78 mm2
Links spacing (width) s,w = 200
Steel yield stress, fyk fyk = 500 N/mm2
Links capacity (length) = 1748.36 N/mm
= 1748.36 kN/m
Links capacity (width) = 1195.17 N/mm
= 1195.17 kN/m
10 Beam
13 Slab

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