Bible 401
Bible 401
Bible 401
Study Word
shekel: (shekå ßl) a Jewish coin
“Now Abigail, tell me the three other “Fifty what?” asked Father. “Fifty sheep?
names for the Feast of Pentecost (Penå ti Fifty years? Fifty shekels?”
kost),” instructed Father when the family had Abigail didn’t know and Ethan said he
finished the evening meal. had forgotten, so Father explained. “It means
“Are there three?” asked the little girl. She fifty days. Way back there in the time of
thought for a minute. “One is the Feast of Moses, God told Israel to keep three special
Weeks. One is the Feast of Harvest. And . . . feasts.Three times a year all the men were to
and . . . the other is . . . the Feast of Pentecost.” gather at the tabernacle to celebrate those
Father’s eyes twinkled under his bushy three feasts. Passover is the first one. And
black brows. “I said three other names.” Pentecost is the second.
“Oh.That’s all I know.” “God told them to count seven weeks
“Ethan.” Father turned to his youngest son. from the second day of Passover week.”
“The Feast of First Fruits,” said the boy “That’s why we call it the Feast of Weeks,
promptly. “We had to memorize those in isn’t it?” put in Abigail.
school.” “Yes.Then on the next day, the fiftieth, they
“Well, if I could go to school, I’d have were to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. And
known them too,” said Abigail. we call it the Feast of Harvest because on that
“Girls can’t go to school, but they can learn day we celebrate the good harvests which God
just as much as the boys. Only they must work has given during the year. On Pentecost, or the
harder to learn it,” said Mother comfortingly. Feast of First Fruits, we offer to God two
“Abigail, you didn’t know all the names, loaves of raised bread made from fresh grain.”
but you know what Pentecost means, don’t “I like this good raised bread better than
you?” asked Asher. the unleavened bread we eat at Passover
“Yes, I know that. Pentecost means ‘fifty.’” time,” said Ethan, breaking off a piece from
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Wri te a nu mb e r i n ea ch b l a nk .
6. The Jews celebrate Pentecost days after the second day of Passover.
7. God told the men of Israel to meet at the tabernacle times each year to
celebrate feasts.
8. Between Passover and Pentecost are weeks.
9. The children of Israel lived in the wilderness for years.
10. The Feast of Pentecost has names in all.
11. On the Feast of Pentecost, the Jews offer loaves of raised bread to God.
W r i t e t h e t h r e e o t h e r n a m e s o f t h e Fe a s t o f Pe n t e co s t .
Wri te T fo r t rue o r F fo r fal s e.
15. Bread for Passover is made without yeast.
16. Nisan, the month of flowers, was the first month.
Lessons 3, 4
U n d e r l i n e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r.
17. At Passover a perfect newb or n, yea r- old lamb was killed.
18. Death of the firstborn was the tenth, twelf th plague.
19. The Jews eat bitter herbs at Passover to remember thei r u nple asa nt l ife i n E gyp t,
t h a t G o d s a v e d t h e i r f i r s t b o rn .
The Day of Atonement
Study Words
atonement: (ß t9nå mßnt) making a payment for sins committed
High Priest: (h8å pr7st) the highest order of the ancient Jewish priesthood
priest: (pr7st) specially appointed leader to go between man and God
sacrifice: (saå krß f 8s) an animal killed and offered to God on an altar
Samaritan: (sß merå ß tßn) people who lived in Samaria who were only part Jew and did
not worship at the temple in Jerusalem; the Jews did not like the Samaritans