Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver: SER Uide
Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver: SER Uide
Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver: SER Uide
Version 1.00
Revision C 1
June 2016
Corporate Office –a copy of this Trimble warranty
–a description of the nonconforming Product including the model
Trimble Navigation Limited number; and
10368 Westmoor Drive –an explanation of the problem.
Westminster, CO 80021 The customer service representative may need additional information
USA from you depending on the nature of the problem.
Warranty Exclusions and Disclaimer
Legal Notices
This Product limited warranty shall only apply in the event and to the
© 2016, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. extent that (i) the Product is properly and correctly installed, configured,
Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo, GPS Pathfinder, and Juno are interfaced, maintained, stored, and operated in accordance with
trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United Trimble's applicable operator's manual and specifications, and; (ii) the
States and in other countries. Positions, TerraFlex, TerraSync, and Product is not modified or misused. This Product limited warranty shall
ViewPoint are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. not apply to, and Trimble shall not be responsible for, defects or
Microsoft, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks performance problems resulting from (i) the combination or utilization of
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. the Product with hardware or software products, information, data,
iPad, iPhone, and Retina are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the systems, interfaces, or devices not made, supplied, or specified by
U.S. and other countries. iPad Air, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini are Trimble; (ii) the operation of the Product under any specification other
trademarks of Apple Inc. than, or in addition to, Trimble's standard specifications for its products;
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, (iii) the unauthorized installation, modification, or use of the Product;
Inc. and any use of such marks by Trimble Navigation Limited is under (iv) damage caused by: accident, lightning or other electrical discharge,
license. fresh or salt water immersion or spray (outside of Product
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. specifications); or exposure to environmental conditions for which the
Support for Galileo is developed under a license of the European Union Product is not intended; (v) normal wear and tear on consumable parts
and the European Space Agency. (e.g., batteries); or (vi) cosmetic damage. Trimble does not warrant or
Made for guarantee the results obtained through the use of the Product or
- iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Software, or that software components will operate error free.
- iPad mini with Retina display AUGMENTATION SYSTEMS (SBAS) (WAAS, EGNOS, AND MSAS),
“Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic THE OPERATION OR FAILURE OF OPERATION OF ANY SATELLITE
accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone or iPad, BASED POSITIONING SYSTEM OR THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY
respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple SATELLITE BASED POSITIONING SIGNALS.
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY TERMS STATE TRIMBLE’S
device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please ENTIRE LIABILITY, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES, RELATING TO THE
note that the use of this accessory with iPhone or iPad may affect TRIMBLE PRODUCT. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Trimble Navigation THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
Limited (“Trimble”) warrants that for a period of 2 years from date of A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE
purchase this Trimble product (the “Product”) will substantially conform STATED EXPRESS WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OR
to Trimble's publicly available specifications for the Product and that the LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF TRIMBLE ARISING OUT OF, OR IN
hardware and any storage media components of the Product will be CONNECTION WITH, ANY PRODUCT. BECAUSE SOME STATES AND
substantially free from defects in materials and workmanship. JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON DURATION OR THE
Product Software MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
Product software, whether built into hardware circuitry as firmware,
provided as a standalone computer software product, embedded in flash Limitation of Liability
memory, or stored on magnetic or other media, is licensed solely for use TRIMBLE'S ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER ANY PROVISION HEREIN SHALL BE
with or as an integral part of the Product and is not sold. The terms of the LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT. TO THE
end user license agreement, as included below, govern the use of the MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT
Product Software, including any differing limited warranty terms, SHALL TRIMBLE OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT,
exclusions and limitations, which shall control over the terms and SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE WHATSOEVER
conditions set forth in the limited Product warranty. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR LEGAL THEORY RELATING IN ANYWAY
If the Trimble Product fails during the warranty period for reasons LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS
covered by this limited warranty and you notify Trimble of such failure INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS),
during the warranty period, Trimble will repair OR replace the REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TRIMBLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE
nonconforming Product with new, equivalent to new, or reconditioned POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSS AND REGARDLESS OF THE COURSE OF
parts or Product, OR refund the Product purchase price paid by you, at DEALING WHICH DEVELOPS OR HAS DEVELOPED BETWEEN YOU AND
Trimble’s option, upon your return of the Product in accordance with TRIMBLE. BECAUSE SOME STATES AND JURISDICTIONS DO NOT
Trimble's product return procedures then in effect. ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR
How to Obtain Warranty Service MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
To obtain warranty service for the Product, please contact your Trimble PLEASE NOTE: THE ABOVE TRIMBLE LIMITED WARRANTY PROVISIONS
dealer. Alternatively, you may contact Trimble to request warranty WILL NOT APPLY TO PRODUCTS PURCHASED IN THOSE JURISDICTIONS
service at +1-408-481-6940 (24 hours a day) or email your request to (E.G., MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA) IN
[email protected]. Please be prepared to provide: WHICH PRODUCT WARRANTIES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE
–your name, address, and telephone numbers; LOCAL DEALER FROM WHOM THE PRODUCTS ARE ACQUIRED. IN SUCH
–proof of purchase;
Safety Information
Before you use your Trimble product, make sure that you have read and understood all safety
WARNING – This alert warns of a potential hazard which, if not avoided, could result in severe injury or
even death.
CAUTION – This alert warns of a potential hazard or unsafe practice that could result in minor injury or
property damage or irretrievable data loss.
Note – An absence of specific alerts does not mean that there are no safety risks involved.
CAUTION – Operating or storing the receiver outside the specified temperature range can damage it.
Safety Information 5
Use and care 5
Using an external antenna 5
Exposure to radio frequency radiation from Bluetooth transmitters 5
1 Introduction 7
What is the R1 GNSS receiver 8
What's in the box 9
Accessories 9
Supported software 9
Related information and technical support 9
4 Troubleshooting 25
Receiver won't turn on 26
Battery indicator for R1 GNSS receiver shows empty on an iOS device 26
R1 GNSS receiver firmware upgrade 26
Incorrect R1 GNSS receiver name showing in Bluetooth settings on iOS device 27
Glossary 28
In this chapter:
The Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver User Guide
n What is the R1 GNSS receiver describes how to use a Trimble® R1 GNSS receiver.
n What's in the box Even if you have used other GNSS or GPS products
before, Trimble recommends that you spend
n Accessories some time reading this manual to learn about the
n Supported software special features of this product. If you are not
n Related information and technical support familiar with GNSS or GPS, visit the Trimble website
Supported devices
The R1 GNSS receiver is compatible with devices powered by the following operating systems:
Supported constellations
The R1 GNSS receiver supports the following L1 constellations:
CAUTION – SBAS and L-Band signals are highly compromised when the receiver is used close to the
body; geostationary satellites will have a lower signal margin at the receiver than the typical orbiting
GNSS satellites. Performance will heavily depend on factors such as user orientation, position of the
receiver on body, how exposed the antenna is, and geographic location.
The following accessories are available for purchase to use with the R1 GNSS receiver:
Supported software
You can use the following Trimble software with the R1 GNSS receiver:
l Release notes – The release notes describe new features of the product, information not
included in the manuals, and any changes to the manuals.
l Support notes – Support notes describe any known issues and offer solutions or workarounds
that may be required throughout the life of the product.
These documents can be downloaded from the Trimble website at Select the product you need information on.
If you have a problem and cannot find the information you need in the product documentation,
contact your local dealer.
In this chapter:
❸ Power LED
Before using a new R1 GNSS receiver, or one which has been unused for months, charge the device
with the supplied charger until the Power LED is solid green .
To charge the internal battery, do one of the following:
l Connect the R1 GNSS receiver to your laptop or office computer using the USB cable supplied
with the product.
l Connect the R1 GNSS receiver to mains power using the USB cable and internation adaptor kit
supplied with the product.
Charging the receiver's battery using the Trimble-supplied charger connected to mains power can
take up to 5 hours. Charging from a laptop or desktop computer or using an unapproved charger
can take longer.
When the battery is charging, the Power LED shows solid amber .
When the battery is fully charged, and the charger is still connected, the LED changes to solid
green .
Note – If the battery is severely discharged, for example if the receiver is new and not yet charged,
or it has been stored for more than a few months, the Power LED will not turn on until the
battery has charged for a while. In this case, charge the battery for an hour using the supplied
charger then disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. The Power LED should turn on.
See LED status information, page 14 for more information on the status of the LEDs.
1. Press and hold the Power button until both LEDs = (green), then release the Power button.
To pair the receiver with your device using Bluetooth wireless technology, see Connecting the R1
GNSS receiver to a device, page 15.
To turn off the R1 GNSS receiver:
1. Press and hold the Power button until both LEDs are (red).
2. Continue holding the Power button until the LED turns off ( the stays red ), then
release the Power button.
3. If the receiver is connected to external power via USB, the LED turns off, and the
LED turns on (green) or (amber) almost immediately, depending on the level of charge. If
the receiver is not connected to external power, both LEDs will turn off.
For a description of the LED behavior, see LED status information, page 14.
LED status information
Power LED
LED Status
Solid amber Battery is charging, charge is < 100%.
Note – If the battery is severely discharged, for example if the receiver is new and not yet charged,
or it has been stored for more than a few months, the Power LED will not turn on until the
battery has charged for a while. In this case, charge the battery for an hour using the supplied
charger then disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. The Power LED should turn on.
Bluetooth / GNSS LED
LED Bluetooth status GNSS status
- - - Rapid flashing blue Receiver is in Bluetooth Not connected.
pairing mode (see
Connecting the R1
GNSS receiver to a
device, page 15.
--- --- --- Flashing blue / Not connected. Not connected.
--- --- --- Flashing blue / Not connected. Connected.
--- --- --- Flashing amber Connected. Not connected.
1. Make sure the device you want to use has Bluetooth wireless techology turned on.
2. To place the R1 GNSS receiver in Bluetooth pairing mode, press and hold the Power button
until the LED flashes blue .
3. Depending on the device you want to pair the receiver with, do one of the following:
l On a device powered by the Windows 7 or 8.x operating system, Windows Embedded
Handheld 6.5, or Android versions 4.1.x or later, use the GNSS Status utility to pair with the
Connecting to a R1 GNSS receiver
To reconnect to a receiver at any time, make sure it is turned on, then:
When you first connect a R1 receiver, the Windows operating system installs the appropriate drivers
and associates Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) ports with Windows COM ports. The receiver is
listed in the Bluetooth Devices screen:
To see which Windows COM ports are associated with the device SPP ports, right-click on the device
and select Properties. Then select the Services tab.
Applications that run on Windows devices (for example, the Trimble TerraFlex software) will see, in
this example, COM6, COM9, COM10 and COM17. COM17 is the GNSS Server SPP port; it should
NOT be selected for use by applications as it is used to supply positions to Location Services on the
device. The GNSS Server port will reset to a default configuration each time it is connected,
irrespective of any changes you make.
Note – Different installations will result in different Windows COM port assignments.
The application you are using to collect data will have a configuration screen that will include options
such as:
In this example, the COM9 Windows COM port is selected, which corresponds to SPP2 on the
The above diagram illustrates the overall association. The following is specific to the example above
(your Windows COM Port numbers may be different):
Only use an external antenna that is designed to be used with the R1 GNSS receiver.
To connect an external antenna, open the external antenna cover on the left side of the receiver and
connect your antenna cable.
In this chapter:
If you are not using Trimble field software on your
n Downloading the GNSS Status utility field device, use the Trimble GNSS Status utility to
manage the connection to the R1 GNSS receiver.
n Using the GNSS Status utility
l The menu (on tablets), or Menu icon (on smartphones and handheld devices)
l The ID of the connected R1 GNSS receiver
The menu options are described below.
Detailed status
Tap the Estimated Accuracy shown on the Home screen. Or, flick the current screen to the right to
display the menu options, or tap , then tap Detailed Status.
The Detailed Status screen shows:
App settings
You can configure the GNSS Status utility to use metric or imperial (US) units.
1. Tap or flick the current screen to the right to display the menu options.
2. Tap App Settings. On an iOS or Android device, tap Unit System.
3. Select Metric or US.
Receiver options
You can configure the R1 GNSS receiver to use options (subscription services) if you have purchased
1. Tap or flick the current screen to the right to display the menu options.
2. Tap Receiver Options.
3. In the Install Option field, enter the key you received when you purchased the option.
4. Tap Submit.
The Subscription Status is shown on the lower part of the screen.
For more information on purchasing receiver options, contact your local Trimble reseller.
Real-time config
To configure real-time correction sources:
1. If a receiver is connected, tap the DGNSS Status shown on the Home screen. Or, flick the
current screen to the right to display the menu options, or tap , then tap Real-time Config.
2. Tap Edit. On an iOS or Android device, tap Primary Source Type.
3. Select Internet, SBAS, or Uncorrected as the primary real-time correction source.
4. If you selected Internet as the primary source, tap the fields on the Real-time Config screen to
configure the primary source, and set a Secondary Source Type (SBAS or Uncorrected).
5. Tap Apply.
NMEA Settings
To configure the connected receiver to output specific NMEA sentences:
1. Tap or flick the current screen to the right to display the menu options.
2. Tap NMEA Settings.
3. Configure the NMEA sentences that are needed by the workflow application. The available
settings are listed in the Available column on the left; the settings you have selected to apply to
the receiver are listed in the Selected column on the right.
l To select an individual setting, tap it in the Available list on the left, and it will move to the
Selected list.
l To remove an individual setting, tap it in the Selected list on the right , and it will move to
the Available list.
l To select all the available settings, tap the double arrow >> below the Available column.
l To remove all the selected settings, tap the double arrow << below the Selected column.
4. If no receiver is connected, you can save the settings; tap Save at the top right of the screen. To
apply the NMEA settings to the receiver, make sure that the receiver is paired with the PC and
that the GNSS Status utility is connected to the receiver. Click Apply to receiver.
5. In the Select Port screen, select the SPP port to use for NMEA configurations. For instructions
on configuring SPP ports with Windows COM ports for NMEA port handling on devices
powered by the Windows operating system, see Understanding the relationship between
Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) ports and Windows COM ports , page 16.
The About screen shows the GNSS Status utility version number.
In this chapter:
This section describes some possible receiver
n Receiver won't turn on issues, possible causes, and how to solve them.
Please read this section before you contact
n Battery indicator for R1 GNSS receiver shows Technical Support.
empty on an iOS device
n R1 GNSS receiver firmware upgrade
n Incorrect R1 GNSS receiver name showing in
Bluetooth settings on iOS device
Cause: The battery is severely discharged. This may be because the device is new and has
not yet been charged, or it has been in storage for more than a few months.
Solution: Charge the battery for an hour using the supplied charger, then disconnect and
reconnect the USB cable. The Power LED should turn on. Leave the device on
charge until the Power LED = (Green).
See Charging the battery, page 12.
Cause: This is an iOS issue which has been logged with Apple.
Solution: Use the GNSS Status utility to view the battery status. See Downloading the
GNSS Status utility, page 21.
Cause: The iOS device no longer recognises the R1 GNSS receiver when the firmware is
upgraded on the receiver.
Solution: Before you can reconnect your iOS device with a previously connected R1
GNSS receiver, you must 'forget' the connection on the iOS device:
1. Go to Settings / Bluetooth, and tap the Info button next to the R1 [serial
number] device you want to forget.
2. Tap Forget this device.
You can then reconnect as usual (see Connecting the R1 GNSS receiver to a device,
page 15) .
BeiDou The BeiDou Navigation System (Compass) Navigation Satellite System is a Chinese
satellite navigation system.
The first BeiDou system (known as BeiDou-1), consists of three satellites and has limited
coverage and applications. It has been offering navigation services mainly for customers
in China and from neighboring regions since 2000.
The second generation of the system (known as Compass or BeiDou-2) consists of 35
satellites. It became operational with coverage of China in December 2011 with 10
satellites in use. Services were planned to be offered to customers in Asia-Pacific
region by 2012 and the global system should be finished by 2020.
carrier A radio wave having at least one characteristic (such as frequency, amplitude, or phase)
that can be varied from a known reference value by modulation.
carrier frequency The frequency of the unmodulated fundamental output of a radio transmitter. The GPS
L1 carrier frequency is 1575.42 MHz.
carrier phase Is the cumulative phase count of the GPS or GLONASS carrier signal at a given time.
CMR/CMR+ Compact Measurement Record. A real-time message format developed by Trimble for
broadcasting corrections to other Trimble receivers. CMR is a more efficient alternative
to RTCM.
CMRx A real-time message format developed by Trimble for transmitting more satellite
corrections resulting from more satellite signals, more constellations, and more
satellites. Its compactness means more repeaters can be used on a site.
DGNSS See real-time differential GNSS.
differential GNSS See real-time differential GNSS.
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. A Satellite-Based Augmentation
System (SBAS) that provides a free-to-air differential correction service for GNSS.
EGNOS is the European equivalent of WAAS, which is available in the United States.
firmware The program inside the receiver that controls receiver operations and hardware.
GAGAN GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation. A regional SBAS system currently in
development by the Indian government.
Galileo Galileo is a GNSS system built by the European Union and the European Space Agency.
It is complimentary to GPS and GLONASS.
GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System. Ccomparable to the American GPS system,
GLONASS is a space-based navigation system operated by the Russian Aerospace
Defence Forces, consisting of 24 satellites in 3 orbit planes.
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System.
GPS Global Positioning System. GPS is a space-based satellite navigation system consisting of
multiple satellites in six orbit planes.
L1 The primary L-band carrier used by GPS and GLONASS satellites to transmit satellite
MSAS Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System. A Satellite-Based Augmentation System
(SBAS) that provides a free-to-air differential correction service for GNSS. MSAS is the
Japanese equivalent of WAAS.
QZSS Quasi-Zenith Satellite System. A Japanese regional time transfer and Satellite Based