DSECL ZG 522: Big Data Systems: Session 6: Hadoop Architecture and Filesystem

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DSECL ZG 522: Big Data Systems

Session 6: Hadoop architecture and filesystem

Dr. Anindya Neogi

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
Hadoop - Data and Compute layers

• A data storage layer

• A Distributed File System - HDFS
• A data processing layer
• MapReduce programming

Hadoop 2 - Architecture
• Master-slave architecture for overall compute and data management
• Slaves implement peer-to-peer communication

To be covered in next session

HDFS namespace / meta-data manager
YARN cluster level resource manager

HDFS node level data manager

YARN node level resource manager
Map Reduce tasks

Note: YARN Resource Manager also uses application level App Master
processes on slave nodes for application specific resource management 4
What changed from Hadoop 1 to Hadoop 2

• Hadoop 1: MapReduce was coupled with resource

• Hadoop 2 brought in YARN as a resource management
capability and MapReduce is only about data
• Hadoop 1: Single Master node with NameNode is a SPOF
• Hadoop 2 introduced active-passive and other HA
configurations besides secondary NameNodes
• Hadoop 1: Only MapReduce programs
• In Hadoop 2, non MR programs can be run by YARN
on slave nodes (since decoupled from MapReduce) as
well support for non-HDFS storage, e.g. Amazon S3

Hadoop Distributions

• Open source Apache project

• Core components :
✓ Hadoop Common
✓ Hadoop Distributed File System
✓ Hadoop YARN
✓ Hadoop MapReduce

Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands

HDFS Features (1)

• A DFS stores data over multiple nodes in a cluster and allows multi-user access
✓ Gives a feeling to the user that the data is on single machine
✓ HDFS is a Java based DFS that sits on top of native FS
✓ Enables storage of very large files across nodes of a Hadoop cluster
✓ Data is split into large blocks : 128MB
• Scale through parallel data processing
✓ 1 node with 1TB storage can have an IO bandwidth of 400MBps across 4 IO
channels = 43 min
✓ 10 nodes with partitioned 1 TB data can access in parallel that data in 4.3

HDFS Features (2)

• Fault tolerance through replication

✓ Default replication factor = 3 for every block (Hadoop 3 has
some optimisations)
✓ So 1 GB data can actually take 3GB storage
• Consistency
✓ Write once and read many time workload
✓ Files can be appended, truncated but not updated at any
arbitrary point

HDFS Features (3)

• Cost: Typically deployed using commodity hardware for low TCO - so

adding more nodes is cost-effective
• Variety and Volume of Data: Huge data i.e. Terabytes & petabytes of
data and different kinds of data - structured, unstructured or semi

HDFS Features (4)

• Data Integrity:  HDFS nodes constantly verify checksums to preserve

data integrity. On error, new copies are created and old copies are
• Data Locality: Data locality talks about moving processing unit to data
rather than the data to processing unit. Bring the computation part to
the data nodes where the data is residing. Hence, you are not moving
the data, you are bringing the program or processing part to the data.

HDFS Architecture - Master node

• Master slave architecture within a

HDFS cluster
• One master node with NameNode
• Maintains namespace - Filename
to blocks and their replica
• Serves as arbitrator and doesn’t
handle actual data flow
• HDFS client app interacts with
NameNode for metadata

HDFS Architecture - Slave nodes
• Multiple slave nodes with one
DataNode per slave
• Serves block R/W from Clients
• Serves Create/Delete/Replicate
requests from NameNode
• DataNodes interact with each
other for pipeline reads and

Functions of a NameNode
• Maintains namespace in HDFS with 2 files
• FsImage: Contains mapping of blocks to file, hierarchy, file properties / permissions
• EditLog: Transaction log of changes to metadata in FsImage
• Does not store any data - only meta-data about files
• Runs on Master node while DataNodes run on Slave nodes
• HA can be configured (discussed later)
• Records each change that takes place to the meta-data. e.g. if a file is deleted in HDFS, the
NameNode will immediately record this in the EditLog.
• Receives periodic Heartbeat and a block report from all the DataNodes in the cluster to
ensure that the DataNodes are live.
• Ensure replication factor is maintained across DataNode failures
• In case of the DataNode failure, the NameNode chooses new DataNodes for new
replicas, balance disk usage and manages the communication traffic to the DataNodes
Where are fsimage and edit logs ?

Namenode - What happens on start-up
1. Enters into safe mode
✓ Check for status of Data nodes on slaves
• Does not allow any Datanode replications in this mode
• Gets heartbeat and block report from Datanodes
• Checks for minimum Replication Factor needed for configurable majority of
✓ Updates meta-data (this is also done at checkpoint time)
• Reads FsImage and EditLog from disk into memory
• Applies all transactions from the EditLog to the in-memory version of FsImage
• Flushes out new version of FsImage on disk
• Keeps latest FsImage in memory for client requests
• Truncates the old EditLog as its changes are applied on the new FsImage
2. Exits safe mode
3. Continues with further replications needed and client requests

Functions of a DataNode (1)

• Each slave in cluster runs a DataNode

• Nodes store actual data blocks and R/W
data for the HDFS clients as regular files NN
on the native file system, e.g. ext2 or ext3
• During pipeline read and write,
DataNodes communicate with each other
• We will discuss what’s a pipeline
• No additional HA because blocks are DN DN DN
anyway replicated
local FS local FS local FS

DN-2-DN pipeline for data transfer

Functions of a DataNode (2)
• DataNode continuously sends heartbeat to
NameNode (default 3 sec)
✓ To ensure the connectivity with
NameNode NN

• If no heartbeat message from DataNode,

NameNode replicates that DataNode within
the cluster and removes the DN from the heartbeat replicate
meta-data records no heartbeat

• DataNodes also send a BlockReport on start- DN DN DN

up / periodically containing file list
• Applies some heuristic to subdivide files local FS local FS local FS
into directories based on limits of local FS but
has no knowledge of HDFS level files
Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
Hadoop 2: Introduction of Secondary NameNode
• In the case of failure of NameNode,
✓ The secondary NameNode can be configured
manually to bring up the cluster
✓ But it does not record any real-time changes that
happen to the HDFS metadata
• The Secondary NameNode constantly reads all the file
systems and metadata from the RAM of the NameNode
(snapshot) and writes to its local file system.
• It is responsible for combining
the EditLogs with FsImage from the NameNode. 
• It downloads the EditLogs from the NameNode at regular
intervals and applies to FsImage.
• Hence, Secondary NameNode performs regular
checkpoints in HDFS. Therefore, it is also called
• After recover from a failure, the new FsImage is copied
back to the NameNode, which is used whenever the
NameNode is started the next time.
HA configuration of NameNode
JournalNodes / NFS Zookeeper (3 or 5)
• Active-Passive configuration can also be setup
with a standby NameNode
• Can use a Quorum Journal Manager (QJM) or
NFS to maintain shared state
• DataNodes send heartbeats and updates to
both NameNodes.
• Writes to JournalNodes only happens via Active Active
NameNode - avoids “split brain” scenario of NameNode
network partitions
• Standby reads from JournalNodes to keep
updated on state as well as latest updates from
• Zookeeper session may be used for failure
detection and election of new Active
Client DataNodes
Other robustness mechanisms

• Types of failures - DataNode, NameNode failures and network partitions

• Heartbeat from DataNode to NameNode for handling DN failures
✓ When data node heartbeat times out (10min) NameNode updates
state and starts pointing clients to other replicas.
✓ Timeout (10min) is high to avoid replication storms but can be set
lower especially if clients want to read recent data and avoid stale
• Cluster rebalancing by keeping track of RF per block and node usage
• Checksums stored in NameNode for blocks written to DataNodes to
check data integrity on corruption on node / link and software bugs


• TCP/IP at network level

• RPC abstraction on HDFS specific protocols
• Clients talk to HDFS using Client protocol
• DataNode and NameNode talk using DataNode protocol
• RPC is always initiated by DataNode to NameNode and not vice-versa
• For better fault tolerance and NameNode state maintenance

Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
Blocks in HDFS

• HDFS stores each file as blocks which are scattered throughout the Apache Hadoop
• The default size of each block is 128 MB in Apache Hadoop 2.x (64 MB in Apache
Hadoop 1.x) which you can configure as per your requirement.
• It is not necessary that in HDFS, each file is stored in exact multiple of the configured
block size (128 MB, 256 MB etc.).
• A file of size 514 MB can have 4 x 128MB and 1 x 2MB blocks
• Why large block of 128MB ?
• HDFS is used for TB/PB size files and small block size will create too much meta-
• Larger blocks will further reduce the “indexing” at block level, impact load
balancing across nodes etc.
How to see blocks of a file in HDFS - fsck

HDFS on local FS
• Find / configure the root of HDFS in hdfs-site.xml - > dfs.data.dir property
• e.g. $HADOOP_HOME/data/dfs/data/hadoop-${user.name}/current
• If you want to see the files in local FS that store blocks of HDFS :
• cd to the HDFS root dir specified in dfs.data.dir
• go inside the sub-dir with name you got from fsck command
• navigate into further sub-directories to find the block files
• All this mapping is stored on the NameNode to map HDFS files to blocks (local FS files) on DataNodes

Replica Placement Strategy - with Rack awareness

• First replica is placed on the same node as the client

• Second replica is placed on a node that is present on different
• Third replica is placed on same rack as second but on a
different node
• Putting each replica on a different rack is expensive write
• For replicas > 3, nodes are randomly picked for 4th replica
without violating upper limit per rack as (replicas-1) / racks +
• Total replicas <= #DataNodes with no 2 replicas on same DN
• Once the replica locations are set, pipeline is built
• Shows good reliability
• NameNode collects block report from DataNodes to balance
the blocks across nodes and control over/under replication of

Why rack awareness ?

• To improve the network performance:  The

communication between nodes residing on different
racks is directed via switch. In general, you will
find greater network bandwidth between machines in
the same rack than the machines residing in different
rack. So, the Rack Awareness helps you to have
reduce write traffic in between different racks and
thus providing a better write performance. Also, you
will be gaining increased read performance because
you are using the bandwidth of multiple racks.

• To prevent loss of data:  We don’t have to worry

about the data even if an entire rack fails because
of the switch failure or power failure. And if you think
about it, it will make sense, as it is said that never put
all your eggs in the same basket.

Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
HDFS data writes
Now, the following protocol will be followed whenever the data is written into

• HDFS client contacts NameNode for Write Request against the two
blocks, say, Block A & Block B.
• NameNode grants permission to client with IP addresses of the
DataNodes to copy blocks
• Selection of DataNodes is randomized but factoring in availability, RF,
and rack awareness
• For 3 copies, 3 unique DNs needed, if possible, for each block.
◦ For Block A, list A = {DN1, DN4, DN6}
◦ For Block B, set B = {DN3, DN7, DN9}
• Each block will be copied in three different DataNodes to maintain the
replication factor consistent throughout the cluster.
• Now the whole data copy process will happen in three stages:
1. Set up of Pipeline
2. Data streaming and replication
3. Shutdown of Pipeline (Acknowledgement stage) 

HDFS Write: Step 1. Setup pipeline

Client creates a pipeline for each of the

blocks by connecting the individual
DataNodes in the respective list for that
block. Let us consider Block A. The list of
DataNodes provided by the NameNode
is DN1, DN4, DN6

HDFS Write: Step 1. Setup pipeline for a block

1. Client chooses the first DataNode (DN1) and will

establish a TCP/IP connection.
2. Client informs DN1 to be ready to receive the block.
3. Provides IPs of next two DNs (4, 6) to DN1 for
4. The DN1 connects to DN4 and informs it to be ready
and gives IP of DN6. DN4 asks DN6 to be ready for
5. Ack of readiness follows the reverse sequence, i.e.
from the DN6 to DN4 to DN1.
6. At last DN1 will inform the client that all the DNs are
ready and a pipeline will be formed between the
client, DataNode 1, 4 and 6.
7. Now pipeline set up is complete and the client will
finally begin the data copy or streaming process.

HDFS Write: Step 2. Data streaming

Client pushes the data into the pipeline.

1.Once the block has been written to

DataNode 1 by the client, DataNode 1
will connect to DataNode 4.
2.Then, DataNode 1 will push the block
in the pipeline and data will be copied
to DataNode 4.
3.Again, DataNode 4 will connect to
DataNode 6 and will copy the last
replica of the block.

HDFS Write: Step 3. Shutdown pipeline / ack

Block is now copied to all DNs. Client and

NameNode need to be updated. Client needs to
close pipeline and end TCP session.

1. Acknowledgement happens in the reverse

sequence i.e. from DN 6 to 4 and then to 1.

2. DN1 pushes three acknowledgements (including

its own) into pipeline and client.

3. Client informs NameNode that data has been

written successfully.

4. NameNode updates metadata.

5. Client shuts down the pipeline.

Multi-block writes

• The client will copy Block A

and Block B to the first
DataNode simultaneously.
• Parallel pipelines for each block
• Pipeline process for a block is
same as discussed.
• E.g. 1A, 2A, 3A, … and 1B, 2B,
3B, … work in parallel

Sample write code

public static void writeFileToHDFS() throws IOException {

Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://<host>:9000");
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration);
//Create a path
String fileName = “sample file.txt”;
Path hdfsWritePath = new Path("/sample/" + fileName);
FSDataOutputStream fsDataOutputStream =

BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new

OutputStreamWriter(fsDataOutputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
bufferedWriter.write(“Sample text");

HDFS Create / Write - Call sequence in code

1) Client calls create() on FileSystem to create a file

1) RPC call to NameNode happens through FileSystem to create
new file.
2) NameNode performs checks to create a new file. Initially,
NameNode creates a file without associating any data blocks
to the file.
3) The FileSystem.create() returns an FSDataOutputStream to
client to perform write.
2) Client creates a BufferedWriter using FSDataOutputStream to
write data to a pipeline
1) Data is split into packets by FSDataOutputStream, which is
then written to the internal queue.
2) DataStreamer consumes the data queue
3) DataStreamer requests NameNode to allocate new blocks by
selecting a list of suitable DataNodes to store replicas. This is
4) DataStreamer streams packets to first DataNode in the

HDFS Create / Write - Call sequence in code
3) The first DataNode stores packet and forwards it
to Second DataNode and then Second node
transfer it to Third DataNode.
4) FSDataOutputStream also manages a “Ack
queue” of packets that are waiting for the
acknowledgement by DataNodes.
5) A packet is removed from the queue only if it is
acknowledged by all the DataNodes in the
6) When the client finishes writing to the file, it calls
close() on the stream
7) This flushes all the remaining packets to DataNode
pipeline and waits for relevant acknowledgements
before communicating the NameNode to inform
the client that the writing of the file is complete.

1.Client contacts NameNode asking for the block
metadata for a file
2.NameNode returns list of DNs where each block is
3.Client connects to the DNs where blocks are stored
4.The client starts reading data parallel from the DNs
(e.g. Block A from DN1, Block B from DN3)
5.Once the client gets all the required file blocks, it
will combine these blocks to form a file.

How are blocks chosen by NameNode ?

While serving read request of the client, HDFS
selects the replica which is closest to the client. This
reduces the read latency and the bandwidth
consumption. Therefore, that replica is selected
which resides on the same rack as the reader node, if
Sample read code
public static void readFileFromHDFS() throws IOException
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
Path inFile = new Path(args[0])
FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(inFile);
OutputStream out = System.out;
byte buffer[] = new byte[256];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
HDFS Read - Call sequence in code
1) Client opens the file that it wishes to read from by calling
open() on FileSystem
1) FileSystem communicates with NameNode to get
location of data blocks.
2) NameNode returns the addresses of DataNodes on
which blocks are stored.
3) FileSystem returns FSDataInputStream to client to read
from file.
2) Client then calls read() on the stream, which has addresses of
DataNodes for first few blocks of file, connects to the closest
DataNode for the first block in file
1) Client calls read() repeatedly to stream the data from
2) When end of block is reached, stream closes the
connection with DataNode.
3) The stream repeats the steps to find the best DataNode
for the next blocks.
3) When the client completes the reading of file, it calls close()
on the stream to close the connection.
Read optimizations

• Short-circuit reads can also be made by client to

local file bypassing DataNode using /dev/shm
for better performance.
• Client can ask certain HDFS paths to be cached
✓ NameNode asks DNs to cache
corresponding blocks and send cache block
report along with heartbeat
• Clients can be scheduled for data locality so that
it can use local reads or caches better


• POSIX style file permissions

• Choice of transparent encryption/decryption Database

✓ HDFS encryption is between file system and DB level HDFS

encryption Native FS

• Create hierarchical encryption zones so that any file within the

zone (a path) has the same key
• Hadoop Key Management Server (KMS) does the following
✓ Provides access to stored Encryption Zone Keys
✓ Create encrypted data encryption keys (EDEK) for storage by
✓ Decrypting EDEK for use by clients

Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
File formats

• Many ways to evaluate formats

• Text (JSON, CSV, ..)
✓ Write performance
✓ Read performance
• Parquet
✓ Partial read performance
• RC
✓ Block compression
✓ Columnar support
• Sequence
✓ Schema change

File formats - text based

• Text-based (JSON, CSV …)

✓ Easily splittable
✓ Can’t split compressed files
• so large Map tasks because you have to give the entire file
to a Map task
✓ Simplest to start putting in structured / semi-structured data

File formats - sequence files
• A flat file consisting of binary key/value pairs
• Extensively used in MapReduce as input/output formats as well as internal
temporary outputs of maps
• 3 types
1. Uncompressed key/value records.
2. Record compressed key/value records - only 'values' are compressed here.
3. Block compressed key/value records - both keys and values are collected in
configurable 'blocks' and compressed. Sync markers added for random access
and splitting.
• Header includes information about :
• key, value class
• whether compression is enabled and whether at block level
• compressor codec used
ref: https:/cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HADOOP2/SequenceFile 48
Example: Storing images in HDFS
public class ImageToSeq {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { • We want to store a bunch of
Configuration confHadoop = new Configuration();
… details of conf …
images as key-value pairs, maybe
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(confHadoop);
Path inPath = new Path("/mapin/1.png");
attach some meta-data as well
• Files are stored as binary format,
Path outPath = new Path("/mapin/11.png");
FSDataInputStream in = null;
Text key = new Text();
BytesWritable value = new BytesWritable(); e.g. sequence file
SequenceFile.Writer writer = null;
in = fs.open(inPath);
• We can apply some image
byte buffer[] = new byte[in.available()];
in.read(buffer); processing on the files, as well as
writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, confHadoop, outPath,
key.getClass(),value.getClass()); use meta-data to retrieve specific
writer.append(new Text(inPath.getName()), new BytesWritable(buffer));
}catch (Exception e) { images
System.out.println("Exception MESSAGES = "+e.getMessage());
finally {
System.out.println("last line of the code....!!!!!!!!!!");
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16546040/store-images-videos-into-hadoop-hdfs 49
File formats - Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) *
Improves performance when Hive is reading, writing, and processing data

Index data used to skip rows

create table Addresses ( Includes min/max for each
name string,
street string,
column and their row positions
city string,
Row data used for table scans
state string,
zip int
) stored as orc tblproperties (“orc.compress"="ZLIB");

* more in Hive session ref: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/hive/languagemanual+orc 50

File formats - Parquet
• Columnar format
• Pros
✓ Good for compression because data in a column tends to be similar
• Support block level compression as well as file level
✓ Good query performance when query is for specific columns
✓ Compared to ORC - more flexible to add columns
✓ Good for Hive and Spark workloads if working on specific columns at a time
• Cons
✓ Expensive write due to columnar
• So if use case is more about reading entire rows, then not a good choice
• Anyway - Hadoop systems are more about write once and read many
times - so read performance is paramount
• Note: Avro is another option for workloads with full row scans because it is row
major storage
Topics for today

• Hadoop architecture overview

✓ Components
✓ Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2
✓ Architecture
✓ Robustness
✓ Blocks and replication strategy
✓ Read and write operations
✓ File formats
✓ Commands
Basic command reference
• list files in the path of the file system
✓ hadoop fs -ls <path> 
• alters the permissions of a file where <arg> is the binary argument e.g. 777
✓ hadoop fs -chmod <arg> <file-or-dir> 
• change the owner of a file
✓ hadoop fs -chown <owner>:<group> <file-or-dir> 
• make a directory on the file system
✓ hadoop fs -mkdir <path> 
• copy a file from the local storage onto file system
✓ hadoop fs -put <local-origin> <destination> 
• copy a file to the local storage from the file system
✓ hadoop fs -get <origin> <local-destination> 
• similar to the put command but the source is restricted to a local file reference
✓ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <local-origin> <destination> 
• similar to the get command but the destination is restricted to a local file reference
✓ hadoop fs -copyToLocal <origin> <local-destination> 
• create an empty file on the file system
✓ hadoop fs -touchz 
• copy files to stdout
✓ hadoop fs -cat <file> 

More HDFS commands - config and usage

Get configuration data in general, about name nodes, about any specific attribute

• hdfs getconf 
• return various configuration settings in effect
• hdfs getconf -namenodes 
• returns namenodes in the cluster
• hdfs getconf -confkey <a.value> 
• return the value of a particular setting (e.g. dfs.replication)
• hdfs dfsadmin -report 
• find out how much disk space us used, free, under-replicated, etc.


• High level architecture of Hadoop 2 and differences with earlier

Hadoop 1
✓ Architecture
✓ Read and write flows
✓ File formats
✓ Commands commonly used
✓ Additional reading about HDFS: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/

Next Session:
Hadoop MapReduce and YARN

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