Your Bill Explained:: SSE Airtricity

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The document provides details of electricity and gas charges on a billing statement including previous balance, payments received, charges and amount due.

The statement provides the billing address, account number, billing periods, electricity and gas charges breakdown with descriptions and amounts as well as a payment summary.

The gas usage is calculated based on meter readings at the start and end of the billing period along with a conversion factor to convert cubic meters to kilowatt hours. It also shows a comparison to the previous year's usage for the same period.

SSE Airtricity Statement Number: 123456 2 100100100100

Your bill explained: 1 Account Number: 654321 DG1 MCC01 01

The first two pages of your electricity and gas bill is an overall statement on your account.
Date of Issue: 10/01/2018 3
101010 B
Account Number (AC Band)
1 This is unique to your account and Annual Consumption Band Billing Address: 4
you may be asked for it when you A letter is associated with your A N Other
contact us. estimated annual gas usage. Main Street
Local Suburb
The bands are set out as follows: Co.Dublin
Electricity meter details A = Less than 6,000 kWh
2 B = 6,000 kWh to 23,500 kWh
(MPRN) Y = 73,000 kWh to 750 MWh
Meter Point Reference Number Z = 750 MWh to 5,500 MWh 5
Your MPRN is a unique 11 digit Summary of Payments since last statement
number assigned to your electricity Billing Address Description Date Amount €
4 The property that your bill is sent to. Balance forward 246.27
meter. Total Payments Received -246.27
Amount due before this bill 0.00
DG Summary
5 This is a summary of payments since
Your DG number identifies your Total Electricity Charges for this period Invoice 789098403 171.61
Distribution Use of System (DUoS) your last statement. It shows the
balance from your last bill (balance Total Gas Charges for this period Invoice 52461837 150.85
profile - this is a charge that
SSE Airtricity pays to companies who forwarded), any recent payments Total Amount Outstanding 322.46

maintain the electricity network. (payments received )and the amount

due on the account
MCC (if any).
MCC is your Meter Configuration
Electricity and Gas Billing Period
Code, which tells us what type of 6 The dates your bill covers for each We now have even
meter you have. more ways to pay. For
your range of flexible
Profile payment options, visit
Profile determines what electricity
Remittance Advice
7 Detach this to use for non-direct
tariff you pay.
debit payments.

Gas meter details

TOTAL DUE € 322.46
Gas Point Reference Number
Your GPRN is a unique number that’s
assigned to your gas meter.
15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018 15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018 Direct Debit 24/01/2018
UMR: 0000000-0000000

7 654321

AN POST REF 0000000000000 000000000000 000000

Turn over for page 2 of your bill > € 322.46

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Your bill explained:
Payment received
8 Payments received since your
last statement.

Useful Information
9 This section has detailed information
on some key items like ways to pay,
Payment Summary
our complaints process and charges
like the PSO levy and Carbon Tax. Payment Description Date Amount €
8 Payment Received 30/11/2017 -246.27
More information is available on our

Turn over for page 3 of your bill >

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Your bill explained: 10 Invoice Number: 123456

The third and fourth pages of your bill are about the electricity charges on your account for Account Number: 654321 DG1 MCC01 01
the billing period.
Date of Issue: 10/01/2018
Invoice Number Unit N/A
10 Each bill has a unique number so its 13 Units are different for each item:
easy to identify. Supply Address: 11
Rates: A N Other
Kilowatt hours(kWh) Main Street
Supply address Local Suburb
11 The property that the electricity is Co.Dublin
Standing charges:
being supplied to.
Number of days in the billing period

Description PSO levy:

12 The description contains the title of Number of months in you 12 Details of charges for Electricity 13 14 15
the type of charge being applied. billing period
This could include the following: Description Units MIC Rate Amount €
(MIC) SmartSaver Std Staff 24hr 864.00 0.1322 114.22
Standing charges 14 Maximum Import Charge
Standing Charge P1 Dom Urban
PSO Levy
2.00 12
Standing charges are a combination The MIC is the maximum electrical VAT 13.5% 20.41
of fixed charges for electricity or load your connection can handle.
Total costs for this period 151.20
gas supply and a share of the supply Total VAT 20.41
costs for servicing your account. Rate Total charges for this period 171.61
15 Your rate is your cost per unit for
(PSO) Levy electricity, gas or standing charges.
Public Service Obligation
All electricity suppliers are obliged
by government to apply a Public We now have even
more ways to pay. For
Service Obligation (PSO) levy. The your range of flexible
levy supports security of supply and payment options, visit
environmental protection. These are
measured by the number of months
in your billing period.

15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018 N/A Direct Debit 24/01/2018

UMR: 0000000-0000000


Turn over for page 4 of your bill >

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Your bill explained:
Electricity Usage Details Usage
16 This section outlines the meter 21 Amount of electricity you used
readings used to calculate your bill. during the billing period in kilowatts
The meter reading can be provided (kWh). It’s calculated by subtracting
by ESB Networks (A), estimated (E) or your Previous Reading from your
submitted by the customer (C). Present Reading and applying the
Multiplier. 16 17 18 19 20 21
Electricity Usage Details
Previous Reading
17 This is your meter reading from the Fuel Mix
Electricity Supply Address: A N Other, Main Street, Local Suburb, Co.Dublin

start of your billing period. Please 22 The fuel mix table the sources from Description Meter No Date
Multiplier Usage

note this may be an estimate. which SSE Airtricity generate our 24hr Z00082147 15/11/2017 43083 (C) 10/01/2018 43947 (E) 1.0 864
fuels. (A) Actual Meter Reading (E) Estimated Meter Reading (C) Customer Meter Reading
Interim Reading
18 Interim reading will be included if we Electricity used this period has increased by 3.7%

recieved a reading during your billing

Last year 833 kWh (Billing period 15/11/2016 to 10/01/2017).
This year 864 kWh (Billing period 15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018).
Difference in electricity usage is +31 units this year compared to the same period last year.
Present Reading For further information on your consumption, visit My SSE Airtricity, your SSE Airtricity Online Account at
19 This is your meter reading at the end
Meter Readings
of your billing period. Please note Every energy customer has a consumption pattern based on previous usage. All estimates are based on this historical pattern of consumption. If at any
this may be an estimate. stage you are not satisfied with an estimated reading, you can submit an actual meter reading and we will incorporate this into the calculation of your
next bill.
Your electricity meter was last read on 20/03/2017. You can submit meter readings in a number of ways, including visiting, calling
1850 40 40 70*, or using the ‘My SSE Airtricity’ app.
20 This converts your meter reading
into kilowatt (kWh) units. 22 SSE Airtricity - proud to be Ireland's largest provider of 100% green energy
SSE Airtricity Fuel Mix Disclosure: January 2016 to December 2016
% total
Electricity supplied has been sourced from the following fuels: Electricity Supplied by Average for All Island
SSE Airtricity Market (for comparison) We're proud to be Ireland’s largest
provider of 100% green energy.
Renewable 100.0% 40.09%
Natural Gas 0% 39.66% In 2016, all of the electricity we supplied
Coal 0% 13.76% to our home and business customers
Peat 0% 5.35% (4.9 TWh^) was from renewable energy
sourced by SSE Airtricity, significantly
EU Fossil 0% 0.00%
abating almost 2 million tonnes^^ of
Oil 0% 0.00% harmful CO2 emissions on the island.
Nuclear 0% 0.00%
Other 0% 1.14%
TOTAL 100.00% 100.00%
Environmental Impact - CO 2 Emissions 0 t/MWh 0.367 t/MWh
Your specific fuel mix may differ to the fuel mix shown because SSE Airtricity offer green source products. For information on your fuel mix and on the environmental impact of your electricity supply visit or for further details call 1850 40 40 70*.
^Total TWh supplied to homes and businesses based on Electricity Market Share by MWh published by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in Retail Market Reports for the periods Q1-Q4 2016. ^^ Quoted CO2 emissions abated
based on Average CO2 Emissions (t/MWh) in 2016 in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the CRU in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2016, October 2017.

Turn over for page 5 of your bill >

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Your bill explained: Invoice Number: 123456

The fifth and sixth pages of your bill are about the gas usage and charges on your account for Account Number: 654321 N/A N/A N/A
billing period.
Date of Issue: 10/01/2018
123456 B
Unit GB0000000000
23 Units are different for different items:
Kilowatt hours (kWh) - the unit for Supply Address:
gas A N Other
Standing charges: Number of days in Main Street
Local Suburb
the billing period Co.Dublin
Carbon Tax: Kilowatt hours (kWh)
- the unit for gas

24 Your rate is your cost per unit for Details of charges for Gas 23 24
electricity, gas or standing charges.
Description Units Rate (€) Amount €
SmartSaver Std Staff Gas 2,725.00 0.0403 109.82
Standing Charge 56.00 0.2324 13.01
Carbon Tax 2,725.00 0.0037 10.08
VAT 13.5% 17.94

Total costs for this period 132.91

Total VAT 17.94
Total charges for this period 150.85

For more information

on the Natural Gas
Carbon Tax, visit

We now have even

more ways to pay. For
your range of flexible
payment options, visit

N/A 15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018 Direct Debit 24/01/2018

UMR: 0000000-0000000

Turn over for page 6 of your bill >

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Your bill explained:
Gas Usage Details Usage
25 This section outlines the meter 28 The amount of gas you used in
readings used to calculate your either cubic meters (m3) or hundreds
bill. You may have more than one of cubic feet (hcf).
reading if the Conversion Factor
has changed during your billing Conversion factor
29 This converts your gas usage into
period. The meter reading can be 26 27 28 29
kilowatt (kWh) units. This can vary 25 Gas Usage Details
provided by Gas Networks Ireland
(A), estimated (E) or submitted by the during your billing period depending Gas Supply Address: A N Other, Main Street, Local Suburb, Co.Dublin

customer (C). on where your gas is sourced from. Meter No Previous Date Present Date Usage
Gas Used
Reading Reading kWh
1912990 10634 (C) 15/11/2017 10878 (E) 10/01/2018 244 m 3 11.1680 2725
Previous Reading
26 This is your meter reading from the (A) Actual Meter Reading (E) Estimated Meter Reading (C) Customer Meter Reading

start of your billing period. Gas used this period has increased by 18.5%

Present Reading
27 This is your meter reading at the end
Last year 2300 kWh (Billing period 15/11/2016 to 10/01/2017). The consumption is estimated for the period used.

of your billing period. This year 2725 kWh (Billing period 15/11/2017 to 10/01/2018).
Difference in gas usage is +425 units this year compared to the same period last year (last year amount estimated).
For further information on your consumption, visit My SSE Airtricity, your SSE Airtricity Online Account at

Meter Readings
Every energy customer has a consumption pattern based on previous usage. All estimates are based on this historical pattern of consumption. If at any
stage you are not satisfied with an estimated reading, you can submit an actual meter reading and we will incorporate this into the calculation of your
next bill.
Your gas meter was last read on 15/05/2017. You can submit meter readings in a number of ways, including visiting, calling 1850
40 40 70*, or using the ‘My SSE Airtricity’ app.

For more information about your bill get in touch

0818 40 40 70

All figures and values shown are for illustrative purposes only.

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