Gold and Maars at Wau
Gold and Maars at Wau
Gold and Maars at Wau
E. M. Bakerand Associates
Pty. Ltd., 115 RossRiver Road,Mundingburra,Townsville4812, Australia
0361-0128/84/300/638-1852.50 638
• • li0n 1•
0 100 km 300
i i i
FIG.2. Obliqueaerialphotograph
andUpperRidges(UR) sectorsof the Wau golddeposit,PapuaNew Guinea.NamieCreekandthe
millarein theforeground; theregionalfaultzoneisin theleftbackground.
andto the left of the millarepartsof KaindiMetamorphic slideblocks.
The degraded
canbe seento therightof the
Exceptfor the Morobe goldfield,little economic
mineralizationis known from the Papuanpeninsula
of easternPapuaNew Guinea. Minor alluvial gold
concentrations,derivedmainlyfrom middleMiocene
to Pliocenemagmaticrocks,are workedsporadically.
Severalporphyry copper prospectsof possiblePlio-
cene age, one some 75 km northwestof Wau (Fig.
0 5 10Krn 1), havebeen investigated,and a laterite nickel pros-
pect is knownin the Papuanophiolitebelt some30
km southeastof Wau at Lake Trist (Fig. 1).
Late Cenozoicvolcanotectonic
The Wau district is not mentioned in recent
•\ Upper
•ekloclas • Major faults
synthesesof Plioceneto Recent volcanismin Papua
New Guinea (e.g., Johnson,1979, 1982), probably
endogenousd6m½s • Plioccn½ moat becauseof the absenceof either Recent activity or
any large volcanicedifice. The Wau district is part
FIG. 3. Selectedgeologicfeaturesof the Morobe goldfield, of a tectonically
Papua New Guinea, modified after Dow et al. (1974). southeasternextremity of the Highlands volcanic
v v
v v
V V V V V v v v v v v
VVVV tv v v v v vvvvvvvv
V V V V V vv v v v
V V Iv
v vvv v VvV
V V v v v v o
/ v v
V V v v o
V V I v
V V V V •''•--
v v v v v
V •' 0 •
V V 0 •
}ss V V V 0• •
V V V V 0
• V V V V V V
V V V V V 0
/46 '4/'E
'[-• I•edmont
& pyroclastics
Nami• Bmccio
Dac• porphyry
& fluvio-locustrine
•/• Bulolo
tibonda Formation
C t/nfofil•t/Ot) • Op•/i/•
hO/'i• • f• (•]
porphyry emplacementproposedby Fisher (1945) The oldest recognizablerock unit directly asso-
which, on the basisof our mapping,alsoappearsto ciatedwith generationof the Wau maarisa distinctive
derive little supportfrom the detailed K-Ar dating lithic breccialong known asthe Namie Breccia.It is
studyconductedby R. W. Page(PageandMcDougall, preserved200 to 300 m west of the maar at Upper
1972; Dow et al., 1974). His biotite agesfor porphyry Ridgesand, partly aslandslidematerial, some600 m
samplesfrom the Morobe goldfieldrange from 4.2 southof the maar (Figs. 4 and 5). At both localities
to 2.4 m.y. Severalcorrespondingplagioclasesepa- it unconformablyoverliesa highly irregular surface
rates yielded older ages,apparentlya result of in- cut acrossKaindiMetamorphics.Thicknesses in excess
corporationof variousamountsof excessradiogenic of 200 m have been intersectedduring drilling at
argon (Page and McDougall, 1972). In the absence Upper Ridgesbut are suspectedto be partly a con-
of moreprecisedata,we accepthis rangeof biotite sequenceof repetitionof the succession by fiat faults
agesas broadly representativeof the time interval (Fig. 5). The Namie Brecciais composedof angular
during which dome emplacementtook place, given to rounded fragmentsof Kaindi Metamorphicsand
that the flow-bandeddaciteporphyrywhich yielded daciteporphyrysetin a gray-coloredmatrixof finely
the youngestage of 2.4 m.y. is not a late feature, as comminutedrock material(Fig. 6A). Dacite porphyry
suggested by N. H. Fisher,but is an integralpart of clastsincluderecognizablepumiceousmaterialof ei-
an endogenous dome(Fig. 4)--Fisher's (1945) Lower ther juvenile origin or derived from the Bulolo Ig-
Edie Porphyry.The age of dike intrusionalongthe nimbrite, and fiow-foliated dome material, which
majorfaultzoneisunknownbut tentativelycorrelated might suggestthe presenceof an endogenous dome
with early stagesof dome emplacement. in the Wau area prior to maar formation.Fragments
are mainly<10 cm in sizebut locallyattain>30 cm.
Maar-diatremeformation Disseminatedpyrite, at leastpartly of clasticorigin,
Maar formation at Wau was localized 600 to 1,000 is ubiquitousin the rock flour matrix.
m east of the trace of a major dip-slip fault zone, The NamieBrecciaisdominatedby a coarse,poorly
markedat surfaceby both tight gougeandopen-fault stratifiedand poorly sortedfacies(Fig. 6A) but con-
breccia.The northwest-striking faultplaneisinclined tainsinterbedsof a fine, silty,andwell-stratifiedfacies
eastwardat about 40 ø (Fig. 5) and is partly exposed (Fig. 6C). The poorly stratifiedpartscorrespondto
asfacetedspurs(Fig. 4). Fault movementis believed the explosion brecciaof Wohletz andSheridan(1983)
to have both pre- and postdatedmaar formation, and accumulatedmainly by ballistic fall of ejecta.
whichthereforeprobablytookplaceon a steep,east- The well-stratifiedpartsare thinly beddedandchar-
erly inclinedpalcoslopecomparableto that in exis- acterizedby well-developedlow-anglecrossstrati-
tence today (Fig. 3). Continuingdisplacementmay fication(Fig. 6C), aswell ashorizonscarryingabun-
be evidencedby the majorlandslidealongthe south- dantaccretionarylapilli (Fig. 6B), which exhibitthe
ern part of the fault in Figure 4. The progressive characteristic concentric internal structure. The ac-
decreasein dip of the Bulolo Ignimbrite-Otibanda cretionarylapilli unambiguously testifyto a subaerial
Formation succession northeast of the Wau area is originfor the well-stratifiedNamie Brecciaandwere
interpretedas a resultof fault-inducedtilting which probablyformedby progressiveaccretionof numer-
was largely completedprior to maar formation. ous layers of wet volcanic particles around water
bend in
- - - GO•D&N
•ID GE 5
130• WD10
BEDDING' •..•.".
meters above seadevel
FIG. 5. Crosssectionof the Wau gold deposit,Papua New Guinea, along line A-B-C in Figure 4.
Legend as in Figure 4.
by spallingoff of the cool outer crust of the dome the remnants of one or more stream channels and a
duringits continuedgrowth--talus or crumblebrec- restrictedlake (Fig. 4). Streamchannelswere incised
cia.If suchbrecciaoriginallyflankedthe northwestern intothe intramaarsequenceandare occupiedby con-
side of the dacitic dome, it has since been removed glomerates carryinga significantproportionof Kaindi
by the deeper erosionalonglower Edie Creek, The Metamorphic(includinggarnet-bearingschist)and
breccianearthe domemarginis monomictand clast Morobe Granodioriteclasts.They are therefore in-
supported,and comprisesnonvesiculatedblocksof terpretedasproductsof an externallyderiveddrain-
daciteporphyryup to at least 2 m across(Fig. 6F). age system.In the Golden Peaks area (Fig. 4), the
Clastsizedecreases,and the amountof ashymatrix unit compriseswell-stratifiedconglomerates,sand-
increases,awayfrom the dome, in which directionit stones,andmudstones whichwere rapidly deposited
is intercalatedwith the epiclasticcomponentof the where one or more streams entered a small lake in
intramaarsequence.Pyroclasticrockserupted from the northernpart of the maar.The principalremaining
the domesflankingthe maar were not recognized, outcropof the fiuviolacustrine bedsis recumbently
and the ignimbritemappedeast of Golden Peaksis foldedandcrosscut by a northeast-trending
part of an exotic slideblock (Fig. 4; seebelow). 4 and 5). Althoughthe originof thesetwo structures
Our work at Wau hasdocumentedthe importance remainsuncertain,their positionalong the leading
of exoticslideblockswithin,andespeciallyoverlying, edgeof an exoticblockof BuloloIgnimbritesuggests
the intramaarsequence.Most of the identifiedslide that they are due to very late slidingof the block.
blocksarecomposed of Kaindiphyllite(Fig. 2), partly Prominentclastsof acid-leachedrock,includingopal,
overlainby NamieBreccia(Fig. 4). The largestblock confirmthat the fiuviolacustrinebeds postdatedal-
measures500 X 450 m at surface(Fig. 4) and was teration and mineralization. A remarkable feature of
shownin oneplaceto be 120 m thick (Fig. 5). They the fiuviolacustrine beds is the abundance of trans-
are importantasthe sourceof all gold ore minedat ported woody material, someof it partly pyritized
Golden Ridges and Golden Peaks. These Kaindi (Fig. 7B). Logsup to severalmeterslong,twigs,and
Metamorphic-Namie Breccia blocks clearly origi- leavesare all present.An earthy,but microcrystalline,
nated from Upper Ridgesand, on the basisof the dark blue mineralis sparselyscatteredthroughthe
positionof the Kaindi-Namiecontactand fault pat- unit andwasidentifiedusingX-ray diffractionanalysis
terns, may be assignedto their approximateoriginal asthe iron phosphatevivianitc.The channelfill and
positions(seebelow;Fig. 9). Sincethe maarwascon- fiuviolacustrine beds are all sluiced for their alluvial
structedon a steepmountainside, the westernwall goldcontent.Radiocarbon datingby the U. K. Atomic
of the maarcrater,stillpartlypreservedbelowUpper Energy'Authority, Harwell, of a sample of little-
Ridges(Figs. 2, 4, and 5), was probablythe most weathered wood which we collected from the flu-
unstableandthereforeprovidedthe majorityof the violacustrine bedsat GoldenPeaksyieldedan ageof
landslideblocks.However,somelandslidingalsotook •42,000 yr, the limit of the analyticprocedureem-
placefromotherpartsof the craterwalls,assupported ployed. In view of the specialcare taken becauseof
by recognitionof a block of Bulolo Ignimbrite east the suspectedantiquityof the sample,this minimum
of Golden Peaks and a block of Otibanda Formation age is preferredto that of 34,000 yr, which wasde-
north of KorangaCrater (Figs. 4 and 5). The slide termined previouslyat the AustralianNational Uni-
blocks became detached from the unstable crater versity,Canberra,for wood collectedfrom the same
wallsandsubsidedinto the maaron low-anglefaults, locality (H. A. Polach,in Fisher and Branch, 1981).
markedby substantialzonesof crushingand shearing A similar fiuviolacustrinesequenceis present in
beneaththe blocks(Fig. 7A). Upper Edie Creek (Fig. 3), where it is incisedby the
It isdifficultto equatethe intramaarsequence with present drainage.It also containsabundantwoody
the stratigraphicschemesof previous workers, al- material and scattered vivianitc, and continues to
thoughit appearsto be equivalentto Rebek's(1975) providerich alluvialgold.Wood collectedfrom this
Early Volcanics,andpart of it wasprobablyassigned unitalsoprovedtoooldto be datedby the radiocarbon
to the KorangaVolcanicsof Dow et al. (1974) and method and, like that in the fiuviolacustrine beds at
to the volcanicproductsof the Korangacrater by GoldenPeaks,hasa minimumage of •42,000 yr.
Fisher and Branch(1981). The secondand youngerfiuviatile sequence,also
Late sedimentation
worked for its alluvialgold content,occupiesan ex-
tensive area to the southeast and east of the maar
Two stagesof fiuviatilesedimentationtook place (Fig. 4), where it constitutesa broad piedmontfan.
in the Wau district after the formation of the maar It was constructed at the mountain front as a result
was essentially complete. The earlier, and topo- of renewed uplift (Fisher, 1944) on the northwest-
graphicallyhigher, is representedby a seriesof ero- trending fault zone and is incisedby the present
sional outliers up to at least 50 m thick which are drainage.
12tI I t I t I
The Korangacraterarea,whichisbelievedto have Edie Creek (Fig. 3). There the veins,includingmany
beenthe siteof hydrothermal
eruptionspriorto 1967, lesspersistentveinsandveinlets,mainlytransectthe
ispresentlydelimitedonthreesidesby steppedwalls, Kaindi Metamorphics(Fisher, 1939; Rebek, 1975)
producedby recent subsidence, and is breachedon in anareaadjacentto an endogenous dome,although
the fourth as a result of the 1967 landslides. It contains locallythey cut the domeitself.The veinsconstitute
a smallcold water pond and has now cooledcom- a northwest-trending belt parallelto the regionalfault
pletelyfollowingthe 1967 activity.One of the earlier zone at Wau (Fig. 3). The Upper Edie Creek veins
eruptionbreccias,in the southernpart of the Koranga carryquartz,calcite,and manganocalcite, asat Wau,
area, carriesabundantfragmentsof Morobe diorite, but containa greater abundanceof silver sulfosalts
a rockwhichdoesnot cropout aroundthe craterand (Lowenstein,1982).
is only known from a smallinlier 400 m southwest The intrusivedacite porphyries,and their imme-
and 40 m lower in elevation. It is concluded that the diatemetamorphic wallrocks,alongtheregionalfault
dioritefragmentswere carriedupwardfrombeneath zone west of Upper Ridges,are locally pervasively
the crater area by hydrothermaleruptions. sericitizedand,at the Ribroastermine(Fig. 4), have
Gold mineralization
beenworkedfor gold.There,upto 10 volumepercent
The principal hydrothermalgold mineralization ized by a crossstructure.The sulfideassemblage in-
knownin the Wau districtis closelyassociated with cludesimportantpyrite,pyrrhotite,andarsenopyrite,
the hydrothermalbrecciasat Upper Ridges,Golden and the gold is 750 fine (Lowenstein,1982); both
Ridges,and GoldenPeaks(Fig. 4). The high-grade featuresarein markedcontrastto the Wau andUpper
mineralization (10-30 g/metric ton) is present Edie Creek lodes.
mainly in gently dipping, grosslylenticularlodes, Goldmineralization at bothWau andUpperEdie
which are up to 10 m thick and 300 m longbut are Creek is believed to have been generatedduring
generallyratherdiscontinuous. Theseappearto have domeemplacement and maarformation(Fig. 8). If
beenemplacedwithin or at the baseof hydrothermal Page and McDougall's(1972) biotite agesare ac-
breccias,apparentlyof both subsurface andsubaerial cepted(seeabove),thenmineralization probablyfalls
origin.The majorveinsappearto be overlainby one within the 4- to 2.4-m.y. interval. At Wau, however,
or morelessextensiveveinsandare partlyparalleled gold introductionprecededslidingof Kaindi Meta-
by preexisting,sill-likebodiesof daciteporphyry. morphic-Namie Breccia blocks, as shown by the
In an unoxidizedstate, the veins carry calcite, abrupt truncation of gold mineralizationat their
manganocalcite, andquartz,alongwith generallymi- sheared bases.
nor pyrite, rhodochrosite,sphalerite,galena,chal- As noted above,alluvial gold in the Wau district
copyrite,tetrahedrite,andsilversulfosalts(seeRebek, is presentlocally as economicconcentrations in all
1975; Lowenstein,1982). The carbonatescommonly the clasticsedimentary unitsdistinguished
exhibit crustiformbanding (Fig. 7E) and cockade mapping,namelythe OtibandaFormationdeposited
structure,andthe quartzis white or transparentand priorto maarformation,the fiuviolacustrinebedsand
normallyvuggy.Hypogenegoldin theveinsispresent channelconglomerates, and the piedmontfan accu-
in the native state and is probably500 to 600 fine; mulatedafter maarformation.The sourcesof gold in
theoverallAg/Auratioof theveinsis3:1 (Lowenstein, thesealluvial depositshave yet to be preciselyde-
1982). Much of the ore is oxidizedand is believed termined,but in the postmaarunits it is probably
by Lowenstein(1982) to haveundergonesupergene largely derivedfrom hydrothermalgold associated
goldenrichmentasan accompaniment to the trans- with domeemplacementandmaarformation,assup-
formationofmanganocalcite andrhodochrosite to wad portedby the relativelylow fineness (558-611) doc-
and crystallinemanganese oxides. umentedin the Korangacraterarea(Fisher,1975).
Goldmineralizationof lower gradebut commonly Gold introducedduringMorobeGranodioriteintru-
minable in bulk, with gradesof up to 5 g/metric sion(Fisher,1945) in the mid-Miocene,or evendur-
ton of gold, occupiessubstantial volumesof hydro- ing metamorphogenic quartzsegregation in the Oli-
thermallybrecciatedrock.The goldis present,with gocene-earlyMiocene, is probablythe main source
the samegangueassemblage asin the mainlodes,in of Otibandagold, which is reportedto average876
either short multidirectionalveinletsup to several fineelsewherein the Morobegoldfield(Lowenstein,
centimeters wide above the main lodes, or in vein 1982).
fragmentswithin the breccias. The majorproportionof the goldproducedfrom
At Upper Ridges, the gently dipping, breccia- the Morobe goldfieldwas dredgedfrom the Bulolo
hostedlodesaretransitionaldownwardto steep,albeit alluvials(Fig. 3) and wasderivedby erosionof the
mineralogicallysimilar, vein structures.These are Wau and Upper Edie Creek lode gold deposits
similarto the mainveinsexploitedpreviouslyat Upper (Fisher, 1945, 1975).
. - -- Dome emploccment
--- ß Regionc•l
I I ? - Gold mincroiizotion
-- •./?
4 J 2 ! O
- • - Declteporphyryintrusion,
- Dletrerne/rneer/tuff-ring
Hear sedirnentotlon
MAAR- FORMING - - Hydrotherrnel
-•-Deep hydrothermel
olterobonm moor
.•.. • Dome
ernp•scernent b.
- - Descent of shde blocks
- Generobon of oc•d-leachedzone
Fluvmble sed•rnentnbon
FIG.8. (a)Generalized
of volcanic
andhydrothermaleventsat Wauandvicinity.
K-AragecontrolfromPageandMcDougall (1972),(b) Amplification
of eventsassociated
formation of the Wau maar.
contain <0.005 ppm Au, except where they were magmatic(carryingjuvenile material) origin for the
developedat the expenseof auriferoushydrothermal Wau maar is difficult to make because it is unclear
breeeia. whetherdaciteporphyryclastsare juvenile (cognate
lithics) or not (accessorylithics). In common with
Volcanic and Hydrothermal Development manydiatremes(e.g., Selfet al., 1980), the Wau dia-
In the Morobe goldfield,hydrothermalgold de- tremeisbelievedto havebeenlocalizedby the nearby
positionaccompaniedemplaeementof endogenous regionalfault zone,whichdipseastwardat about40 ø
domes,the earlier of which may have given rise to beneaththe maarandshouldthereforebe presentat
pyroelasticpumice-and ash-flowspreservedas the a depthof about1,000 m beneathit (Fig. 8). A per-
Bulolo Ignimbrite. On the basisof Page and Me- meablefault zonewouldprovideideal conditionsfor
Dougall's(1972) radiometricages,the overall max- descendingground waters to encounter ascending
imumtime spanfor gold mineralizationwas4 to 2.4 bodiesof magma.Early batchesof thismagma,which
m.y. (Fig. 8). At Wau itself, the initial generationof rose alongthe fault zone, are believed to be repre-
the maar and underlying diatreme preceded gold sentedby the dikelikebodiesofdaciteporphyrywest
mineralization,which is thoughtto have taken place of Upper Ridges(Fig. 9). Followingthe main period
prior to emplaeementof the youngestdated daeitie of hydrovolcanicactivity, residualmagmadepleted
dome 2.4 m.y. ago. Filling of the maar, including in volatilesby explosiveeruptionwasemplacedmore
eraplacement of landslideblocks,wascompletedbe- thanonceasviscousdomes,with intrusionapparently
fore depositionof the fluviolaeustrinebedsat an un- partlycontrolledby the diatremewalls.The tuff ring
known time >42,000 yr ago. andpartsof the intramaarsequence were constructed
Followingacceptedmodelsof maar-diatremefor- of ballistic fall and base surge deposits,the latter
mation (e.g., Lorenz, 1973), the Wau systemis be- resultingfrom laterallydirectedblastsof turbulent,
lieved to have been generatedby a seriesof hydro- expandedgas-soliddispersions (Moore, 1967; Sher-
volcanic(phreatieor phreatomagmatie; Sheridanand idan andWohletz, 1981). The tuff ring probablyex-
Wohletz, 1981) explosions triggeredby interaction tendedsome2 km from the perimeterof the maar,
magmaandcoolmeteoricwa- but becauseof its poor preservationpotential, it is
of hot andesitie-daeitie
ter. The choicebetween a phreatie and a phreato- now largely destroyed.
/ ;'/;
During or immediately following initial explosive and dominated by meteoric water, in common with
activity, the ring fault would have formed and sub- those inferred to have been responsiblefor similar
sidenceof the enclosedrocks,includingpartsof the epithermalpreciousmetal mineralizationelsewhere
tuff ring, probably took place (e.g., Hearn, 1968; (e.g., BergerandEimon, 1982), althoughsomework-
Lorenz, 1973). Material which subsidedat this time ers suggestthat a crucial metal-bearing magmatic
may have been disaggregated by subsequentexplo- componentmayhavebeen added(e.g.,White, 1981).
sions,althoughthe NamieBrecciablock--intersected At Wau, any magmaticallyderived fluid must have
by drilling at a depth of 300 m within the maar-- beenreleasedduringfinalcrystallizationof andesitic-
survived. Once subsidencehad commenced, the cra- daciticmagmabodiesbeneaththe diatreme(Fig. 9).
ter wouldhaveundergoneprogressive
by Gold mineralizationon the upthrownsideof the re-
slumpingand sliding from its unstablewalls. gionalfault zone, at the Ribroastermine, appearsto
Hydrothermalbrecciationand gold introduction havebeen emplacedat greaterdepthby fluidschan-
were essentiallycoevalandtook placewithin the tuff neledup the fault. The fluidsare thoughtto possess
ring andunderlyingKaindiMetamorphicsof the Up- a overallparentagesimilarto thoseresponsiblefor
per Ridgesarea.In thiswedge-shaped body of rock, golddeposition at UpperRidges,but theyweremore
between the regional fault zone and the maar ring salineandin the boilingcondition(M. Jones,written
fault,gentlydippingextensional faultswere generated commun., 1983).
asthispoorlyrestrainedwedgeof rock tendedto slip Since most of the major veins have now either
downwardtoward the maar (Fig. 9). Furthermore, been removed by mining or are inaccessible,it is
the regional fault zone and associatedsubsidiary difficultto ascertainthe precisenature of their struc-
structureswere ideally locatedto act as a plumbing tural controls.However,all veins,includingearlyones
systemfor the ascentof hydrothermal fluids from fragmentedby hydrothermalbrecciation,were evi-
depth beneath the maar. dently producedby repeatedopeningand filling of
In conformity with the mechanismacceptedfor laterallyrestricted,gentlydippingfractures.As pro-
the genesisof comparablebrecciaselsewhere(Muffler posedabove,fracturesare thoughtto havebeengen-
et al., 1971; Henley and Thornley, 1979; Nairn and eratedby extensionof the rock wedge between the
Wiradiradja,1980; Hedenquist,1983), hydrothermal regionalfault zone and the ring fault owingto incip-
brecciationat Upper Ridgesis believedto have been ient downwardmovementtowardthe maar (Fig. 9).
a consequence of fluid overpressuresgeneratedbe- Explosivevolcanic activity must have continued
neathrelativelyimpermeablecaprocks.Permeability locally during early stagesof sedimentationwithin
wasreducedasa result of the self-sealingof fissures the maar, becauseof the alternation of pyroclastic
by earlydepositionof gold-bearingcalcite,mangano- and epiclasticunits,althoughhigher horizonsof the
calcite,and quartz, which are now presentas ubiq- intramaarsequencetend to be dominatedby epiclastic
uitousfragmentsin the hydrothermalbreccias.Hy- material. Maar sedimentsare mainly epiclastic,de-
draulicfracturingis thoughtlikely to havebeen trig- rived locally from within the confinesof the crater,
gered by rapid reductions of confining pressure and accumulatedpartly in shallowephemerallakes
inducedby faulting and slidingof material into the around which vegetation grew profusely. On the
maar. Decompressionin one or more fissureswould northwesternsideof the maarthey intertonguewith
havecausedwaterto flashto steam,disruptthe fissure crumble breccia accumulated on the flank of the dac-
walls and confiningrocks, and carry the resultingitic dome during its active growth. Hydrothermal
fragmentalmaterial to the surface.Continuedviolent
fluidswhich debouchedat this time gaverise to sub-
dischargeof fluidsand ejecta causedentrainmentof aqueouschert-pyrite beds and possiblyalsoto sub-
additionalmaterial from the walls of the ramifying
aerial travertine and sinter.At least part of the deep
systemof conduitsand their progressivewidening quartz-calcite-kaolinite-smectite-(illite) alteration
during the courseof the days, months,or years of probablyalsodatesfromthisperiod.The lack of gold
intermittenteruptiveactivity.In contrastto the early
in all thesehydrothermalproductssuggests their for-
hydrovolcanicstage,the loci of eruptionwere very mation from fluids different from those responsible
muchshallower(•100 m), morerestricted,andlack- for mineralizationat Upper Ridgesand Ribroaster.
ing in any direct magmaticinvolvement. The intramaar succession was deformed by con-
As suggestedfor hydrothermaleruption vents in tinued subsidenceand slumping,mainlyafter explo-
general(Henley andThornley, 1979), thoseat Wau sive activity had ceased, as documented for maars
appearto haveactedaseffectivechannelways for the elsewhere(Lorenz, 1979). Detachmentof rigid slide
focusedascentof hydrothermalfluidsduringandim- blocks from the unstable walls of the maar crater took
mediatelyfollowingbrecciation.Althoughno stable placeafterfillingof the maarwasessentially complete
isotopestudiesand only preliminaryfluid inclusion and may have causeddeformationof partsof the in-
studiesof samplesfrom Wau have been carried out tramaar sequence.Most of the recognized blocks
to date, the fluids are believed to have been dilute originatedon the oversteepenedwesternwall, from
whichthe largesttraveledfor 600 m (Figs.4, 5, and fields Consolidated Limited. We thank R. A. Shak-
9). Movementon the regionalfault zonemayhave esby,ExplorationManager,andJ.P. McKibben,As-
triggeredthe sliding.Hydrothermalbrecciasandgold sistantExplorationManager(SouthWestPacific),for
mineralizationat Golden Ridgesand Golden Peaks permissionto presentthis summaryof the geologic
underwentmechanical transportfor distances
of up aspectsof the work. Useful discussions
were held at
to i km to their presentpositionsasintegralpartsof varioustimes with J.P. McKibben, R. M. D. Meares,
slide blocks.The gently dipping veins at Golden D. Pascoe,and J. V. Wright. Reviewsof the manu-
Ridgesand Golden Peaksbecame detached at this scriptwere generouslyprovidedby N. H. Fisher, P.
time fromtheir steeperfeederveins,whichare only Lowenstein,and R. W. Page.
present in the area of autochthonousmineralization
at Upper Ridges. August 16, 1983; January 16, 1984
In viewof itsplanar,gentlydippingform,the opal-
ized horizonis interpretedto have been a boiling
watertable, with the suprajacentcristobalite-kaolin- REFERENCES
ite-aluniteassemblage representing acidleachingby Berger, B. R., and Eimon, P. I., 1982, Comparative models of
dissolutionof boiled-offH2S in cool groundwaters epithermalsilver-golddeposits:Soc.Mining EngineersAIME
(cf.Buchanan, 1981).The zoneof acidleachingwould Preprint 82-13, 14 p.
havebeenrepresented at surfaceby steamingground, Buchanan,L. J., 1981, Precious metal depositsassociatedwith
volcanic environments in the Southwest: Arizona Geol. Soc.
andcristobalite-richrockis interpretedasa product
Digest, v. 14, p. 237-262.
of steamleaching.Shallow-levelalterationwithinthe Cross, D., 1963, Soilsandgeologyof somehydrothermaleruptions
maarappears,at leastin part,to havepostdatedarrival in the Waiotapu district: New Zealand Jour. Geology Geo-
of the majormineralizedslideblocks(Fig. 8). physics,v. 6, p. 70-87.
After alteration had ceased, the maar crater was Dent, V. F., 1976, The seismicitypatternnear Mount Yelia, Papua
New Guinea:PapuaNew GuineaGeol. SurveyRept. 76/22, 6
breachedbefore42,000 yr agoby regionaldrainage, p.
and fluviolacustrinebedswere depositedwhere an Dow, D. B., 1977, A geologicalsynthesisof PapuaNew Guinea:
externallyderivedstreamexitedontofiatsin the mid- Australia Bur. Mineral ResourcesGeology GeophysicsBull.
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