Annexure B - PSC4 Professional Services Contract Data
Annexure B - PSC4 Professional Services Contract Data
Annexure B - PSC4 Professional Services Contract Data
Between The Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR). (the Client)
Reg No. Not applicable
and [Insert at award stage]
(the Consultant)
Reg No.
(the service)
Engineering & Project Management
for services for the modification of the
pilot plat to accommodate
additional equipment
Contents: Page No
Part C1 Agreements & Contract Data 2
C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance
C1.2 Contract Data
C1.3 Forms of Sureties (if applicable)
The tenderer, identified in the Offer signature block, has examined the documents listed in the Tender Data and
addenda thereto and by submitting this Offer has accepted the Conditions of Tender.
By the representative of the tenderer, deemed to be duly authorised, signing this part of this Form of Offer and
Acceptance the tenderer offers to perform all of the obligations and liabilities of the Consultant under the contract
including compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning for an amount to be
determined in accordance with the conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data.
Option A The offered total of the Prices for the engineering services phase R
plus estimated expenses exclusive of VAT is
Value Added Tax @ 15% is R
The offered total of the Prices and expenses inclusive of VAT is1 R
(in words) [●]
This Offer may be accepted by the Client by signing the Acceptance part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance and
returning one copy of this document including the Schedule of Deviations (if any) to the tenderer before the end of the
period of validity stated in the Tender Data, or other period as agreed, whereupon the tenderer becomes the party
named as the Consultant in the conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data.
For the
This total is required by the Client for budgeting purposes only. Actual amounts due will be assessed in terms of the
conditions of contract.
By signing this part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Client identified below accepts the tenderer’s Offer. In
consideration thereof, the Client shall pay the Consultant the amount due in accordance with the conditions of contract
identified in the Contract Data. Acceptance of the tenderer’s Offer shall form an agreement between the Client and the
tenderer upon the terms and conditions contained in this agreement and in the contract that is the subject of this
Part C1 Agreements and Contract Data, (which includes this Form of Offer and Acceptance)
and drawings and documents (or parts thereof), which may be incorporated by reference into the above listed Parts.
Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender Data and any addenda thereto listed in the
Returnable Schedules as well as any changes to the terms of the Offer agreed by the tenderer and the Client during this
process of offer and acceptance, are contained in the Schedule of Deviations attached to and forming part of this Form
of Offer and Acceptance. No amendments to or deviations from said documents are valid unless contained in this
The tenderer shall within two weeks of receiving a completed copy of this agreement, including the Schedule of
Deviations (if any), contact the Client’s agent (whose details are given in the Contract Data) to arrange the delivery of
any securities, bonds, guarantees, proof of insurance and any other documentation to be provided in terms of the
conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data at, or just after, the date this agreement comes into effect. Failure
to fulfil any of these obligations in accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this agreement.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this agreement comes into effect on the date when the tenderer receives
one fully completed original copy of this document, including the Schedule of Deviations (if any), together with all the
terms of the contract as listed above.
Unless the tenderer (now Consultant) within five working days of the date of such receipt notifies the Client in writing
of any reason why it cannot accept the contents of this agreement, this agreement shall constitute a binding contract
between the Parties.
for the Client CSIR, Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, 0001
Note: If a tenderer wishes to submit alternative tenders, use another copy of this Form of Offer and Acceptance.
1 [●] [●]
2 [●] [●]
3 [●] [●]
4 [●] [●]
5 [●] [●]
6 [●] [●]
7 [●] [●]
By the duly authorised representatives signing this Schedule of Deviations below, the Client and the tenderer agree to
and accept this Schedule of Deviations as the only deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the
Tender Data and any addenda thereto listed in the Tender Schedules, as well as any confirmation, clarification or
changes to the terms of the Offer agreed by the tenderer and the Client during this process of Offer and Acceptance.
It is expressly agreed that no other matter whether in writing, oral communication or implied during the period
between the issue of the tender documents and the receipt by the tenderer of a completed signed copy of this Form
together with all the terms of the contract as listed above shall have any meaning or effect in the contract between
the parties arising from this Agreement.
Name &
of witness
Completion of the data in full, according to the Options chosen, is essential to create a complete contract.
1 General
11.1 The conditions of contract are the core clauses and the clauses for the following main
Option, the Option for resolving and avoiding disputes and secondary Options of the
NEC3/NEC4 Professional Service Contract, June 2017, with amendments January 2019.
Secondary X2: Changes in the law, X11 Termination by the Client, X18: Limitation
Options of liability.
11.2(12) The service is Engineering & Project Management services for the
modification of the pilot plant to accommodate additional
10.1 and 10.2 The Client is equipment
11.2(13) The Scope is in Part C3: Scope of Work and all documents and drawings to which it
12.2 The law of the contract is the law of the Republic of South Africa
15.1 The following matters will be included in the Early Warning Register
15.2 Early warning meetings are to be held at intervals no longer than 1 weeks
3 Time
30.1 The starting date is 7th April 2021
33.1 The Client provides access to the following persons, places and things:
11.2(3) The completion date for the whole of the service is 8 weeks from
starting date
4 Quality management
40.2 The period after the Contract Date within which the Consultant is
to submit a quality policy statement and quality plan (if required)
is 4 weeks
41.1 The period between Completion of the whole of the service and
the defects date is
52 weeks
5 Payment
51.1 The currency of the contract is the South African Rand
item amount
51.4 The interest rate is 2% % per annum (not less than 2) above the
6 Compensation events
There is no reference to Contract Data in this section of the core clauses and terms in italics
used in this section are identified elsewhere in this Contract Data.
7 Rights to material
There is no reference to Contract Data in this section of the core clauses and terms in italics
used in this section are identified elsewhere in this Contract Data.
83.3 The minimum amount of cover and the periods for which the Consultant maintains
insurance are
87.1 The Consultant’s total liability to the Client for all matters Total of the Prices at the
arising under or in connection with the contract, other than the Completion Date.
excluded matters is limited to:
9 Termination
There is no reference to Contract Data in this section of the core clauses and terms in italics
used in this section are identified elsewhere in this Contract Data.
W1.1 The Adjudicator is (Name) the person selected from the ICE-SA Division (or
[It is always preferable to name the Adjudicator its successor body) of the South African
at time of award. If this can be done delete this
Institution of Civil Engineering Panel of
data and insert the name and contact details
below.] Adjudicators by the Party intending to refer a
dispute to him. (see
W1.2 The Adjudicator nominating body is: the Chairman of ICE-SA a joint Division of the
South African Institution of Civil Engineering
and the London Institution of Civil Engineers.
(See ) or its successor body.
W1.4(5) The arbitration procedure is the latest edition of Rules for the Conduct of
Arbitrations published by The Association of
Arbitrators (Southern Africa) or its successor
The person or organisation who will choose an arbitrator if the Parties cannot agree a
choice or if the arbitration procedure does not state who selects an arbitrator, is
the Chairman for the time being or his nominee of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern
Africa) or its successor body.
X18.4 The end of liability date is 2 years after Completion of the whole of the service
[Instructions to the contract compiler: (delete these two notes in the final draft of a contract)
1. Please read the relevant clauses in the conditions of contract before you enter data. The number of the
clause which requires the data is shown in the left-hand column for each statement however other clauses
may also use the same data.
In the left-hand column where a note begins, “If ----- " either complete the data and delete the note if the
option applies, or delete the note and the rows of data relevant to that note if the option has not been
Completion of the data in full, according to the Options chosen, is essential to create a complete contract.
1 General
10.1 The Consultant is
Name [●]
Job [●]
Responsibilities [●]
Qualifications [●]
Experience [●]
Job [●]
Responsibilities [●]
Qualifications [●]
Experience [●]
15.2 The following matters will be included in the Early Warning Register
3 Time
5 Payment
Option A is a lump sum form of contract where the work to be done is broken down into well-defined activities each
listed in the activity schedule and priced by the tendering consultant as a lump sum. (See clause 11.2(22)).
Only completed activities which are without Defects are assessed for payment at each assessment date; no part
payment is made if the activity is not completed by the assessment date. (See clause 11.2(20)).
The activity schedule may change after the Contract Date as a result of compensation events. (See clause 11.2(15)).
The Activity Schedule is only a pricing document. Clause 55.1 in Option A states: “Information in the Activity Schedule
is not Scope”. Specifications and descriptions of the service or any constraints on how it is to be done are included in
the Scope and per Clause 20.1, “The Consultant Provides the Service in accordance with the Scope” and therefore not
in accordance with the Activity Schedule.
Clause 31.4 in Option A states that “The Consultant provides information which shows how each activity on the
Activity Schedule relates to the operations on each programme submitted for acceptance”. Ideally the tendering
consultant will develop a high level programme first then resource each activity on the programme and thus arrive at
the lump sum price for that activity which is entered into the activity schedule.
The tendering consultant prepares the activity schedule by breaking down the work described within the Scope into
suitable activities which can be well defined, shown on a programme and priced as a lump sum.
The description of each activity must be enough to determine exactly what work is included within it and to know
when it has been completed.
Each deliverable identified in the Scope must be shown in the activity schedule using the opening words “Deliver
and obtain acceptance by the Service Manager for ……..” In effect this means the Consultant can only claim
payment for that activity once the deliverable has been accepted by the Service Manager.
Has taken account of the guidance given in the “User Guide, Preparing a Professional Service Contract”;
Understands the function of the Activity Schedule and how work is priced and paid for;
Is aware of the need to link the Activity .Schedule to activities shown on each programme which it submits
for acceptance by the Service Manager;
Has listed and priced activities in the activity schedule which are inclusive of everything necessary and
incidental to Providing the Service in accordance with the Scope, as it was at the Contract Date, as well as
correct Defects except correcting a Defect for which the Consultant is not liable;
Has priced work it decides not to show as a separate activity within the Prices of other listed activities in
order to fulfil the obligation to complete the service for the tendered total of the Prices.
Understands there is no adjustment to the lump sum Activity Schedule price if the amount, or quantity, of
work within that activity later turns out to be different to that which the Consultant estimated at time of
tender. The only basis for a change to the Prices is because of a compensation event.
However, the Consultant does not have to allow in its Prices for matters that may arise as a result of a compensation
Expenses are not included in the activity schedule items and are assessed separately at each assessment date.
Expenses associated with employing a staff member in Providing the Service are listed separately by the Client in
Contract Data provided by the Client. As only the expenses listed may be claimed by the Consultant, all other cost to
the Consultant associated with Providing the Service is treated as being included within the Activity Schedule prices
or People Rates.
People Rates
When a compensation event occurs changes to the affected Activity Schedule item or new priced items in the Activity
Schedule are assessed as the actual Defined Cost for work already done and the forecast Defined Cost for work not yet
done. (See clause 63.1, then 11.2(16) and 63.13 in Option A)
Defined Cost is the cost of the components in the Short Schedule of Cost Components (Clause 11.2(16)).
These components comprise cost of people using the People Rates for the time spent working on the compensation
event and any payment due to Subcontractors for their involvement in the compensation event.
Tendering consultants enter people rates in Contract Data provided by the Consultant for categories of persons.
Each of the deliverables identified in the Scope must be described using the opening words, “Deliver and obtain
acceptance by the Service Manager for …….”.
State whether the people rates and expenses exclude or include VAT.
The expenses are: (See Data by Client for expenses which can be claimed and their rates)
S 105 Client’s The Client ‘s objective is for the Consultant to take an outline design of a Pilot Plant to a stage
Objective of definitive design adequate for preparation of a Go-No Go budget for the whole project,
include the resulting scope in an EPC contract. It is intended that the Consultant will then
manage the construction contract to project completion if the Client has sufficient budget
S 110 Background The project is about completing a full turnkey design, procure, installation, and
commissioning of equipment at the CSIR chemical cluster based in Durban . The works are
multidisciplinary in nature. The equipment consists of pressure vessels, piping, boiler,
demineralised water reverse osmosis package, cooling water tower, air compressor,
heating ventilation & air-conditioning, and storage facilities for gas cylinders like nitrogen
& LPG.
Before Contract Date, pilot scale equipment has been hosted in the Shed Area and includes:
Parr stirred digester, Low Consistency Refiner, wood chips screen, lab bench scale equipment:
wood chipper, wiley mill and hammer mill all to be confirmed after Contract Date.
The expansion project is required to host the existing equipment as well as additional
equipment which is either in the procurement process or hosted elsewhere. The additional
equipment is as follows but is to be confirmed by the Consultant after Contract Date:
S 205 Description of Supply of basic engineering packages as described below to meet Client’s objective.
the technical The Consultant is to use the existing information listed in section S 300 below for reference.
component of the
service The following is a list of deliverable documents / activities per discipline (required in stage
Process Engineering
- Basis of Design
- Process and Utility Flow Diagrams
- P&ID’s
- Equipment Data Sheets (including packages referenced in document CRS
Quotation-10081 Appendix 1
- Instrument Data Sheets
- Line List
- Tie-in List
- P&ID review with the Client
- HAZOP session (the Consultant to provide HAZOP facilitator)
Instrumentation Engineering
- I/O and Instrument List
- Instrument Data Sheets
- Loop Diagrams
- Control and Logic Narrative
- Cause and Effect Diagram
- RAT List
- Provide input into compilation of SDE (semi definitive estimate)
Electrical Engineering
- Evaluate suitability of existing electrical network versus installed electrical load
- Electrical Load List
- Equipment Plot Plan and Cable routing
- Plant earthing design
- Plant lighting design
- Cable schedule
- Provide input into compilation of SDE (semi definitive estimate)
Mechanical Engineering
- Prepare Equipment and Packages Data Sheets referenced in document CRS
Quotation-10081 Appendix 1. Packages are:
Air Compressor
Cooling Water Tower
Boiler (steam supply)
Demin water
Nitrogen and LPG
- Provide input into compilation of SDE (semi definitive estimate)
Piping Engineering
- Define piping specifications
- Develop plot plan
- Develop 3D mode (consider specified equipment requirements versus available
- Assist with 3D model review
- Prepare piping MTO
- Provide input into compilation of SDE (semi definitive estimate)
Civil Engineering
- Review of equipment (all new equipment) loads versus allowable at nominates sites
- Preliminary design of foundations
- Preliminary design of structural steel
- Prepare civil/structural Bill of Quantities
- Provide input into compilation of SDE (semi definitive estimate)
Engineering General
- PFD/UFD review
- P&ID review
- 3D model review
- Prepare and issue Basic Engineering Package
- The Consultant to evaluate conditions at CSIR research facilities in Durban and in
Pretoria and to provide a report with recommendation
- Semi-definitive cost estimate (±10% accuracy)
- Develop Schedule for the execution phase of the project
- Develop Scope of Work (Scope) for ECC4 (Option A) as per NEC3/NEC4 User
Guide entitled, “Preparing an Engineering and Construction Contract Volume
2” for construction phase of the project
- Estimate Project Services costs during execution stage for:
o Services of Project Manager and Supervisor identified in ECC4
o Planning
o Cost Control
o Quality Control
o Construction Management and
o HSE management
S 210 Description of NOTE: The implementation phase of the project will only take place if there are sufficient
the project funds available to the Client to implement it. Only in that case the Consultant would be
management portion of required to provide this project management portion of the service which will be handled
the service as a compensation event in the contract.
Consultant is to provide experienced NEC3 / NEC4 persons to fulfil the roles of Project
Manager and Supervisor in the ECC4 Option A contract that is the result of the technical
portion of the service.
The persons provided are held accountable by the Client to act in accordance with the
actions in the ECC4 contract of the Project Manager and Supervisor respectively. The
selected persons are to apply collaborative styles of management at all times in accordance
with the ethos of the NEC system.
The Client requires the Consultant to provide CV’s of prospective persons considered for
these roles and may require the persons to attend an interview to demonstrate their
capability before the Consultant appoints them into the roles of Project Manager and
Supervisor respectively. Should the prospective persons not be acceptable to the Client the
Consultant provides persons who are acceptable and at no additional cost to the Client.
The ECC4 contract will be prepared by Others in consultation with the selected Project
S 305 Existing These files (included as Appendices to this Scope) are to be taken into account by the
information Consultant in its preparation of the basic engineering packages.
S 315 Site for the Consultant is to investigate and recommend a suitable site for the works between
works Durban.
S 505 Project team - The Consultant and the Service Manager use the requirements of the early warning
Others processes described in core clause 15, to in addition manage the progress of the service
inclusive of
reviewing the progress of the Consultant in achieving the objectives of the project,
allowing the Consultant to demonstrate from the current Accepted Programme its
progress and planned activities for the coming 4 weeks,
acting as a combined management team by discussing reviewing and making decisions
required in terms of the contract, and in doing so cultivate a spirit of co-operation and
mutual trust for the benefit of both Parties and all who attend and
attending to any other issues considered relevant by either Party and the Service
Early warning meetings may be convened at either Party’s premises on an alternating basis
or virtually as agreed between the Consultant and the Service Manager.
The Service Manager chairs the meeting and prepares the Minutes inclusive of updated
early warning register which are then distributed to the Service Manager and the
Consultant within 5 days of the meeting.
Informal reviews or meetings may be held at the premises of either Party throughout the
duration of the contract on a non-interference basis. These informal reviews require no
additional preparation and are intended to support communication between the Service
Manager and the Consultant.
All attendees at early warning meetings and any other meeting carry their own expenses
incurred in connection with such attendance.
S 515 Management All communications need to be compatible with Microsoft Office applications.
S 520 Interfaces with The Consultant is expected to interface with suppliers of plant and relevant parties with
third parties regards to site allocation
S 525 Co-ordination The Consultant manages own resources and its interface with Others.
and co-operation
S 530 Submission All the documents produced must utilise NEC3/NEC4 terminology and format where
procedures required
S 535 Quality The Client will advise the Consultant before the Contract Date whether a quality
management system management system is required and in what format.
See PSC4 clause 40.1
S 540 Quality policy The Client will advise the Consultant before the Contract Date whether a quality policy
statement and quality statement and quality plan is required and in what format.
See PSC clause 40.1
S 545 Health and safety The Consultant takes into account the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety
requirements Act (Act No 85 of 1993, as amended) to the extent that they apply to the service, to any of
See PSC4 clause 24.3 the deliverables required by the service and the actions of the selected Project Manager
and Supervisor in the ECC4 contract with the proposed EPC contractor.
S 555 Disclosure Project information is treated by the Consultant as confidential and may only be
distributed to Others with the Client ‘s permission being obtained before doing so.
S 560 Form of retained The Consultant retains documents in digital formats compatible with the Client‘s
documents applications plus two hard copies of all information generated by the Consultant.
See PSC4 clause 13.9
S 570 Drafting of Scope The Consultant prepares the Scope for the ECC4 contract in the format and manner
for ECC4 contract described in the NEC3/NEC4 User Guide entitled, “Preparing an Engineering and
Construction Contract Volume 2”
S 600 Information and other things provided by the Client and Others
S 605 Provision by the Other than providing the information listed in S 305 above, it is not anticipated that the
Client Client will be required to achieve any particular conditions or provide any further
PSC4 60.1(5) information except as may be requested by the Consultant and assuming the Client is able
to provide such information
S 610 Provision by Other than providing the information listed in S 305 above, it is not anticipated that Others
Others will be required to achieve any particular conditions or provide any further information
PSC4 60.1(5) except as may be requested by the Consultant and assuming Others are able to provide
such information.
S 615 Approvals from The Consultant indicates in its engineering packages and in the Scope it prepares for the
Others EPC contract where approvals from Others may need to be obtained. Such approvals may
include use of copyright material or legal requirements for testing systems under pressure
during the construction phase.
S 705 Programme The Client’s preferred format for programmes submitted for acceptance in terms of clause
requirements 31.2 is MS Project in both electronic and hard copy.
PSC4 31.2 & 31.3
The Consultant shows on programmes submitted for acceptance in addition to the
Completion Date, the time by when near final drafts of the deliverables can be submitted
to the Service Manager for discussion.
S 715 Sequence and The Consultant is required to provide drafts of its deliverables for discussion with the
timing Service Manager ahead of the Completion Date with the objective of minimising the time
required by the Service Manager for acceptance and possible revision of the deliverables.
S 720 Information and Information about existing plant and plant in procurement is available at the Contract
other things provided Date. The Consultant obtains information from Others where necessary.
by the Client and Others
PSC4 60.1(5)
S 725 Revised The Consultant uses Early Warning meetings to discuss reasons for revision to programme
programme ahead of its submission to the Service Manager for acceptance.
S 805 Consultant’s The Consultant shows on each application for payment how the Price for Service Provided to
application for payment Date has been assessed by stating the reference number and title of each activity in the
PSC4 50.2 Activity Schedule which has been completed.
The Consultant submits a tax invoice in accordance with clause 51.1 complying with the
Service Manager’s assessment of the amount due, to
CSIR Accounts Payable Office
P.O. Box 395
Pretoria, Gauteng, 0001
(012) 841 2262, for attention of and include on it the following
S 810 Client use of the The Client intends to use the material generated by the Consultant for assessing the ultimate
material feasibility of the project and for developing the ECC4 construction contract should the
PSC4 70.1 implementation phase go ahead.
S 820 Records of Original receipts to be provided with claims for reimbursement and attached to monthly Tax
expenses Invoice.
It is not expected that the Consultant will be required to provide any additional scope. The scope is informed only by the
information that is provided.
Commercial terms: Orgalime S 2012, but the Quotation and its Appendices
have precedence over Orgalime S 2012
Short summary
The Pilot Digester is a digester system designed to simulate various existing cooking processes as well
as offering possibilities to develop new processes. Although charged in batch it can run in ways that
to some extent also simulate continuous processes – by continuous changes of liquor and cooking
conditions. The pilot digester also has special features for RDH cooking and bio-pulping.
It is a stand-alone unit, best operated in a laboratory environment, with access to mill supplies
and/or special purpose supplies for the laboratory. Necessary supply requirements shall be
confirmed by customer before order.
This offer includes the following below.
Technical specification
Listed below are the technical specifications.
Delivery of machinery and equipment will be made Incoterms FCA Stenkullen. Transportation shall be
by ocean freight, in container specified by CRS, likely Open Top.
Customer is encouraged to visit CRS and take part in Factory Acceptance Tests before delivery,
although this is not strictly required.
CRS does not issue any guarantees on payments, including the down payment.
CE labels are provided where required as well as a declaration of conformity and other technical
documentation needed to run and maintain the system.
CRS makes the following warranty statement: All equipment and services supplied by CRS shall
conform to specifications. If they do not conform, and the reason for malperformance is not due to
mismanagement by customer, nonadherence to regulations, requirements by CRS, or due to force
majeure events, CRS shall either remedy the problem or make a settlement with customer. Please
note that this only applies to actual issued specifications of performance. CRS can refrain from
making guarantees on process performance.
The warranty is valid until 1 year from acceptance of start-up or 1.5 years from completed delivery of
machinery from CRS’ site, whichever date comes first.
A. Electrical power: 3-phase connection at minimum 32A. 380-480 VAC 50/60 Hz. Actual supply
must be notified to CRS at order.
B. Steam: Minimum 10 bar(g), recommended 12 bar(g), at peak consumption rate of 30 g/s.
Average consumption is considerably lower.
C. Compressed air: Dry air at minimum 6 bar(g), maximum 8 bar(g). Mill supplies are often of
inferior quality in terms of moisture present and pressure kept – a separate compressor for
laboratory is recommended. Peak consumption 200 NL/min, average considerably lower.
D. Nitrogen: Preferably supplied by bottle. Multi-bottle system preferred as to avoid pressure
drops when supply running low or bottle switched. Minimum 18 bar(g), maximum 22 bar(g).
Actual consumption is very low.
E. Cooling water: Minimum 3 bar(g), maximum 6 bar(g), at peak consumption rate of 30 Lpm.
Maximum temperature 40C.
F. Demin water: Minimum 4 bar(g), maximum 8 bar(g), at peak consumption rate of 15 Lpm.
G. Space & entrance: Pilot outer dimension, including platforms, will be approximately 4 x 2.2
m, but space around is recommended on three sides so that floor space needed will be
minimum 6 x 3.2 m, excluding areas for charge and discharge handling, tools, bottles etc.
Machine height during transportation approximately 3 m and fully mounted on sight
approximately 3.5 m. Platform height at approximately 1.6 m above floor. Minimum door
dimension for entrance to pilot hall is width 1.4 m and height 3.1 m. Precise dimensions
given after engineering has been completed.
H. Drain: Pilot will release cooling water and dirty liquors – these drains can be separated. By
hose from pilot to collection points. Drain canals recommended.
I. Ventilation: Pilot hall will need good ventilation. Consider extra suction points near drain
outlets and digester vessel, but this is not strictly required.
J. Control room / area: A designated control room is not required, but strongly recommended.
The control room can be used not only for the control PC, but as a small near pilot office,
storage for special tools and spares etc. Must be overlooking the machine in any case. Please
note that a control room could be used for other equipment too. Should be air conditioned,
both for the convenience of operators as well as for computers and storage of spares.
K. Support area: In our experience, having 10-15 m2 extra floor space for handling, washing,
cleaning, near machine storage, service etcetera is often very valuable.
709 2644
D 290
370 1480 580
SCALE ( 1 : 7.5 )
12 4 6 7
1 5
1 SCALE ( 1 : 6 )
Parent Assembly: Mass: 3053.735 kg
Drawn by Checked by Approved by - date Job Number Date Scale
SCALE ( 1 : 3 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
No Description
1 OXIDIZER and ducting to suite the PILOT plant equipment, including
design, manufacturing, delivery, commissioning and training. The oxidizer
will stand 6 meters high including legs and chimney extension. A working
volume of 2m3 is provided for and at 1100°c this will ensure a minimum of 2
seconds residence time for the gasses. The outside diameter of the oxidizer
will be 1300mm. Included is the installation of a 50kw heater bank to ensure
combustion of the highly calorific off gasses from the pyrolysis process. This
process will be completed and controlled by the addition of combustion air,
ensuring complete oxidation of the PAH's and VOC's. The oxidizer will
come complete with'ducting linking the unit to the Pilot plant pyroliser, a
control panel and a VSD controlled combustion air fan.
Note: This document has been edited for the RFQ
Note: Page numbers may not be correct
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
2 SPECIFICATIONS – PILOT SCALE ........................................................................................... 4
3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - PILOT ........................................................................................ 5
3.1 The Rotary Kiln ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Structure ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Coatings ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.3 Insulation.......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.4 Heating System ................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.5 Rotary Tube...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.6 Drive Arrangement .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.7 Feed Screw ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.8 Discharge Arrangement ................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Control and Instrumentation.................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Control Panel ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Main Temperature Control .............................................................................................. 9
3.2.3 Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) ........................................................................................ 9
4 SPECIFICATIONS – BENCH SCALE...................................................................................... 10
5 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS – BENCH SCALE ...................................................................... 11
5.1. The Kiln ................................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.1. Shell ............................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.2. Insulation........................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.3. Heating System .............................................................................................................. 12
5.1.4. Tube ............................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.5. Discharge Cowling......................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Feeder ................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.1. Surge Hopper ................................................................................................................. 12
5.2.2. Auger.............................................................................................................................. 12
5.3. Control and Instrumentation: ............................................................................................ 12
5.3.1. Panel ............................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.2. Temperature Control ...................................................................................................... 13
5.3.3. Thermocouples ............................................................................................................... 13
5.3.4. Motor Control ................................................................................................................ 13
Production Rate:
Description Biomass
Feed Rate (kg/hour) 50kg dry basis
Bulk Density (kg/m^3) Variable assumed 350kg/m³
Moisture Content ≈ 60%
Dry Fixed Carbon ≈ 20%
Volatiles on DB ≈ 80%
Dimensions: - Tube Diameter 500mm, Hot Zone 4000mm, Overall Length = 5500mm.
Control: - 2 Zone, Electrically Heated (Wire Elements) via 3 Phase Thyristors with
PID Microprocessor Temperature Controllers from a standalone control panel.
VSDs on tube drive, feed screw and extraction cooling screw.
3.1.1 Structure
The Rotary Lab Kiln will be rectangular in shape, with a removable roof for access to
the tube for maintenance. The kiln will be fixed onto a standing structure manufactured
from S355JR Structural Steel.
3.1.2 Coatings
The kilns will be surface prepped and coated according to standard SP2. High
Temperature Aluminium Paint will be used on the external surfaces of the kilns for
anti-corrosion and aesthetics.
3.1.3 Insulation
The kilns will be lined with composite layering of lightweight insulating
materials which allows for rapid heat up and cool down.
Figure 3 - Feed Screw and Surge Hopper on a Specialized Feeding System on a small rotary kiln.
A Thermocouple will be fitted through the Discharge Cowling to monitor the process
gas temperature. This thermocouple will sound an alarm when a Process High Value is
measured indicating combustion of the gases and the presence of air in the system.
Inspection Hatch
Lagged Discharge
Discharge Flange to
interface with Cooling
Figure 4 – A Lagged Discharge Cowling illustrating the exhaust port on a co-current process.
Description Biomass
Feed Rate (kg/hour) 2-3kg dry basis
Bulk Density (kg/m^3) Variable assumed 350kg/m³
Moisture Content ≈ 60%
Dry Fixed Carbon ≈ 20%
Volatiles on DB ≈ 80%
5.1.1. Shell
Structural components of the shell, such as the support frame would be fabricated
from mild steel while the sheeting would be manufactured from anodized aluminium.
5.1.2. Insulation
The kiln will be insulated with a composition of lightweight materials such as ceramic
wool, calcium silicate and high temperature fiber boards, to ensure minimal heating
losses while keeping the weight of the unit to a minimum.
5.1.4. Tube
The working tube will be manufactured from a high-grade Stainless Steel. The tube
diameter will be 200 mm with a working hot zone of 1000mm in length.
5.2. Feeder
5.2.2. Auger
The material will be augered into the kiln via a high-grade stainless-steel auger,
driven by a small motor and gearbox arrangement.
5.3.1. Panel
A small control panel will be supplied with the equipment. This panel will be powder
coated mild steel with an IP65 ingress protection rating.
5.3.3. Thermocouples
A single thermocouple will monitor and execute control of the temperature along the
heated length of the tube. The temperature will be taken outside the tube, in the
insulated heating cavity. The thermocouples will also be placed through the discharge
cowling to monitor the internal gas temperature. Again, this will be alarmed to
indicate combustion and run-away temperatures.
If the client wants the kiln to have 3 independent heating zones, this must be
specified, and the proposal will be adjusted accordingly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
10010 O/ALL
3763 O/ALL
SCALE ( 1 : 22 )
SCALE ( 1 : 22 )
3153 4817
SCALE ( 1 : 7.5 )
SCALE ( 1 : 7.7 ) A
SCALE ( 1 : 30 )
1 1 1012B-001-ASM-01-KILN G.A.
H Parent Assembly: NA Mass: 8519.273 kg H
SECTION A-A Drawn by Checked by Approved by - date Job Number Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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