Optimal Planning of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Using HOMER

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Optimal planning of hybrid renewable energy systems using

Multi-objective design optimisation of standalone hybrid

Stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems are more reliable than one-energy source
systems. However, this paper presents a new methodology with the aim to design an
autonomous hybrid PV-wind-battery system. Based on a triple multi-objective optimization
(MOP), this methodology combines life cycle cost (LCC), embodied energy (EE) and loss of
power supply probability (LPSP). All models are represented using Matlab / Simulink
software. The results of simulation are presented and discussed with a comparison of our
developed methodology withe a existing commercial tool (HOMER software).

Global energy consumption is growing with population and industrialization. Conventional
energy resources are unable to meet these demands even though they have challenges such as
greenhouse gas emissions and high life cycle costs. [1]. Renewable energy resources are
appropriate alternatives to conventional resources to satisfy this growing energy consumption,
especially in the power sector [2]. The combination of renewable energy resources with
traditional fossil resources in addition to storage creates hybrid renewable energy systems
(HRES). However their design is crucial, in this context based this study with a real
simulation to design an autonomous hybrid system ( PV-wind-battery ).

1. Data collection

In this section, the renewable energy sources (solar radiation, wind speed) are
evaluated for one year and the load consumption was acquired for a residential house
using the PV system software also for one year. The data must be acquired carefully to
obtain a correct sizing of the hybrid system.

The stand-alone hybrid system prpoposed PV/W/Battery to satisfy the charges of a

residential house located in Province of Nouaceur (Casablanca), Morocco.

2.1. Renewable energy sources

In this study, the hourly data used are from the Meteonorm 6 software [5] (latitude:
33◦ North, longitude: 7◦ West, altitude: 1562 m) and renewable energy sources are calculated
by numerical integration of the power for each year as shown in Fig. 1 (solar radiation),
Fig.2(wind speed) and Fig.3(ambient temperature).
Energy ( T )=∑ ( Power ( i ) + Power ( i+ 1 ) )∗T (1)
i=1 2

With T standing for the sampling interval (hour).

Hourly radiation (kW/m2 /h)


Figure 1 : Hourly radiation for one year

Hourly wind Speed (m/s/h)


Figure 2 : Hourly wind Speed for one year

Hourly ambient temperature Ta ( ◦C/h)


Figure 3 : Hourly ambient temperature for one year

2.2. Load consumption profile

Concerning electricity energy demands, the consumption data were acquired during one year
for a residential home with four occupants (Fig .4), with the exception of cooking, heating and
hot water production. The residence is used the whole week 7/7 all year long. All loads are
supplied with 230 V AC. An hour acquisition period has been programmed to be in adequacy
with renewable energy resources. Fig. 5 shows the load profile of the consumption.
Besoins en kWh

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 4 : Hourly load profile for one year

3. Hybrid system models

Hybrid system models Modelling is an essential stage before moving on to any phase of
optimal sizing. Hybrid energy system is implemented as a combination of three power
sources: wind turbine, photovoltaic generator and batteries storage as shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of wind-PV hybrid system with battery storag

4. Objectives: design and evaluation criteria

As the objective is to meet energy requirements from the load with a lower system life
cycle cost (LCC) and a reduced environmental impact in terms of embodied energy (EE), our
study will focus on finding the best configuration for the hybrid system, i.e. photovoltaic array
area (Apv), wind turbine swept area (Awt) and battery bank nominal storage capacity (Cn).

4.1. Reliability requirements: minimizing loss of power supply probability (LPSP)

Due to intermittence of renewable energy sources, power system reliability is

considered an important step in hybrid system design process. In all respects, the reliability of
the system has been expressed in terms of LPSP [26, 27]. LPSP is the probability that the
state of charge (SOC) of batteries at any time t, is less than or equal to minimum value SOC min
and the power produced by renewable sources Pren is less than Pdemand required by the load,
while considering losses in the system:
LPSP [ % ] :{ Pren ≤ P demand ∧SOC ( t ) ≤ SOC min } (20)

The mathematical expression of LPSP corresponds to the ratio of all energy deficits to the
total load demand during ∆ t considered period. It can be defined as [22]:

∑ DE ( t , A PV , A WG ,C n )∗∆ t
LPSP ( ∆ t , A PV , AWG , C n )= ∆ t =1 T (21)
∑ Pload ( ∆ t )∗∆ t
∆ t=1

Where DE ( t , A PV , AWG , C n )corresponds to energy deficit at t hour. It is considered when total

energy available within a time interval [(t-∆t), t] and energy stored in batteries at the
beginning of this interval are insufficient to satisfy the load demand during that time period.

One of the objectives of the optimization procedure is to discover combinations between

elements that give a LPSP lower than the maximum allowed by the user.

4.1. Cost considerations: minimizing system life cycle cost (LCC)

A second optimization objective consists in minimizing total life cycle cost (LCC) of the
system: cumulative cost (in $ or Dh) throughout its life cycle, from design to recycling. In our
case, the economic model of the life cycle cost includes equipment cost (C o), installation cost
(C ins), replacement ( PV rem) and maintenance ( PV mai). It is calculated knowing the present
worth for all components. This one is calculated as follows [2]:

PW =Pr∗C o (22)

Where C o is component cost and Pr represents present worth factor for an item that will be
purchased n years later, and is given by:
1+i n n
Pr =( ) =x (23)

Where i represents inflation rate and d corresponds to discount rate. The life cycle cost is then
given by:

LCC=C O +C ins + PV rem+ PV mai (24)

with C insfor installation cost; PV mai for present worth of maintenance cost (C mai) and is
calculated using cumulative present worth factor as follows:

( Cmai )∗x∗x∗1−x n
PV mai = (25)

4.2. Environmental impact considerations: minimizing system embodied energy (EE)

In our case, the hybrid system does not consume energy during its use, but involves
the consumption of non-renewable primary energy for components manufacturing. This
energy is called embodied energy (energy required by all activities for production process,
expressed in MJ or kWh). It is modelled and then used as a criterion for design and
optimization to reduce environmental impact.

5. Optimization procedure

5.1. Optimization problem formulation

Hybrid system optimization problem is a multi-objective design, trying to find out the best
compromise between life cycle cost (LCC), embodied energy (EE) and loss of power supply
probability (LPSP). It is presented by the following mathematical formulation:

Figure 6. Principe of design optimization programme

Object functions:

 Minimum ≥ Hybrid system life cycle cost (LCC)

LCC ( A PV , AWG , C n )=PV LCC ( A PV )∗WG LCC ( A WG )∗Bat LCC (C n) (32)

 Minimum ≥ Hybrid system primary embodied energy cost (EE)

EE ( A PV , AWG , C n )=PV EE ( A PV )∗WG EE ( A WG )∗Bat EE (C n) (33)

 Minimum LPSP ≥ ( ∆t , A PV , AWG , Cn )

Constraints: feasibility for an autonomous residence:

A PVmin ≤ A PV ≤ A PVmax (34)

AWGmin ≤ A WG ≤ A WGmax (35)

C n min ≤C n ≤C n max (36)

Where A PV , AWG , and C n are the decision variables. A PVmin, A PVmax, AWGmin, AWGmax , C n minand
C n maxare lower and upper decision variables bounds specified by the user.

5.2. Computational method and algorithm

Optimization has been done using Simulink and Matlab optimization toolboxes. Fig.
17 shows principle of optimization programming. It is an iterative procedure. It runs as
follows: at current iteration (k = 0), we have a set of parameters (initial decision variables);
dynamic simulation of the system is used to evaluate the objective functions (LCC [D]; EE
[MJ] and LPSP [%]). Meanwhile, the sensitivity analysis included in the optimization method
is used to determine the direction of the change of objectives with respect to parameters
constraints. If the stopping criteria are not satisfied, the optimization method is applied to
calculate a new set of parameters considering results of the simulation and sensitivity
analysis. This set of parameters is used to define the data in the following simulation.
All mathematical models of the hybrid wind-PV-battery system have been implemented in
Matlab/Simulink environment as shown in Fig. 17. Main subsystems are: wind turbine model,
photovoltaic array, ideal battery bank, battery controller, energy calculator and objective
functions evaluators.

Figure 7. Wind-PV-battery hybrid system Simulink model

6. Results and discussion

The hybrid system consists of the following components: PV array, wind turbine with
battery storage and power electronics unit connected to the load.

In this paper we studied three scenarios as follows:

 Scenario 1: PV modules and battery bank

 Scenario 2: Wind turbine and battery bank
 Scenario 3: PV modules, Wind turbine and battery bank

The idea behind establishing these three scenarios is to get to the most benefic combination of
energy sources regarding covering energy demand, economic cost and ecological for each
Input data

 Photovoltaic modules’ installed area Apv = 14.8 m2 (9 Sharp ND-240QCJ 240 W

panels for instance)
 Wind turbine swept area Awt = 3.49 m2, an Aeromax Engineering (Lacota S, SC) (900
W at 13 m/s) wind turbine has a close swept area of 3.43 m2 with a low LCC
 Battery bank storage capacity gives Cn = 178.6 Ah, 4 batteries Numax Gel SLG180-
12,12 V/180 Ah VRLA in series can be installed.
 In our case, we will choose the solution that satisfies a maximum of 5% LPSP

With this hybrid system configuration (9 sharp 240 W panels, Aeromax Engineering (Lacota
S, SC) Wind turbine and 4 Numax Gel SLG180-12 VRLA Batteries.

Table 1 : Solution evaluation of the three configurations

Wind Excess Unmet load % Unmet

Configuration Load (kWh) PV (kWh)
(kWh) (KWh) (kWh) load (LPSP) SOH (%)
PV modules
and battery 2250 3312 0 1047 160.1 7.11 91.24
Wind turbine
and battery 2250 0 742 96.06 1519 67.52 98.1
PV modules,
Wind turbine
2250 3312 742.4 1688 85.91 3.81 92.54
and battery

With this hybrid system configuration (9 sharp 240 W panels, Aeromax Engineering
(Lacota S, SC) Wind turbine and 4 Numax Gel SLG180-12 VRLA Batteries), we show in
Table 7, thanks to a year’s verification, that our hybrid system provides more than 95% of the
electric needs (LPSP< 5 %). Consequently, the user does not have to incorporate another
source of electricity into the system. Moreover, an affordable LCC about 26,281 ($) is obtained
and 106,080 MJ embodied energy is required to reach necessary energy for an entire product
life cycle. LCC is shared and well balanced between the different components as follows:
38% for PV subsystem, 26% for wind turbine and 36% for batteries.
However, total EE is composed of 49.3% for PV system components, 8.5% for wind turbine
parts and 42.2% for batteries. This distribution is due to the fact that batteries are greedy on
primary energy requirements due to their regular replacement every 4.2 years and also small
wind turbines are more energy efficient than photovoltaic panels. Table 5 validates the
adequacy of the proposed sizing method.

For the configurations 1 and 2, our system provides 93% of the electrical needs for the
configuration 1 and 33% for the configuration 2. Consequently, the user needs to include
another source of power in the system. In addition, approximately 27,019 ($) affordable LCC
is obtained and 97,604 MJ embodied energy is necessary to produce energy to a product life
cycle for configuration 1, and 23,295 ($) (LCC), 56,183 MJ (EE) for the configuration 2.
7. Computation Simulation Using HOMER

HOMER is a simulation tool used to analyse and assess different designs of both off-
grid and grid connected power systems. In order to produce an optimized power
system configuration, it is important to consider whether the system’s components are
suitable for this power system or not by studying the number and size of each
component with regard to the available energy resources [10]. The simulation
assumptions (as shown in Figure 2) were based on the sensitivity analysis that are
based on selecting wind speeds, daily solar radiation, primary load scaled annual
averages as sensitivity variables.

Figure 5. 28 : Les résultats de l’évaluation du système sous le logiciel HOMER Pro.

Table 5.9 compares the results obtained by HOMER Pro and by our simulator developed with
Matlab Simulink. For the comparaison, we use for both, 200 Ah batteries with a depth of
discharge of 60% (𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 40% and 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 100%).

Paramètre Résultats using Résultats using Percentage of

HOMER Pro Matlab Simulink Différence
Electrical consumption (kWh) 2154 2250 4.27
Photovoltaic production (kWh) 3322 3312 0.30
Wind production (kWh) 743 742.4 0.08
Excess of production (kWh) 1517 1688 10.13
Unsatisfied load (kWh) 35.2 85.91 59.03
Loss of power supply probability (%) 1.6 3.8 57.89
Life cycle cost (€) 32524 36138 10.00

Comparison of the results obtained by HOMER and by Simulink

Concerning the PV production, for the HOMER software, it is calculated by a mathematical

equation However for matlab Simulink software it based on the PV efficiency so we have a
production increase.

For the wind production, HOMER uses the data of the power curve as a function of the wind
speed through a table of values (lookup table).
While in our Simulink model, we use a polynomial function but the results obtained are
almost identical.

For the other energy parameters (electricity consumption, excess of production and the load
dissatisfaction rate), the differences observed are mainly due to the modeling of the cables
losses, the load,the state of charge for batteries.
for the life cyckle cost estimation, the difference is due to the component cost data for each
In conclusion, we note that the two simulation and dimensioning tools have practically the
same orders of magnitude but with their own specificities.

8. Conclusion

In this paper, a controlled elitist genetic algorithm has been applied to the Multi-Objective
design of a hybrid PVwind- battery system for a residential house, in order to find out the best
compromise between three objectives: life cycle cost (LCC), system embodied energy (EE)
and loss of power supply probability (LPSP). Optimization has been insured by a dynamic
model of the system under Matlab/Simulink. In order to validate our model, the same
simulation was carried out using Homer software in order to compare the results and
determine the reliability of the proposed model.


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Comparison of the simlations results obtained by HOMER and by Simulink in our hybrid system

For a location, meteorological and load data have been collected and assessed. Afterwards,
components of the system and optimization objectives have been modelled. Finally, an
optimal configuration has been put in place using a dynamic model and applying a controlled
elitist genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization. This methodology has been applied
successfully for the sizing of a PV-wind-battery system to supply at least 95% of yearly total
electric demand of a residential house.

6. HOMER software description

HOMER software is a powerful tool for designing and planning of HRES in order to
determine optimal size of its components through carrying out the techno-economic analysis.
Many resources such as WT, PV array, fuel cells, small hydropower, biomass, converter,
batteries, and conventional generators are modeled in HOMER. HOMER also considers
HRES in grid- connected and stand-alone modes.
6.1. Input data

HOMER requires six types of data for simulation and optimization including meteorological
data, load profile, equipment characteristics, search space, economic and technical data. These
data are described in details in the following subsections.

Fig 10. Hybrid system components in HOMER

6.2. Meteorological data

The meteorological data are wind speed, solar radiation, temperature, and stream flow which
are fed into the software in the form of monthly averages or time series data. HOMER uses
these inputs data to calculate the output power of WT, PV array and hydropower.

2.1.2. Load profile

Load profile of each region is the most important factor in the simulation and optimization.
Some locations such as universities, hospitals, hotels, and industrial towns have real load
consumption data, which are appropriate for simulation. These real data are fed into HOMER
as time series data. However, in some regions espe- cially remote and rural areas that the real
load consumption data are not available, the load profile should be forecasted with notice to
the specification of that region. These data are fed into HOMER as daily profile and HOMER
uses them in power balance constraint .

Simulation and optimization

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