Resume of Dr. Mrs Arijita Dutta: (Off) : 0091 33 2557 5082 (Cell) : 0091 98304 57936

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Designation: Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta

Specialization: Quantitative Development Economics, Economics of Social Sector

ADDRESS: Office: Department of Economics, University of Calcutta, 56A, BT Road,

Kolkata -700050, India

Permanent Home Address and Address for Communication: 108/8 Manicktala Main
Road, Flat J 80, Kolkata-700054, India

PHONE NUMBER (Off): 0091 33 2557 5082

(Cell): 0091 98304 57936

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] [email protected]

DATE OF BIRTH: 18.07.71


PhD from University of Calcutta

MA from CESP, JNU, New Delhi
BSc from Presidency College under University of Calcutta

Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta since 03.07.2014
Earlier work experience as Assistant Professor, Department of Economics & Politics,
Visva Bharati, Santiniketan

Visiting Positions
UNU MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands in 2014;
University of Le Havre, France, 2007 & 2008


A. Articles in peer-reviewed International Journals:

1. ‘Does microfinance impede sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives among

women borrowers? Evidence from rural Bangladesh’ (with Sharmistha
Banerjee). Journal of Rural Studies. 60 70-81. 2018. Elsevier

2. ‘On Diarrhoea in Adolescents and School Toilets: Insights from an Indian

Village School Study’ (with Shyama Ramani & Timothée Frühauf). Journal of
Development Studies. Taylor & Francis. 2017.
3. ‘Impact of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) on child
malnutrition in West Bengal, India’ (with Smritikana Ghosh). Maternal &
Child Nutrition. Wiley. 2016.

4. ‘Health care reform: Time to introspect’ (with Madhumita Dobe). Journal of

Public Health Policy. 2016. Vol. 37, 388–393. Palgrave.

5. ‘Health reform and infant mortality in West Bengal, India: an untold story’
(with Ratan Khasnabis & Sharmishtha Banerjee). Journal of Asian Public
Policy 2016. 1-17. Routledge. Francis & Taylor. Hong Kong.

6. Inequity in Hospitalization Care: A Study on Utilization of Healthcare

Services in West Bengal, India’ (with M Bose). International Journal in
Health Policy & Management. 2015. 4(1), 29–38. Wiley

7. ‘Measurement and Determinants of Public Hospital Efficiency in West

Bengal, India’ (with S Bandyopadhyay) in Asian Journal of Public Policy.
2014 Vol. 7, Issue. 3, Routledge. Taylor & Francis. Hong Kong.

8. ‘Immunization with Quality in West Bengal: Access and Barriers’ (with D

Barman) in Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. ICDDR,B. Dhaka.
2013. December. 31(4)

B. Articles in peer-reviewed National Journals

1. ‘West Bengal's Successful Kanyashree Prakalpa Programme Needs More

Push From State and Beneficiaries’ (with Anindita Sen). Economic &
Political Weekly. Engage section. Vol 53. Issue No 17. 28 April. 2018.

2. ‘On incidence of diarrhoea among children in India: Can the Gordian knot of
complementarities be cut?’ (with Gitanjali Hajra & Shyama Ramani). Economic
& Political Weekly. 2016. may 28, 2016 vol l I no 22

3. ‘Health Sector Reform in West Bengal: A Mismatch between Demand and

Supply’. Indian Journal of Human Development. Jan-June 2015. Vol 9. No 1

4. ‘Contraceptive Usage in West Bengal, India: Do Adolescent women behave

differently?’ (with S Maitra). Arthaniti. 2015. 14 (1-2).

5. ‘Access to Non-hospitalization Care in West Bengal’ (with M Bose) in Indian

Journal of Human Development. 2014, Vol-8, No.1. Jan-June. Page 89-108.

Resume_ Arijita Dutta Page 2

6. ‘Impact of Mother’s Health Seeking Behavior and Employment status on
Child malnourishment and Access to ICDS: A regional analysis’. Arthaniti.
2014. 12 (1-2).

7. ‘Allocation of Health Care Resources in Secondary Hospitals in West Bengal

and their Technological Efficiency: A note on Policy Prescription’ (with S
Bandyopadhyay). Artha Vijnana. Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics.
Vol 2. October 2013

8. ‘Health Security and Health Care Market in India: In the Broader Context of
Accessibility and Availability’ in 2010

9. ‘Issues in Drug Prices’ in Journal of Health, New Delhi. 2007

10. ‘TRIPs and Pharmaceutical Industry in India –a few Issues”. Social Change
and Development. July 2005. Guwahati. India

11. ‘R&D in Pharmaceutical Industry in India’ in Asian Economic Review,

2004. Vol 46, No 2. Hyderabad. India

12. ‘WTO and Research and Development in Pharmaceutical Industry’. Indian

Economic Journal. December 2005.

13. “WTO and Drug Prices” in Artha Bikshana . Kolkata July, 2002

C. Chapters in Edited Books

1. “Microfinance and Human Development: A cross generation study” in

Chiranjeeb Neogi & Sudipto Ghosh (ed): Springer.
2. ‘Early Withdrawal of Patented Drugs as an Entry Deterring Strategy’ (with
Tarun Kabiraj& Sugata Marjit) in Sugata Marjit and Meenakshi Rajeev (ed):
‘Emerging issues in economic development: A Contemporary Theoretical
Perspective’. OUP, 2014.

3. “Innovation in Traditional Medicine” in Ramani Shyama (ed): ‘National

Innovation Systems’. Cambridge University Press. 2014

4. “HIV Epidemic: Global Response and India’s Policy” in Sarmila Banerjee

and AnjanChakrabarty (ed): “Globalization and Sustainability”. Springer.

5. “Synergistic Effects of microfinance through SHGs: A Study of basic Health

and Primary Education indicators” (with Sharmishtha Banerjee) in Bhandari
A (ed): ‘Rural Finance and Livelihood’ in Springer. 2013

Resume_ Arijita Dutta Page 3

6. ‘Access to Medicines in Indian Public Hospitals’ (with S Bandyopadhyay& A
Ghose) in Gurtoo and Williams (Eds.): Developing Country Perspectives on
Public Service Delivery. Springer. 2013

7. ‘Health Sector Reform in West Bengal: A GP level Analysis” with Ratan

Khasnabis in Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay & Sudipta Bhattacharya (ed):
‘Challenges of Livelihood & Inclusive Rural Development in the Era of
Globalization’. New Delhi Publishers. 2012

8. ‘Child Malnutrition in West Bengal: Inequality in Background and Access to

ICDS’ with Smritikana Ghosh in Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay & Sudipta
Bhattacharya (ed): ‘Challenges of Livelihood & Inclusive Rural Development
in the Era of Globalization’. New Delhi Publishers. 2012

9. “Traditional Medical Systems in India and China” in B Sudhakara Reddy

(ed): ‘Economic Reforms in India and China – Emerging Issues and
Challenges’. Sage Publishing House. 2009

10. “The Pharmaceutical Industry in India” in Alternative Survey Group (2006):

‘Alternative Economic Survey, India, 2005-06. Daanish Publications

D. Policy Document
1. “Hospital Efficiency in West Bengal”. Government of West Bengal. 2011.

E. Working Papers:
1. Choice of school and adolescent dropout: A regional analysis
2. Technical Efficiency in Creating Students’ Performance in West Bengal: A
non Parametric Analysis
3. Impact of Swachh Bharat Mission


1. Social, economic and political empowerment of women: the role of microfinance

interventions in diverse cultures. ICSSR funded major research project. 2018-2020

2. ‘Impact of Culture and Economic Environment on Empowerment of Women: A

Study of Selected States in North – East India’. Asiatic Society. Ministry of
Culture, Government of India. 2017-18

3. ‘Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal, India: Justification and Evaluation’.

International Growth Centre, London School of Economics. 2015-2017

4. ‘Access to Medicine & Diagnostics in West Bengal’. Started in November 2012-

2016. Funded by Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West

Resume_ Arijita Dutta Page 4

5. ‘The linkage between Health and Education for the Adolescents” Ongoing.
funded by University of Potential Excellence, UGC

6. ‘‘Evaluation of ICDS Program in Kolkata District in WB’. 2013-14. Department

of Women & Child Welfare, Government of West Bengal.

7. ‘Estimation of IMR in District Level’. Department of Health and Family Welfare,

West Bengal 2011 -2012

8. “Efficiency of Hospitals in West Bengal” Department of Health and Family

Welfare, West Bengal. 2009-10.

9. “Evaluation of Flagship Programs in West Bengal” Department of Development

and Planning, Government of West Bengal. 2009.

10. “Building Database on Health for Urban Women” funded by TEQIP Programme,
World Bank. 2008-09.

11. “Profit Motive in Indian Health Care sector” in Departmental Research Support,
Department of Economics, CU, 2008-09.


A. MPhil Dissertation Under supervision:

Complete 10 & Ongoing 1

B. PhD Under Supervision

Awarded 4, Registered 5, Submitted 1

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