Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine: Iqra Shahzadi, S. Bilal

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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

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A significant role of permeability on blood flow for hybrid nanofluid

through bifurcated stenosed artery: Drug delivery application
Iqra Shahzadi∗, S. Bilal
Department of Mathematics, Air University, PAF Complex E-9, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: The prime objective of concerned article is to discuss the permeability impacts on blood flow
Received 21 October 2019 by considering hybrid nanofluid through bifurcated stenosed artery.
Revised 19 November 2019
Accepted 29 November 2019 Design/approach: The human body circulatory framework involves the arrangement of veins that fuse the
bifurcation on parent, at apex and on regions of daughter artery with nanoparticles is viewed. Blood
streaming is recognized as Newtonian along vessel segment. The walls of the stenosed bifurcated artery
is considered to be permeable as well as compliant. Copper and its oxide as used as drug to minimize
Bifurcated artery
Blood flow the stress and the lesions of the atherosclerotic artery.
Mild stenosis Findings: The theoretical investigation is carried out by invoking the experimental values of hybrid
Permeable walls nanoparticles into the structured equations. Moreover, impacts of hemodynamics are also make sense
Cu/CuO nanoparticles
of to inspect the progression of blood for atherosclerotic vein. Daughter and parent artery comparison is
described through parabolic graph of velocity. Graphical illustration is utilized to present the theoretical
results of this drug delivery model. Metallic nanoparticles justify their use in drug delivery.
Conclusions: The flow of blood is viewed as not quite the same as pressure between segments of
atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic course. Bifurcation angle minimize the stress for daughter artery
whereas trend is opposite for parent daughter. The change in compliant wall parameter reduces the circu-
lating bolus size for parent daughter whereas for daughter artery the change in bolus shape is observed.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ling to other vascular/cardiovascular regions of body and ceased

movement with the cause of intensified heart attack [1]. To eluci-
Heart is the building block organ of animal’s circulatory system date blood transportation in arteries an extensive comparative lit-
which pumps oxygenated blood to other parts of body through ar- erature between stenosed and normal arteries has been proposed
teries. So for heathy life cycle the proper and active functioning by investigators [2–4]. The circulation of blood with in arteries de-
of heart is compulsory. But in recent year’s cardiovascular and ar- pends on stenotic severity and morphology. So the depiction about
terial problems has been one of the injurious diseases prompting movement of blood in such unusual situation has been probed in
number of deaths worldwide. Most of these diseases are concerned [5,6]. Several researchers have identified hemodynamics (i.e. re-
with abnormal and unusual circulation of blood through arteries. sistance experienced by blood flow due to wall shear stresses)
Multiple numbers of medical experts and innovative researchers as an important factor involved in thickening of cell membranes
have floated the reason regarding restriction of blood flow through of blood vessel that generates stenosis. Some of the key findings
arteries. Among these practices the biggest cause of irregular cir- about hemodynamics is addressed in [7–10]. Due to dynamical fea-
culation of blood is due to the rupture of atheromatous plaque in tures possessed by blood and huge similarity between attributes of
arteries is found. So the presence of plaque in the way of arterial blood and Newtonian fluid numerous researchers have presented
system blockages the blood flow circulation and causes an arterial overwhelming work by considering blood circulating flow as New-
diseases called Stenosis. From medical point of view doctor have tonian fluid in stenosed arteries. Liu et al. [11] adumbrated the
intimated that this disease can be cured on early stages but when flow of blood in stenosed arteries. They concluded that presence of
plaque development accumulates then it blocks the blood travel- stenosis in arteries delineates the normal flow field. Morgan et al.
[12] inspected blood flow as incompressible model through an ax-

isymmetric channel. They measure theoretical findings about pres-
Corresponding author.
sure drop and flow separation features and compare them with
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Shahzadi).
0169-2607/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

experimental observations. Finally they got excellent covenancy of as the compliant wall impacts are helpful to determine the hemo-
results with each other. dynamics of the bifurcated artery. The experimental measurement
Nanotechnology has changed the dynamics and open horizon of involved solid nanoparticles and the base fluid are utilized to
of today technological world due to its extraordinary utilization discuss this hypothetical study. Designs of hemodynamics artic-
in each discipline like in the area of environment, medicine, ulations are plotted that give a fascinating perspective to under-
therapeutic, biotechnology and drug development. From the above stand the effect of this examination to the biomedical related field.
mentioned studies it is now proved fact that stenosis is a harmful Comparison among the parent and daughter artery is presented
and life killing disease so researcher tried to eradicate the problem through graphs. It is accomplished from a graphical example that
with the help of nanotechnology. Researchers are of belief that in the presence of permeability parameters the utilization of hy-
nanotechnology can provide breakthrough in curing such problems brid nanofluid is more effective to limit the hemodynamic impact
because nanoparticles have ability to go through cells, tissues and of the atherosclerotic course when contrasted with the instance of
organs. Afterwards, there is a notable rise in research related with nanofluid.
advance development of nanoparticles in biomedicine [13–16].
Choi [17] performed pioneering work on nano particles by dis- 2. Physical structure and problem development
closing their dynamical and anomalous features. Transportation of
blood through stenosed artery with permeable wall with the aid This analysis deals with the incompressible and laminar flow of
of nanoparticles was explicated by Nadeem and Ijaz [18]. Blood blood through bifurcated stenosed artery. The (r, θ , z) are elected
flow through compositely stenosed arteries along with permeable to discuss this blood flow model. All the concerned variables are
walls under the application of nanoparticles was communicated independent of θ due to axi-symmetric flow. The (r = 0 ) is con-
by Ellahi et al. [19]. Ijaz et al. [20] scrutinized the impact of sidered as the symmetry of the artery having composite stenosis
nanoparticles on hemodynamics of stenosed arteries and found on the outer wall. Phenomena of transfer of heat is occurred due
very helpful in reduction of pressure at walls with shear rate. to temperature consideration of T0 which is provided to the wall of
From the aforementioned literature review the importance of the bifurcated artery. The parent artery having time varying steno-
nano particles has been admired but in today’s globe day by day sis on its wall is represented by R1 (z, t) while daughter artery is
various harmful and dreadful diseases are attacking on societies. represented by R2 (z, t).
So globally it is a big challenge to cure the complexity produced ⎧
in previous diseases and their upcoming effect. With the accepta- ⎪Ro(t ), 0≤z≤d

⎪ 4δ
tion of superb features of nanoparticles it is required to improve ⎪
⎨(R0 + 2 ((z − d ) − (z − d )lo )(t ), d ≤ z ≤ d + lo
their efficiency and make them more impactive. In this regard lo
R1 (z, t ) = Ro(t ),  d + lo ≤ z ≤ z1
researchers brought new idea by suspending different metallic and ⎪

⎩(Ro + ro − (ro − (z − z1 )2 )(t ), z1 ≤ z ≤ z2
non-metallic particles over nano particles named as hybrid nano
fluids. This process of hybridization makes the nano particle more (2r1 sec η + (z − z2 ) tan η )(t ), z2 ≤ z ≤ zmax
beneficial and now used as an anticancer medication agent and (1)
very concise studies are available [21–30].
Analysis of bifurcated cardiac arteries is of high impor- Where, (t) is defined as
tance before taking preventive measures about the eradication of (t ) = 1 − λ(cos ωt − 1 )e−λωt (2)
atherosclerotic cardiac diseases due to fact that huge accumula-
tion of plaque appears at bifurcation spot. After disclosing the
anatomy of heart the experts have interrogated that this is one 
of the key factor to cause the chronic cardiac disease. So in view ,
0 0 ≤ z ≤ z3
R2 (z, t ) = (ŕo2 − (z − z3 − ŕo )2 , z3 ≤ z ≤ z3 + ŕo (1 − sin η )
of its essence cardiologist and other medical experts are conduct-
(z − z2) tan η, z3 + ŕo (1 − sin η ) ≤ z ≤ zmax
ing though provoking researches to depict the blood flow in bifur-
cated arteries and also trying their best to construct instruments (3)
for cure. Filardi [31] conducted analysis to understand the com- In Fig. (1), from origin to stenosis the artery length is repre-
plex hemodynamic changes prevailing in patients with high grade sented by d, stenosis length is represented by Lo , (at z = d + L2o )
cardiac stenosed arteries near bifurcation. Stroud et al. [32] exam- maximum height of stenosis is represented by δ , without steno-
ined endarterectomy specimen of plaque in a carotid bifurcation. sis the parent artery radius is represented by Ro , daughter artery
They measured the pressure of blood flow near lesion. Jou and Sa- radius is represented by r1 and lateral junction curvature is repre-
loner [33] presented numerical study by way of capturing mag- sented by ro and specified as,
netic resonance imaging to explicate the blood flow in carotid bi-
furcation. Nazemi et al. [34] calculated velocity, pressure, stream- 1 − 2r1 sec η
ro = . (4)
lines, and wall shear distributions on formation of plaque in bifur- cos η − 1
cation segment of carotid artery. One of the major limitations of Flow divider radius is represented by ŕo and specified as,
well published studies is that artery wall is considered impervious
(z3 − z2 ) sin η
to blood. But the fact in contrast is that human tissues and arteries ŕo = , (5)
are porous in nature. So the accommodation of impact of perme- 1 − sin η
ability in flow analysis of blood through arteries is essential. El- where half bifurcation angle is represented by η, the onset of lat-
desoky [35] investigated the impacts of body acceleration for pul- eral junction location is represented by z1 and the offset lateral
satile flow of blood together with porous medium effects. Bali and junction location is represented by z2 location and specified as,
Awasthi [36] explored the flows of blood by considering its New-
z2 = z1 + ro sin η, (6)
tonian nature through tapered arteries. For more details see Refs.
[37–43]. while apex location is represented by z3 and specified as,
The prime objective of this exertion is to analyze the appli-
z3 = z2 + q1 . (7)
cation of nanoparticles in bio-related fields through mathematical
framework. The Cu-CuO/blood characteristics are used to designed finite length of bifurcated artery is represented by zmax for the con-
the model through Naiver-Stokes equations. The permeable as well sidered artery.
I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248 3

Fig. 1. Bifurcated stenotic artery diagram.

Here z1 , z2 , z3 , zmax all are functions of η2 and lies on bifurcated Table 1

axis while q1 have value between 0.1 to 0.5 for compatible geom-
etry. For considered blood mediated model, the reduced equations Physical properties Units Fluid phase (f) Solid nanoparticles phase (s)
are [28–35] Blood Cu CuO
ρ kg/m3 1063 8933 6320
∂ Vz Vr ∂ Vr γ
+ + = 0, (8) 1/K 0.18 16.7 18.0
∂z r ∂r k W/mK 0.492 400 76.5

∂ Vr ∂ Vr ∂ Vr rection is presented by τ ∗ . Thermophysical properties are deter-
ρhn f + Vr + Vz
∂t ∂r ∂z mined as [19]

∂ Vr Vr 1 ∂ Vr ∂ 2Vr ∂P μf ρs
= μhn f − + + − , (9) μn f = , ρ = ρ f (1 − φ ) + φ ,
∂ r2 r2 r ∂ r ∂ z2 ∂r ( 1 − φ ) 2. 5 n f ρf

 (ργ )s
∂ Vz ∂ Vz ∂ Vz (ργ )n f = (ργ ) f (1 − φ ) + φ ,
ρhn f + Vr + Vz (ργ ) f
∂t ∂r ∂z

 2 ( ρ c p )s
∂ Vz 1 ∂ Vz ∂ 2Vz ∂P ( ρ c p )n f = (ρ c p ) f (1 − φ )(ρ c p ) f + φ
= μhn f + + + g(ργ )hn f (T − To ) − , (10) (ρ c p ) f
∂ r 2 r ∂ r ∂ z2 ∂z
kn f ks + ( o − 1 )k f − ( o − 1 )φ ( k f − ks )
= . (14)
  kf ks + ( o − 1 )k f + φ ( k f − ks )
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂ T 1 ∂T ∂ T
2 2
(ρ c p )hn f + Vr + Vz = khn f + + + o , For Cu-CuO/blood (hybrid nanofluid), the thermophysical ex-
∂t ∂r ∂z ∂ r 2 r ∂ r ∂ z2 pressions are determined as [22,23]
(11) μf
μhn f = ,
( 1 − φ1 ) 2 . 5 ( 1 − φ 2 ) 2 . 5
here velocity components are represented by Vr and Vz . Further-

more, density is specified as ρ hnf , viscosity is specified as μhnf , ρs
thermal expansion is specified as γ hnf , heat capacitance as (cp )hnf
ρhn f = ρ f ( 1 − φ 2 ) φ1 1 + ( 1 − φ 1 ) + φ 2 ρ s 2 ,
and thermal conductivity as khnf for Cu-CuO/blood. Also, temper-

ature is specified as T and heat generation as o . Since the finite (ργ )s1
(ργ )hn f = (1 − φ2 )(ργ ) f (1 − φ1 ) + φ1 + φ2 (ργ )s2 ,
length walls of bifurcated artery are considered to be compliant in (ργ ) f
nature, so the compliant wall impact is described by the following khn f ks − (1 − o)kb f − (1 − o)φ2 (ks2 − kb f )
equation [20] = 2 ,
kb f k s 2 + ( o − 1 ) k b f − φ2 ( k s 2 − k b f )
L = P − P0 , (12) kb f ks − (1 − o)k f − (1 − o)φ1 (ks1 − k f )
= 1 (15)
where due to muscle tension the outside pressure is specified as kf ks1 − (1 − o)k f − φ1 (ks1 − k f )
P0 and the motion of stretched membrane is characterize by the In Eqs. (14) and (15), γ f , μf , kf and ρ f are specified as coefficient
operator by operator L and defined below [30] of thermal expansion, viscosity, thermal conductivity and density
of the base blood respectively. For nanoparticle (ρs1 , ρs2 ) specified
∂ ∂2 ∂2 as the density, (ρs1 , ρs2 ) specified as the density, (ks1 , ks2 ) as ther-
L=J + m1 2 − τ ∗ 2 (13)
∂t ∂t ∂z mal conductivity, (γs1 , γs2 ) is thermal expansion coefficient and φ
where damped force coefficient is presented by J, mass per unit as volume concentration of nanoparticle. Furthermore, Table 1 rep-
area is presented by m1 and membrane tension in longitudinal di- resents the experimental determined values of base fluid (blood)
4 I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

Fig. 2. Sξ z (Wall shear stress) for (I) bifurcation angle η, (II) wall properties Ei (i = 1, 2, 3 ), (III) Grashof number Gr (IV) Darcy number Da , (V) Comparison of Variable (Cu-
CuO/blood) and pure blood (VI) source parameter β .
I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248 5

Fig. 3. Vz (Parabolic velocity) for (I) bifurcation angle η (II) wall properties Ei (i = 1, 2, 3 ), (III) Grashof number Gr (IV) Darcy number Da , (V) Comparison of variable (Cu-
CuO/blood) and pure blood (VI) source parameter β .
6 I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

and nanoparticles (Cu, CuO). If we put φ1 = 0.00 and φ2 = 0.00 where ub is the slip velocity to be determined, Darcy number is
then it reduces to the base fluid. Da , the slip parameter ϱ and

μf ∂3 ∂3 ∂2
2.1. Table 1 ub = − Da E1 3 + E2 + E R ( z, t ) + g θ
μhn f ∂z ∂ z∂ t 2 3
∂ z∂ t 1 2
r=R 1

For nanoparticles and base fluid, the experimentally determined (23)

values of thermal conductivity, specific heat and density are given
in Table 1. The impacts of R1 (z, t) and R2 (z, t) are incorporated into the
Dimensionless variables are specified as, governing equations by the following radial coordinate transforma-
δ uo ρ f γ f R2o g(T1 − T0 )
r = Ror  , z = Loz , Vr = Vr , Vz = uoVz , Gr = , r − R2
Lo μ f uo ξ= , (24)
oR2o ρ f uo Ro T − To −τ ∗ R3o
β= , Ren = , θ= , E1 = 3 , in which R(z, t ) = R1 (z, t ) − R2 (z, t ).
(T1 − T0 )k f μf T1 − To L o uo μ f Therefore Eqs. (17)–(21) becomes:
m1 R3o uo JR3 
E2 = , E3 = 3 o (16) ∂3 ∂3 ∂2
L3o μ f Lo μ f E1 3 + E2 + E3 R (z, t )
∂z ∂ z∂ t 2 ∂ z∂ t 1
In Eq. (16), uo , Ren , β , Gr and Ei (i = 1, 2, 3 ) respresents the nor- 
μhn f 1 ∂ 2Vz 1 ∂ Vz
mal artery average speed, Reynold number, heat source parameter, = +
Grashoff number and parameters of compliant walls in dimension-
μ f R2 ∂ξ 2 R(ξ R + R2 ) ∂ξ

less form. By utilizing mid stenosis (δ ∗ =  1 ) and dropping (ργ )s1
Ro + (ργ ) f (1 − φ2 ) (1 − φ1 ) + φ1
the dashes, the reduced Eqs. (8)–(11) can be represented in the
(ργ ) f
following form, + φ2 (ργ )s2 Gr θ , (25)

⎪(t ), 0≤z≤d

⎪ ∂ 2θ ∂θ khn f
⎨ (t )(R0 + 4δ ∗ ((z − d )2 − (z − d ))), d ≤z≤d+1 1
+ β = 0. (26)
R1 (z, t ) = (t ),  d + 1 ≤ z ≤ z1 R2 ∂ξ 2 R(ξ R + R2 ) ∂ξ kf

⎩ (t )(1 − (ro − (z − z1 ) + ro ),
⎪ z1 ≤ z ≤ z2
2 2

(t )((z − z2 ) tan η + 2r1 sec η ), z2 ≤ z ≤ zmax The boundary conditions defined in Eq. (22) takes the following
For all z: Vz = ub , θ =0
at outer coats (ξ = 1 ),
⎧ ∂ Vz
For parent artery (0 ≤ z ≤ z3 ): = 0,
⎨0, 0 ≤ z ≤ z3 ∂ξ
R2 (z, t ) = (r2 − (z − z − ŕ )2 , z3 ≤ z ≤ z3 + ŕo (1 − sin η ) ∂θ
⎩ (z − oz tan η, 3 o z3 + ŕo (1 − sin η ) ≤ z ≤ zmax = 0 at z-axis (ξ = 0 ),
2) ∂ξ
(18) For daughter artery (z3 ≤ z ≤ zmax ): Vz = 0,
θ = 0 at outer coats (ξ = 0 ). (27)
=0 (19) Let
∂ 3 R1 (z, t ) ∂ 3 R1(z, t ) ∂ 2 R1(z, t )
T1 = , T2 = , T3 = , (28)
 ∂ z3 ∂ z∂ t 2 ∂ z∂ t
∂3 ∂3 ∂2
E1 3 + E2 + E R (z, t )
∂z ∂ z∂ t 2 3
∂ z∂ t 1 F = E1 T1 + E2 T2 + E3 T3. (29)
μf ∂ Vz 1 ∂ Vz
= + After utilizing Eq. (29), the Eq. (25) and (26) along with the
( 1 − φ1 ) 2 . 5 ( 1 − φ2 ) 2 . 5 ∂ r 2 r ∂r boundary conditions takes the form,

(ργ )s1 
+ (ργ ) f (1 − φ2 ) (1 − φ1 ) + φ1 μf 1 ∂ 2Vz 1 ∂ Vz
(ργ ) f F = +
(1 − φ1 )2.5 (1 − φ2 )2.5 R2 ∂ξ 2 R(ξ R + R2 ) ∂ξ
+ φ2 (ργ )s2 Gr θ , (20)

(ργ )s1
+ (ργ ) f (1 − φ2 ) (1 − φ1 ) + φ1 + φ2 (ργ )s2 Gr θ ,
(ργ ) f
∂ 2 θ 1 ∂θ khn f
+ + β = 0. (21) (30)
∂ r2 r ∂ r kf

The permeable wall condition for bifurcated artery together

1 ∂ 2θ 1 ∂θ khn f
with the symmetry condition at the centre of the parent artery + + β = 0. (31)
R2 ∂ξ 2 R(ξ R + R2 ) ∂ξ kf

∂ Vz 
Vz = ub , = √ (ub − u p ) θ = 0 at r = R1 (z, t ) f or all z, 3. Theoretical results and physical description
∂r Da
∂θ ∂ Vz The basic inspiration behind this unit is to discuss the blood
= 0, = 0, at r = 0, f or 0 ≤ z ≤ z3 ,
∂r ∂r circulation in permeable bifurcated artery. To discuss vascular sick-
Vz = 0, θ = 0 at r = R2 (z, t ) f or z3 ≤ z ≤ zmax (22) ness in detail, determined hemodynamics are intended through
I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248 7

Fig. 4. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for compliant impacts (I) E1 =0.3, E2 =0.05, E3 =0.4 (II) E1 =0.4, E2 =0.06, E3 =0.5 (III)
E1 =0.5, E2 =0.07, E3 =0.6.

π , (ii) η = π (iii) η = π .
Fig. 5. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for bifurcation angle η (i) η = 10 11 12

Fig. 6. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for Grshroff number Gr (i) Gr = 1.2, (ii) Gr = 2, (iii) Gr = 2.5.
8 I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

Fig. 7. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for Darcy number Da (I) Da = 0.001, (II) Da = 0.0015, (III) Da = 0.002.

Fig. 8. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for source parameter β (I) β = 0.5, (II) β = 0.6, (III) β = 0.7.

Fig. 9. Configuration of hybrid nanofluid (Cu–CuO/blood) through bifurcated artery for comparison(I) φ1 = 0.0, φ2 = 0.0, (II) φ1 = 0.01, φ2 = 0.0, (III) φ1 = 0.01, φ2 = 0.01.
I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248 9

Fig. 10. Temperature flow formation for (I) Steonsis height δ , (II) Bifurcation angle β .

graphical advancements of velocity profiles, stress on atheroscle- ness E2 and rigidity parameter E1 . By changing these parameters
rotic artery and streamlines setups for particular imaginative pa- the amplitude of velocity is enhances in the region ξ  [−1, 0 )
rameters. By taking bifurcation impacts into account, the compar- while trend is reversed in the remaining region. Similar behavior
ison among parent and daughter artery is presented through ve- is examined for daughter artery. Panel (III) shows the Grashroff
locity profiles. The required results are overcome graphical view- number impact on Vz . An increasing behavior is depicted for Gr
points of thought about model with the help of trial/numerical for both the parent as well as the daughter artery. The influence of
estimations of thermo physical properties of nanoparticles and Da on the graph of Vz is given in section (IV) of Fig. (3). One can
considered parameters for example, Da = 0.001 − 0.002, (corre- observe that permeability impact reduces the trajectory of velocity
sponds to permeable walls), E1 = 0.1 − 0.9 (rigidity parameter), and plots are more clear for daughter artery. Comparison among
E2 = 0.02 − 2.0 (stiffness parameter), E3 = 0.1 − 0.8 (parameter of the pure, Cu/blood and CuO/blood is presented here in panel (V)
viscous damping), Gr = 0.2,  = 0.1, z1 = 12, ω = 7.854, λ = 0.1, and noticed that the inclusion of φ 2 into φ 1 increases the velocity
δ = 0.15, d = 4. Its important to discuss the shear stress for hemo- trajectory more significantly. The variation in β which represents
dynamic factor therefore stress is presented through Fig. (2) with the heat source parameter enhances the Vz for parent as well as
(I–VI) panels for bifurcated artery having permeable as well as daughter artery.
compliant walls. Panel (I) of Fig. (2) illustrate the bifurcation im- Figs. (4) to (9) deliberates the trapping pattern for various
pact on shear stress. As bifurcation angle is changed the stress sundry parameters. Complaint parameters E1 , E2 and E3 impact on
reduced at the lateral junction of artery in the existence of per- streamlines shows that the bolus appear in parent artery region
meable walls. Blood stress for E1 , E2 and E3 is plotted in panel and bolus number increases by changing these values which can
(II) of Fig. (2) and analyzed that parameters of compliant walls be seen through Fig. (4). Bifurcation angle impact on streamlines
enhances the stress for stenosed bifurcated artery. Panel (III) of is plotted here through Fig. (5) and noticed that decrease in η re-
Fig. (2) is presented to explore the Grashroff number Gr impact duces the size of inside circulating bolus. Formation (Fig. (6)) de-
on shear stress and examined that enhancement in viscous forces fines the Gr effect on trapping. It is observed that the bolus split
enhances the stress on the wall of bifurcated artery. The Darcy into two pieces by increasing Gr . From Fig. (7), it is noted that
number Da influence on Sξ z is analyzed through panel (IV) of Fig. the number of inside circulating bolus decreases upon small in-
(2) and notice that small change in permeability parameter in- crease of Da . The size as well as the shape of the bolus changes
creases the stress for bell shape stenosed artery. The panel (V) with changing values of β which represents the source param-
is designed to see the Sξ z for Cu-CuO/blood. It is perceived from eter and can be seen through Fig. (8). The formation (Fig. (9))
this panel that stress enhances for CuO/blood more effectively shows the comparison among pure blood, Cu-blood and CuO/blood
when compared to Cu/blood case. Panel (VI) of configuration (2) through trapping. It is noticed that no bolus appear for pure blood
shows the source parameter impact on Sξ z and comes to know (φ1 = 0.00 ) but bolus appears for nano as well as hybrid fluid. The
that stress gets maximum amplitude for with the small change behavior of temperature is presented in (Fig. 10) through panels
in β . (I-II). Panels (I) of Fig. 10 is deliberated to investigate the stenosis
Velocity behavior against ξ is examined through configuration height δ . Here bar graphs are sketched to critically observe the be-
(3). In all these panel the velocity traces parabolic curve. Here havior of temperature. It is demonstrated from this behavior that
comparison among parent and daughter artery is presented. Panel upon increasing stenosis height δ the fluid temperature increases
(I) of configuration (3) describes the plot of velocity for bifurcation and gives maximum output for hybrid nanofluid. Panels (II) is pre-
angle η. One can seen from this figure that no change is appeared meditated for to investigate the bifurcation angle β impact and
the parent artery because bifurcation involves in daughter artery noted fluid temperature profile increases upon changing β . Table 2
only. Decrease in η reduces the velocity which physical justify the shows the comparison among the previously published paper and
use of bifurcated artery. Panel (II) is plotted for damping E3 , stiff- the present work.
10 I. Shahzadi and S. Bilal / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 187 (2020) 105248

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