CSC Revision
What will the following code display? *
250 350
250 300
What will the following code display? *
(8, 7)
Syntax Error
A. 4
B. 3
C. 0
D. 1
11. If a=1,b=2 and c= 3 then which statement will give the output as : 2.0 from the following:
i. >>>a%b%c+1 ii. >>>a%b%c+1.0 iii. >>>a%b%c iv. a%b%c-1
12. Which statement will give the output as : True from the following :
i. >>>not -5 ii. >>>not 5 iii. >>>not 0 iv. >>>not(5-1)
Single line comments in python begin with.................... symbol.
i. # ii. “ iii. % iv. _
17. Which of the following are the fundamental building block of a python program.
i. Identifier ii. Constant iii. Punctuators iv. Tokens
18. The input() function always returns a value of .................type.
i. Integer ii. Float iii. string iv. Complex
19. ........... function is used to determine the data type of a variable.
i. type( ) ii. id( ) iii. print( ) iv. str( )
20. The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a...............
i. Token ii. Keyword iii. punctuator iv. Identifier
22. ............loop is the best choice when the number of iterations are known.
i. while ii. do-while iii. for iv. None of these
26. ............loop is the best when the number of iterations are not known.
i. while ii. do-while iii. For iv. None of these
27. In the nested loop .................loop must be terminated before the outer loop.
i. Outer ii. Enclosing iii. inner iv. None of these
35. Which method removes all the leading whitespaces from the left of the string.
i. split() ii. remove() iii. lstrip() iv rstrip()
36. It returns True if the string contains only whitespace characters, otherwise returns
i) isspace() ii. strip() iii. islower() iv. isupper()
37. It converts uppercase letter to lowercase and vice versa of the given string.
i. lstrip() ii. swapcase() iii. istitle() iv. count()
44. How many times is the word ‘Python’ printed in the following statement.
s = ”I love Python”
for ch in s[3:8]:
i. 11 times ii. 8 times iii. 3 times iv. 5 times
20 | P a g e
45. Which of the following is the correct syntax of string slicing:
i. str_name[start:end] iii. str_name[start:step]
ii. str_name[step:end] iv. str_name[step:start]
50. What is the correct python code to display the last four characters of “Digital India”
i. str[-4:] ii. str[4:] iii. str[*str] iv. str[/4:]
51. Given the list L=[11,22,33,44,55], write the output of print(L[: :-1]).
i. [1,2,3,4,5] ii. [22,33,44,55] iii. [55,44,33,22,11] iv. Error in code
52. Which of the following can add an element at any index in the list?
i. insert( ) ii. append( ) iii. extend() iv. all of these
53 Which of the following function will return a list containing all the words of the given
i . split() ii. index() i i i . count() iv. list()
54. Which of the following statements are True.
a. [1,2,3,4]>[4,5,6]
b. [1,2,3,4]<[1,5,2,3]
c. [1,2,3,4]>[1,2,0,3]
d. [1,2,3,4]<[1,2,3,2]
i. a,b,d ii. a,c,d iii. a,b,c iv. Only d
55. If l1=[20,30] l2=[20,30] l3=[‘20’,’30’] l4=[20.0,30.0] then which of the following
statements will not return ‘False’:
a. >>>l1==l2 b. >>>l4>l1 c. >>>l1>l2 d. >>> l2==l2
i. b, c ii. a,b,c iii. a,c,d iv. a,d
56. >>>l1=[10,20,30,40,50]
What will be the elements of list l2:
i. [10,30,50] ii. [20,30,40,50] iii. [10,20,30] iv. [20,30,40]
57. >>>l=[‘red’,’blue’]
>>>l = l + ‘yellow’
What will be the elements of list l:
i. [‘red’,’blue’,’yellow’] ii. [‘red’,’yellow’] iii. [‘red’,’blue’,’yellow’]
iv. Error
58. What will be the output of the following code:
i. [1,2,3,5,6,7,8] ii. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] iii. [1,2,3,4][5,6,7,8] iv. Error
62. >>>l[8][0][2]
i. ‘d’ iii. ‘e’
ii. ‘r’ iv. ‘o’
63. >>>l[-1]
i. [‘apple’,’green’] iii. [‘red’,’orange’]
ii. [‘red’ ] iv. [’orange’]
64 >>>len(l)
i. 10 iii. 9
ii. 8 iv 11
68. >>>l1=[10,20,30,40,50,60,10,20,10]
i. 3 ii. 0 iii. 2 iv. 9
69. Which operators can be used with list?
i. in ii. not in iii. both (i)&(ii) iv. Arithmetic operator only
70. Which of the following function will return the first occurrence of the specified element
in a list.
76. Which function is used to return a value for the given key.
i. len( ) ii. get( ) iii. keys( ) iv. None of these
79. Which of the following will delete key-value pair for key=’red’ form a dictionary D1
i. Delete D1(“red”) ii. del. D1(“red”) iii. del D1[“red”] iv. del D1
80. Which function is used to remove all items form a particular dictionary.
i. clear( ) ii. pop( ) iii. Delete iv. rem( )
81. In dictionary the elements are accessed through
i. key ii. Value iii. Index iv. None of these
82. Which function will return key-value pairs of the dictionary
i. key( ) ii. values( ) iii. items( ) iv. get( )
92 Rahul wants to delete all the elements from the tuple, which statement he should use
i. >>>del t
ii. >>>t.clear()
iii. >>>t.remove()
iv. >>>None of these
93 Rahul wants to display the last element of the tuple, which statement he should use
i. >>> t.display()
ii. >>>t.pop()
iii. >>>t[-1]
iv. >>>t.last()
94 Rahul wants to add a new tuple t1 to the tuple t, which statement he should use
i. >>>t+t1
ii. >>>t.add(t1)
iii. >>>t*t1
iv. None of these
95 Rahul has issued a statement after that the tuple t is replace with empty tuple, identify the
he had issued out of the following:
i. >>> del t
ii. >>>t= tuple()
iii. >>>t=Tuple()
iv. >>>delete t
96 Rahul wants to count that how many times the number 10 has come:
i. >>>t.count(10)
ii. >>>t[10]
iii. >>>count.t(10)
iv. None of these
97 Rahul want to know that how many elements are there in the tuple t, which statement he
should use
out of the given four
i. >>>t.count()
ii. >>>len(t)
iii. >>>count(t)
iv. >>>t.sum()
98 >>>t=(1,2,3,4)
Write the statement should be used to print the first three elements 3 times
i. >>>print(t*3)
ii. >>>t*3
iii. >>>t[:3]*3
iv. >>>t+t
99 Match the output with the statement given in column A with Column B
def cal(a,b,c):
return a*3,b*3,c*3
i. [30, 24, 28] iii. [30,36,42]
ii. [10, 20, 30] iv. [10,12,14]
106 What is the output of the expression:round(4.576)
i. 4.5 ii. 5 iii. 4 iv. 4.6
107 What is the output of the function shown below?
import math
i. Error ii. -5 iii. 5 iv. 5.0
108 What is the output of the functions shown below?>>>min(max(False,-3,-4), 2,7)
i. 2 i i . False iii. -3 iv. -4
109 What are the outcomes of the function shown below?
>>> x=3
i. Error ii. 1 iii. 9 iv. 6
110 Which of the following functions does not throw an error?
i. ord() ii. ord(‘ ‘) iii. ord(”) iv. ord(“”)
111 What is the output of below program?
def say(message, times = 1):
print(message * times , end =’ ‘)
say(‘Hello and’)
say('World', 5)
i. Hello and WorldWorldWorldWorldWorld
ii. Hello and World 5
iii. Hello and World,World,World,World,World
iv. Hello and HelloHelloHelloHelloHello
122 To include the use of functions which are present in the random library, we must use the
i. import random iii. random.h
ii. import.random iv. random.random
123 What is the output of the code shown below?
import random
i. An integer other than 2, 3 and 4 ii. Either 2, 3 or 4
iii. Error iv. 3 only
124 What is the output of the function shown below (random module has already been
i. sun ii. u iii. either s, u or n iv. Error
125 What is the output of the function shown below if the random module has already been
>>>import random
i. Error
ii. Any integer between 3.5 and 7, including 7
iii. Any integer between 3.5 and 7, excluding 7
iv. The integer closest to the mean of 3.5 and 7
126 Which type of elements are accepted by random.shuffle()?
i. strings ii. Lists iii. tuples iv. integers
128 Which of the following statements are True out of the given below:
1. More than one value(s) can be returned by a function
2. The variable declared inside a function is a Global variable.
3. Once the function is defined , it may be called only once
4. A function is used by invoking it
i. 1 & 2 ii. 1 & 4 iii. 2 & 3 iv. 2 & 4
133 Consider the program given in question no.132 and answer the question from 133 to 138
What will come in place of statement 2:
i. upper() ii. Isupper iii. isupper() iv is_upper()
140 ..............function returns the smallest integer greater than the given floating point
141 ............function will return the largest integer less than the given floating point number.
147 A variable declared outside all the functions in a python program, then mention the
which are True in the context of the variable.
1. This variable will have global scope.
2. This variable will not be accessible from anywhere in the prog.
3. This variable will have a large lifetime than local variable.
4. This variable will be referred as Local variable.
i. Only 1&2 ii. Only 1 iii. Only 1&3 iv. Only 3