Advantages of Ipv6 in The Internet of Things

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The Internet Protocol system is one of the core internetworking methods used by
the modern internet - it is in charge of assigning unique identifiers, called IP
addresses, to every connected device. The system is also tasked with delivering
packets of information from one source to another, allowing data to flow between
devices with only a minor risk of confusing the intended destination.

The primary function of IPv6 is to allow for more unique TCP/IP address
identifiers to be created, now that we’ve run out of the 4.3 billion created with
IPv4. This is one of the main reasons why IPv6 is such an important innovation for
the Internet of Things (IoT). Internet-connected products are becoming
increasingly popular, and while IPv4 addresses couldn’t meet the demand for IoT
products, IPv6 gives IoT products a platform to operate on for a very long time.

Advantages Of IPv6 In The Internet Of Things

● IoT is a vast field of technology. this field includes a large number of
devices and their work is mainly focused via the internet. ipv6 is
capable of giving out various IP addresses to these IoT devices so that
they can be easily recognized on the internet and can work efficiently
to transfer data from one IoT device to another.
● Ipv6 networks have auto-configuration capabilities which are quite
simple and can be managed easily in larger installations. with the help
of this feature of ipv6, configuration effort and deployment cost in the
field of IoT reduce drastically.
● Ipv6 is capable of sending large data packets simultaneously to
conserve bandwidth. with the help of fast transmission of data due to
ipv6 in IoT, devices used in IoT will also be able to interact with each
● Ipv6 provides far better security than ipv4. it provides confidentiality,
authenticity, and data integrity as well. this security given by ipv6 is
of utmost importance to IoT because of its high dependency on the
● Ipv6 in IoT has a highly efficient multicast communication feature
that eliminates the requirement for routine broadcast messaging. this
improvement helps in preserving the battery life of IoT devices by
reducing the number of packets processed.
● Ipv6 provides multiple addresses to devices. its routing mechanism is
also distributed in a better way than ipv4. with the help of this feature,
programmers will have the liberty to assign IoT end-device addresses
that are consistent with their own applications and network practices.

The 128 bits of an IPv6 address are represented in 8 groups of 16 bits each. Each
group is written as four hexadecimal digits (sometimes called hextets or more
formally hexadectet and informally a quibble or quad-nibble) and the groups are
separated by colons (:). An example of this representation is
For convenience and clarity, the representation of an IPv6 address may be
shortened with the following rules.
● One or more leading zeros from any group of hexadecimal digits are
removed, which is usually done to all of the leading zeros. For example,
the group 0042 is converted to 42.
● Consecutive sections of zeros are replaced with two colons (::). This may
only be used once in an address, as multiple use would render the address
indeterminate. RFC 5952 requires that a double colon not be used to
denote an omitted single section of zeros.
An example of application of these rules:
Initial address: 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329.
After removing all leading zeros in each group: 2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:42:8329.
After omitting consecutive sections of zeros: 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329.
The loopback address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 is defined in
RFC 5156 and is abbreviated to :1 by using both rules.
In the Domain Name System (DNS), hostnames are mapped to IPv6 addresses by
AAAA ("quad-A") resource records. For reverse resolution, the IETF reserved the
domain, where the namespace is hierarchically divided by the 1-digit
hexadecimal representation of nibble units (4 bits) of the IPv6 address. This
scheme is defined in RFC 3596.
When a dual-stack host queries a DNS server to resolve a fully qualified domain
name (FQDN), the DNS client of the host sends two DNS requests, one querying A
records and the other querying AAAA records. The host operating system may be
configured with a preference for address selection rules RFC 6724.
An alternate record type was used in early DNS implementations for IPv6,
designed to facilitate network renumbering, the A6 records for the forward lookup
and a number of other innovations such as bit-string labels and DNAME records. It
is defined in RFC 2874 and its references (with further discussion of the pros and
cons of both schemes in RFC 3364), but has been deprecated to experimental status
(RFC 3363).

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