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REPORT 29110-1

Second edition

Systems and software engineering —

Lifecycle profiles for Very Small
Entities (VSEs) —
Part 1:
Ingénierie des systèmes et du logiciel — Profils de cycle de vie pour
très petits organismes (TPO) —
Partie 1: Aperçu général

Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)

© ISO/IEC 2016
ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)


© ISO/IEC 2016, Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)

Contents Page

Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vii
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Fields of application............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Target audience....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms.........................................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Naming, diagramming and definition conventions............................................................................................... 11
4.2 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5 VSE characteristics and VSE potential benefits..................................................................................................................12
5.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 VSE characteristics............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.3 VSE potential benefits..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6 Lifecycle process concepts.......................................................................................................................................................................12
6.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Systems concepts................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3 Lifecycle models and stages....................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Lifecycle product types.................................................................................................................................................................. 14
7 Process improvement and assessment concepts..............................................................................................................15
7.1 Process improvement concepts.............................................................................................................................................. 15
7.2 Capability assessment concepts............................................................................................................................................. 15
7.3 Conformity assessment................................................................................................................................................................. 15
8 Standardization concepts..........................................................................................................................................................................16
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Standard...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.3 Guides........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.4 Profile............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.5 Profile group........................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.6 Generic profile group....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.7 Use of profiles........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.8 Conformance to profiles................................................................................................................................................................ 17
9 Taxonomy of VSE profiles..........................................................................................................................................................................17
9.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.2 Profile taxonomy................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
9.3 Software Engineering Generic profile group.............................................................................................................. 18
9.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.3.2 Entry profile....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.3.3 Basic profile........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
9.3.4 Intermediate profile.................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.3.5 Advanced profile............................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.4 Systems Engineering Generic profile group................................................................................................................ 19
9.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.4.2 Entry profile....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.4.3 Basic profile........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.4.4 Intermediate profile.................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.4.5 Advanced profile............................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.5 Organizational Management profile group.................................................................................................................. 19
9.6 Service Delivery Profile Group................................................................................................................................................ 19
10 Overview of ISO/IEC 29110 documents.....................................................................................................................................20

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10.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.2 Profile specific documents.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.2.1 VSE profiles......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.2.2 Generic profile group................................................................................................................................................. 20
10.2.3 Profile specifications.................................................................................................................................................. 20
10.2.4 Management and engineering guides.......................................................................................................... 20
10.3 Introductory documents............................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.3.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.3.2 Framework.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.3.3 Domain-specific profile............................................................................................................................................ 21
10.4 Certification and assessment guides.................................................................................................................................. 21
10.4.1 Guides...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.4.2 Certification guide........................................................................................................................................................ 21
10.4.3 Assessment guide.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.4.4 Framework of autonomy-based improvement.................................................................................... 21
10.5 Specialized guides.............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Annex A (informative) Reference works.........................................................................................................................................................22
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

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ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.  In particular the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted.  This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights.  Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:  Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee
SC 7, Software and systems engineering.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC  29110-1:2011), which has been
technically revised.
ISO/IEC 29110 has the following parts under the general title Systems and software engineering  —
Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs):
— Part 1: Overview [Technical Report]
— Part 2-1: Framework and taxonomy
— Part 2-2: Guide for the development of domain-specific profiles [Technical Report]
— Part 3-1: Assessment guide [Technical Report]
— Part 3-3: Certification requirements for process capability
— Part 3-4: Autonomy-based improvement method [Technical Report]
— Part 4-1: Profile specifications: Generic profile group
— Part 5-1-1: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Entry profile [Technical Report]
— Part 5-1-2: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile groiup: Basic profile [Technical Report]
— Part 5-2-1: Organisational management guidelines [Technical Report]
— Part 5-6-1: Systems engineering — Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Entry
profile [Technical Report]
— Part 5-6-2: Systems engineering — Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Basic
profile [Technical Report]

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ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)

The following parts are under preparation:

— Part 3-2: Conformity audit guide
— Part 4-3: Service delivery profile group specification
— Part 5-3: Service delivery — Guide [Technical Report]
— Part  5-1-3: Software engineering  — Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group  —
Intermediate profile [Technical Report]

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ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)

Very Small Entities (VSEs) around the world are creating valuable products and services. For the
purpose of ISO/IEC 29110, a Very Small Entity (VSE) is an enterprise, an organization, a department
or a project having up to 25 people. Since many VSEs develop and/or maintain system and software
components used in systems, either as independent products or incorporated in larger systems, a
recognition of VSEs as suppliers of high-quality products is required.
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) SME and
Entrepreneurship Outlook report (2005), “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constitute the
dominant form of business organization in all countries worldwide, accounting for over 95 % and
up to 99  % of the business population depending on country”. The challenge facing governments
and economies is to provide a business environment that supports the competitiveness of this large
heterogeneous business population and that promotes a vibrant entrepreneurial culture.
From studies and surveys conducted, it is clear that the majority of International Standards do not
address the needs of VSEs. Implementation of and conformance with these standards is difficult, if not
impossible. Consequently, VSEs have no, or very limited, ways to be recognized as entities that produce
quality systems/system elements including software in their domain. Therefore, VSEs are excluded
from some economic activities.
It has been found that VSEs find it difficult to relate International Standards to their business needs
and to justify the effort required to apply standards to their business practices. Most VSEs can neither
afford the resources, in terms of number of employees, expertise, budget and time, nor do they see a
net benefit in establishing over-complex systems or software life cycle processes. To address some of
these difficulties, a set of guides has been developed based on a set of VSE characteristics. The guides
are based on subsets of appropriate standards processes, activities, tasks, and outcomes, referred to as
Profiles. The purpose of a profile is to define a subset of International Standards relevant to the VSEs’
context; for example, processes, activities, tasks, and outcomes of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 for software;
processes, activities, tasks, and outcomes of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 for systems; and information products
(documentation) of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289 for software and systems.
VSEs can achieve recognition through implementing a profile and by being audited against
ISO/IEC 29110 specifications.
The ISO/IEC  29110 series of International Standards and Technical Reports can be applied at any
phase of system or software development within a life cycle. This series of International Standards
and Technical Rerports is intended to be used by VSEs that do not have experience or expertise in
adapting/tailoring ISO/IEC/IEEE  12207 or ISO/IEC/IEEE  15288 standards to the needs of a specific
project. VSEs that have expertise in adapting/tailoring ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 or ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 are
encouraged to use those standards instead of ISO/IEC 29110.
ISO/IEC  29110 is intended to be used with any lifecycle such as waterfall, iterative, incremental,
evolutionary or agile. Systems, in the context of ISO/IEC 29110, are typically composed of hardware and
software components.
The ISO/IEC  29110 series, targeted by audience, has been developed to improve system or software
and/or service quality and process performance. See Table 1.

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Table 1 — ISO/IEC 29110 target audience

ISO/IEC 29110 Title Target audience
ISO/IEC 29110-1 Overview VSEs and their customers, assessors,
standards producers, tool vendors and
methodology vendors.
ISO/IEC 29110-2 Framework for profile Profile producers, tool vendors and
preparation methodology vendors.
Not intended for VSEs.
ISO/IEC 29110-3 Certification and assessment VSEs and their customers, assessors,
guidance accreditation bodies.
ISO/IEC 29110-4 Profile specifications VSEs, customers, standards producers,
tool vendors and methodology vendors.
ISO/IEC 29110-5 Management, engineering and VSEs and their customers.
service delivery guides
ISO/IEC 29110-6 Management and engineering VSEs and their customers.
guides not tied to a specific

If a new profile is needed, ISO/IEC 29110-4 and ISO/IEC/TR 29110-5 can be developed with minimal
impact to existing documents.
ISO/IEC  29110-2-1 introduces the concepts for systems and software engineering profiles for VSEs.
It establishes the logic behind the definition and application of profiles. For standardized profiles, it
specifies the elements common to all profiles (structure, requirements, conformance, and assessment).
For domain-specific profiles (profiles that are not standardized and developed outside of the ISO
process), it provides general guidance adapted from the definition of standardized profiles.
ISO/IEC  29110-3 defines certification schemes, assessment guidelines and compliance requirements
for process capability assessment, conformity assessments, and self-assessments for process
improvements. ISO/IEC 29110-3 also contains information that can be useful to developers of
certification and assessment methods and developers of certification and assessment tools.
ISO/IEC 29110-3 is addressed to people who have direct involvement with the assessment process, e.g.
the auditor, certification and accreditation bodies and the sponsor of the audit, who need guidance on
ensuring that the requirements for performing an audit have been met.
ISO/IEC  29110-4-m provides the specification for all profiles in one profile group that are based on
subsets of appropriate standards elements.
ISO/IEC/TR  29110-5-m-n provides management, engineering and service delivery guides for the
profiles in a profile group.
The future ISO/IEC/TR 29110-6-x provides management and engineering guides not tied to a specific
This part of ISO/IEC  29110 defines the terms common to the ISO/IEC  29110 series. It introduces
processes, lifecycle and standardization concepts, the taxonomy (catalogue) of ISO/IEC 29110 profiles
and the ISO/IEC 29110 series. It also introduces the characteristics and needs of a VSE and clarifies the
rationale for specific profiles, documents, standards and guides.
Figure 1 describes the ISO/IEC 29110 International Standards (IS) and Technical Reports (TR) and
positions the parts within the framework of reference. Overview, assessment guide, management and
engineering guide are available from ISO as freely available Technical Reports (TR). The Framework
document, profile specifications and certification schemes are published as International Standards (IS).

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Figure 1 — ISO/IEC 29110 series

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Systems and software engineering — Lifecycle profiles for

Very Small Entities (VSEs) —
Part 1:

1 Scope

1.1 Fields of application

This part of ISO/IEC  29110 introduces the major concepts required to understand and use the
ISO/IEC  29110 series. It introduces the characteristics and requirements of a VSE and clarifies the
rationale for VSE-specific profiles, documents, standards and guides.
This part of ISO/IEC 29110 also introduces process, lifecycle, standardization concepts and defines the
organizational terms common to the VSE Profile Set of Documents.
This part of ISO/IEC  29110 is applicable to a VSE. A VSE is an entity (enterprise, organization,
department or project) having up to 25 people. The lifecycle processes described in the ISO/IEC 29110
series, Standardized Profiles and Technical Reports are not intended to preclude nor discourage their
use by an entity that is larger than a VSE.

1.2 Target audience

This part of ISO/IEC 29110 is targeted both at the general audience wishing to understand the series
of documents and, more specifically, at users of the ISO/IEC 29110 series. It should be read first when
initially exploring VSE Profile documents. While there is no specific prerequisite to read this part of
ISO/IEC 29110, it will be helpful to the user in understanding the other parts.
The lifecycle processes defined in the set of Standardized Profiles and Technical Reports can be used
by a VSE when developing, acquiring and using, as well as when creating and supplying systems
having hardware and software elements and software. They can be applied at any level in a systems
development, software system’s structure and at any stage in the lifecycle. They are not intended to
preclude or discourage the use of additional processes that a VSE finds useful.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 29110-2-1, Software engineering — Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) — Part 2-1:
Framework and taxonomy

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC  29110-2-1 and the
following apply.

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set of cohesive tasks (3.69) of a process (3.36)
stakeholder that acquires or procures a product or service (3.53) from a supplier
Note  1  to  entry:  Other terms commonly used for an acquirer are buyer, customer (3.22), owner, purchaser or
internal/organizational sponsor.

advanced profile
profile (3.45) targeted at VSEs which want to sustain and grow as an independent competitive system
and/or software (3.56) development business
mutual acknowledgement of terms and conditions under which a working relationship is conducted
EXAMPLE Contract, memorandum of agreement.

assessment indicator
sources of objective evidence used to support the assessors’ (3.6) judgment in rating process (3.36)
EXAMPLE Work products (3.77), practice, or resource (3.51).

individual who participates in the rating of process (3.36) attributes
systematic, independent, documented process (3.36) for obtaining records (3.48), statements of fact or
other relevant information and assessing them objectively, to determine the extent to which specified
requirements are fulfilled
Note  1  to  entry:  While “audit” applies to management systems, “assessment” applies to conformity assessment
(3.20) bodies, as well as more generally.

organization (3.34) being audited
[SOURCE: ISO 19011:2011, 3.7]

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person who conducts an audit (3.7)
[SOURCE: ISO 19011:2011, 3.8]
audit team
one or more auditors (3.9) conducting an audit (3.7), supported if needed by technical experts
Note 1 to entry: One auditor of the audit team is appointed as the audit team leader.

Note 2 to entry: The audit team may include auditors-in-training.

[SOURCE: ISO 19011:2011, 3.9, modified]

autonomy-based improvement
self-motivated and self-determined professional process improvement (3.41) with an understanding of
the work (process) objectives, latest technology, and outcomes from product use
formally approved version of a configuration item, regardless of media, formally designated and fixed
at a specific time during the configuration item’s lifecycle
base standard
approved International Standard (3.30) or Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) Recommendation
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/TR 10000‑1]
basic profile
profile (3.45) targeted at VSEs developing a single application by a single work team
third-party attestation related to products, processes (3.36), systems (3.62) or persons
Note 1 to entry: Certification of a management system is sometimes also called registration.

Note 2 to entry: Certification is applicable to all objects of conformity assessment (3.20), except for conformity
assessment bodies themselves, to which accreditation is applicable.

certification body
third-party conformity assessment (3.20) body operating certification schemes (3.17)
certification scheme
certification system related to specified products, to which the same specified requirements, specific
rules and procedures apply
Note 1 to entry: For definition of “certification system”, refer to ISO/IEC 17000:2004, 2.7.

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Note 2 to entry: The criteria for the rules, procedures and management for implementing product, process (3.36)
and service (3.53).

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17065, modified]

certification scheme owner
person or organization (3.34) that is responsible for developing and maintaining a specific certification
scheme (3.17)
Note  1  to  entry:  The certification scheme owner can be the certification body (3.16) itself, a governmental
authority, trade association, group of certification bodies or other.

<for certification> organization (3.34) that is responsible to a certification body (3.16) for ensuring
certification (3.15) requirements, including product requirements, are fulfilled
conformity assessment
demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process (3.36), system (3.62), person
or body are fulfilled
critical system
system (3.62) having the potential for serious impact on the users (3.72) or environment, due to factors
including safety, performance, and security
person or organization (3.34) that could or does receive a product or a service (3.53) that is intended for
or required by this person or organization
EXAMPLE Consumer, client, end-user, retailer, receiver or product or service from an internal process (3.36),
beneficiary and purchaser.

Note 1 to entry: A customer can either be internal or external to the organization.

[SOURCE: ISO 9000]
deployment package
set of artefacts developed to facilitate the implementation of a set of practices, of the selected
framework, in a very small entity (3.75)
disposed system
system (3.62) that has been transformed (i.e. state change) by applying the disposal process
Note 1 to entry: A systems approach considers the total system and the total lifecycle (3.32) of the system. This
includes all aspects of the system and the system throughout its life until the day users dispose of the system and
the external enterprises complete the handling of the disposed system products.


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registered organization (3.34), group within a registered organization, or a project (3.47) within an
entry profile
profile (3.45) targeted at start-up VSEs (i.e. VSEs who started their operation less than three years)
and/or at VSEs working on small project (3.47) (e.g. project size of less than six person-months)
generic profile group
profile group (3.46) applicable to VSEs (very small entities) that do not develop critical systems (3.21) or
software (3.56) products and have typical situational factors
document published by ISO or IEC giving rules, orientation, advice or recommendations relating to
international standardization
intermediate profile
profile (3.45) targeted at VSEs involved in the development of more than one project (3.47) in parallel
with more than one work team
international standard
standard (3.59) that is adopted by an international standardizing/standards organization and made
available to the public
lead assessor
assessor (3.6) who has demonstrated the competencies to conduct an assessment and to monitor and
verify the conformance of a process assessment (3.37)
[SOURCE: ISO 33001]
evolution of a system (3.62), product, service (3.53), project (3.47) or other human-made entity (3.25),
from conception through retirement
individual or organization (3.34) that performs the operations of a system (3.62)
Note 1 to entry: The role of operator and the role of user (3.72) can be vested, simultaneously or sequentially, in
the same individual or organization.

Note 2 to entry: An individual operator combined with knowledge, skills and procedures can be considered as an
element of the system.

Note 3 to entry: An operator may perform operations on a system that is operated, or of a system that is operated,
depending on whether or not operating instructions are placed within the system boundary.


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person or a group of people that has its own functions responsibilities, authorities and relationships to
achieve its objectives
[SOURCE: ISO 9000]
organizational management profile
profile (3.45) targeted at VSEs to provide them with additional organizational management guidance
set of interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended result
[SOURCE: ISO 9000]
process assessment
disciplined evaluation of an organizational unit’s processes against a process assessment model (3.38)
process assessment model
model suitable for the purpose of assessing a specified process quality characteristic, based on one or
more process reference models (3.44)
process capability
characterization of the ability of a process to meet current or projected business goals
process capability level
characterization of a process on an ordinal measurement scale of process capability (3.39)
process improvement
actions taken to improve the quality of the organization’s processes aligned with the business needs
process outcome
observable result of the successful achievement of the process purpose
process profile
set of process attribute ratings for an assessed process

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process reference model
model comprising definitions of processes in a lifecycle (3.32) described in terms of process purpose
and outcomes, together with an architecture describing the relationships between the processes
set of one or more base standards (3.13) and/or profiles, and where applicable, the identification of
chosen classes, conforming subsets, option and parameters of those base standard, or standardized
profiles necessary to accomplish a particular function
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/TR 10000‑1]
profile group
collection of profiles (3.45) which are related either by composition of processes [e.g. activities (3.1) and
tasks (3.69)], or by capability level, or both
endeavour with defined start and finish dates undertaken to create a product or service (3.53) in
accordance with specified resources (3.51) and requirements
Note  1  to  entry:  A project is sometimes viewed as a unique process comprising coordinated and controlled
activities and composed of activities from the Technical Management processes and Technical processes defined
in this part of ISO/IEC 29110.

set of related data items treated as a unit
information item that describe the results of activities such as investigations, observations, assessments,
or tests
1. collection of all system elements or software (3.56) related artefacts belonging to a system. 2. The
location/format in which such a collection is stored
asset that is utilized or consumed during the execution of a process
Note  1  to entry:  Includes diverse entities such as funding, personnel, facilities, capital equipment, tools, and
utilities such as power, water, fuel and communication infrastructures.

Note 2 to entry: Resources include those that are reusable, renewable or consumable.


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process or meeting during which a work product (3.77), or set of work products, is presented to project
personnel, managers, users (3.72), customers (3.22), or other interested parties for comment or approval
performance of activities, work, or duties
Note 1 to entry: A service is self contained, coherent, discrete, and can be composed of other services.

Note 2 to entry: A service is generally an intangible product.

service delivery profile
profile targeted at VSEs that need to perform and manage service delivery processes, either for systems
(3.62) or software (3.56) products that they have developed or that were developed by others
small and medium enterprise
enterprise which employ fewer than 250 persons
[SOURCE: OECD 2005, modified]
computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data pertaining to the
operation of a computer system
software component
general term used to refer to a software system or an element, such as module, unit, data, or document
software engineering
application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and
maintenance of software (3.56); that is, the application of engineering to software
document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and
repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement
of the optimum degree of order in a given context
Note 1 to entry: Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience,
and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

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standardized profile
internationally agreed-to, harmonized standard (3.59) which describes one or more profiles (3.45)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/TR 10000‑1]
systematic iteration of conformity assessment (3.20) activities as a basis for maintaining the validity of
the statement of conformity
combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes
Note 1 to entry: A system is sometimes considered as a product or as the services it provides.

Note 2 to entry: In practice, the interpretation of its meaning is frequently clarified by the use of an associative
noun, e.g. aircraft system or database management system. Alternatively, the word “system” is substituted simply
by a context dependent synonym, e.g. aircraft or database, though this potentially obscures a system principles

Note 3 to entry: A system can include the associated equipment, facilities, material, software, firmware, technical
documentation, services and personnel required for operations and support to the degree necessary for use in its
intended environment, e.g. enabling system, system-of-interest, system of systems.

systems engineering
interdisciplinary approach governing the total technical and managerial effort required to transform a
set of customer (3.22) needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution and to support that solution
throughout its life
systems engineering management plan
top level technical planning document for a project (3.47), which addresses technical management
processes established by three principal sources [the project’s contract or agreement (3.4), applicable
organizational processes, and the systems engineering (3.63) project team], as necessary to successfully
accomplish the systems engineering-related tasks (3.69) of the project
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 24748‑4]
statement of work
means to describe and specify the tasks (3.69) to be performed under the contract
system structure
decomposition of a system of interest into a set of interacting systems and system elements
Note 1 to entry: The system structure is described in a System Breakdown Structure (SBS).

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2008]

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classification scheme for referencing profiles (3.45) or sets of profiles unambiguously
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/TR 10000‑1]
technical report
document published by ISO or IEC containing collected data of a different kind from that normally
published as an International Standard (3.30) or Technical Specification
Note 1 to entry: Such data may include, for example, data obtained from a survey carried out among the national
bodies, data on work in other international organizations or data on the “state of the art” in relation to standards
(3.59) of national bodies on a particular subject.

requirement, recommendation, or permissible action, intended to contribute to the achievement of one
or more outcomes of a process
decision-making actions that select from various requirements and alternative solutions on the basis of
net benefit to the stakeholders
describes association among two or more logical entities, such as requirements, system elements,
verifications (3.74), or tasks (3.69)
EXAMPLE Software features and test cases are typically traced to software requirements.

individual or group that interacts with a system (3.62) or benefits from a system during its utilization
Note  1  to  entry:  The role of user and the role of operator (3.33) are sometimes vested, simultaneously or
sequentially, in the same individual or organization (3.34).

confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended
use or application have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: A system (3.62) is able to accomplish its intended use, goals and objectives (i.e. meet stakeholder
requirements) in the intended operational environment. The right system was built.

Note 2 to entry: In a lifecycle (3.32) context, validation involves the set of activities for gaining confidence that
a system is able to accomplish its intended use, goals and objectives in an environment like the operational

[SOURCE: ISO 9000, modified — Note 1 to entry and Note 2 to entry have been added]

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confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been
Note 1 to entry: Verification is a set of activities that compares a system (3.62) or system element against the
required characteristics. This includes, but is not limited to, specified requirements, design, descriptions, and the
system itself. The system was built right.

[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added]

very small entity
enterprise, an organization (3.34), a department or a project (3.47) having up to 25 people
work breakdown structure
deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to
accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables; it organizes and defines the
total scope of the project (3.47)
work product
artefact associated with the execution of a process

4 Symbols and abbreviated terms

4.1 Naming, diagramming and definition conventions

There are no specific conventions applicable to this part of ISO/IEC 29110.

4.2 Abbreviated terms

COTS Commercial off-the-shelf software

DP Deployment Package

PG Profile Group

SE Systems Engineering

SOW Statement of Work

SW Software Engineering

VSE Very Small Entity

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

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5 VSE characteristics and VSE potential benefits

5.1 General
A VSE is considered to be an entity that engages in systems or software engineering activities at any
point, including development, integration, or maintenance. Annex A provides more basic information.

5.2 VSE characteristics

VSEs are subject to a number of characteristics, needs and desirable competencies that affect the contents,
the nature and the extent of their activities. The Profiles address a subset of VSEs which are described
through the following characteristics, needs, and desirable competencies, classified in four categories:
Finance and Resources, Customer Interface, Internal Business Processes, and Learning and Growth.
In some cases, a VSE is expected to perform limited missions in the entire systems and/or software
development lifecycle under the directions of either another organization or consortium fulfilling
contract or agreement requirements. These missions may be a part of the systems development
and/or software implementation project according to the statement of work. The VSE is chosen by
its own competencies or by a bid for the project. Amplification of these characteristics is provided in
ISO/IEC 29110-4-m.

5.3 VSE potential benefits

From the VSE perspective, some benefits considered for using the ISO/IEC 29110 include good internal
system development processes, software management processes, greater customer confidence and
satisfaction, greater systems and/or software product quality, increased sponsorship for process
improvement and decreased development risk. These benefits might also help with increased
competitiveness and market share.
NOTE According to recommendation of the European Commission (2003/361/EC), this size of enterprise is
called small enterprise (<50 persons) or microenterprise (<10 persons).

6 Lifecycle process concepts

6.1 General
This Clause provides lifecycle process concepts that are considered in the ISO/IEC 29110 series and are
supportive of the potential coordinated use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, and ISO/IEC/
IEEE 15289. It will assist users in their management of information items as products of the system or
software lifecycle.

6.2 Systems concepts

The systems approach to solving a problem, analyse and observe the system as a whole and identify the
interrelationships among the parts that compose it and also with the system environment (e.g. enabling
systems). It also considers the entire lifecycle of the system and the different possible applications of
the system. Systems can be immersed in different environments and multiple relationships will emerge.
Every project has a context in which the system is embedded.
Thus, a system is not only composed of software and hardware, but is always part of a larger operation,
often involving people and other systems. The designer must clearly understand these relationships
before defining a solution. Following this approach, when deploying the requirements in smaller
modules, it will help ensure effective integration of the parts.

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6.3 Lifecycle models and stages

This subclause, using text from ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, helps to establish a
common framework for lifecycle processes and in planning, producing, and evaluating the results of the
lifecycle processes. The texts below are quoted as follows: paragraph number, text and identification of
the document from which the text is extracted.

5.4.3 Software lifecycle models and stages

A common set of stages for a software system is concept exploration, development, sustainment, and
retirement, with transitions between stages for the system as a whole and for its elements.
Often, the development stage is subdivided more finely and in different ways. One often-cited set of
software development stages are elicitation, requirements, design, construction, and testing — the
“waterfall” model. If the stages are considered as sequential, then each stage is required to produce
correct results before proceeding to the next stage. In practice, this is extremely difficult to achieve
unless the requirements are known very well and the cost estimates are very good. In performing a
waterfall, one risks performing extensive rework that does not properly fall within any of the planned
stages, hence probably does not fall within any budget.
NOTE 1    Winston Royce, commonly recognized as an early analyst of lifecycle process models, de-
scribed the need for rework stages rather than the waterfall (a term that he did not use). Unfortunate-
ly, the rework stages were dropped from the “waterfall” model as it was popularly understood.
To deal with the issues of incompletely known requirements and inaccurate estimates, a number of
other models have been proposed: incremental, spiral, iterative, and evolutionary, including agile.
These models involve repeated performance of the lifecycle processes and stages during the lifecy-
cle, e.g. for different increments of the software product, for more precise handling of exceptions to
common functions, or for requirements that were not fully defined at the outset. These models can
be applied across stages, such as development and utilization or deployment. For example, software
elements can be developed incrementally and then held for block operational release at a convenient
time in the organization’s business cycle.
The “incremental development” model includes initial planning, initial requirements analysis, initial
architectural definition, and initial validation, but allocates design, implementation, verification (and
sometimes delivery) activities to a series of stages, each of which provides a portion of the intended
functionality. The approach provides for some flexibility to respond to inaccurate cost or schedule
estimates by moving functionality to later increments.
The “spiral” variation on incremental developmental proposes ordering the development of function-
ality based on risk, with the riskiest problems considered in the early increments. This provides some
protection against cost surprises occurring late in the development cycle.
The “iterative development” model performs initial planning and then consists of a cyclic process of
prototyping, testing, analyzing and refining the requirements and the solution. “Iterative” models re-
peatedly perform the lifecycle processes to deliver prioritized system functions sooner, with refined
or more complex elements of the system coming in later iterations
The “evolutionary model” is intended to deal with incomplete knowledge of requirements. It provides
for initial planning and initial architecture definition, but allocates requirements analysis, design,
construction, verification, validation and delivery to a series of stages. Delivered capabilities that do
not meet user needs can be reworked in subsequent stages of the evolution.
Agile” methods actually use a variety of models. What the methods have in common is an emphasis
on collaboration in the rapid production of working software and in managing the changes as the
requirements evolve. Annex H provides information on the application of this standard in an agile
context. “

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NOTE 2    Selecting the name of a type of model does not satisfy the requirement to define a model
comprised of stages, with defined purpose and outcomes accomplished via the processes of this Inter-
national Standard.
NOTE 3    ISO/IEC/TR 24748-1, ISO/IEC/TR 24748-2, and ISO/IEC/TR 24748-3 provide additional
detail regarding lifecycle models and stages. The models described in this Clause apply not only to
software systems but also to other systems as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288.
[ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207]
5.4.1 System lifecycle model
Every system has a lifecycle. A lifecycle can be described using an abstract functional model that
represents the conceptualization of a need for the system, its realization, utilization, evolution and
A system progresses through its lifecycle as the result of actions, performed and managed by people
in organizations, using processes for execution of these actions. The detail in the lifecycle model is
expressed in terms of these processes, their outcomes, relationships and sequence. This Internation-
al Standard does not prescribe any particular lifecycle model. Instead, it defines a set of processes,
termed lifecycle processes that can be used in the definition of the system’s lifecycle. Also, this Inter-
national Standard does not prescribe any particular sequence of processes within the lifecycle model.
The sequence of the processes is determined by project objectives and by selection of the system
lifecycle model.
5.4.2 System lifecycle stages
Lifecycles vary according to the nature, purpose, use and prevailing circumstances of the system.
Each stage has a distinct purpose and contribution to the whole lifecycle and is considered when
planning and executing the system lifecycle.
The stages represent the major lifecycle periods associated with a system and they relate to the state
of the system description or the system itself. The stages describe the major progress and achieve-
ment milestones of the system through its lifecycle. They give rise to the primary decision gates of
the lifecycle. These decision gates are used by organizations to understand and manage the inherent
uncertainties and risks associated with costs, schedule and functionality when creating or utilizing a
system. The stages thus provide organizations with a framework within which organization manage-
ment has high-level visibility and control of project and technical processes.
Per ISO/IEC/TR 24748-1 (IEEE STD 24748-1-2011), the typical system lifecycle stages include concept,
development, production, utilization, support, and retirement.
Organizations employ stages differently to satisfy contrasting business and risk mitigation strategies.
Using stages concurrently and in different orders can lead to lifecycle forms with distinctly different
Further elaboration of these concepts can be found in the ISO/IEC/IEEE/TR 24748 guides, on the
application of lifecycle management.
[ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288]

6.4 Lifecycle product types

This subclause helps to clarify that information items are essential to preserving what transpired
when using system and/or software lifecycle processes and be identified as deliverable documents.
Information items allow project participants to have a common understanding of what is planned
and how work is performed. The result of a process can be documented or may imply the need for a
document (or information item) and often do not specify the contents.
The use of generic types simplifies the application of consistent structure, content, and formats
for similar information items (records and documents), to support usability. Successive parts of the
ISO/IEC  29110 series define the lifecycle data of ISO/IEC/IEEE  12207 and ISO/IEC/IEEE  15288 by
relating tasks and activities to generic information item types. Some example Lifecycle product types
are shown in Table 2.

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Table 2 — Example lifecycle product types

Sample of recommended
Type Purpose
output information types
Record Characterize the data an organizational Configuration record
entity retains. Problem record
Description Represent a planned or actual function, High-level software design
design, or item description
Plan Define when, how, and by whom specific Project management plan
activities are to be performed.
Procedure Define in detail when and how to per- Problem resolution procedure
form certain activities or tasks, including
tools needed.
Report Describe the results of activities such as Problem report
investigations, assessments, and tests. Validation report
Request Record information needed to solicit a Change request
Specification Specify a required function, performance Software requirements speci-
or process (such as, requirements specifi- fication
cation, standard, policy).
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289.

7 Process improvement and assessment concepts

7.1 Process improvement concepts

The process improvement concept is to encourage VSE’s project teams to implement systematic
approaches which allow for the repetition and realism in estimating and implementing a project.
Process improvement concepts characterize all actions undertaken to improve an organization’s
processes to both increase their efficiency and meet the organization’s business goals. Some process
improvement activities are addressed in the ISO/IEC 33000 series and ISO/IEC 29110-3.
Ideally, process improvement is driven by business goals such as increasing quality, productivity,
customer satisfaction or increasing market share. Several approaches start with organizational goals
identification, followed by identification of potential problems preventing the realization of these
business goals. From this diagnosis, corrections are identified and implemented.
It could be easy for a VSE to over commit to a specific customer project based on their limited resources.
Periodic assessments and communication (internal and external) of the project progress will help
ensure customer satisfaction.

7.2 Capability assessment concepts

Capability assessment concept refers to the determination of the extent to which the organization’s
processes contribute to the achievement of its business goals and to help the organization focus on the
need for process improvement. For example, the assessment can either beformal or informal, use an
outside evaluator or an internal evaluator, use a standard checklist or personnel interviews, etc.

7.3 Conformity assessment

The conformity assessment parts describes the process conformance assessment requirements needed
to get recognition of the implementation of defined VSE Profiles. The targeted audience is primarily
those who perform process certifications for VSEs and who have a direct relation with the certification
process based on the VSE Profiles.

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Certification is carried out by certification bodies that operate certification schemas. There are ISO/IEC
standards and guides that provide guidance and set the rules for conformity assessments, certification
bodies, and certification schemas.
In order to increase confidence in certification, it can be useful to consider accreditation of
certification bodies.

8 Standardization concepts

8.1 General
Recognizing the limitations of VSEs resources, the need for minimum processes and practices are
supported in the scope of the ISO/IEC 29110 series. This will allow the VSE to be flexible and achieve its
organizational goals without compromising systems and software engineering processes.
NOTE Rationale for defining each profile is described in ISO/IEC 29110-2-1.

8.2 Standard
Systems and software engineering standards are focusing on both processes and products aspects.
They contain formal requirements developed and used to prescribe consistent approaches to develop
systems and software engineering standards have the following objectives:
— to provide a common framework and vocabulary for project practitioners;
— to provide a framework for two party agreements;
— to improve and evaluate competence;
— to facilitate process or product evaluation.
Standards contain normative and, in some cases, informative parts. The normative part of standards
is used as requirements for conformance evaluation. The informative part of standards contains
information that either complements or facilitates the understanding of or the use of the normative part.
The need for process improvement should be a business issue for VSEs (e.g. for-profit organizations
and for non for-profit organizations), motivated by efficiency and effectiveness. In large organizations,
large quantities of data are tracked in sophisticated ways, including application of Lean and six sigma
tools. In VSEs, process improvement can be handled, more informally.

8.3 Guides
Guides provide practical information to facilitate the implementation and assessment of the defined
profiles. In accordance with ISO/IEC JTC 1, guides are published as Technical Reports.

8.4 Profile
A profile is a set of one or more base standards and/or standardized profiles and, where applicable, the
identification of chosen classes, conforming subsets, options and parameters of those base standards,
or standardized profiles necessary to accomplish a particular function.

8.5 Profile group

A profile group (PG) is a collection of profiles which are related either by composition of processes (i.e.
activities, tasks, etc.). Amplification of these characteristics is provided in ISO/IEC 29110-2-1.

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8.6 Generic profile group

The generic profile group is applicable to VSEs that do not develop critical systems or software
products. The generic profile group does not imply any specific application domain. Amplification of
these characteristics is provided in ISO/IEC 29110-2-1.
This Profile Group is a collection of four profiles (Entry, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced) providing a
progressive approach to satisfying a vast majority of VSEs. VSEs targeted by the Entry Profile are VSEs
working on small projects (e.g. project size of less than six person-months) and for start-up VSEs. The
Basic Profile describes a single application by a single project team of a VSE. The Intermediate Profile is
targeted at VSEs involved in the development of more than one project in parallel with more than one
work team. The Advanced Profile is targeted to VSEs which want to sustain and grow as an independent
competitive system and/or software development business.

8.7 Use of profiles

Profiles are designed to be used by a VSE to implement specific functionality through the use of Guides
published as Technical Reports. At a minimum, each Profile of the ISO/IEC 29110 is to be linked to an
Assessment Guide and one or more Implementation Guides (e.g. management and engineering guides).
Additional materials, such as a deployment package, a set of artefacts developed to facilitate the
implementation of a set of practices of the selected framework, are available to further facilitate the
implementation of Profiles by a VSE.
References to standardized profiles can simplify deployment and assessment of capabilities, processes,
and services.

8.8 Conformance to profiles

Conformance to profiles may be complete when all the required elements of the profile are satisfied or
partially satisfied when a selected subset is completed.
Unless otherwise noted in the standardized profile conformance clause, conformance to the profile
implies conformance to the base standards.
For methodology-related products and tools, conformance means that the proposed method or tools
implements the required elements of the profile.
For the implementation of the required elements within a VSE, conformance means that all the
mandatory requirements of the profile are met by the implementation. This can be evaluated through
an assessment process.
These concepts provide the context and standardization details for the format and content of the
product, as required to support the principles and classification schema selected for them. Conformance
to a VSE profile should be evaluated through an assessment defined in the Assessment Guide referenced
by the VSE profile.
By conforming to International Standards, the VSE shows that their produced documents and work
products are produced and supported consistent with defined process outcomes or activities.

9 Taxonomy of VSE profiles

9.1 General
The profile identifier should not to be confused with the part number in the ISO/IEC 29110 series, which
use the profile identifier as a suffix to the part number for part 4-m and 5-m-n.

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9.2 Profile taxonomy

Table 3 — VSE profile taxonomy

Profile group Profile Specification part ref. Guide part ref.
29110.1.1 - Entry ISO 29110-4-1, Clause 7 ISO/TR 29110-5-1-1
29110.1 – Software 29110.1.2 - Basic ISO 29110-4-1, Clause 8 ISO/TR 29110-5-1-2
engineering — Generic 29110.1.3 - Intermediate ISO 29110-4-1, Clause 9 ISO/TR 29110-5-1-3
29110.1.4 - Advanced ISO 29110-4-1, Clause 10 ISO/TR 29110-5-1-4
29110.2 Organizational 29110.2 - Organisational ISO 29110-4-2, Clause 7 ISO/TR 29110-5-2
Management Management
29110.3.1 - Governance ISO 29110-4-3, Clause 7 ISO/TR 29110-5-3
29110.3.2 - Supporting ISO 29110-4-3, Clause 8 ISO/TR 29110-5-3
29110.3 – Service delivery Processes
29110.3.3 - Continual ISO 29110-4-3, Clause 9 ISO/TR 29110-5-3
29110.6.1 - Entry ISO 29110-4-6, Clause 7 ISO/TR 29110-5-6-1
29110.6 – Systems 29110.6.2 - Basic ISO 29110-4-6, Clause 8 ISO/TR 29110-5-6-2
engineering – Generic 29110.6.3 - Intermediate ISO 29110-4-6, Clause 9 ISO/TR 29110-5-6-3
29110.6.4 - Advanced ISO 29110‑4-6, Clause 10 ISO/TR 29110‑5-6-4
NOTE   Profile and documents in italics have been identified, but the project has not been proposed at time of publication.

9.3 Software Engineering Generic profile group

9.3.1 General

The “Generic” profile group has been identified as applicable to software engineering within the vast
majority of VSEs that do not develop critical software and have typical situational factors. The “Generic”
profile group does not imply any specific application domain. However, it is envisaged that in the future,
new domain-specific sub-profiles may be developed in the future.
Software can include computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data
pertaining to the operation of a computer system.

9.3.2 Entry profile

The Entry profile is targeted at start-up VSEs (i.e. VSEs who started their operation less than three
years) and/or at VSEs working on small project (e.g. project size of less than six person-months). The
Entry profile is intended to be used with any processes, techniques and methods that enhance the VSE’s
customer satisfaction and productivity.

9.3.3 Basic profile

The Basic profile is targeted at VSEs developing a single application by a single work team. The project
may be to fulfil an external or internal contract. The internal contract need not be explicit between the
project team and their client.

9.3.4 Intermediate profile

The Intermediate profile is targeted at VSEs involved in the development of more than one project in
parallel with more than one work team.

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9.3.5 Advanced profile

The Advanced profile is targeted at VSEs which want to sustain and grow as an independent competitive
system and/or software development business.

9.4 Systems Engineering Generic profile group

9.4.1 General

The “Generic” profile group has been identified as applicable to systems engineering within the
vast majority of VSEs that do not develop critical system elements or products within the systems
engineering processes and have typical situational factors. The “Generic” profile group does not imply
any specific application domain. However, it is envisaged that in the future, new domain-specific sub-
profiles may be developed.
A system can include the associated equipment, facilities, material, software, firmware, technical
documentation, services and personnel required for operations and support to the degree necessary
for use in its intended environment, e.g. enabling system, system-of-interest, system of systems.

9.4.2 Entry profile

The Entry profile is targeted at start-up VSEs (i.e. VSEs who started their operation less than three
years) and/or at VSEs working on small project (e.g. project size of less than six person-months). The
Entry profile is intended to be used with any processes, techniques and methods that enhance the VSE’s
customer satisfaction and productivity.

9.4.3 Basic profile

The Basic profile describes system development of a single application by a single work team with no
special risk or situational factors. The project may be to fulfil an external or internal contract. The
internal contract need not be explicit between the project team and their client.

9.4.4 Intermediate profile

The Intermediate profile is targeted at VSEs involved in the development of more than one project in
parallel with more than one work team.

9.4.5 Advanced profile

The Advanced profile is targeted at VSEs which want to sustain and grow as an independent competitive
system and/or software development business.

9.5 Organizational Management profile group

This profile group provides additional organizational management profile and guidance for systems
engineering and software engineering profiles and guidance (ISO/IEC 29110-4-1 and ISO/IEC 29110-
4-6 and corresponding guides). The process areas are Organisational Management, Project Portfolio
Management, Resource Management and Process Management.

9.6 Service Delivery Profile Group

Service Delivery is a set of services provided to customers (internal or external) after the system or
software development phase. This profile group is targeted at VSEs that need to perform and manage
service delivery processes, either for systems or software product that they have developed, or that
were developed by others, and want to improve their competitiveness and competence.

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10 Overview of ISO/IEC 29110 documents

10.1 General
The ISO/IEC 29110 series is comprised of multiple documents with different purposes and audiences.
Documents are grouped in three categories: overview, profiles and guides. The overview document,
which is this part of ISO/IEC 29110, is the introductory document for the set of other documents. The
profile documents are the technical specifications for the packaging of the various profile elements.
The guide documents are the user-oriented documents. Figure 1 identifies the major categories and the
existing and planned documents.

10.2 Profile specific documents

10.2.1 VSE profiles

VSE profiles are defined to formally package references to other documents and/or parts of other
documents in order to adapt them to a VSEs needs and characteristics. Preparing VSE profiles is an
ISO/IEC JTC1 defined process. It involves producing two types of documents, the profile specifications
and the profile guide.

10.2.2 Generic profile group

The generic profile group is applicable to VSEs that do not develop critical systems or software products.
The generic profile group does not imply any specific application domain.

10.2.3 Profile specifications

There is a profile specifications for each profile. The profile specification’s purpose is to provide the
formal composition of a profile, provide normative links to the normative subset of standards, e.g.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 or ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289, used in the profile and to provide
informative links (references) to “input” documents. There is one profile specification document for each
profile group, which is identified as ISO/IEC 29110-4-1 for software engineering, and ISO/IEC 29110-4-
6 for systems engineering.

10.2.4 Management and engineering guides

The management and engineering guides provide guidance for implementation and use of a profile. They
are targeted at VSEs management and technical staff and VSE-related organizations such as technology
transfer centres, government industry ministries, national standards, consortiums and associations,
academic use for training, authors of derived products (software and courseware), acquirers and
Guidelines on how to implement and use profiles (e.g. recommended activities, measures, techniques,
templates, models, methods, etc.) are provided. Generally, there is one management and engineering
guide document for each profile within each profile group, identified as ISO/IEC  29110-5-m-n or
ISO/IEC 29110-6-m-n, where m is the number assigned to the profile group and n the number assigned
to the profile of a profile group. This number matches the number assigned to the profile specification.

10.3 Introductory documents

10.3.1 Overview

The overview introduces all the major concepts required to understand and use the ISO/IEC  29110
series. It introduces the characteristics and requirements of a VSE and clarifies the rationale for
VSE-specific profiles, documents, standards and guides. It also introduces process, lifecycle and
standardization concepts, the taxonomy (catalogue) and the ISO/IEC 29110 series. It is targeted both

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at a general audience interested in these document, and, more specifically, at users of these documents.
The overview document is identified as ISO/IEC 29110-1.

10.3.2 Framework

The framework document establishes the logic behind the definition and application of process
profiles. It specifies the elements common to all process profiles (structure, conformance, assessment)
of ISO/IEC  29110 profiles. The framework document is applicable to all profiles and is identified as
ISO/IEC 29110-2-1.

10.3.3 Domain-specific profile

ISO/IEC 29110-2-2 provides the guidance for the elaboration of domain-specific profiles.

10.4 Certification and assessment guides

10.4.1 Guides

Guides are developed for the process implementation and assessment based on the domain’s issues,
business practices and risks. Guides are targeted at VSEs and should be accessible to VSEs, both in
terms of style and cost.

10.4.2 Certification guide

The certification guide describes the process certification guidelines and conformance requirements
needed to meet the purpose of defined VSE Profiles. It contains information that can be useful to
developers of certification methods and certification tools. The targeted audience is primarily those
who perform process certifications for VSEs and who have a direct relation with the certification
process based on the VSE Profiles, e.g. the auditor and the sponsor of the audit, who need guidance
on ensuring that the requirements for performing an audit have been met. The assessment guide is
applicable to all profiles and is identified as ISO/IEC 29110-3.

10.4.3 Assessment guide

The assessment guide describes the process to follow in performing an assessment to determine the
process capabilities. This is used when an organization wants an assessment performed in order to
obtain a process capability profile of the implemented processes and/or an organizational process
maturity level. It is also applicable if a customer asks for a third-party assessment evaluation. This
could also be used to obtain a capability level profile of the implemented process by the software
implementation and maintenance provider and is also suitable for a self-assessment. The assessment
guide is applicable to all profiles and is identified as ISO/IEC/TR 29110-3-1.

10.4.4 Framework of autonomy-based improvement

The concept and framework of autonomy-based improvement method, targeted at VSEs that wants to
improve their activities by themselves, is defined in ISO/IEC/TR 29110-3-4.

10.5 Specialized guides

These management and engineering guides provide guidance for implementation and use of a particular
technique within the context of one or multiple profiles. They are targeted at VSE management and
technical staff and VSE-related. They are published as parts in the ISO/IEC/TR 29110-6 series.

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Annex A

Reference works

A.1 Rationale
Industry and organizations recognize the value of very small entities in contributing valuable products
and services to economy. As quality increasingly becomes a subject of concern and process approaches
are maturing and gaining the confidence of companies, the use of ISO/IEC standards is spreading in
organizations of all sizes. However, these standards were not written for development organizations
with up to 25 people and are consequently difficult to apply in such small settings.
ISO/IEC  29110 aims to address those difficulties by developing profiles and by providing guidance
for conformance with ISO/IEC systems and software engineering standards. The ISO/IEC  29110
series facilitates the use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 processes, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 processes, ISO/IEC/
IEEE  15289 information items, and ISO  9001, and provide conformity to subsets of selected base
standards by providing VSE Profiles. Guidance is provided for each process profile together with a
roadmap for conformance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, and ISO 9001.

A.2 Market study

A market survey of VSEs was conducted to ask questions about their utilization of ISO/IEC standards.
The purpose of the survey was to collect data to identify problems and potential solutions to help VSEs
apply ISO/IEC standards and become more competitive. The survey underlined that there are three
main reasons preventing VSEs from using ISO/IEC standards. The first is a lack of resources (28 %); the
second is that standards are not required (24 %); and the third derives from the nature of the standards
themselves: 15 % of the respondents consider that the standards are difficult and bureaucratic and do
not provide adequate guidance for use in a small business environment. However, for a large majority
(74 %) of VSEs, it is very important to be recognized or certified against a standard. ISO certification
is requested by 40 % of them. However, VSEs are expressing the need for assistance in order to adopt
and implement standards. Over 62 % would like more guidance with examples and 55 % are asking for
lightweight and easy-to-understand standards complete with templates.

22  © ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved

ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016(E)


[1] ISO 9000, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary

[2] ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems
[3] ISO/IEC/TR 10000-1, Information technology  — Framework and taxonomy of International
Standardized Profiles — Part 1: General principles and documentation framework
[4] ISO/IEC 17000, Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles
[5] ISO/IEC 17065, Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes
and services
[6] ISO/IEC 20000-1, Information technology — Service management — Part 1: Service management
system requirements
[7] ISO/IEC 33001, Information technology — Process assessment — Concepts and terminology
[8] ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards
[9] ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, Systems and Software Engineering — Lifecycle Profiles for Very Small Entities
(VSEs) — Part 1: Overview Software lifecycle processes
[10] ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes
[11] ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289, Systems and software engineering — Content of life-cycle information items
[12] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765, Systems and software engineering — Vocabulary
[13] ISO/IEC/IEE 24748-4, Systems and software engineering — Lifecycle management — Part  4:
Systems engineering planning
[14] IEEE 829, IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation, IEEE Computer Society
[15] IEEE 1028, IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits, IEEE Computer Society
[16] IEEE 1061, IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology, IEEE Computer Society
[17] LAPORTE. C.Y., ALEXANDRE, S., RENAULT, A., Developing International Standards for Very Small
Enterprises. IEEE Computer. 2008 March, 21 (, 3) pp. 82–85
[18] CONRADI. R., DYBA, T., SJOBERG D., ULSUND, T., Software Process Improvement: Results and
Experience from the Field. Springer, 2006
[19] OECD, 2005. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, SME and
Entrepreneurship Outlook, 2005 Edition
[20] RICHARDSON. I., GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Ch., Guest Editors’ Introduction: Why are Small
Software Organizations Different? IEEE Softw. 2007 Jan/Feb, 24 (1) pp. 18–22
[21] OKTABA. H., PIATTINI, M., Software Process Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises:
Techniques and Case Studies. Idea Group Inc, Hershey, PA, 2008
[22] LAPORTE, C.Y., SÉGUIN, N., VILLAS BOAS, G., Seizing the benefits of software and systems
engineering standards, ISO Focus, International Organization for Standardization, February
2013, pp. 32-36.
[23] ISO/IEC 250xx, SQuaRE series

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