Legal Notice-The Wire
Legal Notice-The Wire
Legal Notice-The Wire
Gauhati High Court
Chamber: "Tunga-D ip", House No. 19-A, Near Srimanta pur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P .O.-Indra pur, Guwahati-781032 , Assam
email- rajib.borpujari29@
Phone: 0943501 5973(M)
Alternative Address:
F44-45, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, Gol Market, Bhagat Singh Market,
Opposite Jain Bhavan, Khanna Market, New Delhi - 110001.
Ref: News item published in the website of "The Wire" on 08.12.2021 with the link
biswa-sarma-rbs-realtors, under heading "How Govt. Land Meant for the
Needy Found Its Way to Firm Linked to Assam CM's Family".
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Rajib Borpujari
Gauhati High Court
Chamber: "Tunga -Dip", House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School
, Bhangagarh,
P.O.-Indrapur, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- [email protected]
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
My Client:
about the State Government's Land Allotment Policy, and occupying around 18
acres of government land intended for landless individuals and institutions,
according to official records, and that, this land was acquired in violation of law
governing its possession, sale and use. It has been also stated that despite 10-year
lock-in, RBS Realtors bought land within months of original allotment, and that,
RBS Realtors Pvt. Ltd., repurchased two plots of government land originally allotted
to welfare institutions in North Guwahati in 2006-07, and that, according to the
rules, government land allotted to institutions/farms etc. cannot be sold to a
private individual or a private company, and to do so would be illegal.
2. In the aforesaid news item dated 08.12.2021, the following questions have
been put to Vasistha Realtors Pvt. Ltd., with regard to purchase of land by the
Company, namely-
1) Has there been any public notification or order or law that has altered
the stipulation that those plots could not be sold to anyone for ten years
and allowed RBS Realtors to bypass the JO-year-ban on purchase of such
2) Was there any public notification or order that allowed RBS Realtors to
bypass the rule as per the 'Govt of Assam Land Policy-1989~ that such
land can never be sold by original allottees, whereas, the same policy
notes that if it is not used for the purpose for which it was allotted, then
it must be returned within three years for such land ? If so, when was
such an order issued and by whom ?
3. My client states that that you have published the aforesaid news item dated
08.12.2021 without proper verification of facts and without having any knowledge
about the law applicable and in force with regard to purchase of land by my client
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Rajib Borpujari
0 1mh11ti High Court
( 'hnmbcr: ''Tungn-Dip'', I louse No. 19-A, Near Srlman tapur I ,.P. Sc.:ho1JI, Hhan
P.O. -lndrupur, Ouwahati -78 I 032, Ammm
emnil - rnjib.horpujari 29(t.ygmail .com
Phone: 0943:'W15973 (M J
(b) Except as provided by Section 15, any person who has, whether before
or after the commencement of this Regulation, acquired any such land
under a lease granted by or on behalf of the Government, the terms of
which is not less than ten years, shall be deemed to have acquired the
statues of a /and-holder In respect of the said land.
(2) When any land held by one person has come immediately by transfe
or succession to be held by another, the holding shall for the purposes of
sub-section (1), clause (a), be deemed to have been continuous and the
latter person may, In reckoning the length of his ho/ding, add the holding
of the former to his own.
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Rajib Borpujari
Gauhati High Court
Chamber· "Tun D 1· "
· ga- P , House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P.O.-Indrapur, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- [email protected]
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
(3) When any revenue has been paid in respect of land by any person
holding the land under another, that revenue shall for the purpose of the
said clause, be deemed to have been paid by the fatter person. "
(a) the payment of all revenue, taxes, cesses and rates from time to
time legally assessed or imposed in respect of land;
(b) the reservation in favour of the Government of all quarries and of all
mines, minerals and mineral oils, and of all buried treasure, with full
liberty to search for and work the same, paying to the /and-holder
only compensation for the surface damage as estimated by the
Deputy Commissioner; and
(c) the special conditions of any engagement into which the land-holder
may have entered with the Government.
Pages of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Gauhati High Court
Chamber: "Tunga-Dip", House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P.O.-Indrapur, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- [email protected]
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
(a) that the area of land so settled, together with any other land held by
him or any member of his family either as tenant or as owner shall
not exceed in the aggregate the limit fixed under Section 4 of this
Act and
(b) that he shall pay to the State Government in one or more equal
installments not exceeding an amount fixed by it but not exceeding
the compensation payable by the State Government for acquisition
(2) On payment of the full amount under sub-section (1) above, the
land shall be settled with him with the status of a land holder as defined in
the Assam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886 (Regulation I of 1886).
(3) Where the excess land is acquired from a tenant as such and from
the owner thereof, the State Government shall be entitled to settle it on
such terms as may fix, with the sub-tenant if any, who is in occupation of
such land subject to the limit under Section 4, or if there be no sub-tenant
so entitled, with any person coming with the purpose of sub-section (1) of
Section 17 below, with the same status as was held by the tenant from
whom the land has been acquired.
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Rt\l lh I hu'p1\]1tl'I
<l1111h11 il I ll~h ( 'ourt
\ 'hr1111bµr ll 1'11nuu nip", 110111-io N11, 11) /\ l Nriur Nrl111111l111p11 r I ,, I', Sehool, nlrnngugnrh,
P.<),-111drnp111\ ( h1w11h11t 1-7HI 01?,, Armtlm
ll lllll I1- 1'1\1 ih,ht 11•111 \Iii l'I 21, ,,,, ~, llll 11 ,(JOll)
Ph111\l1: 01),1\\OI S1 (M)
(1) from thfl dttto of commencement of this Acli any person who was
recorded In thtJ record"of-r/ghts flS a pr/v//eged tenant under the provisions
of ttm A$$i1tn (T8mporllrlly Settled Districts) Tenancy Acli 1935, {Assam
Art Ill of J935) shttll henceforth be recorded as an occupancy tenanfi•
.. Pnge 7 of 17
Rt~lib BorpuJnri
01111hn1I High Court.
Chumhcr : "'l'1111g11-Dlp", I lnuso Nn. I 'J-A, Noor Srini11ntop11r 1,.1'. School, Bhungagurh,
P.O.-l11drup11r, ( luwnhull-78 I 032, Assum
omni 1- rnJlh.borpuJnri29(a)Bm11il .com
Phone: 094 :'150 l.'i97J (M)
(2) The period of 3 years may be wholly or partly before or after the
commencement of this Act.
(3) A person shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section to have
contlnuously held land under a landlord notwithstanding that the particular
landlord under whom he held the land was different at different times,
provided the land held by him was the same.
(4) A person shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to have
held as a tenant any land held as a tenant by a person whose heir he Is.
(5) If a tenant recovers possession of his ho/ding under any law In force,
any period during which he might have been pout of possession, shall
count towards the period specified In sub-section (1). ;,
r Page 8 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Gauhati High Court
Chamber: "Tunga-Dip", House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P.O.-lndrapur, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- [email protected]
Page 9 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Gauhati High Court
Chamber: " Tunga-Dip ", House No. 19-A., Near Srimantap ur L.P. School, Bhangagar h,
P.O.-lndra pur, Guw ahati-7810 32, Assam
email- rajib.borpu jari29<@gm ail.e-0m
Phone: 094350159 73 (M)
any holding shall be an amount equal to 50 times the full rate of annual
land revenue payable for such land. n
5. From a bare perusal of the aforesaid news item dated 08.12.2021 it is seen
that the tenor of the whole news item is based on the concept of "allotment of
land'. In this regard at the very outset you are informed that there is a vast
difference between the concept of "allotme nt of land" and "l\settlement of land".
When any land is allotted by the Government, various conditions may be imposed
regarding transfer of the said land, but, once the Government realizes the premium
over the allotted land and settles the same in favour of the allottee, the allottee
becomes the settlement-holder/land-holder, and derives all rights including right to
transfer under the relevant laws and statues in force, and, no restrictions can be
imposed upon the settlement-holder/land-holder with regard to his right of transfer
over the plot of land settled in his favour except by virtue of any statutory provision.
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I Ch am be r· "Tunga
· -
Rajib Borpujar i
Gauhati High Court
o·1P,,, 'Irouse No. 19-A, Near
ur L.P. School. Bhangagarh.
P.O.-lndrapur, Guwahati- 781032, Assam
email- rajib.borpujaril~
Phone: 09435015 973 (M)
item dated 08.12 .2021 with some vested interest to malign my dient before the
public at large .
7• My client states that his company had purchased two plots of land situated at
village Numalijal ah under Sila Sinduri Ghopa Mouza of North Guwaha ti Revenue
Cirde in the District of Kamrup, Assam vide registered Sale Deeds executed on
14.11.200 6 and 06.01.2007 respectively, from the respective vendors . As on the
date of execution of the said Sale Deeds, the vendors were the a ~ute owners in
the fonn of settlemen t holders of their respective plots of land, having ngh~ title,
interest and possession thereof as land-holders as envisaged under section 8 and 9
of The Assam Land Revenue Regulation, 1886. The said plots of land were duty
sett1ed with the vendors/sellers by the Government of Assam in accordance with
law, and they were recorded pattadars in the Record-of-Rights. In fact, prior to
selling their respective plots of land to my client, the vendors had acquired the
status of "land-hol ders" as per the provisions of Section 8 of The Assam Land and
Revenue Regulation, 1886. Hence, by operation of the provisions of Section 9 of The
Assam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886, the said vendors had acquired
permane nt, heritable and transferable rights of use and occupancy over their
respecbve plots of land. Therefore, evidently in law, there was no statutory bar
and/or any impediment under the provisions of The Assam Land and Revenue
Regulation, 1886, and/ or under any otherlaw in fOfce with regard to transfer of the
aforesaid two plots of land by the vendo<s to my dient company . Moreover, after
purchasing the said pk>ts of ·land, the name of my dtent has been mcocporated in
the Record-of-Rights by deleting the names of the respecuve vendors4 Hence, t,y
operation o! law under the PfO'IISionS of SectJoo 8 and SectlOn 9 of The Assam La~
and Revenue Regulation, 1886, my chent company has become the recorded
pattadar and absotute owner of the saw:J two plots of land, on and from the date of
p~ U C'f 17
I ,,, r '
Rajib Borpujari
Chamber- "Tun a Di " Gauhati High Court
· g - P , House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P .O.-Indrapur, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- rajib. [email protected]
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
purchasing the same, having indefeasible right, title, interest and possession over
the said plots of land. Accordingly, my client is possessing the said plots of land
since the date of purchasing the same and has been using the same for carrying out
the activities of my client.
In this regard my client further states that the provisions of Land Policy of the
Government of Assam, 1989, are not attracted in the matter of purchasing the
aforesaid plots of land by my client, since, the said plots of land were already settled
with the respective vendors by the Government of Assam under the provisions of
The Assam land and Revenue Regulation, 1886. It is stated that allotment precedes
settlement, and as such, the moment the aforesaid plots of land are settled with the
vendors, the question of allotment becomes nugatory, and the conditions of
allotment, if any, assumes no significance under the provisions of The Assam Land
and Revenue Regulation, 1886. Therefore, evidently, there was no violation and/or
contravention of any law, when my client had purchased the aforesaid plots of land
from the respective vendors, since the same were settled in their favour after all
dues, values and premium were realized by the Government entitling them to
acquire the rights of a "Land Holder". It is apparent from your aforesaid news item
dated 08.12.2021 that you could not differentiate between the two events, i.e.,
"Allotment of land" and "Settlement of land".
s. My client states that the company had purchased nine plots of land situated
at village Bongora under Chayani Mouza of Palashbari Revenue Circle in the
District of Kamrup, Assam vide registered Sale Deeds executed on 22.01.2009,
25.02.2009, 13.11.2009, respectively, from the respective vendors. As on the date
of execution of the said Sale Deeds, the vendors were the absolute owners of their
respective plots of land, having right, title, interest and possession thereof. The said
plots of land were duly settled with the vendors by the Government of Assam in
accordance with law, and they were recorded pattadars in the Record-of-Rights. In
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Rajib Borpujari
Chamb er: "Tun a-Di ,, Gauhat i High Court
g Pp House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School , Bhangagarh
.O.-Ind rapur, Guwahati-781032 Assam '
email- [email protected]
Phone: 094350 15973( M)
Page 13 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Chamber: "Tun ,a-Di ,, Gauhati High Court
g P , House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
P.O.-Indrapur, Guwahati-78 I 032, Assam
email- rajib.borpujari29@gmail .com
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
Act, 1956, whereby, the said vendors, upon payment of the full amount of
compensation acquired the status of 'land-holders' as defined in Section 8 and
Section 9 of The Assam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886. In fact, after having
acquired the status of "Land-Holders" and having got their names mutated in the
Record-of-Rights, the said vendors became the absolute owners of their respective
plots of land, having indefeasible right, title, interest and possession over the said
plots of land, and it is only thereafter, the said vendors have sold their respective
plots of land to my client, which is permissible in law. This is the settled
proposition of law under several judicial pronouncements of the Hon'ble
Gauhati High Court. Be it categorically mentioned herein that no where in the
Statutory Laws and Rules in force, there exist any provision about '10 years lock-
in" period before selling/transferring any land by anyone who acquires his right as a
land-holder by payment of premium on the settled land to the Government. It is
also worth reiterating that in the news item itself, there are mention of
payment of Rs. 7,87,217 /- and Rs. 25 lacs paid for allotment (sic} of the
It is stated that under the provisions of the Assam (Temporarily Settled
Areas) Tenancy Act, 1971, as well as, under the provisions of the Assam Fixation of
Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1956, and also, under the provisions of The Assam
Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886, there is no express bar, and/or restriction that
a person who is settled (i.e., after payment of premium) with a plot of land by the
Government of Assam, and, who acquires the right of ownership over such land and
becomes the land-holder thereof, cannot sale the same to any other person and/or
body corporate for a further period of 10 (ten) years from the date of settlement of
such land by the Government in his favour. Therefore, evidently, the aforesaid
Statutes, i.e., the law, do not provide for any lock-in period of 10 (ten) years, so far
as, selling/transferring of the aforesaid plots of land by the vendors to my client is
Page 14 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Chamber: "Tun a-Di ,, Gauhati High Court
g Pp House No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School Bhanoaoarh
0 0
.O.-Io<lrapur, Guwahati-781032 Assam ' '
email- rajib.borpujari29@gmai,
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
concerned. Hence, in absence of any statutory bar, any Circular, Letter, Notification,
etc., issued by any executive/officer without statutory support and backing, by way
of an executive fiat, cannot create any such bar of 10 (ten) years lock-in period. As
such, it is abundantly clear there was no violation and/or contravention of law, when
my client had purchased the aforesaid plots of land from the respective vendors.
9. My client states that it has purchased all the aforesaid plots of land from the
respective vendors after complying with all the requirements and formalities
prescribed under the law. Similarly, the vendors also, at the time of selling did not
violate any statutory law in doing so.
10. My client states that on the issue of settlement, the Hon'ble Gauhati High
Court in the case of Shri Mangilal Agatwalla -versus- The State of Assam &
others, reported in 1993 (1) GU 508, held that if a land is settled by the
competent authority and premium is also realized. the person with whom
the land is settled and possession of the land is also handed over. the
person acquired legal right to obtain patta. This implies that once patta is
issued upon realization of premium, the settlement holder becomes the absolute
owner of the plot of land and enjoys all rights of a land-holder as envisaged under
Section 8 and Section 9 of The Assam land and Revenue Regulation, 1886, and such
rights includes right to transfer the land by way of sale.
11. My client states that under the above noted laws in force, the settlement
holder enjoys full and complete rights over the settled plot of land with regard to
permanent, heritable and transferable rights of use and occupancy of his land, and
no executive order, Notification, Circular issued by any individual Government officer
can restrict the land settlement holder's right in any manner, unless such executive
order, Circular, Notification has the statut~ry backing of the laws in force. In this
regard it is pertinent to refer and rely upon the decision of the Division Bench of the
Page 15 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Chambe r: "Tunga -Di ,, Gauhati High Court
Pp ~ouse No. 19-A, Near Srimantapur L.P. School, Bhangagarh,
· .-lo<lrapur, Guwahati-781032 Assam
email- [email protected]
Phone:0 943501 5973(M )
Hon'ble Gauhati High Court in the case of Abdul Aziz -versus- The
State of
Assam & others, reported in 2008 {1} GLT 301, wherein it has been held
no impediment or restriction can be imposed through execut
fiat/ action in registration of land unless such executive fiat/ action
supported by statutory laws.
Furthermore, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Gulf Goans
Hotels Company Limited & another -versus- Union of India &
report ed in {2014 } 10 sec 673, on the question of "what is law" held
that a
Government policy/ executive decision in order to acquire the force
of law
must take form under the mandate of Article 77 and Article 166
of the
Constitution of India, meaning thereby that due procedure must
followed by the Executive to convert its executive decision into law,
following certain measures and in absence of such exercise, the
executive decision do not have the force of law and are mere opinio
n of
some officers, which are not binding on the public at large. The
Supreme Court further held that it is essential that what is claimed to
be a law
must be notified or made public in order to bind the citizens.
12. Thus in view of the above, it is abundantly clear that your aforesaid news
dated 08.12.2021 is absolutely baseless, concocted and frivolous withou
t any iota of
truth and made on complete misconception of prevailing land laws in Assam,
and also,
on the basis of misconceived and misconstrued notion about allotment,
settlement of
land vis-a-vis right of transfer of land by settlement holder, with an ulterior
motive to
Page 16 of 17
Rajib Borpujari
Chamber: "Tunga-o·1 ,, H Gaubati High Court
P , ouse No 19 A N S •
p O I d · - , ear nmantapur L.P. Schoo l. Bhangagarh.
· .- ~ ra~~r, Guwahati-781032, Assam
email- [email protected]
Phone: 09435015973 (M)
create artificial sensation and malign not only the Company of my client, but also, the
i ividuals and family members connected to the Company and its Directors. Moreover,
e materials in the news item relating to composition, shares and other particulars of
the Company are nothing but my client's own submissions and declarations to the
concerned authorities under the Companies Act and Rules, hence, there is no
investigative element on your part in this regard, however, you have deliberately
attempted to display the said facts in a distorted manner with the sinister design to
seek public attention and malign my client.
14. This Legal Notice is being served upon you through email as well as registered
ND post and a copy of the same alongwith the postal receipt thereof are retained at
my Chamber for future use and reference.
Without prejudice.
Yours sincerely,
Rajib Borpujari
Advocate, Gauhati High Court
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