The offers received without pre-requisite credential /PQR document or not fulfilling the eligibility criterion shall not be considered further
for opening of their e-tender. Further, no offer will be accepted without valid Bid Security.
e) Country of incorporation:
f) Year of Incorporation:
g) Principal place of business:
h) Name of Principal
i) Brief description of the Company:
j) Details of authorized signatory of the Bidder
i) Name:
ii) Designation:
iii) Company:
iv) Address:
v) Phone No.:
vi) Mobile number.:
vii) Website:
viii) E-mail address:
State whether Bidder has uploaded scanned copy of this Please upload the desired documents in
Questionnaire (Attachment 2) the Specific folder.
Note If answer to above question at (iii) is No, the Bidders will not be considered eligible for this tender.
State whether the average annual turnover of the Bidder, in Bidder to upload Attachment 2A -7A
the immediate preceding three (3) financial years as on the along with other Documents/
2.1.1 (A)
original scheduled date of Bid opening, is not less than INR Certificates/ undertaking/
100 Cr,(Rupees one Hundred Crore) Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
Note If answer to above question at (iii) is No, the Bidders will not be considered eligible for this tender.
State whether the average annual turnover of the Bidder, in Bidder to upload scanned copy of
the immediate preceding three (3) financial years as on the Attachment 2A -7A along with other
2.1.1 (A)
original scheduled date of Bid opening, is not less than INR Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
100 Cr,(Rupees one Hundred Crore) Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
In case, Bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria of (i)Bidder to upload copy of Attachment
average Annual Turnover on its own, state whether the 2A -7A along with other Documents/
Holding Company of the Bidder is meeting the stipulated Certificates/ undertaking/
turnover requirements of PQR clause. 2.1.1, (Para 2) and Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
2.1.1 (B)
Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of
the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal to
or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding
State whether net worth of Bidder is not less than 100% of (i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
its paid-up share capital as on the last day of the immediate Attachment 2A -7B along with other
preceding financial year on the Original Scheduled date of Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Bid opening. Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
In case, Bidder does not meet Net Worth criteria on its own,
state whether Bidder fulfills such criterion on the strength of
its Subsidiary and/or Holding company and/or subsidiary of
the Holding company . Bidder to also confirm that Net
Worth of Bidder and Bidder's *Subsidiary(ies) and/or (ii) Please upload scanned copy of
2.1.2 (B)
*Holding Company and/or *Subsidiaries of Holding Appendix C: to Attachment 2A-7B
Company, in combined manner is not be less than 100% of
their total paid up share capital and individually their Net
worth is not less than 75% of their respective paid up share
capitals .
In case, Bidder's Collaborator/ Associate does not satisfy (i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
the financial criteria of average Annual Turnover on its own, Attachment 2A -8A along with other
state whether the Holding Company of the Bidder's Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Collaborator/ Associate in terms Clause.no. 2.2.1 of PQR is Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
2.2.1 (B) meeting the stipulated turnover requirements of PQR and
Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of (ii)Please upload scanned copy of
the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal to Appendix A & B (to Attachment 2A- 8A),
or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding along with Board Resolution and Power
Company. of Attorney
(i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
State whether net worth of Bidder's Collaborator/Associate
Attachment 2A -8B along with other
is not less than 100% of its paid-up share capital as on the
2.2.2 ( A ) Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
last day of the immediate preceding financial year on the
Appendices/ Enclosure indicated
Original Scheduled date of Bid opening.
Note If answer to above question at (iii) is No, the Bidders will not be considered eligible for this tender.
State whether Bidder have an existing valid ongoing Bidder to upload the scanned copy of
Collaboration and Technology Transfer Agreement with a the Collaboration & Technology
B) QFGDM meeting requirements of clause 1.1.1 of PQR on Transfer Agreement.
its own, valid minimum up to the end of the defect liability
period of the contract.
State whether the QFGDM (with whom Bidder have a valid Bidder to upload scanned copy of
ongoing Collaboration and Technology Transfer Attachment 2A -1B along with other
C) Agreement as per clause no.1.3.2 of PQR ) meet the Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
qualifying requirements (to qualify as a QFGDM), in line Order Copies/ LOAs/Enclosure indicated
with the clause No 1.1.1 of PQR. therein.
In case, Bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria of (i)Bidder to upload scanned copy of
average Annual Turnover on its own, state whether the Attachment 2A -7A along with other
Holding Company of the Bidder is meeting the stipulated Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
turnover requirements of PQR clause. 2.1.1, (Para 2) and Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
2.1.1 (B)
Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of
the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal to (ii) Please upload scanned copy of
or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding Appendix A & B (to Attachment 2A-7A),
Company. along with Board Resolution and Power
of Attorney .
State whether net worth of Bidder is not less than 100% of (i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
its paid-up share capital as on the last day of the preceding Attachment 2A -7B along with other
financial year on the Original Scheduled date of Bid Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
opening. Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
State whether the average annual turnover of Bidder's Bidder to upload scanned copy of
Collaborator/ Associate during the immediate preceding Attachment 2A -8A along with other
2.2.1 (A)
three (3) financial years as on the original schedule date of Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Bid opening is not less than INR 25 Cr Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
(i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
In case , Bidder's Collaborator/ Associate does not satisfy Attachment 2A -8A along with other
the financial criteria of average Annual Turnover on its own, Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
state whether the Holding Company of the Bidder's Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
Collaborator/ Associate in terms Clause.no. 2.2.1 of PQR
2.2.1 (B) is meeting the stipulated turnover requirements of PQR
and Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day (ii)Please upload scanned copy of
of the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal Appendix A & B (to Attachment 2A-8A),
to or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding along with Board Resolution and Power
Company. of Attorney
State whether the QFGDM (with whom Bidder have a valid Bidder to upload scanned copy of
ongoing Collaboration and Technology Transfer Agreement Attachment 2 A -1B along with other
C) as per clause no.1.4.2 of PQR ) meet the qualifying Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
requirements (to qualify as a QFGDM), in line with the Order Copies/ LOAs/Enclosure indicated
clause No 1.1.1 of PQR. therein.
State whether net worth of Bidder is not less than 100% (i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
of its paid- up share capital as on the last day of the Attachment 2A -7B along with other
immediate preceding financial year on the Original Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Scheduled date of Bid opening. Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
In case, Bidder does not meet Net Worth criteria on its own,
state whether Bidder fulfills such criterion on the strength of
its Subsidiary and/or Holding company and/or subsidiary of
the Holding company . Bidder to also confirm that Net
Worth of Bidder and Bidder's *Subsidiary(ies) and/or (ii) Please upload scanned copy of
2.1.2 (B)
*Holding Company and/or *Subsidiaries of Holding Appendix C: to Attachment 2A-7B
Company, in combined manner is not be less than 100% of
their total paid up share capital and individually their Net
worth is not less than 75% of their respective paid up share
capitals .
State whether the average annual turnover of Bidder's Bidder to upload scanned copy of
Collaborator/ Associate during the immediate preceding Attachment 2A -8A along with other
2.2.1 (A)
three (3) financial years as on the original schedule date of Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Bid opening is not less than INR 25 Cr Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
In case, Bidder's Collaborator/ Associate does not satisfy (i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
the financial criteria of average Annual Turnover on its own, Attachment 2A -8A along with other
state whether the Holding Company of the Bidder's Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
Collaborator/ Associate in terms Clause.no. 2.2.1 of PQR is Appendices/Enclosure indicated therein.
2.2.1 (B) meeting the stipulated turnover requirements of PQR and
Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of
the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal to
or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding
In case, Bidder's Collaborator/ Associate does not satisfy
the financial criteria of average Annual Turnover on its own,
state whether the Holding Company of the Bidder's
Collaborator/ Associate in terms Clause.no. 2.2.1 of PQR is
2.2.1 (B) meeting the stipulated turnover requirements of PQR and
Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of (ii)Please upload scanned copy of
the immediate preceding financial years is at least equal to Appendix A & B (to Attachment 2A-8A),
or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding along with Board Resolution and Power
Company. of Attorney .
(i) Bidder to upload scanned copy of
Attachment 2A -8B along with other
State whether net worth of Bidder's Collaborator/Associate Documents/ Certificates/ undertaking/
is not less than 100% of its paid-up share capital as on the Appendices/ Enclosure indicated
2.2.2( A )
last day of the immediate preceding financial year on the therein.
Original Scheduled date of Bid opening.
(ii) Please upload scanned copy of
Appendix C: to Attachment 2A-8B