Bolted Connections: 2.1 Terminology

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Bolted Connections

A bolt is a metal pin with a head formed at one end and shank threaded at the other in order to
receive a nut. On the basis of load transfer in the connection bolts are classified as:
(a) Bearing Type
(b) Friction Grip Type
There are two types of bearing type bolts, namely,
(i) Unfinished or Black Bolts.
(ii) Finished or Turned Bolts.
The shanks of black bolts are unfinished, i.e., rough as obtained at the time of rolling, while
turned bolts are obtained by turning hexagonal shank to circular shape. The bolt hole diameter is
only 1.5 mm larger than that of the shank in case of turned bolt. These bolts are used in special jobs
like connecting machine parts subject to dynamic loadings. For black bolts, diameter of bolt hole is
larger and are used in most of the work. A black bolt is represented as M16, M20, etc. which means
black bolt of nominal diameter 16 mm, black bolt of nominal diameter 20 mm, etc.

The following terms used in bolted connection should be clearly understood [Ref. Fig. 2.1(a)]:
1. Pitch of the Bolts (p): It is the centre-to-centre spacing of the bolts in a row, measured
along the direction of load.
2. Gauge Distance (g): It is the distance between the two consecutive bolts of adjacent rows
and is measured at right angles to the direction of load.
3. Edge Distance (e): It is the distance of bolt hole from the adjacent edge of the plate.
Bolted Connections 9

where gml = partial safety factor at ultimate stress = 1.25

fu = ultimate stress of the material of plate
An = net effective area at critical section

[ psi2
= b – ndo + S ___ t
4gi ]
where b = width of plate
t = thickness of thinner plate
do = diameter of the bolt hole
n = number of bolt holes
Note: If there is no staggering of the bolts, psi = 0 and hence, An = [b – ndo] t


(a) In Shear: It is least of the following:
(i) Shear capacity (strength)
(ii) Bearing capacity (strength)
(i) Shear capacity of bearing bolts (Vdsb)
Vdsb = ____

where gmb = partial safety factor of bolt

and Vnsb = nominal shear capacity of bolt
= ___
__ (nn Anb + ns Asb)
where fub = ultimate tensile strength of bolt
nn = number of shear planes through threads
= 1 for each bolt.
ns = number of shear planes intercepting non-threaded portion of shank
= 1, for a bolt in double shear
= 0, for a bolt in single shear.
Ash = nominal shank area of the bolt
Anb = net shear area in threaded portion
Bolted Connections 11

0.9 fub An fyb Ash

i.e., Tdh = ________ £ _____
gmb gmo
where fyb = yield stress of the bolt
An = net area of the bolt at thread
= 0.78 __ d2 for ISO bolts.
Ash = shank area of the bolt = __ d2.
Vdsf = ____
where gmf = 1.10, if slip resistance is designed at service load
= 1.25, if the slip resistance is designed at ultimate load.
and Vnsf = mf ne Kh Fo
where mf = coefficient of friction as specified in Table 20 (Clause 10.4.3) in IS 800-2007.
ne = number of effective interfaces offering frictional resistance to the slip.
[Note: ne = 1 for each bolt in lap joint and 2 for each bolt in double cover bolt joint]
Kh = 1.0 for fasteners in clearance hole
= 0.85 for fasteners in oversized and short slotted holes and for long slotted holes
loaded perpendicular to the slot.
Fo = minimum bolt tension at installation and may be taken as Anb fo
Anb = net area of the bolt at threads
0.78 __ d2
4 )
fo = proof stress = 0.7 fub.
1. All the reduction factors specified for bearing bolted connection hold good for HSFG
bolted connection also.
2. Since the bearing strength of HSFG bolts is greater than the plates, no check on bearing
strength of the bolt is necessary.
HSFG Bolt Strength in Tension ( )
0.9 fub An fyb Ash
Tdf = ________ £ _____
gmb gm
gmb = 1.25, gm = 1.1
Note: In the design of HSFG bolts subjected to tensile forces additional force Q called prying
forces is to be considered.
12 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

( b hf0 be t4
Q = ___ Te – ________
2lc 27lc lv2 )
Q = prying force
2Te = total applied tensile force
lv = distance from the bolt centre line to the toe of the fillet weld or to half the root radius
for a rolled section
lc = distance between prying forces and bolt centre line and is the minimum of either the
end distance or the value given by:

b f0
lc = 1.1t ___
b = 2 for non-pretensioned bolts and 1 for pretensioned bolts
h = 1.5
be = effective width of flange per pair of bolts
f0 = proof stress in consistent units
t = thickness of end plate.


1. Design strength should be more than design load.
2. The centre of gravity of bolts should coincide with the centre of gravity of the connected
3. The length of connection should be kept as small as possible.
4. It should satisfy requirements specified in clause 10.2, regarding spacing, such as
a. Pitch shall not be less than 2.5 d.
b. Minimum edge distance = 1.7 do, in case of hand cut edges and 1.5 do in case of rolled
or machine cut edges.
5. Diameter of bolt hole for various bolts shall be taken as shown below:
diameter of bolt (d) : 12 14 16 20 22 24 30 36
diameter of bolt hole (do) : 13 15 18 22 24 26 33 39
6. Area of bolt at shank = __ d2
Area of bolt at threads = 0.78 __ d2
7. Material properties of bolts.
Grade 4.6 fyb = 240 MPa fub = 400 MPa
Grade 4.8 fyb = 320 MPa fub = 420 MPa
Bolted Connections 13

Grade 5.6 fyb = 300 MPa fub = 500 MPa

Grade 5.8 fyb = 400 MPa fub = 520 MPa.
Example 2.1 Design a lap joint to connect two plates each of width 100 mm, if the thickness of
one plate is 12 mm and the other is 10 mm. The joint has to transfer a working load of 100 kN. The
plates are of fe 410 grade. Use bearing type of bolts and draw connection details.
Solution: Using M16 bolts of grade 4.6,
d = 16 mm do = 18 mm fub = 400 N/mm2
Since it is a lap joint, the bolt is in single shear, the critical section being at the roots of the thread
of the bolts.
\ Nominal strength of a bolt in shear
fub p
Vnsb = ___ (
__ 1 × 0 + 0.78 __ d2
÷3 4 )
400 p
= ____
__ × 0.78 × __ × 162
÷3 4
= 36218 N
\ Design strength of a bolt in shear
Vnsb 36218
Vdsb = ____ = ______ = 28974 N
gmb 1.25
Minimum pitch to be provided = 2.5 d = 2.5 × 16 = 40 mm
Minimum edge distance = 1.5 do = 1.5 × 18 = 27 mm
Provide p = 40 mm and e = 30 mm.
Strength in bearing:
30 40 400
kb is least of ______, ______ – 0.25, ____ and 1.0
3 × 18 3 × 18 410
i.e., kb = 0.4907
Now, thickness of thinner plate = 10 mm, fu = 400 N/mm2
\ Normal bearing strength of a bolt
Vnpb = 2.5 kb dt fu
= 2.5 × 0.4907 × 16 × 10 × 400
= 78512 N
\ Design strength of M16 bolts
= 28974 N
Working (nominal load) = 100 kN.
\ Design load = 100 × 1.5 = 150 kN.
150 × 1000
Hence, no. of bolts required = __________ = 5.18
14 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

Provide 6 bolts. They may be provided as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3

Check for the Strength of Plate

0.9 An fu
Tdn = _______
There are two holes along the critical section,
0.9 × (100 – 2 × 18) × 10 × 410
\ Tdn = __________________________
= 188928 N = 188.928 kN > 150 kN.
Hence safe.
Example 2.2 Design a single bolted double cover butt joint to connect boiler plates of thickness
16 mm for maximum efficiency. Use M 20 bolts of grade 4.6. Boiler plates are of Fe 410 grade.
Draw the connection details.
Solution: d = 20 mm \ do = 22 mm. fub = 400 N/mm2, fu = 410 N/mm2, t = 16 mm. Since it is
double cover but joint, the bolts are in double shear, one section at shank and another at root of
thread are resisting shear.
\ Nominal strength of bolt in shear,
p p
Vnsb = ____( )
__ 1 × __ × 202 + 1 × 0.78 × __ × 202 = 129143 N
÷3 4 4
\ Design strength
Vnsb 129143
Vdsb = ____ = _______ = 103314 N
1.25 1.25
Assuming bearing strength is more than this, to get maximum efficiency, strength of plate per
pitch width is equated to Vdsb.
To avoid failure of the cover plates, the total thickness of the cover plates should be more than
the thickness of the main plate. Provide cover plates of 12 mm thickness.
Bolted Connections 15

\ Design strength of plate per pitch width

0.9 × 410 (p – 22)
= _______________ × 16
= 4723.2 (p – 22)
Equating it to strength of bolt, we get
4723.2 (p – 22) = 103314
\ p = 43.87 mm.
Minimum pitch to be provided = 2.5 d
= 2.5 × 20 = 50 mm
Provide p = 50 mm.
Check for Bearing Strength of Bolt
Minimum edge distance e = 1.7 do =1.7 × 22 = 37.4 mm
Provide e = 40 mm.
e p fub
Then, kb is minimum of ___, ___ – 0.25, ___, 1.0
3do 3do fu
\ kb = 0.5076
\ Design strength of bolt in bearing
2.5 × 0.5076 × 20 × 16 × 400
= ________________________
= 129939 N > 103314 N
Hence, the assumption that design strength of bolt = 103314 N is correct.
Figure 2.4 shows the connection details.

Fig. 2.4
16 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures


There are two cases of eccentric connections:
1. Moment in the plane of bolts
2. Moment at right angles to the plane of bolt.

2.6.1 When Moment is in the Plane of Bolts

If P is the eccentric load and ‘e’ is the eccentricity, moment to be resisted by bolts
M = Pe
If Vdb is shear strength and Vdpb is strength in bearing, the strength of a bolt V is the lesser of
the two. ____

The number of bolts per row required is given by n = ____ where p is the pitch.
If ri is the radial distance of the bolts, and r the radial distance of extreme bolt, then force in the
extreme bolt in radial direction is
F2 = ____2
Direct shear in vertical direction
F1 = __
n , where n is the total number of bolts.
\ Resultant force on extreme bolt
F = ÷F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos q
where q is the angle between F1 and F2.
For safe design F £ V
Example 2.3 A bracket is to be bolted to the flange of the column, which is of ISHB 300 @ 577
N/m. If the bracket has to carry a design load of 800 kN at an eccentricity of 250 mm, design the
connection using 8 mm cover plates and M 20 bolts of grade 4.6.
Solution: Factored load on each plate of bracket ____ = 400 kN
Eccentricity = 250 mm.
\ On each plate M = 400 × 250 = 100000 kN-mm
= 100,000 × 1000 N-mm
Flange thickness of ISHB 300 @ 577 N/m is 10.6 mm and thickness of cover plate is 12 mm.
Hence, the thickness of thinner member is 10.6 mm.
d = 20 mm do = 22 mm fub = 400 N/mm2
For rolled section fu = 410 N/mm2.
Bolted Connections 17

Bolts are in single shear.

\ Design strength of bolt in single shear,
1 400
Vdb = ____ ____
1.25 ÷3 (
__ 0 + 0.78 × __ × 202
4 )
= 45272 N
Strength of the bolt in bearing:
e p fub
kb is the least of ___, ___ – 0.25, ___, 1.0
3do 3do fu
Adopting two rows of bolts each at 70 mm from the centre line of the column and pitch 50 mm
(≥ 2.5d),
kb = 0.5076
\ Vdpb = ____ × 2.5 × 0.5076 × 20 × 8 × 400

= 64973 N > Vdb

V = Vdb = 45272 N

\ Number of bolts required per row


n = ____

÷ 2 × 45272 × 50
6 × 100,000 × 1000
= ________________ = 11.51

Provide 12 bolts in each row as shown in Fig. 2.5.

Distance of extreme bolt from the centre of gravity of bolt,
r = ÷702 + 2752 = 283.77 mm.

[ 6
Sr2i = 4 iS= 1 (x2i + y2i ) ] Fig. 2.5

= 4 [6 × 702 + 252 + 752 + 1252 + 1752 + 2252 + 2752]

= 832600 mm2
Per 400 × 103 × 250 × 283.77
\ F2 = ___2 = _____________________ = 34082 N
Sri 832600

P 400 × 1000
Direct shear F1 = ___ = __________ = 16667 N
2n 2 × 12
18 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

tan q = ____ \ q = 75.719° Hence, cos q = 0.24668
\ Resultant force on extreme bolt
= ÷F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos q
= ÷166672 + 340822 + 2 × 16667 × 34082 × 0.24668
= 41467 N < V
\ Design is safe.
Hence, provide 24 M 20 bolts as shown in Fig. 2.5.

2.6.2 When the Moment is at Right Angles to the Plane of Bolts

In this case bolts are subjected to shear and tension. If P is the eccentric load, n number of bolts in
the connection, direct shear
Vsb = __
If e is the eccentricity of load, moment is
M =P×e
Since on tension side only bolts resist the force while on compression side entire connecting
angle in contact with column resists the force, the centre of gravity is assumed at __ th the depth of
the connection. Hence, moment resisted by bolts in tension,
M ¢ = ____________

[ 2h Syi
1 + ___ ____
21 Sy 2
where yi is distance of ith bolt from CG and h is depth of connecting angle from topmost bolt. Then
tensile force in the extreme bolt due to bending moment
M ¢y
Tb = ____2
Design criteria to be satisfied is

( ) ( )
Vsb Tb
2 2
___ + ___ £ 1.0
Vdb Tdb
where Vdb = shear strength of bolt
Tdb = tensile strength of bolt.
Steps to be Followed in the Design
1. Select nominal diameter d of the bolt.
2. Adopt pitch = 2.5 d to 3.0 d.
Bolted Connections 19

3. Number of bolts in each row


= _____
4. Find Vsb, Tb, Tdh and check for satisfying interaction formula.
Example 2.4 Design a suitable bolted bracket connection for connecting a ISST-200 section to
the flange of a ISHB 300 @ 577 N/m to carry a vertical factored load of 400 kN at an eccentricity
of 150 mm. Use M20 bolts of grade 4.6 [Ref. Fig. 2.6]

Fig. 2.6

Solution: For M 20 bolts of grade 4.6, d = 20 mm, do = 22 mm, fub = 400 N/mm2, fyb = 240 N/m
For rolled steel section, fu = 410 N/mm2.
Thickness of flange of ISST 200 is 12.5 mm
Thickness of flange of ISHB 300 @ 577 N/m = 10.6 mm.
\ Thickness of thinner member = 10.6 mm.
Design strength of M20 bolts in single shear
1 400
= ____ ____
1.25 ÷3 [ p
__ 0 + 0.78 × __ × 202
4 ]
= 45272 N
Minimum edge distance = 1.5 do = 1.5 × 22 = 33 mm
Minimum pitch = 2.5 d = 2.5 × 20 = 50 mm.
20 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

Let e = 35 mm and p = 50 mm.

35 50 400
kb is the smaller of ______, ______ – 0.5, ____, 1.0
3 × 22 3 × 22 410
i.e., kb = 0.5076
Design strength of bolts in bearing against 10.6 mm thick flange of I-section
= ____ × 2.5 × 0.5076 × 20 × 10.6 × 400
= 86088 N > Vdb.
\ Design strength of bolt in shear V = Vdb = 45272 N
Design tension capacity of bolt
0.90 fub An fyb Asb
Tdb = _________ < _____
gm gmo
240 × __ × 202
p 4
= 0.90 × 400 × 0.78 × __ × 202 < ____________
4 1.1
= 88216 < 68544.
\ Tdb = 68544 N
Using two rows of bolts, number of bolts required in each row,

n = _____
Now, M = 400 × 150 kN-mm
= 400 × 150 × 103 N-mm.

6 × 400 × 150 × 103
n = _________________ = 8.91
2 × 45272 × 50
Provide 9 bolts in each row as shown in Fig. 2.6.
h = 35 + 50 × (9 – 1) = 435 mm.
h ____
__ = = 62.14 mm
7 7
i.e., neutral axis lies between bolt nos. 1 and 2 counted from bottom.
\ y2 = 35 + 50 – 62.14 = 22.86 mm
Bolt No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 22.86 72.86 122.86 172.86 222.86 272.86 322.86 372.86

\ Syi = 1582.86 × 2 mm
Syi2 = 418188 × 2 mm2
22 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

Design Shear Strength of Bolts

Vdsf = ____, mf ne kn Fo
mf = 0.48, ne = 1, kn = 1 for fasteners in clearance
Fo = Aub fo = 0.78 × __ × 242 × 0.7 × 800
= 197604 N
\ VdsF = 1/1.25 × 0.48 × 1 × 1 × 197604
= 75880 N
Since there are two rows of bolts in the connection, number of bolts required per row when p =
70 mm and taking V = Vdsf, we get
_____ __________________

÷ ÷
6M 6 × 600 × 1000 × 250
n = _____ = __________________ = 9.2
(2V)p 2 × 75880 × 70
Provide 10 bolts in each row with edge distance 40 mm as shown in Fig. 2.7.
Tensile capacity of bolts
= ____ × 0.9 fub Aub
1 p
= ____ × 0.9 × 800 × 0.78 × __ × 242
1.25 4
= 203250 N
When there is no load, the bracket is held on to the column by compression developed due to the
bolt tension. This phenomenon continues even after the load is applied. Hence, the interface of the
area 150 × 710 mm may be considered a plane in a monolithic beam. The stress diagram is shown
in Fig. 2.7.
6M 6 × 600 × 103 × 250
Max. bending stress = ___2 = _________________
bd 150 × 7102
= 11.9 N/mm2
Bending stress at 40 + ___ = 75 mm from top flange
355 – 75
= 11.9 × ________ = 9.39 N/mm2.
11.9 + 9.39
\ Average stress = __________ = 10.64 N/mm2
This average bending stress could be considered tension in the bolt.
\ Tension in extreme two bolts, 2Te = 10.64 × 150 × 75
Bolted Connections 23

2Te = 119744 N.
\ Te = 59872 N
Prying Forces
Plate width = 150 mm. Plate thickness = 12 mm
lv = ____ – 6 – 8 – 40 = 21 mm.
where 8 mm is assumed thickness of weld
For the connecting plate, fu = 410 N/mm2, fy = 250 N/mm2
÷1 × 0.7 × 410
\ lc = 1.1 × 12 × _____________ = 14.14 mm < edge distance
\ lc = 14.14 mm.
b = 1.0 for pretensioned bolts.
be = 150 mm, fo = 0.7, fub = 0.7 × 800 = 560 N/mm2
t = 12 mm.
\ Prying force Q is given by

[ bn fo be t 4
Q = ___ Te – ________
2lc 27 lclv2 ]
[ 1.0 × 1.5 × 560 × 150 × 124
= ________ 59872 – _______________________
2 × 14.14 27 × 14.14 × 212 ]
= 32936 N
\ Total tensile force in the bolt
Tf = 59872 + 32936 = 92808 N
Tension capacity Tdf = ____ × 0.9 fub An
1 p
= ____ × 0.9 × 800 × 0.78 × __ × 242
1.25 4
= 203249 N
600 × 1000
Direct shear in the bolt = __________ = 30000 N
2 × 10

( ) ( ) Tf
) + ( _______
203249 )
____ 30000 2 92808 2
\ + ___ = ______
Vdsf Tdsf 75880

= 0.365 < 1.0

Hence, OK.

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