North Carolina Bird Identification
North Carolina Bird Identification
North Carolina Bird Identification
North Carolina
Common Birds of
iangle Bird Count
Resource for the Tr
Created by Deja Pe
Beginner Birders
Northern Cardinal Female
Size: Fairly large, long-tailed
songbird with a short, very thick
bill and a prominent crest.
Color: Male cardinals are
brilliant red all over, with a
reddish bill and black face
immediately around the bill.
Females are pale brown overall
with warm reddish tinges in the
wings, tail, and crest. They have
the same black face and
red-orange bill.
Behavior: Very aggressive birds,
Male and female
cardinals can oft
en be can sometimes be seen trying
found tog ether. Ca
ers so
to attack their reflection in
are ground forag
al (M)
Northern Cardin
check for them ne
ar the windows.Cardinals often sit with
tops of
ground or at the
short trees
a hunched-over posture and
with the tail pointed straight
Size: Large crested songbird
with broad, rounded tail. Blue
Jays are smaller than crows,
but larger than robins.
Color: White or light gray
underneath, various shades of
blue, black, and white above.
QUICK TIP Behavior: Blue Jays make a
Blue Jays are bir
ds large variety of calls that carry
of forest edges. long distances. Most calls
Commonly found
produced while the jay is
near oaks Blue Jay perched within a tree. They
usually fly across open areas
Size: Plump bird with small
head and short legs
Color: Is variable; can be
dark grey with iridescence on
The grey body
the neck, grey head, black
with two black
bars on the wings
bars on the
wings is the Behavior: Often can be seen
most common
Rock Pigeon in flocks pecking for food on
color variation
the ground. When startled
they will fly up, circle around
before settling down again
Size: Plump body, short legs,
long thin tail, small head.
Smaller than rock pigeon
Color: Greyish tan above with
QUICK TIP large black dots on the wings.
You may think
Pale peach below with a thin
you hear an owl black bill and short pink legs
in the early
morning but it’s Mourning Dove Behavior: Can be found
usually this bird perched on power lines or in
cooing mixed flock
Size: Medium sized gull with
shorter bill
Color: Clean grey above with
QUICK TIP white body head and tail.
Make sure you sp
ot Black wingtips are spotted
the black band with white. Yellow legs and
around the bill an bill with a black ring
Ring-billed Gull
don’t misi de nt ify
this another gull Behavior: Can be found in
this one
places near water, but often
also seen in parking lots
Size: Large with webbed feet
and a wide flat bill
Color: Brown body with paler
QUICK TIP chest and white undertail.
When flying
Long black neck and white
overhead large cheek patch
flocks usually mak
a v shap e.
Commonly heard
Canada Goose Behavior: Often seen feeding
on lawns or near water
Female Mallard
American Crow
along roadsides often be seen chasing or
mobbing larger birds. Can
also often be found in larger
Size: Large bird with long
broad wingspan. Have
feathers that look like
“fingertips” at their wingtips.
Color: Dark brown with a
featherless red head and
pale bill. White undersides of
their feathers can be seen in
QUICK TIP flight extending to their
Turkey vultures fly
tertiary feathers
their wings in a v
They teeter back
forth in the sky an
d fly Behavior: Can soar solo or in
Turkey Vulture
lookin g unsta ble .
large groups. Can be found
along roadsides scavenging
or roosting in trees
Vulture Comparison
Northern Flicker
red cap underside of the wing and tail
are bright yellow. The body is
splattered with brown spots
and crescents.
Size: Cedar Waxwing is a
medium-sized, sleek bird with
a large head, short neck, and
short, wide bill. Waxwings
have a crest that often lies
flat and droops over the back
of the head.
Color: pale brown on the
These birds can
head and chest fading to soft
sometimes be
found in flocks gray on the wings. The belly
Cedar Waxwing is pale yellow, and the tail is
gray with a bright yellow tip.
The face has a narrow black
mask neatly outlined in white.
Size: A small bird with a large
head and large eyes, thick
neck and full body.
QUICK TIP Color: Soft silvery gray above
This bird is
and white below with a rusty
s peach color on the
common at feeder
flanks/sides with a black
Tufted Titmouse patch above the bill.
White-breasted Nuthatch
Color: Gray-blue on the back,
with a frosty white face and
WBNH are agile underparts. The black or gray
birds that creep
along tree trunks
cap and neck frame the face
White-breasted N
and large and make it look like this bird
branches is wearing a hood. The lower
belly and under the tail are
often chestnut.
Size: A tiny, compact bird. It
appears rather round thanks
to its short tail, legs, and
neck. It also has a chisel-like
QUICK TIP bill that looks a little too big
These social birds for its body.
can often be foun
togeth er zig Color: This bird is white
zagging up and
down tree trunks Brown headed N below and grey above with a
brown cap.
House Sparrow Female
Color: They appear black
from a distance but up close
Females are
slightly less gloss
y in the correct lighting their
than m ale s purple heads contrast with
Common Grackle their iridescent bodies.
Females are slightly less
glossy than males
Size: Chunky and
blackbird-sized, but with short
tails and long, slender beaks.