Mathematics Form 1 2021
Mathematics Form 1 2021
Mathematics Form 1 2021
Place value and Determine the place value Oral practice. Place value KLB BOOK 1
total value of and total value of digits in Written exercise. chart. Pg 1
numbers. numbers.
Bank deposit
2 Rounding off Round off numbers to the Oral exercise. KLB BOOK 1
numbers. nearest ten, hundred, Worked examples. Pg 2-3
thousand, etc. Written exercise.
The four Add and subtract numbers. Solving numerical / KLB BOOK 1
basic operations Define a product, quotient, word problems / Pg 6-9
dividend and divisor. examples.
Solve numerical / word
problems on arithmetic Oral and written
operations. exercises.
3 Odd, even and Identify odd, even and Q/A , oral exercise, KLB BOOK 1
prime numbers. prime numbers. written exercise. Pg 9
4 Factors in power Express factors in power Drawing factor tree KLB BOOK 1
form. form. diagrams. Pg10-11
Oral & written
D.T. of a By the end of the lesson, Through examples Puzzles and KLB BOOK 1
number by 9 learners should be able to: discover D.T. of a games. Pg 18-19
Test the divisibility of a number by 9.
number by 9 Exercise.
D.T. of a By the end of the lesson, Guided discovery. Puzzles and KLB BOOK 1
number by 11. learners should be able to: Exercise. games. Pg 20-21
Test the divisibility of a
number by 11.
6 G.C.D./ HCF. By the end of the lesson, List factors of numbers Containers of KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: and choose common different Pg 22-23
GCD of a set of Find the GCD of a set of ones/ the GCD. capacities.
numbers using numbers by listing divisors. Written exercise.
3 1 GCD of a set of By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
numbers using learners should be able to: Pg 22-23
factors. Find the GCD of a set of Written exercise.
numbers by listing factors.
Applications of By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. Containers of KLB BOOK 1
HCF/ GCD. learners should be able to: Supervised practice. different Pg 22-23
Apply GCD to real life Written exercise. capacities.
Solve word problems
3 L.C.M. By the end of the lesson, Exercise involving Containers of KLB BOOK 1
– Applications. learners should be able to: ringing of bells, different Pg 26-27
Solve problems on flashlights and capacities.
practical applications of containers of different
L.C.M. capacities.
4 INTEGERS By the end of the lesson, Explain meaning of + ve Thermometers. KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: and - ve integer with Chart: Pg 28-29
The number Identify integers on a number zero as the reference Temperatures
line. line. point. at different
Oral exercise:
+ ve or – ve numbers:
statements in word
5 Addition of By the end of the lesson, Give examples where we KLB BOOK 1
integers. learners should be able to: add + ve and – ve Pg 30-31
Add positive integers. integers e.g.
Add positive and negative Addition of marks,
integers. debts, expenses, etc.
Written exercise.
Subtraction of By the end of the lesson, Give examples where we KLB BOOK 1
integers. learners should be able to: deal with sum of Pg 31-35
Subtract an integer from negative numbers, e.g.
another. amount of debts, loans,
Add negative integers. etc.
Work examples and
written exercise.
Multiplication of By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
integers. learners should be able to: Worked examples. Pg 35-37
Obtain product of two Supervised practice.
negative numbers. Exercise.
7 1 FRACTIONS By the end of the lesson, Oral practice. KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Oral exercise. Pg 41-42
Proper and Identify proper and Written exercise.
improper improper fractions.
fractions Write an improper fraction
as a mixed number and
vice versa.
2 Equivalent By the end of the lesson, Exercises – both oral Chart-pie KLB BOOK 1
fractions. learners should be able to: and written. chart. Pg 42-43
Identify equivalent Review of exercises.
5 Multiplication of By the end of the lesson, Q/A: Review improper KLB BOOK 1
fractions. learners should be able to: fractions. Pg 48-52
Multiply two or more Written exercise.
6 Division of By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
fractions by learners should be able to: Worked examples. Pg 52-54
fractions/ mixed Supervised practice.
numbers. Work out division involving Exercise.
3 Inner and outer By the end of the lesson, Explain order of KLB BOOK 1
brackets. learners should be able to: operations involving two Pg 54-57
Work out fractions enclosed brackets.
with both inner and outer
brackets. Examples and exercise.
5 The ‘bar’ Perform the ‘bar’ operation on Explain order of KLB BOOK 1
operator and positive and negative operations involving the Pg 54-57
other operators. fractions. bar.
Examples and exercise.
6 Several By the end of the lesson, Problem solving on KLB BOOK 1
operators. learners should be able to: mixed exercise including Pg 54-57
Solve a variety of problems word Problems.
involving fractions.
2 Mixed numbers By the end of the lesson, Q/A: Mixed numbers KLB BOOK 1
in decimal learners should be able to: in decimal form. Pg 58-61
form. Write a mixed number in
decimal form. Examples and
3 Decimal places. By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Examples and Place value Pg 63-64
Arrange decimals in exercise. Chart.
ascending / descending
4 Rounding off By the end of the lesson, Q/A method. KLB BOOK 1
decimals. learners should be able to: Pg 63
Round off a decimal to a given Oral exercise.
number of decimal places.
Written Exercise.
5 Recurring By the end of the lesson, Work out long division KLB BOOK 1
decimals. learners should be able to: involving recurring Pg 61-62
Identify a recurring decimal. decimals.
Rewrite a recurring decimal Exposition of new
notation in ordinary form.
6 Recurring By the end of the lesson, Students work out long KLB BOOK 1
decimals as learners should be able to: division leading to a Pg 62-63
ordinary recurring decimal with
fractions. Write a recurring decimal as one dot.
Expository approach:
ordinary fractions.
converting the decimal
to a fraction.
Examples & Exercise.
2 1 Recurring By the end of the lesson, Working out a KLB BOOK 1
decimals as learners should be able to: recurring decimal Pg 62-63
ordinary with 2 dots.
fractions. Write a recurring decimal as Several examples.
ordinary fractions.
Written exercise.
2 Standard form By the end of the lesson, Chart-prefixes KLB BOOK 1
of numbers. learners should be able to: Explain the standard of metric units Pg 64
form of large and their
Express numbers in numbers. symbols.
standard form.
Oral exercise.
Discussion on prefixes
such as kilo, mega,
giga, etc.
3 Decimals in By the end of the lesson, Explain the standard Chart KLB BOOK 1
standard form learners should be able to: form of decimal -Prefixes and Pg 64
numbers. their symbols.
Express decimal numbers Use of prefixes milli, -Prefixes in
in standard form. centi, deci, micro, pico, standard form,
etc. eg,
Written Exercise. milli = 10 - 3
4, Operations on By the end of the lesson, Examples on several KLB BOOK 1
5 decimals. learners should be able to: operations including Pg 65-72
Carry out combined negative decimals.
operations on decimals in Mixed exercise
the correct order. including word
5 Squares using Review standard form KLB BOOK 1
mathematical of numbers. Pg 74-76
tables. By the end of the lesson, Teacher guides
(4 sig. fig.) learners should be able to: students on how to
use mathematical
6 Squares using Obtain squares of numbers tables to obtain Mathematical KLB BOOK 1
mathematical using mathematical tables. squares of numbers. tables. Pg 74-76
tables. Worked examples.
(5 sig. fig.) Supervised practice.
4 1 Square roots By the end of the lesson, Q/A: Identifying Mathematical KLB BOOK 1
of perfect learners should be able to: perfect squares. tables. Pg 76-78
squares. Review factorization of
Work out square roots natural numbers /
of perfect squares using Divisibility test.
factor method. Examples and
2 Square roots of By the end of the lesson, Review standard form Mathematical KLB BOOK 1
3-digit number learners should be able to: of numbers. tables. Pg 78-79
mathematical Obtain square root of 3- Teacher guides
tables. digit numbers from students on how to
mathematical tables. use mathematical
tables to obtain
3 Square roots of By the end of the lesson, squares of numbers. Mathematical KLB BOOK 1
4-digit number learners should be able to: tables. Pg 78-79
from Obtain square root of 4- Several examples
mathematical digit numbers from & Exercise.
tables. mathematical tables.
4,5 Square roots of By the end of the lesson, Review standard form Mathematical KLB BOOK 1
decimal learners should be able to: of numbers. tables. Pg 78-79
numbers from Obtain square root of Teacher guides
mathematical decimal numbers from students on how to
tables. mathematical tables. use mathematical
tables to obtain
squares of numbers.
Several examples
& Exercise
5 Opening By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
brackets. learners should be able to: Examples. Pg 85
4 Simplifying By the end of the lesson, Review LCM. KLB BOOK 1
algebraic learners should be able to: Pg 91-92
fractions. Simplifying algebraic Give examples and
fractions. an assignment.
6 C.A.T.
Ratios: By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
Distribute a learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 101
quantity in a Divide a quantity in a given Exercises.
given ratio. ratio.
Fractions and By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
Percentages. learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 105-106
Write a fraction as a %.
5 Decimals and By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
percentages. learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 105-6
Exercises – oral and
Write a decimal fraction as a written.
Percentage By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
increase. learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 106-9
Compute % increases of
8 1 LENGTH By the end of the lesson, Q/A : Units of length. Metre rule. KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Chart- grid of Pg 110
Metric units of Identify the S.I. unit of Conversion rates. units.
length length.
Convert derived units of Oral & written
length to metre. exercises.
2 Significant By the end of the lesson, Explain (Non) Instruments of KLB BOOK 1
figures of learners should be able to: significant zero. measuring Pg 111-3
length. Express length in the correct length that are
number of sig. figures. Oral & Written more sensitive
exercises than the metre
4 Perimeter of By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
plane figures. learners should be able to: Oral pratice. Pg 113-6
Calculate perimeter of drawn Problem solving.
plane figures.
5 Value of π. By the end of the lesson, Students’ activity: Strings, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Determine value of pi rulers, Pg 116-7
Determine practically the using various circular Circular
value of pi. bodies. objects.
6 Circumference. By the end of the lesson, Problem solving. Strings, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: rulers, Pg 118
Assignment. Circular
9 1 Arc length. Calculate circumferences of Exposition, examples, KLB BOOK 1
part of circles. written exercise. Pg 118-121
2 AREA By the end of the lesson, Q/A to review units KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: of length. Pg 123
Units of area. Convert units of area to Oral and written
given units. exercises.
3 Area of plane By the end of the lesson, Oral and written Plane figure KLB BOOK 1
figures. learners should be able to: exercises. models- kite, Pg 124-129
Find area of plane figures. rhombus,
4 Area of a circle. Find area of a circle. Oral and written KLB BOOK 1
exercises. Pg 129-131
6 Surface area of Find surface area of solids. Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
solids. Supervised practice. Pg 135 - 140
10 1 VOLUME & By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
CAPACITY learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 143
Units of Convert metric units of exercise.
volume. volume to m3.
2 Cubes, cuboids By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
& cylinders. learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 143-146
Calculate volumes of cubes Miscellaneous
and cuboids. exercise.
4 Volume and By the end of the lesson, Oral practice. Measuring KLB BOOK 1
Capacity: learners should be able to: Worked examples. cylinders. Pg 146-7
Units. Supervised practice.
Convert units of volume to Miscellaneous
units of capacity. exercise.
5,6 Volume and By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
Capacity: learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 146-7
Numericals. Miscellaneous
Solve problems involving exercise.
volume and capacity.
3,4 Density. By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 149-152
Calculate density in kg/m3 Exercises.
and g/cm3.
5 TIME. By the end of the lesson, Oral practice. Stop clocks/ KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Written exercise. Watches. Pg 153-4
Units of time. Convert units of time into
S.I. unit.
6 12 / 24 hr By the end of the lesson, Oral practice. KLB BOOK 1
system of time. learners should be able to: Written exercise. Stop clocks/ Pg 154-6
Express 12-hr system in 24- Watches
hr system.
2 1,2 Travel By the end of the lesson, Oral practice. KLB BOOK 1
timetables. learners should be able to: Written exercise. Chart- Travel Pg 156-9
Review of exercise. timetables.
Interpret travel timetables.
3 LINEAR By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. Graph papers, KLB BOOK 1
EQUATIONS learners should be able to: geo-board / Pg 160-1
Exercise. grid.
Simple Solve simple equations with
equations. one unknown.
5,6 Word problems. By the end of the lesson, Worked examples. KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Supervised practice. Pg 162-5
Solve equations involving
fractions and whole
3 1 Linear By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
Equations with learners should be able to: Worked examples. Pg 165-7
two unknowns.
- elimination Solve equations with two Exercise.
method. unknowns using elimination
method. Problem solving.
3 Linear By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
equations with learners should be able to: Pg 168-170
two unknowns. Worked examples.
- substitution Solve equations with two Supervised practice.
method. unknowns using Exercise.
(Whole substitution method.
numbers /
4 Linear By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
equations with learners should be able to: Pg 168-170
two unknowns. Problem solving.
- substitution Solve equations with two
method. unknowns using Written exercise.
substitution method.
Linear By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
Equations with learners should be able to: Worked examples. Pg 168-170
two unknowns. Supervised practice
- substitution Solve decimal fractions with Exercise.
method. two unknowns using
(Decimals) substitution method.
5 CO- By the end of the lesson, Review the number KLB BOOK 1
ORDINATES learners should be able to: line. Pg 182-4
AND Discussion. Geo-board,
GRAPHS Label co-ordinate axis, Graph papers.
plane. Oral exercise.
Co-ordinate Locate points in the C/plane
plane. given (x, y).
6 Plotting a By the end of the lesson, Review solving of KLB BOOK 1
graph of a line. learners should be able to: equations of lines. Pg 182-4
Discover several Geo-board,
Identify points that a line points that a line Graph papers.
passes through. passes though.
5 1 Further By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
equations of learners should be able to: Worked examples Pg 185-8
lines. Supervised practice. Geo-board,
Plot graphs involving Review exercises. Graph papers.
fractions and mixed
Rewrite equations in the
y = m x + c.
2 General graphs By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Worked examples Pg 189-196
(Whole Supervised practice. Geo-board,
numbers) Plot graphs of a given set of Review exercises. Graph papers.
data, by first choosing an
appropriate scale.
4 General Graphs By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Worked examples Pg 189-196
Positive and Supervised practice. Graph papers.
Negative Plot graphs of a given set of Review exercises.
Numbers) data, by first choosing an
appropriate scale.
6 1 Simultaneous By the end of the lesson, Review graph of a Graph papers. KLB BOOK 1
equations. learners should be able to: line. Pg 188-9
Solve simultaneous Exercises.
equations graphically. Further problem
2 Profit & loss. By the end of the lesson, Q/A : Definitions of KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: marked price, cost Pg 175-7
Calculate (%) Profit & Loss.
Problem solving
5 Angles at a By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
point. learners should be able to: Worked examples Pg 201-6
Determine values of angles Supervised practice.
at a point. Review exercises.
2 Constructing By the end of the lesson, Guided geometrical KLB BOOK 1
special angles learners should be able to: construction. Complete Pg 233-4
using a ruler Supervised practice. Geometrical
and a pair of To construct various special set.
compasses angles using a ruler and a
only. pair of compasses only.
3 Parallel lines. By the end of the lesson, Guided geometrical KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: construction. Complete Pg 235-6
Supervised practice. Geometrical
Construct two parallel lines. set.
Irregular By the end of the lesson, Guided geometrical KLB BOOK 1
polygons. learners should be able to: construction. Complete Pg 238-244
Supervised practice. Geometrical set.
Construct irregular polygons Exercises.
and determine sum of
interior and exterior angles.
2 True bearings By the end of the lesson, Maps, KLB BOOK 1
Contd. learners should be able to: Problem solving. protractors, Pg 252-6
Solve problems on bearings. rulers.
9 1 Triangulation. By the end of the lesson, KLB BOOK 1
learners should be able to: Model of Pg 262-270
Contd. Calculate area using Problem solving. parcel of land
triangulation method. on a
Exercise. Cardboard.
2 COMMON By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: Definition of a Common KLB BOOK 1
SOLIDS learner should be able to: solid, examples of solids. Pg 271-4
Identify and sketch common solids.
Common solids. Present solids; students
Count faces, edges and vertices count no. of faces,
regular solids.
of various polyhydra. edges and vertices.
3 Isometric By the end of the lesson, the Teacher exposes Geometric set KLB BOOK 1
projection learner should be able to: meaning of isometric & BB set. Pg 275
Sketch a solid using isometric projection, and then
projection. leads students in
geometric construction.
4,5 Nets of solids. By the end of the lesson, the Teacher draws a net Chart- nets of KLB BOOK 1
learner should be able to: of a solid, then solids drawn. Pg 277-281
Sketch accurately nets of students draw nets of
solids. other solids;
supervised practice.
5,6 Nets of solids. By the end of the lesson, the Teacher makes a net Manilla KLB BOOK 1
learner should be able to: of one solid, and papers, Pg 277-281
Make models of solids. students make nets geometrical
of other solids. ser.