Civil War Times - December 2015 USA
Civil War Times - December 2015 USA
Civil War Times - December 2015 USA
cclaimed historian
James Robertson explores
the Civil War’s long shadow on
America and how deeply the war trans-
formed the country. Spotlighting 75 key
figures from Reconstruction and on, the
book reveals a fascinating view of the
post–Civil War period.
Best-selling author Personal accounts, rare Dramatically illustrated, Scores of maps trace the
Winston Groom photographs, detailed this book reveals the battles, turmoil, and
narrates a heart-rending maps, and period greatest stories never themes of America’s most
portrayal of the Civil illustrations pack this told of ordinary soldiers violent and pivotal clash
War’s first great battle. extraordinary resource. and war-weary civilians. of arms.
ABOVE: Spotsylvania’s Bloody Angle did not look this pleasant and tranquil in May 1864.
ON THE COVER: An unidentified Union soldier poses in front of a flag tinted by the photographer.
26 In Their Heads
By Jonathan W. White
Erotic dreams and violent nightmares
haunted soldiers North and South
32 ‘Another Butchery’
By Chris Mackowski and Kristopher D. White
The last Federal assault on the ‘Bloody Angle’
did little more than swell casualty lists
40 Master Spy
or Scoundrel ?
By Julia Bricklin
Vigilante-turned-sleuth Lafayette Baker
inspired multiple scandals before he was finally
20 kicked out of the White House
46 Rodman’s Big Gun
By Andrew Masich
Thomas J. Rodman figured out how to build
a ship-killing cannon, the war’s largest gun
54 Tablet Wars
By Megan Kate Nelson
A young buff evaluates Civil War game apps
40 6 Letters
Battle flag flap, Liberty Ship Longstreet
10 News ! Preserving Virginia slave quarters
46 14
Details U.S. Colored Troops with a garrison cannon
Insight Southern staff officers’ memoirs
20 Materiel 5 Confederate kepis
22 Interview
Seminary Ridge Museum Director Daryl Black
58 Explore Battle of Cedar Creek
62 Reviews
Engineering Victory: The Union Siege of Vicksburg
70 Etc. Sherman on vigilante justice
72 Sold ! Prized 12-pounder
This handsome iron
gate stands on the
east, or Lake Erie,
side of the cemetery.
A Moses Ezekiel
statue serves as a
centerpiece for the
burial ground.
Some Rebel prisoners never left Ohio
MAJ. GEN. EDWARD “ALLEGHENY” JOHNSON was captured twice in 1864. The first time
occurred on May 12 at Spotsylvania (P. 32). He was paroled, but recaptured at the December 16 Battle of
Nashville. Johnson then made the long trek to Ohio and the Johnson’s Island Confederate prison camp,
located on an island in Lake Erie’s Sandusky Bay, which was reserved for Rebel officers. Over 9,000
prisoners moved through the depot during the war. Development has taken over most of the island, and
much of the prison is now gone, although an archaeological dig is being conducted on a portion of the site
( More than 200 Confederate prisoners are still there, however, interred
in the Johnson’s Island Confederate Cemetery. This small spot of land is open to the public and very
well maintained by the Johnson’s Island Preservation Society ( During a recent visit,
I was pleased to see a number of visitors touring the cemetery. It’s odd to contemplate the white marble
headstones while pleasure boaters zip by just offshore, their recreational fun marking a sharp contrast to
the confusion the POWs must have felt while facing death in that alien environment. We can’t say for sure
what those men dreamed about during their last days (P. 28), but it was likely of a home far away.–D.B.S.
Edwin C. Bearss, Gabor Boritt, Catherine Clinton, William C. Davis,
Gary W. Gallagher, Lesley Gordon, D. Scott Hartwig, John Hennessy,
Harold Holzer, Robert K. Krick, Michael McAfee, James M. McPherson,
Mark E. Neely Jr., Megan Kate Nelson, Ethan S. Rafuse, Susannah Ural
ADVERTISING The reviled Confederate general
(above) deserves more credit for his
BARBARA JUSTICE Senior Graphic Designer/Advertising Services [email protected] accomplishments
RICHARD E. VINCENT National Sales Manager [email protected]
KIM GODDARD National Sales Manager [email protected]
RICK GOWER Georgia [email protected]
TERRY JENKINS TENN., KY., MISS., ALA., FLA., MASS. [email protected]
A photo portfolio of rare artifacts that
DIRECT RESPONSE ADVERTISING belonged to the Maryland “Band of
RUSSELL JOHNS ASSOCIATES 800-649-9800 [email protected] Brothers” who fought for the South
© 2 0 1 5 H I S T O RY N E T , L L C
Here’s a sample of commentary on the flag article from our Facebook page:
Michael Kelter: Garry W. Roberts: Garland Holt: Ivan Carter: Shirley Holland
After 10 years I Thanks for posting Yes, this is very Good, informative, Goss:
will no longer be this! This is good. I like the read. Keep that I have my
reading Civil War one of the most statement: flag in museums Confederate
Times due to their informative, fair “Studying the where it belongs. battle flag and
policy of political and balanced flag’s full history It’s a relic of I will fly it
correctness. You articles on the also allows us to history. If folks proudly!
have killed my flag I’ve seen engage in a more want to fly it on
interest. everywhere. I constructive their property,
have two Civil War dialogue about its bumper sticker
ancestors, both proper place in the etc., so be it. Free
were great-great- present and in the country.
grandfathers, but future.”
on opposing sides.
SPECIAL ISSUE How Eisenhower Shaped Our World Tonkin Gulf Ghosts
World War I in Film
Charles I at Edgehill
Texian Massacre
Death of a Journalist
Educating Warriors
The architect of victory ON WORLD WAR II’S
in Europe who built LAST FIGHT
peace, prosperity and
equality at home
JULY 2015
Willie Mays sets
home run record in ’65
l issu
r 2015
On the run but ready to fight ■
o’s Deci
’s Rise
sive Hou
to Pow
AN 70
OVERPOWERS VC ■ High Ti er N th
Justice in tombstone de for H En IVERS
Ghosts of sand creek The Qu
ar rs in E of W RY
of Mili terly Jour uro WI
tary Hi na pe I
Hitleart’stle for
2F Berlin
How th
crushe Red Army
of the the capital
Third R
VIN by Robe
M. Citin
holiday price of just $65 for all three. The box at the right of the image belonged to photographer
Egbert Guy Fowx, who taught Andrew Russell the wet plate pro-
Order early and get a cess. Fowx’s equipment appears in several of his wartime photos.
Robert Gray, Port Richey, Fla.
When you order the trilogy
before December 1, we’ll
best-selling Last Chance, I very much enjoyed reading about Liberty Ships Before a day’s yard-
(October 2015), as I have long been interested in work in our Virginia
absolutely FREE!
them and their history. Many years ago we used to sunshine, I’m enjoy-
A gripping story of valor and visit Cape Cod for vacation, and there was what ing my August 2015
survival during World War II the locals called “the target ship in the bay” always issue of Civil War
and the Korean conflict. prominent on the horizon. On April 25, 1945, the Times, particularly
SS James Longstreet was deliberately sunk in Cape the article “7 Deadly
Also Hot off the Press! Cod Bay, to be used as a target ship by the U.S. Navy. Shells.” I read USS
Just in time for Christmas gift giving: This was discontinued in the early 1970s. The hulk Monitor crewman
The Wartime Memoirs of the Longstreet remained visible for many sub- William F. Keeler’s
sequent years, but storms and natural decay have diaries many years
of Robert E. Lee. finally relegated James Longstreet to memory only. ago and have many
Read the memoir that Norman Marten times tried to visual-
General Lee was urged Bainbridge Island, Wash. ize artillery projec-
to write, but never got tiles. Thanks for the
to finish. This historical Always enjoy reading Civil War Times. After read- great photographs.
re-creation has been well-researched ing the article regarding Liberty Ship names from John E. Bishop
from Lee’s own notes and letters, WWII in the October 2015 issue, I thought I’d drop Virginia Beach, Va.
with insights and emotion that’s sure a note about one such vessel. The SS James Longstreet
was built and launched in Houston, Texas, on Octo-
to captivate fans and historians alike.
Tombigbee River.
Columbus, Mississippi.
Go to for complete listing
of events and attractions.
The city that has it all... 7HQQHVVHH:LOOLDPV+RPH :HOFRPH&HQWHU800-920-3533
Clermont Farm, just outside Berryville, Va., became the temporary home for
Historicorps volunteers this past summer as they worked to rebuild slave quarters
constructed in 1823. In addition to making foundation repairs, teams restored the
chimney, log framing, floor joists and sill logs, as well as exterior siding and the roof,
windows and doors. In the process of those repairs as well as an archaeological dig, the
staff uncovered the foundation of an additional slave quarters structure and a trove of
Civil War–era artifacts. Clermont, which was established on land in the Shenandoah
Valley surveyed by George Washington in 1750, has remained a farm ever since that time.
The property has been owned by just four families, remaining in the hands of the last
owners, the McCormick family, for 185 years. When the last private owner, McCormick
descendant Elizabeth Rust Williams, died in 2004, she donated it to the Virginia
Department of Historic Resources, establishing the Clermont Foundation to manage the
property. Thanks to her foresight, Clermont remains an active farm to this day—which
also functions as a research and training facility for history, historic preservation and
agricultural programs. To find out more about the farm, see
exhorting his troops to ignore Rebel
sharpshooters while supervising
artillery placement at Spotsylvania…
moments before he was shot dead.
200th Anniversary
A rmy of the Potomac commander Maj. Gen. George Meade
may have been overshadowed by General Ulysses Grant
at Spotsylvania (see P. 32) in 1864, but members of the General
Meade Society of Philadelphia have been dedicated to “preserving
the memory of the architect of the Union victory at Gettysburg” since
CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL the group’s founding in 1996. This fall and winter, to commemorate
the 200th anniversary of Meade’s birth in Cadiz, Spain, the society
DECEMBER 2015 11
THE LONG ROAD HOME bucked the trend and followed that
route. None of the men mentioned
continuing the fight with Confeder-
n mid-April 1865, four Texans wearing tattered Confederate uniforms ates in North Carolina. Lee’s veterans
walked south from Appomattox Court House bearing freshly printed Fed- were done with the war. Finally, Rebel
eral paroles promising free transportation and food, and the right to travel veterans’ attitudes toward Union
home unmolested. Two of those men, A.B. Green and Denis Rowe, had troops varied. Some interacted with
enlisted together in 1861. Green bore wounds from Second Manassas and Federals and sought food or protec-
the Wilderness, while Rowe was missing the middle finger of his right hand, tion from soldiers bent on revenge.
the result of an accidental shooting two springs before. John Calvert and John But other Texas Brigade veterans
Wesley, who accompanied them, had waited until 1862 to enlist. Those four went out of their way to avoid contact
Texans were among thousands of Confederates who marched away from Appo- with their old foes.
mattox and into obscurity, leaving very few records of their journey back home. To be clear, one of my doctoral
For the most part, we know little of the soldiers’ thoughts about defeat or students, E. Allan Branstiter, and I
surrender, or what routes they took. “The Long Road Home” was designed to created this website. Yes, it seems a
shed light on this brief but significant phase of postwar history by mapping the bit odd to write about myself in this
travels of veterans of John Bell Hood’s Texas Brigade from the moment they column. But there is a wealth of work
received their paroles on April 13, 1865, until they reached Texas and Arkansas. that needs to be done to document
Visitors to the site can slide the timeline bar (left click and hold, scroll to the the months that followed the war’s
right or left) to watch the journey. It’s also possible to zoom out from the open- end, and I hope this project can
ing view of the map (an 1870 railroad map overlaid on a modern Google map), inspire others to embark on similar
but don’t zoom out so far that you miss the details. Each veteran or group of undertakings. —Susannah J. Ural
arrisburg Magazine recently announced that the National Civil be found, the consensus was to let the
War Museum had earned its 2015 Readers Choice Award. Civil War veteran rest where he was.
Though such a tribute—generated by voting readers—would McBride would doubtless have been
always be welcome, the public recognition was especially significant forgotten to history were it not for
at a time when the NCWM has been caught up in political crossfire climate change—or whatever forces
in Pennsylvania’s capital, due to a conflict between current Harrisburg are behind the drought that has drawn
Mayor Eric Papenfuse and former Mayor Stephen Reed. down state reservoirs, including Lake
Acknowledging the Harrisburg Magazine award, Museum CEO San Antonio. According to the San Jose
Wayne Motts said, “All of us here are humbled and honored” by the Mercury News, a passing camper discov-
recognition by Harrisburg area readers. He added, “As a national and ered McBride’s headstone. Joseph Botts
international destination of choice for so many travelers from around Jr., a retired park ranger familiar with
the globe, to be honored on the home front is truly gratifying.” the gravesite, conjectured that McBride
The travel website also currently lists top marks had probably ended up in Playto as
for the NCWM, describing it as “Not only a great museum for Harris- “an unemployed soldier looking for a
burg” but also the top “Civil War museum in the country.” quiet way of life in a peaceful valley.”
DECEMBER 2015 13
At Ease
part of the Liljenquist Collection at the Library of
Congress. It shows Lieutenant Samuel K. Thompson
and soldiers of his 54th United States Colored Troops
posed next to a monstrous garrison cannon. Unlike in
many stiffly composed photographs of soldiers during
the war, the men seem relaxed and at ease with one
another—a snapshot, if you will, of the march of racial
progress. There is also a bit of mystery connected with
this photo. The 54th USCT, not to be confused with
the 54th Massachusetts of the movie Glory fame,
served in the Indian Territory and Arkansas, and
garrisoned posts like Fort Gibson and Fort Smith. But
the armament and brickwork visible in this photograph
are more indicative of a large seacoast fort.
1. Lieutenant 2. Rodman cannons, 3. The massive 4. Most of the men 5. A “photobomber”
Thompson is developed by U.S. cannon, which in the 54th USCT stands atop the
smartly turned out ordnance officer appears to be a were freed slaves. ramparts, which
in a straw boater Thomas Rodman 10- or 15-inch, sits The regiment are made of brick-
hat and white just before the war on a swiveling entered service in reinforced earth.
private-purchase (see P. 46), were cast-iron carriage. September 1863 as Also note that this
trousers. usually reserved for A rod was inserted the 2nd Regiment, image is beautifully
seacoast forts. through the ratchet Arkansas Volunteer tinted.
mechanism at the Infantry (African
breech to elevate Descent), but was
the barrel. redesignated the
54th in March 1864.
DECEMBER 2015 15
By Gary W. Gallagher
Jedediah Hotchkiss,
Stonewall Jackson’s
topographer, created this
sketch of Chancellorsville,
Salem Church and
on Lee and the army’s headquarters.
The best memoirs include G. Moxley Sor-
Confederate staff officers had rel’s Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer,
a unique view of the war an unusually literate and revealing source on
James Longstreet and the First Corps; Henry
B. McClellan’s The Life and Campaigns of
Major-General J.E.B. Stuart, which remains
the best published source on the cavalry and its
STUDENTS OF THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA know that colorful commander; and Walter Taylor’s Four
staff officers left a great deal of wonderful testimony about prominent Years With General Lee and General Lee: His
generals, less famous officers, and the campaigns and battles in which Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865, two titles
they participated. Any list of essential works on the army would include that supplement Taylor’s letters. Other fre-
Jedediah Hotchkiss’ Make Me a Map of the Valley: The Civil War Journal quently cited postwar accounts by staff officers
of Stonewall Jackson’s Topographer (edited by Archie P. McDonald), which include Henry Kyd Douglas’ dramatic but often
includes indispensable material on the Second Corps; Thomas J. Goree’s unreliable I Rode With Stonewall, Heros von
Longstreet’s Aide: The Civil War Letters of Major Thomas J. Goree (edited by Borcke’s equally exaggerated account of cavalry
Thomas W. Cutrer), a collection that includes wartime and postwar let- affairs titled Memoirs of the Confederate War for
ters relating to Goree’s Confederate service; and Walter H. Taylor’s Lee’s Independence and William Willis Blackford’s
Adjutant: The Wartime Letters of Colonel Walter Herron Taylor, 1862-1865 highly engaging War Years With Jeb Stuart.
The figures above are just a small sampling of the Clash of Empires collection that W. Britain produces.
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MOST REBELS preferred wide-
brimmed “slouch,” hats, but the Confed-
eracy also issued kepis to its troops, hats
inspired by headgear worn in the French
army since the 1830s. Southern officers
in particular liked to customize their caps,
coats and trousers. Rebel kepis and their
derivatives came in assorted colors and
varied in quality of cloth and construction.
This is a forage cap, the kepi’s
taller, floppier cousin. Made of
“jean cloth,” a blend of cotton and
wool woven in a Southern mill,
this officer’s hat is set off by a
black band, bullion tape and an
embroidered infantry bugle.
The gunners of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, a unit
made up of the scions of the Crescent City’s upper class, might
have worn the best-looking cover of the war. This example retains
its “W.A.” and crossed cannons.
The officer who wore this kepi would have cut a dashing
figure, with all that gold bullion and the elaborate
quatrefoil on its top. Though this cap has faded to
what is sometimes referred to as “butternut,” it
was likely dyed a shade of gray originally.
A Union soldier reportedly brought
home this tall kepi variant, sometimes
called a “chasseur” cap, after those
worn by French light infantry units.
The badge on the front of the officer’s
cap consists of a wreath enclosing
“SC,” perhaps for South Carolina. Its
fine blue wool was likely imported
from Europe.
DECEMBER 2015 21
battle at a high level, tells the story
well and then gives the orientation for
what happened here on McPherson’s
Gettysburg artifacts fill the museum. Ridge and with the U.S. Army’s I
Corps. In a larger sense, this
institution sits in the middle of a
graduate Lutheran seminary, a
professional graduate school. We
STEP INSIDE A want to make this a place where
GETTYSBURG scholars and the public can come
together to think about religion and
the war—a fairly understudied area in
DECEMBER 2015 23
RINGGOLD The Civil War’s impact on Georgia was greater than any other event in
the state’s history. Home to more than 400 Civil War sites, Georgia has
1 a wealth of battlefields, cemeteries, arsenals, museums, mansions,
trains, towns and parks, all with fascinating stories to tell!
=? (4($62&2026,8(+$5(
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DECEMBER 2015 27
S oldiers and their families not only found solace and comfort in such
poems and prints, they also relished sharing their own dreams—
sometimes even when doing so meant divulging insecurities or secrets.
In some cases this may have contributed to the sense of closeness that
endured between men and their families despite long separations.
Home was the most common dream theme for soldiers both North and South. For
example, one New York soldier wrote his wife, “Last night I dreamed of being at home
as I often do and sweet were the kisses what I took all around.” A 36-year-old Virginia
man told his 16-year-old sweetheart, “I dream about you som times three or four nights
Bandsmen of
the 4th Vermont
Infantry take
a break to
read, write
and daydream
in a Virginia
in succession.”
But sometimes rather than dwelling on loved ones, troops dreamed about things they
missed. In 1864 Private Chauncey H. Cooke of Wisconsin, camped in Georgia’s pine
woods, wrote his mother, “I dreamed last night about the cheese which you wrote about
in the letter I got three days ago,” and how much “I would like a taste of it.”
Pleasant dreams often turned to disappoint- tenant John V. Hadley of Indiana “awoke and
ment when the soldiers woke. “I dreamed of found nothing but the rough touch of Captain
huging and kissing you all night last night,” one Banta.”
Indiana man wrote his wife. “Oh, how happy I Dreams often revealed soldiers’ anxieties.
was but how bad I did feel this morning.” After One Virginia man was plagued by nightmares
having a dream that “I am hugging you to my about his pregnant wife until he received news
heart,” one Connecticut volunteer told his wife, that mother and baby were fine. “I have dreamed
“then I awaken and find myself lying in this about you several times lately,” Captain Jacob
damd place. it makes me swear some, but that Ritner wrote his wife in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. “I
does no good.” A private from Georgia wrote, dreamed the other night that I had you in my
“Dear Malinda, I dream of you often and oh, arms and was kissing you. I thought you were
what pleasure it is to be with you but when I just as pretty and sweet as ever, but that you
awake [and] find its all a dream, how sad I feel.” looked pale and thin, like you had been sick for
Dreams could also lead to awkward situa- a long time,” adding, “I hope you have taken
tions. One Georgia soldier wrote his wife that medicine and got over that bad cough.”
he “dream[ed] of hugging you” but woke up Guilt and anxiety frequently haunted
“hugging the boys” in his tent. After dreaming dreamers. Men feared their wives or sweet-
that his wedding day had finally arrived, Lieu- hearts might lose hope that they would return
DECEMBER 2015 29
Private Edward
A. Cary of the on being married. Told the miss she was mis- poaching eggs for me.” After eating “poor
44th Virginia taken, but if she was willing I’d soon be. Don’t quality” ginger cakes, a Georgia infantryman
Infantry posed for remember her answer.” And four days later he reported a series of dreams to his wife. First he
a wartime portrait dreamed that he was about to “pop the ques- was an instructor at a female military academy,
with his sister, tion” to a “Miss Frances.” then a member of the Confederate Congress,
Emma. Soldiers Some dreams were just incomprehensible. then an army surgeon, then he saw British
A South Carolinian dreamed that when he minister Lord Lyons, and finally he went home
most commonly
went to visit a former love interest, he found and impregnated his wife.
dreamed of the
her father “perfectly nude—scabs, scales, As might be expected, combat was
loved ones they
and dirt covered his entire body, and in this frequently a part of soldiers’ dreams. Some had
left behind. predicament he ushered me into the presence recurring nightmares of battles, perhaps due to
of his daughter.” A Wisconsin soldier dreamed guilt for having survived when others had not.
“there was a million angels in rebel uniforms, Captain Henry T. Owen of the 18th Virginia
often dreamed of sumptuous meals. A starving POW from their dreams, as were the loved ones back home. Nighttime
Michigan, incarcerated at the notorious Belle Isle camp visions were part of the experience of war shared by both
in Richmond, recorded in his diary: “Dream continually Unionists and Confederates alike. ✯
nights about something good to eat.” At Andersonville, Ga.,
months later, the same man wrote, “In our dreams we see
and eat bountiful repasts, and awake to the other extreme.”
A Pennsylvania cavalryman at Belle Isle remembered after
the war that his “hours of slumber were full of dreams, and Jonathan W. White teaches at Christopher Newport University
the burden of these visions was food—food!” In his dreams and is the author of several books, including Emancipation, the
the cavalryman “was always sitting down to tables that Union Army, and the Reelection of Abraham Lincoln, which
groaned under the choicest viands, and, although I appeared won the Abraham Lincoln Institute’s 2015 book prize and was
to partake freely of these, I never seemed to be surfeited.” also a finalist for both the Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize and
But when morning came, “everlasting hunger was [still] Jefferson Davis Prize. He is writing a history of dreams during
upon me, from which there was no escape.” According to the Civil War. Check out his website:
DECEMBER 2015 31
and the stench rising out of the gore-
tinged Virginia mud on May 18, 1864,
“was so sickening and terrible that
many of the men and officers became
deathly sick from it,” said William
Mitchell, a staff member for II Corps
commander Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott
Hancock. “[B]lack, bloated bodies
were sitting up and reaching out from
the earth,” wrote one Pennsylvanian.
Those were the remains of men who
had fallen on May 12, 1864, when for
22 consecutive hours in pouring rain
the Army of the Potomac and the
THE THIRD AND FINAL Army of Northern Virginia slugged
UNION ATTACK ON it out in mud up to their knees near
Spotsylvania Court House—the war’s
SPOTSYLVANIA’S most sustained hand-to-hand combat.
Now, six days later, the Federal troops
‘BLOODY ANGLE’ were assembling for another attack on
the stretch of earthworks known as
Hancock’s battered corps had been
ASIDE FROM SWELLING Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s hammer of
farm in a vain attempt to dislodge them. GEORGE BOWEN But miserable, muddy
Undeterred, Grant looked for ways to push roads hampered Federal
through to Spotsylvania Court House. The Confederates took advantage maneuvering. “The roads were simply awful,
of the topography to extend their line and stymie him. The Confederate rained continuously and mud was almost knee
position had one weakness, though: a salient that resembled and was deep in places,” wrote Captain George Bowen
nicknamed the “Mule Shoe,” which bulged forward from the main line of the 12th New Jersey. Rain, in fact, had been
in order to encircle and prevent the Federals from occupying a piece of a miserable accompaniment to nearly all the
high ground. fighting at Spotsylvania. “The whole country
Grant launched major assaults against the Mule Shoe salient on May is a sea of mud,” a Federal artillerist muttered.
10 using techniques developed by a VI Corps officer, Colonel Emory On May 17, a Federal reconnaissance
Upton. His plan called for forming an attack column—rather than a tra- probed down the Fredericksburg Road, which
ditional line of battle—and punching through the Confederate position ran into Spotsylvania from the northeast.
using speed and surprise. On May 10, his 7,000-man assault pierced the Grant had hope to find a weak spot south of
Mule Shoe, but was thrown back because of lack of support. Grant tried the Mule Shoe and launch a successful assault
the tactic again on May 12 with Hancock’s entire 20,000-man corps, into the town along the road that would split
supported by the 20,000 troops of Maj. Gen. Horatio Wright’s VI Corps. Lee’s army in two and make the Spotsylva-
That assault split the Confederate position wide open, and Lee had nia line untenable for the Confederates. The
to lead desperate countercharges to plug the gaping half-mile wound. By 3rd and 10th Vermont, both of the VI Corps,
the morning of May 13, Lee’s men had pulled back into a new defensive found the Rebels too well positioned, however.
MISERY ON MANY LEVELS Rain soaks Union troops waiting their turn to attack the Mule Shoe salient on May 12, 1864.
Alfred Waud, who sketched this scene, wrote on the back of his drawing that the engagement was the “toughest f ight yet.”
DECEMBER 2015 35
a practiced hand with a good eye, bolstered the Rebel position. The Army Gibbon’s and Barlow’s. The II Corps men lined
of the Potomac was preparing to attack the strongest field fortifications up along a sunken lane that led to a farm owned
yet seen in the Eastern Theater. by Willis Landrum. They were positioned to
To get his men into place for a dawn assault, Grant had to swing the cross over the same ground they had crossed
II Corps and the VI Corps from the extreme left of the army’s position only six days earlier, nearly to the hour. “The
to the extreme right. It looked easy on paper, but the muddy roads troops were in position before day light,” Brig.
mired the movement from the start. Complicating Gen. Phillippe Régis De
matters was the fact that Hancock’s II Corps had Trobriand of Hancock’s
moved farther out of position than Grant realized; DAYS OF WAR HAD corps recalled. “It was
unaware of Grant’s new plan, Hancock had still been TRANSFORMED THE hoped to surprise the
moving into a position assigned in previous orders.
He had to double back, compounding the delay. AGRARIAN enemy sleeping: but he
had his eyes open, and
Wright was ordered to the far right, stacking up LANDSCAPE INTO was protected by acres of
his divisions in massive assault columns similar to
the tactic proposed by Upton a week earlier. Brig.
FIELDS OF impenetrable abatis.”
Days of war had
Gen. David A. Russell would be on the far right,
Brig. Gen. James A. Ricketts in the center and
Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neill on the left. Next to
DESTRUCTION transformed the agrarian
landscape into fields of
devastation “strewn with
Neill, Hancock would line up his divisions in traditional lines of battle. clothing, knapsacks, canteens, muskets, dead
Brig. Gen. John Gibbon would be on the right, linking up with Neill. On horses and broken artillery caissons, and the
Gibbon’s left, Brig. Gen. Francis Barlow’s division would advance in sup- trees were riddled with bullet, shot, and shell,”
port. Brig. Gen. Robert O. Tyler’s newly formed division would protect recalled a drummer boy with the 2nd New
the left flank, and Brig. Gen. David Bell Birney’s division would hang York Heavy Artillery, who had recently been
back as the reserve. Neill got into place, but Ricketts didn’t show. Neither added to Hancock’s corps from the Wash-
did Russell. Both divisions had been swallowed by the darkness and mud. ington Defenses. Grant had called for some
To Neill’s left, however, two of Hancock’s divisions had formed up— 30,000 reinforcements from the capital to
replace his mounting casualties, and the heavy
artillerists—trained as infantrymen to protect
and support the massive guns of D.C.’s defen-
THE PROBLEM WITH SALIENTS sive works—had just begun arriving.
Below, an image of the Mule Shoe salient. Salients are At 4 a.m., off to the left the boom of artil-
problematic because they jut out in front of the main line. lery announced the start of Maj. Gen. Ambrose
Defenders shooting outward have a difficult time con- Burnside’s diversionary attack. Hancock and
centrating their firepower, while attackers can focus their Wright dared not send their own men forward
gunfire on one spot, or bear down on the salient from yet, though—not without the missing Ricketts
three directions at the same time. Plus a breakthrough at and Russell. Finally, by 4:20, unable to wait any
any one spot puts attackers in the rear of nearly all the longer for fear of completely losing the element
defenders, making a position untenable once breached. of surprise, the corps commanders sent their
men forward.
“Early on the morning of Wednesday, May
18, the whizzing of shells announced that the
second great battle of Spottsylvania [sic] Court
House had been commenced,” wrote VI Corps
surgeon W.G.T. Morton. Under the cover of
“tremendous artillery fire,” said James Bowen
of the 37th Massachusetts, “the devoted lines
moved forward to the assault.” And with that,
one Rhode Islander wrote, “another butchery
has begun.”
“Smoke and mist hung pale, heavy and
motionless over the troops” as the infantry
advanced, Morton said. Federal pieces moved
up close behind them to offer as much support
as they could. Long’s artillery, protected in its
bunkers, responded. It was the largest bom-
bardment in the East since Pickett’s Charge places, and had been pre-sighted by Confeder-
and the most effective use of artillery since the ate gunners.
two armies had entered the Wilderness two From that position, though, Barlow’s men
weeks earlier. attempted several runs at the Confederate
From the Confederate line, fog shrouded the works—only to be blasted back to the for-
oncoming wave, but skirmishers, falling back, mer Confederate trenches. As it was the only
signaled the Federal approach. Confederate available cover in the open field, they hunkered
artillery commander Major Wilfred Cutshaw, down and reversed the works. “Many brilliant
who knew the effect his artillery would have, efforts were made to penetrate the enemy lines,
was stunned. “All were astonished,” he said, “and but without success,” one II Corps officer said.
could not believe a serious attempt would be Less brilliant were the actions of the vet-
made to assail such a line as [General Richard] eran Philadelphia Brigade in John Gibbon’s
Ewell had, in open day, over such a distance.” division. Brig. Gen. Joshua T. Owen refused to
Once the Confederate skirmishers fell back, advance his men into the maelstrom, although
“the restrained tempest broke forth, and with in the confusion Gibbon hadn’t even noticed
shriek and scream and hissing, poured its death they were missing until Hancock called it to
blast in the faces of the Union soldiers,” said Gibbon’s attention. Embarrassed and angry,
Captain George Bowen of the 12th New Jer- Gibbon ordered Owen forward, but Owen
sey. The Federals were only 300 yards away as made only a half-hearted go of it before decid-
Long’s artillery poured canister and case shot ing the situation was too dangerous. His dis-
into them. “[T]heir artillery cut our men down obedience would eventually lead to charges
in heaps,” reported one member of the 2nd that resulted in his dismissal.
Rhode Island. New arrivals to the army tried to show
Hancock’s men pushed forward as far as their mettle to the veterans. Colonel Matthew
they could, but the Confederate abatis tangled Murphy’s brigade of four New York regiments
them midway between the McCoull Farm and anchored the left of Gibbon’s division. These
the new Confederate position. Barlow reported recent additions, coupled with Tyler’s heavy
to Hancock that the abatis was impenetrable. artillery regiments, increased the II Corps’
By Barlow’s estimates it was 100 yards deep in numbers by nearly 8,000 rifles. Despite the
DECEMBER 2015 37
THREE STRIKES On May 10, Brig. Gen. Emory Upton’s attack pierced
the Mule Shoe, but he eventually had to turn back. Two days later
Hancock’s II Corps collapsed the salient, but the Confederates sealed off
the break. After fruitless, miserable countermarching on muddy roads, the Mule Shoe salient had become a killing
Hancock’s men lined up for one last attack on May 18. It too failed. ground. “After the fight, the battle field pre-
sented a horrible spectacle, some having their
heads and limbs torn away from their bodies,”
said one Confederate artillerist, whose work on
weight of their numbers and bravado, they too came to grief assaulting the guns had contributed to that horror.
Ewell’s heavily fortified line. Dr. Morton, writing years later, recalled a
Murphy advanced toward the Bloody Angle, but his brigade became sulphurous scene. “The smoke of battle of more
separated due to botched orders from Gibbon’s staff. His soldiers made than two hundred thousand men destroying
it to within a few hundred yards of the Confederate line, but wither- each other...filled the valleys, and rested on the
ing small-arms fire, mainly from Brig. Ben. Clement Evans’ all-Georgia hills of all this wilderness, hung in lurid haze
Brigade and the Stonewall Brigade, pinned them all around the horizon,
down. Confederate artillery, positioned on Mur- and built a dense canopy
phy’s right and left flank, swept the Union position
with a deadly crossfire. Hunkered down, all the
THE LAND overhead,” he wrote.
Grant had finally had
New Yorkers could do was call for help. enough. After weeks
To Hancock’s right, Wright’s attack met similar
results. Neill’s VI Corps division had not stepped
MULE of stalemate, unable to
break through or out-
off in concert with Gibbon’s men, nor had they
caught up. Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton’s lead bri-
SHOE flank the Confederate
position, he decided
gade marched along the eastern face of the old
salient, scarred with deep trenches that wrecked its
SALIENT again to move left and
chain reaction. Colonel Oliver Edwards’ brigade the evening of May 19.
got backed up as a result, and that stacked up But Lee’s Second Corps
Brig. Gen. Daniel Bidwell’s brigade. The Vermont would delay that depar-
brigade of Colonel Lewis Grant, nearly bled-out ture by mounting a raid
weeks earlier at the Wilderness, were supposed to on the Federal rear near
bring up the rear, but the traffic jam forced them to the front. “We soon the Harris Farm, along Grant’s vital line of
overtook the front line and were kindly permitted to take the front,” supply, the Fredericksburg Road. The fight
a survivor noted wryly. The “bursting shell and rattling musketry” also would prove to be a bigger bite than Ewell’s
pinned them down. men could chew, however; after nearly getting
Confederates began slipping around the flank of the trapped brigades, overpowered, they managed to withdraw after
triggering an unsteady retreat by first Edwards’ men and then by Neill’s dark to the safety of their fortifications.
entire division. Their retreat took them “through the tempest of fire,” one And so the fighting around Spotsylvania
soldier said, back to “the sheltering earthworks from which it had come.” Court House drew to a close. Grant kept his
There, they found Ricketts’ division finally in place at its intended jump- word, fighting along the line that summer. But
ing-off point—but watching the carnage on the field, they in no way the exhausting warfare kept going into the fall
intended to jump off. Meanwhile Russell never showed at all. and winter, leading inexorably to Appomattox
To the east, Burnside’s diversion hit a heavily fortified Confederate the following April. ✯
position called Heth’s Salient, where the Federals never stood a chance
of success. Grant, keeping tabs on the stalemate, finally conceded by 10
a.m. that his grand assault was a failure and sent word to his corps com-
manders to call it off. Chris Mackowski, a former historian at Fred-
“This morning, we advanced...over essentially the same ground we ericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military
did on the 12th without accomplishing anything except to meet with Park, teaches at St. Bonaventure University.
very considerable loss,” groused Captain George Bowen. Indeed, North- Kristopher D. White is a former staff historian at
ern losses exceeded 1,500 dead, wounded and missing. Southerners, by Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP and an
contrast, suffered only 250 casualties. “We went it, lost some men and instructor at the Community College of Allegheny
came out again,” one Federal lamented matter-of-factly, “that is all there County. Co-founders of the blog “Emerging Civil
was to it!” War” (, they have collabo-
For the second time in the span of a week, the land surrounding rated on numerous books and articles.
DECEMBER 2015 39
detective Lafayette
C. Baker assembled a
force of spies to help
eradicate rebellion in
Washington, D.C.
DECEMBER 2015 41
The 1856 Committee of Vigilance dis-
banded in August, mostly because its
members had managed to get one of their
own, James Curtis, elected chief of police.
That December, when the city reor-
ganized its law-enforcement forces,
Baker made the cut. For two years he
immersed himself in crime-fighting.
By July 1857, Officer Baker routinely
appeared as a prosecution witness in City
AFE” BAKER was born on October 13, 1826, in Genessee Court. That August Curtis made him a
County, N.Y., to Remember and Cynthia Baker. Baker’s grandfather, also detective. On December 18, 1857, Baker
named Remember, was a cousin of Ethan Allan who helped capture Fort testified for the prosecution in the rape
Ticonderoga with Allan and the other “Green Mountain Boys” in 1775. case of 12-year-old Margaret Taylor, but
Lafayette’s father served as an officer to General Winfield Scott during the he did not support or refute either side.
War of 1812, and it seems likely that Baker used that family connection to Instead he suggested a third scenario, in
secure an interview with Scott when the Civil War broke out. When Baker which the youngster had been violated
was a teen, the family moved to Lansing, Mich. As a young adult, he traveled by a different person, whom he testified
to New York and then Philadelphia to establish a mercantile business. to having seen taking the girl for buggy
In 1853 Baker decided to try his luck selling goods to gold prospectors in rides away from public eye “at least ten
California. He worked as a paper mill machinist to pay the bills, eventually times.” The detective was apparently not
setting up a mercantile agency with a real estate agent and newspaper distrib- sanctioned at all when the rape story
utor. The two also served as consultants for merchants interested in advertis- turned out to be completely fictional—the
ing in San Francisco papers. Later “Baker & Hoogs” advertised their services girl’s father had made a false accusation
as debt collectors, “prepared to make Collections or demands of any nature,” against her stepfather, in retaliation for
throughout the Western states, territories and British Columbia. This taught not handing over money and property.
Baker how to shape stories for the press, and also enabled him to hone his Baker sometimes followed would-be
strong-arm tactics, always executed in the name of the “public good.” criminals around for days, retrofitting
It’s not surprising that Baker soon enlisted in what became information to make himself look bril-
one of the West’s most successful vigilante organizations. liant. On March 21, 1858, for example,
In the mid-1850s, San Francisco was plagued by the Daily Alta reported how
vice, corruption and crime. The San Francisco Baker nabbed shoplifters at
Committee of Vigilance, organized on June 14, a boot store: “Detective
1851, enrolled more than 700 members and Baker, who has had his
maintained a headquarters where suspects suspicions of certain well
were incarcerated, interrogated and tried known thieves, took it
without counsel and due process. By the time it into his head yesterday to
disbanded that September, the Committee had secrete himself into a room
arrested hundreds and executed four men. next to theirs, and boring
In 1856 the Committee reorganized with a a hole in the intervening
vengeance, partially in response to the murder of wall, awaited with his usual
a local newspaper editor, but largely because its patience their arrival.”
officers—many of whom had headed the 1851 When the alleged thieves
committee—saw an opportunity to cleanse the arrived, they apparently de-
city of Democratic Party influence and incorpo- tailed the entire theft ring to
rate its own “People’s Party.” The Committee of each other, but implicated some-
1856 enrolled about 5,000 men who patrolled SILVER one else entirely, one John Smith,
the streets, conducted investigations, held trials SHIELD alias “Old Man.” Baker subsequently
without benefit for the accused, deported citi- As head of the U.S. arrested Smith who, he said, was the cul-
zens and defied writs of habeas corpus. Military Detectives in prit he had suspected all along.
Jacob Mogelever, author of Death to Traitors: 1865, Baker helped track On April 29, 1858, Baker resigned for
The Story of General Lafayette C. Baker, Lincoln’s down John Wilkes Booth reasons that are unclear, though they might
Forgotten Secret Service Chief, writes: “Baker and Dr. Samuel Mudd. have had something to do with increasing
gloried in his service as a Vigilante. It gave him scrutiny of Curtis’ department, which was
a sense of power even though he never achieved a higher rank than that of accused of profiting from reward money
private….He ran with the pack, but he learned the twin arts of disguise and handed out by insurance companies and
deception.” Mogelever also notes that Baker thought a brain was better than a banks. That summer Baker drifted, seem-
gun, perhaps a kind nod toward Baker’s later avoidance of combat in the war. ingly unable to shed his cloak-and-dagger
DECEMBER 2015 43
O N NOVEMBER 10, 1863, the Washington Evening Star
reported Baker’s provost marshal position had been eliminated. There were
rumors that the detective had attempted to gather intelligence on his own
boss, Stanton, by tapping telegraph wires—but it could also be that Bak-
er’s force was seen as superfluous. Baker himself was still paid by Stanton
subordinates for various duties, and he even headed his own “First District
Calvary” for awhile, though he was paid on an ad-hoc basis.
Shortly after Baker’s formal separation from the War Department, he
was indicted for trespass, as well as libel and false imprisonment of Treasury
employee Dr. Stewart Gwynne, whom he had accused of stealing and put in
Old Capitol penitentiary for three months. What Secretary of the Treasury
Salmon P. Chase had intended to be a perfunctory audit, under pressure from
New York Congressman James Brooks, turned out to be a disaster; Baker
interviewed and harassed the Treasury staff for weeks on end. According to
several newspapers, including the Chicago Times, Baker even hired prostitutes
to testify that they had participated in orgies with Treasury employees.
A congressional committee chaired by James A. Garfield that investigated
those charges in June 1864 found Baker was very active during the whole
investigation in assisting Brooks to find testimony, and that “nearly every wit-
ness summoned to prove the alleged immoralities in the Treasury was previ-
ously manipulated by him…a written abstract was made by him of what the
testimony would be.”
At one point just before Baker arrested Gwynne, he reportedly “arrested
a funeral procession, took from the coffin the corpse a young lady, late an
employee of the Treasury Department, charging that she had died in an
attempt to procure an abortion, the result of immoralities in the Treasury FORT VIGILANCE
Department.” Not surprisingly, Chase and Stanton did not lend any support During Baker’s membership in the San
to Baker when that episode came to light. But Baker was not punished— Francisco Committee of Vigilance, the
other than being fined $1. vigilantes incarcerated and interrogated
The court of public opinion turned against Baker after those revelations. suspects inside this converted warehouse
The once admiring San Francisco Bulletin reported: “He is sharp, shrewd, on Sacramento Street.
unscrupulous. He was for awhile our municipal police, while Curtis was
Chief, but was expelled for what particular offense we do not remember.
During his service, his house “was robbed” just as he had collected $1,000 of bizarre behavior in other cases could have
license money.” The article went on to say that Baker’s mercantile business supported such theories. It’s also worth
had solicited funds from businessmen and placed them on the “exchange in noting that Baker pursued a prolonged
New York, which turned out to be utterly worthless.” The paper also invited fight for the bulk of the reward money for
“the Administration” to look no further than San Francisco if it needed more capturing Booth in the press and with a
testimony to his wickedness or untrustworthiness. congressional committee, and this public
Baker’s public career might have ended then had it not been for Lincoln’s fracas undid any goodwill he had earned
murder. Desperate times call for desperate measures, however; Stanton with Booth’s capture. The resulting noto-
recalled Baker, who used his network to help corner John Wilkes Booth at riety also led to speculation the detective
Richard Garrett’s farm. Baker was promoted to brigadier general as a result. had produced a corpse in order to obtain
It is in connection with the assassination that the conspiracy theories the lion’s share of the reward.
involving Baker, Booth, Stanton, Seward and others later surfaced. One story Baker’s subsequent escapades provided
is that Baker’s men actually killed a fellow named Boyd, rather than Booth, the newspapers with even more fodder.
but succeeded in passing Boyd’s corpse off as the presidential assassin’s. The On November 16, 1865, a grand jury in
myriad details of that plot are hard to follow, but it’s easy to see that Baker’s the District of Columbia indicted him for
had Baker escorted from the White House, after discover- career, that Baker believed government agents wanted to kill
ing that the former detective had been spying on him too. him. If there was anyone in Civil War history who was likely
Baker moved back to Philadelphia sometime before May to make up such a story, it was Lafayette C. Baker—and he
1867 and began working on a book of his “remembrances” would have believed his own words. ✯
with the Rev. J.T. Headly, and probably a few others. During
many of his final days the former detective was often fever-
ish and bedridden. He died on July 3, 1868, at age 42, of
what his physician specified was meningitis. Julia Bricklin last contributed to CWT in December 2013,
Mrs. Baker would try for years to get her widow’s pen- when she profiled Thomas Brigham Bishop, “The Music Man.”
DECEMBER 2015 45
BY Andrew Masich
Thomas Rodman’s
huge 20-inch
cannon rests atop an
equally huge lathe
in the Fort Pitt
Foundry. Foundry
superintendent Joseph
Kaye sits at right.
flame, hurtling a 10,080-pound shell from its A 12-inch wrought-iron
cannon explodes (above)
barrel at more than 1,700 feet per second—nearly during a February 1844
twice the velocity of a Minié ball fired from a rifle. demonstration aboard
Nearby windows rattled and broke as the shock USS Princeton. That
horrif ic accident spurred
wave traveled from Fort Hamilton over Brooklyn, Lieutenant Thomas
N.Y. Then the gun crew reloaded the behemoth, Rodman to experiment
lowering the barrel to an elevation of 25 degrees. with a “water-core” casting
method (illustrated in the
This time the 20-inch ball hurtled through the air for a full 24 seconds, patent drawing, opposite).
splashing into the water 3½ miles away. Thomas J. Rodman’s ship-
killing cannon, the largest gun made during the Civil War, had spoken.
DECEMBER 2015 49
gun’s exterior contour abruptly changed, Rod-
man eliminated any reinforces. His cannons
took on the smooth “soda bottle” shape that
became their most distinguishing character-
istic. Testing with double charges and double
shots, followed by repeated firing with service
loads, demonstrated the design’s efficacy. A
solid-core gun cast from the same batch of iron
burst after only 74 test rounds, while Rodman’s
“water-core” gun showed no discernable wear
to the bore, chamber or vent after 1,300 rounds.
By 1860, the Ordnance Department had
ordered 8- and 10-inch Columbiads, as well
as a 15-inch version with a 16-foot-long bar-
rel weighing nearly 50,000 pounds. The largest
gun cast in America to that time, it was dubbed
the “Union Gun” and sent to Fort Monroe, Va.,
for further testing in March 1860.
As Southern states began seceding from the Thomas Jackson Rodman was born in 1816 near Salem, Ind., the son
Union in 1861, the War Department ordered of James Rodman and his Virginian wife, Elizabeth Burton. Entering
the U.S. Military Academy in West Point in 1837, Thomas would
Rodman guns in 8-, 10- and 15-inch calibers.
graduate seventh of 52 cadets, and in 1841 was appointed a brevet
On April 15, soon after Confederate guns
second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Ordnance Department.
blasted Fort Sumter into submission, Rod- At Pittsburgh’s Allegheny Arsenal, Rodman built the first machine
man signaled that he could cast an even bigger capable of making Minié balls and other bullets by compression
weapon—weighing more than 100,000 pounds rather than casting molten lead. He received patents for hollow
and capable of hurling a 20-inch, half-ton iron casting large cannons as well improvements in cartridges for breech-
ball up to five miles and destroying a ship with loading small arms. His progressive-burning perforated cake gun
a single shot. But initially the need for 8-, powder for seacoast and naval artillery is still used today.
10- and 15-inch weapons to protect cities— Rodman spent most of the war years commanding the Watertown
including Washington—and seacoast defenses Arsenal in Massachusetts, and his inspector’s initials can be seen
took precedence over the 20-inch project. stamped on the muzzles of U.S. ordnance ranging in size from the
diminutive 12-pounder mountain howitzer to the largest Rodman
BY LATE 1863, Rodman’s hollow-casting Columbiads. By the war’s end, he was still an “unconfirmed major,”
technique was standard for Model 1860 Co- according to his own testimony before Senator Ben Wade’s Joint
lumbiads of his own design as well as other Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, which was
cannons, including Admiral John A. Dahl- investigating charges of war profiteering and disloyalty.
gren’s 9-, 11- and 13-inch naval shell guns. Suspicions about Rodman likely resulted from jealousy within the
Though Fort Pitt Foundry was still producing Army over royalties (a half cent per pound) he supposedly received
most of the big guns, the West Point Foundry for the guns cast using his hollow-casting method. But enemies and
in New York, Boston’s Cyrus Alger works and competitors questioned his loyalty when he failed to fire salutes at
Seyfert, McManus & Co. in Reading, Pa., also the war’s end—and the fact his mother was a Virginian could also
began manufacturing siege guns, mortars, naval have raised concerns (she may have been a relative of Confederate
chief of armories James H. Burton). Though admired for his work in
guns and Columbiads using Rodman’s process.
the Ordnance Department, Rodman spent many years defending
When Rodman was finally authorized to
his conduct. He ended his career as commander of the Rock Island
create a 20-inch weapon, Charles Knapp and Arsenal in Illinois, where he died in 1871.
new partner H.F. Rudd supervised 280 work-
ers at the Fort Pitt Foundry who excavated a
casting pit so deep that it had to be shored up and lined, to prevent the into the mold at 10 a.m. The foundry men
water table from filling it. The pit was engineered to accommodate a pumped water down through the core at a rate
multi-piece iron flask containing a sand mold formed on an oversized of 60 gallons per minute, then captured the
wooden model measuring 6 feet, at it widest point, by 25 feet. Five fur- heated water as it returned to the top through
naces burned for five hours to melt the 105 tons of “Juniata” pig iron flutes scored into the fire clay coating that sur-
needed for the continuous pour. Two smaller furnaces stood by as back- rounded the core barrel. Two days later the
ups, while the three primary furnaces were connected by troughs, to pool water was shut off and cold air was forced
their molten streams in a clay-lined collector before the molten metal through the core. Four days after that, cranes
was funneled into the mold. hoisted the cooled casting from the pit and
On February 11, 1864, Rodman joined ordnance officers and observ- moved it to the boring machine, which enlarged
ers from England and Italy to watch as the red-hot metal began flowing the bore from 17 to 20 inches. A mammoth
DECEMBER 2015 51
lathe then turned and smoothed the 80-ton
casting into a finished gun more than 20 feet
Rodman’s Huge cannon long and weighing 116,497 pounds.Twen-
one of every Rodman weapon was exhibited, Though Rodman’s mammoth guns never fired a shot in anger, they
including one of the 20-inch guns, which had were spared the scrap drives occasioned by subsequent wars. The largest
formerly guarded Norfolk, Va., and Hampton iron cannons ever cast, they can still be seen today at Fort Hamilton and
Roads. Getting the biggest gun to the expo- across the Narrows at Sandy Hook, N.J. ✯
sition was no easy task. The 100-ton ship on
which it was loaded nearly capsized when the
crane operator failed to center the big gun on
the deck. The big gun was the hit of the expo- Andrew Masich is president and CEO of the Senator John Heinz History
sition. Displayed with it were the 20-foot long Center, the largest history museum in Pennsylvania, and chairman of the
rammers and hook-shaped winch used to hoist Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
DECEMBER 2015 53
review by Megan Kate Nelson
There are several different kinds of Civil War apps out there. Mostly they fall into four categories:
Download these before a visit to
a battlefield park, and the app
There are several of these.
Surprisingly few and
far between, Civil
provides an interactive 3D map I downloaded one: a Civil War War game apps put
and guide. Photographs app, which launched the player “on the
into a very basic interface ground” in a series
Want to test your own knowledge
about the war? Or need an
displaying more than 50 images
(likely cribbed from the Library
of Congress website). They are
of battles. They
require multiple
tasks, but mostly the
intuitive app to help your kid organized into thematic sections player moves troops
study for a history test? These are but include no citations, context around and shoots
the apps for you. or actual historical content. to kill.
hat last category of apps interested me most, as single and
multi-player games seem to be the most creative use of app
technology for (potentially) historical purposes, with the
widest audience appeal. So on a dreary Saturday in March I
sat down on a couch with a 10-year-old boy named Caleb and handed him my
iPhone. I would not do this in the ordinary course, you understand. But I am not
what one would call a “gamer,” and I needed an expert in such matters—who
also happens to be a pint-sized Civil War buff—to try three different game apps,
which I downloaded from the Apple App store. Caleb agreed to help out, and we
settled in for the greater part of the afternoon.
ext we uploaded Civil War: 1864 chose the first on the list, probably for expedi-
1864 (Free version, Hunted Cow Stu- ency’s sake. This one is called “Ascension,” for
dios Ltd., 2014), a game that’s no apparent reason. Finally, the player chooses
much more complicated than Cannon Shooter. to make the game “easy,” “standard,” or “hard.”
We also moved from the iPhone to my com- Caleb chose “easy,” as it was his first time.
puter, although this game is probably ideal for In this initial foray into the game, however,
an iPad. There’s martial music from the start he did not bother with the tutorials. This led
(heavy on the trumpet and drums) and sophis- to some nice surprises as the game unfolded,
ticated graphics. And there is some attempt and as he figured out how to move his troops
to bring actual history into it—although you around and fire guns and artillery. The player
have to click through to the Game Summary has only a certain amount of time to do this;
“Easy to and “1864” to read a very short explanation then the “enemy” (the program) takes its turn.
control, but of the events during that year. The summary Note that the screen did not capture the entire
the game is emphasizes Grant’s war of attrition, Sherman’s battlefield, so every now and again an enemy
hard because campaign in Georgia and the fact that at this unit popped up, seemingly out of nowhere.
there are point “the Confederacy was ultimately fight- Caleb: “Whoa! What was that? Man!”
time limits.” ing and losing a defensive war.” It did not take him very long to get wise
Civil War: 1864 is a tactical game in which to these tactics, though, and he scanned the
the player moves infantry, cavalry and artillery battlefield whenever he wasn’t moving troops
around in order to defeat the enemy on
an unspecified battlefield. The fights are
in close quarters, with massed troops of
only about 100 soldiers on each side.
First the player chooses a side,
Union or Confederate. Caleb clicked
on “Union” without hesitation. He had
no explanation for his choice, but it was
likely because he is a Massachusetts boy,
born and bred.
Next the player chooses a cam-
paign—but actually there is no choice
if you don’t want to pay. You can play
“Division” for free but must purchase
the right to play “Cold Steel,” “Duty
and Pride,” and “Blockade.” The free
play offers four different games; Caleb
Next up: difficulty level. The options here
ULTIMATE are nuanced and offer a range of strategic
GENERAL: attitudes, from “cunning” to “dynamic” to “bal-
GETTYSBURG anced.” Caleb chose “cautious,” again because
it was his first game. He also skipped the tuto-
rials and went straight to the game; therefore, RECAP
it took a little while for him to figure out how
“A ton easier to control, to move his troops in and out of position. ★★★★★
graphics are great.” Me: “How are you doing that?” Caleb: “I have Ultimate General:
no idea.” Gettysburg:
“There are no turns, But moving troops around—and learning 5 out of 5 stars
everybody is moving all from your mistakes—is the entire point of “Great. Amazing.
the game. The player controls several differ- Greatazing.”
the time, like a real battle.” ent units on the battlefield, enabling them to
charge or fall back, firing rifles or artillery. The ★★★★★
game progresses in something approximat- Civil War: 1864:
3 out of 5 stars
he final game of the day was ing real time: about 10 seconds of game per
Ultimate General: Gettysburg minute of battle, on either July 1, 2 or 3. There “Not a total
(version 1.1.2; Gamelabs LLC, is a clock running, and a bar in the upper left nightmare.”
2015). You must pay for this game, and it’s corner of the screen keeps tabs on casualties,
pricey: $14.99, and downloadable to your troop morale and ammunition availability. ★★★★★
computer or iPad. The graphics and music are Other updates appear in pop-ups: “9:52 a.m. Cannon Shooter:
American Civil War:
impressive. The map of the town of Gettys- General Wadsworth’s division has arrived
0 out of 5 stars
burg and the battlefield are incredibly detailed from the south. The Iron Brigade will teach
“Horrible. Don’t buy
and look to be accurate. As in Civil War: 1864, the Rebels a good lesson!”
it, even if it’s free.”
first the player chooses a side. In Ultimate There are no points to accumulate in
General: Gettysburg, though, there are expla- Ultimate General: Gettysburg, no real way of
nations: comparing your tactical skill to John Buford’s
“The Union deploys efficient artillery, bet- or George Meade’s. The player’s actions and
ter drilled infantry, and better equip-ment…. achievements depend on the side, the day (and
However, most Union generals are uninspir- time of day), and the portion of the battlefield.
ing comparing [sic] to the Confederate army On the morning of July 1, Caleb’s job was to
leaders. This causes poor performance in close delay the Confederate advance and protect
contact and average morale.” his reinforcement and supply line. He was
“Confederate soldiers are universally high transfixed.
spirited and courageous. They are able to sus- When the first part of the game came to
tain heavy fire without breaking and are hard, an end (around noon on July 1), he frowned.
experienced troops. Confederate equipment is “I really like this one! I want to keep going!”
though [sic] less advanced and they lack pro- His parents let him play into the afternoon of
fessional military training, leading to disad- the 1st and he blissed out, using the track pad
vantages in prolonged engagements at range.” to trace arrows on the battlefield, directing
There are many sweeping generalizations in regiments back and forth, yelling periodically.
these descriptions, and they hew quite closely When dusk ended the battle for the day (both
to the tenets of the Lost Cause narrative. Based digitally and in real life), it was time for me to
on these portrayals, I think the programmers shut down the game, pack up my laptop and
are steering you toward the Confederates. go. Caleb was mournful. “I’m sad to have it
But once again Caleb chose the Union. Why? leave,” he said. ✯
DECEMBER 2015 57
Maj. Gen. Joseph Kershaw’s
Confederate division splashed
across Bowman’s Mill Ford on
Cedar Creek during its night
march to surprise the Union army.
Desperate Struggle in a Beautiful Place
THE OCTOBER 19, 1864, Battle of Cedar Creek was one of the war’s great seesaw affairs. Lt. Gen.
Jubal Early’s Army of the Valley boiled out of the early-morning darkness and slammed into Maj. Gen.
Philip Sheridan’s Army of the Shenandoah, camped across high ground above Cedar Creek, a picturesque
Shenandoah Valley stream just south of Middletown, Va., routing the Union troops. But by mid-morning
Sheridan, who had been away in Washington, arrived from Winchester in time to rally his troops for a
counterattack that carried the day for the Union. That victory came three weeks before the Northern
presidential contest and helped secure Lincoln’s reelection. The battle was a sprawling affair that traversed
some eight miles of ground along the Valley Pike, on which Middletown sits, and which today is known
as Route 11. Despite the site’s significance, not a lot of the land was protected until 1988, when the Cedar
Creek Battlefield Foundation bought a section of the core battlefield. Several organizations now partner
to protect the Cedar Creek battlefield, with more acreage saved every year. Despite being located just 20
minutes south of Winchester and near the intersection of busy Interstates 81 and 66, Middletown remains
a quaint town with one stoplight, great mountain views and restaurants to reenergize battlefield explorers.
out of local limestone—with features inspired by Thomas from his days at West Point, including George
Jefferson’s Monticello. Newspaper correspondent and sketch Custer, came to pay their respects before he died,
artist James E. Taylor recalled that by 1864, “ruthless war a scene depicted by James Taylor.
had already made a waste of the ornate grounds.” Things
got worse on October 19, when the Confederate attack tore
through the XIX Corps camps on Belle Grove’s front lawn.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Belle
Grove Plantation Foundation have restored the home to
its former glory. The view of Massanutten Mountain is
magnificent, but also remember to look for the bullet-struck SHERIDAN’S TRUSTY
column at the mansion’s front entrance.
(and stuffed) STEED
Sheridan’s incredible ride to regroup his army
NPS VISITOR STATION RIENZI KNOLL ROAD was glorified in song and poem in the North. If you
Start your visit at the A Route 11 highway visit the Smithsonian National Museum of American
National Park Service marker on the north end History in Washington, D.C., you can see the stuffed
Visitor Contact Station for of Middletown marks
hide of the steed that made it possible.
the Cedar Creek and Belle the spot where General
Grove National Historical Sheridan arrived from Sheridan changed Rienzi’s name to
Park located at 7712 Main Winchester riding his Winchester after their famous ride.
Street in Middletown. black horse Rienzi at about
A narrated electric map 10:30 in the morning. He
explains the course of the rode down the adjacent
October 1864 battle. Pick farm lane to a knoll where
up the park’s excellent he conferred with his
driving tour of the battle officers and then set off
and accompanying CD on his famous ride to rally
narration here. It takes you his retreating troops. The
on twisting gravel roads Civil War Trust preserved
past areas of heavy fighting, 64 1/2 acres on the west
beautiful antebellum farms side of the Valley Pike at
and along the scenic Cedar this location that is leased
Creek and the North Fork for farming and open for
of the Shenandoah River. special tours and events.
( (
DECEMBER 2015 59
SIGNAL KNOB Massanutten Mountain rises from the Valley floor south of Middletown. Early and his generals
observed the Union lines and planned their attack from Signal Knob, on the mountain’s north end.
Today Signal Knob is part of the 1.1-million-acre George Washington National Forest. If you’re up for a strenuous 10-mile
hike, you too can enjoy the vantage point’s stunning views from its heights.
Virginia Cavalry, and both describes the
died while fighting for the Battle of Cedar Creek
Confederacy. in his 1903 memoirs:
A number of partners have
banded together to own “Other days during
and protect portions of this our war witnessed a
sprawling battle site. They brilliant triumph or
include the National Park
Service, the Cedar Creek a crushing defeat for
Battlefield Foundation, the one army or the
the Civil War Trust, the other; but no other
National Trust for Historic single day saw each
Preservation, Belle Grove
Inc., and the Shenandoah
of the contending
Valley Battlefields Asso- armies victorious
ciation (shenandoahatwar. and vanquished on
org). Thousands of acres the same field and
still remain unprotected, between the rising
however, many of them in
areas that are vulnerable and setting of
to ongoing development. the same sun.”
Continued vigilance and
oversight in this entire area
of the Valley is vital.
TAKE A Middletown’s Wayside Inn, founded in 1797, claims to be one of the oldest continually operating inns in the
BREAK United States. Don’t miss the small monument to Brig. Gen. Charles Russell Lowell III, an esteemed Union
officer who was mortally wounded at Cedar Creek, that stands in front of the inn. (
Nana’s Irish Pub, also located in Middletown, serves local craft brews and gets great Yelp reviews for its fish and chips.
Both restaurants are excellent bets for historic travelers in need of sustenance between battlefield visits in the Valley.
Wayside Inn
DECEMBER 2015 61
he Western Theater remains underrepresented in both academic
and popular thought, but at least Vicksburg has recently
received significant attention—only fitting, because it was one
of the war’s most decisive campaigns. But in such a long and
complex campaign, certain events still get short shrift, and the Union siege
of Vicksburg itself is one of those often-overlooked events. Most historians
prefer to analyze the thrilling lead-up to the siege rather than detailing the
mundane watching-and-waiting of that midsummer standoff.
In Engineering Victory, Justin Solonick has produced a first-rate piece
of scholarship that focuses on the engineering aspects of the Union’s
siege against Vicksburg. He argues that many factors influenced the siege,
including terrain, the West Point training of the engineers attached to the
Army of the Tennessee, and the western soldiers’ ingenuity. He explains how
the siege moved from one step to the other in theoretical manner, augmented
by the ingenuity of nonprofessionals, and concludes that engineering efforts,
not a lack of food or other factors, really doomed Vicksburg. Though there is Engineering Victory:
some repetition to be found, it serves to drive Solonick’s point home. The Union Siege
It is curious that Solonick chooses to use George McClellan’s “quasi- of Vicksburg
siege” as a contextual example leading up to Vicksburg when much better Justin S. Solonick
examples could perhaps have been found in the attempts to hem in and Southern Illinois
approach Confederate lines at Fort Donelson and Corinth, where Grant and University Press,
many of the officers with him in 1862 dealt with some of the same problems
facing them the next year at Vicksburg. Those concerns aside, Solonick
should be congratulated for crafting a unique study that is both fascinating
and educational. One hopes he will now turn his attention to writing a
corresponding volume on Confederate siege activities at Vicksburg.
T he Sesquicentennial’s
last year has spawned
a tsunami of books covering
June 28, 1865, issued by Lt.
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, suc-
cinctly stated the reality: “By
ing yet incisive prose. After
months of dodging Gen-
eral William T. Sherman’s
1865. Some focus on particu- virtue of Special Orders No. juggernaut through three
lar theaters of conflict or spe- 339, current series, from the states, Rebel General Joseph
cific armies, while others try Adjutant-General’s Office, Johnston gamely turned and
to capture the chaos, death this army, as an organization, blocked the Goldsboro Road,
Their Last Full and destruction of those final ceases to exist.” attacking part of Sherman’s
Measure: The Final
Days of the Civil War four months. Joe Wheelan But even as the conflict XIV Corps. Johnston suffered
Joseph Wheelan has produced one of the most wound down, the bloodlet- 2,606 casualties, about 1,000
readable accounts of the ting continued. Wheelan’s more than Sherman. While
Da Capo Press,
$26.99 latter type by describing the analysis of the March 19-21 the Confederates slipped
major events of each month, Battle of Bentonville, the away, Sherman’s bummers
ending with the demobiliza- largest engagement fought in foraged the countryside on
tion of more than a million North Carolina, is a textbook their way into Goldsboro.
The stories of the Unknown Wars of Asia, Africa and The Americas were cataclysmic and
bloody events that took the lives of millions and impact our world to this day. Yet, most of
these wars are hardly mentioned in articles or even textbooks.
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Wheelan rightly includes events
behind the battle lines, like the Hamp- Essays on Greatness
ton Roads peace initiative in February
and the last conference among President Reviewed by Louis P. Masur
Lincoln, his military leaders and Con-
federate emissaries, held on March 28
aboard the steamer River Queen. At the
March conference, for example, Lincoln
T he Lincoln Forum, an annual No-
vember gathering in Gettysburg,
has been going strong for 20 years. In
asked Sherman and asked the general Exploring Lincoln, Harold Holzer and
if he knew why the president “took a Frank J. Williams, two of the founders,
shine to Grant and you.” Then he added, and Craig L. Symonds, a regular par-
“Well, you never found fault with me.” ticipant, gather some of the work pre-
The Confederate home front sented over the past few years.
gets equal billing, as when Wheelan Many of the essays serve as précis
describes the evacuation of Richmond for notable books that have since been
and Petersburg during the night of April published by the authors (Eric Foner’s
2: “The tread of marching men, the The Fiery Trial; Amanda Foreman’s A
clatter of cavalry horses, and the creak of World on Fire; and Craig Symonds’ Lin-
wagons, filled the streets of Richmond coln and His Admirals). Others discuss
and Petersburg as the long-suffering such issues as the alleged Baltimore
Army of Northern Virginia converged plot to assassinate President-elect Lin- Exploring Lincoln: Great
on the bridges over the James and coln in February 1861, the origins of Historians Reappraise
Appomattox Rivers.” “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” Our Greatest President
Good works of historical synthesis and the personal losses suffered by both Edited by Harold Holzer,
rarely get the accolades they deserve. Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Craig L. Symonds and
At best, they can engage specialists and Especially valuable are pieces that Frank J. Williams
general readers alike. The root of “his- discuss Lincoln’s relationship to peo- Fordham University Press,
tory” remains the “story”—and Wheelan ple and places. Walter Stahr shines a $21.29
tells a good one. light on Lincoln and William Seward,
exposing as myth the story that the two
shared a hotel room in Worcester, Mass., in 1848 after they first met while
campaigning for Zachary Taylor. It would be 12 years before they met again.
Seward, of course, would serve as secretary of state, and though the two dis-
agreed on such issues as compromise and Fort Sumter at the war’s beginning,
their working relationship was so close that it engendered jealousy among
other Cabinet members.
John C. Waugh focuses on Lincoln’s relationship with George B. McClel-
lan, a self-made man who, as John Bright once quipped in another context,
worshipped his creator. McClellan dismissed Lincoln as a “well meaning
baboon,” and in November 1862, after more than a year of frustration with
the recalcitrant general, Lincoln dismissed McClellan. Waugh cites several
reasons for McClellan’s failure—he was pedantic, misjudged Northern opin-
ion and treated Lincoln as an enemy. Some, including Robert E. Lee, judged
him a great general, but most people then as now side with Ulysses S. Grant’s
assessment: “McClellan to me is one of the mysteries of the war.”
Holzer explores a different kind of relationship in “Lincoln and New
York,” calling the connection “complex and curiously conflicted.” The
reasons were political, as New York City voted Democratic whereas upstate
New York endorsed the Republican Party. In 1863 both the Draft Riots
and Democratic opposition in Albany to military arrests caused Lincoln
concern. The latter elicited one of his finest letters, to Erastus Corning. In
it Lincoln asked: “Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts,
while I must not touch the hair of a wiley [sic] agitator who induces him
to desert? I think that in such a case, to silence the agitator, and save the
boy, is not only constitutional but a great mercy.” A year later, he sent the
Albany Fair the manuscript of his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
Lincoln’s Cooper Union Address on February 27, 1860, had helped make
him president; on April 24, 1865, Lincoln’s casket arrived in New York, and
the city that had opposed him now draped itself in mourning black.
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Vigilante Critic
ortunately, Thomas Rodman’s two massive 20-inch cannons (P. 46)
F were never thrown on the scrap heap. Today the barrel pictured
above is located in Fort Hamilton Park in Brooklyn, N.Y., keeping
watch over the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. “No. 1, FORT PITT, PA.,
S.C.L., 1864, 116497 lbs.,” is stamped on its muzzle. “S.C.L.” are the ini-
tials of Stephen Carr Lyford, an inspecting ordnance officer who served Civil War Times’ first col
or cover,
at the arsenal. The second Rodman 20-inch cannon, which was cast in April 1962, featured Thure
1869, not long after the war, can be seen at Fort Hancock, in Sandy Hook, Thulstrup’s painting of the
N.J. It’s shocking to think that these barrels each weighed about 60 tons, Shoe at Spotsylvania (P.
which is nearly the same weight as a modern M1 Abrams tank.
CREDITS Cover: Library of Congress; P. 2: Shenandoah Sanchez; P. 3: From Top: Library of Congress; Heritage Auctions, Dallas, TX; Jennifer E. Berry;
Cowan’s Auctions, Cincinnati, OH; Library of Congress; P. 4: Counselman Collection; P. 5: Library of Congress; P. 8: Library of Congress; P. 10: Sarah J. Mock (2);
P. 11: From Left: Tim Evanson; Brian Hunt & Pennsylvania Capitol Preservation Committee; P. 12: Courtesy Long Road Home; P. 13: From Top: National Civil War Museum;
Google Earth; P. 14-15: Library of Congress; P. 16-18: Library of Congress (2); P. 20-21: From Top Right: Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond, VA; Heritage Auctions,
Dallas, TX (4); P. 22: Courtesy of the Seminary Ridge Museum (3); P. 26-31: Library of Congress (3); P. 33: N. C. Wyeth (1882-1945), The Bloody Angle, 1912, oil on canvas,
46 1/4 x 33 1/4 inches, Brandywine River Museum of Art, Gift of Charles S. Crompton, Jr., in memory of his wife, Milbrey Dean Crompton, 2014; P. 34-35: Library of Congress (3);
P. 36: Library of Congress; P. 37: From Top: Library of Congress; Missouri History Museum; P. 40: Cowan’s Auctions, Cincinnati, OH; P. 42: Heritage Auction, Dallas, TX;
P. 43: Library of Congress; P. 45: San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library; P. 46-47: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Department; P. 48: Library
of Congress; P. 49: National Archives; P. 50: Harper’s Weekly, November 19, 1864; P. 51: Harper’s Weekly, August 23, 1862; P. 52: Courtesy of the Heinz History Center (2);
P. 53: Free Library of Philadelphia/Bridgeman Images; P. 55: Jennifer E. Berry; P. 56: Courtesy HexWar Games Ltd; P. 58: Sarah J. Mock; P. 59: From Top Left: Sarah J. Mock;
Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, OH; National Museum of American History/Smithsonian Institution; P. 60: Sarah J. Mock (2); P. 61: Clockwise from Top: Library
of Congress; Courtesy of Nana’s Irish Pub; Courtesy of Wayside Inn; P. 70: Left: Leonard Zhukovsky/123RF; P. 72: Courtesy of Skinner Auctions,
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