Level 1: Instrument Consultant Program
Level 1: Instrument Consultant Program
Level 1: Instrument Consultant Program
Level 1
Level Measurement
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Rosemount Technologies................................................................................................................................29
Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 29
Pressure Transmitters......................................................................................................................................30
Open-Vessel Level Measurement..............................................................................................................30
Compensation for Specific Gravity ...................................................................................................31
Compensation for Transmitter Datum...............................................................................................31
Closed-Tank Level Measurement .............................................................................................................34
Differential Pressure Transmitter .....................................................................................................34
Performance Considerations ....................................................................................................................37
Process Characteristics.....................................................................................................................37
Transmitter Installation................................................................................................................... 38
Remote Seals........................................................................................................................................... 38
Benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Bubbler Systems ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Applications .............................................................................................................................................42
Benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Limitations ..............................................................................................................................................42
Hydrostatic Tank Gauging.............................................................................................................................44
Measurement Options.............................................................................................................................44
Level ................................................................................................................................................45
Temperature ....................................................................................................................................45
Benefits ...................................................................................................................................................45
Limitations ..............................................................................................................................................45
Radar .............................................................................................................................................................46
Radar Level Fundamentals.....................................................................................................................46
Radar Advantages...................................................................................................................................46
Non-Contacting or Free-Radiating Radar .............................................................................................47
Application and Installation Impact on Free-Radiating Radar ......................................................48
Guided Wave Radar................................................................................................................................49
Application and Installation Conditions Impact on GWR...............................................................50
Benefits and Limitations .................................................................................................................50
Applications with Foam ..................................................................................................................50
Level measurement is the determination of the linear vertical distance between a reference point
(usually the base of a holding container) and the surface of a liquid or the top of a solid or the interface
of two liquids. Precise control of the level of liquid in a tank, reactor, or other vessel is important in
many process applications. Level measurement is often used for Inventory Measurement. To provide
good control, accurate measurement is essential.
Several devices and systems are available for measuring product level. Each is designed to provide
accurate level measurement, although measurement precision and principles of operation vary among
devices. All level measurements involve interaction between a sensing device, element, or system and
a product inside a holding container.
Different process industries measure level for different reasons. The following pages will introduce
you to the most common reasons for measuring level and explain why and how the instruments in each
of the four level-measurement classes work. You will also learn about important aspects to consider
when selecting a level-measurement device or system for a particular application, as well as the
benefits and limitations of Rosemount’s level measurement products.
The following five sections are included in this module:
T Why Measure Level?
T Level Terminology
T Device Selection
T Classifying Level Technologies
T Rosemount Technologies
After you have completed this module, you will understand and be able to explain the basis upon
which level-measurement technologies are differentiated in the process industry.
Process industries measure level for several reasons, the most common of which are outlined in this
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
T List and briefly explain the five most common reasons for measuring level:
• Inventory
• Custody transfer
• Efficiency
• Safety
• Consistent supply
Note: To answer the activity questions the Hand Tool (H) should be activated.
One important reason for measuring level is to keep track of 1. Why is accurate level measurement
inventory in terms of volume or weight. Consumers want to important in custody transfer applications?
know the amount of material available for a process. For
example, the gas gauge in your car lets you know how much
gas you have left in your tank.
1 To avoid over spill
2 To ensure tanks are filled to capacity
CUSTODY TRANSFER 3 To ensure accurate charging of the
In many instances, the amount of material that is bought and customer
sold (custody transfer) is based on a level measurement that is 4 To ensure consistent supply
known to coincide with a certain standard volume or mass
(from mathematical equations or strapping tables) (see
Strapping Tables on page 13). An error of even 1/4 inch of
measured level can result in very large errors in terms of
volume, especially in large diameter vessels. Therefore, precise
level measurement is required for custody transfer
Level is also measured for safety reasons. Filling vessels above 3. Overfilling vessels can result in
their capacities can cause safety hazards—spills (overflowing) ______________ in open
in open vessels . If the vessels are holding caustic, hot, vessels.
flammable, or hazardous materials, spills could lead to
catastrophic results. 1 high pressure
2 evaporation
3 spills
Many processes require a steady supply of inputs and outputs.
A consistent supply may be difficult to maintain if the supply is
delivered at varying rates or if there are surges in the supply
line. A storage vessel between the supply and the process can
act as a buffer to ensure that outflow is kept steady despite
fluctuating inflow(Figure 2.2). If the process level in the
storage vessel is always maintained within an appropriate 4. Which is the best way of attaining a
consistent supply rate?
range, the supply delivery rate to the storage vessel can rise and
fall without affecting the supply delivery rate from the storage
vessel to the process.
1 Preventing any evaporation from the
Consistent supply is directly related to product quality in pulp open storage vessels
and paper industries, where a consistent supply ensures that 2 Preventing any leakages from closed
each sheet of paper has the same thickness as every other sheet.
\ storage vessels
3 Maintaining a certain level in the
storage vessel between the supply
and the process
4 Maintaining a constant pressure
Precise control or monitoring of product level in a tank, reactor, or other vessel is important in many
process applications. To provide good control, accurate measurement is essential. This section
introduces the concepts and terminology you will need to master in order to fully understand level
technology devices and how they work, as well as how various other material properties (e.g., volume,
density) can be determined from a level measurement.
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
T Identify four material properties that can be determined from a level measurement and explain
how each is determined:
• Interface
• Density
• Mass
• Volume
T Identify and describe the following five options for level-measurement device operation:
• Bottom-up vs. top-down
• Direct vs. indirect
• Continuous, single point, and multipoint
• Contacting vs. noncontacting
• Indication vs. control
Note: To answer the activity questions the Hand Tool (H) should be activated.
Level measurements are typically expressed in terms of feet or 1. What are the ways in which level
meters. Level may also be given in terms of percent full or measurement can be expressed?
percent of measured span. For example, the level of the vessel Select all options that apply.
in Figure 2.3 could be expressed as 9 feet (2.7 m), 90% full, or
50% of measured span. Measured span is the distance between 1 Level measurement can be
the lowest and the highest level that a level transmitter (LT) can expressed in terms of
measure in a particular application. In Figure 2.3, the measured mass.
span is from 8–10 feet. 2 Level measurement can be
expressed in terms of percent full.
3 Level measurement can be
expressed in terms of percent of
measured span.
4 Level measurement can be
expressed in terms of volume
in any tank.
5 Level measurement can be
expressed in terms of feet or
another unit of measure like meters.
3. Which of these material properties
can be determined from a level
1 Interface
2 Pressure
3 Density
4 Mass
5 Volume
An interface is the boundary between two immiscible 4. With respect to Interface, please
(incapable of being mixed) fluids with different densities select the statements that are correct.
(e.g., oil and water). An interface measurement finds the Select all options that apply.
boundary between two liquids stored in the same tank, each
with a different density. For example, when oil and water 1 Interface is the boundary between the
occupy the same vessel, the oil floats on top of the water. The level transmitter and the liquid in the
interface between the two fluids is the upper level of the water
and the lower level of the oil (Figure 2.4).
2 Interface is the boundary between two
Interface is often used when a manufacturer has two immiscible fluids such as oil and water,
fluids in a tank and wants to pour off one of the stored in the same tank.
fluids—The interface measurement indicates when to 3 For an Interface boundary to exist, the
two fluids must have different densities.
4 In a Gas - Oil - Water Separator
there are two Interfaces.
Liquid A to Air
Liquid A
5. Density is defined as:
Liquid A to B
Density is the mass of a material per unit of volume. Density is
often expressed in terms of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
or pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3). Specific gravity is often used
to describe the density of a material compared to the density of
water at a common reference temperature.
Specific Gravity $FWLYLWLHV
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a material to the 6. Which of these statements aptly
density of water at a common reference temperature. Water has defines specific gravity of a liquid?
a density of 1 g/cm3 (62.43 lb/ft3) at 39.2 °F (4 °C). Glycerin, a
compound often found in soaps, has a density of 78.66 lb/ft3.
Therefore, glycerin’s specific gravity is 1.26 (78.66 ÷ 62.43). 1 Specific gravity is the ratio of the
density of a liquid to the density
MASS of air at a common reference
Mass, the amount of matter an object contains, is often 2 Specific gravity is the ratio of the
equivocated to weight. Mass is typically expressed in terms of density of a liquid to the density
kilograms, grams, tons, or pounds. Mass is unaffected by
glycerin at a common reference
temperature. Thus, 60 lb (27.2 kg) of oil at 50 °F (10 °C) is still
60 lb at 86 °F (30 °C)—however, the overall volume of the oil temperature.
may change due to expansion. 3 Specific gravity is the ratio of the
density of a liquid to the density
If density is known, mass can be found from a level of water at a common reference
measurement by first finding volume (see Volume on page 10) temperature.
and then using the following equation: Specific gravity is the mass of a
material per unit of volume at a
Mass = Density x Volume
specific temperature.
Some level-measurement devices measure mass
directly (e.g., load cells). See Module 2a, Level
Measurement Reference.
Volume is the space occupied by a quantity of material. Volume 7.. Mass is determined from a level
is typically expressed in gallons, liters, cubic centimeters, measurement by first finding volume
cubic feet, or barrels. Volume is the measurement most and then multiplying it by the density.
commonly derived from level. Is this statement true or false?
Volume is usually calculated by first measuring the level of
process in a tank and then calculating the process volume
based upon the appropriate equations for the tank geometry.
Many level-measurement devices store the level/
volume relationship for common tank geometries in
their electronic components (computer), which
enables them to calculate a direct volume output.
8. Volume is the space occupied by a
quantity of material. Is this statement
true or false?
In other cases, the volume may be calculated in a $FWLYLWLHV
programmable logic controller (PLC) or determined from a
look-up table (see strapping table) that relates level to volume. 10. Given that the process level in a vertical
The relationships between level and volume for several cylinder is 5 m and the cylinder radius is
common tank shapes are shown below: 2 m, what is the volume of product in the
Where: v = tank volume cylinder? (π = 3.14)
r = tank radius
H = tank height (or length)
L = product level 1 6.28 m3
2 125.6 m3
Vertical Cylinder 3 31.4 m 3
r 4 6.18 m 3
5 62.8 m3
v = πr L
Horizontal Cylinder
r L
2 L
v = 2r Hatan ----------------- + H( L - r ) L ( 2 r - L )
2r – L
r π L (3r – L )
v = --------------------------------
Vertical Bullet $FWLYLWLHV
If L ≤r
πL r
v = --------- ( 3r – L )
If r <L <(H – r) H
2 3 2
v = --- πr + πr ( L – r )
If (H – r) ≤L
2 π ( L + 2r – H )
v = πr ( H – 2r ) + ------------------------------------- ( 3r – ( L + 2r – H ) )
Horizontal Bullet
πL 2 L
---------- ( 3r – L ) + 2r ( H ( – 2r ) ) atan ------------------- + ( H – 2r ) ( L – r ) L ( 2r – L
3 2r – L
Strapping Tables $FWLYLWLHV
Calculating volume from level and tank geometry provides a 11. Strapping tables relate level to volume
volume measurement accurate enough for most customers’ for several discrete points in a tank.
needs. However, in some instances, the geometry of the tank Is this statement true or false?
may be irregular, which makes it nearly impossible to model
the relationship between level and volume mathematically. In
such cases, volume must be determined from the level reading
through the use of a strapping table.
A strapping table is a look-up table that relates level to volume
for several discrete points in a tank (Figure 2.6). Strapping
tables are usually derived by adding a known volume of
product to a tank and then measuring the level of product that
corresponds to that volume (manual strapping). The volume
and level measurements are recorded in a strapping table.
12. The level in the displayed tank in
Then, when a volume measurement is required, level is
Figure 2.6 initially is 10 inches and later
measured and looked up in the strapping table to find the
it is increased to 27 inches.
corresponding volume.
Initial volume of the product in
the tank was _________ gallons and
Level Volume
later its volume increase to _______
Point (inches) (gallons) gallons.
1 0 0
2 5 10
3 10 32
9 4 15 68
7 5 20 115
5 6 25 173
3 7 30 230
1 8 35 313
9 40 394
10 100 957 13. Typically in a strapping table for the
dished region of a tank, the number
Figure 2.6: Strapping Table of points will be _______ (more / less).
Strapping tables can just be a few points to accomodate
tank shape or they can be hundreds of points. Larger number of
points are used with larger tanks that tend to bulge when filled.
If a measured level falls between two points in a table, volume
is determined by interpolating the two points. Typically,
strapping tables have a higher concentration of points in tank
regions where the relationship between level and volume is not
linear. For example, in Figure 2.6, strapping points are
concentrated near the bottom of the tank. This concentration $FWLYLWLHV
provides for better resolution in the strapping table and a more
accurate measurement. 14. What is the definition of bulging error?
Top-down measurements may or may not contact the process 15. A direct measurement is dependent
fluid. A top-down measurement poses less potential for leakage on other process parameters.
(Figure 2.9) and enables level measurement devices to be
installed or removed without emptying the tank (e.g., radar,
A bottom-up measurement typically contacts the process
fluid (e.g., weigh scale). Level devices that use pressure
transmitters are bottom-up measurement systems.
Top-down Measurement
A continuous level-measurement system monitors the height of 17.. List the common reasons for using
product within a range of all possible levels at all times. continuous level-measurement
Continuous measurement is used for precise control, to system.
maintain the level of a material at a particular point, and to Select all options that apply.
ensure a consistent supply, like in a batch reactor.
1 Ensuring a constant pressure
Single-point measurement indicates whether a product is at
least as high or low as a certain point, usually the high- or 2 Maintaining the level and not
low-level limit. They are typically used to prevent over flow. A allowing bulging to take place
common example is a toilet tank float. 3 Ensuring precise control
4 Maintaining the level of a material
In multipoint measurements, level indication is observed at two
at a particular point
or more discrete points in the tank. Two single-point 5 Ensuring a consistent supply
measurement devices may sound alarms or operate equipment
at high and low limits. Several single-point devices located
throughout the vessel could approximate a continuous level-
measurement system.
Manual 19. In a contacting measurement, no
Control part of the measurement system is in
direct contact with the contents of the
vessel. Is this statement true or false?
Valve Level
Load Valve
Because of the large variety of level-measurement devices available, selecting the appropriate device
for a particular application can be difficult. While most level-measurement technologies are adaptable
to more than one process measurement, there is no single level device that will work for every
application. However, by asking the right questions and understanding some basic application needs,
you can narrow down the selection pool considerably and determine which device will work best in
each application.
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
T Identify eight important questions about basic application needs and explain how the answer to
each question affects level-measurement device selection:
• Why is the level measurement needed?
• What are the conditions within the vessel?
• What are the environmental and external conditions?
• What are the product characteristics?
• What is the accuracy requirement for the application?
• What are the instrument requirements?
• What is the total cost of the device?
• What is the operator comfort?
Note: To answer the activity questions the Hand Tool (H) should be activated.
Do you need a rough indication of product level, or do you 1. If a customer needs to know exactly
want to know exactly how much product is in the vessel? how much product is in the
The answer to this question will indicate what information is vessel, what would be the ideal
needed from the level device and what type of measurement is choice?
required (e.g., mass measurement or single-point
1 A single-point level measurement
For example, if your customer wants to prevent spills or know
when to refill a vessel, a single-point level device may be
sufficient. If the customer needs to keep the product volume
2 A continuous level measurement
within a certain range in the vessel, a continuous level device is
needed. If the customer needs to know how many pounds of
3 A contacting level device
product are needed, a mass measurement is required.
3. ________________ level-measurement
is suggested for pressures between 3,000
psig-4,000 psig and a wide temperature
1 Contacting Radar
2 Ultrasonic Point
3 Capacitance
Technology Pressure* Temperature at device
Nuclear No limit No limit 4. Bottom-up devices are better suited
to turbulent processes. Is this
Full vacuum to 5,000 –200 to 900 °F and up
Capacitance statement true or false?
psig (345 bar) (–129 to 482 °C)
Full vacuum to 4,000
Displacer –40 to 900 °F (–40 to 482 °C)
psig (275 bar)
Pressure Full vacuum to 4,000 –100 to 600 °F
with seals psig (275 bar) (–73 to 316 oC)**
Full vacuum to 6,000
Pressure –40 to 380 °F (–40 to 193 °C)
psig (413 bar)
Ultrasonic Atmospheric to 1,000
–40 to 320 °F (–40 to 160 °C)
point psig (68 bar)
Atmospheric to 200
Ultrasonic –40 to 180 °F (–40 to 82 °C)
psig (13.8 bar)
Free 5. Based on mounting features, which are
Full Vacuum to 798
radiating –40 to 752 °F( –40 to 400 °C) the factors that affect measurement
psig (55 bar)
radar device selection?
Contacting Full Vacuum to 580 Select all options that apply.
–40 to 302 °F (–40 to150 °C)
Radar psi(40 Bar)
*Full vacuum = –14.7 psig; atmospheric = 0 psig
**The upper temperature for seals is limited in vacuum applications. 1 Vessel walls
2 Temperature
Table 2.1: Pressure and Temperature Limits 3 Floating roofs
Is there product turbulence from agitation or mixing? 4 Pressure
Are steam or other vapors present in the space above the 5 Proximity
Product turbulence or vapors above the product may be
difficult to measure for some top-down devices. For example,
some devices require that a return signal be reflected from the
product surface. The signal may be weakened or not returned at
all if there is product turbulence or vapors. Turbulence and
vapors are less problematic for bottom-up measurement 6. Outdoor installations are more likely
devices. to have a constant temperature and
indoor installations are less likely
Are there any interfaces, temperature gradients, foams, or to have a constant temperature. Is this
suspended solids? statement true or false?
Interfaces, temperature gradients, foams, suspended solids, or
obstructions in the vessel could potentially affect the validity of
a measurement, depending on the technology selected. For
example, suspended solids may clog some devices. Foam is an
important consideration because some customers want to
measure level at the top of the foam while others want to
measure level underneath the foam.
Are there any mounting constraints on the vessel? $FWLYLWLHV
Existing taps should be used if at all possible. Some 7. Which processes require special
installations are more difficult if the vessel is glass lined or construction materials on the level
double walled. Smaller tanks have less available mounting sensor?
area. Tanks that are underground, close together, close to the
ceiling, or wrapped with heating coils may have limited
accessibility. Floating roofs may limit the mounting of some 1 Corrosive
top-down devices. 2 Turbulent
measurements will be affected. $FWLYLWLHV
T Process coating tendencies could affect the sensitivity of
devices requiring contact. 9. A device with an accuracy of 0.1%
T Solids tend to pile up in a vessel and are not likely to have of span gives an accuracy of ±0.06
a flat surface. Consider at what point on the angle of inches (1.52 mm) on a 5 ft tank level and
repose (maximum slope without product sliding) the level an accuracy of ±0.6 inches (15.24 mm) on a
should be measured and whether or not this point is 50 ft tank level. Is this statement true
consistent. or false?
Units Conversion Factors :
1 ft = 12 inches , 1 inch = 25.4 mm
How is the instrument accuracy specified?
A device that works well on a small tank may not provide the
accuracy required for a larger tank. For example, a device with
an accuracy of 0.1% of span gives an accuracy of ±0.06 inches
(1.5 mm) on a 5 ft (1.5 m) tank level. The same device provides
an accuracy of ±0.6 inches (15 mm) on a 50 ft (15 m) tank
Other devices, such as top-down radar devices, generally 10. What are the three important instrument
specify accuracy to within a certain value (±1/2 in or 13 mm) requirements that should be considered
or as a percentage of distance measured. The impact of other when selecting a level-measurement device?
performance parameters (e.g., temperature effect) should also Select all options that apply.
be evaluated.
1 List price of the instrument
Is there is a need for high accuracy?
2 Available power
The primary goal in some applications may simply be the 3 Outputs required
ability to make a reliable measurement. In other applications, 4 Warranty period
repeatability may be far more important than accuracy.
5 Approvals (Safety and sanitary)
The most common output is a continuous analog 4–20 mA $FWLYLWLHV
signal, although digital signals are also gaining popularity. In
some instances, an alarm or control relay may be needed. 11. Why is maintenance an important
consideration in calculating the
What power is available?
device cost?
Most devices will run on 12–24 V dc (direct current), although
there are some devices that run on 110 or 220 V. A few devices
may operate on low power. 1 Expensive devices require zero
maintenance in the long run.
WHAT IS THE TOTAL COST OF THE DEVICE? 2 Cheaper devices require minimal
maintenance in the long run.
The list price of the level-measurement device is important, but 3 Maintenance costs depend
the cost of installation and maintenance should be considered entirely on the location.
as well. In general, the lower-cost devices (usually mechanical) 4 Cheaper devices usually have very high
tend to require higher levels of maintenance. The more maintenance costs in the long run.
sophisticated electronic instruments are often higher priced,
but the maintenance cost is much lower. The initial costs of
some of the noncontacting technologies are dropping as
technical capabilities and market demand increase.
Another cost consideration is the life of the measurement
device. An inexpensive device that needs to be replaced
frequently can be very costly compared to a more expensive
device that is more durable, reliable, or better suited to the
application. In general, high-performance devices tend to cost
Many level-measurement technologies are available. Choices vary from simple, manual methods to
more elaborate methods that do not contact the measured products. Some technologies are available in
both continuous-level and point-level measurement versions. In an effort to group general
characteristics, level-measurement devices can be organized into the following four categories:
T Manual/mechanical
T Electromechanical
T Electronic contacting
T Electronic noncontacting
This section introduces and explains in detail the function, benefits, and limitations of some of the
devices in each category. For more extensive descriptions, see supplemental technology information.
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
T Describe, in general terms, how the level measurement devices in each category work:
• Manual/mechanical
• Electromechanical
• Electronic contacting
• Electronic noncontacting
T Identify benefits and limitations of the devices in each category
Note: To answer the activity questions the Hand Tool (H) should be activated.
Devices in the manual/mechanical category have no electronic 1. ___________________ devices
output. The operator uses the device to get a visual indication do not have electronic output.
of the amount of material in the vessel. Examples of level-
measurement devices in this category are sight glasses or rod
gauging systems. These devices are low cost but have no 1 Manual or Mechanical
automation. (See Module 2a: Level Measurement Reference, 2 Electromechanical
for more information on manual/mechanical devices.) 3 Electronic Contacting
Devices in the electromechanical category are mechanical
assemblies with a number of moving parts that produce an
electronic output for control. Unlike manual/mechanical 2. Which of these are examples of manual
devices, electromechanical devices provide an automated or mechanical measuring devices?
measurement that can be read remotely. Select all options that apply.
Devices with moving parts tend to have high maintenance
requirements. Exposing electromechanical devices to sticky, 1 Displacer
viscous, or corrosive fluids creates an environment in which 2 Capacitance probes
the devices’ mechanical parts are subject to fouling (dirtying of 3 Pressure transmitters
moving parts) and corrosion, which leads to frequent cleaning 4 Sight glasses
or repairs. An example of a level measurement device in this 5 Rod gauging systems
category is a displacer. (See Module 2a: Level Measurement
Reference, for more information on electromechanical
Devices in the electronic contacting category have no moving
parts. While they are not immune to problems with coating or 3. Why do electromechanical devices have
corrosion, electronic contacting devices tend to be more robust relatively high maintenance requirements?
and thus require less maintenance than electromechanical Select all options that apply.
devices. Examples of level-measurement devices in this
category are capacitance probes and pressure-based level 1 They are low cost
transmitters. (See Module 2a: Level Measurement Reference, devices.
for more information on electronic contacting devices.) 2 Because they have moving parts
3 They are affected by minute changes
in temperature and pressure.
4 The mechanical moving parts are
subject to fouling and corrosion.
1 Displacer
2 Capacitance probes
3 Pressure-based level transmitter
4 Sight glasses
Devices in the electronic noncontacting category provide 6. Why do electronic noncontacting
sophisticated level measurement without ever touching the devices have low maintenance costs
product. Because they have no moving parts and no direct as compared to manual or
contact, maintenance is minimal. Electronic noncontacting electromechanical devices?
devices can be easier to install than other level devices because Select all options that apply.
the holding vessel generally may not need to be drained or
penetrated. An example of a level-measurement device in this 1 They have no moving parts.
category is a radar measurement device. (See Module 2a: Level 2 They have moving parts.
Measurement Reference, for more information on electronic 3 They are able to provide an
noncontacting devices.) automated measurement.
4 They are in direct contact with
5 They are not in direct contact
Which level measurement technology is chosen with the product.
depends on whether the customer is more concerned
about cost or about value and performance. The two
are indirectly proportional.
Figure 2.12 shows the relationship between maintenance cost $FWLYLWLHV
and the type of level measurement device chosen.
Maintenance Cost
Rosemount offers two level measurement technologies—pressure based and radar based. In order to
effectively sell Rosemount’s devices, you must be able to differentiate Rosemount’s
level-measurement devices from the other devices in the level industry. This section details the
benefits and limitations of each of Rosemount’s level products and explains in detail how each device
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
T Explain how each of Rosemount’s level-measurement technologies works:
• Pressure transmitters
• Bubbler systems
• Radar
• Hybrid inventory systems
T Identify benefits and limitations of each of Rosemount’s level-measurement devices
Note: To answer the activity questions the Hand Tool (H) should be activated.
Pressure transmitters are the most commonly used level $FWLYLWLHV
measurement devices for liquids. In general, pressure
transmitters measure level by measuring pressure at two taps, a 1. Which level measurement technology
high-pressure tap (near the base of the tank) and a low-pressure is most commonly used for liquids?
tap (near the top of the tank), and manipulating the results to
find level. There are two types of pressure transmitters:
T Gauge pressure (GP) transmitters 1 Pressure transmitters
T Differential pressure (DP) transmitters 2 Bubbler systems
Both GP and DP transmitters can be used for level 3 HTG
measurement in open vessels, where the surface of the 4 Radar
measured liquid is open to atmospheric pressure. If the tank is 5 Hybrid inventory systems
under positive or negative pressure (closed tank), a DP
transmitter must be used. In addition to basic level
measurements, DP transmitters can be set up to provide density
and interface level measurements—a constant measuring
region is necessary for these measurements.
1 temperature
2 weight
3 level
Gauge Reading = 12 psig 4. When using pressure transmitters, for
Each Foot of Height = 0.43 psig
Height = 12/0.43 = 27.9 ft measuring level, specific gravity
must be compensated for.
Is this statement true or false?
12 psig
Water Column
1 Using tank geometry
A common unit of measurement is inches of water column
2 Measuring the weight of the water
(in H2O). 1 in H2O is the amount of pressure applied by a
one-inch column of water at 68 °F (20.0 °C). Pressure 3 Measuring the static pressure in the tank
measurements given in psi can be converted into in 4 Using mathematical calculations
When measuring water column, the high-pressure tap connects
to the vessel at the lowest level to be measured, and the
low-pressure tap is open to atmosphere. A reading of
120 inH2O from the high-pressure tap means the liquid level is
120 inches above that transmitter. If a liquid other than water is
measured, the reading is multiplied by the specific gravity of
the measured liquid to compensate for the density difference.
6. What is the definition of datum line
with respect to level measurement
using pressure transmitter?
For example, if a transmitter is mounted 12 inches below the $FWLYLWLHV
bottom of the vessel and the actual liquid level is 100 inches, a
water column gauge will read 112 inH2O. 112 inches is the
total head of the liquid above the transmitter datum, but not the
true liquid level. In contrast, if the transmitter datum is
mounted 12 inches above the bottom of the vessel, the water
column gauge will read only 88 inH2O.
To compensate for transmitter datum positioning and to make
sure the transmitter output is proportional to the measured
span, the pressure transmitter range points must be properly set.
Pressure transmitters are calibrated as follows:
T Lmax = maximum level to be measured (300 in)
T Lmin = minimum level to be measured (200 in)
T X = measured span (100 in)
T Y = distance from the transmitter datum to the minimum
level to be measured (150 in)
When the liquid level is Lmin, the pressure transmitter output
should be at its minimum value. Therefore, the
transmitter is adjusted to produce its minimum output for an
actual head measurement of Y, or 150 inH2O. The transmitter
span adjustment is set to produce a maximum output
when level is at X + Y, or 250 inH2O (Figure 2.14).
Span (X)
If a vessel is pressurized, the pressure gauge measures not only 7.. What is the pressure measured by a gauge
hydrostatic pressure resulting from the height of the liquid used for level measurement in a pressurized
column, but also the pressure above the stored liquid (P). To vessel?
solve this problem, a DP transmitter is used.
Differential Pressure Transmitter
1 Pressure due to the height of the
When a DP transmitter is used, changes in P affect the high- liquid column as well as the
and low-pressure taps of the transmitter equally, so the effects pressure above the stored liquid
of P are canceled out. 2 Pressure above the stored liquid
The high-pressure DP transmitter connected near the bottom of 3 Only the height of the liquid column.
the vessel measures hydrostatic pressure plus vapour space
pressure. The low-pressure DP transmitter connected near the
top of the vessel reads only the pressure in the vapor space.
The difference in pressure between the two transmitters
(differential pressure) is used to determine level.
Depending on the atmosphere inside the vessel, one of two 8. Which type of transmitter is
types of measurement methods is used: used for level measurement
T Dry leg system in a pressurized vessel?
T Wet leg system
Dry Leg System
Gauge pressure transmitter
The dry leg system is typically used when the gas above the Differential pressure transmitter
liquid cannot condense (e.g., nitrogen). The dry leg system
provides compensation for the pressure in the vapor space,
whether positive (above atmospheric) or negative (vacuum).
The output of the DP transmitter is proportional to liquid level
10.. When the gas above the liquid can
condense easily in a closed vessel, a
a wet leg system is used to measure
level. Is this statement true or false?
Zero Span
High-Pressure Connection
Head pressure at Lmin = inH2O produced by distance Head pressure at Lmax = inH2O produced by distance
Y(SG1) (X + Y)(SG1)
Low-Pressure Connection
Head pressure of reference leg = inH2O produced by Head pressure of reference leg = inH2O produced by
distance Z(SG2) distance Z(SG2)
Differential Pressure
Differential pressure at Lmin = High – Low Differential pressure at Lmax = High – Low
Table 2.3: Determining L and L Points (Ranging)
min max
Rosemount Technologies
The wet leg, though connected to the low side of the DP $FWLYLWLHV
transmitter, will always measure a higher pressure than the
high side of the DP transmitter because of the height of the wet 12. Which of the following process
leg. Therefore, the differential pressure measurement will be characteristics does not affect the
given in negative numbers. performance of a pressure transmitter
used for measuring level?
The objective of the wet leg calibration is to adjust the
transmitter so that the following occur:
T The transmitter output is at its minimum value when the Select all options that apply.
transmitter measures a differential pressure produced by
1 Density
liquid level Lmin minus the wet leg pressure.
2 Dielectric constant
T The transmitter output is at its maximum value when the
3 Temperature
transmitter measures a differential pressure produced by
liquid level Lmax minus the wet leg pressure. 4 Corrosiveness
5 Tendency to plug connection lines
Process Characteristics
Several process properties must be considered in order to
obtain the best performance from a pressure transmitter. One
property is the density of the fluid. Because level is a function
of head pressure and specific gravity, the density of the fluid
must be stable to obtain accurate level measurements. Fluid
density often changes as the fluid’s temperature, concentration,
or composition changes. A second measurement device is
needed to compensate for the density change. In addition, the
fluid must be homogenous. If the fluid is stratified, the
measured density may not be representative of the full quantity
of fluid.
Other process characteristics that could influence the accuracy
of the level measurement are the fluid’s temperature, tendency
to plug connection lines, and corrosiveness.
Transmitter Installation $FWLYLWLHV
Pressure transmitters are usually mounted near the bottom of 13. What are typical locations
the tank, on a side wall, or on the underside of a suspended to mount a pressure transmitter
tank. Mounting transmitters on outlets or drainage pipes, for level measurement?
especially prior to a pump, can cause a pressure drop when
starting and should be avoided. As long as the transmitters are Select all options that apply.
slightly recessed from the major impacts of agitation,
bottom-mounted pressure transmitters work well in vessels that 1 On the top of the tank
are subject to turbulence from agitation. 2 Near the bottom of the tank, on a
Pressure transmitters should be mounted where sediment will side wall
not build up on the measurement surface. Pressure transmitters 3 On a side wall, near the top of the
are immune to foam layers, which generally do not have tank
enough weight to contribute to the pressure measurement. In 4 On the underside of a suspended tank
addition, any vapors above the fluid are compensated for in a
DP system and do not interfere with the measurement.
Tank accessibility, particularly for underground tanks, may
require modification in order to use pressure transmitters.
Remote seals and bubblers are two alternatives for extending
the transmitter’s capacity to handle these problems (see
Bubbler Systems on page 40).
14. What can be used to extend a transmitter's
capability to measure level in underground
Remote seals are transmitter extensions that enable the Select all options that apply.
transmitter to avoid direct contact with the process liquid
(Figure 2.16). Remote seals are able to handle much higher 1 Dry Leg
temperatures than transmitters and are available in a wider 2 Wet Leg
range of construction materials. Remote seal styles that can be 3 Bubblers
mounted flush with the process can overcome plugging 4 Remote seals
Remote seal assemblies can cause errors in transmitter level
measurements (e.g., temperature effect, time response). In
addition, high temperatures and low pressures (high vacuums)
can combine to create some difficult applications. Therefore,
the seal assembly, which includes the seal (sensing element or
external transmitter or diaphragm), capillary (tubing that holds
the fill fluid), and fill fluid (like brake fluid), must be chosen
carefully and mounted correctly to optimize the overall
performance of the transmitter. The capillary filled with fluid
is a "Controlled" wet leg. It eliminates maintenance
associated with a wet leg.
15. Remote seals are transmitter extensions
that enable the transmitter to be in
direct contact with the process liquid.
Is this statement true or false?
In general, pressure transmitters are economical, easy to use,
and are well understood. In addition, pressure transmitters
meet electrical safety requirements as they often have
intrinsically safe electrical components and thus no associated
potential for sparks.
Level measurement accuracy in pressure transmitters can be
affected by changes in fluid density. In addition, special
precautions are required with thick, corrosive, or otherwise
hostile fluids. In addition, some fluids (e.g., paper stock) tend
to solidify as their concentration increases. Pressure
transmitters do not work well with such solidified states.
For more information on remote seals, see Rosemount
Part #00813-0100-4016.
A bubbler system consists of three main components $FWLYLWLHV
(Figure 2.17):
T Dip tube (vertical pipe extending the height of the liquid
to be measured)
T Air supply and regulator
T Pressure transmitter
100 in
Bubblers are often used when the application requires that the
process not contact the measurement device. For example, if
the holding vessel is buried, it may be impossible to mount a 17. What are the applications in which
transmitter on the vessel’s low-pressure tap. Bubblers may also bubbler systems are often used?
be used if the process is too corrosive for even special
materials to handle—that is, materials that usually stand up Select all options that apply.
well to corrosive processes. Most often, bubblers are used with
open vessels—closed-tank applications have additional 1 The device must not contact the
complications when used with bubblers, which should only be product.
2 The process is very turbulent.
used as a last resort.
3 The process is very corrosive.
BENEFITS 4 The process uses open storage
Bubbler systems offer the following benefits: 5 The process uses closed tanks.
T Enable the DP transmitter to be a top-down measurement
device, which eliminates direct contact with the process
T Only one tap is required
T Applicable to atmospheric, vacuum, and pressurized
T Applicable to tanks containing slurries or corrosive or
viscous processes
T Measured range is limited only by the available air supply
T Can measure density and interface in addition to level
T Measurement device can be relocated to any convenient
The following limitations are associated with using bubbler
systems for level measurement:
T Applicable to pressurized tanks, but only up to the
pressure of the available air supply
T Accuracy depends on the readability of the pressure
indicator and a constant, repeatable air supply
T Fluid density changes create level measurement errors
T Installation cost (labor) is high
T May not work well in viscous or sticky process fluids that
tend to clog the dip tube
T Regular preventative maintenance is required
T If air supply fails, the process material can enter the dip
tube and damage instrumentation
T Exhausted air can pick up volatile materials from the
process fluid that should not be released into the
Hydrostatic tank gauging (HTG) uses a multipoint system to $FWLYLWLHV
measure mass, volume, density, level, and temperature for
liquid inventory and process applications (Figure 2.18).
18. Which is the appropriate definition
of hydrostatic head pressure?
Mass is equal to the pressure difference between the bottom 20. In an HTG system, density cannot be
and top transmitters multiplied by the average area of the tank. calculated if the product volume is
The tank area is based on the current product level (determined _________ the middle transmitter.
by the pressure difference) and strapping table data.
1 above
Density 2 below
Density is equal to the pressure difference between the middle 3 in level with
and bottom transmitters divided by the distance between them.
Density cannot be calculated when the product level is
below the middle transmitter.
Volume is equal to the mass measurement divided by the 21. Define Heel.
density measurement.
1 The heel is the height of the process
Level is equal to the difference between the bottom and top fluid from the bottom transmitter to
pressure measurements divided by the density plus the heel. the floor of the tank.
The heel is the height of the process fluid from the bottom 2 The heel is the height of the process
transmitter to the floor of the tank. fluid between the top and middle
The head pressure measurement in an HTG system is taken transmitters.
near the bottom of the tank. Therefore, level errors caused by 3 The heel is the height of the process
roof movements during tank filling and emptying, which are fluid between the bottom and Middle
common with top-down devices, do not exist in HTG. transmitters.
A temperature measurement is taken between the bottom and 22. In a tank that is open to atmosphere,
middle pressure transmitters. The temperature measurement, the top transmitter is not needed
combined with the product’s measured density and density with an HTG system. Is this
correction factors, is used to calculate standard density and statement true or false?
standard volume values.
HTG offers the following benefits:
T Highly accurate on-line direct mass and density
T Nonintrusive device
T Can be installed without removing the tank from service
T No mechanical parts
T Capable of handling conditions up to 375 °F (190 °C) and
3,000 psi (204 bar)
When using HTG for level measurement, temperature and
density stratification and turbulence in the tank can cause
measurement inaccuracies. If the turbulence is only on the
surface of the product, it is unlikely to affect the measurement.
RADAR LEVEL FUNDAMENTALS 23. Radar devices transmit a microwave
signal to the the product surface. The
Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) technologies transmit a signal is rflected back, and the gauge
microwave signal from a radar device mounted on top of vessel measures the distance, (and determines
to the surface of the material held inside. The transmitter the level), by differentiating between
signal is reflected back to the device and the gauge measures transmitted and returned signals.
the distance (and determines the level) by differentiating Is this statement true or false?
the transmitted and returned signals. The level measurement is
determined by using the reference height of the gauge (RGH)
less the distance to the surface.
Free radiating radar sends a signal through the vapor space that 25. High frequency gauges use larger
bounces off the surface and returns to the gauge. Because it is antenna and beam width as
non-contacting, its susceptibility to corrosion is limited and it is compared to low frequency gauges.
an ideal choice for viscous, sticky, and abrasive fluids. Free Is this statement true or false?
radiating radar can frequently be used in vessels with agitators.
It can be completely isolated from the process and used with
isolation valves. Most vendors offer non-contacting versions
that can be used in applications from 1m to about 30 or 40
Reference Gauge
Height = 20 ft (6.1 m)
Tank Bottom
Beam Width
Frequency (GHz) Antenna Diameter Beam Angle
23o (For 3 DB 27. Radar gauges that operate on low
6 6 in (DN 150)
power density) frequency are less sensitive to
6 6 in (DN 200)
19o (For 3 DB vapour, foam,and contamination
power density) of antenna. Is this statement true
10 3 in (DN 80)
25o (For full beam or false?
21o (For full beam
10 4 in (DN 100)
13.7o (For full
24 3 in (DN 80)
beam width)
10.5o (For full
24 4 in (DN 100)
beam width)
FREE-RADIATING RADAR 28. The amount of reflected energy
from the fluid surface is dependent
For the free radiating radar, a good installation is the key to on its dielectric constant. Is this
success. Free radiating radar needs a clear view of the surface statement true or false?
with a smooth unobstructed, unrestricted mounting nozzle.
The measured surface needs to be relatively flat, not slanted.
Non- contacting radar gauges can handle agitation but its
success will depend on a combination of the fluid properties
and the amount of turbulence. Dielectric properties of the
medium and the surface conditions will impact the
measurement. With low dielectric process fluids, much of the
radiated energy is lost to the fluid leaving very little energy to
be reflected back to the gauge. High dielectric fluids such as
such as water, alcohols, and most acids reflect 50 to 70% of the
energy back to the gauge. Low dielectric fluids, such as many
oils and solvents, reflect back only a small amount of the
energy. A fluid with a dielectric constant of 4 only reflects 29. Bypass or Stilling wells can be used
back about 10% of the energy. If the surface is turbulent, to improve the signal in the following
whether from agitation, product blending, or splashing, more applications:
of the signal is lost. So a combination of low dielectric fluid
and turbulence can limit the return signal to a non-contacting 1 A combination of low dielectric
radar gauge. To get around this, bypass pipes or stilling wells
and turbulent processes.
can be used to isolate the surface from the turbulence.
2 viscous fluids
3 process fluids with high dielectric
Stilling Bridle
30. The microwave pulse is guided by
Guided wave radar (or Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR),
the probe in each direction. When
or Micro-Impulse Radar (MIR)) sends a low energy pulse down upper liquid has a low dielectric,
a probe or cable that bounces off the surface and back to the only a part of the energy is reflected
device. Since the probe guides the signal in each direction, a from its surface.
lower energy pulse can be used and it has a high signal to noise
ratio. Because a portion of the energy continues to travel
A portion of it continues to travel
through lowdielectric fluids, a second pulse can be detected down through the upper liquid and is
from a second surface with a higher dielectric. This by the surface of the
characteristic makes guided wave radar a good technique for second liquid with
measuring liquid/liquid interfaces (such as oil and water) and dielectric, creating a second pulse,
through some foams. Guided wave radar can be used in vessels represents the interface level. The
with tight geometry, smaller tanks, and long access nozzles. through the upper
It also works well in low dielectric, turbulent applications. layer is impacted by its dielectric constant.
Because it is not dependent on reflecting off of a "flat" Select an option from each drop-down
surface, it works wells with many powders and grains as well box and then click Submit.
as liquids with a slanted surface resulting from vortices.
upper liquid has a low di-electric,
Rosemount Technologies
Application and Installation Conditions Impact on GWR $FWLYLWLHV
While guided wave radar works in many conditions, it should
not be used in applications with sticky fluids or ones that tend
to coat heavily. Several probe styles are available and the
application, length, and mounting restrictions influence their
choice. Unless a coax-style probe is used, probes should not be
direct contact with a metallic object, as that will impact the
signal. Applications with layers of sand and sludge do not
impact the general measurement capabilities, just the lower
level limit. Small vessels and vessels with obstacles that inhibit
the use of free radiating radar are ideal places to consider using
Guided Wave. It also works well in displacer and bypass cages
for both interface and level measurements.
Hybrid inventory systems combine the advantages of an HTG $FWLYLWLHV
system with those of a radar system to provide a complete
system for precise measurements of level, volume, density, and
mass. An average temperature measurement can also be made.
In hybrid inventory systems, a highly accurate radar level
gauge is located at the top of the holding vessel to measure
level. A pressure transmitter is mounted near the bottom of the
vessel to measure the head pressure of the product
(Figure 2.21).
In a radar hybrid inventory system, the radar unit measures
product level by determining the distance from the surface of
the product to the radar device. Level is calculated by
subtracting the distance measurement from the height of the
mounted radar device.
Strapping tables reflecting the tank’s shape and level/volume
relationships are incorporated into the electronics of the radar
device (see Strapping Tables on page 9 of the Level
Terminology lesson.). Using the level measurement, the
volume of the material can then be computed.
The pressure transmitter measures the head pressure exerted by
the height of the product in the vessel. Pressure is equal to the
height of a product multiplied by the product’s specific gravity.
Therefore, the density of the material can be determined from
the head pressure reading and the level reading provided by the
radar gauge. The resulting density value of this calculation is
representative of the entire height of product.
Once level, volume, and density are determined, mass can be
derived. Because the density of the entire product is
represented, the mass measurement is more accurately
represented than with a traditional level system.
A good temperature measurement is critical for correcting
density and volume back to standard values (60 °F, 15 °C).
Standardization can be accomplished using a multipoint or
averaging temperature probe incorporated into the hybrid
system. Using the level measurement as a guide, only that
portion of the sensor covered by the product is used for an
accurate average temperature.
Using hybrid inventory systems for level measurement offers
the following benefits:
T Highly accurate level, density, mass, and volume
T Can be installed without removing the tank from service
T Radar unit can be used with or without a stilling well
T Conditions up to 375 oF (190 oC) and 150 psi (10 bar)
T Optional average temperature measurement
T Good for density-stratified products
T Can be used for mass, density, and volume measurement
of liquids.
(A) 5,431
(B) 169,130
(C) 313
(1) Bottom-up
(2) Top-down
(3) Direct
(4) Indirect
(5) Contacting
(6) Non-contacting
(A) The measuring instrument does not contact the process fluid.
(B) The measuring instrument directly contacts the process fluid.
(C) An oil dipstick is an example of this level measurement technology.
(D) Pressure Transmitters are of this technology.
(E) Mass (or some other process variable) is measured to determine level.
(F) The Measuring device is installed at the top of the tank and it may or may not
make contact with the product.
2. Match the level measurement to its correct description. You can choose the options
more than once.
(1) Continuous
(2) Single point
(3) Multipoint
(4) Indication
3. If the level measurement were required mainly to prevent spills, which level
measurement devices would you recommend? (Select two options that apply)
4. Given that high pressure (up to 5,000 psi) and high temperature (300 – 1000 °F)
conditions exist within the vessel, what would be the appropriate level measuring
6. While measuring the level, if the product is a highly viscous, sticky fluid, the customer
should consider a __________ technology such as __________.
7. For asphalt level measurement, what is the recommended technology? (Select two
options that apply)
8. Given that repeatability is more important than accuracy. While measuring the level
for a particular product, if the density is relatively constant, a Pressure Transmitter
would be a good low-cost solution. Is this statement true or false?
(1) True
(2) False
(A) Devices in this category such as a capacitance probe have no moving parts.
(B) Devices in this category never touch the process and they have no moving
(C) Devices in this category, such as a sight glass, have no electronic output.
(D) Devices in this category have a number of moving parts that produce an
electronic output for control.
(1) Hybrid inventory systems have no moving parts; this results in better reliability
and less maintenance.
(2) In addition to measuring the level and the volume (also provided by a servo
system), a hybrid inventory system measures density and mass.
(3) Hybrid inventory systems use strapping table to compensate for tank’s shape
in volume calculations.
(4) Hybrid inventory systems use only non-contact measurement devices.
2. Your customer wants to measure level in an outdoor storage tank. Currently, the
customer keeps track of inventory based on mass and thus must use the level
measurement to calculate mass. First, the customer must convert level
measurements to volume using a look-up table that relates level to volume. The
customer then needs to know the product density in order to find mass (D × V = M).
You need to use this statement to sell hydrostatic tank gauging (HTG) to this
HTG will determine __________ directly and provide the added benefit of calculating
volume, __________, and level. Changes in product __________ are automatically
compensated for in all measurements.
Which of the following is/are valid reasons for the customer to opt for a pressure
transmitter? (Select all the options that apply)
(1) A low-cost pressure transmitter would provide a level indication that can be
read remotely.
(2) The reading of the pressure transmitter is not affected by product density
(3) Level readings can be obtained without ever having to leave the office.
(4) The 4–20 mA signal from the transmitter can be brought back to a control
system or to an indicator in the control room.
5. Low-frequency radar gauges are more sensitive to vapor, foam, and contamination of
the antenna. Is this statement true or false?
(1) True
(2) False
6. A manager of a soft drink plant wants to measure the level of liquid in tanks for
inventory purposes. He believes that radar technologies are too expensive, difficult to
install, and take up too much valuable tank space.
Which of these advantages would help convince the manager to use radar
technology? (Select the all the options that apply)
(1) Radar gauges have no moving parts so you can recover and save costs in
the long run with lower maintenance costs.
(2) New radar gauges incorporate advanced electronics, which minimize the
effects of size, weight, and cost.
(3) Radar gauges can be installed anywhere on the top of the vessel.
(4) Dielectric constant of the soft drink is high enough to reflect back sufficient
microwave energy.
1. B, E, D, C, A
1. 1, 2, 2
2. B, C, A
1. 1
2. 1, 3
3. 1, 4
4. 3
5. 1
6. 3, 2
7. 1
8. 1
1. C, D, A, B
1. 4
2. 3, 2, 2
3. 1, 3, 4
4. 1, 2, 3
5. 2
6. 1, 2, 4
7. 2
1. 3
2. 4
3. 3
4. 3
Level Terminology
1. 2,3,5
2. 1
3. 1,3,4,5
4. 2,3,5
5. 2
6. 3
7. True
8. True
9. 3
10. 5
11. True
12. 32, 195.8
13. more
14. 2
15. False
16. 2,4
17. 3,4,5
18. 1,3,4
19. False
Device Selection
1. 2
2. 1
3. 3
4. True
5. 1,3,5
6. False
7. 1
8. 1,2,4,5
9. True
10. 2,3,5
11. 4
1. 1
2. 4,5
3. 2,4
4. False
5. 3,3
6. 1,5
7. True
Rosemount Technologies
1. 1
2. 1,2
3. 3
4. True
5. 4
6. 3
7. 1
8. 2
9. 2
10. True
11. 1,3
12. 2
13. 2,4
14. 3,4
15. False
16. 1,4,5
17. 1,3,4
18. 1
19. False
20. 2
21. 1
22. True
23. True
24. 1,2,3
25. False
26. 2,3
27. True
28. True
29. 1
30. True
31. 1,3,4,5