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The Knowledge School: Name: Subject: Biology Class: 9 Total Marks: 75 Time: 3 Hour

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Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T.MARKS


NOTE:All questions of this section are compulsory , and should be completed within alloted time , and
over writing or cutting or use of correction pen is not allowed.Don not use lead pencil.

Q1. Choose the best possible answer i.e. A /B/C/D. Each part carries 1 mark each.
1. Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time makes a
a. Habitat b . biosphere c. Community d. Population

2. Which of the tissue makes the glandular tissue

a. Epithelial b. Connective c. Muscular d. Nervous

3. What is true about volvox

a. Unicellular prokaryotes b. Unicellulr eukaryotes c. Collonial eukaryotes
d. Multicellular eukaryotes

4. Which of these bioelements is in the highest percentage in protoplasm.

a. C b. H c. O d. N

5. Which one is not a characteristics of hypothesis ?

a. Must be consistent to all available data b. Must be testable
c. Must be correct d. Must make predictions

6. At which point is a biologist most likely to use reasoning?

a. While taking observations b. During data organizations
c. During hypothesis formulations d. none of the above

7. A scientific theory has which of the following properties ?

a. It agrees with available evidence b. It cannot be rejected
c. It has been absolutely proven d. It does not need to b altered in the light
of new evidence.

8. Experimentation is only a step of the scientific process , but it is very important because it
always __________________
a. Gives the biologist a correct result b. Allow rejection of some alternative
hypothesis c. Ensures that hypothesis can be confirmed with certainty
d. Gives scientists a chance to work in a laboratory

9. Classification means the grouping of organisms on the basis of

a. How they feed b. How they respire c. The features they have common
d. How they can survive.

10. Viruses are not classified into any kingdom because

a. They are too poorly understood b. They are too small c. Their genetics cannot be
determined d. They are not considered as organisms

11. Viruses are assigned to the kingdom

a. Monera b. Protista c. Fungi d. None of these

12. A related group of genera comprises

a. An order b. A family c. A class d. A phylum



Q2: Attempt any 11 parts .The answer of each part should not exceed more than 3 or 4
lines. 11X3=33

1.Define Genetics, Anatomy , Morphology , Physiology

2. What is horticulture
3.What do you know about Jabir-bin-Hayan and write its contributions
4.What is the scientic name or biological name of mustard plant and frog.
5. Illustrate the methods used in solving the biological problems.
6. Write the observations of A.K.A for malaria
7.What are the difference between theory and law
8.What is biodiversity
9.What is taxonomical hierarchy
10.Enumerate the 5 kingdom system
11.Write the status of virus in 5 kingdom system.
12.What are the difference between prions and viroid
13.What is the difference significance of binomial nomenclature
14. What is the importance of biodiversity
15. Define parasitology , Embryology , Physiology, Biophysics, taxonomy.


NOTE: Attempt any 2 questions from the following each question carries equal marks.
1. Define biology and its branches
2. a. What is 5 kingdom system
b. Defien species and draw the taxonomical hierarchy.
3. What is endangered species and explain endangered species of Pakistan.
b. Explain the effects of deforestation and over hunting.


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