The Knowledge School: Name: Subject: Biology Class: 9 Total Marks: 75 Time: 3 Hour
The Knowledge School: Name: Subject: Biology Class: 9 Total Marks: 75 Time: 3 Hour
The Knowledge School: Name: Subject: Biology Class: 9 Total Marks: 75 Time: 3 Hour
Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T.MARKS
Q1. Choose the best possible answer i.e. A /B/C/D. Each part carries 1 mark each.
1. Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time makes a
a. Habitat b . biosphere c. Community d. Population
8. Experimentation is only a step of the scientific process , but it is very important because it
always __________________
a. Gives the biologist a correct result b. Allow rejection of some alternative
hypothesis c. Ensures that hypothesis can be confirmed with certainty
d. Gives scientists a chance to work in a laboratory