CFD Books
CFD Books
CFD Books
Ferziger, J. H. and M. Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 1996, Springer
Verlag, New York, ISBN 3-540-59434-5.
Patankar, Suhas V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 1980, Hemisphere
Publishing Co., New York, ISBN 0-89116-522-3.
Peyret, R., Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 1996, Academic Press, San
Diego, ISBN 1-12-532200-3.
Peyret, R. and T. D. Taylor, Computational Methods for Fluid Flow, 1983, Springer
Verlag, New York, ISBN 0-387-13851-X.
Applied Mathematics
Golub, Gene H. and James M. Ortega, Scientific Computing and Differential Equations:
An Introduction to Numerical Methods, 1992, Academic Press, San Diego, ISBN 0-12-
Lick, W. J., Difference Equations from Differential Equations, 1989, Springer Verlag,
New York, ISBN 0-387-50739-6.
Morton, K. W., Numerical Solution of Convection-Diffusion Problems, 1996, Chapman
and Hall, London, ISBN 0-412-56440-8.
Special Types of Flows and Numerical Methods
Deville, M. O., P. F. Fischer, and E. H. Mund, High –Order Methods for Incompressible
Fluid Flow, 2002, Cambridge University Press, New York, ISBN 0-521-45309-7.
Metais, O. and J. Ferziger (editors), New Tools in Turbulence Modeling, 1997, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-63090-2.
Lesieur, Marcel, Turbulence in Fluids, 3rd Edition, 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-4416-2.
Reddy, J. N. and D. K. Gartling, The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and Fluid
Dynamics, 1994, CRC Press, Boca Raton, ISBN 0-8493-9410-4.
Toro, E. F., Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, A Practical
Introduction, 1997, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-61676-4.
Turek, Stefan, Efficient Solvers for Incompressible Flow Problems: An Algorithmic and
Computational Approach, 1999, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-65433-X.
Modeling Geophysical Flows
Durran, Dale R., Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics, Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN 0-387-98376-7.