“It’s a war without a clear enemy. Anything waged against a shapeless intangible
noun can never truly be won” said by known U.S. drug czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey in
1996. And yet, for how many years the U.S. government has spent over trillions of dollar
fighting the war on drugs. Not just the U.S. has experienced this kind of dilemma but
mainly the whole world has tackled this rampant and abusive case on illegal drugs.
Despite the campaigns, increased in incarcerations rates, penalties, and crackdown on
smuggling the number of illicit drug users in the world has raised over the years.
In the Philippines the illegal drug issue remains a serious national concern. Two
of the most used and valuable illegal drugs in the country are methamphetamine
hydrochloride (shabu) and marijuana. Ephedrine and methylenedioxy
methamphetamine are also among the list of illegal drugs that are of great concern to
the authorities.