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“It’s a war without a clear enemy. Anything waged against a shapeless intangible
noun can never truly be won” said by known U.S. drug czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey in
1996. And yet, for how many years the U.S. government has spent over trillions of dollar
fighting the war on drugs. Not just the U.S. has experienced this kind of dilemma but
mainly the whole world has tackled this rampant and abusive case on illegal drugs.
Despite the campaigns, increased in incarcerations rates, penalties, and crackdown on
smuggling the number of illicit drug users in the world has raised over the years.

In the Philippines the illegal drug issue remains a serious national concern. Two
of the most used and valuable illegal drugs in the country are methamphetamine
hydrochloride (shabu) and marijuana. Ephedrine and methylenedioxy
methamphetamine are also among the list of illegal drugs that are of great concern to
the authorities.

The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency identified that the mountainous parts of

Northern Luzon, Eastern Visayas and Mindanao are viable for marijuana cultivation.
Marijuana produced in the country is distributed locally and is also exported to other
countries. Local distribution of marijuana increased in 2012 despite destruction of illegal
marijuana plantations.

Drug syndicates have been producing methamphetamine in small-scale and

kitchen-type laboratories to avoid detection by the Philippine authorities since 2010.
Usually, drug syndicates rent warehouses for use as drug laboratories. These
syndicates have moved towards renting houses in private subdivisions, condominiums
and apartments to be used as bases for their illegal drug production. Private properties
are becoming more favorable to drug syndicates as sites of illegal drug production.
Methamphetamine remains more feasible to sell in the Philippines than cocaine, a more
costly illegal drug.
Owing to its geographical location, international drug syndicates use the
Philippines as a transit hub for the illegal drug trade. Some local drug syndicates are
also involved in the international illegal drug trade, and utilize drug mules to transport
small amounts of illegal drugs to other countries. Some overseas Filipino workers have
been utilized by drug syndicates as drug mules, either knowingly or unknowingly. Most
Filipino drug mules, mainly women, are sent to China, where drug convicts will face
execution via lethal injection. The Ninoy Aquino International Airport has been identified
as a favorable illegal drug trafficking hub.
Some Filipinos choose to be involved in drug trafficking due to the promise of a
high income. Some still participate in such illicit activity because they are forced by
certain circumstances. There were reports in the past that some Filipinos, usually
women, were forced and blackmailed by drug. syndicates to work as drug couriers, and
if they refused, their family's safety would be compromised. The Manila-based firm,
Pacific Strategies & Assessments, identified the Philippines as, "not only a
transshipment point, but also a key producer of synthetic drugs for all of Asia" in a report
made in 2009.In December 2013, The Philippine National Police- Anti-Illegal Drugs
Special Operations Task Force and the Philippine Drug Enforcement confirmed reports
that the MexicanSinaloa Cartel had started operations in the country.
There is no empirical study that has been conducted in this particular situation.
Hence the researchers of this said study, as a future law enforcer would focus on the
investigation, specifically on the student’s knowledge and their attitude towards anti-
illegal drugs during Duterte administration.

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