Comparison of Treadmill Based and Track Based Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test For Estimating Aerobic Capacity in Healthy Adults Ages 30-50 Years
Comparison of Treadmill Based and Track Based Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test For Estimating Aerobic Capacity in Healthy Adults Ages 30-50 Years
Comparison of Treadmill Based and Track Based Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test For Estimating Aerobic Capacity in Healthy Adults Ages 30-50 Years
Short Communication
The aim of the present paper was to compare the treadmill based submaximal test with the standard
field based submaximal test to estimate aerobic power in Indian middle aged population. Study type is
correlational study based on cross-sectional survey. 40 subjects aged 30-50 years were randomly
selected following specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. 1-mile walk test was conducted 3 times (2
times on treadmill and 1 time on track) with at least 4 days gap in-between the tests. Aerobic power
was calculated using standard formula. Data was analysed using IBM-SPSS software (version 21.0).
Treadmill based tests estimated higher aerobic power than track based test. There was a moderate
correlation between track based and treadmill based aerobic power estimation (r 0.640). The
relationship was excellent between the treadmill based tests (r 0.960). This study shows treadmill
based 1-mile walk test is a reproducible test in Indian middle aged population.
Key Words: Walk test, Exercise test, Oxygen consumption, Middle aged, Human
of correlation decreased when the values We assumed that since both time and
were correlated with track based VO2 max HR are in equation for calculation of
(r 0.640 for T1 and 0.646 for T2). VO2 max, intensity of effort would not
influence the VO2 max estimation as latter
has negative association with HR (i.e. if
intensity of effort high, individual would
finish short duration with higher HR). But
the results of this study suggests that
whenever the duration of completing the
distance exceeds 20 minutes, it affects the
value of VO2 max greater than the end HR.
Hence while selecting the speed of
treadmill, it should be 5 at starting
point and speed should be adjusted with HR
(120 to 160 beats.min-1) in this population.
If the HR is above 160 beats.min-1 speed of
the treadmill should be reduced and if it is
below 120 beats.min-1 speed of the treadmill
DISCUSSION should be increased to get the appropriate
The objective of this paper was to values of VO2 max of the individual. Thus,
see whether treadmill based 1-mile walk test initial selection of speed followed by
is a better way of estimating VO2 max than adjusting the speed according to HR is
standard track based method in middle aged important for appropriate estimation of VO2
Indian population. The results showed that max.
there is excellent correlation between two
trails of treadmill walking whereas CONCLUSION
moderate correlation is observed between Treadmill based 1 mile walk test is a
treadmill based and track based walking reliable method to estimate VO2 max in
tests. Treadmill based walking test estimates middle aged Indian population. It could be
higher VO2 max than track based walk test. used as indirect method to assess aerobic
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