Demon The Fallen Core
Demon The Fallen Core
Demon The Fallen Core
Table of Contents God and the Heavenly Host, all they know is that they are
free, and in a World of Darkness.
Factions pg. 2
Demon Template pg. 4
Innate Powers pg. 5
Demon Mechanics pg. 14
Houses of the Fallen pg. 8
o Devil pg. 8
o Scourge pg. 10
o Malefactor pg. 12
o Fiend pg. 14
o Defiler pg. 16
o Devourer pg. 18
o Slayer pg. 20
Lores pg. 23
o Common Lores pg. 24
o Devil Lores pg. 26
o Scourge Lores pg. 29
o Malefactor Lores pg. 31
o Fiend Lores pg. 34
o Defiler Lores pg. 37
o Devourer Lores pg. 40
o Slayer Lores pg. 43
Innate Powers can be forced out of her host’s body by exorcism
or supernatural powers that end possession. A
Handling Physical Damage demon forced out of its host body must find
Instant Action: The Demon can spend a Faith another host to possess or be drawn back into the
point to heal all Bashing or 1 Lethal damage. Abyss.
Reflexive Action: The Demon may spend a Faith Invocations (Composure + Resolve)
point to automatically succeed to stay conscious if The power of a Demon’s Celestial (or True) name
they have suffered Bashing damage in their last is such that speaking it, even in conversation, is
health box, even after a failed roll. enough to allow that Demon to attempt and scry
Reflexive Action: If the Demon is bleeding to the speaker. Multiple Invocations at a time are
death, they may spend a point of Faith to stabilize possible.
themselves, even if they are unconscious. No roll needed between a Demon and her Thrall.
Supernatural Awareness Dramatic Failure: No information about the
Always On: Demons are attuned to the fabrics of speaker is gained.
Creation. With any overt powers being used (ST’s Failure: Mental image of the speaker.
discretion in what is "overt") The Demon is aware
something is happening. This awareness extends Success: Visual information of speaker's
out for number of kilometers equal to Glory. surrounding, and a vague sense of their direction.
Regaining Faith points Enhancement: The Demon gives the mortal the
power to manifest one of their Apocalyptic Forms.
Reaping – This only works on a mortal once. The (Torment Forms causes the gain of a Torment point.)
Demon must make the person believe that they are
truly an Angel, Demon or other supernatural Evocation: The Demon grants the Thrall the power
creature. They must do more than Revelation, they to perform one of their 1st or 2nd level Evocations.
must also interact with that human in a meaningful (The mortal effectively has a Glory rating of 1.)
way (good or bad). The ST decides if the Health: All diseases and derangements vanish, and
interaction in the scene counts and allows a roll to from that point on they have +3 dice to resist disease,
see if the Demon reaps 1 point of Faith. (but no special resistances to new derangements).
Roll: Composure + Resolve + Glory or Torment Merit: Thrall gains two Merit points that can be used
for any non-Social Merits (Exception: Striking
(Exceptional success means 2 Faith is reaped.) Looks).
Pacts – Faith is subjective and not a hard and fast Resistance: +1 to Resolve, Stamina and Composure.
rule, those with different faiths, or even those with
no real knowledge of their own religion can still Revelation
have high amounts of Faith. It need not even be in As an Instant Action, a Demon may look into a
a god of any type; it could simply be a profound mortal’s eyes and intentionally cause Revelation. The
feeling within that surrenders to a force greater mortal rolls Resolve + Composure (If the same
than themselves. That is the key, how much the mortal ever experiences Revelation again they have
individual surrenders to their belief of supernatural +2 dice on this roll). They must get as many
guidance. The Demon must link themselves to that successes as the stun chart (depending on Glory). If
individual's belief for a Pact to be made. The they fail, they are in awe or horrified and likely (not
Demon then provides the mortal a service (even if always) will not do anything but stand and stare
that service is just using the mortal's own faith to raptly (or some might attempt to use their Faith to
Empower them), in return the mortal provides the repel them).
Demon with daily Faith. Finalizing a pact is If threatened, they flee and rationalize the whole
simple. The Demon offers to fulfill a desire of the experience away. If they succeed it is still a profound
mortal’s in exchange for the mortal's devotion or experience but they can be rational.
worship. If the mortal agrees, the Demon spends a
point of Willpower and fulfills the mortal's wish to Death
seal the pact. This makes the mortal a “Thrall”. After death there are two full turns spent retracting
The pact fails if the Demon does not hold up her the Demon's spirit from their host. This is when they
end of the deal or if it is refused. Once created, are vulnerable to being Cannibalized by another
only the Demon can break the Pact. The Demon Demon. After extraction the Demon hovers, seeing
receives half of the mortal’s Faith on a daily basis others by their souls (they glow) and physical objects
(round down). The remaining point(s) go toward at half opacity. The Demon can move through walls
"Empowering the Mortal". A mortal’s Faith Rank and fly at a speed of Glory kilometers each turn.
can change over time. The Demon receives this Also, each turn the Demon must make a successful
Faith at dawn (where the mortal is). Resolve + Composure roll or lose a Glory dot. If they
cannot lose Glory they will be sucked back to hell.
Humans have a Faith Rank between 1-5
Possessing a Host is automatic, but finding a viable
Examples: Spiritually Barren - 1, Average - 2, host is hard (it must be someone that has recently
Devoted - 3, Zelous - 4, Fanatic - 5. died within the past few minutes and has a nature
Empowering the Mortal similar to the Demon’s). The odds depend on the
area. For large cities roll 3 dice a turn, for smaller
Each Faith point reserved for the mortal is used to towns 1 dice and for deserted areas roll a chance die.
bestow any one of the following gifts: A single success is needed to find a suitable vessel.
Stats: Raise any Attribute by 2 or Skill by 4.
Possessing an Item instead is possible but very rare, encompasses the whole truth of the Demon. These
few items are appropriate to possess. It must be a truths are represented in a number of Parts. Only a
stand-alone object like a chalice, not a gear in a Demon can verbally impart the meaning of a True
machine or an entire factory, and must resonate with Name for another individual to hear and then
human emotion. The odds of finding a suitable item understand. Non-Demons cannot impart this
is a chance roll, but the Demon only gets to make this knowledge to others.
roll once to find an appropriate item.
Whispers: Every time a Demon spends more than
If Successful in possessing a new host the Demon one Faith point in an area (100 cu. meters) in the
loses 1 Glory (down to a minimum of 1) and they can same scene, they leave behind spiritual whispers of
gain +1 Torment Rank (if host's Integrity is 4 or their True Name. Demons and Non-Demons can hear
below) or -1 Torment Rank (if host's Integrity is 7 or these whispers in their mind if they are silent and
above). Possessing an item makes them an completely still for one minute within that given area,
Earthbound (being an Earthbound eventually leads to but it must be within an hour of the Demon's
a Torment of 10, given time). Also, Demons can expenditures (listeners roll dice equal to the number
theoretically be summoned back out of hell with the of Faith points spent beyond 1). Achieving one or
proper ritual. Each ritual must be tailored to the more successes reveals just one part of that Demon’s
specific Demon. Some Demon's invest the ritual to True Name. (The listener always learns a new part of
their Thralls, but they would also have to give their the True Name until they know it all.)
True Name, and most do not do that.
(Whispers is only enacted once for each listener, for
Final Destruction each event of the Demon’s overt Faith expenditure.)
Cannibalizing another Demon is the only way to Each Demon has a number of Parts equal to Glory +
truly destroy a Demon. A cannibalizing Demon must Torment + Lores known
be within arm's reach of the one that just died. The Possessing the full True Name of a Demon grants:
consumer inhales their essence as a Contested
Torment + Glory roll. Target number: Opponent’s Knowledge of the Demon’s Virtue, Vice, Merits,
Glory Skills, Attributes, Lore and Apocalyptic Forms.
If Cannibalized, all the victim’s Faith Points and Invocation Links can automatically be achieved.
Glory are absorbed. If the victim’s Glory was higher +5 Dice for all contested rolls against that Demon,
than the consumer then the consumer gains one free including all combat rolls against that Demon.
Glory dot. Also, for each point of Glory the victim
had, the consumer automatically learns a significant
memory from the victim. (e.g. another Demon’s True
Name, location of an ancient relic). Also, each dot of
Glory of the victim’s may be spent to gain one of
these three benefits:
Raise a Skill by 2 (Only if they had that rank.)
Raise an Attribute by 1 (If they had that stat.)
Gain a dot in their Primary Lore (If they had the
new rank desired. [e.g. 3 Glory dots could be used to
learn their 1st, 2nd & 3rd dot of their Primary Lore.])
Regardless of the outcome, attempt to Cannibalize
another Elohim raises the Torment Rank of the
aggressor by one.
True Name
A Demon's True Name is not only words, they are
sounds that represent a much deeper meaning that
rebel. After the Luciferans, many Devils find
Houses of the Fallen themselves drawn to the Faustians who do not seek
to glorify humanity, but use them to return to power.
Devil (Namaru) The Cryptics are desperate to learn the truth about
The First House created by God, leaders on both the Fall, their mentor, and the true cause of their
damnation. Few Devils belong to the Reconciler &
sides of the rebellion, the Devils' affinity is for
Ravener factions, largely because they cannot make
radiance, enabling them to command mortal and
themselves believe that the rebellion was in error.
Elohim alike, as well as having power over fire.
Powerful, charming leaders. Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms
Favored Attributes: Intelligence, Presence, Bel, Visage of the Celestials
Manipulation These Devils are luminous, lordly angels, radiating
Typical Virtue and Vice: Justice and Pride divine grandeur and authority. Their skin
literally glows, possessing an aura of golden light
House Lore: Lore of the Celestials, Lore of Flame,
that shifts in intensity with their moods. Their eyes
Lore of Radiance blaze with the cold light of the stars. Despite their
As Angels: God's first and most magnificent actual appearance, these Fallen seem to tower over
servitors, the Heralds carried the Lord's standard, everyone around them.
bringing His light to illuminate all of Creation. These As the Bel lose themselves to their dark nature,
greatest of all angels were the leaders and princes of their authority remains as strong as ever, but the glow
the Celestials. More Devils than any other House that suffused them dims to a sullen red as scales
joined Lucifer in their rebellion against God. cover their skin. Their wings turn leathery, and their
The Pitt: The Rebels were cast into The Pitt. With eyes become as black as the void. Where once they
Lucifer missing, the other demons turned upon their were noble, they are now a tyrant.
former leaders in anger. To defend themselves, and
Angelic Form
to mask their own doubt, the Devils used their
powers of charisma and deception to turn the other Enhanced Social Traits: +4 dots to Social
demons upon each other. Attributes (selected at creation).
The Return: Reminded of their past glories, many Extra Action: As a Reflexive Action spend a Faith
Devils aspire to make humanity bend knee in service point. Gain one extra action. This action takes
to the once angels. Often, they seek to create a place at the end of the turn.
hierarchy and order within their influence, with them
returning to the role of leader. Lordly Mien: +2 Expression, +2 Intimidation and
+2 Persuasion.
Possession: Devils are attracted to mortals who are
charmers and deceivers. To those who are willing to Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is
abandon everything in pursuit of power and equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a
influence. Good examples of such people are standing position is possible if there is ample
politicians, executives, musicians, actors and room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not
charismatic preachers. Whether they are the shining typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed
knights of Heaven or the black paladins of Hell, can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At
Devils have always been heroes. Within the tainted full extension of each wing is a third again the
spirit of a Devil remains a core of heroism and character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would
nobility, no matter how twisted, and they also have two 8 feet wings).
respond to mortals who possess those qualities.
Demonic Form
Factions: Devils have found their way to the
upper echelons of several major factions.
Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs.
Unsurprisingly, most Devils are Luciferans, still Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength +
loyal to the vision and dream of the first and greatest Brawl. Lethal (2).
Dread Gaze: Reflexive Action. A mortal (one a Scales: +1 Armor (1/1). Every instance of Lethal
turn) who meets the eyes of the Devil lose their damage has the first 3 points get downgraded to
next action. Bashing.
Scales: +1 Armor (1/1). Every instance of Lethal
damage has the first 3 points get downgraded to Qingu, Visage of Radiance
Qingu appear as incandescent figures wreathed in
Sense the Hidden: +5 dice on any rolls to find any a corona of jewel-like colors. Their features have
who have spoken the Demon’s Celestial/True more in common with the smooth perfection of
Name before. marble than with human skin. Their voices are pure
as crystal and cuts through the petty din of the mortal
world like a razor.
Nusku, Visage of the Flames
As torment rises, the colors of their aura become
These demons reveal themselves in a blaze of muted, flaring up in angry reds and blues when they
yellow-orange light. Their skin glows with the grow angry. Their voices become the thing of
brilliance of the sun. Open flames flare brightly in nightmares, and whispers of madness emanate from
their presence and seem to bow toward their master the edges of perception.
as the flames are drawn to the divinity in their midst.
Their eyes appear as burnished gold, and when Angelic Form
angered, the Nusku radiate palpable waves of heat Inhuman Allure: +2 Presence. Gain 2 ranks (four
from their massive bodies. dots) in Striking Looks merit.
As the Nusku become consumed by their demonic Radiant Aura: Enemies have a -2 penalty when
nature, their skin turns black like smoke and seems to physically striking or shooting the Devil.
seethe with patterns of molten red that pulse with the
demon's beating heart. Their eyes glow like coals, Spark of Faith: Touch mortal. Instant Action. Heal
and their thick hair writhes in a spectral wind. Horns all their Bashing damage, heal 1 Lethal damage
and tail complete their demonic appearance and downgrade one point of Aggravated Damage
to Lethal (in this order), as well as restore one
Angelic Form
point of Willpower. This only works on any given
Damage Resistance: Ignore wound penalties. mortal once per day.
Remain active even if health boxes are filled with
Bashing and/or Lethal. Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is
equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a
Immunity to Fire: Demon is immune to Fire. Also, standing position is possible if there is ample
any non-living object the demon is touching is also room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not
granted immunity to fire damage (if desired). typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed
Improved Initiative: +4 Initiative. can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At
full extension of each wing is a third again the
Increased Size: +1 Strength and Size character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would
Demonic Form have two 8 feet wings).
Horns: Lethal (0) attack. Dice pool is Strength + Demonic Form
Size. Corrosive Spit: Bite attacks deal +1 Aggravated
Lashing Tail: Long reptilian tail tipped with a damage. Spit attack up to 10 feet away: Dexterity +
curved barb. 1 free attack with tail (at end of turn). Athletics – Defense. Success means 1 Aggravated
Strength + Athletics dice pool. Lethal (0). damage (max).
Molten Blood: Every drop of blood from the Devil Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended
will catch on fire with any object that it comes in mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can
contact with.
potentially bite through and digest any material. laid down their lives to protect another (e.g. military
Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2). personnel, devoted parents). Many Scourge also have
an affinity with those that seek to control lives,
The Host: Shadows shift at the edges of perception protecting humanity sometimes involves taking over
and whisper twisted truths. All others within seven (e.g. preachers, doctors).
yards of the Devil and who have equal or lower
Willpower than the Devil’s Torment have -2 dice Factions: The most hopeful Scourges tend toward
for all actions (those with greater Willpower still the Reconciler camp. The concept of a world healed
receive a -1 dice modifier). is more tempting to them than the alternative. Other
Scourges continue to pledge fealty to Lucifer,
Voice of the Damned: +5 dice bonus on believing that he somehow escaped the rage of the all
Expression, Intimidation & Subterfuge Rolls (does punishing God, and that he would have the key to
not include Evocations). sparing humanity. Faustians find few Scourges in
their numbers; The Second House was, and in some
Scourge (Asharu) way still is, intimately concerned with the safety of
The Angels of the Firmament are the Second humanity. They may bless or curse, but coldly using
House. They were the ones who guided the winds people as tools doesn't come naturally. Though some
of creation, who granted the breath of life to all become Raveners, very few Scourges find value in
joining the Cryptics' debating society.
living things, and who defined the spiritual
connections between living beings. Beings of life,
health and air.
Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms
Favored Attributes: Wits, Resolve, Stamina
Dagan, Visage of Awakenings
Typical Virtue and Vice: Faith and Wrath
The Apocalyptic form of the masters of
House Lore: Lore of Awakening, Lore of the animation infuses the angel's mortal body with the
Firmament, Lore of the Winds blush of youth, grace and vibrant health. This aura
As Angels: The Guardian Angels had an enviable of life and vitality radiates as a palpable sense of
role in Paradise. Entrusted with carrying the sacred warmth, like a beam of sunlight, and every living
Breath of Life and protecting that life, their duties being near the Dagan feels it. Wilted flowers return
brought them in close contact with their beloved to full bloom, the injured gain strength and the old
humanity. But even as they keenly felt the pleasure forget their afflictions.
of humanity's presence, they felt more keenly the As their demonic nature corrupts the Dagan,
pain of humanity's frustration. The nearness was both their bodies transform into a breeding ground for
torment and elation, and the tension drove many of disease and cancerous tumors. They are covered
the Guardians to rebel along with Lucifer.
with misshapen growths and weeping sores, and
The Pitt: The Scourges suffered at least as greatly their foul flesh smells of death.
as any others in The Pitt. The pain of being unable to
Angelic Form
protect the humans they once loved, and knowing
that their curse made every human doomed to die Aura of Vitality: Non-Demon life forms within
was a great torment as they dwelled in darkness. yards equal to Glory heal a point of bashing every
The Return: Scourges were once the parents to turn.
humanity—indeed, all life— and the needful call of Cast No Reflection: The Demon’s image is not
one of their children still draws their attention. visible in any reflective surfaces or caught on any
But this world, the wreckage of Paradise, is full of type of camera.
fears, real and imagined. A Scourge may be drawn to Enhanced Dodge: +3 Defense.
genuine fear, only to find that it is for selfish reasons.
Extra Health Levels: +4 Health boxes. (When this
Possession: Scourges are drawn to those who Form ends, any wounds suffered remain & may
know what it means to sacrifice, to those who have cause incapacitation/death.)
Demonic Form Sense the Hidden: +5 dice on all rolls to find any
who have spoken the Demon’s Celestial/True
Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended
Name before.
mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can
potentially bite through and digest any material. Demonic Form
Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2). Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended
Miasma: Once per scene. Instant Action. Exhale mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can
breath that smells of gangrenous rot. In square potentially bite through and digest any material.
meters equal to Torment, all living, breathing Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2).
creatures in path of exhalation lose 2 turns if they Caustic Bile: Once per scene. Instant Action.
do not roll successful: Stamina + Glory - 2. May Project a stream of acidic bile. Range is meters
cause disease (ST discretion). equal to Torment. Roll Dexterity + Athletics –
Sense the Hidden: +5 dice on all rolls to find any Defense. If hit, the target takes 2 Aggravated this
who have spoken the Demon’s Celestial/True turn, then 1 on the next turn and then finally 1
Name before. more Aggravated on the third turn. (Totaling 4.)
Viscous Flesh: Foul diseased flesh sloughs off the Extra Action: As a Reflexive action spend a Faith
Scourge. Any who come in skin to skin contact or point. Gain one extra action. This action takes
breath within 3 feet of the rotting flesh (up to one place at the end of the turn.
hour after being shed) rolls Stamina + Glory, if Lashing Tail: Long reptilian tail tipped with a
they fail, they contract the black plague (or another curved barb. 1 free attack with tail (at end of turn).
deadly disease). +4 on rolls to escape grapple. Strength + Athletics dice pool. Lethal (0).
feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving House Lore: Lore of the Earth, Lore of the Forge,
within 7 yards). +5 to all Perception rolls. Lore of Paths
Immune to Falling Damage: This specifically As Angels: On the third day, God separated the
prevents damage the Demon would have acquired seas from the land, and He gave stewardship of the
from falling to the ground. land to the Artificers. These Celestials governed,
and loved the earth and all that lay within it. To
Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is
them was given an affinity with soil, stone and
equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a
most especially, with metal.
standing position is possible if there is ample
room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not The Pitt: When the rebels lost the war and were
typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed imprisoned in Hell, the Malefactors found it
can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At difficult to cope, separated from the earth that was
full extension of each wing is a third again the their reason for being. They became cold and
character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would withdrawn, preferring careful, calculated acts of
have two 8 feet wings). vengeance and cruelty to brash upheavals of
wanton rage.
Demonic Form
The Return: Released from Hell, Malefactors
Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs.
find themselves in a world transformed. Humanity
Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength +
has finally embraced the use of tools and become a
Brawl. Lethal (2).
race of makers, but in doing so, they have ravaged
Cloak of Shadows: +3 on all Stealth rolls. In dark the earth and left it wounded and unloved.
shadows you become invisible.
Possession: Malefactors gravitate toward souls
Mist: Instant action. Mist appears at the beginning that are as emotionally damaged as their own.
of the next turn, heavily obscuring a 200 meter Those feeling something lacking in their lives;
radius for 1 scene. It only lasts 2 minutes if there is drug addicts, the ugly or disfigured, people who
a strong wind. It induces cough, and every living, cling to abusive spouses or teenagers trying to
breathing creature in the area has -1 penalty on all modify themselves with tattoos and piercings.
rolls. Also, those more comfortable with machines than
Quills: Each turn, one opponent within meters other people.
equal to Torment at the end of turn takes 1 Lethal Factions: Most Malefactors are Faustians.
damage as a Quill shoots off the Scourge's body Using their penchant for manipulating humans
and into a victim, though damage will be prevented with their poisoned chalices and cursed gifts.
if they have 2 points or more of ballistic armor. Reconcilers form the next largest group, for all
their attempts to stop caring about the world, these
demons can never truly sever their link to the land
Malefactor (Annunaki) and nature. Cryptics bend their natural cunning and
intelligence toward unraveling the mysteries of the
The Third House were the makers of form, the war and the Fall. For many Malefactors, this often
shapers of Creation. They defined spatial keeps them from direct contact with people.
relationships, the paths from one place to another. Luciferan Malefactors are not very common. Most
Theirs is the power to shape the earth, create paths were too damaged to retain faith in their lost
and to make astonishing artifacts. Beings of earth leader. As for Raveners, very few acquire a taste
and magnificent gifts. for pure destruction, but when they do they are
Favored Attributes: Intelligence, Strength, often exceedingly wicked.
Typical Virtue and Vice: Charity and Greed
Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms
Kishar, Visage of the Earth
These angels manifest as towering figures with Mummu, Visage of the Forge
earth toned skin that ranges from a creamy brown The angels of the forge appear almost as statues
to pitch black, and they appear as though hewn hammered from the black iron of the earth, and
from stone, on a frame devoid of soft flesh. The their eyes shine like disks of burnished brass. Their
Kishar are hairless, and the irises of their eyes have voices are deep, like the roar of a furnace. When in
the clarity and color of gemstones. The air about their Apocalyptic Form, the Mummu are immune
them smells of freshly turned earth, rich with the to extremes of fire. They can handle hot coals as
promise of life. mortals do ice cubes.
Lost Kishar are vicious and misshapen, horns Tormented Mummu are cruel looking
rise from their heads like a bulls. Their skin nightmarish creatures with serrated spikes,
becomes cold with sharp protrusions, and fissured surrounded by a haze of smoldering brimstone.
with deep cracks. Their voices take on the Their eyes are twin globes of roiling fire, and
foreboding of a shifting boulder balanced above. wherever they go, electrical devices break down;
lights flicker and radios are afflicted with static.
Angelic Form Angelic Form
Increased Size: Size and Strength +2 and Defense Conjuration: Anything Size 1 (or smaller) can be
-1. stored away in a hidden pocket dimension and
retrieved at will (seemingly from thin air, like a
Irresistible Force: +3 to Strength
magician’s trick). The weight of the object still
Night Sight: See in any darkness as if it were weighs down on the Malefactor. Items appear on
daylight. Malefactor if he dies.
Tremor Sense: The Demon becomes intuitively Immunity to Fire: Malefactor is immune to fire.
connected to the subtle vibrations in the ground. +6 Also, any non-living object the demon is touching
Initiative. Sense any movement or vibration within is also granted immunity to fire damage (if
two meters per dot of Glory. (e.g. mice moving, desired).
the beating heart of someone on the other side of a
Iron Skin: Armor (2/2). Every instance of Lethal
wall, someone undoing the safety on their gun.).
damage has the first 3 points get downgraded to
Also, the Demon knows if there are cavities hidden
in the earth around her (this range is 10 meters per
dot of Glory). Master Artisan: +5 dice to non-Evocation Craft
rolls. Also, the Malefactor acts as if she has the
Demonic Form
proper training and knowledge for any Craft
Horns: Lethal (0) attack. Dice pool is Strength + related roll.
Demonic Form
Iron Skin: Armor (2/2). Every instance of Lethal
Extra Arms: Arms give an extra action at -2 dice.
damage has the first 3 points get downgraded to
The extra action takes place at the end of the turn.
Defiler receives a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Immune to Bashing: Immune to all Bashing
Immune to Bashing: Immune to all Bashing
damage, although the Malefactor still suffers
damage, although the Malefactor still suffers
Bashing damage that was downgraded down from
Bashing damage that was downgraded down from
Lethal damage.
Lethal damage.
Thunderous Voice: Instant action. Once per scene.
Magnetic Field: Disrupt all electronic devices
Everything within yards equal to Torment takes 3
within meters equal to Torment
Bashing damage.
Spikes: Any successful unarmed attack against the Extra Arms: Arms give an extra action at -2 dice.
Malefactor takes 1 Aggravated damage. The extra action takes place at the end of the turn.
Defiler receives a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Thunderous Voice: Instant action. Once per scene.
Antu, Visage of the Paths
Everything within yards equal to Torment takes 3
The Angels of the Path look closely like humans Bashing damage.
with deeply tanned skin, as though they'd spent a
lifetime in the sun, and deep intricate lines also
cover their skin. At night these lines reflect the Fiend (Neberu)
moonlight in ghostly traces that seem to shift and
realign themselves as the angel speaks. Once, the Angels of the Spheres set the stars in
their great design, using their mastery of portals to
Monstrous Antu cannot conceal the path lines travel the great distances required. Now, the
crisscrossing their faces, they stand out as angry Fourth House fears what has become of the design
cuts of black and red against their tanned skin. The in their absence. Cosmic movers of fate.
air shifts and trembles around them when they
speak, and their eyes cast reflections of long roads Favored Attributes: Intelligence, Wits,
covered over in ash and blood. Composure
Angelic Form Typical Virtue and Vice: Prudence and Envy
Dead Reckoning: Perfect sense of location, House Lore: Lore of Light, Lore of Patterns,
direction and distance. Lore of Portals
Pass Without Trace: +5 to all Stealth rolls. Leave As Angels: The Seers were set to watch over the
nothing to track, not even smell. grand design of the cosmos. They regulated the
means by which the heavens affected the Earth,
Superior Endurance: +4 Stamina. directing the swell of tides through the course of the
Tremor Sense: The Demon becomes intuitively moon and winding the Earth to experience the
connected to the subtle vibrations in the ground. +6 seasons in turn. One of their number, Ahrimal, was
Initiative. Sense any (macro scale) movement or the one who saw the dire portents that would affect
vibration within yards equal to Glory + 4. (e.g. mankind, which spurred the angels to rebellion.
mice moving, the beating heart of someone on the The Pitt: Once, they were creatures of order, but
other side of a wall, someone undoing the safety on The Pitt could not be codified, charted or piloted.
their gun.). Also, the Demon knows what is hidden Without the great engines of Heaven to provide a
in the earth around her (this range is 10 yards). measured routine, they went mad.
Demonic Form The Return: When the walls of The Pitt cracked,
the Fiends sensed the great engines again and sought
Beckon: Mortals only. The Demon must be in line their freedom. Upon reemerging, however, they
of sight and speak to the Mortal their real name. found the heavens derelict and undirected, while the
They are compelled to follow the Demon (mortal is great engines moved as if they were rusted and
aware enough to not walk out into traffic or broken. The Fiends had regained their touchstone,
similar, but they cannot speak and do not but it was cracked and worn, possibly beyond
understand what compels them). They follow to repair… but then, the same could be said for them.
the best of their ability for one hour or until
attacked. Possession: Fiends possess an affinity for patient
seekers of knowledge, those, like themselves, who
Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs. question the universe by boldly prodding it, by
Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength + getting their hands dirty, and by stumbling about in
Brawl. Lethal (2). the dark with little regard for body or soul. The Fiend
knows that just as important as the truth, is the quest
to obtain it.
Factions: Fiends prize the search for knowledge full extension of each wing is a third again the
above all. Within their broken breasts lies a genuine character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would
need to recapture that absolute clarity when the have two 8 feet wings).
universe hid few secrets from them. Most become
Cryptics. Their second-most common faction are the Demonic Form
Luciferans, maybe because Lucifer protected the Armor of Unholy Light: Every instance of Lethal
Fiends from recrimination when the war was at its damage has the first 5 points get downgraded to
worst. Some see humanity as just another design to Bashing.
be directed and become Faustians. Few Fiends are
drawn to the Reconcilers, if only because they were Cast No Reflection: The Demon’s image is not
always so distant that Paradise was never really their visible in any reflective surfaces or caught on any
home. Rarely do they become Raveners, knowing the type of camera.
end can only be an oblivion darker than The Pitt. Chimerical Attack: Forms appear around Demon
and can attack foes as their own action. Same
initiative (the forms can attack either before or
Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms after the Fiend’s action). It can attack one victim in
Shamash, Visage of Light melee range using Torment dice. Lethal.
The Apocalyptic Form of this Lore paint the Hypnotic Visions: Each round all attackers must
Shamash in shifting patterns of shadow and silvery roll Resolve + Glory, if they fail they cannot attack
starlight. These mesmerizing images draw the eye the Fiend this round (but may perform a different
and inspire wonder, at times hinting at subtle flashes action).
that reflect the demon's inner thoughts. The Shamash
can be alluring, deceptive, terrifying or achingly
beautiful, often changing from moment to moment. Ninsun, Visage of Patterns
Shamash who lose themselves to their Torment are The angels of the great pattern have skins of
surrounded by chimerical forms that reflect the indigo. Their hairless bodies are covered with
demons' hatred and despair, creating a horror show of intricate lines and patterns etched in pale-blue light
monstrous apparitions that whirl and snap at one that shifts and realigns depending on the angle of
another in increasing ferocity depending on the light or the intensity of the angel's mood. Their eyes
Fiend's mood. are like bright sapphires, casting the cold light of the
Angelic Form
Monstrous Ninsun lose their indigo hue and
Cloak of Shadows: +3 Stealth. In dark shadows become as black as the void. The patterns covering
you become invisible. their bodies take on the color of quicksilver, and their
Greater Perception: Senses are magnified x3. (e.g. eyes are nothing but empty globes of darkness. An
see/hear details from x3 distance [does not help extra set of spindly arms creates a distinctly arachnid
with lowlight], smell/taste weak odors/chemicals, appearance.
feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving Angelic Form
within 7 meters). +5 to all Perception rolls.
Enhanced Mental Acuity: +4 dots to Mental
Unearthly Glamour: Gain one rank (two dots) in Attributes (selected at creation).
Striking Looks merit.
Eyes of Fate: Once a scene. Instant Action. Select
Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is a mortal within sight to learn their real name and
equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a faith rank. Also, learn how the mortal is likely to
standing position is possible if there is ample die before any interference from the Fiend
room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not (information gained is the cause of death and one
typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed additional detail [e.g. “pneumonia, and very
can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At lonely” or “stabbed in the chest, by a friend]). If
the selected target turns out not to be a mortal, then Enhanced Mental Acuity: +4 dots to Mental
the Fiend only discovers what they are. Attributes (selected at creation).
Greater Perception: Senses are magnified x3. (e.g. Greater Perception: Senses are magnified x3. (e.g.
see/hear details from x3 distance [does not help see/hear details from x3 distance [does not help
with lowlight], smell/taste weak odors/chemicals, with lowlight], smell/taste weak odors/chemicals,
feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving
within 7 meters). +5 to all Perception rolls. within 7 meters). +5 to all Perception rolls.
Sibilant Whispers: +3 dice bonus on any Pass Without Trace: +5 to all Stealth rolls. Leave
Subterfuge or Persuasion roll (does not include nothing to track, not even smell.
Evocations). Sense the Hidden: +5 dice on all rolls to find any
Demonic Form who have spoken the Demon’s Celestial/True
Name before.
Aura of Misfortune: Range is yards equal to
Torment. All sentient creatures except the Fiend Demonic Form
within range lose 10-again rule on all their rolls. Ancient Presence: +2 Persuasion, +2 Intimidation,
Enhanced Dodge: +3 Defense. and +2 Expression.
Extra Arms: Arms give an extra action at -2 dice. Chimerical Attack: Forms appear around Demon
The extra action takes place at the end of the turn. and can attack foes as their own action. Same
Defiler receives a +4 bonus on grapple checks. initiative (the forms can attack either before or
after the Fiend’s action). It can attack one victim in
Rend the Soul: Once per scene. Mortals only.
melee range using Torment dice. Lethal.
Touch target. Momentarily make the target feel
infinitesimally small in the scheme of creation. Increased Size: Size and Strength +2 and Defense
Roll Torment, each success takes away their -1.
Willpower points, if they are reduced to zero Regeneration: Heal 1 Bashing at the beginning of
points then they do nothing bit curl up and weep (if each turn. Also, each Faith point can now be used
attacked they shield themselves but do not attack to heal 2 Lethal.
back or run). You gain all Willpower points lost
this way.
Defiler (Lammasu)
Nedu, Visage of Portals Originally Angels of the Deep, the Fifth House
The angels of the threshold are tall, ethereal have an affinity with fluidity, giving them power
figures. Their long limbs and lean bodies have ever over water, over emotions, and even their own
shifting patterns of translucency, as if they are not forms. They were the Muses of ancient times.
ever fully rooted in any one place. Their motions are
Favored Attributes: Wits, Presence, Manipulation
as fluid as they are soundless, and their feet leave no
impression to mark their passing. When they pass Typical Virtue and Vice: Hope and Lust
into deep shadow, their eyes shine with an
House Lore: Lore of Longing, Lore of Storms,
otherworldly blue light.
Lore of Transfiguration
Tormented Nedu are monstrous and ancient. The
darkness of The Pitt surrounds them and cruel forms As Angels: The Nereids were among the most
snap out from the depths. Their voices are like beautiful of God's creations. They were the muses,
keening wind over jagged stones, and their touch is and their powers resonated with the passions that
colder than ice. led to art and quests for insight and truth. The
Angelic Form Nereids were meant to inspire humanity, to beguile
them with mysteries and spur them to venture out Monstrous Ishhara retain all of their dazzling
into the world and discover its hidden wonders. beauty. If anything, their allure only deepens with the
hint of shadowed malice that darkens their eyes and
The Pitt: Although they were more accustomed deepens their voices. Their fingernails grow sharp
to isolation than many of the Fallen, the Defilers and as hard as steel, fangs appear, and grow bigger as
were among the first to succumb to the agonies of their emotions intensify. What was once a source of
Hell, excising the pain of their loss with rage. inspiration is now a siren song that lure mortals to
The Return: Now that the gates of Hell are ruin.
broken, the Defilers are able to indulge their wiles Angelic Form
in a civilization that prizes appearance above all.
They can lead people to acts of obsession, jealousy Angelic Beauty: +1 Presence and Manipulation.
and desire that can ruin families, end careers or Gain two ranks (four dots) in Striking Looks merit.
topple entire governments. Yet they can also Enhanced Intuition: +2 Empathy, +2 Subterfuge
encourage humanity's understanding of and +2 Socialize.
philosophy, fellowship and art, and provide a
Enhanced Social Traits: +4 dots to Social
vision of beauty amid the bleak reality of the
Attributes (selected at creation).
modem world.
Lyrical Voice: +5 bonus dice on all Persuasion and
Possession: Defilers are drawn to the vain and
Expression rolls (does not include Evocations).
the passionate. Their hosts are likely to be people
with a deep joy in the physical and the immediate. Demonic Form
Also, those who have loved deeply, or often been Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs.
denied. Any idealists who attract a Defiler are not Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength +
interested in abstract theories and pragmatic Brawl. Lethal (2).
realities, but in immediate action to change the
world. The most farsighted candidates are artists Extra Action: As a Reflexive action spend a Faith
who try to reflect vast slices of reality within their point. Gain one extra action. This action takes place
work, sure that they can capture the intricacies of at the end of the turn.
the world. Greater Perception: Senses are magnified x3. (e.g.
Factions: Defilers often become Faustians or see/hear details from x3 distance [does not help
Raveners. In the first case, they have become with lowlight], smell/taste weak odors/chemicals,
captivated by humanity, reacting with delight to feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving
their renewed relationship with mankind. The within 7 meters). +5 to all Perception rolls.
Raveners act like spurned lovers, exacting revenge Venom: Saliva contains intoxicating venom that
on humanity for their betrayal. A few become affects a victims Willpower. Administer with a bite
Luciferans or Cryptics, depending on how the war attack, licking an open wound, or kissing on the
affected them. Only very few of them become mouth. Victim loses Willpower points equal to the
Reconcilers; even if they wished it, most Defilers Demon’s Torment, they contest with Stamina +
believe that there is no going back to paradise. Glory, each success prevents 1 loss. If this depletes
the victim’s Willpower, they fall into a coma for a
number of days (against a mortal) or hours (against
Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms a supernatural) equal to Torment. It takes an hour
Ishhara, Visage of Longing before another dose of the venom can affect the
same target again.
The angels of inspiration are visions of beauty.
Their richly vibrant hair and perfectly sculpted
features are the romantic ideal spoken of in mortal Adad, Visage of Storms
poetry and prose, and their honeyed voices melt even
the hardest hearts. The angels of storms are tall, statuesque figures,
their skin glistens like opals and their dark hair is
tinged with the deep colors of the ocean depths. Blue and deliberate grace. Their entire body fluctuates
flickers of lightning dance across their bodies, to a mirror shine and back again, reflecting the
forming an angry nimbus around their head when moods and thoughts of those around them, shifting
their fury is aroused. Discrete gills also appear on the like quick-silver amid a riot of feelings and
sides of their necks. expressions.
Angels of the storm who dwell in Torment develop Mammetum who are lost to their Torment lose
a rough, gray hide and two crowning horns with their luminescence, reflecting their pain and hatred
electricity dancing between. Barbed spines grow in a series of horrific visions of The Pitt. The
from their skin like blisters and their eyes are creature is a walking panorama of tortured spirits
featureless black orbs, devoid of warmth or clawing silently at the wall separating them from
the physical world.
Angelic Form Angelic Form
Angelic Beauty: +1 Presence and Manipulation. Cast No Reflection: The Demon’s image is not
Gain two ranks (four dots) in Striking Looks merit. visible in any reflective surfaces or caught on any
Gills: The Defiler gains the ability to breathe type of camera.
underwater. Greater Perception: Senses are magnified x3. (e.g.
Increased Size: Size and Strength +2 and Defense see/hear details from x3 distance [does not help
-1. with lowlight], smell/taste weak odors/chemicals,
feel air disturbances from Size 3+ objects moving
Shocking Touch: The Defiler gains an immunity to
within 7 yards). +5 to all Perception rolls.
damage from electricity. Also, Defiler can make a
touch attack (Dexterity + Brawl – Defense) and if a Improved Dexterity: +2 Dexterity.
success is achieved, then the Defiler does 3 Pass Without Trace: +5 Stealth rolls. Leave
Bashing damage to a target, +1 for every three nothing to track, not even smell.
points of Glory the Defiler has.
Demonic Form
Demonic Form
Distortion: The Defiler is distorted in ways making
Horns: Lethal (0) attack. Dice pool is Strength + it difficult to strike them. Every attacker loses a 10-
again rule when physically striking or shooting the
Ink Cloud: Once per scene. Instant Action. Ink Defiler.
sprays from the Demon in all directions. Radius is Extra Arms: Arms give an extra action at -2 dice.
in yards equal to Demon’s Torment. Those close The extra action takes place at the end of the turn.
enough must make a successful Stamina roll or are Defiler receives a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
blinded for a number of turns equal to Torment (if
successful, they are still blinded for one turn.) Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended
mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can
Shark Hide: +1 Armor (1/1). +2 to Grapple checks. potentially bite through and digest any material.
Spines: Any successful unarmed attack against the Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2).
Demon takes 1 Aggravated damage. Demon does Venom: Saliva contains intoxicating venom that
one extra Aggravated damage on grapple affects a victims Willpower. Administer with a bite
attack, licking an open wound, or kissing on the
mouth. Victim loses Willpower points equal to the
Demon’s Torment, they contest with Stamina +
Mammetum, Visage of Transfiguration Glory, each success prevents 1 loss. If this depletes
The angels of transfiguration reveal themselves the victim’s Willpower, they fall into a coma for a
as luminescent, winged figures devoid of any number of days (against a mortal) or hours (against
identifying expression, haunting in their silence a supernatural) equal to Torment. It takes an hour
before another dose of the venom can affect the children as Raveners. Outside these two factions, the
same target again. next largest group are Reconcilers. Weary of
bloodshed and only wishing to rebuild the gardens.
Cryptics and Faustians are rare for Devourers.
Devourer (Rabisu)
Once the Angels of the Wild, warriors without Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms
equal, the Sixth House can command animals and
Zaltu, Visage of the Beast
plants alike, as well as shaping and reshaping the
flesh of other beings. They are the Beasts. The angels of the hunt are fearsome in form,
stalking through the darkness with panther-like
Favored Attributes: Strength, Stamina, Presence
strength and supple grace. The appearances of
Typical Virtue and Vice: Fortitude and Gluttony these Fallen are many and varied, but most are
House Lore: Lore of the Beast, Lore of the Flesh, powerfully muscled with large, golden eyes that
Lore of the Wild glow like coals in the moonlight. They speak in a
low, liquid rumble, and their howls chill the blood
As Angels: The House of the Wild was granted for miles when they hunt.
dominion over every living thing that crawled, flew
or slithered across the earth. They were a proud Zaltu who are lost to their Torment look
House, and as the wilderness spread, the Angels of emaciated and diseased, their skin grows a layer of
the Wild wove the countless strains of life into an fur that is filthy and matted with blood. Their joints
intricate tapestry of beauty, majesty and power. crack and sinews snap as they grow to beastial
proportions. Flecks of foam drip from their wicked
The Pitt: At first, the Devourers accepted their
jaws, and their skin thickens into a tough hide of
exile stoically, but separation from the living world
eventually took its toll. They felt betrayed by gristle and nerveless flesh.
Lucifer’s absence from The Pitt. For many, anger and Angelic Form
pain grew, and they reverted more and more to their
feral nature, trading reason and guilt for debased Enhanced Perception: Senses are magnified x2.
instinct. (e.g. see/hear details from x2 distance [does not
help with lowlight], smell/taste weak
The Return: Upon their escape from The Pitt, the odors/chemicals, feel the differences of one
Devourers were shocked to discover how much the person’s skin from another’s). +3 to all Perception
world had changed. The humans they fought and rolls.
suffered for had forgotten all they had been taught,
raping the world of its dwindling resources and Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs.
driving whole species into extinction. Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength +
Brawl. Lethal (2).
Possession: Many are drawn to those who deal
with violence on a common basis, soldiers, drug Nimble Hunter: +2 to Athletics. +7 to Speed.
dealers and police officers. However, it is also true Jumping quadrupled (determine distance then
they are drawn to those who put themselves against multiply by 4).
great odds (e.g. fire fighters, political activists)
Relentless: +5 dice when resisting fatigue, illness,
especially those who’ve been emotionally scarred by
their trials. Unsurprisingly, Devourers are also drawn
poison, drugs, drowning or going unconscious.
to those who protect nature. Demonic Form
Factions: Devourers tend to fall into one of two Frenzy: Devourer acts with heightened aggression.
factions, depending on how well their convictions Instead of wound penalties subtracting dice they
weathered the agonies of Hell. Many use their give bonus dice instead (by equal amount). Remain
newfound freedom to reform ranks, and continue in conscious until Health is filled with Aggravated.
their cause as Luciferans, or they choose to burn it all
down and seek bloody revenge on God’s beloved
Increased Size: Size and Strength +2 and Defense potentially bite through and digest any material.
-1. Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2).
Primal Mind: Mortal creatures only. Instant Increased Size: Size and Strength +2 and Defense
Action. Willpower + Glory Vs. Willpower. Touch -1.
target, their higher thoughts shut down and they Lashing Tail: Long reptilian tail tipped with a
will obey the first command they hear as long as it curved barb. 1 free attack with tail (at end of turn).
is in line with some sort of instinctive behavior Strength + Athletics dice pool. Lethal (0).
(targets cannot be made to commit suicide). Effect
lasts for 1 scene. This can only be attempted on Thick Hide: Every instance of Lethal damage has
each individual once per scene. Memory is the first 3 points get downgraded to Bashing.
Thick Hide: Every instance of Lethal damage has Ninurtu, Visage of the Wild
the first 3 points get downgraded to Bashing.
The Ninurtu manifest as an amalgam of the flora
that thrive beneath their aegis. Their skin is
Aruru, Visage of Flesh commonly covered by intricate designs of deep
greens, reds and blues, along with other vibrant
The angels of the flesh, who can alter their colors. Their eyes change like the seasons, ranging
forms more dramatically hone their physiques to from pale gray to deep summer green.
that of Greek gods. Their power exalts the mortal
shell that they inhabit, removing any blemishes or Monstrous Ninurtu are darker of hue. They grow
deformities and refining their original features to cruel thorns across their body and they exude the
perfection. In a way, this makes their appearance kind of forbidding menace reserved for the deep
just as alien and wondrous as the shimmering forests where daylight never touches.
apparitions of their Celestial kin. Angelic Form
Tormented Aruru bear little resemblance to Aura of Vitality: Non-Demon life forms within
human beings, their original shape being lost in a yards equal to Glory heal a point of Bashing every
swollen mountain of undulating flesh. Muscle, turn.
bone and organs roil and shift from moment to
moment without the Fallen's conscious control. Immune to Poisons: Immune to any toxin or
disease (e.g. alcohol, hemlock, tear gas, HIV,
Angelic Form common cold).
Chameleon Skin: +3 bonus on Stealth rolls (+5, if Pass without Trace: +5 Stealth. Leave nothing to
standing still) (does not include Evocations). track, not even smell.
Enhanced Beauty: Gain one rank (two dots) in Sun’s Bounty: Once per day. The Devourer must
Striking Looks merit. be relaxing (generally taking it easy) and in direct
Extra Health Levels: +4 Health boxes. (When this sunlight for one hour (partially cloudy still works).
Form ends, any wounds suffered remain & may Become nourished and rested as if eaten a full
cause incapacitation/death.) meal and slept 4 hours. Heal 4 Lethal damage.
Regeneration: Heal 1 Bashing at the beginning of Demonic Form
each turn. Also, each Faith point can now be used Disperse: Instant Action. Dissolve body into mass
to heal 2 Lethal. of centipedes, spiders, or other tiny creatures
Demonic Form (instant action to revert back to normal). Dice pool
while in a swarm form is equal to Torment. The
Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended Devourer can flow through cracks or gaps. Only
mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can attacks that can destroy significant portions of the
swarm can affect the Demon in this form.
Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs. Possession: Slayers are drawn to several kinds,
Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength + to those who have spent a lifetime helping others,
Brawl. Lethal (2). or devoted to a framework of thought that focuses
on the next life at the expense of their current one.
Thorns: Any successful unarmed attack against the
Another kind are those whose souls have been
Demon takes 1 Aggravated damage. +1 on Grapple
worn down to nothingness by banality and neglect,
who run blades across their skin simply so they can
Toxins: All of the Devourer’s clawing and biting feel.
attacks receive bonus dice equal to half the
Factions: Very few Slayers are Luciferans,
Torment (Rounded up). (Does not work with
having never been fiercely loyal to Lucifer. There
are more Faustian Slayers, but most of the House
that are focused on humanity's potential actually
become Reconcilers instead, turning their passion
Slayer (Halaku) toward rebalancing the world as it was before the
The House of the Second World, they were The loss of Paradise. The Cryptics attract quite a
Seventh House. The Slayers have dominion over number of Slayers, because the abstract and
endings and death, they can destroy the things of investigative nature of the faction suits them. The
the physical world, command the spirits of the Raveners attract their fair share as well. The
dead, and even enter the realm between life and members may say they have various reasons; that
death known as Twilight. They were the shadows they are carrying out their God-given duty, or that
in the valley of death. in the absence of God they have become the judges
of mankind, but some just want existence to turn to
Favored Attributes: Resolve, Dexterity, burn to nothing.
Typical Virtue and Vice: Temperance and Sloth
House Lore: Lore of Death, Lore of the Realms,
Visages of The Apocalyptic Forms
Lore of the Spirit Namtar, Visage of Death
As Angels: The Angels of Death were given the These angels are shadowy figures whose face
melancholy task of undoing all the wonders that and features are hidden in dark shadows. A pall of
their peers created, ending lives and erasing great silence surrounds these figures, and their feet never
works so that others may follow in their place. seem to touch the ground. Black raven feathered
Like the other Celestials, the Reapers loved wings wrap around them like a cloak, and their
humanity and dedicated themselves to keeping skin is white and bony like bleached skeletons.
Eden vibrant and dynamic, but mankind in its Monstrous Namtar exude the cold aura of death,
ignorance regarded the death of animals and plants draining the life of every living thing around them.
with fear and sadness. Their reaction pained the Flowers wilt in their passing, children grow glassy-
Reapers, who longed to explain themselves to eyed, and the old feel mortality grip their heart,
humanity. while their wings appear as thick ash.
The Pitt: The Slayers were not as tormented by Angelic Form
The Pitt as other Fallen, they knew of bleak worlds
already, but they again found themselves unable to Cloak of Shadows: +3 on all Stealth rolls. In dark
make things right as they watched their brethren shadows you become invisible.
grow into more and more depraved monsters. Night Sight: See in any darkness as if it were
The Return: Slayers find themselves in a world daylight.
that has suffered greatly in the absence of those Touch of Death: Once a scene. Touch attack. Lasts
meant to govern the ways of aging and death. one scene. The target collapses and cannot move or
sense anything. They show no signs of life. They Ereshkigal who surrender to their Torment are
feel peaceful and have little to no thought during walking portals to the land of the dead, exuding an
the effect. It works differently on Demons and aura of loss and despair that chills mortal hearts.
Supernaturals, they do not become comatose, Their voices are bleak and sepulchral, and their
instead they have -3 to dice rolls for the duration. eyeless stare gives the boldest heart pause.
Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is Angelic Form
equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a Aura of Dread: Every would-be attacker must roll
standing position is possible if there is ample Resolve + Glory, if they fail, they cannot attack the
room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not Slayer this turn but may perform a different action.
typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed
can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At Dead Reckoning: Perfect sense of location,
full extension of each wing is a third again the direction and distance.
character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would Ghostly Reach: Instant Action. While in material
have two 8 feet wings). realm only, pull objects (Size 4 or less) from
Demonic Form Twilight into material realm, or place a Size 4 or
less object into Twilight.
Aura of Entropy: Plants wilt. People are suffused
with icy chills that sap their strength. Mortals Wings: Grants the ability to fly. Maneuverability is
within meters equal to Torment lose 2 dice on all equivalent to a very large eagle. Taking off from a
actions. Supernaturals only lose 1 dice for all standing position is possible if there is ample
actions. room. Hovering for longer than one turn does not
typically work unless there is a strong wind. Speed
Damage Resistance: Ignore wound penalties. can be up to 3x the Demon's speed trait at max. At
Remain active even if health boxes are filled with full extension of each wing is a third again the
Bashing and/or Lethal. character’s height (e.g. 6 feet tall person would
Death-Grip: If the Slayer dies, spend a point of have two 8 feet wings).
Faith. Slayer is alive but appears dead, can't move, Demonic Form
and cannot sense surroundings. The Slayer will rise
the following dawn with 1 health point (if body Not Really There: Every instance of Lethal
was not decapitated or destroyed). damage has the first 5 points downgraded to
Reaper’s Breath: Once a scene. Instant Action.
Exhale chilling breath that brings all things, living Aura of Entropy: Plants wilt. People are suffused
and dead, closer to true death. Demon exhales out with icy chills that sap their strength. Mortals
in a cone shaped projection with the length in within yards equal to Torment lose 2 dice on all
meters equal to Torment. Victims caught within actions. Supernaturals only lose 1 dice for all
the breath suffer bashing damage equal to actions.
Torment. Death Gaze: Reflexive Action. A mortal who
meets the Slayer’s eyes lose their next action.
Ereshkigal, Visage of the Realms Gaping Maw: Hideous, fanged and distended
mouth. Biting does not require grappling. Can
Angels of the Second World manifest as dark potentially bite through and digest any material.
figures wreathed in tendrils of ghostly mist that Strength + Brawl. Lethal (2).
shift and writhe from moment to moment,
occasionally reflecting the angels’ thoughts in
strange, symbolic forms. Only their eyes, colored Nergal, Visage of the Spirit
in shifting patterns of gray and black, hint at the
bleak world beyond the mortal realm. Their wings The angels of the spirit world appear as pale,
are like tangible shadows. serene figures reminiscent of the images of human
saints, beautiful, silent and remote. Like others of
their House Nergal move without noise or effort,
seeming to glide along the ground as they move.
The air itself seems to wrap about them like a robe
of night, conjuring the image of the cowled
ferryman of human myth.
Monstrous Nergal are stained with the blood of
the dead, their alabaster skin are streaked with
lines of crimson and black. Their eyes are orbs of
clotted blood, and when they speak, their voices
howl like the spirits of the damned.
Angelic Form
Damage Resistance: Ignore wound penalties.
Remain active even if health boxes are filled with
Bashing and/or Lethal.
Death Gaze: Reflexive Action. A mortal who
meets the Slayer’s eyes lose their next action.
Ghostly Reach: Instant Action. While in material
realm only, pull objects (Size 4 or less) from
Twilight into material realm, or place a Size 4 or
less object into Twilight
Relentless: +5 dice when resisting fatigue, illness,
poison, drugs, drowning or going unconscious.
Demonic Form
Skin of Ivory: Armor (1/1). Every instance of
Lethal damage has the first 3 points downgraded to
Claws & Fangs: Vicious looking claws & fangs.
Biting first requires grappling the target. Strength +
Brawl. Lethal (2).
Death-Grip: Death-Grip: If the Slayer dies, spend a
point of Faith. Slayer is alive but appears dead,
can't move, and cannot sense surroundings. The
Slayer will rise the following dawn with 1 health
point (if body was not decapitated or destroyed).
Howls of the Damned: Eerie sounds emanate
around the Slayer. +5 bonus on Intimidation rolls
(this does not include Evocations).
Raising Lore with Experience
Primary Lore - 4, House/Common - 5, Other - 6.
Evoking Lore
(For a Demon to learn a Lore from another House,
Torment Evocations: Intentionally performing the they must have a teacher with that Primary Lore.)
Torment version generates one Torment point per
rank of the Evocation. Contested Rolls: Whenever a Lore allows another
to contest, and lists an attribute (e.g. Resolve) it is
Unintentionally performing the Torment version implied that they also get to roll Glory (or
of an Evocation happens when the Demon rolls equivalent stat like Gnosis) to resist.
less successes than their Torment dots. There is no
automatic gain of a Torment points when this Dice Pool: Demons may decide to use Glory +
happens. The Demon may spend a Faith Points Lore for any Evocation instead of the usual dice
equal to the rank of the Lore to negate the pool Attribute + Skill + Lore dice pool.
unintentional version of the Evocation. Clarification of Terms
Ravaging: The Demon may add bonus dice (up to Touch: When describing Evocation powers, you
their Glory) to any Evocation roll if they Ravage will see "Touch." which means it can only be
one or more Thralls for additional power. Each activated on self or a touched target. If trying to
extra dice gained takes a Willpower point away touch a target in combat you roll Dexterity + Brawl
from the chosen Thrall. This causes severe pain, - Defense. Most of the combat powers that include
hallucinations or waves of terror. If the Thrall loses "Touch" for a requirement take a Reflexive action
all of their points of Willpower in this fashion, then (so you roll to touch, and if successful then roll for
they gain a permanent minor derangement. Any the Evocation in the same turn).
further ravaging becomes Lethal damage to the
Thrall. “Touch” powers that are an Instant Actions require
you to have been in contact with the target from
This can take any form: burns, stigmata, ect… the beginning of that turn. With powers that
(At the ST’s discretion, ravaging too much can involve “Touch” and are Reflexive Actions, you
cause the Thrall to produce less [or more] Faith may not use the power in addition to striking a
later on.) target (meaning that you cannot combine it with an
unarmed strike), likewise, you may not use the
Fierce Non-Believers or Groups interfere with power when being struck.
Evocations (if they are looking at the Demon).
Mortal: “Mortal” refers to a non-supernatural
A mortal who strongly denies supernatural powers human. Mages, Werewolves, ect... are not
or even just a group of regular mortals (2 or more considered "Mortal" in the Evocation’s
people who are not Thralls) roll Willpower before descriptions- they are supernaturals. (Although
an Evocation (highest Willpower in the group is Ghouls, Thralls, ect… do count as “Mortals”.)
rolled) their successes subtract the Evocation’s
dice pool. Moderate group grants 9-again on this
roll while a full crowd grants 8-again.
One Evocation can be cast per turn. The Demon Common Lore Fiend
may have as many Evocations active at a time
equal to Glory. Permanent, Natural or Instant Lore of the Fundament Lore of Light
durations do not count toward the limit of active Lore of Humanity Lore of Patterns
Evocations. An Evocation can be ended at any
Lore of Portals
time, Reflexively.
Faith Points may be spent for additional dice on
Evocations or to reduce effective Torment score on Defiler Malefactor
a one-for-one basis.
Lore of Longing Lore of the Earth Action: Reflexive Cost: None
Lore of Storms Lore of the Forge Torment: Also, every object touched during this
effect is tainted, causing them to slightly warp. This
Lore of Transfiguration Lore of Paths creates the smell of sulfur & radiates heat from
Devil Scourge touched objects (the warping is permanent, but the
heat and smell lasts for 1 scene). The more durable
Lore of the Celestials Lore of the object is the less likely it is to warp by the touch.
Manipulate Acceleration •••
Lore of Flame Lore of the Firmament
Each success multiplies the Demon's Speed trait by
Lore of Radiance Lore of the Winds one factor (e.g. 1 success increases Speed by x2,
2 successes increase Speed by x3, ect….)
Devourer Slayer Dice: Strength + Dexterity
Lore of the Beast Lore of Death Duration: Turns equal to Glory + 5
Lore of the Flesh Lore of the Realms Action: Instant Cost: None
Lore of the Wild Lore of the Spirit Torment: Also, the air around the Demon becomes
blistering hot. Beings suffer 1 Bashing per turn if
within range. Range equals feet in Torment.
Lore of the Fundament (Common) Manipulate Inertia ••••
Manipulate Gravity • The velocity of one living creature or one object
Touch. Decrease gravity on another being or object already in motion can be increased or decreased.
no bigger than a Jeep (Size 15). Target weighs half Range of target that can be affected is 50 yards.
its original weight (or one third its original weight
with an exceptional success). The Evoker may also Max Size of target can be equal to Glory x 5.
affect her own gravity, but in a different way, instead Successes equal the degree of the velocity being
of weighing less the Evoker can now leap 20 meters either increased or decreased:
horizontal (or 10 vertical) for each success. Also, the 1 or 2 successes equals x2 velocity or 1/2 velocity.
damaging effects of falling will be negated for the
first 40 meters, beyond that the damage is halved. 3 or 4 successes equals x3 velocity or 1/3 velocity.
Duration: Turns equal to Successes + Glory This does not affect direction and does not inhibit
any new force applied to the target. The velocity
Action: Reflexive Cost: None affected is relative to the earth. Note: this can be
Torment: Instead, the Evoker Increases the gravity Evoked Reflexively as a gun is being shot, affecting
(weight) of a living creature or object by a factor of all the bullets fired in a turn (normally this evocation
x2 (or x3 with exceptional success). This lasts for a can only affect one individual target at a time, but
number of minutes equal to Torment. there are exceptions if they seem appropriate).
Dice: Dexterity + Wits
Manipulate Adhesion •• Duration: Natural
Run up walls or cling to surfaces like a spider. Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith
One success is needed for vertical surfaces. Torment: Instead, the target’s momentum remains
Two successes are needed to cling to ceilings. the same but travels in the exact opposite direction.
Dice: Dexterity + Athletics Manipulate Cohesion •••••
Duration: 1 scene
Touch. The Demon can walk on water or air, or Duration: Natural
break down an object into component particles.
Action: Reflexive Cost: None
Liquid has no penalty to harden or turn to vapor. Air
has no penalty to turn solid enough to support the Torment: Also, horrific details are added to make the
Demon's weight (turning water or air into a stable dream a nightmare. They always reoccur for as many
surface effects all water/air directly under the nights as Torment rank. Additionally, they cannot
Demon's feet for the duration of the contact. For gain Willpower points from sleeping for the duration.
example, they could run up "stairs" to reach the top
of a building.) -2 to vaporize an object with 1 or 2 Fade •••
Durability. -4 to vaporize 3+ Durability objects. Each
success equals a cubic yard of material vaporized. The Demon fades from people's awareness. Eyes
Objects return to their normal state in Glory + 7 simply pass over the Demon. This can only be
turns. Cannot affect animate beings or living plants. initiated when no one is currently noticing the
Demon. People actively being observant get to roll to
Dice: Stamina + Science contest. Overt actions will end the Evocation.
Duration: Glory + 7 turns Dice: Dexterity + Stealth Vs. Wits + Composure
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith Duration: 1 scene
Torment: Also, a random object equal to the Action: Instant Cost: None
Demon’s Torment in cubic yards becomes unstable,
changing states erratically for the duration. Torment: Instead, the Demon is removed from
reality (body & spirit). Demon does not experience
the passage of time, and will return to the same spot
after as many minutes equal to their Torment.
Lore of Humanity (Common)
Confess ••••
Translate •
Touch. A mortal target becomes unable to tell a lie to
The Demon can understand and speak all human the Demon and will answer any question with full
languages during this Evocation (can also mimic any truths. The Demon can choose whether or not the
accent). This does not help with the reading and mortal will remember the conversation afterward or
writing of any languages. not (if they choose to make them forget, the mortal
Dice: Presence + Expression will only occasional remember bits and pieces in
dreams). Successes equal the number of questions
Duration: 1 scene
that the Demon may ask before the effect ends, but it
Action: Reflexive Cost: None must be within 5 minutes. If a supernatural is the
target the duration lasts 5 minutes and they are
Torment: Also, the Demon hears whispers in her
unable to lie for the duration but are not forced to
mind coming from mortals within yards equal to
answer questions (the duration for them forgetting is
Torment. The whispers are the negative feelings (e.g
only for a number of minutes equal to Glory).
fears, self-loathing, guilt, anger) the mortals possess.
Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Resolve
Insinuate Dream ••
Duration: Varies (maximum 5 minutes)
Touch. The Demon influences the next dream the
target will experience. 1 success allows the Demon to Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
add 1 specific event or detail to their next dream. 2 Torment: Instead, the target is cursed for a number
successes allow 5 additions. 3+ successes allow the of days equal to Torment, every time they tell a lie
Demon to completely describe what the target will they immediately take 1 Lethal damage.
dream. Demon may have them be reoccurring (for a
number of nights equal to Glory +1). The dreams are Alter Memory •••••
extremely vivid and cannot ever be forgotten. With the power of the Demon’s voice she may
Dice: Manipulation + Empathy create, alter or remove a memory. But this power
does not allow the Demon to read their minds.
-2 dice to implant a completely false memory. Simple be sent visions of any sort (including audio, smell,
changes require 1 success, moderate changes require taste and even weak tactile sensations).
2, complex ones require 3. The period of time for
Successes equal the amount of information sent
their memory being changed is permanent, except the
(approximately one sentence of description per
target rolls one die once a week for the next seven
success).The time to receive and comprehend the
weeks, if they roll a 10 they realize that something
vision is condensed into the blink of an eye.
isn’t right and can tell what was altered, however, if
Subsequent uses of this Evocation in a scene (at the
they roll a 1 they no longer get to make any further
same target) cumulate -1 to the dice pool with each
rolls. Range is Glory x 5 yards.
attempt. If these visions are antagonistic, subtract the
Dice: Manipulation + Subterfuge Vs. Resolve Devil’s dice pool by the target’s Resolve.
Duration: Permanent Dice: Manipulation + Expression
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith Duration: Instant
Torment: Also, the target suffers nightmares relating Action: Instant Cost: None
to the memory alteration lasting a number of nights
Torment: Also, vicious Demons cause 1 Bashing
equal to Demon’s Torment rank. Upon awaking each
damage (total) with their wrathful visions, resulting
day they lose a Willpower point. If they run out of
in headaches or nosebleeds. And with 3+ successes
Willpower this way they gain a minor derangement.
the target receives a minor derangement for a week.
Celestial Senses •••
Lore of the Celestials (Devil) The Devil is able to sense any and all supernatural
Lamp of Faith • powers being used within range (range is Glory x 20
yards). Any supernatural power that requires a roll to
The Devil causes mortal’s and Demon’s Faith to flare activate (or even just usually requires a roll) is
like a beacon in the Devil’s sight. The Devil detects a subject to being sensed, no matter what type of
mortal's Faith rank, and detects Demon's current supernatural creature (or magical item) creates it. The
Faith points. This power also allows the Devil to see Devil immediately knows what the power is, what it
mortals and Demons through walls (only if a Demon will do and the exact location it is originating from.
has more than 5 Faith points). 1 success needed for (Successes contest against obscuring powers.)
pitch black, 2 for seeing through a low density
obstruction, 3 for a dense one, 4+ for seeing through Dice: Wits + Occult
any number of obstructions within range. Range is Duration: 1 scene
equal to 10 yards x Glory. Living supernaturals look
Action: Instant Cost: None
no different than mortals do, but undead
supernaturals show a noticeable void of Faith. Torment: Instead, the Devil causes all mortals
within yards equal to Torment to be able to see the
Dice: Wits + Composure
darker demonic visages of Demons, Vampires,
Duration: 1 Scene Werewolves, ect… Seeing their hidden forms but in
Action: Instant Cost: None their worst possible incarnation. (This effect lasts for
one day.)
Torment: Instead, the Devil cannot see people
through walls and cannot see people’s Faith Rank, The Fire of Heaven ••••
but the Devil does see their Torment or Morality Range is in yards equal to Glory. A non-flammable
score (or other equivalent) and also what kind of blast of pure white fire erupts from within the target.
mental derangements they have (if any). Successes equal Lethal damage. Targets do not get
Send Vision •• their defense, cover or armor modifier.
One or more beings (equal to Glory) within line of Dice: Presence + Occult (minus their Glory)
sight (this does not work through cameras, ect…) can Duration: Instant
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith Action: Instant Cost: None
Torment: Also, the damage becomes Aggravate and Torment: Instead, there is too much hatred to use
the fire spreads and burns like regular fire. precision. All flammable objects within radius of the
target (plus the target), in feet outward from the
Hand of Faith •••••
target equal to Torment ignite if successes equal or
Successes can be used to negate, on a one-for-one exceed their Durability.
basis, the successes of another supernatural power
Command the Flame •••
being used within a range of Glory x 20 yards
Existing fire can be made to crawl or leap around
(as long as the Devil is aware of the power).
unnaturally. Range is Glory x 10 yards. Volume of
Additionally, after a power is weakened or negated,
fire affected is cubic yards equal to Glory. Fire
the supernatural may not attempt that power again for
moves as desired, but it will extinguish at the end of
a number of turns equal to the Devil’s Glory.
the second turn of it being unattached from a fuel
Optionally, if equal or more successes are scored, the
source. Each success leaps the fire one yard.
Devil may choose not to negate the power but to
redirect it (if a different target is viable). Dice: Manipulation + Intimidation
Dice: Presence + Occult Duration: Natural
Duration: Instant Action: Instant Cost: None
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith Torment: Also, the fire becomes exceptionally hard
to fully extinguish. Twice as much suppressants must
Torment: Instead, successes achieved for this
be used to suppress the fire.
Evocation are added to the other power being used.
Holocaust ••••
Touch. Burn another’s Faith (or Willpower).
Lore of Flame (Devil) Successes translate to Aggravated damage (and loss
Fuel • of equal amount of their Faith points if the target is a
Demon or loss of Willpower points if they are not).
Fuel or diminish existing fires. Range is 2 yards Maximum damage equals Glory. Damage is not
times by Glory. Increase (or decrease) a fire's volume limited by target’s amount of Faith/Willpower.
by one cubic foot per success or by one cubic yard
per success if the fire is already bigger than a bonfire. This fire does not spread.
Torment: Instead, the Devil increases the intensity Torment: Also, +1 automatic success, and it is not
of the fire only (but cannot decrease intensity). no longer limited by the Devil's Glory. Any
Successes increase lethality on a one for one basis. successes beyond the Devil’s Glory level results in
Aggravated damage to the Devil as well.
Ignite ••
Ride the Flames •••••
Ignite flammable object. Devil must get enough
successes to equal the Durability of the object. Range Become Fire. The Devil's starting volume is a
is 2 yards times by Glory. Fire starts at one cu. foot number of cubic meters equal to Glory. Devil's
of volume. Does not work directly on flesh or the intensity is 2 and can be increased on a one for one
clothing being worn by a sentient being (but could be basis with Faith points. Willpower pool is used for all
used to ignite the chair they are sitting on). actions. The Devil can travel through cracks. The
Devil is immune to water and other suppressants,
Dice: Presence + Intimidation because the fire is fueled by Faith. The living fire
Duration: Natural does not spread, only leaving objects (and people)
burnt and charred (damage per turn equals intensity). action, for the duration, that the Devil choses (chosen
To maintain this power the Devil must be next to an at time of Evocation). (e.g. running a race, fighting a
adequate supply of flammable material, if not then 1 specific individual, performing a song.)
cubic meter of volume is lost a turn. When the Devil
Dice: Manipulation + Expression
goes down to 1 cubic foot of volume the Devil reverts
back to normal. Duration: 1 day
Dice: Stamina + Occult Action: Instant Cost: None
Duration: 1 Scene (or less) Torment: Instead, the mortal loses dice equal to
successes. The Devil decides which type of action.
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Aura of Legend •••
Torment: Instead, an incomplete transformation.
The Devil becomes a fiery skeletal figure, with bones This affects a number of mortals equal to Glory
blackened and wreathed in flame. All damage within 20 yards. The Devil’s voice renews atavistic
received in this form is reduced by half, rounded bonds of fealty to the Elohim. If successes exceed a
down. The Devil still acts as she would in her normal mortal's Resolve then they defend the Elohim, and
form, but the flame around her does 1 Aggravated follow most orders as if they were soldiers and the
damage a turn to anything it contacts. If the Devil Elohim was their commander (but they cannot be
does not consume flammable material once per turn forced to kill anyone). A mortal may only be target
she takes one Bashing damage instead of losing of this power once per scene.
volume (this damage is not reduced). Dice: Presence + Expression
Duration: 1 scene
Lore of Radiance (Devil) Action: Instant Cost: None
Voice of Heaven • Torment: Instead, mortals gain a glimpse of the
Devil’s demonic nature and consider the Devil a
This Evocation can only be done once per scene.
personification of pure evil. All who do not have a
The Devil’s voice brings pause to all within earshot, Willpower greater than the Devil’s Torment will flee
briefly calming even the most frenzied minds to or become paralyzed with terror, while those with
listen to the Devil’s next words. If the Devil makes greater Willpower will regard the Devil as an enemy.
any command to end aggression (and remains non-
aggressive herself) then for all those who scored less
Pillar of Faith ••••
successes in the contested roll will obey for 1 scene. A number of mortals equal to Glory within 20 yards,
and whom the Devil deems as an ally, gain +1 dice to
Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Resolve
all their actions. If any of the mortals know the
Duration: 1 scene Devil’s Celestial Name they gain +3 dice instead.
Action: Instant Cost: None And if they know the Devil’s True Name, they
instead gain +5 dice for all their actions.
Torment: Instead, the Devil utters a furious stream of
foul hatred charged with power. It is still a contested Dice: Presence + Expression
roll, but if the Devil’s extra successes exceed the Duration: Minutes equal to Successes
target(s) Composure, then those individuals become
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
violent and will attack any source of frustration
(which could be the Devil). Supernaturals may be Torment: Instead, mortals receive a negative dice
sent into a frenzy from this effect. Other Demon's modifier equal to the Devil's Torment (max of -5)
affected by this will also gain a Torment point. but only if the Devil knows their real names.
Exalt •• Revelation •••••
The Devil’s commanding voice instills hope and The Devil reveals the mortal’s true nature to
strength to a single target. Successes achieved act as themselves; stripping away all their self-deception.
bonus dice for all their rolls of any one type of The mortal will answer any and all questions with the
fullest truth. After the scene they roll a number of Torment: Instead, victim is not cleansed but loses
dice equal to their Morality -2, if they get a success 1 Stamina at the end of each day for as many days
they get +1 Willpower dot, +1 Morality rank and +1 as successes (max equals Torment). If they drop to
Faith rank, on a failure they lose 1 Willpower dot zero Stamina they go into a coma. After the effect
instead. This Power can only be done on each Mortal ends they wake up and regain 1 Stamina a day.
once in their lives.
Heal •••
Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Willpower
Touch. Each success can be used to heal all
Duration: Permanent Bashing or a single Lethal. Expenditure of a point
Action: Instant to Evoke. Several minutes to play out of Faith allows the Scourge to heal Aggravated as
and to question them. Cost: 1 Faith easily as she heals Lethal with this Evocation.
Torment: Instead, the Devil reveals only their sins Dice: Stamina + Medicine
and no virtues. Mortal rolls Morality -4, if they
Action: Instant Cost: None
succeed they gain +2 Morality and +1 Faith Rank.
On a failed roll they lose 1 Morality Rank and 2 Duration: Permanent (Torment version of the
Willpower dots. Evocation effect lasts for one week and then the
sickness disappears for all individuals afflicted.)
Torment: Instead, the Scourge spreads sickness
Lore of Awakening (Scourge) and corruption. Successes equal Bashing damage,
Find the Faithful • target takes that much damage each day for as
many days as the Scourge’s Torment. This Bashing
Know the direction of an individual if the Scourge does not heal normally until the sickness has
has touched the target before. Detect the target up ended, but medical aid can mitigate the effects.
to a number of miles away equal to Scourge’s Spending a point of Faith makes this sickness
Glory + successes. To find supernaturals, the extremely contagious by skin to skin contact.
Scourge must still have touched the supernatural
before but must also know their true name. Animate ••••
Dice: Wits + Investigation Vs. Resolve Touch. Non-living objects (size 5 or smaller)
receive the breath of God and gain a form of
Duration: 1 scene rudimentary life. Successes + Glory equal the dice
Action: Instant Cost: None pool that all the objects will use. They are not self-
aware but extensions of the Scourge’s will.
Torment: Also, the target gets a sense of paranoia,
Throughout the duration the Scourge can touch and
and their fear grows as the Scourge gets closer.
animate objects, but may not animate more than
Cleanse •• the Scourge’s Glory at any given time.
Touch. Cleanse any poisons, infections or illnesses (e.g. Chairs can run, statues attack, ropes entwine)
(derangements can only be cured for one week). It
Dice: Dexterity + Crafts
leaves the body in an emerging black viscous fluid.
Successes needed depends on severity of illness or Duration: 1 scene
poison. Either this power works or it doesn’t at all. Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Cleanse can only be attempted on a subject’s
specific ailment, or instance of poison, once. Torment: Also, objects infused with Torment do
not move except to lash out at a nearby creature.
Dice: Stamina + Medicine They are not under the Scourge’s control. Dice
Duration: Permanent (1 week for derangements) pools based off of Torment Rank.
Action: Instant Cost: None Restore Life •••••
Touch. Restore life into a dead body. The soul Duration: Turns equal to Glory x 3
normally leaves a body one minute after death and Action: Instant Cost: None
cannot usually be recovered after that. But without
a soul, ghost or a spirit near to possess the body, it Torment: Also, the subject receives a headache, also
acts as a healthy looking zombie under the feelings of mounting paranoia and aggression. They
Scourge’s control. Bodies longer than a week dead roll Willpower, if they fail they receive a Bashing
cannot be restored. (If it becomes a “healthy and react with heightened aggression for the
zombie”, the attributes are the same as in life.) duration.
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith Earth, stone and concrete are at the Malefactor’s
control. The earth takes on the shape desired (e.g. A
Torment: Also, the Cyclone hungers for and steals wall of stone could leap from the ground to shelter
the air from living creature’s lungs. Any (except the Malefactor, a building’s wall could melt away
Scourge) within the Cyclone or within 10 yards of it like wax, or a boulder could be made into a throne).
take a bashing damage a turn. Range is equal to Glory in yards. Successes equal
cubic yards affected. Every 2 successes can cause 1
Bashing if used to strike an opponent, but dice pool
Lore of the Earth (Malefactor) is penalized by opponent’s defense.
Earth Meld • Dice: Dexterity + Crafts (minus target's defense)
If the Malefactor has soil or rock beneath them, then Duration: Permanent
the Malefactor may metaphorically fuse with and Action: Instant Cost: None
draw strength from the earth. Throughout the
duration, the Malefactor has a Speed rating of 1, but Torment: Also, skin contact does 1 Lethal. Further
every instance of damage the Malefactor suffers damage is taken once every 5 minutes.
(even Aggravated) is reduced by 1 point. Earth Storm ••••
Dice: Stamina + Athletics Earth, stone and concrete tear free and whirl around
Duration: As long as the Malefactor wishes the Malefactor. Successes +2 becomes the number of
shards that whirl around the Malefactor, they provide
Action: Instant/Reflexive with a Faith point +1 Defense for each shard. The Malefactor may also
Cost: None use up a shard to hurl at a target. Roll Dexterity +
Athletics + Glory - target’s Defense. Successes equal
Torment: Instead, the Demon may sink into the soil Bashing damage. Additionally, because of wind and
and move beneath the earth in any direction they stinging dirt, those within yards equal to Glory suffer
wish. Successes equal Speed of travel in yards. Each -1 dice to physical actions.
turn the Demon rolls Torment, failure causes a return
to the surface. (Devourer does not suffocate.) Dice: Strength + Survival
Roil the Earth •• Duration: 1 scene
Select a specific kind of object (e.g. gold, corpses), Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
the earth churns and forces the object to rise from the Torment: Instead, a vicious sandstorm forms around
earth (nothing Size 8 or greater). Range is yards the Demon. No Defense bonus, no throwing shards. 1
equal to successes + Glory. This can also be used to Lethal damage a turn to everything within range,
shift the earth underneath a target and knock them Radius is equal to Torment + successes in yards.
down if successes exceed their Dexterity.
Earthquake •••••
Dice: Strength + Survival
Successes are allocated between intensity and area
Duration: Instant affected (intensity starts at 2 before even raising it).
Action: Instant Cost: None Per turn, intensity equals damage to buildings, and
dice penalties to people. Most buildings have -2
Torment: Instead, a vortex that pulls objects into the Durability against this type of damage. Area is
earth. To avoid this, victims can roll Dexterity + determined by allocated successes: 1 = one yard, 2 =
Athletics (it uses up their action or they get -3 dice
for the attempt if they have already used their action
ten yards, 3 = 100 yards, 4 = half mile, 5 = one mile. 1, Sword = 3, Clock = 5. With the right materials and
Take that distance and multiply it by Glory. knowledge, engines or computers can be made as
extended actions.
Dice: Strength + Survival
Dice: Dexterity + Crafts
Duration: 1 turn per each intensity point.
Duration: Permanent
Action: 2 turns Cost: 1 Faith
Action: Instant or extended Cost: None
Torment: Also, toxic ash reeking of brimstone arises
from the cracks in the earth. Torment equals toxicity. Torment: Also, rolling more 1’s, 2’s or 3’s then
successes results in a dramatic failure when using the
Lore of the Forge (Malefactor) Enchant Object ••••
Enhance Object • Invest an object with the power to perform a specific
One success grants the Malefactor an innate Evocation or a made up power. The ST determines
understanding of how an object is used. Also, an the Lore (and the level) required. The Malefactor
object can receive a non-combat equipment modifier may also meet the requirements of Lore by having a
bonus equal to successes with a maximum of +3. Demon that knows the necessary Lore invest half
Successes can also be spent on repairing damage to (rounded down) of the Faith points required. (e.g. 1
the item, up to a maximum of 5 points. success and 1 Faith point could create a knife that
never loses its edge [no additional Lore required], 5
Dice: Wits + Crafts successes and 3 Faith points could create a key that
Duration: 1 scene. Modifier Permanent with 1 Faith opens any normal lock [Lore of Portals 1 required],
10 successes and 5 Faith points could create a mirror
(repairing damage is Permanent without Faith.) that reflects the individual’s darkest secret, ["Lore of
Action: Instant Cost: None Radiance 5" or "Lore of Humanity 4" or "Lore of
Longing 1" could all serve as the necessary Lore]).
Torment: Also, the item is cursed. Rolling more 1’s, Users roll Willpower to activate item (or they may
2’s or 3’s than successes results in a dramatic failure need to spend a Willpower point to activate item).
when using the object.
Dice: Dexterity + Crafts
Duration: Permanent
Activate Object ••
Action: Instant or Extended Cost: Variable
Range is 2 yards x Glory. The Malefactor can cause a Torment: Also, rolling more 1’s, 2’s or 3’s then
mechanical object to operate by force of will. Hinges successes results in a dramatic failure when using the
move, levers operate, buttons can be pressed, but object.
hammers don’t pick themselves up and start hitting
things. Successes needed varies (e.g. door opening Imbue Object •••••
would be 1, making a gun come out of safety, An object made of natural materials and shaped by
chamber a round and fire would take 3 [but that gun the Malefactor can, over time, trap souls. Any non-
could not be pointed in a new direction]) Demon and non-undead who has the item for a
Dice: Intelligence + Crafts period of time begins to obsess about it, the more
they give into the obsession the sooner it attempts to
Action: Instant Cost: None trap their soul. The item can trap multiple souls. For
Torment: Also, object takes 2 structural damage every soul trapped it gains a +1 equipment modifier
after activation. (to a max of +5). ST decides when the item attempts
to trap the soul (they roll the victims Willpower in
Shape Object •••
secret to see if they resist). "Soul Loss" is described
Touch. Shape matter by force of will (e.g. window in Mage (pg. 276). Breaking the object near the
into a glass crown, a steel tail pipe into a razor edged victim restores the soul to the body (other souls
sword). Successes depend on complexity. Hammer = released not near their bodies simply pass on.)
Dice: Resolve + Crafts The Malefactor does not need to look for a path, they
make one even of supernatural quality. (e.g. cave
Duration: Permanent, until broken
system under a lake that didn't exist before [and
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith disappears after traveling through], or a secret
Torment: Also, the soulless are filled with Torment, passage way through a university where you pass
making them become serial killers instead of listless. through closets that have no real openings in them a
minute later). These are complex paths through
folded dimensions in space. Successes are needed for
the distance of the Path and each criteria (e.g. being
Lore of Paths (Malefactor) unobserved, coming out at a specific point). This
Find Path • does not work to gain entry into any place, there will
be rare exceptions (e.g. Bank vault, grand buildings
The Malefactor determines if any path exists between of extraordinary design where folds cannot be made,
herself and her destination. If so, a faint silver-blue but these are very rare).
line appears to the Malefactor and anyone she
touches, also any Demon that gets more successes on Distance can be 100 yards per success.
a Supernatural Awareness roll than the Evocation's Dice: Intelligence + Crafts
successes. Criteria can be set if such a path is
available (e.g. an unobserved path through a field, a Duration: Special (Path must be continually
safe path through a burning building). Successes traversed once Evoked and it disappears in the wake
determine the possible criteria & distance, the of the Malefactor 30 seconds after her passage.)
distance approximates 100 yards per success. Action: Instant Cost: None
The Malefactor can set a keyword that anyone who Torment: Also, any (except the Malefactor) using
speaks it will also be able to see the silver-blue line. the path must roll Wits + Survival - Torment, if they
Dice: Wits + Survival fail they exit the path at a random interval.
Duration: 1 scene (Permanent with 1 Faith) Close Path ••••
Action: Instant Cost: None Number of pathways affected equals Glory. Altering
dimensional properties, pathways are blocked off
Torment: Also, as the Demon moves along the path unless contested by Willpower (e.g. the alleyway
circumstances hamper anyone following. now has no way out, though it can forcefully be
broken through still.) The Demon may create a
keyword that opens the pathway.
Conceal Path ••
Dice: Wits + Subterfuge Vs. Willpower
Conceal a pathway with folds in dimensions, making
it appear there is no way through, such as hiding a Duration: Days equal to Glory
doorway or even hiding the exit out of an alleyway. Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
It is only concealed, it does not block the path.
Torment: Also, the blocked off pathway is
Successes + Glory are the number of successes an maddening to look upon. Victims roll Willpower, on
opponent needs to see through the illusion. failure they try to flee if they cannot they lose a
Dice: Wits + Subterfuge Vs. Wits + Composure Willpower point.
Duration: Days equal to Glory Warp Path •••••
Action: Instant Cost: None Successes equal the changes and complexity of the
changes. A path can be made shorter, longer, lead to
Torment: Instead, Paths are not concealed but a different destination or loop back on itself without
hazardous. Torment equals Bashing damage. end. It can only connect to areas that fall within the
Successes are the difficulty for others to avoid harm. radius. Radius extends out 100 yards x Glory.
Lay Path ••• Dice: Intelligence + Crafts
Duration: Days equal to Glory (an extra Faith point (or omitted) to what is otherwise accurate vision, or
spent makes the duration 1 year instead) everything they see could be false. At the time of the
Evocation the Fiend describes what the target will
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith/2 Faith
see and where or how they will see it (e.g. a
Torment: Also, others on the path roll Willpower or particular door just looks like a flat part of the wall, a
gain a permanent minor derangement. weeping ghostly image always appears over their
shoulder when they look in a mirror, every time the
target touches a gun everything turns a hue of red.)
Lore of Light (Fiend) These can be animated illusions, but cannot adapt
themselves beyond the description. If the target starts
Light • interacting with the false images in ways that reveal
The Fiend fills an area (25 yard radius) with pale its falseness (i.e. going through a door that isn’t there
silvery light, akin to moonlight. The illumination is would disrupt its logic, but a ghostly apparition
strong enough to negate any penalties to vision. This above their shoulder cannot be revealed as false,
evocation may also be used to create intense bursts of ect…) then the Evocation starts to break down. The
light (that emanates from the Fiend) to stun enemies. falsified imagery unravels at the end of a number of
(This burst can be directed to avoid allies.) Victims turns equal to the number of successes.
contest, if they fail they are blinded for 1 turn. The Dice: Intelligence + Expression Vs. Wits +
Fiend gains a cumulative -2 dice to attempt this again Composure
on the same target(s) in the same scene.
Duration: (If it does not unravel) Days equal to
Dice: Wits + Science Vs. Wits + Stamina Glory vs. a Mortal, or 1 scene vs. a Supernatural.
Duration: 1 scene Action: 3 turns Cost: None
Action: Instant Cost: None Torment: Also, the Evocation infuses the target with
Torment: Instead, inky darkness that no light can madness. Target suffers a minor derangement for a
penetrate (same radius), but does not affect Fiend. number of weeks equal to Torment.
Bend Light •• Illusion ••••
The Fiend can bend light around herself to distort the The Fiend describes imagery that anyone within a
appearance of the Fiend’s location granting +1 specific area will begin to see (e.g. Those within this
Defense for each dot in Lore of Light. Bend Light area will see goblins) This illusion cannot unravel.
can also be used to see around one corner (but those Area is equal to successes + Glory x10 cubic yards.
around the corner cannot see the Fiend in return. )
Dice: Intelligence + Expression
Dice: Wits + Science
Duration: 1 hour per point of Glory
Duration: 1 scene
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Action: Reflexive Cost: None
Torment: Also, illusion manifests disturbing
Torment: Instead, light begins to collide with the air qualities. Witnesses roll Willpower, on failure they
molecules to either speed them up or slow them acquire a minor derangement for days equal to
down. The ambient heat of an area of 30 cubic yards Torment.
will either raise or lower by 5°F times Torment.
Coherent Light •••••
Eerie Sight •••
Range is in yards equal to Glory x 10. A beam of
This power effects what a single target sees. Range to condensed white light erupts from the Fiend’s hands
initially affect the target is equal to Glory x 5 yards or eyes and strikes a target. Successes equal Lethal
(afterwards distance does not matter). No others damage. Targets do not get their Defense, nor cover
around the target see anything different, only the nor armor modify (unless completely covered).
target’s vision is altered. What the target sees is
completely up to the Fiend. It can be a detail added Dice: Intelligence + Science
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 scene
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith Action: Reflexive Cost: None
Torment: Instead, the damage becomes aggravated. Torment: Also, the Fiend gets +2 dice on attacks but
cannot wait to hear the declaration of an action.
Casual Intuition ••••
Lore of Patterns (Fiend)
Pick a person or creature within sight (not through a
Sense Configuration • camera or picture) and learn one important event
Fiend senses the local convergence of consequential that’ll happen to the target. Glory equals how many
forces. Specify the type of event to detect (e.g. car days into the future. The event learned is the event
accident, Joshua returns). Sense the event a number most significant to the target within that period of
of days ahead (if it will happen) equal to Glory. time. Can only be cast on the same target once per
Success: 1 = Learn the general location of the event. day. Information is only the most likely fate before
2 = Also generally when. 3 = Grants the specifics of the Fiend's intrusion. Events are described to the
when & where. The range at which the event can be Fiend from the eyes and ears of the target, each
detected is 100 yards per Glory. The event is only the success also grants fifteen seconds prior to when the
most likely fate before the Fiend's intrusion. Each event happens (e.g. 2 successes, "you look into your
type of event can only be sensed once per day. Thrall’s future, and see them 30 seconds before
crossing the street, they had just said goodbye to a
Dice: Wits + Investigation woman named Laura and came out of a bookstore.
Duration: Instant They hear a loud horn before getting hit by a bus.")
Action: Instant Cost: None Dice: Intelligence + Investigation
Torment: Instead, only sense violent events, but Duration: Instant
receive a mental, blurry image of those involved. Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Trace Pattern •• Torment: Instead, the Fiend can only learn of events
At the location of the event, the Fiend analyzes a of misfortune but also hears the target's thoughts.
previous event that the Fiend knows about and that Twist Time •••••
has happened within the past hour. Learn the various
factors that caused it to occur. Successes: 1 = The The Fiend doubles her own Speed trait, gains +2
immediate circumstances that caused the event. 2 Defense, +3 Initiative, and gains an additional action
= Revealing a few minutes before the event, 3 that takes place at the very end of the turn, and +1
= Up to 15 minutes back to give a broader view of Strength when striking something (applying the same
how it happened. Knowledge is gained instantly. amount of force but in a shorter period of time results
in greater impact, hence the +1 Strength). One other
Dice: Intelligence + Investigation target in line of sight may also be either sped up with
Duration: Instant the same benefits, or slowed down (slowing makes
them receive: -3 initiative, -2 to their dice pool for
Action: Instant Cost: None physical actions, -2 Defense, and their Speed is
Torment: Instead, see a violent event up to 3 hours. halved, rounded down).
Foresee ••• Only supernaturals get a roll to contest.
Fiend is taken out of the initiative order, the Fiend Dice: Intelligence + Wits Vs. Resolve
may place themselves back into it whenever they Duration: Turns equal to successes
want, even after actions are declared (interrupting the
action, but it has to before dice are rolled). This Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
ability to choose when to act functions each turn. Torment: Also, slowed targets roll Wits, if they fail
Dice: Wits + Dexterity they lose their first turn. Targets that were sped up
roll Stamina, if they fail they instantly age 1 year Action: Instant Cost: None
(excluding the Fiend).
Torment: Instead, within range, the Fiend teleports
to a random and unfamiliar portal of a similar type.
Open/Close Portals • This functions the same as Portal but now others
may pass through as well (and the Action is quicker).
Touch. Doors & windows can be made to lock or
unlock with a touch. (Even if electronically sealed.) Dice: Intelligence + Composure
Complexity determines the number of successes Duration: Successes + 3 turns
needed (e.g. basic lock = 1. bank vault = 5).
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith
Dice: Manipulation + Larceny
Torment: Instead, all who use this portal are
Duration: Instant transported to a random & unfamiliar portal.
Action: Instant Cost: None (Not necessarily to the same one as each other.)
Torment: Instead, portals are broken open, or forced Doorway Into Darkness •••••
shut. Torment and extra successes equal the relative
Touch a portal. Create a doorway into an empty place
strength of how badly they are broken or jammed.
similar to (and close to) The Pitt. This evocation
Create Ward •• requires a portal (door/window/arch) to form the
Seal off portals in a room sized structure or smaller threshold between realms. This place has a floor (it is
that the Fiend is in (the doors/windows shut). Even translucent and impenetrable but feels like smooth
open archways create a thin layer of fog to cover it hollow stone) and nothing else. It is utterly black
that feels solid. Nothing but air can enter the area no except that occupants can still see themselves and
matter the brute strength (but exiting is still an others as if lit with ambient light that has no source.
option, and doors and windows are only locked from Being near The Pitt, howling winds rip away the
outsiders trying to get in). Lore of Portals, Paths, essence of living beings. Mortals take a bashing
Realms or Teleporting magic may contest for entry. damage each minute they are there, (this damage
never kills them) but when they run out of health
Dice: Resolve + Occult Vs. Lore + Glory they don’t go unconscious or take lethal damage they
Duration: Lasts for a number of minutes equal to instead simply suffer and gain a major derangement
Glory multiplied by successes. Or it lasts a whole each day, maximum equals 3 (each derangement
hour at the expenditure of a Faith point. takes a month to disappear, if they escape). Mortals
can never die in this place, even from hunger, disease
Action: Instant Cost: None or being eviscerated. If injured, their bodies slowly
Torment: Instead, this works the opposite. It heal back to normal. One exception is that they will
functions the same, but instead, nothing can get out. instantly die after 7 years. Demon’s gain a Torment
point for every uninterrupted hour spent in this
Portal ••• realm.
Fiend uses an existing manmade structural portal Dice: Intelligence + Occult
(door/window) to transport herself to a loosely
similar type of portal at another location. Fiend may Duration: Portal is open for turns equal to successes.
only teleport to a place she has been before. Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Familiarity determines the successes needed.
Torment: Also, the howling winds pass into the
Familiar = 1. Acquainted = 2. Visited once = 3. Mortal realm. Mortal’s within range of the doorway
Distance is equal to Glory x 100 miles. (yards equal to Fiend’s Torment) suffer a bashing
damage each minute. Demons are immune. Mortals
Dice: Intelligence + Composure also roll Willpower or flee the area and only
Duration: Instant remember the event in their nightmares.
an unlikely strategy, most likely they will beg and
offer to do almost anything to get their fix).
Lore of Longing (Defiler)
A successful Willpower roll will allow them to resist
Read Emotion • the urge to beg or coerce the Defiler for as many
Bring a target’s hidden emotions to the surface hours equal to their Resolve. Every time they fail
(range is 5 yards). This is revealed in subtle body they have a cumulative -1 (max -5) to resist. Every
language. The target is unaware of this. The Defiler year that passes, or each exceptional success they roll
also gains bonus dice against the target equal to to resist, decreases addiction by 1 until it’s gone.
successes for contested social rolls for the duration. Dice: Presence + Expression
Each target can only be affected once a day.
Duration: 1 scene
Dice: Wits + Empathy
Action: Instant Cost: None
Duration: 1 scene
Torment: Instead, inflict searing agony. The
Action: Instant Cost: None Defiler's successes subtract from their Perception
Torment: Also, the target feels slightly drained and dice pools. Half of the Demon's successes (round
hollow. They also lose a Willpower point if the down) act as dice penalties to all of the targets rolls
Defiler’s Torment is higher than their Willpower. for the scene. This does not have the addicting effect.
Torment: Instead, the target loses the ability to feel a Torment: Also, the obsession is exaggerated to
specific (or random, if unintended) positive emotion, psychotic levels. They literally feel physical pain if
and they cannot feel the emotion again for a number they are not completing the obsession.
of days equal to the Defiler’s Torment. Inspire •••••
Sensory Addiction ••• Each success adds +2 to Intelligence, +2 Wits and
Touch. The Defiler may enhance the perceptions and +2 Expression to a mortal. After, they must succeed
pleasures of another. Successes give equal bonuses to with a Willpower roll or lose 1 Willpower dot.
Perception rolls and physical pleasure is amplified by Dice: Presence + Expression
factors (e.g. x2, x3). Supernaturals may resist with a
contested Willpower roll. After the effects wear off Duration: Days equal to Glory
the target rolls Willpower. If they fail then they are Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
penalized by 2 dice (lasts 1 scene), also they become
Torment: Also, mortal goes over the edge from
addicted to the feeling and seek to enact it again if
genius to madness. Instead of possibly losing a
possible. (This functions like "Blood Addiction" in
Willpower dot, after the powers effect the target must
Vampire: The Requiem pg. 158) Each scene the
roll Willpower and achieve a number of successes
subject is around the Defiler, they will try to convince
equal to the Defiler's Torment, if they fail they gain a
or force the Defiler to reenact the Evocation (force is
permanent major derangement.
off of 1/3 of their body. Performing this again on the
same target in the same scene imposes a cumulative
Lore of Storms (Defiler) -1 dice penalty. Successive uses can be used thicken
Summon Water • the ice layer by a half an inch each time or to extend
out the surface area covered by ice.
Select desired effect. Successes needed for: fog = 1,
sudden shower = 2, torrent of rain = 3, flood = 4. Dice: Strength + Resolve
Only the flood effect needs a large source of water Duration: Runs its natural course (eventually melts)
within 100 yards (e.g. a river or lake), and causes that
source of water to surge forth at the rate of Action: Reflexive Cost: None
(approximately) 3 feet high, 30 feet wide and Torment: Also, the ice becomes exceptionally cold
traveling at a speed of 10mph. The range of the fog and would cause Lethal damage instead of Bashing.
and rain is a radius of half a mile, and the flood is not
Command the Storm ••••
limited by a range, just duration.
Conjure a storm out of thin air or banish a hurricane
Dice: Resolve + Survival
with the wave of a hand (e.g. creating a rainstorm in
Duration: Glory x 5 turns (Afterward, the fog the middle of the Arizona desert would impose a -2
dissipates, the rain stops, and the flooding recedes.) dice penalty [other penalties or bonuses determined
Action: Instant (but takes effect at the beginning of by the ST] while being near the ocean would not).
the next turn, which is when the duration begins). Successes determine what intensity the Demon can
banish or create using the following scale:
Cost: None
1 = rain, 2 = thunderstorm/snow, 3 = tropical storm
Torment: Also, the water is slimy and foul, or blizzard, 4+ for tornado or hurricane.
spreading disease. Torment gauges the virulence of
diseases. Dice: Strength + Science
The Demon transforms into water or mist (along with Action: Instant. 7 turns to manifest. Cost: 1 Faith
clothing and personal items that fit in the clothing). Torment: Also, destructive additions, even when
Immune to damage (except magical attacks, intense trying to banish weather (e.g. hail, intense humidity).
heat and intense cold). Can only be done once per
Invoke the Storm •••••
scene (can be undone Reflexively).
Must be outside. Local area manifests storm qualities
Dice: Stamina + Survival (or Medicine)
in a space the size to a city block. Wind, rain, snow,
Duration: Successes + Glory multiplied by 10 turns hail and lightning can be directed at targets. Dice
Action: Instant (Reflexive with 1 Faith point) pool after Evocation is Glory + Successes. Number
of targets is equal to Glory. Exceed target(s) Stamina
Cost: None to knock them down with wind or blind them for two
Torment: Also, the water they become is polluted turns (with rain or snow). Hail does bashing per
and burns others like acid, exposure equals 1 Lethal. success (dice pool reduced by cover/armor).
Lightning takes 7 turns to recharge and only hits one
Winter’s Touch ••• target. Lightning will automatically hit a visible
Touch. The Demon spreads a half an inch layer of ice target and deal 10 Bashing damage minus target’s
across a surface. Ice spreads out from the point of successes from a Stamina + Glory roll. Each effect
contact over a surface equal to successes x Glory in takes its own Instant Action to perform.
square feet. Creatures suffer a Bashing damage for Dice: Resolve + Survival (or Science) Vs. Stamina +
every 1/3 of their body covered in ice (e.g. if 2/3’s of Glory
their body is covered, they suffer 2 Bashing damage.
Adult humans have approximately 15 to 20 square Duration: 1 Scene
feet of surface area). Each success on a (Reflexive) Action: 2 turns to Evoke. Cost: 1 Faith
Strength + Stamina roll of the a victim will break ice
Torment: Also, each turn a random target is hit with Duration: 1 Scene. Self: Permanent with a Faith
an aspect of the storm (except lightning) at strength point. Mortal: Permanent if the Defiler knows their
equal to Torment. true name and spends a Faith point.
Action: Instant Cost: None
Lore of Transfiguration (Defiler) Torment: Also, the target is also made hideous, like
that of the Nosferatu in "Vampire: The Requiem".
Mimic • This usually imposes at least a -2 dice penalty to
The Defiler can assume the exact physical most social interactions.
mannerisms, voice and speech patterns of any subject Doppelganger ••••
she has previously touched. Successes contest against
individuals that know the subject to convince them of The Defiler can alter her own shape and appearance
the mimicry. (with the flexibility of increasing or decreasing Size
by one point) instantly to any subject she has touched
Dice: Manipulation + Expression Vs. Wits + before. In fact, for the duration of this Evocation the
Composure Defiler can change her appearance once per turn as a
Duration: 1 Scene. Reflexive Action to appear as a different subject
(note that physical mannerisms and speech patterns
Action: Reflexive Cost: None do not also change unless "Mimic" is Evoked for
Torment: Instead, the voice of another (someone the each form, although the voice does change to the new
Defiler has previously touched) is imposed on a form). While this change is physical (not an illusion)
target within 50 yards, their voice is changed for a the Defiler's attributes do not change, only her shape,
number of minutes equal to Torment. voice and appearance.
Alter Appearance •• Dice: Manipulation + Expression
Touch. The Defiler altars cosmetic features of herself Duration: 1 Scene
or a mortal. These include: skin color, hair color and Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith
length, scars, tattoos or eye color. Each success
changes one of these five features. Torment: Also, each form the Defiler takes has their
features distorted (e.g. mouth is too big, eyes are
Dice: Presence + Subterfuge Vs. Stamina bloodshot, appearance of skin looks diseased.)
Duration: 1 Scene. Self: Permanent with a Faith Change the Body •••••
point. Mortal: Permanent if the Defiler knows their
real name and spends a Faith point. Touch. The Defiler gains mastery of form to the
extent that Physical Attributes can now be altered of
Action: Instant Cost: None herself or a mortal target. Each success raises or
Torment: Also, the feature(s) being altered have a lowers a Physical Attribute by one point. These
strikingly disturbing quality to them as well. alterations may be divided among the attributes
however the Defiler desires.
Alter Shape •••
Dice: Presence + Expression Vs. Willpower
Touch. Demon alters self or another's height, weight,
appearance of skin’s age, voice, facial or skeletal Duration: 1 Scene.
structure (must remain within the human form). Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Change one feature per success. Cannot increase or
decrease the Size trait (in regards to height and Torment: Also, the target is also made hideous, like
weight) by more than one point. Targets may contest. that of the Nosferatu in "Vampire: The Requiem".
With 5 or more successes the Demon can grant the This usually imposes at least a -2 dice penalty to
Merit “Striking Looks” (First Rank). most social interactions.
Action: Instant Cost: None
Lore of the Beast (Devourer) Torment: Instead, the Devourer may only possess
carnivores. +2 to all the animals dice pools while
Summon Animals • controlled. Animals are left with a bloodlust for
Summon animals of a specified type to come to the hours equal to Torment after they regain control.
Devourer. These animals instinctively regard the Animal Form ••••
Devourer as a safe creature (that they do not want to
eat). Range is Glory x 200 yards. Successes equal The Devourer may take the form of any animal
how many animals come (if there are that many whose blood or flesh the Devourer has at one time
within the area). If a swarm type (e.g. hornets) is tasted. Conservation of mass does not apply. Physical
chosen, successes equal swarm size in cubic yards. attributes, senses and health boxes change to that of
the animal.
Dice: Presence + Animal Ken
Dice: Stamina + Animal Ken
Duration: 1 scene
Duration: 1 scene
Action: Instant Cost: None
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Torment: Instead, all carnivorous animals arrive
(despite intended animal type) and they come with Torment: Also, claws or bite attacks do Aggravated
murderous frenzy. They roll Willpower, if they fail damage. Roll Willpower + Glory - Torment every 5
they attack the nearest target (possibly the Demon). turns or the Devourer loses herself to the animal’s
feral nature (ST gains control for power's duration).
Command Animals ••
Create Chimera •••••
Command a number of animals equal to successes.
Range is equal to Glory x 5 yard. The animals gain Touch. Enhance or mutate any animal. Successes add
one point of Intelligence and the commands can be or subtract features or can be used to increase
given to them telepathically. attributes or size on a one-for-one basis.
Dice: Strength + Animal Ken For example, changing a rabbit into a winged tiger
that can fly would require 10 successes. (Changing
Duration: 1 day the size from 1 to 6 [5 successes needed], granting
Action: Instant Cost: None wings and an internal anatomy that makes flight a
possibility [2 success needed] and giving it a strength
Torment: Instead, only carnivorous animals can be of 4 so that it has the power to be able to fly [3 more
affected, the Devourer’s Torment inspires in them a successes]). This power can be Evoked as an
murderous cunning and strength. Their aggression extended action. Must have willing or restrained (or
increases and they gain +2 Intelligence instead, and unconscious) animal for the extended roll. Most
they gain +2 to their dice pools when attacking. mutations strain the animal’s psyche, animal rolls
Possess Animals ••• Willpower or becomes deranged (severity varies).
Complete conscious control of one or more animals Dice: Strength + Animal Ken
within a range Glory x 5 yards. Successes equal the Duration: Days equal to Glory, or permanent with
number of animals. The Devourer senses what the the expenditure of a Willpower point.
possessed animals sense. If controlling more than one
animal the Devourer goes into a comatose state. If Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
only controlling one animal, the Devourer’s dice Torment: Also, infused with pain and madness.
pools are halved during this Evocation (rounded They do not get a roll to resist becoming deranged.
down). Range of control after connection is
established is miles equal to the Devourer's Glory.
Dice: Intelligence + Animal Ken Lore of the Flesh (Devourer)
Duration: 1 Scene Body Control •
Choose the intended effect before rolling. Dice: Strength + Medicine
This Evocation can only affect the Devourer. Duration: 1 scene (or 1 day with 1 Faith point)
Purge Poisons: This includes alcohol, medication, Action: Instant Cost: None
hemlock, ect… Only one success is needed, but the
Torment: Also, Attributes may be raised above 2 but
potency/quantity of the chemical can levy penalties
the total number of adjustments do 1 point of
up to a maximum of -3 dice for the Evocation roll.
Bashing damage for each one in excess of target's
Breath: Each success effectively increases Stamina Stamina. This cannot be healed for the duration of
by 1, but only for the ability of holding one’s breath. this power.
Heart Rate: 1 success needed to slow heart rate, it Restore Flesh ••••
becomes so slow as to fool an examiner that they are
Touch. Each success can heal all Bashing or two
dead. Or heart rate can be sped up providing +2
Lethal. 2 Successes can be used to heal one
Speed for each success (and with 3 or more successes
Aggravated damage. Limbs and organs can be
the Devourer also gains +1 Strength). Speeding heart
restored, and all illnesses (not derangements)
causes any Lethal damage suffered to increase by +1.
eliminated (ST decides successes needed for those).
Metabolism: Two successes are needed for this
Dice: Intelligence + Medicine
effect, if achieved, then for the Evocation's duration,
natural healing times are halved (rounded up). Duration: Instant
Dice: Stamina + Athletics Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
Duration: Purging Poisons: Permanent. Torment: Also, tainted by hatred and pain, the target
rolls Willpower if they succeed they suffer a minor
Breath & Heart Rate: 1 scene. Metabolism: 1 day.
derangement that lasts for 1 scene, if they fail then
Action: Instant Cost: None it’s permanent. If Torment rank is higher than target's
Torment: Also, the Devourer gains +3 Initiative but Willpower the derangement is major.
loses 1 Intelligence dot. And this Evocation cannot Shape Flesh •••••
be cancelled Reflexively, Torment effect only ends
Touch. Mortals or Devourer can become perfected or
when the Devourer eats as many pounds of food
monstrous creatures straight out of legend. The
equal to their Torment.
Devourer determines the form and capabilities and
Manipulate Nerves •• the ST assigns the number of successes needed. (e.g.
Touch. Sharpen or dull the reflexes and senses of the A human increased to a height of 7 feet and given a
Devourer or another. The target receives either +2 or grotesquely big mouth with sharp teeth like that of a
-2 to both their Defense trait and Perception rolls. If shark would be 2 successes for the height change and
the Devourer is attempting to lower reflexes and 3 more for the shark mouth.) This can be an extended
senses of another, then the Evocation is contested. roll (must have willing or restrained targets for the
extended roll).
Dice: Dexterity + Medicine Vs. Stamina
Dice: Strength + Medicine Vs. Willpower
Duration: 1 scene (or 1 day with 1 Faith point)
Duration: Days equal to Glory. Against mortals it
Action: Instant Cost: None can be made permanent with a Willpower point.
Torment: Also, for the next week the target suffers a Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
number of hallucinations equal to Torment.
Torment: Also, target gains a minor derangement.
Manipulate Flesh •••
(If Torment is higher than Willpower, it is major.)
Touch. Enhance Physical Attributes on a one-for-one
basis of self or another (or degrade them by an equal
amount). No single attribute may be raised (or Lore of the Wild (Devourer)
lowered) more than two points. Adjustments may be
split between attributes however desired. Wilderness Sense •
The Devourer learns the general layout of the Action: Instant Cost: None
landscape (e.g. hills, caves, rivers) and what animals
Torment: Also, after the Evocation, the plant(s)
live there. Devourer also learns the approximate
quickly rots and ferments into a toxic chemical.
direction of the creature the local fauna considers the
greatest threat (not the Devourer). -2 dice for Urban
settings. Range is a radius of miles equal to Glory.
Dice: Wits + Survival Create Flora ••••
Duration: 1 scene
The Devourer brings plant life to an area. This
Action: Instant Cost: None Evocation causes the spontaneous creation of any
type of plant (or variety of plants) the Devourer has
Torment: Also, animals react with above average
previously touched. This affects a radius of Glory +
aggression to human trespassers for the duration.
Successes x 10 yards. Growth is accelerated, small
(This does not mean they automatically attack.)
quick growing Flora spring up in seven seconds,
Quicken Growth •• while larger shrubs and small trees will be mature
Plants grow with sudden speed. (e.g. This power within seven minutes. Most trees and slower growing
would cause trees to shoot skyward, vines to swell, plants will reach maturity within seven hours.
briars to envelop their surroundings, and roots to Dice: Presence + Survival
create fissures in concrete.) Number of plants
Duration: Natural
affected equals Glory. Each success increases the
plant’s size by one cubic yard, and the way the plant Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
grows is chosen by the Devourer. Each plant can Torment: Instead, this power strips life from an area.
only be affected once per scene. Plants wither and die within seconds. This affects a
Dice: Stamina + Survival radius of Torment + Successes x 10 yards
surrounding the Devourer. It remains a blighted area
Duration: 1 scene (then growth withers back to
until the soil is reinvigorated naturally over time.
normal within a few minutes.)
Mutate Plant •••••
Action: Instant, but 3 turns to grow Cost: None
Create new specialized breeds. Successes equal new
Torment: Also, poisonous thorns make the area of
features and size. For example changing a potted
growth dangerous to traverse. Every 2 points of
plant to grow above a doorway and have a trigger to
Torment causes the thorns to inflict 1 Bashing
snap down with barbs when the door is opened, and
(unless a successful Stamina roll is made) each time
exudes a poison from its barbs that could render most
a living being is pricked by thorns (avoiding thorns is
mortals unconscious would require 6 successes (1 for
a Dexterity + Survival roll, [with possible
the barbs, 2 for the movement and the trigger to
strike, 3 for the poison). This can be Evoked as an
Possess Plant ••• Extended action.
Devourers can make plants extensions of their will. Dice: Intelligence + Survival
Number of plants equal successes. Range is equal 10
Duration: Days equal to Glory. Or permanent with
yards x Glory. These plants gain the supernatural
the expenditure of a Willpower point.
ability to move like a living animal. They must stay
rooted, however. Rose bushes can lacerate victims, Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
ivy can entangle enemies, and trees can wreak havoc Torment: Also, harmful features grow on their own
upon an area. Their Strength is approximately equal over time at a rate of 1 every other day (maximum
to the Demon’s Willpower with appropriate bonuses amount of additional features equal Torment).
or penalties depending on size of the plant.
Dice: Strength + Survival
Duration: 1 Scene Lore of Death (Slayer)
Read Fate • Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Willpower
Look into the eyes of a dead body and see the Duration: 1 scene
manner in which it died. 1 Success grants a snapshot Action: Instant Cost: None
the moment it died, 2 goes back 30 seconds, 3 goes
back 2 minutes (2 minutes is the maximum). The Torment: Instead, affects all others within range.
information is learned instantly. Extinguish Life ••••
Dice: Intelligence + Investigation Touch. The Slayer’s touch means death. If used on a
Action: Instant Cost: None supernatural then successes equal Aggravated
damage minus opponent’s successes of rolled Glory
Torment: Also, after the Slayer achieves the
(or equivalent). Minimum of 1 damage. If this power
information, the Torment robs the identity from the
is used on a Mortal, they die instantly (no
body, its eyes decay away, along with finger prints,
tattoos/skin marks, dental configuration and even its
DNA and face melds into something generic. Only Dice: Stamina + Intimidation Vs. Glory
the approximate age, race and gender remain. Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith
Decay •• Torment: Also, this Evocation affects a randomly
Touch. Animate Target: 1 Lethal per success. selected additional target within yards equal to
Non-Animate Target: Material objects break down
into dust. Successes are allocated between volume Unlife •••••
and decomposition rate. 1 cubic foot per success Raise one or more dead bodies as a zombie under the
allocated to area. The decomposition rates are: Slayer’s control. Number of zombies equal Glory.
1 turn/1 minute/1 hour/1 day. Materials with a Physical Attributes start at 2, successes can be used
Durability of 1 will decay in one turn, materials with to raise them (e.g. 1 success can be used to raise the
a Durability of 2 will decay in one minute, 3 Strength of all the zombies by 1). Zombies can be
Durability decays in one hour and 4 or more told to do simple actions. If a Zombie ever takes one
Durability decays in one day. But every point point of Aggravated damage by fire, or one point of
allocated to decomposition rate will make it decay Aggravated damage to the head, they die instantly.
one degree faster (e.g. a hammer with Durability 3 Every number of days that pass that is equal to the
will decay in one hour, but if a success is allocated to zombies Stamina causes them to take 1 Lethal
decomposition rate, it will decay in 1 minute, if two damage from irreversible rot. The zombies are
successes are allocated then it will decay in 1 turn). commanded verbally, but have limited Intelligence
Dice: Resolve + Intimidation and memory so the tasks must be simple.
Duration: Permanent (Other zombie rules may apply at ST discretion.)
Action: Reflexive Cost: None Dice: Stamina + Medicine
Torment: Also, All non-living (and non-undead) Duration: Until the zombies rot away
material with 3 Durability or less, and that is within Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
range, is affected. Range is equal to Torment in feet.
Torment: Also, without focus, the zombies will
Vision of Mortality ••• randomly attack nearby living creatures.
The Slayer fills her foe’s mind with visions of death
(with the Slayer envisioned as their murderer). The
visions are so powerful and vivid they almost take on Lore of the Realms (Slayer)
a tactile sensation. Range is equal to Glory x2 in
yards. Number of targets equals Glory. Opponents Test the Barrier •
contest, if they fail the target(s) flee from the Slayer. See, hear, speak and physically interact with ghosts
If they succeed the power can’t be used on them and objects in Twilight. Also, the Slayer has
again for the rest of the scene. intimate knowledge of the workings in that realm.
With scrutiny, the Slayer can check for signs of Torment: Instead, speed is 300 mph, and causes a
current or upcoming violence by examining an area storm to rise in Twilight in the Demon’s wake,
(it is only the most likely future before the Slayer’s injuring ghosts.
intrusion). More successes give more descriptive
Stand Between the Barrier ••••
portents. (e.g. 1 success may make it appear that the
foundation of a home is cracking, representing Type of area (Gauntlet strength) determines
something bad is going to happen to a member of successes needed. Phase between the material world
that family. Another success might show the cracks and Twilight with ease. The Slayer appears as a
have razor builds sticking out of them, representing translucent version of herself when viewed from the
murder or suicide. Portents are symbolic. un-phased realm, making it easier to blend in or hide
in the un-phased realm (2 automatic successes to
Dice: Wits + Investigation
stealth). The Slayer is not solid in the un-phased
Duration: 1 scene realm, and so is immune to physical damage. At will
the Slayer me see and speak into both realms, or only
Action: Instant Cost: None
in one. Switching realms is a reflexive action, but the
Torment: Also, the portents manifest in the mortal Slayer cannot switch again until two turns from the
realm for all to see. Portents disappear at next dawn. switch.
Haunting •• Dice: Dexterity + Occult
Gauntlet strength determines the successes needed Duration: 1 scene
(e.g. graveyard = 1, mall = 5). The air in the mortal
Action: Instant (to Evoke) Cost: 1 Faith
realm grows cold. Ghosts and spirits are drawn to the
area and each receives three points of essence from Torment: Instead, the Demon may switch realms as
the closeness of the living realm. For the duration, a reflexive action now once each turn, but suffers a
ghosts actively haunt the area, and are compelled to bashing damage each switch.
affect the living realm (usually in disturbing ways).
Pierce the Barrier •••••
The Slayer may also use this closeness to physically
step into (or out of) Twilight with a successful A doorway between realms appears in the air for any
Willpower roll (this takes 5 actions). to use. Gauntlet strength determines successes
needed. The Twilight realm does 1 bashing per hour
Dice: Dexterity + Occult
to any non-Slayers (cannot heal Bashing while in
Duration: 1 day per Glory Twilight). Ghosts can use this gateway to manifest in
the mundane world without the use of a Numina.
Action: 1 minute to Evoke Cost: None
Dice: Intelligence + Occult
Torment: Also, Ghosts gain +2 dice for duration.
Duration: 1 scene
Ghost Travel •••
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Faith
Physically cross into or out of Twilight. The Slayer
may also “fly” while in the Twilight realm with this Torment: Also, those nearby are pulled into
Evocation active. The "flying" aspect does not Twilight. To contest, victims roll Strength +
require wings and is at a speed of 1/12 mile a turn Athletics. Range is equal to yards in Torment.
(100 mph). Flying does not work in combat, as the
magical principle of this type of flight is related to
travel. But the Slayer has great maneuverability for Lore of the Spirit (Slayer)
navigating tight spaces while in flight.
Interact with the Dead •
Dice: Dexterity + Occult
See, hear, speak and physically interact with ghosts
Duration: 1 scene (duration relates to how long the and objects in Twilight. Also, successes are
Slayer may fly while in twilight) contested against each ghost encountered during the
Action: Instant Cost: None duration of this Evocation to compel them to answer
a number of questions equal to Glory.
Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Resistance anchor). Objects with a soul trapped within are fused
with a duality that gives them an extra effect in
Duration: 1 scene
reality. The object now has a +3 modifier. Only one
Action: Instant Cost: None soul per object can be anchored. This power can also
Torment: Also, after, the nearest ghost becomes be used to destroy a ghost’s anchor.
hostile toward the living for days equal to Torment. Dice: Manipulation + Intimidation
Compel the Dead •• Duration: Permanent (except the soul gets to make a
chance roll at the end of each month of being trapped
Force all or specific ghosts to come. Range is a
to break free and pass on, a dramatic failure makes
radius of 30 yards x Glory. Only a powerful ghost
them unable to make any further rolls.)
may try to contest with Resistance. Instead this
power can grant 1 essence and heal 1 corpus with Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
each success on a one for one basis, but can only
Torment: Also, souls are maddened in the
affect a single ghost once in each period between
suffocating darkness and their anguish bleeds into the
dusk to dusk.
physical realm (ST discretion).
Dice: Manipulation + Intimidation
Duration: 1 scene (Essence & Corpus is permanent)
Action: Instant Cost: None
Restore the Dead •••••
Torment: Also, afterward, the ghost(s) becomes
Anchor a mortal soul to a soulless body (a soulless
hostile toward the living for days equal to Torment.
living body is a possibility, if it is a dead body, it
Command the Dead ••• restores it to life and full health but only if it died
within the past 24 hours; otherwise the body will
Command a ghost to do anything within its power.
irrevocably rot away like it was a corpse, despite
The ghost receives a +2 to all dice pools for the
there being a soul within). The Slayer must touch the
duration, but this power can only affect each ghost
body and the soul’s vessel. The memories of the
once in each period between dusk to dusk.
mortal soul are intact, but their can also be lingering
Dice: Presence + Intimidation Vs. Resistance bits and pieces of memory from the body. Ghosts are
Duration: 1 scene usually only echoes of a soul (not a true soul itself)
but they can be put into a body as well (with side
Action: Instant Cost: None effects that the ST decides).
Torment: Also, afterward, the ghost(s) becomes Dice: Intelligence + Empathy
hostile toward the living for days equal to Torment.
Duration: Permanent
Anchors of the Soul ••••
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Faith
After a mortal dies, either anchor their soul to a
physical object, or create a ghost from the mortal’s Torment: Also, the target is twisted by hate and
death (both cannot be done with the same mortal). pain. Mortals gain the Vice Wrath. They must spend
Souls and ghosts are two different things. Ghosts are a point of Willpower to avoid giving into the vice
spiritual echoes with remnants of the mortal’s when an opportunity presents itself.
personality lingering on. The soul is the true essence
of a mortal. The Slayer only has 7 minutes after a
mortal’s death to perform this Evocation. If the soul
is anchored to an object, the soul has no ephemeral
body to interact in Twilight. Binding a soul to an
object that has no relevance to their lives requires +2
successes, same goes for creating a ghost (and all
ghosts must have at least one anchor). Range is yards
equal to Glory (must be near the body and the