Development and Validation of The Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale: A Brief Self-Report Measure of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating Disorder
Development and Validation of The Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale: A Brief Self-Report Measure of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating Disorder
Development and Validation of The Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale: A Brief Self-Report Measure of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating Disorder
Shireen L. Rizvi
University of Washington
This article describes the development and validation of a brief self-report scale for diagnosing anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Study 1 used a panel of eating-disorder experts and
provided evidence for the content validity of this scale. Study 2 used data from female participants with
and without eating disorders (N = 367) and suggested that the diagnoses from this scale possessed
temporal reliability (mean K = .80) and criterion validity (with interview diagnoses; mean K = .83). In
support of convergent validity, individuals with eating disorders identified by this scale showed
elevations on validated measures of eating disturbances. The overall symptom composite also showed
test-retest reliability (r = ,87), internal consistency (mean a = .89), and convergent validity with extant
eating-pathology scales. Results implied that this scale was reliable and valid in this investigation and that
it may be useful for clinical and research applications.
It has been estimated that 10% of female individuals in western behavior to prevent consequent weight gain (e.g., vomiting, laxa-
countries will suffer from a diagnosable eating disorder (American tive abuse, diuretic abuse, or excessive exercise), and (c) undue
Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994), making it one of the more influence of weight and shape on self-evaluation (APA, 1994). The
prevalent psychiatric problems faced by women. Anorexia nervosa lifetime prevalence for bulimia nervosa is approximately 2% for
is characterized by (a) extreme emaciation; (b) intense fear of females (Newman et ai., 1996; Whitaker et al., 1990). This disor-
gaining weight or becoming fat despite a low body weight; (c) der is markedby a persistent course and is associated with high
disturbed perception of weight and shape, an undue influence of levels of comorbid psychopathology, including affective disorders,
weight or shape on self-evaluation, or a denial of the seriousness anxiety disorders, and substance abuse (Garfinkel et al., 1995;
of the low body weight; and (d) amenorrhea (APA, 1994). This Keller, Herzog, Lavori, Bradburn, & Mahoney, 1992).
disorder has a lifetime prevalence of almost 1% among females, is Binge-eating disorder involves (a) repeated episodes of uncon-
refractory to treatment, shows a chronic course, results in serious trollable binge eating characterized by certain features (e.g., rapid
medical complications, and is associated with psychiatric comor- eating or eating alone because of embarrassment), (b) marked
bidity such as mood, anxiety, and personality disorders (Wilson, distress regarding binge eating, and (c) the absence of compensa-
Heffernan, & Black, 1996). tory behaviors (APA, 1994). The lifetime prevalence for binge-
Bulimia nervosa involves (a) recurrent episodes of uncontrolla- eating disorder is approximately 4% in the community (Spitzer et
ble consumption of large amounts of food, (b) compensatory al., 1993), but it has been estimated that about 30% of individuals
presenting for weight-control treatment meet criteria for this dis-
order (Brody, Walsh, & Devlin, 1994). This disorder appears to
have a persistent course and is associated with obesity, weight
Eric Stice, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin;
cycling, health complications, and psychiatric comorbidity (Wil-
Christy F. Telch, Depa~nent of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Stanford University; Shireen L. Rizvi, Department of Psychology, Univer- son et al., 1996; Telch & Stice, 1998).
sity of Washington. Research on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of eating
This study was supported by Postdoctoral Fellowship MH19908, Career disorders has increased dramatically over the past 2 decades (Smo-
Award MH01708, Exploratory Development Grant MH54641, and Re- lak, Levine, & Striegel-Moore, 1996), but progress has been lim-
search Grant MH50271 from the National Institute of Mental Health, as ited in part by the scarcity of validated measures of eating disor-
well as by a grant from the McKnight Foundation. We thank Kim Frornme, ders. Although there are structured psychiatric interviews for
Helen C. Kraemer, Heather Shaw, and Michael J. Telch for their thoughtful
arriving at Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
input regarding this article.
(4th ed.; DSM-1V," APA, 1994) diagnoses of anorexia nervosa,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Eric
Stice, Department of Psychology, 330 Mezes Hall, University of Texas bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder (e.g., the Eating Dis-
at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712. Electronic mall may be sent to stice@psy. order Examination [EDE; Fairburn & Cooper, 1993] and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM [SCID; Spitzer, Williams,
Gibbon, & First, 1990]), no parallel self-report questionnaire mea- nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder were adapted from
sure exists. Available self-report questionnaires, such as the Bu- validated smactured psychiatric interviews, which assessed these disorders:
limia T e s t - - R e v i s e d (Thelen, Farmer, Wonderlich, & Smith, the EDE (Fairburn & Cooper, 1993) and the eating-disorder module of the
1991), Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns (Spitzer et al., SCID (Spitzer et al., 1990). We used the version of the EDE that assesses
diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating
1992), Eating Disorder Examination---Questionnaire (Fairburn &
disorder. We also consulted the DSM-1V (APA, 1994) regarding diagnostic
Beglin, 1994), and Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses
criteria for these three eating disorders in an effort to ensure that all
(Mintz, O'HaUoran, Mulholland, & Schneider, 1997), do not yield relevant symptoms were represented on the scale. Items were worded to
DSM-IV diagnoses for all three eating disorders. Moreover, the capture diagnostic criteria for these disorders, including the necessary time
reliability and validity of measures from extant self-report ques- windows for various behaviors.
tionnaires have not been well established. For example, we were
unable to locate any published studies that report the test-retest
reliability for DSM-IV eating-disorder diagnoses generated by
Step 2
these self-report questionnaires. Similarly, there appear to be no To document that all of the diagnostic criteria for the three eating
published studies that report the agreement between DSM-IV disorders were included and that no irrelevant information was included in
eating-disorder diagnoses ascertained through validated structured the EDDS, a panel of eating-disorders researchers from around the country
interviews and those generated by these self-report questionnaires. evaluated a preliminary version of this questionnaire. Twenty-six eating-
A brief self-report questionnaire would be very useful for etio- disorder experts, identified through a literature search, were mailed the
logic research, in that it is time consuming and expensive to preliminary draft of the EDDS, a list of the diagnostic criteria taken directly
conduct lengthy structured psychiatric interviews with large num- from the DSM-IV, and a cover letter with instructions. Experts were asked
bers of participants. Such a questionnaire might also be useful to (a) check that all of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria were assessed on
EDDS, (b) cross out any EDDS items that did not reflect a DSM-IV
when researchers need relatively frequent measurement of eating
symptom, (c) suggest refinements to the wording of items or instructions,
pathology (e.g., prevention programs or treatment studies), as it
and (d) write down any additional items that should be included. Of the 26
would minimize the response burden for participants. Finally, such participants who were mailed this information, 14 (54%) returned com-
a measure might prove useful in clinical settings (e.g., primary care pleted packets. Four of the 14 experts noted that one diagnostic criteria was
offices) where a brief questionnaire is desired to identify individ- not reflected on the EDDS (fasting) and made suggestions regarding
uals with eating pathology. wording of this item. Experts agreed that all remaining diagnostic criteria
Accordingly, we sought to develop a brief self-report scale that were included and that no irrelevant items were included. Experts also
would provide diagnoses of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, provided several useful suggestions that clarified the wording of items and
and binge-eating disorder, and to generate evidence of the reliabil- instructions. These responses were used to guide a revision of the prelim-
ity and validity of this new diagnostic instrument. Study 1 de- inary EDDS.
scribes the processes by which we generated items and examined
the content validity of this new scale. Study 2 assesses the test- Step 3
retest reliability, criterion validity, and convergent validity of this
diagnostic scale. As some researchers may be interested in using The revised draft of EDDS was pilot tested with patients from an
an overall eating-disorder symptom composite for etiologic, pre- eating-disorders clinic, undergraduate students, and high school students
vention, or treatment studies (because of the low base rate of these (N = 15). These participants were asked to comment on the clarity of the
questions and instructions. This feedback was used to guide a final revision
disorders), a tertiary aim was to explore the psychometric proper-
of the preliminary EDDS, which primarily centered on clarifying the
ties of such a symptom composite derived from this diagnostic
scale. In particular, the test-retest reliability, internal consistency,
and convergent validity of the overall symptom composite were
examined. Results
Method samples (Pike, Loeb, & Walsh, 1995; Segal, Hersen, & Van Hasselt, 1994;
Stukenberg, Dura, & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1990).
Participants Responses to the EDE and SCID interviews were used to group partic-
ipants into four diagnostic categories: DSM-IVanorexia nervosa (n = 15),
An effort was made to recruit a heterogeneous sample that was diverse DSM-IV bulimia nervosa (n = 31), DSM-IV binge-eating disorder (n =
in age, socioeconomic status, and geographic location to maximize the 48), and noneating disordered controls (n = 273).
generalizability of the findings. Participants were 367 females between the Yale-Brown-Cornell Eating Disorder Scale. The Yale-Brown-
ages of 13 and 65 recruited from the metropolitan areas of San Francisco, Cornell Eating Disorder Scale (YBC-EDS; Mazure, Halmi, Sunday, Ro-
New York, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Austin. Participants were recruited mano, & Einhorn, 1994) is an 84-item structured interview that assesses
from several ongoing projects, including (a) a randomized clinical trial for obsessions and rituals relating to food, eating, weight, and shape issues.
the treatment of anorexia nervosa (n = 12), (b) a randomized clinical trial
Research has supported the reliability of the YBC-EDS measures, with
for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (n = 3), (c) a randomized clinical trial
internal consistency coefficients ranging from .82 to .90 and interrater
for the treatment of binge-eating disorder (n = 17), (d) a multisite study on
agreement kappas ranging from .80 to 1.00 in clinical samples (Mazure et
the longitudinal course of threshold and subthreshold eating disorders in a
al., 1994; Sunday, Halmi, & Einhorn, 1995). All participants completed the
non-treatment seeking sample (n = 185), (e) a multisite study on affect
YBC-EDS except the 38 participants from the affect study, 109 participants
(n = 38), (f) a longitudinal study of the risk factors for eating disorders
from the longitudinal risk factor study, and the 3 anorexic participants from
(n = 109), and (g) an inpatient psychiatric treatment unit (n = 3).
the inpatient treatment unit.
Participants from the first six sources were recruited directly from the
Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire. The Three-Factor Eating Ques-
community through advertisements placed in local media, fliers distributed
tionnaire (TFEQ; Stunkard & Messick, 1985) is a 54-item questionnaire
at universities and medical clinics, and direct mailings to eligible females
with three subscales measuring cognitive (dietary) restraint, perceived
between the ages of 13 and 65 to participate in these research studies. The 3
hunger, and emotionally based disinhibition of eating. The reliability and
patients recruited from the inpatient treatment unit were approached di-
validity of the TFEQ subscales has been supported by research indicating
rectly because a chart review suggested that they had a diagnosis of
that the internal consistency coefficients ranged between .85 and .93, and
anorexia nervosa. Data for this study were collected at: (a) various assess-
that the subscales correlated with dietary intake and discriminated between
ment points in the three randomized clinical trials and the longitudinal
course study, (b) at the baseline assessment of the affect study and the dieters and nondieters in both community and clinical samples (French,
longitudinal risk factor study, and (c) within the first month of treatment for Jeffery, & Wing, 1994; Laessle, Tuschl, Kotthaus, & Pirke, 1989; Stunkard
the 3 anorexic individuals from the inpatient treatment unit. & Messick, 1985). The 38 participants from the affect study, 109 partici-
Participants ranged in age from 13 to 61 (M = 29.7, SD = 13.2). The pants from the longitudinal risk-factor study, and the 3 anorexic partici-
sample was composed of participants who were 2% Asian or Pacific pants from the inpatient unit did not complete the TFEQ.
Islander, 2% Black, 6% Hispanic, 1% Native American, 80% Caucasian, Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale. Items assessing the DSM-IV diag-
and 9% who specified "other" or mixed-racial heritage. Educational at- nostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating
tainment ranged from some high school (22%) to graduate or professional disorder were developed and revised following the procedures described in
degree (17%), with a mode of some college education (29%). Study 1. Responses to the EDDS were used to group participants into four
diagnostic categories: DSM-IV anorexia nervosa (n = 18), DSM-IV bu-
limia nervosa (n = 39), DSM-IV binge-eating disorder (n = 57), and
Measures noneating disordered (n = 253). As noted above, because some researchers
Structured Psychiatric Interview. The EDE (Fairburn & Cooper, 1993) may desire a broadband measure of eating pathology, an overall symptom
was the primary "gold standard" against which our new self-report diag- composite was formed by standardizing all items (to control for the effects
nostic scale was compared for validation purposes. The EDE is a structured of the different response formats) and then summing across all items
psychiatric interview that assesses diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV eating (except the height and birth control pill items). Thus, the symptom com-
disorders. We used the version that assesses diagnostic criteria for anorexia posite reflected each participant's overall level of eating pathology.
nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. The EDE also con-
tains four subscales that measure dietary restraint, eating concern, weight
concern, and shape concern. Using community and clinical samples, stud- Procedures
ies by Cooper, Cooper, and Fairburn (1989), Fairburn and Cooper (1993),
Rizvi, Peterson, Crow, and Agras (1999), Williamson, Anderson, Jackman, At baseline, all participants completed the EDDS prior to partaking in
and Jackson (1995), and Wilson and Smith (1989) reported internal con- the structured diagnostic interview (either the EDE or the SCID). This
sistency coefficients for the EDE scales ranging from .76 to .90, test-retest order was chosen because concepts such as "binge eating episodes" are
reliability correlations for diagnostic items ranging from .83 to .97, and defined in the interview, and we wanted to minimize the possibility that
interrater reliability kappas ranging from .83 to .99. completing the interview would influence how participants responded to
To assess the interrater reliability of the EDE in this study, a subset the EDDS. All interviews were conducted by clinical assessors with either
(25%) of EDE interviews were audiotaped and rated by a second inter- a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate in psychology. Clinical assessors
viewer who was unaware of the original diagnosis, resulting in acceptable attended 16 hr of training, wherein structured interview skills were taught,
interrater agreement (kappas ranged from .92 to 1.00). The EDE was diagnostic criteria for eating disorders were reviewed, simulated interviews
administered to 346 of the 367 participants to ascertain eating-disorder were observed, and interviews were role played. Assessors had to demon-
diagnosis. strate an interrater agreement (K > .80) with experts with tape-recorded
The SCID (Spitzer et al., 1990) served as the "gold standard" against interviews before they were allowed to collect data. After the interview,
which our self-report diagnostic scale was compared for a subset of clinical assessors measured height and weight. Participants from the first
participants (the 3 anorexia nervosa patients from the inpatient unit and 18 four eating-disorder studies then completed the TFEQ and the YBC-EDS.
participants from the affect study) where we could not administer the more A randomly selected subset of participants (N = 55) from the longitudinal
detailed EDE. The SCID is a standardized interview that assesses psychi- course of eating disorders study was asked to complete the EDDS 1 week
atric status for major Axis I psychiatric disorders. Research has provided after coming into the laboratory for their structured interview to provide
evidence of the reliability diagnoses of the SCID, with interrater reliability data on the test-retest reliability of this scale. Participants were compen-
agreement kappas ranging from .70 to 1.00 and test-retest reliability of the sated for completing these measures (compensation ranged from $15 to
eating-disorders sections ranging from .82 to .90 in community and clinical $50, depending on the study).
Results interview diagnosis and the EDDS diagnosis for each eating dis-
order. Sensitivity reflects the proportion of individuals with a
Observed means and standard deviations for all continuous positive interview diagnosis who were correctly identified by the
measures used in Study 2 are reported in Table 1.
EDDS. Specificity reflects the proportion of individuals with a
negative interview diagnosis who were correctly identified by the
Test-Retest Reliability EDDS. Positive predictive value represents the proportion of in-
The 1-week test-retest kappa coefficient was .95 for anorexia dividuals who were classified as having a positive diagnosis by the
nervosa diagnoses, and the overall accuracy rate was .98. Kappa EDDS who actually met criteria for the diagnosis on the structured
represents a chance-corrected level of agreement between two interview. Negative predictive value represents the proportion of
nominal variables, which, in this case, were the EDDS diagnoses individuals who were classified as having a negative diagnosis by
at Time 1 and Time 2. Accuracy is the proportion of individuals in the EDDS who actually did not meet criteria for the diagnosis on
the sample that were labeled as disordered or nondisordered by the the structured interview. Accuracy is the proportion of individuals
EDDS at both Time 1 and Time 2. The 1-week test-retest kappa for whom the negative and positive EDDS diagnoses matched the
coefficient was .71 for bulimia nervosa diagnoses, and the overall actual interview diagnoses.
accuracy rate was .91. For binge-eating disorder, the 1-week The kappa coefficient reflecting the agreement between the
test-retest kappa coefficient was .75, and the overall accuracy rate diagnoses from the structured interview and the EDDS was .93 for
was .89. anorexia nervosa; and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predic-
We also examined the temporal stability of the EDDS overall tive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were all above
symptom composite. The correlation coefficient reflecting the .93. The kappa coefficient that denoted diagnostic agreement be-
1-week test-retest reliability was .87 for this composite. tween the structured interview and EDDS v/,as .81 for bulimia
nervosa; and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
Internal Consistency negative predictive value, and accuracy were all above .81. Fi-
nally, the kappa coefficient for diagnostic agreement between the
The internal consistency of the EDDS symptom composite was interview and EDDS diagnoses was .74 for binge-eating disorder;
assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha for the standardized and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative
items that make up this score. ~ Cronbach's alpha for the symptom predictive value, and accuracy were all above .77.
composite was .91 in the full sample and .86 for the subset of
participants (N = 55) who completed the EDDS 1 week after
coming into the lab. Convergent Validity
Table 2
Agreement Between the EDDS Diagnoses and Structured Psychiatric Interview Diagnoses
Positive Negative
predictive predictive
Eating disorder K Sensitivity Specificity value value Accuracy
Anorexia nervosa .93 .93 1.00 .93 1.00 .99
Bulimia nervosa .81 .81 .98 .86 .97 .96
Binge-eating disorder .74 .77 .96 .80 .95 .93
each outcome by the grouping variable. 2 Statistical significance reliability for a one-page instrument. Moreover, this scale com-
was assessed with the least significant difference test. As pre- pares favorably with validated psychiatric interviews such as the
dicted, the eating-disorder groups generally showed elevations in SCID, which had test-retest kappa coefficients ranging from .80 to
dietary restraint, eating, weight and shape concerns, eating and .90 for eating-disorder diagnoses (Pike et al., 1995) and an average
weight preoccupations and rituals, cognitive restraint, hunger, and test-retest kappa coefficient across Axis I disorders of .46 in past
disinhibition on the validated measures of eating pathology. These clinical and community studies (e.g., Williams et al., 1992). We
effects accounted for between 6% to 31% of the variance in these cannot compare the test-retest reliability of our new scale to that
outcomes. Consistent with expectations, the anorexia nervosa for the EDE because the test-retest reliability of EDE-generated
group did not show elevations on disinhibited eating, and the diagnoses has not yet been reported. Nonetheless, it was notewor-
binge-eating disorder group did not show elevations on the two thy that the test-retest reliability coefficients for bulimia nervosa
measures of dietary restraint. However, the anorexia nervosa group and binge-eating disorder were lower than the coefficient for
did not report heightened levels of hunger or weight and shape anorexia nervosa. This pattern of findings likely resulted from the
concerns, the bulimia nervosa group did not show elevations on the challenge of accurately measuring binge-eating frequency. Alter-
cognitive restraint scale, and the binge-eating disorder group did natively, there is some possibility that bulimia nervosa and binge-
not evidence greater eating and weight rituals. eating disorder are simply less temporally stable than anorexia
Finally, in an effort to provide evidence for the convergent nervosa.
validity of the EDDS symptom composite, we tested whether this Data also indicated that the EDDS symptom composite showed
composite was positively correlated with the validated measures of high test-retest reliability over a 1-week interval (r = .87). This
eating disturbances. As reflected in Table 4, the symptom com- estimate also compares favorably to those for other well-validated
posite showed significant positive correlations with the validation continuous measures of eating pathology, such as the test-retest
measures of dietary restraint, eating, weight and shape concerns, coefficient of .95 for the Bulimia Test--Revised (Thelen et al.,
eating and weight preoccupations and rituals, hunger, and disinhi- 1991), particularly given that the EDDS is much briefer.
bition. The one exception was that the EDDS symptom composite The symptom composite also evidenced acceptable internal
was not significantly correlated with the cognitive restraint scale. consistency across items (mean a = .89). Therefore, in addition to
The significant relations accounted for between 13% and 43% of using the EDDS as a brief measure of eating-disorder diagnoses, it
the variance in these validated measures of eating disturbances. appears that it may also be useful as a continuous measure of
overall eating-disorder symptomatology.
The aim of this study was to develop a brief self-report scale for Evidence of the Validity of the EDDS
diagnosing anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating The current findings also provided considerable evidence for the
disorder, and to provide evidence of its reliability and validity. We validity of the EDDS. First, the content validation study that used
adapted items from validated structured interviews that assess expert raters suggested that the relevant DSM-IV diagnostic crite-
eating pathology to create a one-page self-report scale. Collec- ria for the three eating disorders were included on the EDDS and
tively, findings from our two studies suggested that this new scale that no irrelevant information was assessed.
was both reliable and valid. Second, agreement between the eating-disorder diagnoses from
the EDDS and those from the structured interviews was 99% for
Evidence of the Reliability of the EDDS anorexia nervosa, 96% for bulirnia nervosa, and 93% for binge-
Results suggested that the EDDS possessed satisfactory test- eating disorder, which represented good to excellent concordance.
Collectively, these results suggest.that the EDDS possessed ade-
retest reliability in this investigation. The overall level of agree-
ment for eating-disorder diagnoses between the two administra- quate criterion validity in this investigation. The agreement be-
tions of the EDDS separated by a period of 1 week was 98% for
anorexia nervosa, 91% for bulimia nervosa, and 89% for binge- 2 The sample size (N = 217) for the convergent validity analyses was
eating disorder, suggesting strong concordance between diagnoses smaller because the 3 anorexic patients recruited from the inpatient psy-
generated by the EDDS over time. Test-retest kappa coefficients chiatric treatment unit, the 38 participants recruited from the affect study,
were good to excellent according to the criteria proposed by Fleiss and the 109 participants recruited from the longitudinal risk factor study
(1981). These values reflect a reasonably high level of test-retest did not complete the EDE subscales, YBC-EDS, or TFEQ.
Table 3
Mean Differences Between EDDS-Identified Eating-Disorder Groups and Controls on Validated Eating Pathology Measures
Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Binge-eating controls
(n = 18) (n = 39) disorder (n = 57) (n = 103) %
Eating pathology measures M SD M SD M SD M SD explained
Note. EDDS = Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale. Means with different subscripts are statistically significantly different according to the least significant
difference test. N = 217.
tween the diagnoses generated by the EDDS and the "gold stan- must consume a large amount of food and feel out of control),
dard" approached the upper limit of what could be expected given binge-eating disorder requires that at least three additional features
the reliability of the measures. Moreover, the observed validity are present during binge eating (e.g., eating more rapidly than
coefficients compare favorably to those for the SCID (Kranzler, normal, eating alone because of embarrassment about eating be-
Kadden, Babor, & Tennen, 1996). Nonetheless, it was noteworthy haviors) and that binge eating result in marked distress. The
that the concordance between the diagnoses from the EDDS and reduced concordance for binge-eating disorder may be due to the
the interview was somewhat lower for binge-eating disorder than fact that participants had to report the exact same responses to
it was for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. There are at least more questions on the scale and in the interview.
two factors that might have contributed to this finding. First, the Third, data also suggested that the EDDS possessed convergent
6-month duration criterion for binge-eating disorder symptoms is validity in this investigation, in that those identified as having an
longer than the duration criteria for bulimia nervosa or anorexia eating disorder based on the EDDS generally showed elevated
nervosa, which may make it more difficult for people to recall their scores on validated measures of eating disturbances relative to
symptom duration accurately (Henry, Moffitt, Caspi, Langley, & EDDS-identified with no eating disorders. As hypothesized,
Silva, 1994). Second, more qualifiers are required for binge epi- EDDS-identified eating-disorder groups reported more dietary re-
sodes to meet DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for binge-eating disorder straint, hunger, and disinhibited eating, as well as greater eating,
than is the case for bulimia nervosa. In addition to the binge-eating weight and shape concerns and rituals, than did EDDS-identified
requirements for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa (the participant controls. Moreover, the EDDS symptom composite correlated
positively with these same validated measures of eating pathology.
The magnitude of the significant relations ranged from medium to
Table 4
large effect sizes according to the criteria proposed by Cohen
Pearson Product Correlations Between the EDDS Symptom
(1988). There were a few nonsignificant group differences that
Composite and the Validated Eating Pathology Measures
were predicted a priori. Consistent with expectations, the binge-
Correlation with EDDS eating disorder group did not evidence heightened dietary restraint.
Eating pathology measures symptom composite Again, individuals with binge-eating disorder were not expected to
show elevations in dietary restraint because this disorder is char-
Eating Disorder Examination
acterized by excessive caloric intake in the absence of compensa-
Restraint .36*
Eating concern .54* tory behaviors. Also as predicted, the anorexic group did not show
Weight concern .57* elevated disinhibition relative to controls. Presumably, this group
Shape concern .66* did not show greater disinhibited eating because anorexia nervosa
Yale-Brown--Cornell is marked by extreme caloric restriction.
Eating and weight preoccupations .47*
Eating and weight rituals .36* However, there were also three unexpected findings in the
Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire convergent validity analyses. First, the anorexic group did not
Cognitive restraint .10 report greater hunger or elevated weight and shape concerns com-
Hunger .53* pared with non-eating disorder controls. This may reflect the
Disinhibition .63*
extreme denial that characterizes anorexia nervosa (Vitousek,
Note. EDDS = Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale, N = 217. Watson, & Wilson, 1998). Indeed, the fact that EDDS-identified
*p < .001. anorexic participants denied hunger when they had a mean BMI
score of 15.5 (mean weight --- 87 lbs. and mean height = 5 ft 3 in.) easily, and that it is inexpensive because it is not necessary to train
clearly suggests they were in denial. Similarly, it seems unlikely or pay interviewers. Thus, it appears that this scale might ulti-
that these individuals would have restricted their caloric intake mately prove useful for the assessment of eating disorders in
severely enough to have achieved this low weight unless they had etiologic, prevention, and treatment research applications, as well
elevated weight and shape concerns. These findings underscore the as in traditional clinical settings, where structured psychiatric
difficulty of measuring a disorder characterized by denial with a interviews are less feasible.
self-report instrument. Second, EDDS-identified binge-eating dis-
order individuals did not report heightened eating and weight
rituals relative to controls on the YBC subscale. Perhaps individ-
uals with binge-eating disorder do not engage in elaborate eating American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical man-
and weight rituals (e.g., constant weighing and compulsive calorie ual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
counting) because this eating disorder is less rooted in the pursuit Brody, M. J., Walsh, B. T., & Devlin, M. (1994). Binge eating disorder:
of the thin ideal than is anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Third, the Reliability and validity of a new diagnostic category. Journal of Con-
bulimic group did not report greater dietary restraint than controls sulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 381-386.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences
on one of the two restraint measures, and this same scale did not
(2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
correlate significantly with the EDDS symptom composite. One Cooper, Z., Cooper, P. J., & Fairburn, C. G. (1989). The validity of the
possibility suggested by the fact that the effects were larger for the eating disorder examination and its subscales. British Journal of Psy-
EDE restraint scale than for the TFEQ cognitive restraint measure chiatry, 154, 807-812.
was that the former is simply more sensitive. Alternatively, it has Fairbum, C. G., & Beglin, S, J. (1994). Assessment of eating disorders:
been proposed that the TFEQ taps successful dieting (Heatherton, Interview or self-report questionnaire? International Journal of Eating
Herman, Polivy, King, & McGree, 1988), and it may be that Disorders, 16, 363-370.
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sessed test-retest reliability, criterion validity, and convergent
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 63-79.
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D. Allison (Ed.), Handbook of assessment methods for eating behaviors 245.
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Appendix A
The scoring algorithm for EDDS eating disorder diagnoses parallels Bulirnia Nervosa
that used for the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE). Computerized
scoring statements are ordered such that bulimia nervosa diagnoses A diagnosis of DSM-IV bulimia nervosa is made if an individual reports
preempt binge-eating disorder diagnoses, and anorexia nervosa diag- (a) regular eating binges marked by a perceived loss of control and the
noses preempt bulimia nervosa diagnoses. The computer code is avail- consumption of a large amount of food as indexed by a response of yes to
able from Eric Stice. EDDS Item 5, a yes to EDDS Item 6, and a response of greater than 2 on
EDDS Item 8; (b) regular use of compensatory behaviors as indexed by a
Anorexia N e r v o s a response of 8 or greater on the sum of EDDS Items 15, 16, 17, and 18; and
(c) undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation as indexed
A diagnosis of DSM-1V anorexia nervosa is made if an individual by a score of 4 or greater on either EDDS Item 3 or 4.
reports (a) height and weight data on EDDS Items 19 and 20 that result
in a body mass index (BMI = Kg/M 2) of less than 17,5, (b) a fear of Binge-Eating Disorder
weight gain or becoming fat as indexed by a score of 4 or greater on
EDDE Item 2, (c) undue influence of body weight or shape on self- A diagnosis of DSM-IV binge-eating disorder is made if an individual
evaluation as indexed by a score of 4 or greater on either EDDS Item 3 reports (a) regular eating binges marked by a perceived loss of control and
or 4, and (d) amenorrhea in postmenarcheal females as indexed by a 3 the consumption of a large amount of food as indexed by a response of yes
on EDDS Item 21. Following the EDE scoring algorithm, if an indi- to EDDS Item 5, a yes to EDDS Item 6, and a response of greater than 2
vidual meets the first and fourth criteria above, it is not necessary for on EDDS Item 7; (b) an endorsement of at least three of the features that
the individual to endorse the second and third criteria. Further, because may be associated with binge eating as indexed by ayes response to at least
oral contraceptives can result in a regular menstrual cycle, to be on the three of the features described in EDDS Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13; (c)
conservative side, participants who were taking oral contraceptives that marked distress regarding binge eating as indexed by a yes response to
met the low weight criteria were coded as amenorrheic. This approach EDDS Item 14; and (d) the absence of any compensatory behaviors as
is also used in the EDE. reflected by a 0 response to EDDS Items 15, 16, 17, and 18.
Appendix B
Eating Screen
5. During the past 6 months have there been times when you felt you have eaten what other people would regard as an unusually large amount of
food (e.g., a quart of ice cream) given the circumstances? YES NO
6. During the times when you ate an unusually large amount of food, did you experience a loss of control (feel you couldn't stop eating or control
what or how much you were eating)? YES NO
7. How many DAYS per week on average over the past 6 MONTHS have you eaten an unusually large amount of food and experienced a loss of
control? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8. How many TIMES per week on average over the past 3 MONTHS have you eaten an unusually large amount of food and experienced a loss of
control? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15. How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you made yourself vomit to prevent weight gain or counteract the effect~ of
eating? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
16. How many limes per week on average over the past 3 months have you used laxatives or diuretics to prevent weight gain or counteract the
effects of eating? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
17. How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you fasted (skipped at least 2 meals in a row) to prevent weight gain or
counteract the effects of eating? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
18. How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you engaged in excessive exercise specifically to counteract the effects of
overeating episodes? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
19. How much do you weigh? If uncertain, please give your best estimate, lb
20. How tall are you? ~ in.
21. Over the past 3 months, how many menstrual periods have you missed? 1 2 3 4 na
22. Have you been taking birth control pills during the past 3 months? YES NO
R e c e i v e d M a y 17, 1999
R e v i s i o n received D e c e m b e r 6, 1999
A c c e p t e d D e c e m b e r 9, 1999 •