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Zte f660 manual español

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not shown in this preview. Own router in the ONT DMZ With this method all connections to any port that are requested from the ONT, pass transparently to the router. Although some applications that detect dual NAT may still have drawbacks. The ultimate solution is to put the ONT into bridge mode. 1.
Enter ONT 2. Go to the Application menu -> DMZ Host On WAN Connection choose HSI-NAT. In Enable MAC Mapping leave disabled. And in DMZ Host IP address choose an IP address from the range assigned by the ONT DHCP: Between and In my case I chose 3. The next step depends on the make and model of the router you purchased. The option in which the router acquires the IP that assigns the ONT to one in which we enter the IP manually must be changed. This screen corresponds to a Netgear R7000. I select Use a static IP address and
give you the IP chosen in step 2: I also give you IP Subnet Mask: and as Gateway IP Address I give you the ONT IP: I press Apply and you're done. 4. Optionally we can disable the onT's own WiFi to leave only that of our router from the Network -> WAN ->
Basic menu In the Wireless RF Mode option we choose Disabled. Press Submit. Last edition: 20 Jan 2020 Router own direct PPPoE connection, ONT bridge connection Why bridge mode? THE ETB ONT has many deficiencies in managing the connection as well as in the WiFi signal. That's why some of
us use our own router. The problem is that connecting the router to the ONT creates a dependent subnet of the router, which involves an additional hop of connections (Double NAT). That's why it's preferable to set the ONT to making the ONT transparently pass connections to our own router and the
latter to manage the connection. The connection in bridge mode gives certain advantages, among others: The public IP is taken by the router, not the ONT The network management is done directly the router The router is eliminated the need of the router in the DMZ by double NAT The ports are opened
from the router If we want to renew the dynamic IP the process is faster. 0. BEFORE STARTING It is assumed to perform this procedure the ONT is in a natural state without prior changes. This procedure applies to dynamic IP connections. If you purchased the Fixed IP service, the connection names
change and I personally couldn't get it done when I had that service. DISCONNECT the WiFi PC from the Router CONNECT THE PC to the ONT WiFi (Usually the WiFi SSID will be something like FibraETBXXXX) *** I have made all these changes connected to the ONT WiFi without problems. Despite
the indicated changes, the connection to the ONT is not lost at any time *** You must enter the ONT user interface via the URL and enter the Administrator username and on the on-pastebin.com 1. BACKUP OF ONT SETTINGS You must download the BACKUP file from the ONT configuration. Go to the
Administration / System Management / User Configuration Management menu. Press the Backup Settings button. This downloads a config.bin file that must be saved to a folder on PC/laptop 2. GET USER AND KEY PPPoE FROM THE config.bin FILE You must download the RouterPassView program
from this link. Once downloaded, you must unzip the routerpassview.zip file and run RouterPassView.exe - Some antivirus programs can detect the RouterPassView software as potentially dangerous although it is actually completely safe to use it then from RouterPassView in the File / Open Router
Config File menu you search for the config.bin file downloaded in step 2. The word WANCPP is searched in the Edit / Find menu. You must copy the UserName and Password values that are read two lines below the word WANCPP. 3. DELETE THE PPPOE SETTINGS ON THE ONT The current settings
must be cleared in the Network / Layer2Bridging menu, in this same order: Marking: one (1) Filter connections are deleted: five (5) connections are cleared. Bridge: One (1) 3.1 Connections is cleared Go to the Network / Layer2Bridging / Marking menu and clear the connection to the HSI Reference Bridge
- PPPOE by clicking the icon under the Delete 3.2 Go to Network /Layer2Bridging /Filter menu and delete all five (5) connections to the HSI - PPPOE Reference Bridge by clicking the icon under the Delete column. 3.3 Go to the Network / Layer2Bridging / Bridge menu and clear the connection with the HSI
Bridge Name - PPPOE by clicking the icon under the Delete column. 4. DELETE THE WAN CONNECTION. Go to the Network/WAN/WAN Connection menu and select the HSI - PPPOE Connection Name. Then press the Delete button. 5. CREATE THE NEW WAN CONNECTION From the same screen
we are on (Network/WAN/WAN Connection) we create the new bridge mode connection with the following parameters: Connection name: Create WAN connection New connection name: HSI - PPPOE Type: Bridge connection ACTIVATE DSCP: Do not select Then press the Create Last Edition button: 20
Jan 2020 6. CREATE THE NEW BRIDGE MODE SETTINGS ON THE ONT The current settings are created in the Network / Layer2Bridging menu, in this order: Bridge: one (1) Connection Filter is created: two (2) Marking connections are created: two (2) Notese connections are created that the number
of connections is different from the previously existing one. 6.1 Go to the Network / Layer2Bridging / Bridge menu and create the connection with these parameters: New Bridge Name: HSI - PPPOE Bridge enable: Selected VLAN ID: 300 Then press the Add 6.2 Go to Network / Layer2Bridging / Filter
menu and create the connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Filter Interface: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID Filter: -1 Support Tagged VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add Reference Bridge button: HSI - PPPOE Interface Filter: LAN1 VLAN ID Filter: -1 Support Tagged
VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add 6.3 Go to Network /Layer2Bridging/Marking menu and create connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Dial Interface: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID Untag: Unsused VLAN ID Frames: 300 VLAN ID Frames Override: Selected Ethernet
priority marks: 0 Then press the Add Reference Bridge button: HSI - PPPOE Dial Interface: LAN1 VLAN ID Untag: Selected VLAN ID Frames: 0 VLAN ID Frames Override: Not selected Ethernet priority marks: 0 Then press the Add 7a button. CONFIGURING THE ROUTER (NETGEAR R7000
ORIGINAL FIRMWARE) This step specifically corresponds to the Netgear R7000 router. For other models, refer to the user manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port. Go to the Basic /Internet menu and in the option Need your internet connection a
username? choose Yes. Then configure the PPPOE connection settings with the user and password data from step 3: Internet Service Provider: PPPoE Log in: ***type the username from step 3*** Password: ***type the password from step 3*** Connection mode: Always on IP address From the Internet:
Dynamically obtain from the ISP Domain Name Server (ISP) Address: Automatically obtain from the ISP Router MAC Address: Use the default address This shows the ONT connections from the Network Interface/WAN Connection menu after making change 7b. THE ROUTER (ASUSWRT-MERLIN
FIRMWARE FOR NETGEAR R7000) This step specifically corresponds to the Netgear R7000 router to which the firmware has been installed ASUSWRT_MERLIN. For other models, refer to the user manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port of the
ONT. Go to the Advanced Settings/ WAN / Internet Connection menu Then configure the DPIOE connection settings with the user and password data from step 3: WAN Connection Type: PPPoE Enable WAN: If Enabling NAT: If PPP User Name: ***Type the username from step 3*** Password: ***Type
the password from step 3*** Disconnect after a period of downtime (in seconds): 0 8. OFF ONT WIFI (Optional) As an optional step you must disable the OnT WiFi to avoid interference with the router. Go to the Network/WLAN/Basic menu and select the Off option in RF Wireless Mode. 9. SET THE ONT
TIME (Optional) Because the ONT no longer has a direct Internet connection, the system time is out of sync and causes problems when deploying the event log schedule and connected phones. This can be solved by using as an NTP server. The DSCP value must be 48 because it is for
IPv4. Go to the Application/SNTP menu and place as Primary and Secondary NTP Server and DSCP value of 48. Last edition: 23 Jul 2020 Thank you for the contribution, I will see if I can try today. Hello, also when you put it with the DMZ towards the router, use it as an access point, thus
avoiding double nat (only in case your router does not have to do Vlan), @yecarrillo should help with making this guide as well. Best regards. HMM the bad thing is that the ETB HPS are now blocking all the settings see how it comes out to me, the options are limited and removed the ones that come out
in this forum will be that there is some way to always leave a username and password that one wants so as not to be asking every time ETB changes password Thank you for the excellent guide input Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Good Afternoon I am new in the community I would like to know how I
get the key of f660 I have a doubt, I made the DMZ to the IP of the router, but when checking the ports are still blocked, that will be? I have a question, I did the DMZ to the router's IP, but when checking the ports are still blocked, what will it be? Instead of HSI-NAT, test the HSI-PPPOE. When I leave it in
HSI-NAT on the port test websites it shows me closed, when I switch to HSI-PPPOE I get time out. Then I use this program called PFConfig and it tells me when the port is open or not. in HSI-PPPOE I get open, when I leave it in HSI-NAT it appears closed. What other programs do you recommend to test
ports or which websites do you think are good?. He also plays on Windows firewall, where he to give permission to the programs. Additionally on my router that is in DMZ I have to open the port. I have a question, I did the DMZ to the router's IP, but when checking the ports are still blocked, what will it be?
I use the HSI-NAT interface because I have fixed IP. Those who have it dynamic I think should do it with HSI-PPPOE Remember that this tutorial opens the way INTERNET->ONT->ROUTER, but on the router you must open the path ROUTER->DEVICE (PC, XBOX, etc) by opening each port
specifically. To test if the port is OK I use I use the HSI-NAT interface because I have fixed IP. Those who have it dynamic I think should do it with HSI-PPPOE Remember that this tutorial opens the way INTERNET->ONT->ROUTER, but on the router you must open the path ROUTER->DEVICE
(PC, XBOX, etc) by opening each port specifically. To test if the port is OK I use Ready with HSI-PPoE are already open, a question for what do you use public fixed IP ? I was going to buy it if I was allowed to set it up on my router but of course, I preferred to spend after 15 years of having Fixed IP. Sent
from my D6503 via Tapatalk Ready with HSI-PPoE are already open, a question for what do you use public fixed IP ? I was going to buy it if I was allowed to set it up on my router but of course, I preferred to spend after 15 years of having Fixed IP. Sent from my D6503 via Tapatalk The public IP does not
use it at all. My router has dynamic DNS and that's enough for me to see the cameras from the outside. It was a goal from the installer who left it to me without asking me. I've got 15 bills and it hasn't been possible for them to take it away from me. That's one of the reasons I'm about to switch back to
Claro. they changed the password again if they get it porfa they send it to me by MP someone has the password of the f660 I would thank them for an MP! If someone has the password of the F660 I would appreciate to be shared by an MP, it is very helpful ! Good morning. Here another comrade in need
of the password for the f660. I would be wholeheartedly grateful for an MP. Best of luck to all. Page 2 One more needing the f660 admin key. I appreciate the MP. I still have access with the February key, curious that some people are changing the key, like things are going in order. I still have access with
the February key, curious that some people are changing the key, like things are going in order. I have the same, too, zero problem. Still no way to block them from entering the router? Or at least to the pass change Sent from my SM-P600 via Tapatalk Someone could provide me with the pls pls key to
see if it still works if someone knows how to hack or make this ONT stop restarting I will be infinitely grateful, I have 4 (4 encoders) 2 LAN TVs for computers, and 2 phones. I like what service ETB offers but this problem has me WRONG. if anyone knows hack the o for this ONT to stop rebooting I will be
infinitely grateful to you, I have 4 (4 encoders) 2 LAN TVs for computers, and 2 phones. I like what service ETB offers but this problem has me WRONG. It doesn't happen to me, but I think they could be low electricity, have you tried leaving the router connected to a UPS, to get out of doubt other than
that?. It doesn't happen to me, but I think they could be low electricity, have you tried leaving the router connected to a UPS, to get out of doubt other than that?. Ok I left it only connected directly to the power outlet, since I had it in a multi jack with the set-top box and the other white square q has etb
connected to the TV plus the TV and some speakers I will see if that works Ok leave it only connected directly to the power outlet, since I had it in a multitoma with the set-top box and the other white square q has etb connected to the TV plus the TV and some speakers I will see if that works not in the end
I do not solve the problem today came a technician came and the problem was that the fusion was not perfectly well done and was not in the parameters the signal the arrangement and be perfect at least in ping test q always gave me B someone can help me with the admistrator password of the f660 ,
thank you very much Constraseña today April 18, 2016? Thank you [email protected], with the point Sent from a cheap phone using Laneros mobile app Gmail does not differentiate the point, you can ignore it. It's been a while since you created a dot account (.) you can remove them. The point is
ornament. Taken from Google Help: Sometimes you can receive messages sent to an address equal to yours but with a different number of points or placed otherwise. While we're aware that thinking someone else's email is directed to your account can be disconcerting, don't worry: both addresses are
yours. Because Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters in user names, you can add or remove points from an address in this service without changing the actual destination address; all messages will arrive uniquely and exclusively in your Received folder (only yours). In short:
[email protected]'[email protected], [email protected]'[email protected], [email protected]' [email protected] All of these addresses belong to the same person. If you want to check it out, try signing in with your username but
removing or putting a dot on it. You'll see that you'll be able to access it both ways. If you receive messages that appear to be destined for someone else, the sender will most likely have made the wrong address, just as if they had dialed the wrong phone number. In these cases, we recommend that you
contact the sender or website to warn them of the error. Note: Remember that Google Apps does recognize points. If you want your include a period, ask your domain administrator to add that name as a nickname. to avoid impersonations Google does not recognize the point as a character. Sent from my
D6503 via Tapatalk Has Anyone used the FTP function that this ONT has? Thank you Good morning, Laneros ... someone helps me with the new password, Thank you ... I appreciate it. EDIT: Today, July 7th I have just learned that the ETB has disabled entry to the F660 via TELNET. Therefore the
following instructions are no longer valid I leave method to extract administrator key 1. Install Telnet that comes with any version of Windows 2. Search video on Youtube How to Hack the Username and Password of all modem ZTE (F660 and F609). 3. Press WINDOWS and R key at the same time. Type
cmd. ACCEPT 4. Run the command as it appears in the 6:17 minute but you will type this: telnet 5. Enter the router by typing the data as it appears in minute 6:29. 6. Run the command shown in the 7:44 minute of video 7. Locate the word IGD. AU1. Find in a few lines below this: <DM
name-Pass val-????? ></DM>. The key is what is shown in red. (or stop the video at 7:50 for you to understand me) Last edition: 7 Jul 2016 It works perfect, thanks for the input! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk So you don't have to go in and watch the video (I appreciate you putting the
instructions... but that doesn't have to take 12 minutes to see it!!!!): . Enter the router via telnet (port 23), or it can also be with PuttY or Telnet or from Linux or from any other telnet client as they said above, to enter via telnet the user is root and the pwd is Zte521. In the telnet console after authenticated
run: sendcmd 1 DB p and then: sendcmd 1 DB p DevAuthInfo - this last command is the one that returns as a result an xml with the authentication info. In my case, it returned: <Tbl name-DevAuthInfo rowcount-6> <Row no-0> <DM name-ViewName val-IGD. AU1></DM> <DM name-
Enable val-1></DM> <DM name-IsOnline val-0></DM> <DM name-AppID val-1></DM> <DM name-User val-Administrator></DM> <DM name-Pass val-xxx></DM> And already, that serves you to enter the router itself. Last edition: 2 May 2016 Page 3 What
are we in? Do not put the key in the forum... Sent from my D6503 via Tapatalk Where are we? Do not put the key in the forum... Sent from my D6503 via Tapatalk I have already removed it, and because I do not put it back if that is the consensus of this forum... But why take it off? What's wrong with
putting it on? Paranoia? Has anyone been written to give up on having it published? That having it indexed in a search engine maybe a kiddie script will try to enter multiple networks and inject a picho firmware? I really had no idea they'd been left in that in the past. The idea is to keep the key private, so
that it is not Sent from my D6503 via Tapatalk So you don't have to go in to see the </Row></Tbl> </Row></Tbl> (I appreciate you putting in the instructions... but that doesn't have to take 12 minutes to watch it!!!!): Dude, the instructions are CLARISIMAS so you DON't have to watch the
whole video. I left the KEY minutes to write down what is necessary and do it YOURSELF. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to extract the key. Dude, the instructions are CLARISIMAS so you DON't have to watch the whole video. I left the KEY minutes to write down what is necessary and do it
YOURSELF. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to extract the key. OT: Totally agree. My comment goes to those who post those videos of that style that put intro, narration and animations, as well as a background track and a little transitions that lengthen what they mean. I get those video tutorials
unnecessarily long. Unlike, his comment earlier helped, but he still referred to the video so I finished putting the relevant text. Good night, does anyone know the ZTE F660's new admin password? please send it by MP. Thank you. Good morning, someone who can help me with the F660 key by MP.
Thank you and successes!! Guys a question... they left me this F660, it connects everything well, tablet, laptop, smartphone but the ps3 doesn't take it, I skip an error, the 8013013d. I've already searched the Internet and done everything but nothing. On the console I find that the password is supposedly
not correct. I could get a light or advise to see if I can connect the console to the F660. Thank you very much as always for your help. I found a tutorial to open ports and that, but in the admin area of the F660 nothing can be done, do not appear those options enabled Last edition: 22 May 2016 Good I
have an F660 router I want to open the ports and when entering the application settings I do not see the other options to open ports add I could help I just want to open the ports to play having the nat open Good I have an F660 router I want to open the ports and when entering the application settings does
not appear the other options to open ports add could help me just want to open the ports to play have the nat open You have an access key as a user, you need the administrator's. Send an email to [email protected] with any message and subject, the self-response will send you the Administrator
key. The key that gave me the mail they say does not go, error comes out in user. The key that gave me the mail they say does not go, error comes out in user. Here in this same discussion there is a link to a YouTube video (hacking ZTE 660 password) follow the instructions and you get the key for your
modem, it still works for me the email. Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk is ok thanks to me working you know how to open the ports I can not find the Forwarding option The only way we have been able is with DMZ demilitarized zone, for that read all the messages from the first page of this post, there
is explained how it is done. we usually put a secondary router in DMZ and on that we open the ports for security. Before touching any configuration, remember to take back up the original configuration at: Administration>>System Management>>User Configuration Management>>Backup
configuration Administration>>System Management>>Default Configuration Management>>Backup configuration This in order to be able to return to a functional state in the event of a failure. Guys a question... they left me this F660, it connects everything well, tablet, laptop, smartphone
but the ps3 doesn't take it, I skip an error, the 8013013d. I've already searched the Internet and done everything but nothing. On the console I find that the password is supposedly not correct. I could get a light or advise to see if I can connect the console to the F660. Thank you very much as always for
your help. I found a tutorial to open ports and that, but in the admin zone of the F660 nothing can be done, those options do not appear enabled Guys I self-quote because I could not run the PS3 with this F660. Will anyone have any idea why. I have read a lot and tried but nothing yet and because the
grace is to be able to play with the console and be blocked. Guys, I'm self-referening because I haven't been able to run the PS3 with this F660. Will anyone have any idea why. I have read a lot and tried but nothing yet and because the grace is to be able to play with the console and be blocked. Are you
connecting the console via WIFI?, keep in mind that PS3 does not support WIFI 802.11n i.e. you have to connect it by 802.11g or mixed g. Good afternoon they could help me, I want to use the iptv3 port to use it with a ps4 to connect it to the Internet, they could help me with the configuration I appreciate
in advance Good afternoons could help me, I want to use the port iptv3 to use it with a ps4 to connect it to the Internet, they could help me with the configuration I appreciate in advance Friend that I remember that ont only has two ports of iptv. Some expert who can configure my router ubiquiti
EdgeRouter Lite and leave the zte as bridge please send mp with costs Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Someone confirms me if it is this way that you download the config to look for the user please Page 4 You know it would be a good idea that someone who already has configured on bridge save the
configuration and I left it around would be useful for people who have not been able to know it would be good idea that someone who already has configured on bridge save the configuration and I left it around would be useful for people who have not been able to Hello, Good idea, one config for the ZTE
ont and one for the Alcatel. Best regards. Hello everyone, how can I check if effectively after entering the configuration (the key to mail works perfectly) the ONT was left in Bridge mode? Greetings Last edition: 17 Jun 2016 I can pass the last user and pass for the ZTE F660 please. AdminGPON..... it's no
good anymore. You can pass me the last one and pass for the ZTE F660 please. Thank you! By MP, if you can Last Edit: 24 Jun 2016 Hello laneros, I tell you, the config of the ont even if it contains the bridge mode configs for the internet, it cannot be rotated or shared for a simple reason, and it also
contains the configs of the user's phone number and the respective gpON authentications and other configs necessary for the TV and the line , therefore it is quite advisable not to share the config file of your own ont. As for leaving the ont in bridge mode it is perfectly possible, without the need for router
with vlan, and I do. You can write me here or by MP to get it right. Best regards. Good, also looking for the key of the f660 thanks Good night guys, I'm having problems with the Alcatel Lucent i-240W-a ETB fiber router. I'm playing Battlefield and I can only play 30 seconds because the connection drops. I
don't know if it's a router or configuration issue (Port Forwarding and UPNP). I've been trying to get into the router, but it was impossible. I need your help to find out if any of you have a key to accessing these equipment. Thank you, Hello! I sent an email to the above-mentioned email on Thursday, July 7,
but nothing that comes to me the automatic response. Can someone help me please? Thank you a thousand thanks Hello laneros, I tell you, the config of the ont even if it contains the bridge mode configs for the internet, you cannot rotate or share for a simple reason, and it also contains the configs of the
user's phone number and the respective GPON authentications and other configs necessary for the tv and the line, therefore it is quite advisable not to share the config file of your own ont. As for leaving the ont in bridge mode it is perfectly possible, without the need for router with vlan, and I do. You can
write me here or by MP to get it right. Best regards. Hello good night, I could help with the tutorial, to moner my ONT ZTE F660 in bridge mode. Thank you for your help Page 5 Please help to enter the ZXHN F660 PON ONT Hello everyone. I'd like to ask you how you prefer the guide to put the f660 into
bridge mode. Do you want it written with images or do you prefer a video?. I'm waiting for the answers. ups, mistake. ignore this message. Hello everyone. I'd like to ask you how you prefer the guide to put the f660 into bridge mode. Do you want it written with images or do you prefer a video?. I'm waiting
for the answers. Personally I preferred images, but really what matters is which one suits you the easiest, which is what the guide does. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Hello everyone. I'd like to ask you how you prefer the guide to put the f660 into bridge mode. Do you want it written with images or
do you prefer a video?. I'm waiting for the answers. On screens I find it a great way Hello everyone. I'd like to ask you how you prefer the guide to put the f660 into bridge mode. Do you want it written with images or do you prefer a video?. the answers. images are appreciated. and one question someone
has a good setup to play online the games go super bad. I have it in bridge mode with a c7 Excuse me, a question: Has anyone tried to install udpxy (to access IPTV channels from PC) on the ONT? I've managed to get into this filesystem via Telnet (Passwords are hanging around the internet), so I'd like
to see if you can do that. Thank you in advance! Last edition: 28 Jul 2016 Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and help Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Excuse me, a question: Has anyone tried to install udpxy (to access IPTV channels from PC) on the ONT? I've managed to get into this
filesystem via Telnet (Passwords are hanging around the internet), so I'd like to see if you can do that. Thank you in advance! You could explain to me a little if you want by mp as well what password you talk about if the ont or set-top box sent from my iPad using Tapatalk lanero friends, I have a problem
with this ont, I can not do airplay from anywhere neither mac nor iphone nor anything. does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you guys Hello. I followed all the steps, put the ONT on bridge, but it limits the connection to 100Mbps and my plan to 150Mbps. When I restore the original settings, I give them
back 150Mbps. What will it be? When you leave the normal ont, do you still use a router or put it directly? Because if you only put the router when the ont is on bridge, then is the router that only supports 100mbps Page 6 when it leaves the normal ont, does it still use router or put it direct? Because if you
only put the router when the ont is on bridge, then it is the router that only supports 100mbps I always use the router. My router is Gigabit and wireless AC 1750. A TP-Link Archer C8. The problem only occurs when I leave the ONT in bridge mode. Will LAN 2 only support 100Mbps? I always use the
router. My router is Gigabit and wireless AC 1750. A TP-Link Archer C8. The problem only occurs when I leave the ONT in bridge mode. Will LAN 2 only support 100Mbps? As far as I understand, both are Giga bit I always use the router. My router is Gigabit and wireless AC 1750. A TP-Link Archer C8.
The problem only occurs when I leave the ONT in bridge mode. Will LAN 2 only support 100Mbps? Something similar happened to me with my ASUS, the thing is that I had a limit over there hidden in QoS settings and I wouldn't let it go of a certain speed, I know they're computers even different brands
but it's not too much to check that. As far as I understand, they're both Giga bit I imagine it must be. However, the speed is only restricted when I leave it on bridge. And he can't bear to lose more than 60Mbps. Something similar happened to me with my ASUS, the mess is that I had a limit over there
hidden in QoS settings and I wouldn't let it go of a certain speed, I know they're even different brands but it's not too much That. I've already looked and don't have QoS enabled. That's weird. Someone else with a 150Mbps plan to confirm? Sent from my Nexus 6 using Laneros mobile app I only have 70
megas and when there is good speed outside, the test gives them to me by 5G. On my R7000 I also found two places where speed is limited and activated. The tutorial I did with LAN2 for ease and to get back to normal mode quickly. It's an interesting research matter that we can put in the ETB forum to
hear more opinions. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app I only have 70 megas and when there is good speed outside, the test gives them to me by 5G. On my R7000 I also found two places where speed is limited and activated. The tutorial I did with LAN2 for ease and to get back to normal
mode quickly. It's an interesting research matter that we can put in the ETB forum to hear more opinions. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app What are those places? I only have 70 megas and when there is good speed outside, the test gives them to me for 5G. On my R7000 I also found two
places where speed is limited and activated. The tutorial I did with LAN2 for ease and to get back to normal mode quickly. It's an interesting research matter that we can put in the ETB forum to hear more opinions. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Already check your router and have no
restrictions. I tried 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. Same limitation to 100Mbps. For now I leave it in DMZ to the IP of the router and I have been able to configure well Plex with remote access and placeshifting service with UpNp ports. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Laneros mobile app Now check your router and have
no restrictions. I tried 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. Same limitation to 100Mbps. For now I leave it in DMZ to the IP of the router and I have been able to configure well Plex with remote access and placeshifting service with UpNp ports. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Laneros mobile app Hello, I remembered that a
lanero did the same thing a while ago: I have your same router, but my ONT is the Alcatel, that if you give me 1GB for both ports being in Bridge. I'll quote the @deflick and see if he suddenly found any solution. Best regards. Already check the router and it has no restrictions. I tried 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.
Same limitation to 100Mbps. For now I leave it in DMZ to the IP of the router and I have been able to configure well Plex with remote access and placeshifting service with UpNp ports. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Laneros mobile app Question (to try tonight-tomorrow) did you have to set up for your router
to authenticate? Or you just kept connecting normal Sent from my D6503 via Tapatalk Many thanks to everyone for the help, I have the archer C7 already configured in bridge mode without problems, same name on the network. Very good recommendation. Hi, I hope you can help me. I was doing the
tutorial and I lost the username and password to connect ETB PPPoE. How could I get them back? Does ETB supply them? Has anyone used the FTP function of this ONT? Thank you I connected an 8GB USB stick to the ONT and I can access it but only from the local network. I opened port 21 to the
router's local address ( but couldn't connect to the FTP server from the internet. Hello everyone... someone was asking about slowing down when placing the ONT on a bridge. The answer is if you configure it with LAN2. If you have like me the 150 Mb plan uses the excellent instructions in the
manual at the beginning of this chat, but switch to LAN2 for LAN1 in ALL instructions. Then connect your personal router to the ONT LAN1 and you will recover your original Hello All speed... someone was asking about slowing down when placing the ONT on a bridge. The answer is if you configure it with
LAN2. If you have like me the 150 Mb plan uses the excellent instructions in the manual at the beginning of this chat, but switch to LAN2 for LAN1 in ALL instructions. Then connect your personal router to the ONT LAN1 and you will recover your original speed Thank you for the recommendation. I'm going
to put the screens with the indicated settings and by the way I do the tests. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Hello everyone... someone was asking about slowing down when placing the ONT on a bridge. The answer is if you configure it with LAN2. If you have like me the 150 Mb plan
uses the excellent instructions in the manual at the beginning of this chat, but switch to LAN2 for LAN1 in ALL instructions. Then connect your personal router to the ONT LAN1 and you will recover your original speed Thank you for the recommendation. I'm going to put the screens with the indicated
settings and by the way I do the tests. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Thank you for the detailed lan1 manual and recommendation! I just made the change and everything is working well and with speed of 120Mb Hello everyone I hope you can answer my questions. 1. Hire the ETB
service with the promotion of paying $75,500 for 6 months and double the speed from 60Mb to 120Mb, but since I installed the service I have not managed to get it to go up more than 80Mb, according to the ETB technicians who did the installation the speed will not reach 120Mb because I do not have a
Gigabit network card. My question is, how true is this? and does the same thing happen with WiFi? 2. Has anyone tried sharing media by connecting an HDD to the ONT's USB port? Hello everyone I hope you can answer my questions. 1. Hire the ETB service with the promotion of paying $75,500 for 6
months and double the speed from 60Mb to 120Mb, but since I installed the service I have not managed to get it to go up more than 80Mb, according to the ETB technicians who did the installation the speed will not reach 120Mb because I do not have a Gigabit network card. My question is, how true is
this? and does the same thing happen with WiFi? 2. tested media sharing by connecting an HDD to the ONT's USB port? Your PC is very old?, If so it is surely does not have 1gbps LAN port By the wifi of that ont will never give you 120mb , read previous post. I have never tried the USB port, it should be
very bad. Hello everyone I hope you can answer my questions. 1. Hire the ETB service with the promotion of paying $75,500 for 6 months and double the speed from 60Mb to 120Mb, but since I installed the service I have not managed to get it to go up more than 80Mb, according to the ETB technicians
who did the installation the speed will not reach 120Mb because I do not have a Gigabit network card. My question is, how true is this? and does the same thing happen with WiFi? Hello, I answer the first question, if your laptop/pc does not have gigabit port you would have a port of 100Mb and that is why
it does not give you the maximum speed, it would be your turn to use a network card for 6 months and then it would not be justified because the speed would be 60Mb: The same thing happens with WIFI, to reach that speed you must use the IEEE 802.11n standard or higher on both your router and the
wifi cards of each device and have good speed because interference subtracts final speed. However, you can still take advantage of the maximum contracted speed if many devices in your home are used at the same time. Your PC is very old?, If so it is surely does not have 1gbps LAN port By the wifi of
that ont will never give you 120mb , read previous post. I have never tried the USB port, it should be very bad. Thanks for answering. The truth is, my PC is old and has 10/100 Page 7 Hello network card, I answer the first question, if your laptop/pc does not have gigabit port would have a port of 100Mb
and that is why it does not give you the maximum speed, it would be your turn to use a network card for 6 months and then it would not be justified because the speed would be 60Mb: The same thing happens with WIFI, to get to that speed you must use the IEEE 802.11n standard or higher on both your
router and the wifi cards of each device and you have good speed because the interference subtracts final speed. However, you can still take advantage of the maximum contracted speed if many devices in your home are used at the same time. Thank you so much for responding and you are right, you
do not justify a Gigabit for only 6 months. Good afternoon someone can please help me with the ont zte F660 manager password (already try by pastebin and telnet ) in advance thank you very much for your help A query, with bridge mode configuration, does not miss the management ip? can I keep
accessing it on the LAN? A query, with bridge mode configuration, is the management ip not lost? can I keep accessing it on the LAN? Connected to the Internet from your own if you lose it. One strategy is to leave ont WiFi active, so when you need to manage ont you simply disconnect from your router's
wifi and connect to the ont WiFi. Or the one I do: in the boot manual all the steps are for you to connect your router over the LAN2 port, so that when you need to manage the ont, connect your wired pc to LAN1. Although as has been said in the forum the LAN2 port limits the connection speed. Sent from
my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Connected to the Internet from your own Router if you lose it. One strategy is to leave ont WiFi active, so when you need to manage ont you simply disconnect from your router's wifi and connect to the ont WiFi. Or the one I do: in the boot manual all the steps are for
you to connect your router over the LAN2 port, so that when you need to manage the ont, connect your wired pc to LAN1. Although as has been said in the forum the LAN2 port limits the connection speed. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Thank you! I also tried to access as administrator
using the email password self-response and it didn't work for me. Neither the pastebin nor could I access by telnet. Does anyone have the new password? Thank you. Last edition: 17 Nov 2016 Hello good day recently I switched from internet operator to ETB, brought me a ZTE F660 modem, I am trying to
open the ports and it has not been possible, I need the admin user and password try the telnet thing and it is locked, try the passwords that were in pastebin, in taringa, on google and nothing that is on the internet no longer works this check it in November 2016 Please your community help do it yourself,
they do not know why the setup is complicated for people who only know how to act under a script, if you follow this tutorial you can configure bridge Do you know what the administrator password is? Telnet is locked and the pastebin and autoresponder are out of order. I also tried to access as
administrator using the email password self-response and it didn't work for me. Neither the pastebin nor could I access by telnet. Does anyone have the new password? Thank you. Do you know what the administrator password is? Telnet is locked and the pastebin and autoresponder are out of order. I
confirm that the password and administrator user for the ZTE F660 work as it appears in the pastebin or [email protected]. ETB changed the password, I come up with an idea that someone sharing a backup of configuration, reset the router entered by telnet and charged the backup,can you
help me? ETB changed the password, I come up with an idea that someone sharing a backup of configuration, reset the router entered by telnet and charged the backup,can you help me? The problem with uploading someone else's backup is that you would be left with that person's connection pppoe key
(no one would want that, it's not convenient to both) and you would lose your own pppoe unless you've taken it out before. You might be able to share a backup with those individual modified connection parameters, but as long as you don't have your own pppoe it would be serious because you can't
connect. About onT passwords I have a theory, the new routes are coming with a new password and the old ones did not change them again or those that we modified settings do not change the password. This prevents new passwords and changes to new routers from being filtered. Keeping the most
advanced users happy with their usual access and that they do not have to look for new methods of taking passwords. Last edition by a moderator: 27 Nov 2016 Greetings to all!!, I have an inconvenience with one of these etb modems (the zte f660), it is configured with a fixed ip and I need to open some
ports!!, the problem is that I am out of town and obviously I can not go to where the modem is and do it in person, I tried to access by telnet but I think etb blocked that option because it stays trying to connect and by web , however, when pinged and scanned by ports, the modem responds. Does anyone
know how I can remotely access that modem to manage it? Thank you for your help. (If anyone wonders why I don't call the etb, it's because I got tired of the lousy technical support they provide, several times I called to ask them to open some ports so I could view some surveillance cameras and they
didn't hit the modem with a ball, thanks to this post I was able to access the modem myself and configure it as I needed, I served the pastebin key of the month of February) Last edition: 1 Dec 2016 Greetings to all!!, I have an inconvenience with one of these etb modems (the zte f660), it is configured with
a fixed ip and I need to open some ports, the problem is that I am out of town and obviously I can not go to where the modem is and do it in person, I tried to access by telnet but I think that etb blocked that option because it stays trying to connect and by web equal , however, when pinged and scanned by
ports, the modem responds. Does anyone know how I can remotely access that modem to manage it? Thank you for your help. (If anyone wonders why I don't call the etb, it's because I got tired of the lousy technical support they provide, several times I called to ask them to open some ports so I could
view some surveillance cameras and they didn't hit the modem with a ball, thanks to this post I was able to access the modem myself and configure it as I needed, I served the pastebin key of the month of February) By default, remote ONT management is disabled. TELNET too. Can you happen to
remotely access a computer that is connected to the device you want to manage? So you can use RDP, VNC (which no longer needs port forwarding) or teamviewer to do Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk By default, remote ONT management is disabled. TELNET too. Can you happen to remotely
access a computer that is connected to the device you want to manage? So you can use RDP, VNC (which no longer needs port forwarding) or teamviewer to make the changes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thank you for the answer, jngutierrez; no, unfortunately there is no computer connected
so that through teamviewer you can access; I wonder how etb do and if maybe I could do the same thing. Thank you for the answer, jngutierrez; no, unfortunately there is no computer connected so that through teamviewer you can access; I wonder how etb do and if maybe I could do the same thing. I
think ISPs use a protocol called TR-069 to manage computers from headquarters. I've been researching the subject without much success. As soon as @Escorpiom (who has very good technical knowledge) of the Claro forum can give us a concept. How about asking a friend or acquaintance to carry a
portable PC, get close enough so that you have coverage of your wireless network so you can make the changes you need by VNC or teamviewer? The password could be changed later if you're worried about that. I don't know, I think that alternative might work. I don't have the magic key, I'm sorry. This
device has web management, but even if it offers the ability to access remotely, this access must be enabled in advance. As jngutierrez has already said, TR-069 (Technical Report 069) is a specification for the administration of ONT by ISPs. The platform requires special software, running on ACS (auto
configuration servers) servers. The port associated with TR-069 is 7547. Another way to administer the ONT is through OMCI (ONT Management and Control Interface). More information here: there vulnerabilities, but it is not feasible to search for an exploit that allows you to take control. You have
already said, a computer (portable?) connected on the same network with teamviewer is a very simple method. Scorpiom. Hello @yecarrillo thank you very much for the tutorial is very good, I have 2 questions... In this quote step, the text claims to add LAN1 and the image shows LAN2, which one is
correct? I added the 2 and it worked but now I try to get into the ETB router and it won't let me, was this why? how do I re-enter the ETB router? C.F. I changed the tutorial text to lan1 because those with more than 100 megas layered their speed using lan2. I forgot to update the images. I hope you did the
right backup. Connect to the ont WiFi and restore that backup. Start over. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Lords do not know if this goes here, but I already lobpuse in another forum and they did not answer me, I have a problem with the signal of my modem, is the q gives me etb, I have
fiber optic with an ALCATEL LUCENT modem and I happen the following: Gentlemen someone is having problems with the wifi signal for whatsaap? Turns out when I put the wifi signal from my house on my cell phone and I'm going to send photos or videos by Whatsapp it doesn't send them to me. Same
with the YouTube app (in many videos it stays loading nothing else) what I have to do in that case is to remove the updates and there if to (youtube), but whatsaap if it is new and I have not been able to fix it. Sent from my ASUS_Z00TD by Tapatalk On this and on all forums they will tell you the same
thing. You have to buy your own router. The ont WiFi doesn't even do much good. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Page 8 Hello, does anyone have the key to new rouetrs? Or any tricks to put him in Bridge? Greetings Guys anyone knows what is the right section on the f660 to open
ports?? Thank you someone has the password ?? Since no password I've tried works for the f660 I was delivered to the facility they did this week, I ask in the midst of my ignorance: can you call etb and ask them to put the ONT in bridge mode and then yourself finish installing your own router? Since no
password I've tried works for the f660 I was delivered to the facility they did this week, I ask in the midst of my ignorance: can you call etb and ask them to put the ONT in bridge mode and then yourself finish installing your own router? Lol They do not give that type of support at the home user level, that is
precisely why it is up to us to create these tutorials because these kinds of configurations are advanced and would be for an enterprise level for which they charge more $$$$ . Guys anyone know what the right section is on the f660 to open ports?? Thank you Depends. Case 1: You have your own router
connected pro cable to the ONT. Then look at this same topic as putting the router in the ONT DMZ and thus opening the ports from your router. Case 2: Your devices connect to the ONT WiFi. 2.1 Then something radical would be to allow any connection by any port to any of your devices with something
like this: 2.2 Open port per port for each device. Lol They do not give that type of support at the home user level, that is precisely why it is up to us to create these tutorials because these kinds of configurations are advanced and would be for an enterprise level for which they charge more $$$$ . In that
case and without the access keys for the ONT, what is the best way to install an archer c9 and make it work as best as possible with my 60Mb-120Mb plan? Hello everyone. I also don't have the key and it's frustrating to have to withstand the low speeds given by the ZTE modem. The only solution (and so
that there is no dual NAT) would be to assign an IP within the range that the modem gives to the router and disable DHCP from the router. At the end connect the cable to port 1 or 2 modem and on the router to one of the LAN (non-WAN) ports and you're done. I would think that this would work, that if
much better if they connect to the 5Ghz network and that it is only ac Good night I have a question, in the forum of etb already express my interest in changing plans from 25M to 60M, the thing is that several months ago I already have the ONT in bridge mode and my own router configured , when I ask
for the change of plan will I have everything unconfigured?? I do not want the truth Good night I have a doubt, in the forum of etb already express my interest in changing the plan from 25M to 60M, the thing is that I several months ago already have the ONT in bridge mode and my own router configured,
when asking for the change of plan will be that I have everything unconfigured?? I wouldn't want the truth Hello, You're not unconfigured at all, because that change is made at headquarters not on the ONT. Best regards. Perfect thank you very much, tomorrow I will do the management of the change of
plan pinrock66 how did it with the change of plan? I'm in the same situation but I've been in the same situation for 7 business days and nothing that makes the plan change, I'm worried it's because they can't be connected by the modem or something. Although technically dA_vO is right and all the change
should be made from the control unit without even wanting to enter the modem. pinrock66 confirmed plan change without affecting the modem in bridge mode. Apparently in ETB they are very inere efficient at making plan changes. But when it became my modem it was not affected. pinrock66 confirmed
plan change without affecting the modem in bridge mode. Apparently in ETB they are very inere efficient at making plan changes. But when it became my modem it was not affected. What I do is configure in Bridge mode and download the config.bin. I have the original config on hand and when there is
technical visit or possible remote review I restore it for that or several days. Then I restore the config with bridge when the technician has already come. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Hello, does anyone know in PPPoE authentication which one uses ETB?. Hello. Has anyone managed
to redirect port 80 to a machine on the LAN with the F660? Not with DMZ, no bridge, nothing. Hello. Has anyone managed to redirect port 80 to a machine on the LAN with the F660? Not with DMZ, no bridge, nothing. Dude, port 80 is blocked from headquarters. The solution I've applied is to mount my
web servers with https on port 443. In fact, '80 tends to disappear. For certificates there is no longer a mess because with Let's Encrypt they are free. Google also privileges searches to websites published with https. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Page 9 Amigo, port 80 is blocked from
the headquarters. The solution I've applied is to mount my web servers with https on port 443. In fact, '80 tends to disappear. For certificates there is no longer a mess because with Let's Encrypt they are free. Google also privileges searches to websites published with https. Sent from my Nexus 5 using
Laneros mobile app Well, for https I've got it now, I just wanted to leave the '80s too. I thought the problem was at the router level because if remote management is enabled by 80 you get to it without problem. Good tip from Let's Encrypt, thank you. Good, my ONT is in bridge mode, in doing this onT
SNTP has no Internet connection and the ONT time is unconfigured with the effect that wireless phones that have identifier always take the time from the ONT and as this has it unconfigured as the date and time is always unconfigured. Any way to disable SNTP on the ONT?. Thank you. Hello. At least
I'm still served the Feb/2016 pastebin pass. I checked it today doing @Syaoran sntp management, because as the friend @Syaoran the date and time of the ont were wrong and on my tel appears the same wrong date and time of the ont. For those who pass them the sntp problem, change the ntp server,
and if it does not work, go to the wan part and have it edited, then change the connection from ipv4 to ipv4/ipv6 and save it, and ready, or at least so I got the correct date and time. Best regards. Hello again. I have (obviously) my ont in bridge mode for my connection to make my own modem/router (tp-link
td-w8970), however, apparently if this is done the ont loses access to the internet and at least the sntp could not be updated until restoring the original connections, because my friends, I have my ont in bridge mode, for port lan1, and as a factory on lan2 and wifi (ssid1), that is, if I connect directly by the
lan1 I do not have internet, unless I put my router already configured or that does the ppoe autetication on the pc (as was done before), and if I connect directly by the lan2 or by the wifi I have internet. I also tell you and/ or confirm that you can leave the 4 lan for the internet or the 4 lan for iptv, it is a
matter of configuring. If you're interested, let me know. Best regards! Hello again. I have (obviously) my ont in bridge mode for my connection to make my own modem/router (tp-link td-w8970), however, apparently if this is done the ont loses access to the internet and at least the sntp could not be updated
until restoring the original connections, because my friends, I have my ont in bridge mode, for port lan1, and as a factory on lan2 and wifi (ssid1), that is, if I connect directly by the lan1 I do not have internet, unless I put my router already configured or that does the ppoe autetication on the pc (as was
done before), and if I connect directly by the lan2 or by the wifi I have internet. I also tell you and/ or confirm that you can leave the 4 lan for the internet or the 4 lan for iptv, it is a matter of configuring. If you're interested, let me know. Best regards! Interesting, I did the setup with the tutorial of this post. On
LAN1 I have bridge and my router does pppoe authentication, on LAN2 and WIFI of the ONT I have no internet connection, but I can manage router from there. on LAN1 does not allow me to manage the ONT because it gives direct to the internet. The way you have it would make several pppoe
authentications at the same time, will there be a problem with that?. Divided speed or bothering ETB?. Hello @Syaoran, I have made several connections with pppoe, my router, my psp go, which natively lets you configure wifi with pppoe authentication, my pc, and I have never had any problems in terms
of connection, in fact right now the ont and router is authenticated, and since I have so I have not had any problems. As for the speed since the two are not used at the same time is not affected, if both are used at the same time, it would be like any two devices connected to the router, with the difference
that one would be on the router and the other on the ont. In conclusion, no, you wouldn't have any plumbing. Best regards! Good night friends, I have an Alcatel ONT. Enter with the admin key q I get in pastebin and I do not get the q options appear at the beginning of this post pra configure it. I have a
DLink router model DIR-826L which I intend to use as a router and that handles wifi on my ksa, placing the ONT in bridge mode. Obviously I connect it directly to Data 1 or Data 2 and it doesn't work. Any recommendations? It's become impossible for me in a number of ways. I was told Q had to disable
DHCP and WIFI mode of the ONT lero I do not know how to do it. Thank you very much Good night friends, I have an ONT Alcatel. Enter with the admin key q I get in pastebin and I do not get the q options appear at the beginning of this post pra configure it. I have a DLink router model DIR-826L which I
intend to use as a router and that handles wifi on my ksa, placing the ONT in bridge mode. Obviously I connect it directly to Data 1 or Data 2 and it doesn't work. Any recommendations? It's become impossible for me in a number of ways. I was told Q had to disable DHCP and WIFI mode of the ONT lero I
do not know how to do it. Thank you very much, buddy, you're a little confused. As the topic title says this forum is for ZTE not for Alcatel Sent from my Nexus 5 using Laneros mobile app Good, my ONT is in bridge mode, by doing this the ONT SNTP has no Internet connection and the ONT time is
unconfigured with the effect that wireless phones that have identifier always take the time from the ONT and as this has it unconfigured as the date and time is always unconfigured. Any way to disable SNTP on the ONT?. Thank you. The way to configure the SNTP time in this case that the ONT does not
have the internet would be by connecting a Windows PC to LAN port 2 that was left with IP (at that time that PC would also not have internet because it is directly connected to the ONT without making pppoe authentication). Then let's create an SNTP server on Windows that will give the time
to the ONT (In the end I put a video of how to create an SNTP server on Windows), On the ONT where NTP Primary asks us we put the IP: and leave Secondary emptied, so it will take the time that PC has at that time. Click the thumbnail to enlarge. If the ONT is disconnected the time would
be reset and you would touch turn on the LAN 2 PC to take the time again, so that you take it manually you can play it with the DSCP value PUTLE 1 is given submit, then it can be left as before, that will cause the ONT to force to take the SNTP time at that time. Click the thumbnail to enlarge. It happens
that every time a call is entered through the caller ID the calling number + time and date is sent to the phones, at that time the phones are re-configured with that actual data. Here's a tutorial to create an SNTP server on Windows: I don't understand what the problem is to ask, someone may at some point
get it and don't share it until they see that someone needs it. If it doesn't affect you let us ask about what we don't have. It would generate a lot of spam if everyone at the same time start asking the key, as has happened lately. Currently I believe that even installers should not have that password if no one
had already shared or taken it out with a keylogger but the installers already bring the configured routers. So for us to get it serious because someone at a higher level shares it or because a new bug was discovered on the routers. Which is hard. It would be nice for a single person to ask once a month,
but if you put them all at a time because it serious about the matter because other important issues are not dealt with in the forum and others are alerted to us every time of people asking for a password that we do not have and it is impossible to acquire. I propose that you call the ETB, have the case
scaled up by asking for the ONT password. Do it all as you do in this forum so suddenly you get bored with the questioner and start giving the password to customers. Present PQR, argue that you want to open ports at ease, scale the case to the industry superintendency to see what they think. See if
they can buy the ONT from the ETB to set up to their own liking. I say this with all due respect and sincerity, do not take it the wrong way. Hey, everybody!!! Someone already has the new key of the ZTE modem so that porfa can share it with us, Thank you Let's clarify a few things. In this thread is the
administrator key for the ZTE F660, Model ZXHN F660E, which can be located looking below the ONT. If you see that your model changes in at least one letter, that information still doesn't appear. Don't insist every week because they erase your messages. If the model of your ONT is equal to that of this
thread and the key does not work after several attempts, then, as the lanero above says, they already come with the new key and do not call the technicians to the plant during installation. Be patient until someone finds her! Sent from my IPHONE 8 Last edition: 28 May 2017 Try the one in the pastebin of
the first post, it served me an Alcatel As would the process to have NAT OPEN on a ps4 console ? I also have fribra and access to the router, but I haven't come up with the joke. I hope someone soon finds out the password of the ZXHN F660E Plus, because for some reason it does not allow me to
connect to the OFFICE VPNs, which is a serious problem for me because I work from home; Technical support geniuses say it's my computer, but I know it's not like that, because a relative lives in this same building and if I use the internet of him (also fiber ETB, but with router F660) I have no problems
Someone has experienced these kinds of problems? How would the process be to have NAT OPEN on a ps4 console? I also have fribra and access to the router, but I haven't come up with the joke. In the first messages of this forum are the instructions to put the router in DMZ. And on your router put the
PS4 in DMZ. Sent from my Nexus 5 via the Laneros.com Hopefully someone will soon find out the password of the ZXHN F660E Plus, because for some reason it does not allow me to connect to the office VPNs, which is a serious problem for me because I work from home; Technical support geniuses
say it's my computer, but I know it's not like that, because a relative lives in this same building and if I use the internet of him (also fiber ETB, but with router F660) I have no problems Someone has experienced these kinds of problems? Since it is a similar but different model, have you already tried the
telnet method? The f660s turned it off, but all of a sudden your model still works. Sent from my Nexus 5 via the mobile app of Laneros.com Hola @Syaoran, I have made several connections with the pppoe, my router, my psp go, which natively lets you configure wifi with pppoe authentication, my pc, and I
have never had any problems in terms of connection, in fact at this time the ont and router is authenticated, and since I have so I have not had any problems. As for the speed since the two are not used at the same time is not affected, if both are used at the same time, it would be like any two devices
connected to the router, with the difference that one would be on the router and the other on the ont. In conclusion, no, you wouldn't have any plumbing. Best regards! Question. Each connection gives you a different public IP? Sent from my Nexus 5 via the mobile app of Laneros.com an idea... Among the
laneros that have access to the ONT could check if the configurations are significantly different between you? If the settings are the same, or only the IPs/Subnet settings that can be obtained from Status -> Network Interface -> WAN Connection with the WIFIetb user vary perhaps we could make a
Factory Reset to the device and reconfigure it from scratch, setting the admin password. Ideally, compare config.bin when passing them through the RouterPassView... What do you think? Would it be viable? I think the problem right now is not configs the fact, if I misunderstood, that those who have the
660 plus do not have access to the ont because the admin password has not yet been known and because they disabled the telnet handling. I have the normal 660 and it continues with the feb/2016 pass, therefore I can put my internet in bridge mode to handle ports and whatever I want by my router.As
additional data my ont I have it by lan1 as bridge and by lan2 and wifi dfel ont with internet access. Page 10 An idea... Among the laneros that have access to the ONT could check if the configurations are significantly different between you? If the settings are the same, or only the IPs/Subnet settings that
can be obtained from Status -> Network Interface -> WAN Connection with the WIFIetb user vary perhaps we could make a Factory Reset to the device and reconfigure it from scratch, setting the admin password. Ideally, compare config.bin when passing them through the RouterPassView... What
do you think? Would it be viable? The problem is first look for how to do the Factory reset, but for that you have to first remove the PPPoE username and password which is different among all users and one more reason not to share the config.bin because they have the personal authentication data. The
problem is first look for how to do the Factory reset, but for that you have to first remove the PPPoE username and password which is different among all users and one more reason not to share the config.bin because they have the personal authentication data. The factory reset can be done using the
physical ont button, the problem is that the 660 plus already brings by default the pass that is unknown, and yet, if the newly made ont were to be reset, it will automatically auto-activate and log off one, making it inaccessible again, if autoupdate changes the pass, because if it does not change it, before it
is autoupdated it would be to take out the config and look at the pass with the program, or even activate the telnet. There are several reasons not to share the config.bin, you have authentication put, you have pppoe authentication, you have the settings (if, including the phone line) of your phone line, you
have the tv settings, which in some cases is different in some users. I hope someone soon finds out the password of the ZXHN F660E Plus, because for some reason it does not allow me to connect to the OFFICE VPNs, which is a serious problem for me because I work from home; Technical support
geniuses say it's my computer, but I know it's not like that, because a relative lives in this same building and if I use the internet of him (also fiber ETB, but with router F660) I have no problems Someone has experienced these kinds of problems? I have the same problem, I had fiber optic services in
another property and the VPN worked properly, now, when moving the services I left that modem ZTE F660E Plus, request that they scale my morning what answer they have. Have you been able to solve anything? I have the same problem, I had the fiber optic services in another property and the VPN
worked correctly, now, when moving the services they left me that modem ZTE F660E Plus, request that they escalate my case, wait tomorrow what response they have. Have you been able to solve anything? Yes; After trying options, using SSTP solved the problem for me. You only need to select SSTP
as the type of VPN that Windows will use, obviously that protocol must be supported by the remote VPN you want to connect to. ETB support geniuses suggested I purchase fixed IP service, as according to them they do not support VPN without that additional cost/package. Yes; After trying options,
using SSTP solved the problem for me. You only need to select SSTP as the type of VPN that Windows will use, obviously that protocol must be supported by the remote VPN you want to connect to. ETB support geniuses suggested I purchase fixed IP service, as according to them they do not support
VPN without that additional cost/package. Thank you for your response, the VPN client I use is FortiClient, this only allows two types of connections: SSL-VPN and IPsec-VPN, I connected it by IPsec-VPN always and it had worked, until this modem arrived, some tip that can help me? Thank you for your
response, the VPN client I use is FortiClient, this only allows two types of connections: SSL-VPN and IPsec-VPN, I connected it by IPsec-VPN always and it had worked, until this modem arrived, some tip that can help me? Today I solved the problem in ETB, gave the FortiGate IP and they opened UDP
ports 500, 4500 and TCP/IP 50, told me the support that they had to scale to enable VPN features, and apparently this time if they could. I hope this information works for you. Good Morning Laneros!!! I have ETB Fiber service, I need to configure my IP as static, as it is changing at all times and I lose
access permissions to application of my work.... Call ETB but I am told it costs 12mil per month plus a 35mil visit. Does anyone know of any other way to set this up without making that payment? Thank you Mauricio Ch Good Morning Laneros!!! I have ETB Fiber service, I need to configure my IP as static,
as it is changing at all times and I lose access permissions to application of my work.... Call ETB but I am told it costs 12mil per month plus a 35mil visit. Does anyone know of any other way to set this up without making that payment? Thank you Mauricio Ch Put your own Asus or Netgear router and use
the free dynamic DNS offered by those two brands. Each time you change IP, the router is responsible for updating your sub-domain. For Asus it misubdominio.asuscomm.com Parta NETGEAR is misubdominio.mynetgear.com If you have your own domain, you can create a CNAME record that points to
these free subdomains and masks them. That way you can connect your FTP clients, IP, browsers etc to your home no longer with an IP but with an Internet address. Don't give those 12mil to ETB. Hi Laneros, I have been doing several tests to get that key out (F660 ZTE), I describe some of my findings:
The telnet is disabled by default, even if a DMZ is configured through the Hellcenter, that port (23) is blocked. The only open ports are: 80 (http), 443 (https) and 53 (dns) -Although I have not done a full scan-. So I can conclude that those who manage the equipment (technical service) use unconventional
ports for configuration or do so through http(s). When you try to load the other settings pages of the computer (Html Injection) from the WifiETB session, you log out. The web interface key travels in clear text over the network, which can allow a Man in the Middle attack. Because of the above, I just
mounted Kali Linux to sniff those keys across all WAN and LAN IPs associated with the router. I will call to make a small configuration in order for them to try to enter the modem and be able to remove some credential. Anything I'll tell you. Best regards. Warning! problems with WIFI? I was recently
installed with this ZTE F660 Plus - two antennae. WIFI has never worked well for me to lose the network or if connected there was no internet. After more than thirty calls, they finally sent a technician. It turns out that this F660 plus cannot be located near other devices -- Radio, soundbar, swich etc... --
because there is interference with the frequency of wifi. The replace they brought me had exactly the same problem. How about that one. Previously I had the normal ZTE F660 - an antenna - in the same place and I never had a problem. How poor quality of the ZTE F660 Plus, and the ETB, as if you don't
know there's a problem. Hi Laneros, I have been doing several tests to get that key out (F660 ZTE), I describe some of my findings: The telnet is disabled by default, even if a DMZ is configured through the Hellcenter, that port (23) is blocked. The only open ports are: 80 (http), 443 (https) and 53 (dns) -
Although I have not done a full scan-. So I can conclude that those who manage the equipment (technical service) use unconventional ports for configuration or do so through http(s). When you try to load the other settings pages of the computer (Html Injection) from the WifiETB session, you log out. The
web interface key travels in clear text over the network, which can allow a Man in the Middle attack. Because of the above, I just mounted Kali Linux to sniff those keys across all WAN and LAN IPs associated with the router. I will call to make a small configuration in order for them to try to enter the modem
and be able to remove some credential. Anything I'll tell you. Best regards. Did tests but did the management through port 7547 (TR-069), so I couldn't capture any credentials. I did some research and you can create a fake server that simulates that protocol but requires a lot of information about the
protocol configuration on the internal ETB network. Bridge mode is only being configured when you have a pool of 5 IP's contracted, even when you have fixed IP let you manage it. According to the above, I realize that the internal management IP has open port 7547, which requires user and password
and allows multiple failed attempts. You could create an attack dictionary or reuse old keys to enter. It is simply entering that IP into the browser and there it comes out to enter credentials. They'll let me know if they find a key. Attach the image of where to get the IP with the port open and an example of
how the login exits when entering that IP in the browser. Greetings I did my tests but did the management through port 7547 (TR-069), so I could not capture any credentials. I did some research and you can create a fake server that simulates that protocol but requires a lot of information about the
protocol configuration on the internal ETB network. Bridge mode is only being configured when you have a pool of 5 IP's contracted, even when you have fixed IP let you manage it. According to the above, I realize that the internal management IP has open port 7547, which requires user and password
and allows multiple failed attempts. You could create an attack dictionary or reuse old keys to enter. It is simply entering that IP into the browser and there it comes out to enter credentials. See attachments 303492 I am alerted if they find a key. Attach the image of where to get the IP with the port open
and an example of how the login exits when entering that IP in the browser. See the attachment 303491 Greetings Friend I am in them I also install Kali to see if I manage to take the pass by brute force, the user and pass that I got in laneros does not work by the web portal but it seems to me that the user
is not valid, before I was a user or wrong key, now only error comes out in user I will see if by port 7547 I achieve something , any news I beg you to tell us here, I will do the same, greetings. Friend I am in the same also install Kali to see if I manage to take the pass by brute force, the user and pass that I
was given in laneros does not work by the web portal but it seems to me that the user is not valid, before I salia user or key erronea, now it comes only error in user I will see if by port 7547 I achieve something , any news I beg you to tell us here, I will do the same, greetings. As soon as I find any
additional vulnerabilities, I'll tell you. Similarly I formally put a complaint in ETB to be allowed to put the modem into bridge mode, they already replied that no and I already used the appeal. If he doesn't thrive, he'll take him to siC hehe. Greetings As soon as I find any additional vulnerabilities I tell you.
Similarly I formally put a complaint in ETB to be allowed to put the modem into bridge mode, they already replied no and I already used the appeal. If he doesn't thrive, he'll take him to siC hehe. Greetings Well I tell you that I have tried upnp attacks but rejects the configuration changes, according to my
conclusions the administration does it from, I am trying to trick the ONT into thinking that I have a computer on that network or verify since network responds by pointing directly to the management interface 10.2.x.x in my case. Well I tell you that I have tried upnp attacks but I reject the
configuration changes, according to my conclusions the administration does it since, I am trying to trick the ONT into thinking that I have a computer on that network or verify since network responds by pointing directly to the management interface 10.2.x.x in my case. I understand that it is
from the Management, a 10.11.x.x since those of Nat and Sin Nat are not configured for users with dynamic ip Good night, I was looking for vulnerabilities and I found one that can be found opening the html that supplies them. They open it in the browser and download the config. I hope it works for you,
particularly on my modem it didn't work. Best regards. <html><body onload-document.fDownload.submit();><form name-fDownload method-POST action- enctype-multipart/form-data onsubmit-return false;> Request Sent.... <input type-hidden name-config id-config value-
></form></body></html> I already have the key to the new ONTs, I only share it with regular or higher-ranking Laneros... Last time they posted it on twitter... Greetings I already have the key to the new ONTs, I only share it with regular or higher rank Laneros... Last time they posted it on
twitter... Greetings Great. Did you hack it or did it go natural?. If you hacked it please don't share the method, just the key. Hello, that key is not, it is old, one of the above if I am not bad. Best regards. My installation was on July 1 of this year, I got an F660 of two antennas. Test and let me know, I got it
through an open PORT of the ONT. Nice day. On Saturday, August 5th at 12:30 pm I had a technical visit because I had no service. The technician checked my house and then went to the pole where the damage was. I asked the technician if the ont f660 plus (antenna) or f660 (without external antennas)
is better, which I have), to which he tells me that the one I have is much better, that at least he had had a lot of visit for problems and damage to the f660 plus, that in an 8-day installation made the f660 plus that he had already left had already burned, and that they tend to be damaged that if I had the f660
f660 I'll leave him. This is the second technician to tell me that the f660 plus is bad. I tell you this for those who have the f660 and have ever thought about changing it to the f660 plus, leave the f660, and for those who have the f660 plus, they can try to talk to etb and ask for change of ont, and demand the
f660, if they are denied to do so with the right of request. Best regards! Page 11 I confirm, I just did the tutorial with the F660 plus (the two antenna) and everything works perfect. Greetings. Good morning, I'm writing to you because I need help. My ONT is the plus (two antennas) I configure in bridge
mode and everything goes well I configure my ROUTER which is a TP-LINK TL-WR941HP and the first day works perfect everything, but the second it seems that the IP of the router changed and had the same onT and generates conflict and does not give me internet. The problem is that once this
happens it does not allow me to enter the ROUTER configuration to change the IP and remove the conflict, so it is my turn to restart it and reconfigure it. Anybody know why this is happening? I can't be setting up the ROUTER every day.... Good morning, I'm writing to you because I need help. My ONT is
the plus (two antennas) I configure in bridge mode and everything goes well I configure my ROUTER which is a TP-LINK TL-WR941HP and the first day works perfect everything, but the second it seems that the IP of the router changed and had the same onT and generates conflict and does not give me
internet. The problem is that once this happens it does not allow me to enter the ROUTER configuration to change the IP and remove the conflict, so it is my turn to restart it and reconfigure it. Anybody know why this is happening? I can't be setting up the ROUTER every day.... The same thing happened
to me with an Archer AC3200. I don't know why, but the solution was to set the router's IP LAN equal to that of the ONT ( When trying with, for example, the router would not 'connect' to the ONT and restart to factory settings. Greetings, I have been able to configure the zte f660 in
bridge mode successfully, beforehand I would like to thank the creators of the tutorial as they have helped us to solve our local network problems. I am not a systems expert, let alone networking, however, I enjoy conducting small research on the devices we use on a day-to-day. This is why throughout
the execution of the step by step I arose a couple of doubts regarding the ports MANAGEMENT, HSI - NAT and HSI - WITHOUT NAT, I would like to know what they represent, so that they work and if having them activated (in the tutorial do not touch) can become some problem in bridge mode. I would
appreciate it if anyone could share the knowledge regarding this topic. Here I also report that with the submitted key works perfect I already have equal the mio in bridge mode. I have a question then to access the ONT again with which ip can be done? Here I also report that with the key sent perfect I
already have equal mio in bridge mode. I have a question then to access the ONT again with which ip can be done? Connect via WIFI or Data1 and access. Greetings, I have been able to configure the zte f660 in bridge mode successfully, beforehand I would like to thank the creators of the tutorial as they
have helped us to solve our local network problems. I am not a systems expert, let alone networking, however, I enjoy conducting small research on the devices we use on a day-to-day. This is why throughout the execution of the step by step I arose a couple of doubts regarding the ports MANAGEMENT,
HSI - NAT and HSI - WITHOUT NAT, I would like to know what they represent, so that they work and if having them activated (in the tutorial do not touch) can become some problem in bridge mode. I would appreciate it if anyone could share the knowledge regarding this topic. HSI-NAT: Activates when
you hire a fixed IP service, thus remaining static so as not to delete the connection in case of change. MANAGEMENT: This is the connection that ETB advisors use to check the status of your computer and verify certain configuration information. HSI-SIN NAT: This is a default connection that like the first
one can be used for Fixed IP's, in this case the Pool of 5 offered by ETB. I recommend that you do not touch them to avoid raising suspicions on the part of ETB, I also guarantee that they will not affect your service in any way, since the fiber has a very immense bandwidth channel. Best regards.
Messages asking for the key will be deleted. What a lot of spam they do. If you need the key, use private messages with users who have managed to pull it out. Thank you. Good morning, I'm writing to you because I need help. My ONT is the plus (two antennas) I configure in bridge mode and everything
goes well I configure my ROUTER which is a TP-LINK TL-WR941HP and the first day works perfect everything, but the second it seems that the IP of the router changed and had the same onT and generates conflict and does not give me internet. The problem is that once this happens it does not allow
me to enter the ROUTER configuration to change the IP and remove the conflict, so it is my turn to restart it and reconfigure it. Anybody know why this is happening? I can't be setting up the ROUTER every day.... For some reason TP-TSRs don't like By trial and error, I managed to configure
my LAN with 192.168.100.x. After a tortuous year away from ETB Fibra, you can have the service. I have written to several members by PM for help with the user/pass but have not received a response. Any charitable souls who can help me through private message? Thank ^^ Good in view of the that
there was no human power to get the key to the F660E Plus. I tell you I'm fortunately my old ONT, the first F660. Now the question is way to download the file of the new ONT to get it into the old one? Someone? Thank you very much!, It works to the hair. F660 and TP-Link Archer C2 Now the question
there is way to download the new ONT configuration file to get it into the old one? Without the administrator key it is not possible, I also do not think it is a good idea.. you could break the old ont. I see two options in your case, either you get the new ont key and you perform the entire procedure from
scratch, or you manage in etb an ont change and then you do the process again from scratch, this because surely your PPPoE user is not the same. I have a concern. After putting the router into bridge mode and having it connected to the ONT via cable, is it possible to configure the router to connect to
the ONT via WiFi and not by cable? Why my question: After doing the tutorial I managed to put the router in bridge mode with the ONT connected by cable, but the signals in other parts of the apartment is low, then I would like to connect the router in a more strategic lake for signal to arrive, but I can not
wire it to the ONT by far. So, let's say I want to use it in bridge mode but at the same time as a repeater. Is it possible, do I make myself understood? I have a concern. After putting the router into bridge mode and having it connected to the ONT via cable, is it possible to configure the router to connect to
the ONT via WiFi and not by cable? Why my question: After doing the tutorial I managed to put the router in bridge mode with the ONT connected by cable, but the signals in other parts of the apartment is low, then I would like to connect the router in a more strategic lake for signal to arrive, but I can not
wire it to the ONT by far. So, let's say I want to use it in bridge mode but at the same time as a repeater. Is it possible, do I make myself understood? Hi Jonas. Unfortunately what you want to do is not possible, since the wifi on both devices is already to connect to the end devices and not to be used as
repeaters. In your case you can do the following, you leave the router in one part for where you need it, from there you take the cable where the ont goes and connect it, and the ont you leave it elsewhere where you need good signal, the ont can be configured in such a way that by any lan is as a bridge
for the router, and that the rest of the lan and / or wifi the ont is with the internet. I've got it that way or I've set it up like this and it works perfectly. Best regards. PS: I haven't seen them and I don't think there are any, however you could look for any routers with repeater function. Hi Jonas. Unfortunately
what you want to do is not possible, since the wifi on both devices is already to connect to the end devices and not to be used as repeaters. In your case you can do the following, you leave the router in one place for where you need it, from there you take the cable where the ont goes and connect it, and
the ont you leave it elsewhere where Good signal, the ont can be configured in such a way that by any lan it is as a bridge for the router, and that the rest of the lan and /or wifi the ont is left with the internet. I've got it that way or I've set it up like this and it works perfectly. Best regards. PS: I haven't seen
them and I don't think there are any, however you could look for any routers with repeater function. Thank you. I will try. Page 12 Good night Lanero friends. It turns out that for almost a month I have been experiencing some problems, sometimes the TV freezes frequently, the internet slows down a lot and
at least today two people have called my number and told me that the line sounded as if it were busy. Could it be that the ont has damage? Greetings Laneros, 1) How can I create a main WiFi and a guest WiFi? 2) If possible, the main how can it be hidden so that it is not detected by other devices? 3)
And the guest one How can you limit their bandwidth? Greetings Laneros, 1) How can I create a main WiFi and a guest WiFi? 2) If possible, the main how can it be hidden so that it is not detected by other devices? 3) And the guest one How can you limit their bandwidth? 1- Since the ETB ONT cannot,
you must have your own router that has that option. 2- You can hide the SSID of the main one so that they do not know that it is your network if it has your family name or rename it and say it is that of the neighbors. But hiding it completely can't. 3- Since the ETB ONT cannot, you must have a router that
has that option. 1- Since the ETB ONT cannot, you must have your own router that has that option. See attachment 318154 2- You can hide the SSID of the main one so that they do not know that it is your network if it has your family name or rename it and say it is that of the neighbors. But hiding it
completely can't. 3- Since the ETB ONT cannot, you must have a router that has that option. See attachment 318155 Thank you for replying. What is the use of creating multiple SSIDs? (There is SSID1 to SSID4) And what is the priority (ranging from 0 to 9) that can be assigned to each SSID? I see that
also in Security you can assign a password to each SSID. Thanks for answering. What is the use of creating multiple SSIDs? (There is SSID1 to SSID4) And what is the priority (ranging from 0 to 9) that can be assigned to each SSID? I see that also in Security you can assign a password to each SSID.
You're right, forgive the misinformation. I didn't remember well that I had that part. I couldn't tell you, the only thing is to try it yourself to create a guest network on SSID 2. Greetings Laneros, 1) How can I create a main WiFi and a guest WiFi? 2) If possible, the main how can it be hidden so that it is not
detected by other devices? 3) And the guest one How can you limit their bandwidth? 1. If we are talking about the ONT ZTE F660, it is not difficult. You must have an administrator key. The red->WLAN->SSID settings. You can put up to four different WIFI signals. To the WIFI NETWORK you want to
isolate (you cannot enter folders), it points to enable SSID isolation I leave video link for clarity www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlINvISrG8 2. When you are creating WIFI networks, it points to the option Hide SSID to the WIFI you want to hide 3. I was testing the guest network last year and one of the
reasons for quitming was that I couldn't configure QoS to limit bandwidth. Also because the signal of the ONT ZTE F660 is poor and the devices should be no more than 10 meters away. Good night, what happens is that I'm trying to open ports for a game on pc, but my options when entering the router
are quite limited compared to those shown in the initial post, to what is that? and would there be some way to enable the full menu? Thanks in advance. Good night, what happens is that I'm trying to open ports for a game on pc, but my options when entering the router are quite limited compared to those
shown in the initial post, to what is that? and would there be some way to enable the full menu? Thanks in advance. No keys are given here, let alone registered r-users. Google it. No keys are given here, let alone registered r-users. Google it. I don't understand, am I supposed to come in with data other
than the modem so that I can deploy absolutely all the options? because I'm not asking for any data to enter, simply the menu is quite limited compared to the menu they show here. Last edition: 14 Jan 2018 I do not understand, I am supposed to enter with data other than the modem so that I can deploy
absolutely all the options? because I'm not asking for any data to enter, simply the menu is quite limited compared to the menu they show here. Because you must enter with administrator key, for it to display a larger menu. And nop, I don't know what I can give. It's your turn as you were told Good night,
what happens is that I'm trying to open ports for a game on pc, but my options when entering the router are quite limited compared to those shown in the initial post, why is that because of that? and would there be some way to enable the full menu? Thanks in advance. Hey, buddy. Unfortunately by rules
you cannot be given keys for being newly registered, however from experience I tell you that even if ont ports are opened, they don't really open. I am user gamer and definitely on any modem that has firmware modified by etb (as in this case the ont f660) do not open ports so they have been configured,
and to make dmz is too insecure in my opinion. Rather put your own router, it gives you more wifi coverage, you manage it as you wish and you can make all the changes you want. Best regards. Pd: it's a good source of info. Hello everyone! I love this forum! I have a 660 (no plus) I could already access
as administrator, has 4 ports (like all 660) 2 for LAN and 2 for IPTV (I have an extra deco), someone knows how I can change one of LAN to be IPTV? I think if it's configurable because they're finally marked and mapped. The thing is, it doesn't seem difficult but I don't want to take any chances (yes, I
have the backup just in case) but better follow the instructions of someone who does! Thank you for your help and again, what a good forum! Last edition: 31 Jan 2018 Hello Friends! Excellent tutorial to place the Gpon in bridge mode. It works perfectly for me, however I run into problems with the upload
speed... it doesn't reach a 1mbps. I even thought it might be something on my router, and that's why I did tests connected directly to the GPon's LAN1 port from my Linux laptop and the configured PPPOE connection and followed the problem. I restored the original GPON configuration and resolved the
issue I never had any problems with the upload speed again. What could it be? ( I have the Plan with Dynamic Ip) Greetings Last edition: 12 Feb 2018 Hello friends! Excellent tutorial to place the Gpon in bridge mode. It works perfectly for me, however I run into problems with the upload speed... it doesn't
reach a 1mbps. I even thought it might be something on my router, and that's why I did tests connected directly to the GPon's LAN1 port from my Linux laptop and the configured PPPOE connection and followed the problem. I restored the original GPON configuration and resolved the issue I never had
any problems with the upload speed again. What could it be? ( I have the Plan with Dynamic Ip) Greetings Resolved, in case any more have the problem, it was basically resolved by placing the MSS Clamping parameter in 1452 on the PPPOE interface of my Hello router, I have a zte f660 router, usually
the user and password for administrator Manager E-378_H$1-0n7*2, I used to work, but yesterday in a desperate attempt to reset the default modem settings I decided to use that option in the router menu, once the router restarted, the username and password stopped working and I can no longer access
the router, some know what I can do in this case? exactly perform the same process and no longer work Manager E-378_H$1-0n7*2 someone passed that info in pastebin but now this no longer us ugly for the q we used too much all the functions of this GPON ONT ZTE F660 At least I still work the user
and pass that puts @ph03n1x, I just tried it and enters without problem. I have F660. hello that such I had previously read this forum and thanks to this I was able to configure my ont zte f660 as a bridge with my router asus ac66u , I started to experience network flashing problems and discard
configuration failures on the asus router for which I try to reconfigure the ont of to set up again in bridge mode but I found that the admin key no longer worked, the truth I am not one of those who like to ask for things for the effort of someone else for that reason I myself perform the process to extract the
admin key by telnet but I realized that the etb port closed it as mentioned above and this caused me a big problem since I access my computers and so on ( vpn, wol, ftp, etc. from outside my house and I am quite hurt, I consent that etb will not help me at all because they insist that that can not be done
and other things, for which if someone can advise me how to extract the new key I would be very grateful, if they need some support of how to configure the asus router to work with this ont I am to collaborate them in view of that I am new and I know it's not easy for me to be provided with the key, I just
need to be guided on how to extract it by some new method. Thanks again The bridge mode is keeping the ETB ONT connected?. Is there a way to replace the ETB ONT and leave your own better quality? some reference that I recommend Bridge mode is keeping the ETB ONT connected?. Is there a
way to replace the ETB ONT and leave your own better quality? some reference that I'm recommended Someone recently asked something similar. The response of the lanero Julio, who sends etB inside information, was from a blunt NO. Fiber optics are configured in such a way that it works only with
the ONTs they deliver to the facility. Someone recently asked something like that. The response of the lanero Julio, who sends etB inside information, was from a blunt NO. Fiber optics are configured in such a way that it works only with the ONTs they deliver to the facility. Maybe try to pass the same
configuration but with a slightly more powerful ONT?. What Julio to talk to? Page 13 Venia used a wired Wifi access point to extend signal and pass-through connect a couple more wired equipment something like a Y to extend the unlated DHCP ONT lan ports on the AP and so on. everything worked
really well until a couple of days ago. Everything that I connect to the device (including wifi) does not communicate with the other computers on the internal network, or to the internet. I have already tried adding the fixed IP of the access point to the DMZ zone of the ONT as explained in the
first post but nothing. I think ETB changed some settings but I call and they do the gringos. Could someone help me? I ve been using a wired Wifi access point to extend signal and pass-through connect a couple more wired equipment something like a Y to extend the lan ports of the undone DHCP ONT
on the AP and so on. everything worked really well until a couple of days ago. Everything that I connect to the device (including wifi) does not communicate with the other computers on the internal network, or to the internet. Already fixed IP of the access point to the DMZ zone of the ONT as
explained in the first post but nothing. I think ETB changed some settings but I call and they do the gringos. Could someone help me? I'm not entirely clear about your network configuration. You should create one that's simple. Try to cable the AP from Data 1 and turn off the ONT wlan. If you say it's an
AP, you should almost immediately have Wifi signal. If you are a router in AP mode, try changing the router's IP to one of the 192.168.10.xxx. When configuring the router, in connection mode, choose Dynamic. The cable connects it to the WAN/Internet port of the router. That's my network and it works.
I'm not entirely clear about your network configuration. You should create one that's simple. Try to cable the AP from Data 1 and turn off the ONT wlan. If you say it's an AP, you should almost immediately have Wifi signal. If you are a router in AP mode, try changing the router's IP to one of the
192.168.10.xxx. When configuring the router, in connection mode, choose Dynamic. The cable connects it to the WAN/Internet port of the router. That's my network and it works. Thank you for your help, yes, actually the device you called access point is a router in bridge mode. I connected the cable
coming from the ONT to the WAN port and left the router with DHCP-assigned IP. Everything seems to work well now, I want to leave two WIFI networks to have better coverage, in the room the signal was very poor. I take out the modem hand that... stays tityling Los in red. What's it all about? It looks all
connected well and they haven't cut the street cable xD I take my hand the modem that... stays tityling Los in red. What's it all about? It looks all connected well and they haven't cut the street cable xD Hello friend. It could be three things. 1. It happened to me, the fiber may have burst7 in the white box,
where the yellow optic cable is connected. 2. It also happened to me, on the pole could damage/release (the code dense or other operator of any company) the port of your service, in my case one of code dense by pulling a cable damaged the port of my service. 3. Discarding the above two damages
described, you will effectively be harmed by the ont. In either case, you'll need a technical visit. Optionally, check that your optic cable, yellow, has not been damaged. Luck. Hi guys, I repeat this post I posted on the ETB Internet Forum in case anyone knows anything and sees it here. Turns out ETB has
left me without internet since Tuesday. It all started, I think, because I fell behind for a couple of days in paying the bill and they were able to suspend my service. The weird thing was that it failed the day after I paid online and when I called they tell me that the services are active and the payment posted. I
am told that a technical visit is required and the nearest one is until next Wednesday. That's an eternity without service. Looks like something's been unconfigured on the modem (I have the ZTE F660) and I have begged them in all the ways to tell me what configuration it is to try to do from here, they tell
me that the only one is the technical visit. Does anyone around here know what it might be? The first time I was told it was some setup, the second time it could be something physical in the fiber (but I don't believe them, because the television works perfectly for me). Thank you so much for any help. Hi
guys, I repeat this post I posted on the ETB Internet Forum in case anyone knows anything and sees it here. Turns out ETB has left me without internet since Tuesday. It all started, I think, because I fell behind for a couple of days in paying the bill and they were able to suspend my service. The weird
thing was that it failed the day after I paid online and when I called they tell me that the services are active and the payment posted. I am told that a technical visit is required and the nearest one is until next Wednesday. That's an eternity without service. It seems that something was unconfigured on the
modem (I have the ZTE F660) and although I have begged them in all the ways that tell me what configuration it is to try to do from here, they tell me that the only one is the technical visit. Does anyone around here know what it might be? The first time I was told it was some setup, the second time it could
be something physical in the fiber (but I don't believe them, because the television works perfectly for me). Thank you so much for any help. I don't know if this calms him down, but I don't think it's an ONT problem. It's more of headquarters. You see, something similar happened to me and it was because
I paid for the bank app a day after the cut. The payout was registered the next day but in the system you could see how at 5 days later. I play PQR and at about 10 days without services magically the ONT worked only telephony and IPTV. The next day everything was normal. And it is assumed that
maximum 72 hours after the registration of the payment the system resets the services I do not know if this calms it but I do not think it is a problem of the ONT. It's more of headquarters. You see, something similar happened to me and it was because I paid for the bank app a day after the cut. The payout
was registered the next day but in the system you could see how at 5 days later. I play PQR and at about 10 days without services magically the ONT worked only telephony and IPTV. The next day everything was normal. And it is assumed that maximum 72 hours after the registration of the payment the
system resets the services Thank you for the info. What a disaster ( haha It sounds to me that it can be something like this, even the PON light turns on, but does not have internet access. I just hired ETB for the new house, I was given this ONT but it has not been possible to access it to put it as a bridge
and use my Archer C9 with the infomation I have seen in the forum. Does anyone have the updated data to be able to enter and make this configuration? I don't want my Archer to be there, like a paperweight. Thank you! I just hired ETB for the new house, I was given this ONT but it has not been possible
to put it as a bridge and use my Archer C9 with the infomation I've seen on the forum. Does anyone have the updated data to be able to enter and make this configuration? I don't want my Archer to be there, like a paperweight. Thank you! Why is it going to look like a paperweight? I don't have it as a
bridge, just DMZ and it works perfectly for me without double NAT. Why is it going to look like a paperweight? I don't have it as a bridge, just DMZ and it works perfectly for me without double NAT. So am I. I didn't understand the need to put him as a bridge. I find the process too complex. All I did was
connect the C9 to the LAN1 port and I left the wifi off to the ETB ONT. So am I. I didn't understand the need to put him as a bridge. I find the process too complex. All I did was connect the C9 to the LAN1 port and I left the wifi off to the ETB ONT. I thought the same thing until I recently noticed that with the
ONT in bridge mode and the Archer you can change the IP at will without turning off and turning on the ONT. You only enter the Archer's advanced menu, then Network and choose Internet. There you will find the Connect and Disconnect buttons. When disconnected and connected, the IP renews in a few
seconds. You can do it as many times as you want. I have an Archer C7 version 4. I thought the same thing until I recently noticed that with the ONT in bridge mode and the Archer you can change the IP at will without turning off and turning on the ONT. You only enter the Archer's advanced menu, then
Network and choose Internet. There you will find the Connect and Disconnect buttons. When disconnected and connected, the IP renews in a few seconds. You can do it as many times as you want. I have an Archer C7 version 4. Okay, I do the same on an Archer C3200. I don't need to restart that, in my
opinion, takes quite a while on the C3200. Why is it going to look like a paperweight? I don't have it as a bridge, just DMZ and it works perfectly for me without double NAT. That's my concern, double NAT by not having the ONT as a bridge. If putting it in the DMZ solves the sheath, I'll try it then. It
wouldn't make much sense and I use the router without this. Thanks for the info. If you need the key, you must search for it in pastebin. Hopefully one of them can do you good. The instructions in this forum are still valid for this model. 6. CREATE THE NEW BRIDGE MODE SETTINGS ON THE ONT The
current settings are created in the Network / Layer2Bridging menu, in this order: Bridge: one (1) Connection Filter is created: two (2) connections are created: Marking two (2) Notese connections are created that the number of connections is different from the previously existing one. 6.1 Go to the Network
/ Layer2Bridging / Bridge menu and create the connection with these parameters: New Bridge Name: HSI - PPPOE Bridge enable: Selected VLAN ID: 300 Then press the Add Button View Attachments 278530 View Attachments 278531 6.2 Go to The Network/Layer2Bridging/Filter menu and create
connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Interface Filter: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID Filter: -1 Support Tagged VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add Button View Attachment 288091 View Attachment 288092 Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Interface Filter: LAN1 VLAN ID
Filter: -1 Support Tagged VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add Button View Attachment 288093 View Attachment 288094 6.3 Go to The Network /Layer2Bridging/Marking menu and create connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Dial Interface: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID
Untag: Unsused VLAN ID Frames: 300 VLAN ID Frames Override: Selected Ethernet Priority Marks: 0 Then press the Add View Attachments 288095 Button View Attachment 288096 Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Dial Interface: LAN1 VLAN ID Untag: Selected VLAN ID Frames: 0 VLAN ID Frames
Override: Unsused Ethernet Priority Marks: 0 Then press the Add View Attachments 288097 Button View attachments 288098 7a. CONFIGURE THE ROUTER (ORIGINAL NETGEAR R7000 FIRMWARE) This step specifically corresponds to the Netgear R7000 router. For other models, refer to the user
manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port. Go to the Basic /Internet menu and in the option Need your internet connection a username? choose Yes. See attachment 278536 Then configure the PPPOE connection settings with the user and password
data from step 3: Internet Service Provider: PPPoE Log in: ***enter the username from step 3*** Password: ***Type password from step 3*** Connection mode: Always on Internet IP address: Dynamically get from ISP Domain Name Server Address (ISP): Get automatically from ISP Router MAC Address:
Use default address View attachment 278537 View attachments 278538 View attachments 278539 This shows the ONT connections from the Network Interface/WAN Connection menu after making the change View attachment 278540 7b. CONFIGURE THE ROUTER (ASUSWRT-MERLIN FIRMWARE
FOR NETGEAR R7000) This step specifically corresponds to the Netgear R7000 router to which the ASUSWRT_MERLIN firmware has been installed. For other models, refer to the user manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port of the ONT. Go to
the Advanced Settings/WAN/Internet Connection Menu View attachments 288529 Then configure the PPPOE connection settings with the user and password data from step 3: WAN Connection Type: PPPoE Enable WAN: If Enable NAT: If PPP Username: ***Type the username from step 3*** Password:
***type the password from step 3*** Disconnect of a period of downtime (in seconds): 0 8. OFF ONT WIFI (Optional) As an optional step you must disable the OnT WiFi to avoid interference with the router. Go to the Network/WLAN/Basic menu and select the Off option in RF Wireless Mode. View
attachments 278541 View attachments 278542 9. SETTING IN MIKROTIK v6.3X Open Winbox and go to the PPP menu Create a new PPPoE client (PPPoE Client) On the General Name tab is the name of the interface that will be created dynamically Interface should be the interface to where you have
the cable that goes on the LAN1 port of the ONT We and modify nothing more IN the Dial Out User tab: ***type the username from step 3*** Password: ***type the username from step 3*** Add Default Route: with the popcorn The other parameters do not need to be modified If everything went well, a new
interface will have been created, visible in the Interfaces section, it must be in the running status state: connected and receives the public IP that you see in IP > Addresses Finally we need to adjust the output interface in the girewalla rule so that it masks using the new interface pppoe Go to IP >
Firewall > NAT Change Out. Interface to the dynamically created pppoe-out interface From now on you have full control of the public IP, being able to make port-forwards, and those interesting little things that cannot be if the control has it onT and that are also not viable if they use DMZ. It should be
mentioned that this setting applies if the Mikrotik is with the factory default co-clearance, of course if you have already customized it it is OP greetings and garcias for the excellent support. See you next time. If you need the key, you must search for it in pastebin. Hopefully one of them can do you good.
The instructions in this forum are still valid for this model. The ones I've seen at Pastebin don't work anymore. Do you know of any new keys or any different access methods to the ONT? Page 14 Greetings, know if the username and password have changed in the last time. The one published in pastebin
in 2016 is not working. I ask because a year ago and peak I was able to carry out the process of putting the modem/router in bridge mode without any problem (THANK YOU TO THE DEVELOPMENT THE INSTRUCTIVE AND THE ONES THAT COMPLEMENTED IT). However, today I was installed with
the TV service and apparently updated the router. The bottom line, I had directv and I was left with a much lower TV service and with an internet in principle faster but completely limited to the capacity of F660 (I had installed a linksys wrc 1900 AC1900) Last edition: 17 Jul 2018 just like jcreyes150, the
password that appears in pastebin no longer works. change the old F660 (1st antenna) to 2 and until about 15 days ago the password was working. today restart manufacturing the f660 and that password no longer works. it's more that password served until before restarting the f660 because that enters
admin mode so that I can default reset the computer, after that it stops working. someone can share some other password that works? Thanks to jcreyes150, the password that appears in pastebin no longer works. change the old F660 (1st antenna) to 2 and until about 15 days ago the password was
working. today restart manufacturing the f660 and that password no longer works. it is more that password served until before restarting the f660 as cpn that enters admin mode to be able to default reset the computer, after that I stop working. someone can share some other password that works? Thank
you guys I as old lanero I am also needing the router password (zte f660) of etb, they installed it and left me all the devices unconfigured, someone to help me please Hello, New passwords no one has them for now. Hello, New passwords no one has them for now. in another forum they mentioned that
the password that today is in pastebin sometimes does not work and that the previous passwords or any of the above can serve. I tried the classic sop****ETB**06 (07, 08 ..) and ges****ETB**06 and they didn't work either. someone has another one of the old passwords to see if it's possible with those?
Thanks again Last edition: 31 Jul 2018 Hello someone knows if the ONT is reset to the ETB values but no user and service password is that I do not find my original config.bin I had to call customer service for problems with the tv signal and I lost the bridge or bridge configuration I had. As discussed in the
forum, the previous username and password does not work to reconfigure the ont. Seeing that Claro is already offering good speeds, and they have no problem leaving the modem in bridge mode, is it time to go back to Claro? It's amazing that despite paying what you pay for the 150 mega package, don't
have any control over your internet! Hello I usually use Administrator E'378******, but when I reset the default modem settings, the username and password stopped working and I can no longer log in as Administrator, does anyone have the new key? Last edition: 6 Sep 2018 Hello normally I use the user
and password for Administrator Administrator ******, but yesterday trying to reset the default modem settings, the username and password stopped working and I can no longer log in as Administrator, does anyone have the new key? The new key has not been possible to obtain it. It is recommended not to
do factory reset for that reason. Well, I tell you that the old key worked for me: AdminGPON2013etb Those who are needing access are worth rehearsing. I hadn't tried it, as I didn't think it was possible for it to work.... But it works! hahaha that well it is not something that one would think happened,
especially for security issues and more such a large company, one that the password would change it more often and increasingly leave it more complex. Good night, a few days ago I was failing the TV, came the technicians of the ETB and said that the fiber cable had been broken, they made the
arrangement, but from there I do not work the port redirection, I have fixed IP, and I can access the setup, everything is fine, only port 80 works and nothing else, I need the 3389 of RDP but you can not enter , does anyone know what can be done here? I can think of using the tutorial to leave the modem
in bridge mode and let the router (if it uses one) be the one doing port redirection. That's how I do it. I edit: I do not have fixed ip so I do not know if the procedure to leave it in brige is the same... Janitor, good night and thank you very much for your response, with the fixed IP theme did not work the tutorial
bridge mode, I do not know if something I am doing wrong, but nothing. I wouldn't know what change to make to the modem to work with fixed ip. In order to connect from the outside my router allows to manage dynamic ip by assigning it to a defined name. Something like noip. So whenever I get a new ip,
it is associated with a domain. When you configured the modem for bridge, did you have caution on the router to configure it for fixed ip? It ever happened to me that I didn't (of course) and I couldn't connect. Colleagues I have that modem, but what is over ethernet can not see what is by wifi, that I have
to configure so that it can be so? they are in the same subnet 192.168.0.x Good because I tell them that I had changed the key *-378_H what I did was reset the modem wait for it to start and one I worked again again the *-378_H key and take away the control that has management and the key is
changed by Good because I tell you that I had changed the *-378_H key what I did was reset the modem wait for it to start and one again worked the *-378_H key and took away the control that has management and the key is changed Please note that by disabling management and changing the key,
you will lose IPTV and router updates sent by the central. They may or may not be important. Remember that! however from experience I tell you that even if ports are opened on the ont, they don't really open. I am user gamer and definitely on any modem that has firmware modified by etb (as in this case
the ont f660) do not open ports so they have been configured, and to make dmz is too insecure in my opinion. Rather put your own router, it gives you more wifi coverage, you manage it as you wish and you can make all the changes you want. Best regards. This problem still occurs, not being able to
open the ports on the ont ? I plan to contract with ETB and I do not care if the wifi is good or bad, since I will handle everything over ethernet, I also do not want to manage my own router, only handle everything by the ont. But if you don't opening the ports, it would be a problem for me. in addition to other
things; ETB also prevents ports from being opened ? Page 15 I'm sorry to respond so late. The current tutorial IS ONLY FOR DYNAMIC IP. I had fixed IP and the first version of it was with that configuration but unfortunately I didn't save it when I switched to dynamic and I don't remember what was
changing either. If you like, please contact me by private message and we'll square some form. It would be interesting to have that alternative version of the tutorial again because I have been asked many times. Janitor, good night and thank you very much for your response, with the fixed IP theme did not
work the tutorial bridge mode, I do not know if something I am doing wrong, but nothing. This problem still occurs, not being able to open the ports on the ont ? I plan to contract with ETB and I do not care if the wifi is good or bad, since I will handle everything over ethernet, I also do not want to manage my
own router, only handle everything by the ont. But if the ports can't be opened, it would be a problem for me. in addition to other things; ETB also prevents ports from being opened ? On the ONT you can open ports minus 80. If you are publishing any website you can do so by https on the 443 and using
let's encrypt certificates. It's a lock from ETB nat. There is no traffic on that port or on the ONT or on the router itself. For security (viruses) and because ETB does not want home hosting companies. But with https you can survive if it's for a small project. And with your own router, if you can open port 80 ?
Or is port 80 blocking generally ? Ok.. Thank you very much for the information. Well, I tell you that the old key worked for me: AdminGPON2013etb Those who are needing access are worth rehearsing. I hadn't tried it, as I didn't think it was possible for it to work.... But it works! Thanks a lot! Works
wonderful Happy Year everyone! After reading for a few hours, it was impossible for me to enter the F660, no key served, nor could I enter by Telnet, etc. Any of you experts, does the service of configuring the ONT in bridge mode to be able to open ports on my router? Thank you! Hello again. I have
(obviously) my ont in bridge mode for my connection to make my own modem/router (tp-link td-w8970), however, apparently if this is done the ont loses access to the internet and at least the sntp could not be updated until restoring the original connections, because my friends, I have my ont in bridge
mode, for port lan1, and as a factory on lan2 and wifi (ssid1), that is, if I connect directly by the lan1 I do not have internet, unless I put my router already configured or that does the ppoe autetication on the pc (as was done before), and if I connect directly by the lan2 or by the wifi I have internet. I also tell
you and/ or confirm that you can leave the 4 lan for the internet or the 4 lan for iptv, it is a matter of configuring. If you're interested, let me know. Hello. In advance, I apologize for arousing this issue. Can you share (or someone else who knows) how to convert the two IPTV ports to Ethernet? I don't really
use wireless (I turned it off) and with the cable I've done well in games (speed and latency), but I do need ports (at least one), and I really find it a waste to install another router, power cable and wiring, just to have a few more ports. Thank you all in advance! PS: I tried to look here for how to do it, but this
is the message that most looked like what I needed. @KaOSoFt s a hello friend. I effectively confirm that you can leave the 4 ports for the internet, and it is not difficult, if you want tomorrow we can log in by teamviewer and I configure it and by the way you look at how it is done, do you think? If after
putting it into bridge mode you have trouble accessing the ONT ( ) from the new network, you should review the WAN connection parameters on the router. In my case if I give you No in this option, I lose access to the ONT. If I leave it in Yes, I can access it normally. This varies from model to model. This
is for a Netgear R7000 with Xwrt firmware: Crazy ! someone already has the PASSWORD of the ETB F660? I thank you, I have not accessed the modem for two years and in video games NAT is always closed. Note that disabling management and changing the key will lose IPTV and router updates sent
by the central. They may or may not be important. Remember that! I'm here to quote after a long time because I was looking for this tutoring, but I thought it was important. IpTV is easily updated to me when TR069 management is disabled without lio. That's no use to those who use bridge. @KaOSoFt s a
hello friend. I effectively confirm that you can leave the 4 ports for the internet, and it is not difficult, if you want tomorrow we can log in by teamviewer and I configure it and by the way you look at how it is done, do you think? Hello. Sorry I'm late. If you can this weekend, I'll stay on the slope. Thank you
very much in advance! @KaOSoFt if of course, just tell me what hours and we do Hello everyone. I have the following problem with the F660 Has two WANs configured. One for the internet and one for telephony. What I need: To be able to access the telephony network from my LAN Problem. If I ping
from the LAN to the IP that appears on telephony it responds, but if I ping the gateway that appears on telephony it does NOT respond. Therefore, when pinging the computer that is inside the telephony network does NOT respond from the LAN Is it possible to create a rule or routing so that the I lan also
goes out on the telephony network? Thanks to all Hello I usually use Administrator E'378******, but when resetting the default modem settings, the username and password stopped working and I can no longer log in as Administrator, does anyone have the new key? Hello! March 30, 2019 and I was
served again the old key AdminGPON2013etb Hello to has anyone already got the new key to the F660E? I was unable to configure port forwarding in my new Hello installation! March 30 and managed to enter with the old AdminGPON2013etb key in another forum mentioned that the password that today
is in pastebin sometimes does not work and that the previous or one of the previous passwords can serve. I tried the classic sop****ETB**06 (07, 08 ..) and ges****ETB**06 and they didn't work either. someone has another one of the old passwords to see if it's possible with those? Thank you again Hello!
March 30, 2019 and I managed to get in with the old AdminGPON2013etb The ones I saw in Pastebin no longer work. Do you know of any new keys or any different access methods to the ONT? Hello!! It works with the old AdminGPON2013etb guys me as old lanero I'm also needing the router password
(zte f660) of etb, I installed it and left me all the devices unconfigured, someone to help me please Hello! March 30, 2019. Works with AdminGPON2013etb Page 16 Hello! March 30, 2019 and I served again the old key AdminGPON2013etb Hello! March 30 and get in with the old key AdminGPON2013etb
Hello! March 30, 2019 and managed to enter with the old AdminGPON2013etb Hello!! Works with the old AdminGPON2013etb Hello! March 30, 2019. Works with AdminGPON2013etb and which user??????? Hey, laneros. How nice this is! I come back after years of being out of the country and I'm glad
to know that things are still going on. The pass doesn't work. Is it a user theme? I was thinking about openwrt or something to give us back control, so I'd only need it once. I understand there would be PM for older users but my linuxmail.org closed. Best regards! Good night, I have the key to the ZXHN
660E PLUS in case someone is interested by MP, only active and old-data users so that it does not filter by networks or other pages. Ready with the pass. Has anyone flashed the firmware and has recommendations or are they preferring the ETB? Cordial greeting. I would like to ask you, after much
review on the internet come to this tutorial of converting the ETB PON same model F660, into Bridge and bring the public ip towards the internal router. That is, on the internet port of my Internal TP-link the public ip already appears. So far everything perfect, all beautiful. But one thing I haven't been able
to do is that I can access some kind of service on the internal network from the outside. That is, neither web servers nor any other type of service. I have already published outwards via Virtual Server, from the internal router to internal machines. I've tried Port Forwarding, but nothing, for Port Triggering
and nothing. Someone knows if something needs to be configured on the TP-Link internal router I leave the image, on the ETB router everything was configured as in the tutorial of this post. Cordial greeting. I would like to ask you, after a lot of review on the internet come to this to convert the ETB PON
the same F660 model, into bridge and bring the public ip to the internal router. That is, on the internet port of my Internal TP-link the public ip already appears. So far everything perfect, all beautiful. But one thing I haven't been able to do is that I can access some kind of service on the internal network
from the outside. That is, neither web servers nor any other type of service. I have already published outwards via Virtual Server, from the internal router to internal machines. I've tried Port Forwarding, but nothing, for Port Triggering and nothing. Someone knows if something needs to be configured on
the TP-Link internal router I leave the image, on the ETB router everything was configured as in the tutorial of this post. See attachment 372536 Apparently everything worked already, I do not know if it is because sometimes either, ETB Router or Internal Router, should do some kind of process. But that's
enough. However, one of you has tried to connect an Asterisk or Softphone to the ETB SIP line, as the router settings are very similar to enterprise SIP lines. I tried but apparently by the modem or on the port of the ETB modem is not reached to the SIP network, it may be that it sins out of ignorance. Has
anyone tried or made it? Greetings and thanks. Good night, There is some way to give IPTV from the router, I added these settings and they do not work, although the Internet is working properly: Some could tell me if it is possible or not, if I am making any mistakes or if something else should be modified
in the ONT at the Level2Bridging level Beforehand, thank you. Good, does anyone know how to correctly set up a TP-LINK wifi extender with this ont? This original, and the EsVun WA850RE extender. No matter how I configure it I always have to be switching between DHCP or custom IP on computers...
Sometimes it connects and without internet, whether it is the network of the extender equal to name or different, by wps without wps... I do not know what to do, it will return the extender, gravias6 Hello all, For those who managed to make the bridge, as they do to re-enter the ONT once they turned off the
WIFI. Everything works great, but I haven't been able to get into the ONT in case I ever want to do a reset. Do you play by cable? no longer takes one to the ETB page. Someone? Hello everyone, for those who managed to do the bridge, as they do to re-enter the ONT once they turned off the
WIFI. Everything works great, but I haven't been able to get into the ONT in case I ever want to do a reset. Do you play by cable? no longer takes one to the ETB page. Someone? Try Obviously you have to set a PC with ip in the range 192.168.100.X and connect it directly by
cable to an ont lan. if it doesn't work that way, it's time to reset it. Last edition: 27 Jun 2019 Hi friends I can enter the modem but I see that almost nothing can be configured. I read to someone it was possible to move the channels to improve stability. What would that configuration be? Additionally I have
problems such as that sometimes from my cell phone I can not see the TV Boxes that I have or the chromecast built int that are included in them and I guess it is a wifi theme. Any recommendations to improve this? Speed if good and Ping tb. Thank you Last Edition: 16 Jul 2019 hello I have a question,
thanks to the tutorial I was able to leave the ONT in brigde mode, I have a Tp-Link AC1750 router, however I have a problem, I am trying to configure my Express VPN account on the router, but when doing it either by PPTP or L2TP does not, know what the problem might be? Question: Can you do it with
any router? For example a tp link N450? TP-Link N450 Wireless Wi-Fi Router, Up to 450Mbps (TL-WR940N) Frequency Range: 2.4-2.4835GHz; Interface Available: 1 x 10/100M Ethernet Port (RJ45); System Requirement: Microsoft Windows 98SE NT 2000 XP Vista or Windows 7 8 8.1 10 Mac OS
NetWare UNIX or Linux.; Wireless Standards: IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11g IEEE 802.11b Last edition: 16 Jul 2019 @KaOSoFt Hello Friend. I effectively confirm that you can leave the 4 ports for the internet, and it is not difficult, if you want tomorrow we can log in by teamviewer and I configure it and by
the way you look at how it is done, do you think? @rakantoh how about bro. could you explain? it would be very useful to be able to leave all four ports for LAN. I had just installed the service and with the previous modem Claro was using 3ports and this new ETB has only 2 and since I do not have TV if I
could use those 2 ports better for internet @KaOSoFt Hello friend. I effectively confirm that you can leave the 4 ports for the internet, and it is not difficult, if you want tomorrow we can log in by teamviewer and I configure it and by the way you look at how it is done, do you think? @rakantoh how about
bro. could you explain? it would be very useful to be able to leave all four ports for LAN. I had just installed the service and with the previous modem Of Claro was using 3ports and this new ETB has only 2 and since I do not have television if I could use those 2 ports better for internet I am in them, if I can
collaborate with that I thank you. Last edition: 24 Aug 2019 Well, Today my ONT Alcatel from ETB was damaged that of two antennas, then I bought another used ZTE because it had to work but it is not working well, the PON light turns on and does not turn on neither LOS nor ALARM but does not
connect anything, nor the tv that is on bridge, I already tried to configure all the ports ion to bridge and connecting the PPPOE directly but does not connect even the TR069, someone knows what it could be? Page 17 Well, today my ONT Alcatel of ETB was damaged that of two antennas, then I bought
another used ZTE because it had to work but it is not working well, the PON light turns on and does not turn on neither LOS nor ALARM but does not connect anything, nor the TV that is in bridge, already By configuring all lan-to-bridge ports and connecting PPPOE directly but not even connecting the
TR069, does anyone know what it could be? See attachment 384423 View attachment 384424 Hello, It will not work for you, are different technologies, you have to call and change it, if you put another Alcatel ONT it will not work for you either, because in ETB they use serial-Mac validation as I read here.
Best regards. @KaOSoFt s a hello friend. I effectively confirm that you can leave the 4 ports for the internet, and it is not difficult, if you want tomorrow we can log in by teamviewer and I configure it and by the way you look at how it is done, do you think? Hello, @rakantoh you have somewhere a post of
how to do this? I can't find any instructions. Thank you! To the laneros who have more than 100 msjs and have sent me to my DMs to find out the key, I have sent them, I hope it will serve them. Hi guys excuse me I read some of the thread but have a question to ask them it is possible to give them access
control and restrict certain mac that are connected to this router zte f660e plus if so could I indicate how? since I enter where the connected macs look but not where you can restrict them or not macs, I hope some fellow lanero can give me a little hand. Salu2 Good afternoon companions buy me an
ARCHER AC 750 (Archer C20) I would like to know if anyone could help me with the Bridge configuration of this I was looking at the first page I do not know the truth if this brings support for VLANs that recommendations could give me I appreciate them. Question: Can you do it with any router? For
example a tp link N450? TP-Link N450 Wireless Wi-Fi Router, Up to 450Mbps (TL-WR940N) Frequency Range: 2.4-2.4835GHz; Interface Available: 1 x 10/100M Ethernet Port (RJ45); System Requirement: Microsoft Windows 98SE NT 2000 XP Vista or Windows 7 8 8.1 10 Mac OS NetWare UNIX or
Linux.; Wireless Standards: IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11g IEEE 802.11b You can, but as I read it would not greatly improve WiFi performance. It is better a router that is dual band, i.e. it works in both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band. I want to thank this forum and @yecarrillo for the tutorial, I seamlessly
configured my F660 modem in bridge mode with a tp link archer c60 V.2 router. And I am very satisfied with the signal and speed of The WiFi in my 50 Mb duo plan, I would like to know what else I can do with this router, how to take advantage of it. If anyone has suggestions, I thank them. Good today I
updated my network with a Mi Router 4A Dual band, Gigabit, pppoe credentials for some reason did not work when entering them manually but I was able to import the configuration from the old router with the function that brings the Xiaomi and so far everything good! the Wifi by 5Ghz gives me the 60mb
contracted without problem, the old one did not give me more than 20 by 2.4Ghz. Hello! I have my own network inside, I was with Of course, I had already been given a Fixed IP but the problem is the uphill which is very bad. I've decided to switch to ETB but I don't know how easy it is to set up bridge
mode. About 3 years ago I did this post process in another apt one and it worked smoothly. Now I want to know if it is still current and if I should take something into account (Ask for a specific modem, etc.) Thank you very much! Hello! I have my own network inside, I was with Claro, I had already been
given a Fixed IP but the problem is the upload speed which is very bad. I've decided to switch to ETB but I don't know how easy it is to set up bridge mode. About 3 years ago I did this post process in another apt one and it worked smoothly. Now I want to know if it is still current and if I should take
something into account (Ask for a specific modem, etc.) Thank you very much! Well look, the issue of configuration in BRIDGE is quite complicated because there is very little collaboration with the issue of ONT management passwords, especially as far as the ZTE F660 plus is concerned. There are a lot
of passwords watered in the forum but they don't work and the users who have it don't share them (I have no idea why). On the other hand, there is restriction on the part of ETB in the redirection of port 80 (it is restricted from the power plants) so if you necessarily need that port it will not serve you. I've
been trying to move to ETB for 15 days but I've really had to stick with Claro and its 20% upload speed because they don't put a problem with modem settings. Hello! I have my own network inside, I was with Claro, I had already been given a Fixed IP but the problem is the upload speed which is very bad.
I've decided to switch to ETB but I don't know how easy it is to set up bridge mode. About 3 years ago I did this post process in another apt one and it worked smoothly. Now I want to know if it is still current and if I should take something into account (Ask for a specific modem, etc.) Thank you very much!
As for the brands, with the only ones that there is possibility to get to do it with Alcatel and ZTE, Nokia has encrypted the settings and cannot obtain PPPoE credentials. ETB is the one who decides which brand will install you according to the headquarters where you are going to be connected because at
the moment the ONTs do not have interoperability between brands and the computers of the plant should be of the same brands as the ONTs at the client ends Bueno mira, the issue of configuration in BRIDGE is quite complicated because there is very little collaboration with the issue of onT
management passwords , especially as regards ZTE F660 plus. There are a lot of passwords watered in the forum but they don't work and the users who have it don't share them (I have no idea why). On the other hand, there is restriction on the part of ETB in the redirection of port 80 (it is restricted from
the power plants) so if you necessarily need that port it will not serve you. I've been trying to move to ETB for 15 days. I've had to stick with Claro and its 20% upload speed because they don't put a problem with modem settings. As for the brands, with the only ones that there is possibility to get to do it
with Alcatel and ZTE, Nokia has encrypted the settings and cannot obtain PPPoE credentials. ETB is the one who decides which brand will install you according to the plant where you are going to be connected because at the moment the ONTs do not have interoperability between brands and the
equipment of the plant must be of the same brands as the ONTs at the client ends They are not shared by this means because users are many times or are TOPOS, they don't know how to use that information and release it right and sinister by assuming that ETB comes back and changes passwords as
happened a while ago with the f600 Hello! They're finally going to install me a Nokia. I appreciate the help someone can give me. I really need to present some services to the Internet. If anyone can help me, I'll reward the help. Thank you! Well, I just got the F660 (no plus) and all perfect, set up in Bridge
OK. Many thanks to yecarrillo for the tutorial and other users who contribute to the theme of LAN 1 and LAN 2 (and so many other details that need to be taken into account) to avoid the issue of speed reduction and maintain the configuration of the router by LAN. Excellent! Well, I just got the F660 (no
plus) and all perfect, set up in Bridge OK. Many thanks to yecarrillo for the tutorial and other users who contribute to the theme of LAN 1 and LAN 2 (and so many other details that need to be taken into account) to avoid the issue of speed reduction and maintain the configuration of the router by LAN.
Excellent! And port 80 can be opened, or does etb keep blocking it? And port 80 can be opened, or does etb keep blocking it? I keep blocking it, but I don't know why when I make the http request to my NAS it has no problem redirecting to https. On the other hand I tell you that the issue of speed
reduction on LAN2 if it has to do with the LAN2 port being 10/100 because my router negotiates the speed at 100 Mbps over the WAN with LAN2 and my router is a Gigabit Cisco RV130W. Thank you all again, Corrijo... the redirect was being done because Chrome and other browsers after they detected
that a site is HTTPS stay permanently on HTTPS, but actually when I restored Chrome settings and tried by port 80 left connecting... but I imagine that with a good PQR with SIC they end up opening the port, it is only a matter of constancy in demand and good arguments. but I imagine that with a good
PQR with SIC they end up opening the port, it is only a matter of constancy in demand and good arguments. That's right, I think the principle of the Unlimited Internet is being violated here by blocking port 80. There they are painted with that Olympic answer. Already the appeal of replenishment and
subsidy appeal to the SIC, they think that one is dumb... Thank you for sharing the port 80 process. Now wait for the resource's response to the SIC. Page 18 Hello someone knows how to open the ports and configure in bridge mode,since when entering the configuration I get this option locked Last
Edition: 24 Oct 2019 Hello someone knows how to open the ports and configure in bridge mode, since when entering the configuration I get this blocked option You have to enter administrator mode using the respective key. If you look closely in this thread, you'll find some. I hope you work You have to
enter administrator mode using the respective key. If you look closely in this thread, you'll find some. I hope it works Hello I look in and I get the following, to make any configuration is blocked To the laneros who have more than 100 msjs and have sent me to my DMs to find out the key, I have sent them, I
hope it will serve them. I don't have more than 100 msj but I've been around for a while, couldn't you help me with the f660e plus key? they're just installing it to me :v Hello look I get in and I get the following, to make any configuration this locked I understand that it is novice. What I was trying to tell you is
that there are two menus. The one shown is for basic configuration and the key is below the ONT or is given to you by the technician. If you want to change ports or configure in Bridge mode, it's up to you to get Administrator KEY. When you achieve this the menu should appear as on the first page of this
topic. I use one that's here. It may be that for yours it won't do ANY of it here. Good luck! Hello, Laneros. I would like to ask if it is possible to change the ZTE F660 modem that installed the ETB for my 300 megas fiber plan, since I am not getting the speed that it should be and no matter how many visits
and calls I make do not solve the problem (I would like to rule out that it is the modem). If possible, do you know of any modem brand or reference that work for me with my current plan? Thank you very much Hello Laneros. I would like to ask if it is possible to change the ZTE F660 modem that installed
the ETB for my 300 megas fiber plan, since I am not getting the speed that it should be and no matter how many visits and calls I make do not solve the problem (I would like to rule out that it is the modem). If possible, do you know of any modem brand or reference that work for me with my current plan?
Thank you very much You can not change the ONT. The speed is measuring it by cable or wifi?. If it is by wifi, unless you have an ac router with the 5Ghz band you will not be given the 300 megas. You must do the wired measurements, but you should also check the type of utp cable you have (5e as a
minimum) and if the network card of the computer with which you are measuring the speed supports this speed. Your computer must have Gigabit cards (up to 1Gbps). If you don't have any of this you probably won't give it the Hired. The other thing you can do is place the ONT in bridge mode and get
your own router that should be from at least dual band in order to enjoy the contracted speed. On the market there are several Netgear, D-link, Tp-link, Linksys options, it already depends on your budget and needs. Hello, Laneros. I would like to ask if it is possible to change the ZTE F660 modem that
installed the ETB for my 300 megas fiber plan, since I am not getting the speed that it should be and no matter how many visits and calls I make do not solve the problem (I would like to rule out that it is the modem). If possible, do you know of any modem brand or reference that work for me with my
current plan? Thank you very much Try cable. You have to get 300Mbps. Your PC must have a gigabit card and the network cable must be connected to the Data 1 port of the ONT. If you wait 300Mbps by Wifi with that router, you can die waiting. It's never going to give you more than 70Mbps. The ONT
cannot be changed. The speed is measuring it by cable or wifi?. If it is by wifi, unless you have an ac router with the 5Ghz band you will not be given the 300 megas. You must do the wired measurements, but you should also check the type of utp cable you have (5e as a minimum) and if the network card
of the computer with which you are measuring the speed supports this speed. Your computer must have Gigabit cards (up to 1Gbps). If you don't have any of this, you probably won't give it the contracted speed. The other thing you can do is place the ONT in bridge mode and get your own router that
should be from at least dual band in order to enjoy the contracted speed. On the market there are several Netgear, D-link, Tp-link, Linksys options, it already depends on your budget and needs. Thank you for the prompt response. The measurement is carried out by cable on several pages of speed (fast,
speed test, xfinity, etc.) and the speed does not exceed 100 megas. We currently have a Linksys AC9500 branded router, a network card that supports 1Gbps and a cat7 network cable. I'll try putting the ONT in bridge mode to see if this solves the problem. Try cable. You have to get 300Mbps. Your PC
must have a gigabit card and the network cable must be connected to the Data 1 port of the ONT. If you wait 300Mbps by Wifi with that router, you can die waiting. It's never going to give you more than 70Mbps. Thanks for the answer. The speed test is effectively carried out by cable connected to the
Data 1 port of the ONT, but still the speed does not exceed 100 megas of download. As mentioned in the previous answer, we have a Linksys AC9500 router, a cat7 cable and a network card that supports 1Gbps. I'll test by placing the ONT in bridge mode to see if the problem is resolved. Thank you for
the prompt response. The measurement is carried out by cable on several pages of speed (fast, speed test, xfinity, etc.) and the speed does not exceed 100 megas. We currently have a Linksys-branded router a network card that supports 1Gbps and a cat7 network cable. I'll try putting the ONT in bridge
mode to see if this solves the problem. Thanks for the answer. The speed test is effectively carried out by cable connected to the Data 1 port of the ONT, but still the speed does not exceed 100 megas of download. As mentioned in the previous answer, we have a Linksys AC9500 router, a cat7 cable and
a network card that supports 1Gbps. I'll test by placing the ONT in bridge mode to see if the problem is resolved. In that case, there must be something wrong with your fiber or your sourcing. This is a recent test to Miami by Wifi with my router with WiFi 6 (ax). In that case, there must be something wrong
with your fiber or your sourcing. This is a recent test to Miami by Wifi with my router with WiFi 6 (ax). See attachment 392741 It actually turned out that the fiber installation was a little damaged at the entrance to my house (they had never checked there). After the ETB technicians made the respective
change, we restored the router to the factory values (to rule out a possible bad router configuration) and the speed that is already coming is coming. Thanks a lot. Good afternoon. I had just installed the etb fiber in my home that I moved in a year ago and there was no there and they finally put it on. In my
previous apartment the ping towards miami servers was 55-70ms, but currently with which I was left today is about 98-110. To what is so much increase in latency?, or is it problem at the time of etb? Thank you Good afternoon. I had just installed the etb fiber in my home that I moved in a year ago and
there was no there and they finally put it on. In my previous apartment the ping towards miami servers was 55-70ms, but currently with which I was left today is about 98-110. To what is so much increase in latency?, or is it problem at the time of etb? Thank you An ETB user, I have been passing forum by
forum for a long time, requesting evidence to know which provider was yielding the lowest latencies, and I came to the conclusion that the one handling the lowest latencies was CLEAR. Hi guys, I would like to know if any of you are actively using IPv6 with ETB, (whether in bridge mode or not), and some
screenshots of what the GPON is delivering in order to configure the PPPoE interface with this support. Since you do not have DHCPv6 enabled from the WAN. Thankful for your support. Installation done on Wednesday, use the guide on the first page to put the ONT ZTE F660 PLUS on bridge and it
works perfectly, thank you very much for the valuable information!! Good night colleagues, I read the whole forum because currently I have presented problems with my internet, high ping, variation in speed etc, a technician gave me the option to buy a router and I effectively bought it, now all I need is to
configure it,the truth of networks I know nothing about nothing nor dare to touch the router settings but if there's someone who's available to set up my router and then it makes me the home and we square, I am answered or left a private message Bogota Good night companions, I read the whole forum
because I have currently presented problems with my internet, high ping, variation in speed etc, a technician gave me the option to buy a router and I effectively bought it, now all I need is to configure it,the truth of networks I know nothing of anything nor dare to touch the router settings, but if there is
someone who is available to set me up the router and because it makes me the address and they reply to me or leave me a private message Bogota I opened private conversation with you. Good night, everybody. Successful configuration on a ZTE ZXHN F660E PLUS. A thousand thanks @yecarrillo for
taking the time to perform this detailed guide. Last edition: 18 Jan 2020 Page 19 good, repeat a doubt I put in the forum of etb good, a doubt, someone knows if etb offers softphone, has had someone experience receiving calls from the landline on the cell phone or a pc? thank you maybe someone has
made some setup to get this?, or a call forwarding at no additional cost? Thank you guys, because after researching a little and making a request to ETB I discovered that they still do not deliver IPv6 directly to their customers, so I set up a 6to4 tunnel. I'll let you know what ETB has the decency to get to
2020. Hello people, Today I installed the internet of 100 mb, cable works well the 100mb on the PC, but because of the zte wifi (F660E plus) it doesn't give more than 30mb the same I won't use it because I have another router a tp-link AC1750 (Archer C7 dual at 2.4GHz up to 450Mbps and at 5GHz up to
1300Mbps), the point is that it doesn't give 100 either it only reaches up to 60-70 mbps. Do I need to configure ONT as indicated in the tutorial for tp-link to receive 100mb? Could I have the ZTE F660E PLUS key and user shared? Thanks a lot. Best regards.. Hello people, Today I installed the internet of
100 mb, cable works well the 100mb on the PC, but because of the zte wifi (F660E plus) it doesn't give more than 30mb the same I won't use it because I have another router a tp-link AC1750 (Archer C7 dual at 2.4GHz up to 450Mbps and at 5GHz up to 1300Mbps), the point is that it doesn't give 100
either it only reaches up to 60-70 mbps. Do I need to configure ONT as indicated in the tutorial for tp-link to receive 100mb? Could I have the ZTE F660E PLUS key and user shared? Thanks a lot. Best regards.. You don't need to use the tutorial or administrator key to enjoy 100 MB over WiFi. Simply
activate the 5GHZ option on the C7 and the devices that can receive it will run at that speed. You will see TP_Link_5G name sign TP_Link_5G Hello people, Today I installed the internet of 100 mb, cable works well the 100mb on the PC, but by the wifi of the zte (F660E plus) does not give more than
30mb equal does not because I have another router a tp-link AC1750 (Archer C7 dual at 2.4GHz up to 450Mbps and at 5GHz up to 1300Mbps), the point is that it also does not give the 100 only reaches up to 60-70 mbps. Do I need to configure ONT as indicated in the tutorial for tp-link to receive 100mb?
Could I have the ZTE F660E PLUS key and user shared? Thanks a lot. Best regards.. Do not expect 100Mbps per 2.4Ghz band. I have an AX Wifi 6 router and even more than 90Mbps arrive in that band. Use the 5Ghz one. I get 300Mbps without problem in all the apt. EDIT: Someone has been able to
perform the configuration in bridge mode for fixed ip? at first in the Tutorial it says that it could not be done because the names of the connections are different, so I saw there is a different nothing else, but when performing the process, I could not access the asus router again and because I also run out of
internet connection, so I had to restore the settings , has anyone had the same problem? Last edition: 1 Feb 2020 Good afternoons worth apologizing someone who knows the administrator key for the ONT ZTE F660 I am looking everywhere none gives me; I would very much appreciate it thanks ONT
Time For several years we have discussed that by putting the ONT in bridge mode it loses the internet connection and the ONT clock is out of sync. This causes connected phones to miss the time and registrations do not have a timestamp. I have found and tested a solution and added it as point 9 of the
bridge mode post. I hope it works for you: ONT time For several years we have discussed that by putting the ONT in bridge mode it loses the internet connection and the ONT clock is out of sync. This causes connected phones to miss the time and registrations do not have a timestamp. I have found and
tested a solution and added it as point 9 of the bridge mode post. I hope it works for you: Wow I don't understand how but it works great, thank you very much. ONT time For several years we have discussed that by putting the ONT into bridge mode it loses the internet connection and the ONT clock is out
of sync. This causes connected phones to miss the time and registrations do not have a timestamp. I have found and tested a solution and added it as point 9 of the bridge mode post. I hope it works for you: We are very grateful for the input ONT Time For several years we have discussed that by putting
the ONT in bridge mode it loses the internet connection and the ONT clock is out of sync. This causes connected phones to miss the time and registrations do not have a timestamp. I have found and tested a solution and added it as point 9 of the bridge mode post. I hope it works for you: Very grateful to
you, sir. I was able to make the perfect configuration and it worked pretty well!!!! Good, where I live offers fiber Internet service a company called Fibertic, but in the speed test comes out internexa I searched and read some forum pages, someone has the default password to access the modem? Or if I
reset the settings are lost? Thank you Good, where I live offers fiber Internet service a company called Fibertic, but in the speed test comes out internexa from Medellin, I searched and I have read some forum pages, someone has the default password to access the modem? Or if I reset the settings are
lost? Thanks up Hi friends, I make a query, before I could change the IP address easily by entering the ONT as an administrator and then going to Network>>WAN>>CONNECTION WAN and there I selected HSI-NAT and the IP address was usually like: 192.168.0.xx then I changed those xx to
a number between 02 and 80 and when I saved, my IP had been changed immediately and I could continue downloading things or so on, the problem is that I now upgrade my service from 30 to 50 megas with ETB and now when I enter the ONT as an administrator and want to do the same steps, it is no
longer possible since in HSI-NAT now the address shown is and if the change , my IP no longer changes is always the same, and apparently it is managed by the HSI-PPPOE however, when selecting this option, from there it does not let me change the IP, and when I go to State>>Network
Interface>>WAN Connection here you see in HSI-PPPOE the IP address that I am detected by programs which is now something like: 186.154. 188.xx and the only way I get it to change is by restarting the ONT from the administration option, but I would like to know if there is another way to do it as
it is very tired to always restart the ONT and not be able to control the IP address shown to me. Instead of HSI-NAT, test the HSI-PPPOE. When I leave it in HSI-NAT on the port test websites it shows me closed, when I switch to HSI-PPPOE I get time out. Then I use this program called PFConfig and it
tells me when the port is open or not. in HSI-PPPOE I get open, when I leave it in HSI-NAT it appears closed. What other programs do you recommend to test ports or which websites do you think are good?. It also plays on Windows firewall, where we have to give permission to the programs. Additionally
on my router that is in DMZ I have to open the port. View attachment 269283 Hello!! Help! This is happening to me, I'm trying to open port 3659 (among others) but I get connection timed out from canyouseeme.org... I entered the ONT and I think I have selected HSI-PPPOE... I don't know what else to
do... I even put DMZ on the PC and turned off the windows firewall and nothing... Help!! Please.. Hello!! Help! This is happening to me, I'm trying to open port 3659 (among others) but I get connection timed out from canyouseeme.org... I entered the ONT and I think I have selected HSI-PPPOE... I don't
know what else to do... I even put DMZ on the PC and turned off the firewall Windows and nothing... Nothing... Please.. The service is up on pc? What is Apache, ftp? Hello, do you know if you changed the access key to the F660? I tried the ones that were on this subject and in pastebin, but they didn't
work. Last edition: 17 Mar 2020 The service is up on pc? What is Apache, ftp? Hello, thank you for the answer... They are FIFA ports, which should be: FIFA 20 - TCP PC: 3569,9946,9988,10000-20000,42124 UDP: 3659,9000-9999 I had the rules configured pointing to the local ip of my laptop, but I
couldn't see the ports canyousemee.org: Right now I have in DMZ towards the MAC of my laptop, but I get I have the same result... Ideas? Last edition: 16 Mar 2020 Page 20 Hello! I am currently developing a storage service using NextCloud, to achieve this I need to open ports 80 and 443. My modem is
with etb, model ZTE F660E plus. Could you please share the key and administrator user with me by inbox? I'm going to be very secretive. I read in the forum that port 80 is blocked do I have to pass an appeal to the company to open it, tunnel or what other solution can I give you? 6. CREATE THE NEW
BRIDGE MODE SETTINGS ON THE ONT The current settings are created in the Network / Layer2Bridging menu, in this order: Bridge: one (1) Connection Filter is created: two (2) connections are created: Marking two (2) Notese connections are created that the number of connections is different from
the previously existing one. 6.1 Go to the Network / Layer2Bridging / Bridge menu and create the connection with these parameters: New Bridge Name: HSI - PPPOE Bridge enable: Selected VLAN ID: 300 Then press the Add View Attachment button .278530 View attachments 278531 6.2 Go to the
Network / Layer2Bridging / Filter menu and create connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Interface Filter: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID Filter: -1 Support Tagged VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add Button View Attachment 288091 View Attachment 288092 Reference
Bridge: HSI - PPPOE Interface Filter: LAN1 VLAN ID Filter: -1 Support Tagged VLAN Only: Selected Then press the Add Button View Attachment 288093 View Attachment 288094 6.3 Go to The Network /Layer2Bridging/Marking menu and create connections with these parameters: Reference Bridge: HSI
- PPPOE Dial Interface: IGD. WD1. WCD1 VLAN ID Untag: Unsistred VLAN ID Frames: 300 VLAN ID Frames Override: Selected Ethernet Priority Marks: 0 Then press the Add View Attachment 288095 Button View Attachment 288096 Reference Bridge: HSI - PPP OE Dial Interface: LAN1 VLAN ID
Untag: Selected VLAN ID Frames: 0 VLAN ID Frames Override: Unsused Ethernet priority flags: 0 Then press the Add View Attachment 288097 Button View Attachment 288098 7a. CONFIGURE THE ROUTER (ORIGINAL NETGEAR R7000 FIRMWARE) This step is appropriate Netgear R7000 router.
For other models, refer to the user manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port. Go to the Basic /Internet menu and in the option Need your internet connection a username? choose Yes. See attachment 278536 Then configure the PPPOE connection
settings with the user and password data from step 3: Internet Service Provider: PPPoE Log in: ***enter the username from step 3*** Password: ***Type password from step 3*** Connection mode: Always on Internet IP address: Dynamically get from ISP Domain Name Server Address (ISP): Get
automatically from ISP Router MAC Address: Use default address View attachment 278537 View attachments 278538 View attachments 278539 This shows the ONT connections from the Network Interface/WAN Connection menu after making the change View attachment 278540 7b. CONFIGURE THE
ROUTER (ASUSWRT-MERLIN FIRMWARE FOR NETGEAR R7000) This step specifically corresponds to the Netgear R7000 router to which the ASUSWRT_MERLIN firmware has been installed. For other models, refer to the user manual. The router must be connected to the ONT via Ethernet cable
connected to the LAN1 port of the ONT. Go to the Advanced Settings/ WAN / Internet Connection Menu View attachments 288529 Then configure the PPPOE connection settings with the user and password data from step 3: WAN Connection Type: PPPoE Enable WAN: If Enable NAT: If PPP Username:
***type the username from step 3*** Password: ***type the password from step 3*** Disconnect after a period of downtime (in seconds): 0 8. OFF ONT WIFI (Optional) As an optional step you must disable the OnT WiFi to avoid interference with the router. Go to the Network/WLAN/Basic menu and select
the Off option in RF Wireless Mode. View attachments 278541 View attachments 278542 9. SET ONT TIME (Optional) Because the ONT no longer has a direct Internet connection, the system time is out of sync and causes problems when deploying the event log schedule and connected phones. This
can be solved by using as an NTP server. Go to the Application/SNTP menu and place as Primary and Secondary NTP Server See attachment 404376 Good afternoon, I have a question, I have configured my router in bridge mode, but applying step 9 on ntp server I have not
managed to show the call time on the fixed line. Someone has found another solution?, had seen something about creating an additional connection for the ont to the internet, or something else that worked for them???. Thank you and I keep an eye out... Hello I don't know if this goes in this thread or
someone can help. I have a live ETB ZTE F660E (With a single antenna) router in a small apartment but the coverage in the back rooms is not so good. This week I found a disused Linkys WRT120N router and read that it is possible to use it as a repeater. I watched this video and tried to follow the steps
( ) but when I entered the browser connection appears to me is the etb menu and not the Cisco one. Hi I don't know if this goes in this thread or someone can help me. I have a live ETB ZTE F660E (With a single antenna) router in a small apartment but the coverage in the back rooms is not
so good. This week I found a disused Linkys WRT120N router and read that it is possible to use it as a repeater. I watched this video and tried to follow the steps ( ) but when I entered the browser connection appears to me is the etb menu and not the Cisco one. When connecting directly
from your PC to the Linksys, the correct menu should appear. You can change the IP later so as not to cause confusion. When connecting directly from your PC to the Linksys, the correct menu should appear. You can change the IP later so as not to cause confusion. From my primary router connect to
linkys port 1, from linkys port 2 connect it to a laptop. Check on cmd and the port I found on the Ethernet laptop was When I open this in the browser I get it is the ETB menu. From my primary router connect to linkys port 1, from linkys port 2 connect it to a laptop. Check on cmd and the port I
found on the Ethernet laptop was When I open this in the browser I get it is the ETB menu. Only one computer at a time, so you can set it up. Then you change the IP. @diegocamilo410 1. Disconnect the linksys from the primary router. 2. Connect the wired linksys to the ethernet port of a pc.
3. Run cmd, then ipconfig command and locate the gateway. That number gives you access to the linksys. It can be,,, it already depends on the configuration of the linksys. 4. Enter the linksys, usually with the credentials that are on the sticker under the linksys or if
I change the access, log in with your credentials. 5. Find the IP Address field in Setup > Basic Setup > Network Setup. Enter the IP address of your choice. I recommend that you change the number to a number other than, so that you can access it. Once you're done, scroll down and
click Save Settings. To access the router's web-based setup page again, use the new IP address. When connecting your router on a LAN-to-LAN connection, it is advisable to change the value in the fourth box and have the rest of the identical boxes for both routers. When connecting your router on a
LAN-to-WAN connection, it is advisable to change the value in the It has happened to anyone that when you call your line after modifying the ont say The dialed number is not registered @diegocamilo410 1. Disconnect the linksys from the primary router. 2. Connect the wired linksys to the ethernet port of
a pc. 3. Run cmd, then ipconfig command and locate the gateway. That number gives you access to the linksys. It can be,,, it already depends on the configuration of the linksys. 4. Enter the linksys, usually with the credentials that are on the sticker under the
linksys or if I change the access, log in with your credentials. 5. Find the IP Address field in Setup > Basic Setup > Network Setup. Enter the IP address of your choice. I recommend that you change the number to a number other than, so that you can access it. Once you're done, scroll
down and click Save Settings. View attachment 408096 To access the router's web-based setup page again, use the new IP address. When connecting your router on a LAN-to-LAN connection, it is advisable to change the value in the fourth box and have the rest of the identical boxes for both routers.
When connecting your router on a LAN-to-WAN connection, it is advisable to change the value in the third box. I have a laptop connected to the Wifi network, to this computer connect the Linksys router, I run cmd and I get that the ipv4 port is and the pincipal door is I try to
connect to the .012 and it doesn't give me access, I try to connect to the other one and it opens the etb. I have a laptop connected to the Wifi network, to this computer connect the Linksys router, I run cmd and I get that the ipv4 port is and the pincipal door is I try to connect to
the .012 and it doesn't give me access, I try to connect to the other one and it opens the etb. @diegocamilo410, you have to disconnect the linksys from the main router and there if you connect a pc or laptop by CABLE. Then do whatever places you in the previous message. It is important that
EVERYTHING is connected by CABLE and not by WIFI. @diegocamilo410, you have to disconnect the linksys from the main router and there if you connect a pc or laptop by CABLE. Then do whatever places you in the previous message. It is important that EVERYTHING is connected by CABLE and
not by WIFI. Hello I confirm how I have set up my network and as I am doing: 1. I have the ETB ZTE F660E router in my room, I have directly connected a table equipment to it. 2. The other equipment I have connected are via wifi. 3. The Linksys router does not have it connected anywhere. Process 1. I
have connected my laptop to the etb wifi and connect the Linksys router only to the power and portable equipment. After this I try to do the process through cmd but that's when I tell you that I haven't been able to access it. Thank you Disconnect ETB Wi-Fi. Then connect the linksys laptop and router to
the cable and there if you perform the process by cmd. The other thing you can do is reset the linksys router and enter the router with the data that is in the sticker on the back, where you should normally say the gateway, username and password. Disconnect the laptop from the ETB Wi-Fi. Then connect
the linksys laptop and router to the cable and there if you perform the process by cmd. The other thing you can do is reset the linksys router and enter the router with the data that is in the sticker on the back, where you should normally say the gateway, username and password. Finally I could, the route
was, enter and disable DHCP and change the address ip 1, but I do not know why now I cannot connect. Enter again by CMD and now it does not appear to me with gateway. Finally I could, the route was, enter and disable DHCP and change the address ip 1, but I do not know why now I cannot connect. Enter again by CMD and now it does not appear to me with gateway. I was finally able to log in, now my doubt is that I followed the video's instructions to disable dhcp and change the ip and that's when I happened right now that I run out of
gateway. I don't know what process to follow. Thank you I think it is not a good idea to leave it with the same address of the ETB modem, which normally has the address, disconnect the pc again from the wifi, connect only the wired linksys and enter the router again, switch to a 192.168.0.xxx
where xxx is a number between 3 and 254, so it does not conflict with the ETB modem. I think it is not a good idea to leave it with the same address of the ETB modem, which normally has the address, disconnects the pc from the wifi again, connects only the wired linksys and enters the
router again, switches to a 192.168.0.xxx where xxx is a number between 3 and 254, so it does not conflict with the ETB modem. I just change the address, also disable dhcp or nothing else? Page 21 Obviously disables dhcp, it's that you didn't mention it because you've already done it. When you change
the gateway, go back in and see that everything is working. Hello Manu It is possible to speak somewhere else to help me in this process? Thank you Then give it send, which shows you above Time Zone, where does it say Current Date and Time? If the date there is correct, the problem is in the model
of your phones and not in the time server configuration of your ONT. You can also test in Administration->Diagnostics->Ping that you have connection to the time server using the output by the MANAGEMENT Good Afternoon interface, I have a question, I have configured my router in bridge mode,
but applying step 9 on ntp server I have not managed to show the call time on the fixed line. Someone has another solution, had you seen something about creating an additional connection for the ont to the internet, or something else that worked for them???. Thank you and I keep an eye out... Hey,
laneros. I have this modem with etb. I installed two Google Chromecasts and they worked for me until two months ago. Now he won't let them work. I see in the Chromecast view and I get this. Some know where to desabikuti that feature: Your Wi-Fi network configuration prevents devices from
communicating with Chromecast. In order to resolve this issue, you will need to disable AP (access point) isolation, also known as client isolation, on your router. Please refer to your router documentation to learn how Thank you Juemadre! Does that mail still work with autoresponder? I am glad that it was
useful I have another router of etb ZTE 660, this does not work the previous key. What other resources can I use to find out? I've already tried using telnet, but this method no longer works. I have another ZTE 660 etb router, this one does not work the above key. What other resources can I use to find out?
I've already tried using telnet, but this method no longer works. Sip. Telnet worked great. I would have to look in these forums as the years went by they changed from time to time when the key to new ZTE ont. The mio is from 2014 and works with that old key. Someone can help me with admin key please
do not need to use the tutorial or admin key to enjoy 100 MB over WiFi. Simply activate the 5GHZ option on the C7 and the devices that can receive it will run at that speed. You will see a name signal TP_Link_5G HOLA as you do that I do not have the option to change with the generic user HOLA as you
do that I do not have the option to change with the generic user The administrator key is used to open ports in case of having video game consoles or surveillance cameras. If you are a normal user, you do NOT need such a key to extend or improve the ONT WiFi signal given by ETB. There I talk about
the OTHER router (a TP link) where you can turn the 5GHZ signal on or off in the wireless option. The administrator key is used to open ports in case you have video game consoles or surveillance cameras. If you are a normal user, you do NOT need such a key to extend or improve the ONT WiFi signal
given by ETB. There I talk about the OTHER router (a TP link) where you can turn the 5GHZ signal on or off in the wireless option. ah good friend if I have console I need to open a port .... you can help me with the admin key ? Thanks in advance Good day, someone could help me by MP with the key of
the f660 plus (double antenna)?, I need to configure it and it has not been possible without this. Thank you Good night friends, I have a problem as urgent, I proceeded to follow the tutorial to put another router in bridge mode, I did it to the letter but it did not work when putting the user pppoe in another
router, look at all the settings and everything was ok , I proceeded to restart the router but now it does not give me internet do not know what to do , tomorrow I have to work early and this does not give network, help pls Hola Laneros, I have a doubt regarding the Port Forwarding of the modem and my
router. Turns out I have to open UDP port 16000 (to be able to use the Voobly program correctly), but decreased from what I read, I must first put the F660 modem into bridge mode and then open the port on my Linksys router. Am I right? Is there any chance of run out of internet when performing the
steps to place my F660 modem in bridge mode, following in the footsteps of the first part of this post? Thank you Hello Laneros, I have a question regarding the Port Forwarding of the modem and my router. Turns out I have to open UDP port 16000 (to be able to use the Voobly program correctly), but
decreased from what I read, I must first put the F660 modem into bridge mode and then open the port on my Linksys router. Am I right? Is there any chance of run out of internet when performing the steps to place my F660 modem in bridge mode, following in the footsteps of the first part of this post?
Thank you Before configuring in bridge mode, take a configuration copy to the ONT (User Management-Management). It is a .bin file that will save you from any errors. I have not had to do Port forwarding but since leaving the ONT on bridge, since the router takes control of the Internet service Hello
Laner@s I tell you my TP-Link TL-SF1005D switch is making short on the part of the power connection, I currently use it with 3 wired points, in view of the current situation and before contemplating the idea of buying a router and passing wanting to know if I can use it, I have a ZTE ZXHN H168N (ETB)
that I always liked the quality and scope of the WiFi, I wanted to know if I can use it in place of the damaged switch and by the way disable the WiFi of the ONT and activate it in this, probably someone has asked it before but the truth I found nothing , please if anyone can guide me, I would thank you! Last
edition: 27 Apr 2020 Page 22 Hola Laneros, I have a question regarding the Port Forwarding of the modem and my router. Turns out I have to open UDP port 16000 (to be able to use the Voobly program correctly), but decreased from what I read, I must first put the F660 modem into bridge mode and
then open the port on my Linksys router. Am I right? Is there any chance of run out of internet when performing the steps to place my F660 modem in bridge mode, following in the footsteps of the first part of this post? Thank you Before configuring in bridge mode, take a configuration copy to the ONT
(User Management-Management). It is a .bin file that will save you from any errors. I have not had to do Port forwarding but since leaving the ONT on Bridge, already the router takes control of the internet service It is the most important thing. This as step No. 1. in the bridge mode tutorial. I am setting up
a web page stored on a local server connected to the ETB ZTE F660 router, pointed my domain at the etb public IP address, then opened port 443 on the router and configured the web page on the server using NGINX to listen to the latter port; however when I access the domain I get the router page
instead of my website. Have you performed a similar process using this router? What configuration did they use? Do I need any additional configuration? Last edition: 27 Apr 2020 I am configuring a web page stored on a local server connected to the ETB ZTE F660 router, I pointed my domain to the
public IP address of etb, then opened port 443 on the router and configured on the server the web page using NGINX to listen to this last port; however when I access the domain I get the router page instead of my website. Have you performed a similar process using this router? What configuration did
they use? Do I need any additional configuration? Hello, Port 80 and port 443 are reserved for ONT, ETB does not release them unless I think I am not sure you contract fixed IP. Best regards. Good afternoon I have the following doubt I have an f660e I can from a data port1 connect in this case another
ONT to be able to this second ONT distribute point for the decoder, ethernet network and wifi network, or in case I can connect you to that port data1 to distribute a connection for a decoder and a pc, thanks good afternoon I have the following doubt I have a f660e I can from a port data1 connect in this
case another ONT for Power of this second ONT distribute point for set-top box, ethernet network and wifi network, or in case I can connect you to that data port1 to distribute a connection for a set-top box and a pc, thanks You can't. Good afternoon, new with this theme of fiber and ETB. PO cable signal I
do well, keeps me 50 megas off, but by Wi-Fi it is a problem, the signal is never stable and sometimes drops until 4 megas, even when being cms from the modem. There are some settings I can do to improve this or should if or if I buy a router. Thank you in advance! Good afternoon, new with this theme
of fiber and ETB. PO cable signal I do well, keeps me 50 megas off, but by Wi-Fi it is a problem, the signal is never stable and sometimes drops until 4 megas, even when being cms from the modem. There are some settings I can do to improve this or should if or if I buy a router. Thank you in advance!
Very little can do. You can change the channels, but the problem will come back and it is difficult for you to give it its 50Mbps constants. The best thing is a router with AC or AX technology. Very little can do. You can change the channels, but the problem will come back and it is difficult for you to give it its
50Mbps constants. The best thing is a router with AC or AX technology. Any especially if you don't bankrupt me? Note that they are 10/100 Mbps for Ethernet. If in the future you want to have a higher speed connection, you will fall short. At the moment I don't think it's past a hundred megas, so it's perfect,
thank you so much for the help!! Hello, Port 80 and port 443 are reserved for ONT, ETB does not release them unless I think I am not sure you contract fixed IP. Best regards. Port 443 is open, 80 if closed. If fixed IP is used it is open the 80 Very little can do. You can change the channels, but the problem
will come back and it is difficult for you to give it its 50Mbps constants. The best thing is a router with AC or AX technology. You must change router, but you also need that the laptop, cell phone has a wifi chip that supports AC and is of good quality, but also does not work well if you use fixed IP is open
the 80 That Fixed IP has it in home plan ? And if it's a home plan, what's the extra cost of that IP? And when using fixed IP, I imagine that in addition to being able to use port 80, you can also use ports 25-110-143-587 ? Any special recommendations that you don't bankrupt me? Don't marry TP-link
alone. Look at alternatives. A month ago I found in Mercadolibre a Netgear R7000 nine but bricket in 120K and bought it as a node to install XWRT and assemble an AiMesh network. I also have at home family the Netgear R6400V2 (eye, make it version 2) which is very good. In the Chinese market, an
equivalent of these 3 could be the Tenda AC18, which finds it on AliExpress for a very good price. Don't marry TP-link alone. Look at alternatives. A month ago I found in Mercadolibre a Netgear R7000 nine but bricket in 120K and bought it as a node to install XWRT and assemble an AiMesh network. I
also have at home family the Netgear R6400V2 (eye, make it version 2) which is very good. In the Chinese market, an equivalent of these 3 could be the Tenda AC18, which finds it on AliExpress for a very good price. Thank you very much but the pod was eager I already bought the TP-link and I hope to
pick it up tomorrow That Fixed IP has it in home plan ? And if it's a home plan, what's the extra cost of that IP? And when using fixed IP, I imagine that in addition to being able to use port 80, you can also use ports 25-110-143-587 ? IF home plan, worth 12mil, all ports are available Juemadre! Does that
mail still work with autoresponder? I am glad that it has been useful Hello, I know that I do not have the age but I have this problem, it happens that I had never had to enter my router but since I moved in despite constantly changing the wifi key continue to enter my network and devices, I understand that
if I can enter as an administrator I could change the public ip of my router and its password or control the MAC of those who connect, but I can only enter user mode. I would appreciate it if you could help me with the entry as an admin, I have to ETB and just don't solve anything and the user menu is
limited and only allows me to change the wifi calve that doesn't solve anything. Page 23 Good night, I'm around here again. I already have the TP-Link router, but I get lost in the second part of the tutorial. Any specific tutorials for my router that I can follow? I've been looking and I didn't find anything Hello
good say someone could pass me or tell me how to get the key please, thank you Good afternoon, I have the zte f660 with two ports that went to the decos and two that give internet. I don't currently need one of the ports going to the deco. Is it possible to change the settings of one of those ports so that I
can connect to the internet from a pc? (So having three internet ports and one deco). I read the thread and a couple of people had the same doubt but I did not see any answer with the solution, thank you very much. Doesn't anyone even discover the latest ETB F660 password? try to hack it with YT tutos,
but port 23 prevents me from accessing the modem server :/ Someone's got the F660's new passwords for two years, and nothing I can open ports, or called because those HPTAS are inept and don't open ports or call. make you think yes and you check and nothing. Good afternoon, I have the zte f660
with two ports that went to the decos and two that give internet. I don't currently need one of the ports going to the deco. Is it possible to change the settings of one of those ports so that I can connect to the internet from a pc? (So having three internet ports and one deco). I read the thread and a couple of
people had the same doubt but I did not see any answer with the solution, thank you very much. Lol Good afternoon, I have the zte f660 with two ports that went to the decos and two that give internet. I don't currently need one of the ports going to the deco. Is it possible to change the settings of one of
those ports so that I can connect to the internet from a pc? (So having three internet ports and one deco). I read the thread and a couple of people had the same doubt but I did not see any answer with the solution, thank you very much. @rakantoh, he knows how to do it. Good morning everyone, I found
this forum for my interest in putting my modem in bridge mode, I want to follow the tutorial put on the first page of the forum, but when I go to page pastebin.com (according to the instructions) I find that the administrators disabled the search function of that page, so I ask some user of this page if you have
a current or functional password for a ZTE F660E modem purchased in 2015, thank you very much. I take advantage of the semi-key thread to comment on what happened to me these days. I used a key from 2015 that was useful until this month of May. I made a plan change at the beginning of the year
and when I got creative hands with the F660 I discovered that I was no longer served as an administrator. Fortunately when I made pastebin key etb I found the blessed key. So when they change their plans and ZTE, you may also be changed by the Administrator key. Stay tuned! I purchased 1 fixed IP
with ETB in order to store a website. My domain points to the DNS address of my local server, port 80 by default; in order to redirect traffic from port 80 to port N I require 80 to be released; the latter is used by etb's ONT. My website works with the address :N what should I do to get that port released?:
write a PQR to etb? Hire the 5 IP service that allows the customer to manage? Last edition: 17 May 2020 I acquired 1 fixed IP with ETB in order to store a web page. My domain points to the DNS address of my local server, port 80 by default; in order to redirect traffic from port 80 to port N I require 80 to
be released; the latter is used by etb's ONT. My website works with the address :N what should I do to get that port released?: write a PQR to etb? Hire the 5 IP service that allows the customer to manage? Here we go again... A better question would be, does ETB port 80 release it by sending a PQR or
paying for 5 IP service? Hello. I don't know if anyone else has thought of it, but I connected a powerline to the F660's data port 2 and it's working, but when I use that connection, IPTV starts to crash and freezes the image. The F660 is on a high end and I can't send cable to test the direct connection, but
the problem seems to be some priority protocol within the ONT, because the connection fails if there is constant traffic through the powerline (playing or doing speed testing). Someone with similar experience? Thank you. P: the powrline gives 15Mb downhill and 25Mb upload, the connection is 50Mb and
the powerline adds between 4 - 6 ms ping. (In case anyone was interested in the data).) Hello. I don't know if anyone else has thought of it, but I connected a powerline to the F660's data port 2 and it's working, but when I use that connection, IPTV starts to crash and freezes the image. The F660 is on a
high end and I can't send cable to test the direct connection, but the problem seems to be some priority protocol within the ONT, because the connection fails if there is constant traffic through the powerline (playing or doing speed testing). Someone with similar experience? Thank you. P: the powrline
gives 15Mb downhill and 25Mb upload, the connection is 50Mb and the powerline adds between 4 - 6 ms ping. (In case anyone was interested in the data).) Well, I have/had that problem. And I get wired as I attested to the powerlines and they were effective for a few months. I blamed the electrical wiring
of the house for 30 years now. I get those freezes, even when the removals look like hiccups on tv and the solution is to turn off the power that goes to the UTP cable from the modem to the switch. Right now I have some powerlines feeding an old for a WiFi and in a few decos gives you the image
hiccups. Fortunately there have been very few watching tv for hours. In my opinion, they are better for IPTV than for transmitting data. Thank you for your post since I'm not the only one who's wrong with that. Hello. I don't know if anyone else has thought of it, but I connected a powerline to the F660's data
port 2 and it's working, but when I use that connection, IPTV starts to crash and freezes the image. The F660 is on a high end and I can't send cable to test the direct connection, but the problem seems to be some priority protocol within the ONT, because the connection fails if there is constant traffic
through the powerline (playing or doing speed testing). Someone with similar experience? Thank you. P: the powrline gives 15Mb downhill and 25Mb upload, the connection is 50Mb and the powerline adds between 4 - 6 ms ping. (In case anyone was interested in the data).) I don't know if he found out,
but crossposting isn't allowed. Already in the forum of etb they respected him. @yecarrillo I don't know much about networking so I have some questions that I hope you can help me solve. I just purchased a 200 Mb ETB plan with a ZTE F660 plus. Obviously by wifi did not give me more than 80Mbps so I
bought a TP-Link Archer AX50 router which I connected directly to the router and it works all well, I did tests and already by wifi I reach 200+Mbps. The procedure you detailed for what it serves or what advantage would it bring me? and second, I have a Synology NAS that is directly connected to the
ZTE, and when I didn't have TPLINK all the devices could see it by name without problems, but now those that connect to the TPLink AP can't solve the name, albeit by IP if they see it. The truth is I have several computers where I have already configured several applications pointing to this NAS by name
and I would not like to leave you a fixed IP or change all the settings on all computers. Try changing the default DNS on the TPLink to point to the ZTE, but it still doesn't solve my name. You know what I could do in that case? I was thinking of turning off the ZTE's WIFI and leaving only the TPLINK. Would
this be recommended? I clarify, the ZTE leaves me the computers on the sub network 192.168.0.x, while the TPLink are on the sub network Thank you very much @yecarrillo I do not know about networks so I have some questions that I hope you can help me solve. I just purchased a 200
Mb ETB plan with a ZTE F660 plus. Obviously by wifi did not give me more than 80Mbps so I bought a TP-Link Archer AX50 router which I connected directly to the router and it works all well, I did tests and already by wifi I reach 200+Mbps. The procedure you detailed for what it serves or what
advantage would it bring me? and second, I have a Synology NAS that is directly connected to the ZTE, and when I didn't have TPLINK all the devices could see it by name without problems, but now those that connect to the TPLink AP can't solve the name, albeit by IP if they see it. The truth is I have
several where I've already configured multiple applications pointing to this NAS by name and I wouldn't want to leave you a fixed IP or change all the settings on all computers. Try changing the default DNS on the TPLink to point to the ZTE, but it still doesn't solve my name. You know what I could do in
that case? I was thinking of turning off the ZTE's WIFI and leaving only the TPLINK. Would this be recommended? I clarify, the ZTE leaves me the computers on the sub network 192.168.0.x, while the TPLink are on the sub network Thank you very much Hello. Welcome to Laneros. Two
things: 1. Your questions have already been answered on multiple occasions. You can read this forum and the ETB Internet forum for answers. 2. Consecutive multiple messages are prohibited. You can edit your messages to make updates or use the multicite option if you want to quote multiple posts in
a single message. Best regards. Hello. Welcome to Laneros. Two things: 1. Your questions have already been answered on multiple occasions. You can read this forum and the ETB Internet forum for answers. 2. Consecutive multiple messages are prohibited. You can edit your messages to make
updates or use the multicite option if you want to quote multiple posts in a single message. Best regards. Hello, 1. I read this whole forum and I didn't find the answers, that's why I ask. The ETB one I didn't read because it has more than 1000 pages and I can't read everything. 2. I'll keep that in mind, I
didn't know that consecutive multiple messages were forbidden (where does it say that?). However two of the posts were for very different things, the third if maybe it was a clarification to the first one I could have done in an update. The procedure you detailed for what it serves or what advantage would it
bring me? Message #3 from this same topic those who connect to the TPLink AP cannot resolve the name, although by IP if they see it That is router model configuration. On my R7000 it works well. It's out of reach of this thread but I think in some TPLink forum you can find it. @yecarrillo I don't know
much about networking so I have some questions that I hope you can help me solve. I just purchased a 200 Mb ETB plan with a ZTE F660 plus. Obviously by wifi did not give me more than 80Mbps so I bought a TP-Link Archer AX50 router which I connected directly to the router and it works all well, I did
tests and already by wifi I reach 200+Mbps. The procedure you detailed for what it serves or what advantage would it bring me? and second, I have a Synology NAS that is directly connected to the ZTE, and when I didn't have TPLINK all the devices could see it by name without problems, but now those
that connect to the TPLink AP can't solve the name, albeit by IP if they see it. The truth is I have several computers where I already configured several applications pointing to this NAS by name and I wouldn't want to leave you an IP or change all settings on all computers. Try changing the default DNS on
the TPLink to point to the ZTE, but it still doesn't solve my name. You know what I could do in that case? I was thinking of turning off the ZTE's WIFI and leaving only the TPLINK. Would this be recommended? I clarify, the ZTE leaves me the computers on the sub network 192.168.0.x, while the TPLink are
on the sub network Thank you very much Hello. Welcome to Laneros. Two things: 1. Your questions have already been answered on multiple occasions. You can read this forum and the ETB Internet forum for answers. 2. Consecutive multiple messages are prohibited. You can edit your
messages to make updates or use the multicite option if you want to quote multiple posts in a single message. Best regards. Page 24 Hello, 1. I read this whole forum and I didn't find the answers, that's why I ask. The ETB one I didn't read because it has more than 1000 pages and I can't read everything.
2. I'll keep that in mind, I didn't know that consecutive multiple messages were forbidden (where does it say that?). However two of the posts were for very different things, the third if maybe it was a clarification to the first one I could have done in an update. The colleague @yecarrillo answered him by
quoting the #3 forum message with the answer to his question. I recommend reading better and not spamming. Thank you. I've seen bridge mode... Thank you! One question: Is some speed lost when this feature is activated? I mean... in fibro optics of ETB I have 100 MBs... and knowing that WAN pigs
are Gigabit, would the same 100 Mb reach the internal router? And if this is dual band, what speed would remain on the WiFi??? Thank you very much in advance Last edition: 31 May 2020 Hello Lately I have had quite a few problems with the ETB internet even though I have a plan of 100megas. By wifi
the range and speed are minimal. I will buy a router that has a frequency of 5ghz in order to improve this. However, I would like to hear your comments about these: It is for a small apartment: 1. Option: 2. Option: 3. Option: Thank you Hello... because with what I've been researching these days (I'm also
going to buy a router) I dare to say the following: - The Archer C50 is the most economical, but it doesn't have Gigabit... that is, it goes on LAN links only at 10/100... suddenly it has no lio, but personally if I prefer my PC to have internal connection of 1 GB... Equally, USB is 2.0 (in case you plan to do
media sharing) - The Linksys is more powerful and has USB 3.0, and if you have GB on the LANs and WAN. - The Archer A6, similar to the Linksys... but I couldn't find if they have USB (It seems not).. apparently the most complete of the it's the Linksys.... Here's a comparison between the first two: I'm
looking at a Tenda AC18.... but I wish someone could give some feedback about it.... Greeting! Hello I am new to this topic of networks, a few days ago I installed fiber of 50 Megas although I understand a little I have not been able to configure some domotica devices that I have mainly the outlets that can
not be configured apparently because it does not come in bridge mode, any suggestions that can give me? I purchased 1 fixed IP with ETB in order to store a website. My domain points to the DNS address of my local server, port 80 by default; in order to redirect traffic from port 80 to port N I require 80 to
be released; the latter is used by etb's ONT. My website works with the address :N what should I do to get that port released?: write a PQR to etb? Hire the 5 IP service that allows the customer to manage? I didn't get it right, but the problem has already been solved with a PQR. Prior to this port 80 was
used by the ONT configuration interface, which prevented it from pointing WEB page domains to the IP address used by default on port 80, despite being open. After the PQR this interface no longer appears when I try to point to a web domain, I think the problem was fixed for me and the rest. Hello with
the tutorial I was able to configure an F660 in bridge mode with an Archer C7, all wonderful with the speed but I have 2 problems: 1.the router ports do not work for IPTV, those of the ONT do. 2.I have a plan with HBO and those channels were disabled from the same ONT. What do you recommend I do?
could I lose my plan with HBO by connecting the router? was it better not to connect in bridge mode? I'm doing everything so I don't have to call the hell center. I appreciate your good afternoon help, I would like to consult with you, I have connected a PC directly to the LAN2 input of the Modem, I have
200 megas fiber but when I do the speed test only shows me 100, the network adapter of my PC supports the link to 1.0 Gbits but on the modem, when I see the status of the ethernet shows me a lower link speed, is it possible to repair this on my own or do I have to call the ETB technician to check the
modem? Thank you, I'm waiting for your help. Good afternoon, I would like to consult with you, I have connected a PC directly to the LAN2 input of the Modem, I have 200 megas fiber but when I do the speed test only shows me 100, the network adapter of my PC supports the link to 1.0 Gbits but on the
modem, when I see the status of the ethernet shows me a lower link speed, is it possible to repair this on my own or do I have to call the ETB technician to check the modem? Thank you, I'm waiting for your help. See attachment 417219 If it is the ZTE F660 only has gigabit port on LAN 1. Good afternoon,
I would like to consult with you, I have connected a PC to the LAN2 input of the Modem, I have 200 megas fiber but when I do the speed test only shows me 100, the network adapter of my PC supports the link to 1.0 Gbits but on the modem, when I see the status of the ethernet shows me a lower link
speed, is it possible to repair this on my own or do I have to call the ETB technician to check the modem? Thank you, I'm waiting for your help. See attachment 417219 Is the model. LAN 2 comes from the factory. There's nothing I can do. You could ask for a change from ONT to a newer one, but it's best
to get hold of a router or gigabit switch. In response, I attached the LAN1 connection of my Modem and the hello device specifications with the tutorial I was able to configure an F660 in bridge mode with an Archer C7, all great with speed but I have 2 problems: 1.The router ports do not work for IPTV,
those of the ONT do. 2.I have a plan with HBO and those channels were disabled from the same ONT. What do you recommend I do? could I lose my plan with HBO by connecting the router? was it better not to connect in bridge mode? I'm doing everything so I don't have to call the hell center. I
appreciate your help The router only works for the Internet. I have a plan with 50mb speed ETB that came with this modem/router whose wifi has a pesimo performance. I don't know almost much about networks and entering the moden admin to set up a bridge mode that I have no idea it really is, it's kind
of intimidating. Is there a way to improve wifi easily and quickly? Should I use a wifi repeater or a router? which devices recommend that they are not expensive and have decent performance for online video games? Is the f660 single channel? I have a plan with 50mb speed ETB that came with this
modem/router whose wifi has a pesimo performance. I don't know almost much about networks and entering the moden admin to set up a bridge mode that I have no idea it really is, it's kind of intimidating. Is there a way to improve wifi easily and quickly? Should I use a wifi repeater or a router? which
devices recommend that they are not expensive and have decent performance for online video games? Is the f660 single channel? Here we go again... We're in a country where reading doesn't seem like an option. I have a plan with 50mb speed ETB that came with this modem/router whose wifi has a
pesimo performance. I don't know almost much about networks and entering the moden admin to set up a bridge mode that I have no idea it really is, it's kind of intimidating. Is there a way to improve wifi easily and quickly? Should I use a wifi repeater or a router? which devices recommend that they are
not expensive and have decent performance for online video games? Is the f660 single channel? First read this forum or the ETB internet so you lose the fear of manipulating your f660. I answer 1. There's no way 2. You should, should and should 3. The forums I tell you upstairs are advised by 4. Yes. In
2.4 GHz band that gives you maximum 30MB/s down With the tutorial I was able to configure an F660 in bridge mode with an Archer C7, all great with speed but I have 2 problems: 1.the router ports do not work for IPTV, those of the ONT do. 2.I have a plan with HBO and those channels were disabled
from the same ONT. What do you recommend I do? could I lose my plan with HBO by connecting the router? was it better not to connect in bridge mode? I'm doing everything so I don't have to call the hell center. I appreciate your help I have not been able, help me, I do all the steps but when I get to the
modem configuration I put user and password and do not connect to the network. Does any charitable soul help me? I have the tp c7 Edit: I could, I lacked the PPPOE user and the correct password Last edition: 19 Jun 2020 @yecarillo at the end of accounts, did you find out what changes to make to be
able to leave on bridge with a fixed ip? thank you I have not been able with the volunteers who have volunteered. I had it on bridge with fixed IP but I didn't save the screens. When I did the current tutorial I already had variable IP and I couldn't complete it with that variation. I haven't been able to with the
volunteers who have volunteered. I had it on bridge with fixed IP but I didn't save the screens. When I did the current tutorial I already had variable IP and I couldn't complete it with that variation. Thanks for answering, I might get one then I volunteer in case you want to keep trying. One little thing: I have
200mb hired but you're giving me only 170 max when I take the tests. I think everything is well connected, data 1 to the router etc. What could it be? Edit: Fixed Last edition: 20 Jun 2020 Hola Laneros I have a question, I am not very good with networks... I have the F660 and when I connect any pc via
Ethernet the rest of the laptops that are connected to the network start to fail the wifi, any of them have any idea what the problem may be? I must say that the problem is only with computers, the rest of the devices have no problems with this. Page 25 Laneros queries, do any of you happen to have the
password for the updated F660? I've searched everywhere and pastebin and I haven't been able to locate her, I need her to be able to open some ports. It depends on the size of your eligible/home and device-connecting needs. I lean towards the TP link line because I know them, but over here they
recommend Netgear or Asus. You should buy ROUTER AC technology as it brings another 5ghz channel that allows you to isolate the signal from other nearby routers. If the territory to be covered is less than 100 m2 an archer c20 until an archer c7 works for it. More than 100 already it's time to think of
another additional router or Mesh system that are the Latest in technology but quite expensive. Discard the one that says wallbreaker. They are designed for unobstructed patios or open fields. Thank you for responding, my house is 3 stories without garden or anything open. The idea is to connect about 3
cell phones, two TVs, a console and a desktop pc. So it is better to keep looking, my budget is not very high the situation is tight, but since the idea is to have a good router, I will look at other options and post them here to give me your help and thus make a good purchase. Apart from mercadolibre in
Colombia there are other good options to buy that is safe? I'll also check Amazon to see that. Hello everyone, Good night, I am in Bogota and I count on the GPON service of etb. I have a modem F660E Plus I would like to access the modem, but I do not have the user and the password, I would like to
know if someone has them and can share them for me by the private... or to my email [email protected] thank you very much... After this message I made the changes but recently entered the ONT and discovered that ETB changed the values of time servers to these. Did it happen to anyone
else? I will still put the recommended ones back ( because NTP.org does not respond to ping from the ONT IP VOICE interface. The DSCP value should be 48 because it is for IPv4. I'm going to do the image correction in the tutorial. ONT time For several years we have discussed that by
putting the ONT into bridge mode it loses the internet connection and the ONT clock is out of sync. This causes connected phones to miss the time and registrations do not have a timestamp. I have found and tested a solution and added it as point 9 of the bridge mode post. I hope it works for you:
Laneros, good afternoon, I have a consultation. I have a modem with ETB model ZTE F660, and since I installed it I am having problems between my devices. What happens is that every time I turn on my laptop, my two cell phones are disconnected from the internet (not the network, but from the
internet) and this happens until I turn off the computer again. All devices are configured with DHCP When entering the modem configuration, I see that on LAN, the computer appears with two IPs which I think may be the reason why this is happening. Attach the image. Is there a way to make the modem
not twice assign ip to the same device? Thank you In the image that attaches I see 4 different macs. It must be that it has the laptop connected by Wifi and cable. The problem might be that the ips available in DHCP are less than 4 and when you connect the cell phones there is nothing available. Try
expanding the range on Network/LAN/DHCP server Laneros, good afternoon, I have a query. I have a modem with ETB model ZTE F660, and since I installed it I am having problems between my devices. What happens is that every time I turn on my laptop, my two cell phones are disconnected from the
internet (not the network, but from the internet) and this happens until I turn off the computer again. All devices are configured with DHCP When entering the modem configuration, I see that on LAN, the computer appears with two IPs which I think may be the reason why this is happening. the image. Is
there a way to make the modem not twice assign ip to the same device? Thank you See attachment 423678 I have seen that Windows has a functionality that simulates multiple MAC addresses in the WIFI connection (Don't let ******s do that) then, as when connected finds a different mac, assigns you a
different IP. Also note the Lease is default 86400 seconds (I think), that means that after that time, you are released the ip that does not have mac associated with it. Laneros, good afternoon, I have a consultation. I have a modem with ETB model ZTE F660, and since I installed it I am having problems
between my devices. What happens is that every time I turn on my laptop, my two cell phones are disconnected from the internet (not the network, but from the internet) and this happens until I turn off the computer again. All devices are configured with DHCP When entering the modem configuration, I
see that on LAN, the computer appears with two IPs which I think may be the reason why this is happening. Attach the image. Is there a way to make the modem not twice assign ip to the same device? Thank you See the attachment 423678 Hello everyone, Good night, I am in Bogota and I have the
GPON service of etb. I have a modem F660E Plus I would like to access the modem, but I do not have the user and the password, I would like to know if someone has them and can share them for me by the private... or to my email [email protected] thank you very much... Good afternoon, I am
new and I have also been looking for help to access the F660 modem of fiber optic etb in bogota. If anyone knew how to access and send us the info thank you very much! Whatever you can gladly contribute. [email protected] Hello everyone, Good night, I am in Bogota and I have the GPON
service of etb. I have a modem F660E Plus I would like to access the modem, but I do not have the user and the password, I would like to know if someone has them and can share them for me by the private... or to my email [email protected] thank you very much... Hello everyone, Good night, I
am in Bogota and I count on the GPON service of etb. I have a modem F660E Plus I would like to access the modem, but I do not have the user and the password, I would like to know if someone has them and can share them for me by the private... or to my email [email protected] thank you very
much... I already found you send you mail I saw that Windows has a functionality that simulates multiple MAC addresses in the WIFI connection (Don't let ******s do that) then, as when connected finds a different mac, assigns you a different IP. Also note the Lease is default 86400 seconds (I think), that
means that after that time, you are released the ip that does not have mac associated with it. Hello aarset89, I was reviewing the topic but I did not find much information about how to configure the simulation of ip's or know if I have it active. I validated the second thing you say but the subject is constant,
every time I press the computer, the internet is lost on both cell phones. In the image attached I see 4 different macs. It must be that it has the laptop connected by Wifi and cable. The problem might be that the ips available in DHCP are less than 4 and when you connect the cell phones there is nothing
available. Try expanding the range on Network/LAN/DHCP server View attachment 423679 Hello andEcarrilo, I checked the information from the router and the initial Ip is and the final is the same as on the screen, I do not see any inidiocio in that sense, but it is quite strange, the rest of the
home devices work well with the internet. I just bought a UniFi Security Gateway (Enterprise Gateway Router with Gigabit Ethernet) and I'm going to start the process, any recommendations? I do not know if I first connect to the router directly to configure it and then to the ONT to start the bridge tutorial
and then connect everything on your site. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, I have a dvr hikvision, today I made the change of technology, I got a modem f660, does not let me see the cameras, can you open port? or tap call?, and of course the password to make the change... grax Last edition: 27
Jul 2020 Wonderful post, running in August 2020. Thank you very much, I was able to leave my ONT on bridge. I use the HSI-NAT interface because I have fixed IP. Those who have it dynamic I think should do it with HSI-PPPOE Remember that this tutorial opens the way INTERNET->ONT-
>ROUTER, but on the router you must open the path ROUTER->DEVICE (PC, XBOX, etc) by opening each port specifically. To test if the port is OK I use Hello Friend helps me, by chance you could do the bridge mode having FIXED IP on the F660 Page 26 Hello everyone, in my case I have a plan
of 200 Mbps, I realized that the only LAN port that supports Gigabit is LAN1, the 2 only reaches 100 Mbps. Currently connected in bridge mode to an Archer C50 without any problem and waiting for a Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition to reach me for 200 Mbps, because TP-Link has a WAN port of 10/100. .
Good night, I'm around here again. I already have the TP-Link router, but I get lost in the second part of the tutorial. Any specific tutorials for my router that I can follow? I've been looking and I didn't find anything 1. Initially configure as Router mode and when prompting for WAN parameters: 2.
PPPoE/Russian PPPoE 3 connection type. Username and password according to the modem config file. 4. Secondary connection disabled 5. Connection mode: Always on Save and ready, you don't have to do anything else. Hello everyone, I have the following problem and I need your help, I have
correctly configured in bridge mode the f660 of my house since I previously saved the user and the PPPOE key of this modem. However, in the When you download the config.bin file and do the procedure with the routerpassview app, the user and password that appears to me is: <DM name-UserName
val-UserPONETB></DM> <DM name-Password val-passwordETB></DM> Which is not correct, since each user has their own PPPOE account. Additionally when entering the f660 I see that in the WAN section option HSI-PPOE I can get the user from my PPOE but the password appears
as 6 characters, but everything indicates that it is a fake and/or masked password. Does anyone know how I can get my PPPOE password otherwise because the way explained in the tutorial and shown above does not work? Thank you Hello everyone, I have the following problem and I need your help, I
have correctly configured in bridge mode the f660 of my house since I previously saved the user and the PPPOE key of this modem. However, in the f660 of my office, when you download the config.bin file and do the procedure with the routerpassview app, the user and password that appears to me is:
<DM name-UserName val-UserPONETB></DM> <DM name-Password val-passwordETB></DM> Which is not correct, since each user has their own PPPOE account. Additionally when entering the f660 I see that in the WAN section option HSI-PPOE I can get the user from my PPOE
but the password appears as 6 characters, but everything indicates that it is a fake and/or masked password. Does anyone know how I can get my PPPOE password otherwise because the way explained in the tutorial and shown above does not work? Thank you I am not in the office but if I remember
that pppoe keys were something like that to what you indicate. At the time I made Bridge to test and it worked. I don't have it that way anymore so you don't lose anything to try. I'm not in the office but if I remember that pppoe keys were something like that to what you indicate. At the time I made Bridge to
test and it worked. I don't have it that way anymore so you don't lose anything to try. Already try and it does not work, then should be other Ya probe and I do not work, then should be other Needs to make Bridge in the office? In my case I use cameras, a slingplayer and the internet I have wired to the
router and he ONT without WIFI. It works perfect for me. I also once made DMZ and it worked well. I finally did it with DMZ and it works, but I wanted to leave it straight for my router to manage the whole Hello Everyone connection, I would like to see if anyone can help me with the admin and pass of the
ZXHN F660E of etb, I don't know who to send PM to and I don't know where else to look for it, I apologize to the moderators, but I would be very grateful if someone helped me Good night Laneros, someone who collaborates with a doubt my service has a pool of 5 IP so it goes through HSI - WITHOUT
NAT, but I have noticed that many times the address of ETB is failing and for this reason I are being presented with speed problems, it is feasible to configure the navigation of the ETH2 with - NAT? Hello everyone. Excuse me, I'm new and I searched for the administrator password, but I can't find it, I go
into the pastebin link and it says the article doesn't exist. Could anyone tell me the method for getting it? Or could I pass the password? Any information I leave you my mail: [email protected]. Thank you very much, fellas. Did you take the job of reading? I make the investigation short, there are
people who have the password but do not share it to new laneros because they may change their password, find out this difficult one, if you want to read the whole thread and find out, if you find the password do not publish it because they may change it. It's 513 comments, and I'm not professional in the
field, most of them are things I don't even understand. I didn't find any way to get it and if there is, could you mention it or something? to get the password so you're not asking Laneros with higher ranks, or what's the blog for if the only information he says is that new ones won't get the password? Thank
you. There are some that if you have it inside which I am not and do not share the password, because they can change it to themselves, and the password they have and it works for them is no guarantee that it will work for you, etb remotely manages the ont and can change the password whenever you
want, if you don't know much I recommend you leave it like this and don't get in the way of unconfiguring anything, rather call etb and stay out of the wifi or ask to be sent wired network points. See attachment 430310 Success. I changed plans this year and they changed my admin key. I came to find out in
pandemic He took the job of reading ? if of course I take the job of reading, and not only this group but in 6 groups more similar to this, and if I dare write that message is because I see that some people have it and have shared it by email if of course I take the job of reading, and not only this group but in
6 groups more similar to this, and if I dare write that message it is because I see that some people have it and have shared it by email If you read well, you know that there is an email from laneros that generates an automatic response in about 5 minutes or less, with the key you need. Hello, I am making
the connection to bridge mode, in tutoring says: DISCONNECT the WiFi PC from the router CONNECT the PC to the WiFi of the ONT (Usually the SSID of the WiFi will be something like FibraETBXXXX) I can do it by the wired point directly from the ONT? or should it be ONT wifi? Best regards! Hello, I
am making the connection to bridge mode, in tutoring says: DISCONNECT the WiFi PC from the router CONNECT the PC to the WiFi of the ONT (Usually the SSID of the WiFi will be something like FibraETBXXXX) I can do it by the wired point directly from the ONT? or should it be ONT wifi? Best
regards! Brother, I see you don't have much knowledge on the subject. You'd better leave things the way they are if it works for you. Why do you need to put it in bridge mode? There's specific to do so? Dear a query, has anyone managed to make the bridge or other way to get from the LAN to voip
servers? the idea is to connect the direct line to an Asterisk and not convert SIP->Analogo->SIP I was freting a little but I could not, I shit the WAN connection :'v Dear a query, some have managed to make the bridge or another way to get from the LAN to the VOIP servers? the idea is to connect the
direct line to an Asterisk and not convert SIP->Analog->SIP I was freting a little but I couldn't, I shit the WAN connection :'v Could not. I tried a few years ago and I always got the same mistake. Error.

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