Kerboodle Transition Pack

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The document provides an overview of some of the key concepts students need to be familiar with when transitioning from GCSE to A-Level physics. It defines important practical science terms, matter and radiation terms, and covers topics like unit conversions, uncertainties, and various math skills related to work, power and efficiency.

Some of the main practical science terms defined include: validity of measurements, accuracy of results, precision of results, repeatability, reproducibility, uncertainty of measurements, measurement error, random and systematic errors, zero error, independent and dependent variables, control variables and the concept of a fair test.

Some of the key terms related to matter and radiation defined include: composition of atoms, definition of a nucleon, charges of protons, neutrons and electrons, relative charges of subatomic particles, and the difference between mass and weight.

GCSE → A Level transition

AQA Physics student worksheet

Transition from GCSE to A Level

Moving from GCSE Science to A Level can be a daunting leap. You’ll be expected to remember a lot more facts,
equations, and definitions, and you will need to learn new maths skills and develop confidence in applying what
you already know to unfamiliar situations.
This worksheet aims to give you a head start by helping you:
 to pre-learn some useful knowledge from the first chapters of your A Level course
 understand and practice of some of the maths skills you’ll need.

Learning objectives
After completing the worksheet you should be able to:
 define practical science key terms
 recall the answers to the retrieval questions
 perform maths skills including:
o unit conversions
o uncertainties
o using standard form and significant figures
o resolving vectors
o rearranging equations
o equations of work, power, and efficiency

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Retrieval questions
You need to be confident about the definitions of terms that describe measurements and results in A Level
Learn the answers to the questions below then cover the answers column with a piece of paper and write as many
answers as you can. Check and repeat.

Practical science key terms

When is a measurement valid? when it measures what it is supposed to be measuring

When is a result accurate? when it is close to the true value
when repeat measurements are consistent/agree closely with each
What are precise results?
how precise repeated measurements are when they are taken by
What is repeatability? the same person, using the same equipment, under the same
how precise repeated measurements are when they are taken by
What is reproducibility?
different people, using different equipment
What is the uncertainty of a measurement? the interval within which the true value is expected to lie
Define measurement error the difference between a measured value and the true value
What type of error is caused by results varying
random error
around the true value in an unpredictable way?
a consistent difference between the measured values and true
What is a systematic error?
a measuring instrument gives a false reading when the true value
What does zero error mean?
should be zero
Which variable is changed or selected by the
independent variable
a variable that is measured every time the independent variable is
What is a dependent variable?
a test in which only the independent variable is allowed to affect the
Define a fair test
dependent variable
variables that should be kept constant to avoid them affecting the
What are control variables?
dependent variable

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Matter and radiation

Learn the answers to the questions below then cover the answers column with a piece of paper and write as many
answers as you can. Check and repeat.
What is an atom made up of? a positively charged nucleus containing protons and neutrons,
surrounded by electrons
Define a nucleon a proton or a neutron in the nucleus
What are the absolute charges of protons,  1.601019, 0, and  1.601019 coulombs (C) respectively
neutrons, and electrons?
What are the relative charges of protons, 1, 0, and  1 respectively (charge relative to proton)
neutrons, and electrons?
What is the mass, in kilograms, of a proton, a 1.671027, 1.671027, and 9.111031 kg respectively
neutron, and an electron?
What are the relative masses of protons, 1, 1, and 0.0005 respectively (mass relative to proton)
neutrons, and electrons?
What is the atomic number of an element? the number of protons
Define an isotope isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons and different
numbers of neutrons
Write what A, Z and X stand for in isotope A: the number of nucleons (protons + neutrons)
notation ( AZ X )? Z: the number of protons
X: the chemical symbol
Which term is used for each type of nucleus? nuclide
How do you calculate specific charge? charge divided by mass (for a charged particle)
9.5810 and 1.7610 C kg1 respectively
7 11
What is the specific charge of a proton and an
Name the force that holds nuclei together strong nuclear force
What is the range of the strong nuclear force? from 0.5 to 34 femtometres (fm)
Name the three kinds of radiation alpha, beta, and gamma
What particle is released in alpha radiation? an alpha particle, which comprises two protons and two neutrons
Write the symbol of an alpha particle 4

What particle is released in beta radiation? a fast-moving electron (a beta particle)
Write the symbol for a beta particle 0
1 β
Define gamma radiation electromagnetic radiation emitted by an unstable nucleus
What particles make up everything in the matter and antimatter
Name the antimatter particles for electrons, positron, antiproton, antineutron, and antineutrino respectively
protons, neutrons, and neutrinos
What happens when corresponding matter and they annihilate (destroy each other)
antimatter particles meet?
List the seven main parts of the electromagnetic radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays,
spectrum from longest wavelength to shortest gamma rays
Write the equation for calculating the wavelength speed of light(c )
wavelength () 
of electromagnetic radiation frequency( f )
Define a photon a packet of electromagnetic waves
3.0010 m s1
What is the speed of light?
Write the equation for calculating photon energy photon energy (E)  Planck constant (h)  frequency (f)
Name the four fundamental interactions gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear

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Maths skills
1 Measurements

1.1 Base and derived SI units

Units are defined so that, for example, every scientist who measures a mass in kilograms uses
the same size for the kilogram and gets the same value for the mass. Scientific measurement
depends on standard units – most are Système International (SI) units. Every measurement must
give the unit to have any meaning. You should know the correct unit for physical quantities.
Base units
Physical quantity Unit Symbol Physical quantity Unit Symbol
length metre m electric current ampere A
mass kilogram kg temperature difference Kelvin K
time second s amount of substance mole mol

Derived units
distance travelled
speed 
time taken
If a car travels 2 metres in 2 seconds:
2 metres m
speed   1 = 1m/s
2 seconds s

−1 −1 1
This defines the SI unit of speed to be 1 metre per second (m/s), or 1 m s (s = ).

Practice questions
1 Complete this table by filling in the missing units and symbols.

Symbol and name

Physical quantity Equation used to derive unit Unit
(if there is one)
−1 −1
frequency period s Hz, hertz
volume length –
density mass ÷ volume –
acceleration velocity ÷ time –
force mass × acceleration
work and energy force × distance

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1.2 Significant figures

When you use a calculator to work out a numerical answer, you know that this often results in a
large number of decimal places and, in most cases, the final few digits are ‘not significant’. It is
important to record your data and your answers to calculations to a reasonable number of
significant figures. Too many and your answer is claiming an accuracy that it does not have, too
few and you are not showing the precision and care required in scientific analysis.
Numbers to 3 significant figures (3 s.f.):
3.62 25.4 271 0.0147 0.245 39 400
(notice that the zeros before the figures and after the figures are not significant – they just show
you how large the number is by the position of the decimal point).
Numbers to 3 significant figures where the zeros are significant:
207 4050 1.01 (any zeros between the other significant figures are significant).
Standard form numbers with 3 significant figures:
−5 8
9.42×10 1.56×10
If the value you wanted to write to 3.s.f. was 590, then to show the zero was significant you
would have to write:
590 (to 3.s.f.) or 5.90 × 10

Practice questions
2 Give these measurements to 2 significant figures:
a 19.47 m b 21.0 s c 1.673×10 kg d5s
3 Use the equation:
resistance 
to calculate the resistance of a circuit when the potential difference is 12 V and the current is
1.8 mA. Write your answer in kΩ to 3 s.f.

1.3 Uncertainties
When a physical quantity is measured there will always be a small difference between the
measured value and the true value. How important the difference is depends on the size of the
measurement and the size of the uncertainty, so it is important to know this information when
using data.
There are several possible reasons for uncertainty in measurements, including the difficulty of
taking the measurement and the resolution of the measuring instrument (i.e. the size of the scale
For example, a length of 6.5 m measured with great care using a 10 m tape measure marked in
mm would have an uncertainty of 2 mm and would be recorded as 6.500 ± 0.002 m.
It is useful to quote these uncertainties as percentages.
For the above length, for example,
percentageuncertainty   100
percentageuncertainty  × 100% = 0.03%. The measurement is 6.500 m ± 0.03%.

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Values may also be quoted with absolute error rather than percentage uncertainty, for example, if
the 6.5 m length is measured with a 5% error,
the absolute error = 5/100 × 6.5 m = ±0.325 m.

Practice questions
4 Give these measurements with the uncertainty shown as a percentage (to 1 significant
a 5.7 ± 0.1 cm b 450 ± 2 kg c 10.60 ± 0.05 s d 366 000 ± 1000 J
5 Give these measurements with the error shown as an absolute value:
a 1200 W ± 10% b 330 000 Ω ± 0.5%
6 Identify the measurement with the smallest percentage error. Show your working.
A 9 ± 5 mm B 26 ± 5 mm C 516 ± 5 mm D 1400 ± 5 mm

2 Standard form and prefixes

When describing the structure of the Universe you have to use very large numbers. There are
billions of galaxies and their average separation is about a million light years (ly). The Big Bang
theory says that the Universe began expanding about 14 billion years ago. The Sun formed
about 5 billion years ago. These numbers and larger numbers can be expressed in standard form
and by using prefixes.

2.1 Standard form for large numbers

In standard form, the number is written with one digit in front of the decimal point and multiplied
by the appropriate power of 10. For example:
 The diameter of the Earth, for example, is 13 000 km.
13 000 km = 1.3 × 10 000 km = 1.3×10 km.
 The distance to the Andromeda galaxy is 2 200 000 light years = 2.2 × 1 000 000 ly =
2.2×10 ly.

2.2 Prefixes for large numbers

Prefixes are used with SI units (see Topic 1.1) when the value is very large or very small. They
can be used instead of writing the number in standard form. For example:

A kilowatt (1 kW) is a thousand watts, that is 1000 W or 10  W.

A megawatt (1 MW) is a million watts, that is 1 000 000 W or 10  W.

A gigawatt (1 GW) is a billion watts, that is 1 000 000 000 W or 10  W.

Prefix Symbol Value Prefix Symbol Value

3 9
kilo k 10 giga G 10
6 12
mega M 10 tera T 10

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For example, Gansu Wind Farm in China has an output of 6.8×10 W. This can be written as
6800 MW or 6.8 GW.

Practice questions
1 Give these measurements in standard form:
6 12 −1
a 1350 W b 130 000 Pa c 696 × 10 s d 0.176 × 10  C kg
2 The latent heat of vaporisation of water is 2 260 000 J/kg. Write this in:
a J/g b kJ/kg c MJ/kg

2.3 Standard form and prefixes for small numbers

At the other end of the scale, the diameter of an atom is about a tenth of a billionth of a metre.
The particles that make up an atomic nucleus are much smaller. These measurements are
represented using negative powers of ten and more prefixes. For example:
 The charge on an electron = 1.6×10  C.
−25 −27
 The mass of a neutron = 0.016 75 × 10 kg = 1.675×10  kg (the decimal point has moved
2 places to the right).
 There are a billion nanometres in a metre, that is 1 000 000 000 nm = 1 m.
 There are a million micrometres in a metre, that is 1 000 000 μm = 1 m.

Prefix Symbol Value Prefix Symbol Value

−2 −9
centi c 10 nano n 10
−3 −12
milli m 10 pico p 10
−6 −15
micro µ 10 femto f 10

Practice questions
3 Give these measurements in standard form:
−17 −6 6 3
a 0.0025 m b 160 × 10 m c 0.01 × 10 J d 0.005 × 10 m e 0.00062 × 10 N
4 Write the measurements for question 3a, c, and d above using suitable prefixes.
5 Write the following measurements using suitable prefixes.
a a microwave wavelength = 0.009 m
b a wavelength of infrared = 1×10 m
c a wavelength of blue light = 4.7×10 m

2.4 Powers of ten

When multiplying powers of ten, you must add the indices.
2 3 2+3 5
So 100 × 1000 = 100 000 is the same as 10 × 10 = 10 = 10
When dividing powers of ten, you must subtract the indices.

100 1 −1 10 2 2−3 −1
So = = 10 is the same as 3
= 10 = 10
1000 10 10
But you can only do this when the numbers with the indices are the same.
2 3
So 10 × 2 = 100 × 8 = 800

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And you can’t do this when adding or subtracting.

2 3
10 + 10 = 100 + 1000 = 1100
2 3
10 − 10 = 100 − 1000 = −900

Remember: You can only add and subtract the indices when you are multiplying or dividing the
numbers, not adding or subtracting them.

Practice questions
6 Calculate the following values – read the questions very carefully!
6 −3
a 20 + 10
2 −2
b 10 − 10
3 2
c 2 × 10
5 2
d 10 ÷ 10
8 −1
7 The speed of light is 3.0×10 m s . Use the equation v = f λ (where λ is wavelength) to
calculate the frequency of:
a ultraviolet, wavelength 3.0×10 m
b radio waves, wavelength 1000 m
c X-rays, wavelength 1.0×10 m.

3 Resolving vectors

3.1 Vectors and scalars

Vectors have a magnitude (size) and a direction. Directions can be given as points of the
compass, angles or words such as forwards, left or right. For example, 30 mph east and 50 km/h
north-west are velocities.
Scalars have a magnitude, but no direction. For example, 10 m/s is a speed.

Practice questions
1 State whether each of these terms is a vector quantity or a scalar quantity: density,
temperature, electrical resistance, energy, field strength, force, friction, frequency, mass,
momentum, power, voltage, volume, weight, work done.
−1 −1
2 For the following data, state whether each is a vector or a scalar: 3 ms , +20 ms , 100 m
8 −1
NE, 50 km, −5 cm, 10 km S 30° W, 3 × 10 ms upwards, 273 °C, 50 kg, 3 A.

3.2 Drawing vectors

Vectors are shown on drawings by a straight arrow. The arrow starts from the point where the
vector is acting and shows its direction. The length of the vector represents the magnitude.
When you add vectors, for example two velocities or three forces, you must take the direction
into account.
The combined effect of the vectors is called the resultant.

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This diagram shows that walking 3 m from A to B and then turning through
30° and walking 2 m to C has the same effect as walking directly from A to
C. AC is the resultant vector, denoted by the double arrowhead.
A careful drawing of a scale diagram allows us to measure these. Notice
that if the vectors are combined by drawing them in the opposite order, AD
and DC, these are the other two sides of the parallelogram and give the
same resultant.

Practice question
3 Two tractors are pulling a log across a field. Tractor 1 is pulling north
with force 1 = 5 kN and tractor 2 is pulling east with force 2 = 12 kN.
By scale drawing, determine the resultant force.

3.3 Free body force diagrams

To combine forces, you can draw a similar diagram to the one above,
where the lengths of the sides represent the magnitude of the force (e.g.,
30 N and 20 N). The third side of the triangle shows us the magnitude and
direction of the resultant force.
When solving problems, start by drawing a free body force diagram. The
object is a small dot and the forces are shown as arrows that start on the
dot and are drawn in the direction of the force. They don’t have to be to
scale, but it helps if the larger forces are shown to be larger. Look at this
A 16 kg mass is suspended from a hook in the ceiling and pulled to one
side with a rope, as shown on the right. Sketch a free body force diagram
for the mass and draw a triangle of forces.

Notice that each force starts from where the previous one ended and they join up to form a
triangle with no resultant because the mass is in equilibrium (balanced).

Practice questions
4 Sketch a free body force diagram for the lamp (Figure 1, below) and draw a triangle of
5 There are three forces on the jib of a tower crane (Figure 2, below). The tension in the cable
T, the weight W, and a third force P acting at X.
The crane is in equilibrium. Sketch the triangle of forces.

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Figure 1 Figure 2

3.4 Calculating resultants

When two forces are acting at right angles, the resultant can be calculated using Pythagoras’s
theorem and the trig functions: sine, cosine, and tangent.
For a right-angled triangle as shown:
2 2 2
h =o +a
sin θ =
cos θ =
tan θ =

Practice questions
6 Figure 3 shows three forces in equilibrium.
Draw a triangle of forces to find T and α.
7 Find the resultant force for the following pairs of forces at right angles to
each other:
a 3.0 N and 4.0 N b 5.0 N and 12.0 N
Figure 3

4 Rearranging equations
Sometimes you will need to rearrange an equation to calculate the answer to a question. For
example, if you want to calculate the resistance R, the equation:
potential difference (V) = current (A) × resistance (Ω) or V=IR
must be rearranged to make R the subject of the equation:
When you are solving a problem:
 Write down the values you know and the ones you want to calculate.
 you can rearrange the equation first, and then substitute the values
 substitute the values and then rearrange the equation

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4.1 Substitute and rearrange

A student throws a ball vertically upwards at 5 m s . When it comes down, she catches it at the
same point. Calculate how high it goes.
step 1: Known values are:
 initial velocity u = 5.0 m s
 final velocity v = 0 (you know this because as it rises it will slow down, until it comes to a
stop, and then it will start falling downwards)
 acceleration a = g = −9.81 m s
 distance s = ?
Step 2: Equation:
2 2
(final velocity) − (initial velocity) = 2 × acceleration × distance
2 2
or v –u =2×g×s
2 −1 2 −2
Substituting: (0) − (5.0 m s ) = 2 × −9.81 m s ×s
0 − 25 = 2 × −9.81 × s
Step 3: Rearranging:
−19.62 s = −25
s= = 1.27 m = 1.3 m (2 s.f.)
 19.62

Practice questions
1 The potential difference across a resistor is 12 V and the current through it is 0.25 A.
Calculate its resistance.
2 Red light has a wavelength of 650 nm. Calculate its frequency. Write your answer in
standard form.
8 −1
(Speed of light = 3.0 × 10 m s )

4.2 Rearrange and substitute

A 57 kg block falls from a height of 68 m. By considering the energy transferred,
calculate its speed when it reaches the ground.
(Gravitational field strength = 10 N kg )
Step 1: m = 57 kg h = 68 m g = 10 N kg v=?
Step 2: There are three equations:
PE = m g h KE gained = PE lost KE = 0.5 m v
Step 3: Rearrange the equations before substituting into it.
As KE gained = PE lost, m g h = 0.5 m v
You want to find v. Divide both sides of the equation by 0.5 m:

mgh 0.5mv 2
0.5m 0.5m

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To get v, take the square root of both sides: v = 2gh

Step 4: Substitute into the equation:

v= 2 10  6 8
v= 1360 = 37 m s

Practice question
3 Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion for water from this data:
4.03×10 J of energy melted 120 g of ice.
Use the equation:
thermal energy for a change in state (J) = mass (kg) × specific latent heat (J kg )
Give your answer in J kg in standard form.

5 Work done, power, and efficiency

5.1 Work done

Work is done when energy is transferred. Work is done when a force makes something move. If
work is done by an object its energy decreases and if work is done on an object its energy
work done = energy transferred = force × distance
Work and energy are measured in joules (J) and are scalar quantities (see Topic 3.1).

Practice question
1 Calculate the work done when the resultant force on a car is 22 kN and it travels 2.0 km.
2 Calculate the distance travelled when 62.5 kJ of work is done applying a force of 500 N to an

5.2 Power
Power is the rate of work done.
It is measured in watts (W) where 1 watt = 1 joule per second.
energy transferre d work done
power = or power =
time taken time taken

P = ΔW/Δt Δ is the symbol ‘delta’ and is used to mean a ‘change in’

Look at this worked example, which uses the equation for potential energy gained.
A motor lifts a mass m of 12 kg through a height Δh of 25 m in 6.0 s.
Gravitational potential energy gained:
ΔPE = mgΔh = (12 kg) × (9.81 m s ) × (25 m) = 2943 J

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2943 J
Power = = 490 W (2 s.f.)
6.0 s

Practice questions
3 Calculate the power of a crane motor that lifts a weight of 260 000 N through 25 m in 48 s.
4 A motor rated at 8.0 kW lifts a 2500 N load 15 m in 5.0 s. Calculate the output power.

5.3 Efficiency
Whenever work is done, energy is transferred and some energy is transferred to other forms, for
example, heat or sound. The efficiency is a measure of how much of the energy is transferred
Efficiency is a ratio and is given as a decimal fraction between 0 (all the energy is wasted) and 1
(all the energy is usefully transferred) or as a percentage between 0 and 100%. It is not possible
for anything to be 100% efficient: some energy is always lost to the surroundings.
useful energy output useful power output
Efficiency = or Efficiency =
total energy input total power input

(multiply by 100% for a percentage)

Look at this worked example.
A thermal power station uses 11 600 kWh of energy from fuel to generate electricity. A total of
4500 kWh of energy is output as electricity. Calculate the percentage of energy ‘wasted’
(dissipated in heating the surroundings).
You must calculate the energy wasted using the value for useful energy output:
(total energy input - energy output as electricity)
percentage energy wasted =  100
total energy input

(11600 - 4500)
percentage energy wasted =  100 = 61.2% = 61% (2 s.f.)

Practice questions
5 Calculate the percentage efficiency of a motor that does 8400 J of work to lift a load.
The electrical energy supplied is 11 200 J.
6 An 850 W microwave oven has a power consumption of 1.2 kW.
Calculate the efficiency, as a percentage.
7 Use your answer to question 4 above to calculate the percentage efficiency of the motor.
(The motor, rated at 8.0 kW, lifts a 2500 N load 15 m in 5.0 s.)
8 Determine the time it takes for a 92% efficient 55 W electric motor take to lift a 15 N weight
2.5 m.

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