Were Free Lets Grow 1
Were Free Lets Grow 1
Were Free Lets Grow 1
PREPARE by cutting out the word squares for the class activity.
ANTICIPATE by having students label the 13 original states on the anticipation activity map. See
how many students can identify without help, then project a map if necessary. Ask
students to point out anything about this map that is different from current maps
of the United States.
DISTRIBUTE the reading AND the map booklet to the students. Have students fold the booklet.
READ the reading pages with the class, pausing to fill out the map booklet as follows:
After “Party Like It’s 1783”: Fill out the front page of the map booklet.
After “New Country in a New Country”: Fill out p. 2, Activity A
After “So… How Do We Do This?”: Fill out p. 3, Activity B
After “Operation Get Out”: Fill out p. 4, Activity C
CONTINUE the rest of the reading. Project the “Northwest Territory: An Articles of
Confederation Accomplishment” timeline and use it to reinforce that the process of
incorporating the Northwest Territory happened before the Constitution took
effect—and the Confederation Congress was taking care of business even as the
Constitution was being written!
REVIEW by giving each student a word square from the Class Activity: Alphabet Words.
Follow the directions on the Class Activity page.
DISTRIBUTE the worksheet to the class.
ASSIGN students to complete the worksheet activities.
GO THROUGH the worksheet answers with the class if you wish.
CLOSE by asking students to complete one of the following sentences on a scrap of paper.
Have them trade papers with a partner and discuss and/or hand the papers to you
as an exit ticket.
I was surprised to learn that ___ because I wouldn’t have imagined ____.
I was not surprised to learn that ___ because I already knew ____.
This lesson plan is part of the Road to the Constitution series by iCivics, Inc. a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing civic education. Please visit
www.icivics.org/teachers, for more resources and to access the state standards aligned to this lesson plan. Send feedback to [email protected].
©2015 iCivics, Inc. You may copy, distribute, or transmit this work for noncommercial purposes if you credit iCivics. All other rights reserved.
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name:
Find Those States! The United States started out with just thirteen states. Use the list below
to correctly identify each one on the map. Watch out: Things were a little different back then!
Anticipation Activity
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name:
The Northwest Territory:
An Articles of Confederation
Projection Master
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name:
Class Activity
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name: ** TEACHER GUIDE **
Sample Answers (accept all reasonable answers)
Americans — Got ownership of the new land; forced Native Americans out
British — Owned the Northwest Territory before 1783; America fought them during Revolutionary War
Confederation Congress — America’s only central government in the first years after the Revolution
Debate — People debated what should happen to the new territory
Expensive — War was expensive, so America hoped the Native Americans would sign treaties
Five — the maximum number of states the new territory could be divided into
Government — The Northwest Ordinance set up a government for the new territory
Harmar — Gen. Josiah Harmar was the first man sent to talk with squatters and Native Americans
Incorporate — Making the new territory part of the United States
July — the month the Land Ordinance of 1785 was passed
Knowledge — (challenge) Americans probably lacked knowledge about Native American values
Little Turtle — chief of the Miami people who led successful battles against U.S. troops.
Money — the U.S. government needed money, so it decided to sell land in the new territory
Negotiate — the U.S. tried to negotiate with the Native Americans
Ownership — at first, there were issues about ownership of the new territory
Power — many people feared a central government with too much power
Quebec — the new territory used to be part of this British province
Resistance — both squatters and Native Americans resisted moving off the land
Slavery — not allowed in the new territory
Treaty — agreements where the Native Americans agreed to give up their claims to the land
Unauthorized — squatters were unauthorized settlers living in the new territory
Violence — Native Americans sometimes resorted to violence to defend their land
War — new territory was obtained after war w/Great Britain; U.S. didn’t want war with Native Americans
taXes — the early U.S. government did not have the power to collect taxes from citizens
Year — Northwest Ordinance passed in the year 1787
Zero — (challenge) the number of squatters the U.S. wanted in the territory
Cede — individual states had to cede their claims to the new land to the U.S.
Measure — surveyors measured the divisions using a compass and chain
Native Americans — had lived in the new territory for centuries; did not want to leave their lands
Ordinance — Land Ordinance of 1785 & Northwest Ordinance were laws passed about the new territory
Restricted — the U.S. restricted Native Americans to smaller areas of land
Sell — the U.S. wanted to sell pieces of the new territory
Settlers — as soon as the land was available, many settlers moved there
Squatters — lived on the new land without authorization and didn’t want to leave
Surveyor — surveyors divided the new territory into townships and sections
Township — divisions 6 miles square, directed by the Land Ordinance of 1785
Class Activity
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name:
A. Survey the Settlers. The surveying directed by the Land Ordinance of 1785 led to the Public Land
Survey System still used by the United States today! A group of settlers decided to build near each
other on the banks of the Peaceful River. Use the reading and the diagrams to answer the questions.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Section 12
(Divided into quarters)
7 8 9 10 11 12
NW ¼ NE ¼
18 17 16 15 14 13
SW ¼ SE ¼
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25
31 32 33 34 35 36
B. Identify the Issues. Adding new territory raised a lot of issues for the U.S. government. Match each
situation with the issue it relates to. But watch out… Only 8 are real situations and issues! Cross out
the two fake situations and issues.
Worksheet p.1
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name:
C. The Northwest Ordinance. Read each excerpt from the Northwest Ordinance
and answer the questions.
Worksheet p.2
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name: ** TEACHER GUIDE **
Find Those States! The United States started out with just thirteen states. Use the list below
to correctly identify each one on the map. Watch out: Things were a little different back then!
Anticipation Activity
We’re Free… Let’s Grow!
(Your Name Here)
C. This Land is Occupied. Use the clues to find the location of ten
Native American tribes that lived in the region. (Just realize these are
not all the tribes, and the areas shown only give a general idea of
where they lived.) Write the letter of each tribe’s location in the box.
0 Miles 500
Northwest side of L. Michigan, above the Ho-Chunk Shade in the state where you live.
In the area of the Wabash and Ohio rivers
Was it a state in 1783? Yes No
Around the west, south, and east sides of L. Michigan
Draw lines through the Northwest Territory like this:
Around the shores of L. Superior and along L. Huron (2 letters)
Along the Muskegon River and the east shore of L. Michigan Was your state part of that territory? Yes No
Along the Mississippi River, from the Illinois to Wisconsin rivers If not, draw a line connecting your state to the old Northwest
North of the St. Louis River. Territory.
In the area of the Scioto, Ohio, and Muskingum rivers
About how many miles away is your state? __________ miles
4 Along the south shore of Lake Erie
B. I’ve Got a Plan. As Congress debated how many states the new
territory should become, Thomas Jefferson made a suggestion. (It was
rejected.) Connect dots with the same numbers to draw the
boundaries of his proposal. Skip over lakes! Then, use the clues below
to label each proposed state with the names Jefferson thought of.
Lake Michigan and Lake Huron form two sides of the state
A. Hey, That’s Ours! When America won its freedom, several states
already claimed parts of the new territory! Follow the directions to
draw each state’s claim on the map. Label which state claimed each
2 3
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name: ** TEACHER GUIDE **
A. Survey the Settlers. The surveying directed by the Land Ordinance of 1785 led to the Public Land
Survey System still used by the United States today! A group of settlers decided to build near each
other on the banks of the Peaceful River. Use the reading and the diagrams to answer the questions.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Section 12
(Divided into quarters) 6 mi
7 8 9 10 11 12
NW ¼ NE ¼
1 mi
18 17 16 15 14 13
F SW ¼ SE ¼ C
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25 B
31 32 33 34 35 36
B. Identify the Issues. Adding new territory raised a lot of issues for the U.S. government. Match each
situation with the issue it relates to. But watch out… Only 8 are real situations and issues! Cross out
the two fake situations and issues.
Activity p.1
We’re Free — Let’s Grow! Name: ** TEACHER GUIDE **
C. The Northwest Ordinance. Read each excerpt from the Northwest Ordinance
and answer the questions.
Activity p.2
We’re Free… Let’s Grow!
** Teacher Guide **
(Your Name Here)
C. This Land is Occupied. Use the clues to find the location of ten
Native American tribes that lived in the region. (Just realize these are
not all the tribes, and the areas shown only give a general idea of
where they lived.) Write the letter of each tribe’s location in the box.
0 Miles 500
C Northwest side of L. Michigan, above the Ho-Chunk Shade in the state where you live.
J In the area of the Wabash and Ohio rivers
Was it a state in 1783? Yes No
H Around the west, south, and east sides of L. Michigan
Draw lines through the Northwest Territory like this:
B,G Around the shores of L. Superior and along L. Huron (2 letters)
Was your state part of that territory? Yes No
F Along the Muskegon River and the east shore of L. Michigan
E Along the Mississippi River, from the Illinois to Wisconsin rivers If not, draw a line connecting your state to the old Northwest
A North of the St. Louis River.
K In the area of the Scioto, Ohio, and Muskingum rivers About how many miles away is your state? __________ miles
I Along the south shore of Lake Erie
B. I’ve Got a Plan. As Congress debated how many states the new
territory should become, Thomas Jefferson made a suggestion. (It was
rejected.) Connect dots with the same numbers to draw the
boundaries of his proposal. Skip over lakes! Then, use the clues below
to label each proposed state with the names Jefferson thought of.
Lake Michigan and Lake Huron form two sides of the state
A. Hey, That’s Ours! When America won its freedom, several states
already claimed parts of the new territory! Follow the directions to
draw each state’s claim on the map. Label which state claimed each
area. METRO-
“Poly” means
many. “Potamos” POLY-
is the Greek word
for river.
2 3