Industree Power of 100 Pitch Deck

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The key takeaways are that Industree aims to help 3 million entrepreneurs in India by 2030 through deep engagement, broad partnerships, and a societal platform. They aim to raise $30 million in philanthropy and $300 million over 10 years to achieve this goal.

Industree's bold aspiration is to help 3 million entrepreneurs in India by 2030, providing livelihoods for 30 million people using expertise built over two decades of working with women entrepreneurs.

Industree plans to achieve impact through deep engagement with a few women entrepreneurs, broad partnerships with other organizations, and a societal platform to connect all actors. They will provide training, knowledge sharing, and business support.


Industree Foundation
Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required

2 2
Executive Summary : Industree aims to help 3 million Industree aims to work with 3 MN micro entrepreneurs by
entrepreneurs in India via ecosystem level solutions that 2030 leading to an impact on 30 MN lives using expertise
leverage their skills and provide meaningful, dignified it has built over two decades using:

100 MN 92% Deep Hand Broad Hand Societal Platform

Holding of a few Holding partners to bring all actors
Women are a part of Workers in the women and cohorts of together for
or will join the country are informal, enterprises enterprises knowledge, training
workforce soon and leading to massive and connects*
require meaningful injustices
Industree aims to raise USD 30 MN in philanthropy over
the next 18 months, and 300 MN over 10 years as
transformational capital to meet this audacious target and
will build significant new capabilities along this journey
Multiple Sustainable Development Goals
will require concerted efforts by 2030
Industree welcomes partners bringing catalytic
contributions to help women across India live with dignity

*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation,
Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
There are estimated to be about 100MN adolescent girls and
women who will be significantly below their full potential , due
to lack of livelihood opportunities and right enablement

>100 100 92 76.7

MN MN % %
Women in India Circular migrants Workers are Women above
are estimated to are estimated informal age 15 are not
be a part of the to exist in working nor
workforce India today seeking work
States in the Hindi belt fare the poorest in
female labour force participation
Participation of women
About 14% of Indian women own and run businesses. However, majority of these ventures belong to upper class women, with
middle and lower class women being significantly marginalized.

India has one of the largest migrant populations in the world, estimated to be employed across agriculture, industry and services in
subsectors including but not limited to food processing, construction, textile, mining, sex work, etc. While the share of workers in
the unorganized sector reduced, the share of informal workers in the organized sector has gone up because of the use of contract
and other forms of casual labour.
The livelihood demand-supply mismatch is contributing to a vicious cycle of
poverty, injustice and disempowerment

The informality of work arrangements leads to a number of injustices being perpetrated upon workers,
especially women, with limited or no avenues for redressal of grievances. The injustices include -

Financial Workplace Societal Individual

Underpayment Physical and Exclusion from formal Poor health
Wage withholding sexual abuse governmental systems Lack of access to
Zero accident Malnutrition such as PDS, voting and education
compensation Bondage state health benefits Reduced agency

Implication: There is an urgent need to scale proven solutions creating meaningful

employment opportunities that leverage women’s skills in a localized context

Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
Over the past two decades, Industree has been devoted to breaking this vicious cycle
by empowering women entrepreneurs to take charge of their destiny
Unemployed/employed in the informal Exploited/vulnerable to Does not understand
2 sector, earning no/low income, 3 exploitation at workplace, 4 finances. Does not have a
leading to poverty and migration. which acts as a deterrent for say in household finances.
others from entering Has no/little control over
employment. family expenses.

Collectivised into producer Safe work space provided. Women Steady income enabled. Creative
companies/independent entrepreneurial become owners of producer companies, producers equipped to run their
producer setups. Support provided across all thus giving them a sense of ownership business. Enhanced understanding
of working broken links in the value chain. and control. of and ability to manage finances.
Effect: Gainfully employed. Have Effect: Role models in their Effect: Financially empowered.
Before increased & steady income, lifting the communities. Enhanced social standing. Able to save money, results in
intervention family out of poverty. Family does not Encourages other creative producers to better resilience to life crises for
Post need to migrate. become entrepreneurs. their families. Able to spend on
Industree’s their children’s education.
With the right investments and support, 3 MN micro entrepreneurs can tap into
the market by 2030 and break the cycle of poverty, impacting over 30 MN lives

Family members

3 MN Micro
directly worked 30 MN lives

Value chain

Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
A number of product markets in the country are ready for disruption, based on Industree’s
experience and market research
Size of opportunity Economy Target population
• Estimated global market 115 BN USD Replacement Granular • ~60+ mn # creative producers
• India’s exports in 2780 MN USD of single use traceability in India
• 140 MN USD in Natural Fibre & bamboo plastic (NTFP) in SCM • 63% - % of creative producers
Trends who are self-employed
• By 2027, India will be the world’s impacting • TN, Rajasthan, AP, Orissa,
third-largest consumer economy. disruptive Telangana, Karnataka and
• Utilizing this period of product Ethiopia, Africa have very high
development, we can bridge the Small impact potential
volume, high markets Low carbon
gap between economic growth
value economy
and rural livelihoods for women.
fibres in

Top Value Chains for Industree:

Textile based Natural Other

& Apparel Fibre handicrafts
Industree’s Theory of Change uses the 6 C approach to ensure a trajectory to sustainable entrepreneurship
Long Term Outcomes & Impact

Transformative Outcomes for Creative Producers, esp. Women

Empowerment Wealth Creation Aspirational jobs

Better Encouragement
Enhanced Social Increased Women enter
Become Role management of to fellow
Standing spending on male dominated
Models household creative
education job roles
finances producers

Sense of Ability to health
Reduced Network Leadership Increase in Steady
ownership & understand hazards from
drudgery Outside Roles income income
control finances poor working
Intervention Model

Create Construct Capacity Capital Channel Connect

Provide creative producers support across all broken links in the value chain
The 6 Cs enable Industree to play the role of an incubator to help create an enabling ecosystem

• Design • Mobilization & • Life Skills • Loans • Networking • Applications

development aggregation • Technical Skills • Working Capital • Fairs • Hastti
• Product • Infrastructure • Leadership Skills • Grants • Exhibitions • PIE
development • Professional • Design Skills • CSR • Liaising with buyers
• Research & management • Entrepreneurship • Access to finance • B2B
development • Mutually Skills • B2C
• Upgradation of Beneficial • B2B2C
existing Trust/Producer • Online e-commerce
tools/equipment Company portal
• Scoping

Industree’s repeatable T model will enable it to adopt non-linear scaling pathways,
thereby impacting 3 million entrepreneurs across various value chains by 2030

Connect Capacity
Societal Platform to enable producers to connect various
Engine 3 entities – from producers to consumers, impacting 2.3 MN Platform

lives Channel Capital


Broad Hand Holding (BHH) across the
Engine 2
6Cs, impacting 0.6 MN lives Connect Capacity
UP, TN, Rajasthan, Channel

AP, Odisha, Create

Telangana, Deep Hand
Karnataka and Holding (DHH) Construct
Ethiopia, Africa through the 6C
Engine 1
model, impacting Connect Capacity

Textile based, 0.1 MN lives Hand
Natural Fibre,
Channel Capital
other Handicrafts

*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation,
Engine 1- Industree has been running its direct impact model with Deep Hand
Holding (DHH) and has seen significant recognition and evidence of impact
Construct Why? Incubate model producer companies and create a playbook Where
for sustainable women’s enterprises.
Connect Capacity

How? Collectivization of producers over 9-36 months, and
Channel Capital
directly providing 6 C services. The created enterprise is expected to
Create be globally compliant and sustainable, generating enough revenue to
pay for professional services itself.

Bangalore Greenkraft- Lifestyle and home accessories made from

natural fibres with 1700 women owner members and profitable with a 6 states across India-
revenue of ~1 M USD Natural fibre products including
baskets, bags, leaf plates and
Ektha Apparel- Apparel products with 300 women owner members home decor
and profitable with a revenue of ~0.5 M USD Apparel embroidery and
Lives Handicrafts including jewellery,
impacted by Expected unit cost per head is 1000 USD and Industree will need to ceramic and leather goods
2030 raise 20 M USD for this engine by 2021, and 100 M USD by 2030.

Engine 2- Partnerships with institutions across Asia and Africa via Broad Hand
Holding (BHH) will enable Industree to disseminate the learnings from DHH
Why? Industree’s playbooks enable partners and independent Where
entrepreneurs to build sustainable enterprises.
Connect Capacity
How? Partnerships with large enablers of enterprise creation
(SEWA, Pradan, etc) as well as building cohorts of independent
entrepreneurs at a Business Excellence Centre (BEC)* level, to share
learnings in a group setting and offer paid services around 6Cs to the

Impact Edge Lab and the Dasra Social Impact Leadership Program seek This engine can leverage
to educate impact entrepreneurs in a cohort setting, discussing partners from across Asia and
leadership development and organization building, leveraging Africa, and work with multiple
institutions like Srishti and Harvard Business School for their faculty and entrepreneurs within specific
curriculum. geographies to transfer learnings
across value chains.
Lives impacted Expected unit cost per head is 167 USD and Industree will need to raise
by 2030 5 M USD for this engine by 2021, and 100 M USD by 2030

*A BEC is an aggregated group of Producer Enterprises at a regional level

Engine 3- Societal platform enabled by community of practice model with Light Hand Holding

Construct Why? Digital platforms inherently bring a way to leverage Where

Connect Capacity
resources better, by bringing all actors together – COMMUNITY OF

Channel Capital
How? Creation, maintenance and running of a Societal Platform.
Create a digital space to connect various entities - from producers to
customers. Contains Industree’s core toolkits, insights and e-commerce
platforms. Allows entrepreneurs to access resources, training, capital
sources and connects, and users own the quality and operational risks.

Location & sector agnostic.

Open source – hence, accessible

2.3 to everyone.
are working examples of this tried and tested model. Initial traction on existing DHH
value chains and geographies
Lives with later spread across
impacted by Expected unit cost per head is 43 USD and Industree will need to raise 5
2030 M USD, for this engine, towards platform development cost by 2021,
and 100 M USD by 2030.
*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation,
Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
The three models will allow Industree to slowly bring down its cost
per producer and start to leverage market forces

Low 43
$ 2.3 MN Engine 3: Light
100 Hand Holding
167 0.6 Engine 2: Broad
Cost per
(in USD)

$ MN 100 Hand Holding

1000 0.1 Engine 1: Deep
$ MN 100 Hand Holding
High $

Lives touched
Low (In Millions)

Cost per person in USD Lives touched in Millions Total Investment in Million USD
Industree’s learnings will be portable across product markets, leading to non-linear scale

• Platform
• Non-farm value chains
• Farm based value chains
Lives touched
in millions

2 • Partnership/Cohort
• Apparel, natural fibres,
handicrafts, etc.

• 1-1 support
• Apparel and natural

100 200 Funding 300

in million USD 20
Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
By December 2030, Industree aims to have developed capabilities to ensure strong
delivery quality orientation - working closely with partners such as Dasra
Horizon 1 | Year 1-3 Horizon 2 | Year 3-5 Horizon 3 | Year 5+
- Institutional Capability Building (Board & Governance, Talent 3 MN lives impacted
World-class Societal Platform
Management & Culture)*
State Govt. Partnerships
USD 300 MN raised
- Program Management & Review capabilities for IF Blueprint Presence in all Indian States & 2 Int’l locations

execution, with early course correction* Established B2B, B2C brands

Self-sustainable Producer companies
- Strong fundraising & amplification capabilities*
• Board plays a key role as guardian of the organization’s
vision and in leadership hiring
- Brand building capabilities (B2B, B2C)
• A full-time CEO at the helm, with key leadership
- Platform Architecture and management capability for LHH positions filled internally / externally
• Advocacy capabilities leading to strong partnership with
- Partnership design & management capabilities for BHH Government machinery
• Strong organization culture which pervades every aspect
- Core process quality management of the organization
• Strong amplification capabilities establishing IF as a
- Strengthened core competencies for 6C implementation thought leader in the women entrepreneurship space

* Dasra support Time

*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation,
The journey to impact 30 million lives will be divided into phases
and the key milestones of the journey are given below

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 5 Quarter 6

Oct’19 to Dec’18 Jan’20 to Mar’20 Apr’20 to Jun’20 Jul’20 to Sep’20 Oct’20 to Dec’20 Jan’21 to Mar’21

Identify donors and

create fundraising

Raise funds

Identify critical
capabilities (apex, Outreach for key hires Complete key hires
foundational and
programmatic) for
Industree’s aspiration Identify capabilities
and create a roadmap to be developed for Implement development plan for existing staff
for the same existing staff

Define operating Create Impact

Monitor against Refine Impact
model & Set up Results dashboard and define Set up a regular cadence
dashboard Dashboard
Delivery Office governance cadence

Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
We expect a 5X return on every dollar invested

Social Return on Investment (SROI) is calculated as the average annual impact on an entrepreneur multiplied by
total number of entrepreneurs, divided by the total capital invested in the program.

3 1500
Entrepreneurs impacted by 2030 Average annual impact on an entrepreneur Expected SROI

Total capital invested till 2030

Table of contents

1. Executive summary
2. The burning platform
3. Industree’s bold aspiration
4. Industree’s repeatable model
5. Creating non-linear impact
6. Pre-requisites for success
7. Social impact of invested capital
8. Investment and support required
Industree needs long term partners to be a part of this journey for capital, intellectual and moral support

Budget in USD MN
Key areas of investment:
Deep Hand Holding: USD 20 MN • Capacity building of team to
Broad Hand holding: USD 5 MN upgrade existing capabilities
Light Hand Holding: USD 5 MN 100 • Hiring for brand new capabilities
• Enterprise set up and operations
cost for Deep Hand Holding
• Business Excellence Centre (BEC)
100 and Apex* costs till break even
• Cohort program costs for Broad
20 Hand Holding
40 • Platform architecture and
10 management till independence
20 100
80 • Roundtables for awareness and
5 40
20 advocacy
• Brand building
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030
Deep Hand Holding Broad Hand Holding Light Hand Holding
*Apex bodies are a group of BECs

*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation,
Immediate funding segments include:

Incubation of enterprises for

ceramic, leather, jewellery Curriculum development
and other handicrafts and initiation of training
Apparel enterprise
Budget in USD MN

incubation and
handholding Platform
15 development

8 Enterprise creation for

10 natural fibres such as
bamboo, banana bark,

5 5
Deep Hand Holding Broad Hand Holding Light Hand Holding
Natural Fibre Apparel Other Handicraft Assorted Value Chains
*The Platform for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is being developed as a Societal Platform (CC BY ND 4.0 International License, EkStep Foundation, 28
The broad milestones to impact 3 M women are:

6 Months 18 Months 36 Months 60 Months 120 Months

Primary funding commitment closed

DHH Scale Up DHH Units DHH Units break

operational break even
3 M impacted
BHH Pilot BHH Scale Up across DHH, BHH,

E-commerce LHH Pilots LHH Scale Up

platform scale up

The time to act is now!


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