Finance Exam 2 Cheat Sheet: by Via
Finance Exam 2 Cheat Sheet: by Via
Finance Exam 2 Cheat Sheet: by Via
discountin the compound reduction from FV APR yearly uncompounded rate of Bone annual % rate converted from
g to PV interest equivalent bank discount rate on a treasury
yield (BEY) bill
compoundi the earning of interest on interest EAR compound rate of interest per year
ng (effective callable bond that issuer has the right to
annual bond buy back prior to maturity at a
compound interest earned in subsequent
rate) predetermined price
interest periods on the interest earned in
previous periods compoun period in which interest is applied convertible right to swap bond for another
ding bond asset, usually common stock, at
lump-sum one time payment at a PV or FV
period a preset conversion ratio under
certain conditions
fisher relationship which nominal interest
TVM key value that a dollar today is
effect rate is a function of the real rate, corpus bond with the coupons clipped off
worth more than a dollar tomorrow
inflation, and product of inflation representing only principal
amortizati listing of periodic interest expense,
and real rate coupon regular interest pmt of bond
on reduction in principal each period,
maturity the portion of the nominal interest
schedule ending balance for each period current annual bond coupon pmt divided
premium rate that compensates the investor
amortized loan in which interest and principal yield by current price
for additional waiting time to receive
loan is paid each period debentures unsecured bonds
payment in full
annuity series of equal cash flows at floating bond with changing coupon rate
nominal interest rate composed of real
regular intervals across time rate bond
interest interest rate plus the inflation rate
annuity series of equal & regular pmts at rate indenture formal contract of a bond
due the beginning of a period detailing important information
periodic the number of compounding
console stocks that pay interest forever, no interest periods per year junor debt debt subsequent to the other
(perpetual maturity date, no promise to pay rate (senior) debt with lower priority of
bonds) principal pmt
real the reward for waiting
discount loan where interest & principal is interest par value principal amount to be paid at the
loan repaid at maturity rate maturity date
interest loan where interest is paid reward real rate of interest paid for forgoing premium bond that current value is above
only loan regularly. principal & final interest for use of money today. bond par value
is paid at date due. waiting prime rate interest rate banks charge their
perpetuity infinite regular & equal pmts risk free theoretical interest rate with zero best customers
rate risk of any kind protective part of the bond that spells out
yield graph relating return rate and an covenant both required and prohibited
curve asset's time to maturity actions of the bond issuer
finance exam 2 Cheat Sheet
by andrewdefinis via
(1 + HPR)(1/n) - 1
PVo=FVo/ (1+r)^n (finding pv)
Variance (X) =
Standard Deviation =
R= (FVo * PVo) ^ (1/n) -1 (finding rate)
(σ2)(1/2) = σ
Re =
PMT [((1 + r)n - 1) / r]
E (ri) = rf + βi [E(rm) - rf]
PVt =
PMT(t+1) / r
Periodic Interest Rate
r = APR / m