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Check Your Grasp Exercise-I: Allen Thermodynamics Thermodynamics

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Te mp e r a t u r e J oul e's l a w
1. On the C elsius sca le the absolute zero of 11. Alpha particle of energy 1 MeV stops after colliding
temperature is at
with a target. If in this process whole amount of
(1) 0°C (2) – 32°C energy is conver ted into heat, then the heat
(3) 100°C (4) –273.15°C produced will be-
–19 –13
2. Oxygen boils at –183°C. This temperature is (1) 1.6 × 10 cal (2) 1.6 × 10 cal
–14 –6
approximately (3) 3.8 × 10 cal (4) 4.2 × 10 cal
(1) 215°F (2) – 297°F 12. A bullet moving with velocity v collides against wall.
(3) 329°F (4) –361°F consequently half of its kinetic energy is converted
into heat. If the whole heat is acquired by the bullet,
3. Recently the phenomenon of superconductivity has
the rise in temperature will be:–
been observed at 95 K.'This temperature is nearly
equal to v2 4v 2 v2 v2
(1) –288°F (2) – 146°F (1) (2) (3) (4)
(3) –368°F (4) +178°F
13. A water fall is 84 m high. Assuming that half the
4. The temperature of a substance increases by 27°C. kinetic energy of the falling water gets converted
On the kelvin scale this increase is equal to. to heat, the rise in temperature of water is :-
(1) 300 K (2) 2.46 K (1) 0.098°C (2) 0.98°C
(3) 27 K (4) 7 K (3) 9.8°C (4) 0.0098°C
5. On which of the following scales of temperature 14. Two bullets of same metal and mass 10 gm and 5
the temperature is never negative gm respectively collide against a target with the
(1) Celsius (2) Fahrenheit same velocity. If the whole energy of the bullets is
(3) Reaumur (4) Kelvin used up in increasing their temperatures then
greater increase of temperature will be in :-
6. The temperature on Celsius scale is 25°C. What
(1) First bullet
is the corresponding temperature on the fahrenheit
(2) Second bullet
(3) Equal in both bullets
(1) 40°F (2) 77°F (3) 50°F (4) 45°F (4) None of these
7. At what temperature the centigrade (Celsius) and 15. A body of 10 kg mass falls from a height of 25m
Fahrenheit, readings are the same and gets rebound to 0.50m. If the loss in energy is
(1) – 40° (2) + 40° converted to heat the body, then rise in temperature
will be :-
(3) 54° (4) none of these (sp. heat of material is 25.2 J/kg°K)
8. The absolute zero temperature in Fahrenheit scale (1) 9.8 K (2) 0.095 K
is (3) 0.0095 K (4) None of these
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(1) –273°F (2) –32°F

(3) –460°F (4) – 132°F
16. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle
9. The temperature of a body on Kelvin scale is found
ABCDA as shown in following P – V diagram.
to be x K. When it is measured by Fahrenheit The work done during the cycle is :–
thermometer. it is found to be x°F, then the value
of x is 3P,V 3P,3V
(1) 40 (2) 313
(3) 574.25 (4) 301.25
10. If a thermometer reads freezing point of water as
20° and boiling point as 150°, How much D C
P,V P,3V
thermometer read when the temperature is 60°C
(1) 98° (2) 110° (3) 40° (4) 60°
(1) PV (2) 2 PV (3) 4 PV (4) zero
E 103
17. As shown in the diagram for a closed path ABCA 23. In a thermodynamic process pressure of a fixed
mass of a gas is changed in such a manner that the
A gas releases 20 joules of heat and 8 joules of work
was done on the gas. If the initial internal energy
P1 of the gas was 30 joules, then the final internal
energy will be :–
(1) 2 J (2) 42 J (3) 18 J (4) 58 J
V1 V2
V 24. A system is taken along the paths A and B as
(1) the amount of work done by the system is zero shown. If the amounts of heat given in these
(2) the amount of work done by the system is processes are DQA and DQB respectively then :–
= – (P 2–P 1) (V 2–V 1)
(3) the amount of work done on the system is P
= (P 2–P 1) (V 1–V 2). i f

(4) the amount of work done by the system is B

1 V
= (P2–P1) (V2–V1). (1) DQA = DQB (2) DQA ³ DQB
18. The work done in the expansion of a gas from a (3) DQA < DQB (4) DQA > DQB
volume 10 cm3 to 20 cm3 in an isobaric process at 25. If the heat of 110 J is added to a gaseous system,
one atmospheric pressure will be :– change in internal energy is 40 J, then the amount
(1) 1 J (2) 10 J (3) 100 J (4) 0.1 J of external work done is :–
(1) 180 J (2) 70 J
19. A gas expands 0.25 m 3 at constant pressure
(3) 110 J (4) 30 J
103 N/m2, the work done is :–
26. A gas at 50 N/m pressure is compressed from

(1) 2.5 ergs (2) 250 J (3) 250 W (4) 250 N

10 m 3 to 4 m 3 under constant pressure.
20. A thermodynamical system goes from one state to
subsequently it is given 100 J of heat. The internal
another state (as shown in fig.) the external work
energy of the gas will be :–
done is given by :-
(1) increased by 100 J
(1) PV B (2P, V) (2) increased by 200 J
(2) 2PV (3) increased by 400 J
(3) Zero A (P, V)
(4) increased by 200 J

(4) 2P V 2 2 V
Appl i ca t i on s of F ir s t l a w
21. A system changes from the state (P1, V1) to (P2, V2)
27. The work done in an adiabatic change in a gas
as shown in the figure below. What is the work
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depends only on :–
done by the system :-
(1) change in pressure
(1) 7.5 × 105 Joule N/m (2) change in volume
6 × 10 (P2, V2) (3) change in temperature
(2) 7.5 × 104 erg
2 × 10
(4) none of the above
(3) 12 × 105 Joule 28. The isothermal Bulk modulus of an ideal gas at
(4) 6 × 105 Joule 1 4 pressure P is :–

(1) P (2) g P (3) (4)
F i r s t law of T her m o dyn a mi c s 2 g
22. First law of thermodynamics is a special case of :– 29. The relation PV = constant implies :–
(1) Newton's law (1) an adiabatic change for an ideal gas
(2) law of conservation of energy (2) an isothermal change for an ideal gas
(3) an isothermal change for a real gas
(3) Charle's law
(4) an adiabatic change for a real gas
(4) law of heat exchange
104 E
30. The initial volume and pressure of a gas are V and P 36. In the isothermal expansion of a gas :–
respectively. It is expanded through two different (1) work done on a gas is zero
processes such that the final volume becomes 2V in (2) heat is necessarily released
each case. If the amount of work done in isothermal
(3) the energy stored in the gas remains constant
process is W1 and that in adiabatic process is W2,
(4) neither heat is supplied to the gas, nor withdrawn
then :–
(1) W1 > W 2 37. T h e fo ll ow i ng g ra ph s between P and V are
(2) W1 < W2 plotted at two temperature T1 and T2. Then which
(3) W1 = W 2 of the following is correct?
(4) nothing can be stated
31. The specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is
more than that of the same gas at constant volume
because :–
(1) work is done in the expansion of the at con- T2
stant pressure T1
(2) work is done in the expansion of the gas at V
constant volume
(3) the molecular attraction incrcase under con- (1) T1 > T2
stant pressure (2) T1 = T2
(4) the vibration of molecules increases under con- (3) T1 < T2
stant pressure (4) incomplete data, no conclusion can be drawn
32. During isothermal, isobaric and adiabatic processes, 38. The process in which the energy given to a system
work done for same change in volume will be is completely transformed into work is :–
maximum for :–
(1) isobaric process
(1) isothermal P A
(2) isometric process
(2) isobaric B
(3) isothermal process
(3) adiabatic C
(4) adiabatic process
(4) none of the above V 39. Arrange the following in increasing order of work:–
33. CP and CV are the specific heats of 1 gm mole of a (in equal expansion process)
gas constant pressure and constant volume
(1) adiabatic > isothermal > isobaric
respectively. The ratio of adiabatic and isothermal
elasticities will be :– (2) isobaric > adiabatic > isothermal
(3) adiabatic > isobaric > isothermal
(1) (2) (4) none of the above
40. In an isothermal process, the supplied heat to an
ideal gas is used in :–
CP - C V
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(3) CPC V (4) (1) increasing temperature

(2) doing external work
34. When a gas expands adiabatically :– (3) increasing temperature & doing external work
(1) no energy is required for expansion (4) increasing internal energy
(2) energy is required and it comes from the wall 41. We consider a thermodynamic system. If DU
of the container of the gas represents the increase in its internal energy and
(3) internal energy of the gas is used in doing work W the work done by the system, which of the
(4) law of conservation of energy does not hold following statements is true:–
(1) DU = – W in an adiabatic process
35. The adiabatic elasticity of H2 gas (g =1.4) under
normal temperature and pressure will be :– (2) DU= W in an isothermal process
(1) 1 × 10 N/m
5 2
(2) 1 × 10 –8
N/m 2
(3) DU = – W in an isothermal process
(3) 1.4 N/m 2
(4) 1.4 × 10 N/m2 5
(4) DU = W in an adiabatic process

E 105
42. When a gas is adiabatically compressed then it's 49. In the given graph the isothermal curves are :–
temperature increase because :–
(1) work done is zero
(2) internal energy increased B
(3) heat is supplied to it
(4) no change in pressure C
43. Specific heat of a gas undergoing adiabatic change V
is :–
(1) zero
(1) AB and CD (2) AB and AD
(2) infinite
(3) positive (3) AD and BC (4) BC and CD
(4) negative 50. In the above question, the curve for which the heat
44. A quantity of air (g = 1.4) at 27°C is compressed is absorbed from the surroundings is :–
suddenly, the temperature of the air system will :– (1) AB (2) BC
(1) fall (3) CD (4) DA
(2) rise 51. An increase in temperature ( D t ) is obtained in
(3) remain unchanged adiabatic compression of n moles of an ideal gas.
(4) first rise and then fall The amount of work done in this process will be :
45. If an ideal gas compre ssed during isothermal nRDt - nRDt
process then :– (1) (2)
g -1 g -1
(1) no work is done against gas
Dt nRDt
(2) heat is rejected by gas (3) (4)
nR( g - 1) ( g + 1)
(3) it's internal energy will increase
52. A diatomic ideal gas is heated under constant
(4) pressure does not change
pressure, the part of heat that increase internal
46. If an ideal flask containing hot coffee is shaken, energy of gas is :–
the temperature of the coffee will :–
2 3
(1) decrease (1) (2)
5 5
(2) increase
3 5
(3) remain same (3) (4)
7 7
(4) decrease if temperature is below 4°C and
53. The specific heat of isothemal process is :-
increase if temperature is equal to or more than
4°C. 3 5
(1) 0 (2) ¥ (3) R (4) R
47. Water is used to cool the radiators of engines in 2 2
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cars because :– 5
54. A monoatomic gas ( g = ) is suddenly compressed
(1) of its low boiling point 3
(2) of its high specific heat 1
to of its original volume adiabatically, then the
(3) of its low density 8
pressure of the gas will change to:–
(4) of its easy availability
48. A gas expands adiabatically from a temperature 24
T1 to a temperature T 2 (T 1 > T 2). The work done 5
by the gas in this process is- (2) 8
(1) Zero
(2) R(T1 – T2) (3)
(3) CV (T1 – T2)
(4) 32 times its initial pressure
(4) CP (T1 – T2)

106 E
57. An inventor claims that when temperatures of
Carnot engi ne
source and sink are 127° C and 27° C respectively
55. A carnot engine is working between steam point then efficiency of engine is 26%, then :–
and ice point. The percentage of heat converted (1) it is impossible
into work is :- (2) it in possible but possibility is less
(1) 26.8% (2) 100%
(3) it's possibility is high
(3) 35% (4) 75% (4) data is insufficient
56. The efficienty of a Carnot engine operating with
58. A Carnot engi ne works bet ween temperature
reservoir temperature of 100°C and–23°C will be
727°C and 27°C. The efficiency of the engine is :–
373 - 250 275 + 250 (1) 70% (2) 35% (3) 90% (4) 100%
(1) (2)
373 373
59. A carnot engine working bet ween 300 K and
600 K has work out put of 800 J per cycle. The
100 + 23 373 + 123
(3) (4) amount of heat or energy supplied to the engine
100 100
from source per cycle will be :–
(1) 800 J (2) 1600 J (3) 1200 J (4) 900 J
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Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 3 1
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 3
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 1 1 1
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 1 2 1 3 4 3 3 3 4 2
Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans. 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1
Que. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Ans. 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 2

E 107
1. An ideal gas at 27° C is heated under constant 9. Three moles of an ideal monoatomic gas perform
pressure such that its volume is doubled, its a cycle as shown in the figure. The gas temperature
temperature will be :– in different states are T 1 = 400 K, T 2 = 800 K,
(1) 54° C (2) 327° C T3 = 2400 K and T4 = 1200 K. The work done by
(3) 450° C (4) 600° C the gas during the cycle is
2. A gas at intial temperature 27° C is adiabatic cally
compressed so that its volume becomes of the
previous one. If g = 1.5 the final temperature be P 2 3
(1) 657 K (2) 627° C
(3) 543° C (4) 600° C
1 4
3. For a gas Cv = 4.96 cal/mole K, the increase in
internal energy of 2 mole gas in heating from V

340 K to 342 K will be :–

(1) 27.80 cal (2) 19.84 cal (1) 10 k J (2) 20 kJ
(3) 13.90 cal (4) 9.92 cal (3) 3 kJ (4) 8.3 kJ
4. If the ratio of specific heat of a gas at constant pressure
10. P-V diagram of an ideal gas is as shown in figure,
to that at constant volume is g, the change in internal Work done by the gas in the process ABCD is
energy of a mass of gas, when the volume changes
from V to 2 V at constant pressure P, is :–
(1) (2) PV (3) (4) C D
g -1 g -1 g -1 2P0

5. An ideal gas is filled in one part of a chamber having P0

two parts. The other part is evacuated. If a hole is
made in the partition wall then the temperature of V
V0 2V0 3V0
the gas will :–
(1) increase (2) decrease
(3) remain same (4) be uncertain (1) 4P 0V 0 (2) 2P 0V 0
6. In a waterfall the water falls from a height of
(3) 3P 0V 0 (4) P 0V 0
100 m. If the entire energy of water is converted
into heat. The rise in temperature of water will 11. For a monoatomic gas, work done at constant
be :- pressure is W.The heat supplied at constant volume
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(1) 0.3° C (2) 0.46° C for the same rise in temperature of the gas is
(3) 2.3° C (4) 0.023° C
W 3W
7. If the system takes 100 calorie heat, and releases (1) (2)
2 2
80 cal to sink, if source temperature is 127°C find
the sink temperature :– 5W
(3) (4) W
(1) 47° C (2) 127° C 2
(3) 67° C (4) 107° C 12. For an adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas, the
8. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is heated at DP
value of is equal to :–
a constant pressure of one atmosphere from 0°C P
to 100°C. Then the change in the internal energy DV DV
(1) – g (2) –
is :– V V
(1) 20.80 × 102 J (2) 12.48 × 102 J DV DV
(3) – g (4) – g2
(3) 832 × 10 J 2
(4) 6.25 × 10 J 2 V V

108 E
13. In the diagrams (i) to (iv) of variation of volume with 18. If DA and BC are adiabatic curves and AB and CD
changing pressure is shown. A gas is taken along are isothermal curves then :–
the path ABCDA. The change in internal energy of
the gas will be :–


(i) (ii) D
V D C V C (1) temperature A and C will be same
(2) temperature at A is greater then that at B
(iii) A B
(iv) B (3) temperature at B is greater then that at C

(4) temperature at A and D are same
(1) positive in all cases (i) to (iv) 19. 1 cc of water at its boiling point (100° C) is
(2) positive in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in case (iv) converted into steam by supplying it 540 calories
(3) negative in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in case (iv) of heat the volume of steam is 1671 cc. If
(4) zero in all the four cases
atmospheric pressure is 1.013 × 10 5 Nm -2 and
éWù 1 J = 4.18 joule/cal the approximate value of heat
14. T he ê ú of a carnot-engine is , now the
ëQû 6 that is required in overcoming the molecular
temperature of sink is reduced by 62°C, then this attraction is :–
ratio becomes twice, therefore the initial (1) 110 cal (2) 500 cal
temperature of the sink and source are respectively (3) 40 cal (4) zero cal
(1) 33°C, 67°C (2) 37°C, 99°C 20. Which of the following curves is isothermal-
(3) 67°C, 33°C (4) 97 K, 37 K
15. An ideal gas heat engine operates in a carnot cycle
between 227°C and 127°C. It absorbs 6 kcal at
the higher temperature. The amount of heat (in PV
kcal) converted into work is equal to :– PV
(1) (2)
(1) 1.6 (2) 1.2 (3) 4.8 (4) 3.5
16. A shown in the figure, the amount of heat absorbed
along the path ABC is 90J and the amount of work
done by the system is 30 J. If the amount of work
done along the path ADC is 20 J the amount of
heat absorbed will be :–
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(3) (4)


21. An ideal gas is taken through a cyc lic

A D thermodynamic. Proce ss through four steps. The
amount of heat involved in these steps are
(1) 80 J (2) 90 J (3) 110 J (4) 120 J Q 1 = 5960J, Q 2 = –5585J, Q 3 = –2980J,
17. The molar specific heat under constant pressure Q 4 = 3645J respecetively. The corresponding
of oxygen is CP = 7.03 cal/mole k. The quantity works involved are W 1 = 2200J, W 2 = –825J,
of heat required to raise the temperature from W 3 = –1100J and W 4 respectively. The value of
10° C to 20° C of 5 moles of oxygen under W4 is-
constant volume will approximately be :– (1) 3670 J (2) 1880 J
(1) 25 cal. (2) 50 cal.
(3) 4760 J (4) 765 J
(3) 250 cal. (4) 500 cal.

E 109
22. If a certain mass of a gas is slowly compressed at 29. A gas mixture consist of 2 moles of oxygen and
75°C and 50 cm of Hg pressure, then the final 4 moles of argon at tempreture T. Neglecting all
temperature and pressure will be respectively if vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the
V1 system is-
V2 = and g = 1.5 - (1) 4RT (2) 15RT
(1) 75°C and 200 cm of Hg (3) 9RT (4) 11RT
(2) 200°C and 75 cm of Hg 30. A thermally insulated container is divided into two
(3) 75°C and 100 cm of Hg parts by a screen. In one part the pressure and
(4) 100°C and 75 cm of Hg temperature are P and T for an ideal gas filled. In
23. For monoatomic gas the relation between pressure the second part is vacuum. If now a small hole is
of a gas and temperature T is P µ TC where C is. created in the screen, then the temperature of the
(For adiabatic process) :– gas will-
(1) Decrease
5 2 3 5 (2) Increase
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 5 5 2 (3) Remain same
(4) None of the above
24. Where temperature of a gas, contained in closed
31. The heat energy absorbed by a system in going
vessel is increased by 5° C, its pressure increases
through a cyclic process shown in the adjacent
by 1%. The original temperature of the gas was
figure is-
approxi-mately :–
(1) 500° C (2) 273° C
(3) 227° C (4) 50° C
25. The volume of a 2 mole ideal gas at 27°C is V. It Volume
expands adiabatically to the volume 2V. (litre)
5 10
If g = , R = 8.31 J/mol K, the work done is :–
(2 = 1.25)
10 30
Pressure (kPa)
(1) –2767 J (2) 2767 J
3 2
(3) 2500 J (4) –2500 J (1) 10 p J (2) 10 p J
4 7
5 (3) 10 p J (4) 10 p J
26. A gas for which g = is heated at constant 32. One mole of an ideal gas at an initial temperature
pressure. The percentage of total heat given that of T K does 6 R joules of work adiabatically. If the
will be used for external work is :– ratio of specific heats of this gas at constant
(1) 40% (2) 30% (3) 60% (4) 20% pressure and at constant volume is , the final
27. Find the amount of work done to increase the
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temperature of gas will be-

temperature of one mole of an ideal gas by 30°C (1) (T + 2.4) K
if it is expanding under the condition V µ T (2) (T – 2.4) K
[R = 1.99 cal/mol-K] (3) (T + 4) K
(1) 176 J (2) 167 J (4) (T – 4) K
(3) 671 J (4) 761 J 33. An ideal gas is expan ded isothermal ly from
pressure P 1 and volume V 1 to pressure P 2 and
28. Two samples A and B having same composition
volume V 2. Now gas is compressed adiabatically
and initially at the sa me temperature and
to original volume so that the final pressure is P 3.
pressure are compressed from a volume V to Work done in the process is W then-
V/2, the sample A isothermally and the sample B
(1) W > 0, P3 < P1
adiabatically. The final pressure of A is -
(2) W > 0, P3 > P1
(1) greater than B (2) lesser than B (3) W < 0, P3 > P1
(3) equal to that of B (4) twice that of B (4) W < 0, P3 < P1

110 E
34. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas 36. A monoatomic ideal gas, initially at temperature T1, is
is as shown in figure. Corresponding density (r) enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston.
versus volume (V) graph will be
The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to
C temperature T2 by releasing the piston suddenly. If L1
and L2 are the lengths of the gas column before and
B T1
after expansion respectively, then is given by-
D T2
T 2/ 3 2 /3
æ L1 ö L1 L2 æ L2 ö
r r (1) ç ÷ (2) L (3) L (4) ç ÷
C è L2 ø 2 1 è L1 ø
37. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to
(1) (2) 2
D obey an additional law VP = constant. The gas is
v v initially at a temperature T and volume V. When it
r r expands to a volume 2V, its temperature will be-
B C (1) 2 2 T (2) 2T
(3) (4)
A D A (3) 2 T (4) T
v v
35. A cyclic process is shown on the P-T diagram. 38. Volume of one mole gas changes according to the
Which of the curve shows the same process on a a
V-T diagram- V = . If temperature change is DT then work
done will be :-
A B (1) RDT (2) –RDT
(3) r –1 (4) R(r – 1)DT
39. The weight of a man is 60 kg. If 10 cal heat is
O T supplied from food and his efficiency is 28%. The
height upto which he can climb, will be-
A B A B (1) 50 m (2) 100 m

(3) 200 m (4) 250 m

(1) (2)
D C C D 40. An ideal monoatomic gas at 27°C is compressed
T T adiabatically to 8/27 times of its present volume.
C B The increase in temperature of the gas is
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(1) 402°C (2) 375°C

(3) B (4) (3) 475°C (4) 175°C


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Ans. 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 3
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Ans. 2 3 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 4
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Ans. 4 1 4 3 2 1 2 2 4 3
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 2 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 2

E 111
1. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas
9. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible
is found to be proportional to the cube of its
engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency
absolute temperature. The ratio CP/CV for the gas
is - [AIEEE - 2002]
is - [A I EE E - 2 0 0 5 ]

(1) 4/3 (2) 2 (3) 5/3 (4) 3/2 T

2. If mass-energy equivalence is taken into account,
2T0 •
when water is cooled to form ice, the mass of water
should- [A I EE E - 2 0 0 2 ]
T0 •
(1) increase
• • S
(2) remain unchanged S0 2S0
(3) decrease
(1) 1/2 (2) 1/4
(4) first increase then decrease
3. Even carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency (3) 1/3 (4) 2/3
because we cannot- [AIE EE - 2 00 2 ]
10. A system goes from A to B via two processes
(1) prevent radiation
I and II as shown in figure. If DU 1 and DU 2 are
(2) find ideal sources
the changes in internal energies in the processes
(3) reach absolute zero temperature
(4) eliminate friction I and II respectively then- [AIEEE - 2 0 0 5 ]

4. "Heat cannot be itself flow from a body at lower P

temperature to a body at higher temperature" is
a statement or consequence of- [AIE E E - 2 0 0 3 ]
(1) second law of thermodynamics II
(2) conservation of momentum A• •B
(3) conservation of mass I
(4) first law of thermodynamics
5. Whi ch of the followin g parameters does not V
characterise the thermodynamic state of
matter ? [A I EE E - 2 0 0 3 ] (1) DU 1 = DU 2
(1) Temperature (2) Pressure (2) relation between DU 1 and DU 2 cannot be
(3) Work (4) Volume determined
6. A carnot engine takes 3 × 10 6 cal of heat from
a reservoir at 627 °C and gives it to a sink at (3) DU 2 > DU 1
27 °C. The work done by the engine is-
(4) DU 2 < DU 1
[A IEE E - 2 0 0 3 ]
11. The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to
(1) 4.2 × 10 6 J (2) 8.4 × 10 6 J
6 compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically and
(3) 16.8 × 10 J (4) zero
in this process the temperature of the gas increases
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7. Which of the following statements is correct for

by 7°C. The gas is - (R = 8.3 J mol –1 K –1 )
any thermodynamic system ? [AIE E E - 2 0 0 4 ]
[AIEEE - 2 0 0 6 ]
(1) The internal energy changes in all processes
(1) diatomic
(2) Internal energy and entropy are state functions
(2) triatomic
(3) The change in entropy can never be zero (3) a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic
(4) The work done in an adiabatic process is (4) monoatomic
always zero
12. A c arnot engi ne, having an effic ienc y of
8. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the
h = 1/10 as heat engine, is used as a refrigetator.
first law of thermodynamics ? [A IEEE - 2 0 0 5 ]
(1) It is applicable to any cyclic process If the work done on the system is 10 J, the amount
(2) It is a restatement of the principle of of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower
conservation of energy temperature is- [A I EE E - 2 0 0 7 ]
(3) It introduces the concept of the internal energy (1) 99 J (2) 90 J
(4) It introduced the concept of the entropy (3) 1 J (4) 100 J

112 E
13. When a system is taken from state i to state f 19. A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas
along the path iaf, it is found that Q = 50 cal of molecular mass M and ratio of specific heats g.
and W = 20 cal. Along the path ibf Q = 36 cal.
It is moving with speed v and is suddenly broght
W along the path ibf is - [A I EE E - 2 0 0 7 ]
to rest. Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings,
a f its temperature increases by :- [AIE EE - 2 0 11 ]

gMv 2
( g - 1) Mv 2K
(1) (2)
2R 2R
i b ( g - 1) Mv 2K ( g - 1) Mv 2K
2 ( g + 1) R (4)
2 gR
(1) 6 cal (2) 16 cal
20. 100 g of water is heated from 30°C to 50°C
(3) 66 cal (4) 14 cal
Ignoring the slight expansion of the water, the
Directions : Question number 14, 15 and 16 are
change in its internal energy is (specific heat of
based on the following paragraph. water is 4184 J/kg/K) :- [A I EE E - 2 0 1 1 ]
Two moles of helium gas are taken over the cycle (1) 84 kJ (2) 2.1 kJ
ABCDA, as shown in the P–T diagram. (3) 4.2 kJ (4) 8.4 kJ
P 21. A container with insulating walls is divided into two
5 A B
equal parts by a partition fitted with a valve. One
P(Pa) part is filled with an ideal gas at a pressure P and
temperature T, whereas the other part is completely
D C evacuated. If the valve is suddenly opened, the
300K 500K pressure and temperature of the gas will be :-
[A I EE E - 2 0 1 1 ]
14. Assuming the gas to be ideal the work done by the
gas in taking it from A to B is :- [ AIE EE - 2 00 9 ] P P T T
(1) ,T (2) , (3) P, T (4) P,
(1) 400 R (2) 500 R 2 2 2 2
(3) 200 R (4) 300 R 22. Helium gas goes through a cycle ABCDA
15. The work done on the gas in taking it from D to (consisting of two isochoric and two isobaric lines)
A is :- [AIEE E - 20 09 ] as shown in figure. Efficiency of this cycle is nearly
(1) –690 R (2) +690 R (Assume the gas to be close to ideal gas) :-
(3) –414 R (4) +414 R [A I EE E - 2 0 1 2 ]
16. The net work done by the gas in the cycle ABCDA
is :- [AIEEE - 20 0 9 ] B C
(1) 1076 R (2) 1904 R
(3) Zero (4) 276 R P0 A D
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17. A diatomic ideal gas is used in a carnot engine as V0 2V0

the working substance. If during the adiabatic
expansion part of the cycle the volume of the gas (1) 12.5% (2) 15.4%
increases from V to 32 V, the efficiency of the (3) 9.1% (4) 10.5%
engine is :- [AI E EE - 2 0 1 0 ] 23. A Carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40% takes in
(1) 0.25 (2) 0.5 (3) 0.75 (4) 0.99 heat from a source maintained at a temperature of
18. A Carnot engine operating between temperatures 500 K. It is desired to have an engine of efficiency
1 60%. Then, the intake temperature for the same
T1 and T 2 has efficientcy . When T 2 is lowered exhaust (sink) temperature must be :- [AIEEE - 2012]
1 (1) 600 K
by 62 K, its efficiency increases to . Then T 1
3 (2) efficiency of Carnot engine cannot be made
and T 2 are, respectively :- [AIE EE - 2 0 1 1 ] larger than 50%
(1) 330 K and 268 K (2) 310 K and 248 K (3) 1200 K
(3) 372 K and 310 K (4) 372 K and 330 K (4) 750 K

E 113
24. An ideal monoatomic gas with pressure P, volume 29. An ideal gas at atmospheric pressure is adiabatically
V and temperature T is expanded isothermally to compressed so that its density becomes 32 times
a volume 2V and a final pressure P i. If the same of its initial value. If the final pressure of gas is 128
gas is expanded adiabatically to a volume 2V, the atmospheres, the value of 'g' of the gas is :
[ J EE ( M a i n ) - 2 0 1 3 ( O n l in e ) ]
final pressure is P a. The ratio a is :- (1) 1.5 (2) 1.6 (3) 1.3 (4) 1.4
[ A IE E E - 2 0 1 2 ( O n l i ne ) ] 30. A certain amount of gas is taken through a cyclic
(1) 2 –1/3 (2) 2 1/3(3) 2 –2/3
(4) 2 2/3 process (ABCDA) that has two isobars, one
25. The pressure of an ideal gas varies with volume as isochore and one isothermal. The cycle can be
P = aV, where a is a constant. One mole of the represented on a P-V indicator diagram as :
[ J EE ( M a i n ) - 2 0 1 3 ( O n l in e ) ]
gas is allowed to undergo expansion such that its
volume becomes 'm' times its initial volume. The B
work done by the gas in the process is :- P B C
[ A IE E E - 2 0 1 2 ( O n l i ne ) ] (1) (2) A
aV 2 aV 2
(1) (m - 1) (2) (m 2 - 1) V V
2 2 B
a P P B C
a2 V 2 2 C
(4) 2V (m - 1)
(3) (m - 1)
2 (3) A D (4) A D
26. This question has Statement 1, Statement 2. Of V V
the four choices given after the statement, choose
31. One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic
the one that best describes the two statements.
process ABC as shown in figure. The process BC
Sta tem en t-1 : An inventor c laims to have
is adiabatic. The temperatures at A, B and C are
constructed an engine that has an efficiency of 30%
400 K, 800 K and 600 K respectively. Choose the
when operated between the boiling and freezing
correct statement : [ JE E ( M ai n ) - 2 01 4 ]
points of water. This is not possible.
Statement-2 : The efficiency of a real engine is B
always less than the efficiency of a carnot engine
operating between the same two temperatures.
[ A IE E E - 2 0 1 2 ( O n l i ne ) ] P
(1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and
Statement-2 is the correct explanation of 600K
Statement-1. 400K
(2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and V
Statement-2 is not the correct explanation of (1) The change in internal energy in the proce ss
statement-1. AB is –350 R.
(3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. (2) The change in internal energy in the proce ss
(4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. BC is –500R
(3) The change in internal energy in whole cyclic
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27. A given ideal gas with g = = 1.5 is at a process is 250 R.
temperature T. If the gas is compressed adiabatically (4) The change in internal energy in the proce ss
CA is 700 R.
to one-fourth of its initial volume, the final
32. Consider a spherical shell of radius R at temperature
temperature will be :- [ A IE E E - 2 0 1 2 ( O n l i ne ) ]
T. T he black body radiat ion inside it ca n be
(1) 2T (2) 8T (3) 2 2 T (4) 4T considered as an ideal gas of photons with internal
28. Two moles of ideal helium gas are in a rubber U
energy per unit volume u = µ T 4 and pressuree
balloon at 30°C. The balloon is fully expandable V
and can be assumed to required no energy in its 1æUö
p = ç ÷ . If the shell now undergoes an adiabatic
expansion. The temperature of the gas in the 3èV ø
balloon is slowly changed to 35°C. The amount expansion the relation between T and R is -
of heat required in raising the temperature is nearly [JEE (M a in ) -2 0 1 5 ]
(take R = 8.31 J/mol.K) [ II T - 2 0 1 2 ] 1 1
(1) 62 J (2) 104 J (1) T µ (2) T µ
R R3
(3) 124 J (4) 208 J (3) T µ e –R (4) T µ e –3R
114 E
33. A solid body of constant heat capacity 1 J°/C is being 36. An ideal gas undergoes a quasi static, reversible
heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs in process in which its molar heat capacity C remains
two ways - [ JE E ( M ai n ) - 2 0 1 5 ] constant. If during this process the relation of pressure
(i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs P and volume V is given by PVn = constant, then n
such that each reservoir supplies same amount
is given by (Here CP and CV are molar specific heat
of heat.
at constant pressure and constant volume,
(ii) Sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs
respectively) :- [ J EE ( M a in )- 2 0 1 6 ]
such that each reservoir supplies same amount
of heat. In both the cases body is brought from C - CV CP
(1) n = (2) n =
initial temperature 100°C to final temperature C - CP CV
200°C. Entropy change of the body in the two
cases respectively is -
C – CP CP – C
(1) ln2, 2ln2 (2) 2ln2, 8ln2 (3) n = (4) n =
C – CV C - CV
(3) ln2, 4ln2 (4) ln2, ln2
34. Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated closed
37. 200 g water is heated from 40°C to 60°C. Ignoring
chamber. As the gas undergoe s a n adiabat ic
expansion, the average time of collision between the slight expansion of water, the change in its

molecules increases as Vq, where V is the volume internal energy is closed to (Given specific heat of
æ Cp ö water = 4184 J/kg/K) : [JEE(M ain )-201 6 (on lin e)]
of the gas. The value of q is :- ç g = ÷
è Cv ø
(1) 4.2 kJ (2) 8.4 kJ
[ JE E ( M ai n ) - 2 0 1 5 ]

(3) 167.4 kJ (4) 16.7 kJ

g +1 g -1
(1) (2)
2 2 38. The ratio of work done by an ideal monoatomic gas
to the heat supplied to it in an isobaric process is:
3g + 5 3g - 5
(3) (4)
6 6 [JEE(M ain )-20 16 (on line)]

35. 'n' moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process

A ® B as shown in the figure. The maximum 2 3
(1) (2)
temperature of the gas during the process will 3 2
be : [ JE E (M ai n )- 2 0 1 6 ]
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2 3
P (3) (4)
5 5
2P0 A

B 39. A Carnot freezer takes heat from water at 0°C inside

it and rejects it to the room at a temperature of
V0 2V0 27°C. The latent heat of ice is 336 × 103 J kg–1. If 5
kg of water at 0°C is converted into ice at 0°C by
the freezer, then the energy consumed by the freezer
9 P0 V0 9 P0 V0
(1) (2) is close to : [J EE(M ain )-2 0 1 6 (on lin e )]
nR 4nR
(1) 1.67 × 10 5 J (2) 1.68 × 10 6 J
3P0 V0 9 P0 V0
(3) (4)
2nR 2nR (3) 1.71 × 10 7 J (4) 1.51 × 10 5 J

E 115
40. A gas can be taken from A to B via two different 43. Three Carnot engines operate in series between a
processes ACB and ADB. [JEE(Main)-2019, January] heat source at a temperature T 1 and a heat sink
at temperature T4 (see figure). There are two other
reservoirs at temperature T2, and T3, as shown, with
P T2 > T 2 > T 3 > T 4 . The three engines are equally
C B efficient if : [J EE (M ai n ) -2 0 1 9 , J an ua r y ]


A D e1
When path ACB is used 60 J of heat flows into the
system and 30 J of work is done by the system. If
path ADB is used work done by the system is e3
10 J. The heat Flow into the system in path ADB is: T4

( ) ( )
1/ 3 1/ 3
(1) 80 J (2) 20 J (3) 100 J (4) 40 J (1) T2 = T12 T4 ;T3 = T1T42
41. Two Carrnot engines A and B are operated in series.
= (T T )
2 1/ 3
;T = ( T T )2 1/ 3

The first one, A, receives heat at (2) T2 1 4 3 1 4

= (T T ) ;T = ( T T )
1/ 4 3 1/ 4
T 1 (= 600 K) and rejects to a reservoir at (3) T2 3
1 4 3 1 4
temperature T2. The second engine B receives heat
(4) T2 = (T1T4 )1/ 2 ; T3 = (T12 T4 )1/ 3
rejected by the first engine and, in turn, rejects to
44. For the given cyclic process CAB as shown for a gas,
a heat reservoir at T 3(= 400 K). Calculate the
the work done is : [JE E(M a in)- 2 0 19 , Ja n u ar y]
temperature T 2 if the work outputs of the two
engines are equal : [JE E(M a in ) - 2 0 1 9 , J an u a r y] C A
(1) 400 K (2) 600 K (3) 500 K (4) 300 K 5
42. A heat source at T= l03 K is connected to another p(Pa) 4
heat reservoir at T=102 K by a copper slab which 3
is 1 m thick. Given that the thermal conductivity of 2
copper is 0.1 WK –1 m–1, the energy flux through 1 B
it in the steady state is : [JEE(Main)-20 19, Janua ry] 1 2 3 4 5
(1) 90 Wm –2 (2) 200 Wm –2 V(m )
(3) 65 Wm –2 (4) 120 Wm –2 (1) 1 J (2) 5 J (3) 10 J (4) 30 J

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Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. 4 3 3 1 3 2 2 4 3 1
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 1 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 2 4
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 4 4 1
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 4
Que. 41 42 43 44
Ans. 3 1 1 3

116 E

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