Real-Time Environment Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and ThingSpeak On Internet of Things Platform
Real-Time Environment Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and ThingSpeak On Internet of Things Platform
Real-Time Environment Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and ThingSpeak On Internet of Things Platform
Abstract— Due to increasing inhabitants in metropolitan areas These devices can interact and communicate with others
as well as ru ral areas requires an acceptable condition of services over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and
and the basic physical and organizational structu res. It becomes controlled. The IoT model intends to make the Internet even
necessary to monitor the real-time weather condition of one place more determined and allows us to mon itor and to know vital
from another place. At the same time the measu rement of the air changes in our environ ment through the devices that include
quality is also shows an important parameter to the environment.
For measuring these parameters IoT plays an important role sensing, processing and transmitting the data to the cloud
through the help of sensor networks encompassing our which stores the data and analyzes the data. Moreover, by
environment. The Internet of Things is the next Internet. It enabling easy access and communication with a broad range
broadens the reach of connectivity much beyond phones and of devices such as surveillance cameras, ho me appliances,
computers to virtually any entity that has a chip and a data lines monitoring sensors and so on, the IoT is executed for the
interface. IoT assembles data from electronic sensors. This growth of applications that makes use of the massive
system is designed to transmit the generated data and stored in amount and the data created by such objects provide
cloud so that the information can be analyzed in different services. This technique locates application in many
applications. This paper shows the real-time monitoring of different areas, such as mobile healthcare, ho me auto mation,
temperatu re, humidity and air quality using the Internet of
Things (IoT) on ThingSpeak cloud. environment monitoring system, traffic management and
many others [3].
Environmental observing is an essential IoT application
which occupies monitoring the neighboring environment
KEY W ORDS - INTERNET OF T HIN GS(IO T), API KEY, CLOUD , and accounting this data for efficient short term measures
ENVIRONMENT MONITORING, SENSORS, THINGSPEAK. such as remotely controlling the devices and long term data
analysis and measures. This paper shows the realization
I. INT RODUCT ION details and results of an environmental monitoring system.
As modern devices and sensors continue to raise in power The system consists of a NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi
and functionality and to decrease in their cost, internet of module wh ich interfaces with DHT11 hu midity
things (IoT) co mes out as a widespread platform and service and temperature monitoring sensor along with MQ-7 gas
for consumer electronics [1].The Internet of Things (IoT) is monitoring system at the input side and at the output s ide
after that the Internet. The recent emergence of smart cities the sensed data is sent through Internet to a remote cloud
and open environments are able to facilitate citizens by storage open IoT API ThingSpeak. The Internet of Things
increasing their quality of life, further boosting research in (IoT) provides a pro mising solution for online mon itoring
IoT technologies and related standards as a fundamental and related activities, along with wireless sensor networks
building block for these new scenarios in globally integrated (WSNs) and mobile Internet. IoT has developed from a
communicat ions platforms. The Internet of Things (IoT) convergence of technologies including wireless
offers a pro mising key for online monitoring and its related communicat ion, the Internet and micro electro mechanical
activities [2]. It extends the reach of connectivity much systems [4],[ 5].
beyond computers and phones to virtually any object that
has a chip and a radio interface. IoT also generates new The outcomes of the project exp lain the real-time
openings to transform businesses in any sector because of monitoring of humid ity and temperature levels f ro m any
connecting more things and correlating mo re data. IoT location in the world and its statistical analysis. This also
refers to the concept of imp lanting electronics, Internet shows the air quality of that particular environment. This
connectivity, and other forms of hardware (such as sensors).
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8
C. Applications
After receiv ing the data the program that consumes the
informat ion and sent it to each and every device which are
connected with this platform[9].
And MQ7 gas sensor has been selected for air quality
monitoring of the environ ment. Th is is a simp le Carbon
Monoxide (CO) sensor, and it is used for sensing CO
concentrations in the air. This sensor has a high sensitivity
and fast response time .
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8
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