Myperspectives Grade 10, 2017
Myperspectives Grade 10, 2017
Myperspectives Grade 10, 2017
Grade 10, ©2017
To the
This document demonstrates how myPerspectives™ English Language Arts meets the
objectives of the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts. Correlation page
references are to the Student Edition and Teacher’s Edition and are cited by selection title or
feature title.
Students will encounter authors’ perspectives as they read literature from across time
periods and cultures. Students will listen to the perspectives of their peers through
conversations and collaborative activities. And, as students read the literature and engage
in activities in myPerspectives, they will formulate—and defend—their opinions as they
develop their own perspectives.
In each unit of study, students will read classic and contemporary fiction and nonfiction
texts, and view/listen to media selections, all related to an Essential Question. Students will
use technology to interact with texts and activities, and they can write directly in their
Student Edition to make interaction with texts more meaningful.
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Table of Contents
READING ................................................................................................................ 4
WRITING .............................................................................................................. 10
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
9-10.RL.2.2: Analyze in detail the SE/TE: beware: do not read this poem;
development of two or more themes or The Raven; Windigo: 111, The Doll’s
central ideas over the course of a work of House: 209, Civil Peace: 396, 398, The
literature, including how they emerge and Tempest: 570, They are hostile nations;
are shaped and refined by specific details. Under a Certain Little Star: 631, Blind; The
Blind Seer of Ambon; On His Blindness:
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.RL.2.3: Analyze how dynamic SE/TE: Where Is Here?: 80, The Doll’s
characters (e.g., those with multiple or House: 210, Civil Peace: 396, 398, King
conflicting motivations) develop over the Midas: 469, The Tempest: 553, En El Jardín
course of a text, interact with other de los Espejos Quebrados, Caliban Catches
characters, and advance the plot or develop a Glimpse of His Reflection; Caliban: 612
the theme.
9-10.RL.2.4: Students are expected to build Students build upon and continue applying
upon and continue applying concepts concepts learned previously.
learned previously.
Build comprehension and appreciation of literature, using knowledge of literary
structure and point of view
9-10.RL.3.1: Analyze and evaluate how an SE/TE: House Taken Over: 45, Where Is
author’s choices concerning how to Here?: 78, beware: do not read this poem;
structure a work of literature, order events The Raven; Windigo: 112, The
within it (e.g., parallel episodes), and Metamorphosis: 180, Sonnet, With Bird;
manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) Elliptical; Fences: 220, 222, The Necklace:
create such effects as mystery, tension, or 382, Avarice; The Good Life; Money: 440,
surprise. The Golden Touch: 458, King Midas: 466–
467, The Tempest: 532, 570, 584, 598–
599, Oedipus the King: 700–701, 722, The
Country of the Blind: 783–784
9-10.RL.3.2: Analyze how the author SE/TE: Outsiders and Outcasts: 224A,
creates such effects as suspense or humor Extending Freedom’s Reach, 336C, All That
through differences in the points of view of Glitters, 380
the characters and the reader (e.g., created
through the use of dramatic irony).
9-10.RL.4.2: Analyze and evaluate how SE/TE: Sonnet, With Bird; Elliptical;
works of literary or cultural significance Fences: 222, King Midas: 468, En El Jardín
(American, English, or world) draw on de los Espejos Quebrados, Caliban Catches
themes, patterns of events, or character a Glimpse of His Reflection; Caliban: 612,
types from myths, traditional stories, or They are hostile nations; Under a Certain
religious works, including describing how Little Star: 632
the material is rendered new.
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
READING: Nonfiction
Read and comprehend a variety of nonfiction independently and proficiently
9-10.RN.1: Read a variety of nonfiction SE/TE: How to Tell You’re Reading a
within a range of complexity appropriate for Graphic Novel—In Pictures: 50, The Dream
grades 9-10. By the end of grade 9, Collector: 82, Why Do Some Brains Enjoy
students interact with texts proficiently and Fear?: 90, First-Read Guide: 118, 250, 354,
independently at the low end of the range 484, 648, 806, Close-Read Guide: 119,
and with scaffolding as needed for texts at 251, 355, 485, 649, 807, Franz Kafka and
the high end of the range. By the end of Metamorphosis: 186, Revenge of the
grade 10, students interact with texts Geeks: 224, Encountering the Other: 232,
proficiently and independently. The “Four Freedoms Speech”: 268,
Inaugural Address: 282, 288, Speech at the
United Nations: 308, In La Rinconada, Peru,
Searching for Beauty in Ugliness: 418, The
Thrill of the Chase: 470, Let South Africa
Show the World How to Forgive: 634, View
From the Empire State Building: 738, The
Neglected Senses: 786
9-10.RN.2.2: Analyze in detail the SE/TE: Encountering the Other: 242, The
development of two or more central ideas “Four Freedoms Speech”: 278, Inaugural
over the course of a text, including how Address: 288, Speech at the United
they interact and build on one another to Nations: 315, Let South Africa Show the
provide a complex analysis. World How to Forgive: 641, The Thrill of the
Chase: 476
9-10.RN.2.3: Analyze how the author SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or 96–97, Revenge of the Geeks: 230,
events, including the order in which the Encountering the Other: 242, The “Four
points are made, how they are introduced Freedoms Speech”: 278, Speech at the
and developed, and the connections that United Nations: 315, Material World: 406,
are drawn between them. The Thrill of the Chase: 477
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.RN.4.2: Analyze various accounts of a SE/TE: Inaugural Address: 288, 296, Diane
subject told in different mediums (e.g., a Sawyer Interviews Malala Yousafzai: 318,
person’s life story in both print and 323
multimedia), determining which details are
emphasized in each account.
9-10.RN.4.3: Analyze seminal U.S. and SE/TE: The “Four Freedoms Speech”: 279,
world documents of historical and literary Inaugural Address: 289
significance, including how they address
related themes and concepts.
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
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Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
READING: Vocabulary
Acquire, refine, and apply vocabulary using various strategies and sources
9-10.RV.1: Acquire and use accurately SE/TE: The Dream Collector: 82, 89, Why
general academic and content-specific Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?: 96, Unit
words and phrases at the college and Goals: 128, 260, 364, 494, 658, The
career readiness level; demonstrate Metamorphosis: 180, Franz Kafka and
independence in gathering vocabulary Metamorphosis: 186, Inaugural Address:
knowledge when considering a word or 294, 296, Speech at the United Nations:
phrase important to comprehension or 315, Diane Sawyer Interviews Malala
expression. Yousafzai: 318, 321, The Censors: 340,
Freedom of the Press 2015: 344, 348,
Material World: 406, They are hostile
nations; Under a Certain Little Star: 630,
Oedipus the King: 722–723
9-10.RV.2.2: Students are expected to Students build upon and continue applying
build upon and continue applying concepts concepts learned previously.
learned previously.
9-10.RV.2.3: Analyze nuances in the SE/TE: The Fall of the House of Usher: 34,
meaning of words with similar denotations. Where is Here?: 68, The Metamorphosis:
182, Revenge of the Geeks: 228, Avarice;
The Good Life; Money: 430, The Golden
Touch: 457
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.RV.2.4: Identify and correctly use SE/TE: House Taken Over: 46, Why Do
patterns of word changes that indicate Some Brains Enjoy Fear?: 96, beware: do
different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., not read this poem; The Raven; Windigo:
analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, 100, 110, The Doll’s House: 208, Sonnet,
advocacy). With Bird; Elliptical; Fences: 220, The “Four
Freedoms Speech”: 268, 279, Speech at
the United Nations: 308, Diane Sawyer
Interviews Malala Yousafzai: 318, The
Censors: 340, The Necklace: 384, Civil
Peace: 398, In La Rinconada, Peru,
Searching for Beauty in Ugliness: 418, 426,
King Midas: 465, Let South Africa Show the
World How to Forgive: 640, 642, Oedipus
the King: 699, View From the Empire State
Building: 742, The Country of the Blind:
782, The Neglected Senses: 798
9-10.RV.2.5: Select appropriate general SE/TE: The “Four Freedoms Speech”: 280,
and specialized reference materials, both Caged Bird; Some Advice to Those Who Will
print and digital, to find the pronunciation Serve Time in Prison: 332, The Necklace:
of a word or determine or clarify its precise 384, They are hostile nations; Under a
meaning, part of speech, or etymology. Certain Little Star: 30, Whole Class
Performance Task: 732
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.RV.3.3: Interpret figures of speech SE/TE: Caged Bird; Some Advice to Those
(e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context Who Will Serve Time in Prison: 333, The
and analyze their role in the text. Censors: 342, Avarice; The Good Life;
Money: 439, The Tempest: 533
Write effectively for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences
9-10.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of SE/TE: House Taken Over: 49, The
time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, Metamorphosis: 184, 189, Whole Class
and audiences; apply reading standards to Performance Task: 190–195, 299-302,
support analysis, reflection, and research 412-413, Diane Sawyer’s Interview with
by drawing evidence from literature and Malala Yousafzai: 323, The Censors: 342,
nonfiction texts. Performance-Based Assessment: 358, Civil
Peace: 400
Demonstrate the ability to write legibly
9-10.W.2: Students are expected to build Students build upon and continue applying
upon and continue applying concepts concepts learned previously.
learned previously.
● Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, 97, The Doll’s House: 211, Whole Class
and create an organization that establishes Performance Task: 190–191, 614–615,
clear relationships among claim(s), Performance-Based Assessment: 253, 254,
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. 652
● Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task:
supplying evidence for each while pointing 190-191, 614, 616, The Doll’s House: 211,
out the strengths and limitations of both in Performance-Based Assessment: 254, 652
a manner that anticipates the audience’s
knowledge level and concerns.
● Use effective transitions to link the major SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task:
sections of the text, create cohesion, and 190, 193, 614, 617, The Doll’s House: 211,
clarify the relationships between claim(s) Performance-Based Assessment: 254, 652
and reasons, between reasons and
evidence, and between claim(s) and
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
● Establish and maintain a consistent style SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task:
and tone appropriate to purpose and 190, 194, 614, 618, The Doll’s House: 211,
audience. Performance-Based Assessment: 254, 652
9-10.W.3.2: Write informative compositions SE/TE: House Taken Over: 49,
on a variety of topics that – Performance-Based Assessment: 121–122,
488, 651, Whole Class Performance Task:
298, 408, The Necklace: 386, Civil Peace:
400, The Tempest: 533, En El Jardín de los
Espejos Quebrados, Caliban Catches a
Glimpse of His Reflection; Caliban: 613
● Develop the topic with well-chosen, SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task:
relevant, and sufficient facts, extended 58–59, 62, 299–300, 408-409, The
definitions, concrete details, quotations, or Metamorphosis: 184, Inaugural Address:
other information and examples appropriate 293, Civil Peace: 400, Performance-Based
to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. Assessment: 358
● Use appropriate and varied transitions to SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task: 59,
link the major sections of the text, create 60, 301, 412, The Metamorphosis: 184,
cohesion, and clarify the relationships Inaugural Address: 293, Performance-
among complex ideas and concepts. Based Assessment: 358, Civil Peace: 400
● Choose language and content-specific SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
vocabulary that express ideas precisely and 98, Whole Class Performance Task: 59–60,
concisely to manage the complexity of the 302–303, 408-409, Inaugural Address:
topic, recognizing and eliminating 293, Civil Peace: 400
wordiness and redundancy.
● Establish and maintain a style appropriate SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task:
to the purpose and audience. 59–60, 302–303, 412, Inaugural Address:
293, Performance-Based Assessment: 358,
Civil Peace: 400
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.W.3.3: Write narrative compositions in SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task: 59,
a variety of forms that – 60, Where Is Here?: 81, Caged Bird; Some
Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time in
Prison: 335, Avarice; The Good Life;
Money: 441, The Tempest: 602, Oedipus
the King: 726, Performance-Based
Assessment: 809
● Engage and orient the reader by setting SE/TE: Caged Bird; Some Advice to Those
out a problem, situation, or observation, Who Will Serve Time in Prison: 335,
establishing one or multiple point(s) of Avarice; The Good Life; Money: 441, Whole
view, and introducing a narrator and/or Class Performance Task: 728, 730,
characters. Performance-Based Assessment: 809
● Use narrative techniques, (e.g., dialogue, SE/TE: Where Is Here?: 81, Caged Bird;
pacing, description, reflection, and multiple Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time
plot lines), to develop experiences, events, in Prison: 335, Avarice; The Good Life;
and/or characters. Money: 441, Whole Class Performance
Task: 728–729
● Use a variety of techniques to sequence SE/TE: Caged Bird; Advice to Those Who
events so that they build on one another to Will Spend Time in Prison: 335, Avarice;
create a coherent whole. The Good Life; Money: 441, Whole Class
Performance Task: 728, 731
● Use precise words and phrases, telling SE/TE: Whole Class Performance Task: 61,
details, and sensory language to convey a Caged Bird; Some Advice to Those Who Will
vivid picture of the experiences, events, Serve Time in Prison: 335, Avarice; The
setting, and/or characters. Good Life; Money: 441, Whole Class
Performance Task: 728, 730
● Provide an ending that follows from and SE/TE: Caged Bird; Some Advice to Those
reflects on what is experienced, observed, Who Will Serve Time in Prison: 335,
or resolved over the course of the Avarice; The Good Life; Money: 441, Whole
narrative. Class Performance Task: 728
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Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
● Use technology to generate, produce, SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
publish, and update individual or shared 99, Encountering the Other: 245, Freedom
writing products, taking advantage of of the Press 2015: 349, Let South Africa
technology’s capacity to link to other Show the World How to Forgive: 643, View
information and to display information From the Empire State Building: 745
flexibly and dynamically (e.g., use of
publishing programs, integration of
● Formulate an inquiry question, and refine SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
and narrow the focus as research evolves. 99, Franz Kafka and Metamorphosis: 188,
Encountering the Other: 245, Whole Class
Performance Task: 298, Let South Africa
Show the World How to Forgive: 634, View
From the Empire State Building: 745
● Gather relevant information from multiple SE/TE: Franz Kafka and Metamorphosis:
authoritative sources, using advanced 188, Encountering the Other: 245, Whole
searches effectively, and annotate sources. Class Performance Task: 301–302,
Freedom of the Press 2015: 349,
Performance-Based Assessment: 358, In La
Rinconada, Peru, Searching for Beauty in
Ugliness: 429
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Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
● Assess the usefulness of each source in SE/TE: Franz Kafka and Metamorphosis:
answering the research question. 188, Encountering the Other: 245, Whole
Class Performance Task: 301–302,
Freedom of the Press 2015: 349,
Performance-Based Assessment: 358, In La
Rinconada, Peru, Searching for Beauty in
Ugliness: 429
● Synthesize and integrate information into SE/TE: Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?:
the text selectively to maintain the flow of 99, Franz Kafka and Metamorphosis: 188,
ideas. Encountering the Other: 245, Whole Class
Performance Task: 298, Let South Africa
Show the World How to Forgive: 634, View
From the Empire State Building: 745
● Avoid plagiarism and overreliance on any SE/TE: Franz Kafka and Metamorphosis:
one source and follow a standard format 188, Encountering the Other: 245, Whole
(e.g., MLA, APA) for citation. Class Performance Task: 301–302,
Freedom of the Press 2015: 349,
Performance-Based Assessment: 358, In La
Rinconada, Peru, Searching for Beauty in
Ugliness: 429
9-10.W.6.1a: Pronouns – Students are SE/TE: Students build upon and continue
expected to build upon and continue applying conventions learned previously.
applying conventions learned previously. For example: Outside and Outcasts: 146,
9-10.W.6.1b: Verbs – Forming and using SE/TE: Outsiders and Outcasts: 183,
verbs in the indicative, imperative,
interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.W.6.1c: Adjectives and Adverbs – SE/TE: Students build upon and continue
Students are expected to build upon and applying conventions learned previously.
continue applying conventions learned For example: Outsiders and Outcasts: 244,
previously. 140, 158, Blindness and Sight: 800
9-10.W.6.1d: Phrases and Clauses – SE/TE: The Fall of the House of Usher: 35,
Students are expected to build upon and House Taken Over: 47, Whole Class
continue applying conventions learned Performance Task: 61, 731, The
previously. Metamorphosis: 182, Encountering the
Other: 244, The “Four Freedoms Speech”:
280, Speech at the United Nations: 317,
The Golden Touch: 459, View From the
Empire State Building: 744
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.SL.2.2: Examine, analyze, and reflect SE/TE: Where Is Here?: 79, beware: do
on ideas and support or refute points under not read this poem; The Raven; Windigo:
discussion, by providing specific evidence 113, The Metamorphosis: 180, Franz Kafka
from materials under study and other and Metamorphosis: 189, Sonnet, With
resources. Bird; Elliptical; Fences: 220,The Thrill of the
Chase: 479, Small Group Performance
Task: 644
9-10.SL.2.3: Work with peers to set rules SE/TE: beware: do not read this poem;
for collegial discussions and decision- The Raven; Windigo: 113, The
making (eg. Informal consensus, taking Metamorphosis: 185, Franz Kafka and
votes on key issues, presentation of Metamorphosis: 189, A View from the
alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, Empire State Building: 745, Blind; The
and individual roles as needed. Blind Seer of Ambon; On His Blindness, 757
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
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Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
Refine and apply active listening and interpretation skills using various
9-10.SL.3.1: Integrate multiple sources of SE/TE: How to Tell You’re Reading a
information presented in diverse media and Graphic Novel—In Pictures: 57, The Dream
formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, Collector: 88, Why Do Some Brains Enjoy
orally) evaluating the credibility and Fear?: 99, Material World: 407, Oedipus the
accuracy of each source. King: 727, View From the Empire State
Building: 745
9-10.SL.3.2: Evaluate a speaker’s point of SE/TE: beware: do not read this poem;
view, reasoning, and use of evidence and The Raven; Windigo: 112, The
rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning Metamorphosis: 185, Revenge of the
or exaggerated or distorted evidence. Geeks: 231, The Tempest: 602, Blind; The
Blind Seer of Ambon; On His Blindness:
757, The Neglected Senses: 801
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition
A Correlation of myPerspectives, Grade 10, ©2017 to the
Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts Grade 10
Indiana Academic Standards for myPerspectives, Grade 10
English/Language Arts, Grade 10 ©2017
9-10.SL.4.3: Students are expected to build Students build upon and continue applying
upon and continue applying concepts concepts learned previously.
learned previously.
Develop and enhance understanding of the roles of media and techniques and
strategies used to achieve various purposes
9-10.ML.1: Critically analyze information SE/TE: Inside the Nightmare, 88,
found in electronic, print, and mass media Outsiders and Outcasts: 246, Extending
used to inform, persuade, entertain, and Freedom’s Reach, 348, All That Glitters,
transmit culture. 406
9-10.ML.2.2: Analyze and interpret the SE/TE: Revenge of the Geeks: 231,
changing role of the media over time in Extending Freedom’s Reach, 296
focusing the public's attention on events
and in forming their opinions on issues.
SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition