1066 Complications of 3rd Stage of Labour Injuries To Birth Canal

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Prasuna Jelly,
AIIMS, Rishikesh.
The important complication of third stage of
•Post partum hemorrhage
•Retention of placenta
•Inversion of the uterus
•Amniotic fluid embolism/
Pulmonary embolism
•Obstetric Shock
•Injuries to birth canal
“ Any amount of bleeding from or into the
genital tract following birth of the baby up
to the end of the puerperium which
adversely affect the general condition of the
patient evidenced by rise in pulse rate and
falling blood pressure is called post partum
 The incidence is about 4 – 6 % of all
 Minor (< 1 liter)
 Major (> 1 liter)
 Severe (> 2 liter)
Hemorrhage occurs
within 24 hours following the birth of the
- Third Stage Bleeding
- True Postpartum Haemorrhage

Hemorrhage occurs
beyond 24 hours and within puerperium
also called delayed or late puerperal
Atonic uterus


Retained Tissue

Blood Coagulopathy
 Retained bits of cotyledon or membrane
 Infection and separation of slough over a
deep cervio – vaginal laceration.
 Endometritis and sub involution of the
placenatl site.
 Secondary hemorrhage from caesarean
section wound.
 Hemoglobin level

 Internal examination to reveal sepsis sub


 Ultrasonography
 To empty the uterus of its content and to
make it contract.

 To replace the blood through blood


 To ensure effective haemostasis through

stopping the bleeding from traumatic site.
True Postpartum Haemorrhage

Same as third stage bleeding plus

 Inj. Misoprostol 1mg per rectum
 Bimanual compression of uterus
 Tight uterine packing
 Balloon tamponade
 Ligation of uterine artery
 Hysterectomy
 Supportive therapy:-
methargin 0.2 mg I/M
antibiotic therapy, IV Fluids
 Active treatment
gentle curattage to remove placenta
under general anaesthesia
➢Complications of PPH
Maternal death
Acute renal failure
Puerperal sepsis
“The placenta is said to be retained when it
is not expelled out even 30 minutes after
the birth of the baby.”
There are three phases
involved in the normal expulsion of placenta

Separation through the spongy layer of the


Descent into the lower segment and vagina

Finally its expulsion to outside

Interference in any of these physiological processes,
results in its retention .
 Placenta completely separated but retained is
due to poor voluntary expulsive efforts.

 Simple adherent placenta or non separated

placenta is due to atonic uterus.

 Premature attempts to deliver the placenta

before it is separated.
➢ Causes
1. Retained separated placenta
 Atony of uterus
 Contraction ring
 Premature attempts to deliver
placenta before it is separated

2. Retained non-separated placenta

 Simple adherance- Due to uterine
 Morbid adherance- Placenta
accreta, increta or percreta
 Diagnosis of retained placenta is made
when placenta does not delivered after
the 30 minutes of baby delivery

 Adherent placenta can only be diagnosed

during manual removal.
 Hemorrhage
 Puerperal sepsis
 Risk of its recurrence in next pregnancy
 Shock is due to :-
✓ Blood loss
✓ Frequent attempts of abdominal
manipulation to express the placenta out.
 During the period of arbitrary time limit of
half an hour, the patient is to be watched
careful for evidence of any bleeding,
revealed or concealed and to note the signs
of separation of placenta.

The bladder should be

emptied using a rubber
 There are three types of retained placenta:-

a. Separated placenta but retained

a. Unseparated retained placenta

a. Complicated retained placenta

Placenta is separated and retained:-

express the placenta out by controlled cord

Unseprated retained placenta:-

 manual removal of the placenta is to be

done under general anesthesia.
 Complicated retained placenta:-

the following guidelines are

formulated to manage the
case of retained placenta
complicated by hemorrhage
shock or sepsis.
 Retained placenta with shock but no
hemorrhage :-
 to treat the shock and when the condition
improves manual removal of the placenta is
to be done.

 Retained placenta with hemorrhage:-

➢ Control the fundus massage and make it
➢ Inj. Methergin 0.2 mg IV
➢ To start normal saline drip with oxytocin
and arrange for blood transfusion.
➢ Catheterized the bladder
 Placenta separated not separated

Express the placenta manual removal

out by under general
controlled cord traction anesthesia

 Traumatic suture should be tracked by

 Retained placenta with sepsis:-
➢ Intrauterine swabs are taken for culture and
sensitivity test and broad spectrum
antibiotics is given.

➢ Blood transfusion is helpful.

➢ As soon as the general conditions permits,

arrangement is made for manual removal.
 Retained placenta with an episiotomy
➢ The bleeding points of the episiotomy
wound are to be secured by artery
➢ An early decision for manual removal
should be taken followed by repair of the
episiotomy wound.
margins of the placenta.
• The placenta is gradually separated with sideways
slicing movements of the fingers, until whole of
the placenta is separated.
“It is an extremely rare but a life
threatening complication in third stage in
which the uterus is turned inside out
partially or completely”.
 The incidence is about 1 in 20,000
The inversion may be spontaneous or more
commonly induced
❖ spontaneous (40%) it is due to sharp raise in
intra abdominal pressure as in coughing,
sneezing or bearing down effort.

❖ fundal attachment of the placenta, short cord

and placenta accreta are often associated.
Iatrogenic this is due to mismanagement of
the third stage of labor.
❖Pulling the cord when the uterus is atonic
specially when combined with fundal

❖Fundal pressure when the uterus is relaxed.

❖Faulty technique is manual removal

➢ The body of uterus is partially or completely turned inside

➢ Types

 First degree- Dimpling of fundus which still remains above the

level of internal os
 Second degree- Fundus passes through cervix but lies inside
the vagina
 Third degree(Complete)- Endometrium is visible outside the
 Uterine over enlargement
 Prolonged labor
 Fetal macrosomia
 Uterine malformation
 Short umbilical cord
 Adherent placenta
 Manual removal of the placenta.
 Shock is extremely profound mainly of
neurogenic origin due to:-
a) Tension on the nerves due to stretching of
infundibulo pelvic ligament.
b) Pressure on the ovaries as are dragged with
the fundus through the cervical ring
 Haemorrhage specially after detachment
of placenta.
◦ If left uncared it may lead to:-
Uterine sloughing
 Symptoms include:-
Acute lower abdominal pain with bearing
down sensation.
 Signs include:-
Varying degree of shock
Cupping and dimpling of the fundal surface
Pear shaped mass outside the vulva and
looking reddish purple in color
 Abdominal examination:-
a) To reveal cupping and dimpling of fundal
b) Bimanual examination is only helful in
diagnosis but also confirm the degree of
c) Sonography can confirm the diagnosis
when clinical examination is not clear.
 Do not employ any method to expel the
placenta out when the uterus is relaxed.

 Pulling the cord simultaneously with fundal

pressure should be avoided.

 Manual removal should be done in proper

 Call for extra help
 Before the shock develops urgent manual
replacement even without anaesthesia.
Principle steps are:-
To replace the part first which is inverted last
with the placenta attached.
To apply counter support by the other hand
placed on the abdomen.
 After replacement, the hand should remain
inside the uterus until the uterus become
contracted by parentral oxytocin.

 The placenta is to be removed manually only

after the uterus becomes contracted.

 The placenta may however be removed prior to

i. To reduce the bulk
ii. To minimize the blood loss if partially

 Blood transfusion for shock

➢ Management

 Replacement of uterus
-Manual replacement
-Hydrostatic replacement
-Surgical replacement

 Antibiotics to control sepsis

 The condition of amniotic fluid
embolism occurs when amniotic fluid
enters the maternal circulation through
a tear in the membrane or placenta
Amniotic fluid embolism can occur at
any stage of gestation.
 The initial phase is one the vasospasm of
causing hypoxia, hypotension and
cardiovascular collapse.

 The second phase is the development of left

ventricular failure with hemorrhage and
coagulation disorder followed by pulmonary
 Tear in the membrane
 Hypertonic uterine activity
 Placental abruption
 Cesarean section
 Termination of pregnancy
 Rupture uterus
 Trauma may occur during intrauterine
 Maternal respiratory distress:- the woman
becomes severely dyspnic and cyanosed.
 Maternal hypotension and uterine
 Fetal distress in response to hypoxia
 Cardiopulmonary arrest
 Many mothers present with convulsion
 Resuscitate must be started at once
 Hydrocortisone, large dose intravenously.
 Aminophyllin, intravenously for respiratory
 Correction of acid – base imbalance
 Correction of the blood loss and
coagulation defect if indicated.
 Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

 Acute renal failure

 Neurological impairement

 Death
➢ Emboli can be thrombus, amniotic fluid or air

➢ Clinical features
 Sudden chest discomfort
 Air hunger
 Hypotension
 Haemorrhage (due to DIC)
 Collapse

➢ Management
 Similar to shock

1. Hypovolemic Shock
 Postpartum haemorrhage
 Haematoma- Broad ligament/Paravaginal

2. Neurogenic Shock
 Uterine rupture
 Uterine inversion
3. Obstructive Shock
 Air embolism

4. Anaphylactic Shock
 Amniotic fluid embolism

5. Septic Shock
 Prolonged Rupture Of Membranes
 Retained placental tissues
 Manipulation & instrumentation
 Ensure patent airway & give 100% Oxygen
 Control active bleeding
 IV Fluids- Crystalloids, Colloids, Blood
 IV Sodium bicarbonate (For acidosis)
 Antibiotics (For sepsis)
 Others- Steroids, Morphine, Ranitidine

BP, ECG, Pulse oximetry, Urine output, Serum
electrolytes, CVP, ABG
❑ Maternal injuries following child birth
process are quite common and contribute
significantly to maternal morbidity and even
to death.

❑Prevention, early detection and prompt and

effective management not only minimize the
morbidity but prevent many gynaecological
problems from developing later in life.
 Laceration of the vulval skin posteriorly and
the Para urethral tear on the inner aspect of
labia minora are the common sites.
 Para urethral tear may be associated with
brisk hemorrhage and should be repaired by
interrupted catgut suture, preferable after
introduction of a rubber catheter into the
bladder to prevent injury of the urethra.
 Minor injury is quite common specially
during first birth. Gross injury is invariably
a result of mismanaged second stage of
 Overall risk is 1% of all vaginal delivery.
The perineum may be term due to several
 Over stretching of the perineum due to
large baby, face delivery outlet contraction
with narrow pubic arch, shoulder dystocia
and forcep delivery.

 Rapid stretching of the perineum due to

rapid delivery of the head during uterine
contraction precipitate labor and delivery of
the after coming head in breech.
 Inelastic perineum as in rigid perineum in
elderly primigravida,, scar in the perineum
following perivious operation, such as
episiotomies or perineorrhaphy and vulval

 Unattended delivery and inability of the

woman to stop bearing down.
Spontaneous tears are usually classified in
degree which are related to the anatomical
structures which have been traumatized.
First degree:- Involves laceration of the
fourchette (lower end of the posterior vagina
or perineal skin) only.

Second degree:- Injury to perineum involving

perineal body (muscles) but not involving
the anal sphincter.
Third degree:- Injury to perineum involving
the anal sphincter complex.
Fourth degree:- The tear extends to the
rectal mucosa. Injury to perineum involving
the anal sphincter complex and anal
Conduct of second stage of delivery with
due care in those with increase likelihood
of laceration.

➢ Maintainflexion of the head until the occiput

comes under the symphysis pubis so that
lesser sub occipito frontal (10 cm) diameter
emerges out of the introitus.
➢ Assurethe woman not to bear down during
contractions to avoid forcible delivery of the

➢ Delivery of the head in between contraction

➢ Performs timely episiotomy

➢ Take care during delivery of the shoulder.

 Recent tear should be repaired immediately
following the delivery of the placenta.
 This reduce the chance of infection and
minimizes the blood loss.
 In cases of delay beyond 24 hours, the repair
is to be withheld.
 Antibiotics should be started to prevent
 The complete tear, should be repaired after
3 months, if delayed beyond 24 hours.
Vaginal lacerations Without involvement of
the perineum or cervix sometimes occurs.
These are usually seen following
instrumental or manipulative delivery. In
such cases the tears are extensive and often
associated with active bleeding.
 The most common site is the lower third
of the vagina.
 The lower end of the vagina may be torn
transversely from its junction with the
perineum leaving a deep cavity behind and
intact perineum.
 A vaginal tear is sutured by interrupted or
continuous sutures using chromic catgut
number ‘0’.
 In case of extensive lacerations in addition
to sutures, hemostasis may be achieved by
intravaginal plugging by roller gauze
soaked with glycerin and acriflavine. The
plug should be removed after 24 hours.
Minor degrees of cervical tears often occur
during first delivery. Extensive cervical
tear is rare. It is the commonest cause of
traumatic post partum hemorrhage.
 Iatrogenic:- attempted forceps delivery
or breech extraction through
incompletely dilated cervix.
 Rigid cervix:- this may be congenital or
more commonly following scar from
previous operations on the cervix.
 Strong uterine contraction:- as in
precipitate labor.
 Minor tear require no treatment.
 Deep cervical tears associated with
bleeding should be repaired soon after
delivery of the placenta.
 The repair should be done under general
anesthesia in lithotomy position with a
good light.
Collection of blood anywhere in the
area between the pelvic peritoneum
and the peritoneal skin are called
pelvic hematoma.
✓ Pain in perineal region.
✓ Retention of urine.
✓ Variable degree of shock or collapse.
✓ Tense swelling at the vulva which
becomes dusky and purple in color and
tender to touch.
✓ Pallor, rapid pulse and low blood pressure.
✓ A tender pelvic lump on palpation.
 A small hematoma (<5cm) is treated
conservatively with cold compress.
 If it is larger than 5cm or increasing in size, it
need to be evacuated.
 The hematoma is drained under general
anesthesia and bleeding points are secured.
 The dead space is to be obliterated by deep
mattress sutures.
 Prophylactic antibiotics is to be administered.
 Blood transfusion and narcotic analgesics for pain.
2. Supralevator Hematoma:- it is

 Extension of cervical laceration or

priamary vault rupture.
 Lower uterine segment rupture.
✓ Unexplained shock with features of shock
following delivery.
✓ Abdominal examination reveals swelling
above the inguinal pushing the uterus to the
opposite site.
✓ Vaginal examination reveals occlusion of the
vaginal canal by a bulge or a bogy swelling felt
through the fornix.
✓ Ultrasonography may show the exact
location of the hematoma.
 Treatment of shock.
 Exploratory laporotomy and drainage of
the hematoma.
 Ligation of the bleeding points.
 Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation may
be required to control bleeding.

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