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Table Tenses

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(do, does) V(s) (did) V ed will V
SIMPLE 1.regular, repeated actions in the present 1. simple past action (with the given 1. on –the-spot decision (making a
He works at a hotel. time usually) decision at the moment of speaking:
2.universal truth They spent their holidays in England promising, offering, agreeing to do
It rarely rains in the desert. last summer. sth)
3.planned future action for schedules and 2. succession of actions in the past I’ll take this jacket.
timetables First she paid the driver, then she 2. prediction about the future (with
The plane for London takes off at 6 p.m. got out of a taxi. verbs think, believe, expect, be
4.future actions in clauses of time and yesterday, then, when, last afraid, be sure, perhaps, probably)
condition night/week/ month, three days ago, I’m afraid we won’t be on time for
If you have some money, we will go to the in 1997 the meeting.
cinema. 3. actions which will definitely
I will have tidied up by the time you get happen and which we cannot control
back. The temperature will definitely
5.sport commentaries, reviews, narration reach 40 degrees tomorrow.
Hill kicks the ball and passes it to David. tomorrow, tonight, soon, next
always, usually, every day/ week, at week/month
night/ the weekend
(am, is, are) TO BE V ing was (were) V ing will be V ing

1.action that is happening now 1. unfinished, background, 1. action which will be in progress
He is reading now. prolonged action (very often goes at a stated future time
2.temporary action in present together with a single action in the This time next week I’ll be skiing in
I’m looking for a new job these days. past simple) Austria.
3.future planned action for personal He was walking down the street 2. action which will definitely
plans when he ran into an old friend. happen in the future as a result of a
Jill is getting married at 3 this afternoon. 2. action that was in progress at a routine or arrangement
4.action that happens more often than stated time in the past Don’t call Jane. I’ll be seeing her
normal - irritation (emotional) At 7 o’clock yesterday she was later, so I’ll pass the message on.
You’re always forgetting to pay bills. reading a book. 3. when we ask politely about
5.for changing or developing situations 3. two or more simultaneous someone’s plans for the near future
More and more forests are disappearing actions in the past (what we want to know is if our
because of fires. She was talking on her mobile wishes fit in with their plans)
now, at the moment, these days, at phone while she was driving to Will you be going out later?
present, nowadays work.
while, when, as, all
have (has) V ed had V ed will have V ed

1.completed action up to now a) news, 1. action that had finished by some 1. action that will have finished by
experience, changes definite moment in the past (prior, some definite moment in the future
She has picked a lot of apples. flashback) They will have finished their
b) finished action in an unfinished period She had finished work when she meeting by 4 o’clock.
of time met her friends for coffee.
He has broken his arm. before, after, already, just, for, by, by the time, before, until, by
2.action that started in the past and is still since, by, by the time then
going on or has just finished (non-action
She has had a dog for 3 years.
for, since, already, yet, just, ever, never,
so far, recently, how long

have (has) been V ing had been V ing will have been V ing
1.action that started in the past and still 1. action that had been happening 1. action that will have been
going on or has just finished (action verbs) before something else happened happening before something else
She has been talking on the phone for an (prolonged and completed by some happens (future prolonged and
hour. definite moment) completed)
for, since, how long, lately, recently They had been looking for a house by…for
for 3 months before they found one
for, since, how long, before, until

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