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PH ME Beverage / PH ME: Measure What Is Measurable and Make Measurable That Which Is Not

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what is measurable
and make measurable
that which is not.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Instruction Manual and Safety Information

pH ME Beverage / pH ME
Measuring Module

master instrument software version: from 2.97

module firmware version: from 1.004.004
(Original Instructions)
This document may contain errors and omissions. If you discover any such errors, or if you would like to see
more information in this document, please contact us at our address below. Anton Paar assumes no liability
for any errors or omissions in this document.

Changes, copyright, trademarks, etc.

This document and its contents may be changed or amended by Anton Paar at any time without prior notice.
All rights reserved (including translation). This document, or any part of it, may not be reproduced, changed,
copied, or distributed by means of electronic systems in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm, or any other
process) without prior written permission by Anton Paar GmbH.
Trademarks, registered trademarks, trade names, etc. may be used in this document without being marked
as such. They are the property of their respective owner.

Further information
Published and printed by Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
Copyright © 2020 Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria
Address of the instrument producer: Anton Paar GmbH
Anton-Paar-Str. 20
A-8054 Graz / Austria – Europe
Tel: +43 (0) 316 257-0
Fax: +43 (0) 316 257-257
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.anton-paar.com

Date: 13 August 2020

Document number: C88IB001EN-N

1 Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 4
2 pH ME Beverage / pH ME – An Overview ............................................................................................ 6
2.1 The Measuring Principle ................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Functional Components .................................................................................................................. 7
3 Checking the Supplied Parts ............................................................................................................... 8
4 Installing the Module .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Checking the Software Version of the Master Instrument ............................................................. 12
4.2 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Connecting the Hoses ................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Considerations for Setting up a System ............................................................................... 13
4.3.2 Setting up pH ME Beverage ................................................................................................. 13
4.3.3 Setting up pH ME .................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.4 Setting up pH ME in a PBA System ...................................................................................... 16
5 Operating the Module ......................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Method-Specific Settings .............................................................................................................. 17
5.1.1 Activating the Module ........................................................................................................... 17
5.1.2 Defining the Output Data for Display .................................................................................... 17
5.1.3 Defining the Result Output .................................................................................................... 17
5.2 How to Prolong the Lifetime of pH Electrodes .............................................................................. 17
5.3 Measurement ................................................................................................................................ 17
5.3.1 Recommended Settings for Beverage Measurements Using pH ME Beverage .................. 18
5.4 Check ............................................................................................................................................ 18
5.5 Adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 18
6 Upkeep and Cleaning ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Storing the pH Electrode ............................................................................................................... 20
6.1.1 Filling the Measuring Cell of pH ME Beverage with Storage Solution .................................. 20
6.1.2 Filling the Measuring Cell of pH ME with Storage Solution .................................................. 20
6.2 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................ 20
6.2.1 Cleaning the Ceramic Diaphragm ......................................................................................... 21
6.2.2 Cleaning the pH Electrode .................................................................................................... 21
6.3 Exchanging the O-Ring ................................................................................................................. 21
7 Maintenance and Repair ..................................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Maintenance Performed by an Authorized Anton Paar Service Engineer .................................... 23
7.2 Repair Performed by an Authorized Anton Paar Representative ................................................. 23
Appendix A: Technical Data ................................................................................................................. 24
A.1: Wetted Parts of pH ME Beverage ............................................................................................... 25
A.2: Wetted Parts of pH ME ................................................................................................................ 25
Appendix B: Output Quantities and Live Raw Data ............................................................................ 25
B.1: Output Quantities ......................................................................................................................... 25
B.2: Live Raw Data ............................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix C: Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 26
Appendix D: Module Firmware Versions ............................................................................................. 26

C88IB001EN-N 3
1 Safety Instructions

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1 Safety Instructions
• Read this document before using the measuring • Use only accessories, consumables or spare
module. parts supplied or approved by Anton Paar
• Follow all hints and instructions in this document GmbH.
to ensure the correct use and safe functioning of • Ensure that all operators have been trained
the measuring module. beforehand to use the measuring module safely
• The manual is a part of the product. Keep it for and correctly.
the complete working life of the product and • Ensure that the measuring module is
make it easily accessible for all persons involved sufficiently supervised during operation.
with the product. If you receive any additions to • In case of damage or malfunction, do not
or revisions of the manual from Anton Paar, continue operating the measuring module.
these must be treated as part of the manual. Do not operate the measuring module under
conditions which could result in damage to
goods or injuries or loss of life.
1.1 Liability
• This document does not claim to address all Operation in areas with risk of explosion
safety issues associated with the use of the • The measuring module is not explosion-proof
measuring module and samples. It is your and therefore must not be operated in areas
responsibility to establish health and safety with risk of explosion.
practices and to determine the applicability of
regulatory limitations.
General precautions
• Anton Paar GmbH only warrants the proper
functioning of the measuring module if no • Observe and adhere to your national safety
modifications are made to mechanics, regulations regarding the handling of all
electronics, or module firmware. substances associated with your measurements
(e.g. use safety goggles, gloves, respiratory
• Use the measuring module only for the purpose
protection, etc.).
described in the document. Anton Paar GmbH
is not liable for damages caused by incorrect • Before a measurement, check the wetted parts
use of the measuring module. of the measuring module for chemical resis-
tance to the samples and cleaning agents used.
• The results delivered by the measuring module
depend not only on the correct functioning of • Take measures that spilled liquids cannot get
the measuring module, but also on various into plug connections or venting slots of
other factors. We therefore recommend that electrical appliances.
you have the results checked (e.g. plausibility • Connect the measuring system to the AC
tested) by skilled persons before consequential power supply via a safety switch located at a
actions are taken based on the results. safe distance from the instruments. In an
emergency, turn off the power using this switch
instead of the power switch on the instruments.
1.2 Installation and Use
Precautions for flammable samples and
• The installation procedure shall be carried out
only by authorized persons who are familiar cleaning agents
with the installation instructions. • Keep potential sources of ignition, like sparks or
• The sensor board of pH ME beverage/pH ME open flames, at a safe distance from the
shall be mounted into the master instrument by measuring module.
a service technician only.

4 C88IB001EN-N
1 Safety Instructions

• Store only the minimum required amount of

sample, cleaning agents, and other flammable
materials near the measuring module. DANGER
• Do not spill sample/cleaning agents or leave
Description of risk
their containers uncovered. Immediately
Danger indicates a hazardous situation which, if
remove spilled sample/cleaning agents.
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
• Ensure that the setup location is sufficiently
ventilated. The environment of the measuring
module must be kept free of flammable gases
and vapors.
• Provide fire-extinguishing equipment.
Description of risk
Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if
1.3 Service and Repairs not avoided, could result in death or serious
• Service and repair procedures may be carried
out only by authorized personnel or by
Anton Paar GmbH.
1.4 Disposal Description of risk
Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if
• Concerning the disposal of the measuring not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
module, observe the legal requirements in your injury.

1.5 Conventions for Safety Messages Description of risk
Notice indicates a situation which, if not avoided,
The following conventions for safety messages are could result in damage to property.
used in this document:

C88IB001EN-N 5
2 pH ME Beverage / pH ME – An Overview

2 pH ME Beverage / pH ME – An Overview
pH ME Beverage/pH ME is an optional module for
the measurement of the pH value. Combined with a
2.1 The Measuring Principle
master instrument of Anton Paar’s M series, it
pH, or pH value, is the measure of the hydrogen ion
enables the simultaneous measurement of the pH
activity in aqueous solutions and thus indicates their
value and the measuring parameter(s) of the master
acidity or alkalinity. Solutions with high hydrogen ion
instrument. Typical applications include food, cos-
activity are acidic; solutions with low hydrogen ion
metics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and medicine.
activity are alkaline.
The module is placed on the right side of the master
Between two electrodes (a reference electrode and
instrument and is connected with the master
a measuring electrode) immersed in different
instrument by the supplied connecting cable and the
solutions, a measurable potential difference will
temperature sensor cable. The module is operated
develop. Today, these two electrodes are usually
and supplied with power via the master instrument.
combined in one probe called a “combined pH
pH measurement is performed with commercially electrode”. Whereas the electric potential at the
available pH electrodes. The choice of the pH elec- reference electrode is constant, at the measuring
trode is up to you. In any case, the diameter of the electrode an electric potential is built up that
electrode must be 12 mm to fit into the protective depends on the H3O+ ion concentration in the
tube of the module. If you need to measure under sample.
overpressure (not possible with pH ME Beverage),
The potential of the measuring electrode is mea-
make sure that the pH electrode is pressure-resis-
sured against the (constant) potential of the refer-
tant and has a thread so that it can be screwed into
ence electrode. From the potential difference (i.e.
the protective tube.
measured voltage) of the two electrodes, the pH is
calculated using the adjustment data. The mea-
sured voltage correlates linearly with the pH value.

Table 1: pH electrode types available from Anton Paar

Article description Mat. no.

pH Electrode Hamilton
(pH=0–14, 0–80 °C, not pressure-resistant)

pH Electrode Endress + Hauser CPS11


pH Electrode Hamilton Foodtrode

(especially recommended for beverages, not pressure-resistant)

6 C88IB001EN-N
2 pH ME Beverage / pH ME – An Overview

2.2 Functional Components

pH ME Beverage


1 2

7 8 9

pH ME Rear of the master instrument



2 7

Fig. 1: View of the instruments

pH ME Beverage pH ME Connectors on the pH sensor board

1 Measuring cell 1 Measuring cell (installed on the rear of the
2 Measuring cell inlet 2 Measuring cell jack master instrument)
3 Measuring cell outlet 3 Measuring cell plug 1 BNC connector
4 Protective tube 4 Protective tube 2 Connector for pH temperature sensor
5 Base plate 5 Base plate
6 Fixation opening 6 Fixation opening
7 Rear opening of the base plate 7 Rear opening of the base plate
8 Front opening of the base plate 8 Front opening of the base plate
9 Bypass hole 9 Temperature sensor cable
10 Temperature sensor cable

C88IB001EN-N 7
3 Checking the Supplied Parts

3 Checking the Supplied Parts

pH ME has been tested and packed carefully before 1. Keep the packaging material (box, foam pieces,
shipment. However, damage may occur during transport protection) for possible returns or for
transportation. questions from the transportation or the
insurance company.
2. To check the delivery for completeness, com-
pare the supplied parts to those listed in table 2
for pH ME Beverage or table 3 for pH ME,
3. If a part is missing, contact your Anton Paar
4. If a part is damaged, contact the transportation
company and your Anton Paar representative.

Table 2: Supplied parts for pH ME Beverage

Qty. Article description Mat. no.

1 pH ME Beverage measuring module 132927
1 pH ME Beverage measuring cell unit V2 171536

1 Instruction Manual and Safety Information English 90226

1 pH Storage Solution 500 mL Hamilton 12632

1 Buffer Solution pH 7.00 Hamilton 12556

1 Buffer Solution pH 4.01 Hamilton 12554

8 C88IB001EN-N
3 Checking the Supplied Parts

Table 2: Supplied parts for pH ME Beverage (cont.)

Qty. Article description Mat. no.

1 Connection cable type K1 BNC 1 m 62521

1 Sensor board pH ME V2 161507

(Already installed in the master instrument, or
delivered with the module if the module has been
ordered separately.)

2 Adapter Luer to Tygon tube 133328

1 Injection adapter fitting black 159536

2 Tube d=2.1 mm / D=2.4 mm / L=20 mm 67982

1m Hose 2x4 silicone 51273

1m Hose 1.6x3.2 Tygon 67540

1 Hook for O-ring removal 24951

3 O-ring 12x3 NBR 70 55232

C88IB001EN-N 9
3 Checking the Supplied Parts

Table 3: Supplied parts for pH ME

Qty. Article description Mat. no.

1 pH ME measuring module 88975
1 pH measuring cell unit 88947

1 Instruction Manual and Safety Information English 90226

1 pH Storage Solution 500 mL Hamilton 12632

1 Buffer Solution pH 7.00 Hamilton 12556

1 Buffer Solution pH 4.01 Hamilton 12554

1 Connection cable type K1 BNC 1 m 62521

1 Sensor board pH ME V2 161507

(Already installed in the master instrument, or
delivered with the module if the module has been
ordered separately.)

10 C88IB001EN-N
3 Checking the Supplied Parts

Table 3: Supplied parts for pH ME (cont.)

Qty. Article description Mat. no.

1 Accessory pH ME measuring module 89246
1 Injection adapter fitting black 159536

0.5 m Hose 1.6x3.2 Tygon 67540

2m Hose 2.5x4 polyurethane, transparent 15272

1 Polyurethane hose with pre-mounted jack,

length = 200 mm

1 Polyurethane hose with pre-mounted plug and pre-

mounted syringe adapter, length = 200 mm

2 Reducer Luer to Record Vygon (syringe adapter) 52547

1 Jack with compression fitting 89233

1 Plug with compression fitting 89234

1 Hook for O-ring removal 24951

3 O-ring 12x3 NBR 70 55232

C88IB001EN-N 11
4 Installing the Module

4 Installing the Module

4.1 Checking the Software Version of Placing the measuring cell unit
the Master Instrument 1. Place the measuring cell unit at the right side of
the master instrument.
Before connecting the module, ensure that the 2. Lift the master instrument at the front and place
latest software version is installed on the master the instrument’s right front foot into the fixation
instrument (e.g. DMA M). For details about the opening of the module’s base plate, see fig. 2.
required software version, see appendix D.
1. To check the currently installed software Mounting the pH electrode
version, tap <Menu> and select Service >
1. Keep the pH electrode in an upright position for
System Information.
at least one hour.
The line “Instrument” shows the currently
2. Carefully remove the watering cap from the pH
installed software version.
2. If required, perform a software update to the
3. Flush the pH electrode with distilled water.
current software version.
4. With pH ME Beverage: Unscrew the protective
For details about updating the software of the
tube of the measuring cell unit by approx. half a
master instrument, contact your Anton Paar
turn. This will ensure easy fitting of the pH
5. Carefully insert the pH electrode into the
4.2 Installation protective tube until the end of the electrode
touches the bottom of the pH measuring cell.
Use the module in the laboratory in combination with TIP: When you insert the pH electrode, you have to
an M series master instrument. overcome a slight resistance caused by the O-ring
in the pH measuring cell. Be sure to insert the pH
electrode as far as possible into the pH measuring
If you use the pressure-resistant pH electrode
(with thread), screw the electrode into the
protective tube.
6. With pH ME Beverage: Once the pH electrode
is fully inserted, fix the protective tube again by
turning it clockwise.

Fig. 2: Securing the measuring cell unit

12 C88IB001EN-N
4 Installing the Module

4.3 Connecting the Hoses

4.3.1 Considerations for Setting up a

• pH ME Beverage can only be installed in a non-
pressurized system.
• If you install pH ME Beverage / pH ME in a
non-pressurized system, mount the hose
connections in a way that the pH measuring cell
unit is the last link in the system chain.
• If you install pH ME in a pressurized system,
mount the hose connections in a way that the
pH measuring cell unit is the next-to-last link in
the system chain, the last one always being the
CarboQC ME measuring module.

4.3.2 Setting up pH ME Beverage

1. Cut a piece of approx. 400 mm length from the
Tygon hose 1.6x3.2.
Fig. 3: Inserted pH electrode with mounted connecting
2. Connect one end of the hose to the outlet
adapter of the master instrument or of the
preceding module.
Connecting the cables
3. Lead the other end of the hose through the rear
1. Screw the connecting cable (mat. no. 62521) opening of the base plate of the pH measuring
into the rear end of the pH electrode. cell unit.
2. Connect the other end of the connecting cable 4. Connect the free end of the hose to the adapter
to the BNC connector on the rear of the master Luer to Tygon tube on the measuring cell inlet.
instrument, see fig. 1. 5. Connect another Tygon hose 1.6x3.2 to the
3. Connect the temperature sensor cable to the adapter Luer to Tygon tube on the measuring
connector for the pH temperature sensor on the cell outlet.
rear of the master instrument, see fig. 1. 6. Lead the other end of the hose through the front
opening of the base plate (8, fig. 1) into a waste

C88IB001EN-N 13
4 Installing the Module

Example: 4. Guide the silicone hose (3) through the

Hose connections of a pH ME Beverage in peristaltic pump as shown in fig. 4.
an Alcolyzer Beer Analyzing System 5. Attach the second metal tube delivered (4) to
the end of that silicone hose.
Prepare the delivered hoses by cutting them to the
6. Connect the Tygon hose (approx. 400 mm) to
proper lengths:
that metal tube.
Tygon hose: 1x approx. 800 mm (31.5 in) 7. Lead the Tygon hose (5) through the rear
opening of the base plate (6).
Tygon hose: 1x approx. 400 mm (15.8 in)
8. Attach the adapter Luer to Tygon tube (7) to the
Silicone hose: 1x approx. 380 mm (15 in)
end of that Tygon hose.
Silicone hose: 1x approx. 1000 mm (39.4 in)
9. Connect the adapter Luer to Tygon tube to the
lower adapter of the pH measuring cell unit.
Connect the hoses as follows, see fig. 4:
10. Attach the second adapter Luer to Tygon tube
1. Connect the Tygon hose (approx. 800 mm) to (8) to the silicone hose (approx. 1000 mm).
the top adapter of Alcolyzer ME (1).
11. Connect the adapter Luer to Tygon tube to the
2. Attach one of the delivered metal tubes (2) to upper adapter of the pH measuring cell unit.
the end of that Tygon hose.
12. Lead the silicone hose (9) through the front
3. Connect the silicone hose (approx. 380 mm) to opening of the base plate into the waste vessel
that metal tube. (10).


5 10
8 6

Fig. 4: Example: Hose connections of a pH ME Beverage in an Alcolyzer Beer Analyzing System

14 C88IB001EN-N
4 Installing the Module

4.3.3 Setting up pH ME 5. Connect the plug with compression fitting to the

measuring cell jack on the pH measuring cell
TIP: Not recommended for beverage analysis. unit.
1. Cut a piece of approx. 400 mm length from the 6. Attach the jack with compression fitting to one
Tygon hose 1.6x3.2. end of another Tygon hose as shown in fig. 7.
Select the length of the hose according to your
2. Attach the plug with compression fitting to one
end of the Tygon hose as shown in fig. 5.

Fig. 5: Plug with compression fitting attached to the hose Fig. 7: Jack with compression fitting attached to the hose

3. Lead the other end of the hose through the rear 7. Lead the other end of the hose through the front
opening of the base plate of the pH measuring opening of the base plate either into a waste
cell unit. vessel or to another measuring module.
4. Connect the free end of the hose to the outlet
adapter of the master instrument or of the
preceding module.

Fig. 8: Connecting the Tygon hose with the jack

Fig. 6: Connecting the Tygon hose with the plug

C88IB001EN-N 15
4 Installing the Module

4.3.4 Setting up pH ME in a PBA System 5. Connect the plug with compression fitting to the
measuring cell jack on the pH measuring cell
1. Cut a piece of approx. 400 mm length from the unit.
polyurethane hose. 6. Attach the jack with compression fitting to one
2. Attach the plug with compression fitting to one end of another polyurethane hose as shown in
end of the polyurethane hose as shown in fig. 7. Select the length of the hose according to
fig. 5. your requirements.
3. Lead the other end of the hose through the rear 7. Lead the other end of the hose through the front
opening of the base plate of the pH measuring opening of the base plate to the CarboQC ME.
cell unit.
4. Connect the free end of the hose to the outlet
adapter of the master instrument or of the
preceding module.

Fig. 10: Connecting the polyurethane hose with the jack

Fig. 9: Connecting the polyurethane hose with the plug

16 C88IB001EN-N
5 Operating the Module

5 Operating the Module

The module is operated from the menu on the
master instrument. For details see the manual of the
5.2 How to Prolong the Lifetime of
measuring system. pH Electrodes
A pH electrode is a consumable whose lifetime is
5.1 Method-Specific Settings determined by your requirements regarding
response time, zero point, and slope. Under
You can define the settings of the module for each favorable measurement conditions, the lifetime may
method. amount to 1–3 years at room temperature, under
unfavorable conditions, accordingly less. Moreover,
pH electrodes will slightly age during storage, too.
5.1.1 Activating the Module
To activate the module, tap <Menu> and select To ensure favorable conditions
Methods > Method Settings > method name > • Avoid extended contact of the pH electrode with
Activate Modules/Constants > pH Module. concentrated acids, alkalis, and alcohols.
• Never let the pH electrode dry out.
5.1.2 Defining the Output Data for Display • Never leave the pH electrode in distilled or
deionized water or in sample for a long time.
After the module has been activated, you can
choose the following parameters of the module for • When the pH electrode is not in use (over the
display on the master instrument: weekend, over night, but also during the day
between measurements), always put it in a
- pH value storage solution (3 M KCl solution).
- pH voltage (in mV or V)
- pH temperature TIP: In case the pH electrode has dried out for a
- pH condition short time, put it in a storage solution overnight to
regenerate it.

5.1.3 Defining the Result Output

5.3 Measurement
You can define the list of output quantities for
printouts and data exports. You can change the The pH measuring cell is filled together with the
settings anytime and repeat the printout of saved measuring cell(s) of the master instrument.
results if required.
1. Tap <Menu> and select Methods > Method NOTICE
Settings > method name > Result Output. If you measure samples or use cleaning liquids
2. Tap on a list item to change it or on the empty that the pH electrode or the materials of the
field at the end of the list to add an item. module are not resistant to, disconnect the pH
measuring cell unit from the measuring system
The field turns into a drop-down box. as described in section 6.1, before you fill the
3. Tap on the drop-down box to get to the dialog measuring system. Then perform the pH mea-
“Change Printout Quantity”. surement outside the measuring cell (e.g. in a
4. Use the drop-down boxes to define the “Group”, glass vessel).
“Quantity”, “Unit”, and (the number of) “Digits”,
and tap <OK>. TIP: If required, you can extend the measuring time;
this might increase the measuring accuracy.

C88IB001EN-N 17
5 Operating the Module

Extending the measuring time For the 2-point adjustment, the pH values of the two
buffer solutions have to range above and below the
1. Tap <Menu> and select Setup > Measuring expected sample pH.
System Settings > pH Module > Delay Time.
2. Enter a delay time > 0 to extend the measuring
time by the specified value. The delay time - For beer samples (typical pH: 4.3), it is
must be in the range 0–179 seconds. reasonable to adjust the pH electrode with
buffers pH=4 and pH=7.
- For samples with an alkaline pH, adjust the
5.3.1 Recommended Settings for pH electrode with buffers pH=7 and pH=10.
Beverage Measurements Using The 3-point adjustment is available only in a pres-
pH ME Beverage sureless system (and only with a sensor board pH
rev. 2.0 or higher; find the hardware version in menu
To obtain optimal sample filling, use the following Service > System Information).
software settings if applicable:
• Tap <Menu> and select Methods > Method • The pH values of the buffers must increase with
Settings > method name > Xsample 520 each adjustment step.
Module. • The middle buffer in a 3-point adjustment must
- For “Filling mode”, select “Forward/Back have a pH value 7.
Without Air Gap”.
- For “Filling time”, select 180 s. Adjustment frequency
(This is a typical time for extracting approx.
The adjustment frequency depends on the sample
40 mL from the 50 mL vial. If necessary,
and the accuracy required.
modify this value to obtain the maximum
possible filling volume.) Start with one adjustment per day. If the results are
Confirm with <OK>, then tap <Home>. satisfactory, you can try to extend the adjustment
interval. Yet, it can be as well necessary to adjust
• Tap <Menu> and select Methods > Method
several times per day in order to achieve the
Settings > method name > Pump Speed.
required accuracy.
- For “Pump speed”, select 65 %.
Confirm with <OK>, then tap <Home>. NOTICE
• Always use fresh buffers.
• Fill at least 40 mL buffer to avoid carry-over
5.4 Check effects.

Check the validity of the pH adjustment with suitable

buffers once a day, before you start the routine mea- Buffer tables
surements. If necessary, perform a pH adjustment. In the menu Setup > Measuring System Settings >
pH Buffer Management, you find three buffer tables
(pH 4, pH 7, pH 10) for the temperature range 5–
5.5 Adjustment 50 °C. The table data are valid for “Hamilton
Duracal” buffers as these are included in the scope
The adjustment is used to determine the offset and of delivery.
slope of the pH electrode.
If you adjust the pH electrode with these buffers, the
Adjust the pH electrode with buffer solutions with correct buffer data will automatically be used for the
defined pH values (pH=4, pH=7, pH=10). The ad- adjustment.
justment can be performed with either two different
buffers (2-point adjustment) or three different buf-
fers (3-point adjustment).

18 C88IB001EN-N
5 Operating the Module

Performing an adjustment outside the

Temp. [°C] measuring cell
pH 4.01 pH 7.00 pH 10.01
Instead of filling the buffers into the pH measuring
5 4.01 7.09 10.19 cell using the sample changer or a syringe, you can
10 4.00 7.06 10.15 adjust the pH electrode outside the pH measuring
15 4.00 7.04 10.11
1. Tap <Menu> and select Checks/Adjustments >
20 4.00 7.02 10.06
Other Adjustments > pH Module >
25 4.01 7.00 10.01 pH Adjustment.
30 4.01 6.99 9.97 2. Set the filling mode to “Fill Manually”.
35 4.02 6.98 9.92 3. Press <OK>.
40 4.03 6.97 9.86 4. Pull the pH electrode out of the protective tube.
45 4.04 6.97 9.83 5. Rinse the pH electrode with water and dry it
50 4.05 6.97 9.79 carefully with a soft tissue.
6. Put the pH electrode either in the bottle of the
Performing an adjustment supplied Hamilton pH buffer, see fig. 11, or in a
suitable vessel filled with buffer.
1. Tap <Menu> and select Setup > Measuring
System Settings > pH Module. TIP: Ensure that the buffer has room temperature.
- Set “Delay Time” to 120 s to increase the
accuracy of the adjustment.
2. Tap <Menu> and select Checks/Adjustments >
Other Adjustments > pH Module >
pH Adjustment.
- Set the filling mode to “Use Sampler” or
“Fill Manually”.
3. Choose to perform either a 2-point or a 3-point
4. Follow the instructions on the screen of the
master instrument.
At the end of the adjustment, “pH adjustment
finished successfully” is displayed.
5. Press <Apply> to continue.
6. To check the adjustment data, tap <Menu> and
select Data Memory > Adjustment Data >
pH Adjustment, then press <Details>.
The following information will be displayed: Fig. 11: Adjustment outside the measuring cell
- adjustment type
- user 7. Press <OK>.
- date and time 8. Follow the instructions on the screen of the
- old and new offset master instrument.
- old and new slope At the end of the adjustment, you can either
- buffer 1 (pH value) apply or reject the adjustment.
- buffer 2 (pH value)
- buffer 3 (pH value), if applicable 9. To continue with your measurements, return the
pH electrode carefully into the protective tube.
You can print or export these data.

C88IB001EN-N 19
6 Upkeep and Cleaning

6 Upkeep and Cleaning

6.1 Storing the pH Electrode 2. Disconnect the hose with jack from the
measuring cell plug.
After completing your measurements and during 3. Connect the two hoses from steps 1 and 2
short measuring breaks, store the pH electrode in a coupling plug and jack.
3 M KCl solution (storage solution).

6.1.1 Filling the Measuring Cell of pH ME

Beverage with Storage Solution
Fig. 13: Coupling plug and jack
1. Disconnect the adapter Luer to Tygon tube from
the pH measuring cell inlet and connect it to the 4. Mount the syringe adapter on the supplied
bypass hole. polyurethane hose with pre-mounted plug, and
connect the plug to the measuring cell jack.
2. Fill a 20 mL syringe with storage solution, plug
the syringe into the pH measuring cell inlet, and 5. Connect the jack of the supplied polyurethane
fill in the storage solution, see fig. 12A. hose with pre-mounted jack to the measuring
cell plug.
3. After the storage solution has been filled,
connect the outlet hose to the second bypass 6. Lead the free end of the hose from step 5 into a
hole, see fig. 12B. waste vessel.
4. Leave the syringe plugged until a new 7. Fill a 20 mL syringe with storage solution, plug
measurement is started. the syringe into the syringe adapter on the hose
from step 4, and fill in the storage solution, see
5. Before you start a new measurement, fig. 14.
reassemble the hose.

to waste vessel syringe filled with storage solution

Fig. 14: Storing the pH electrode of pH ME

8. Leave the syringe plugged until a new
syringe filled with storage solution measurement is started.
9. Before you start a new measurement,
Fig. 12: Storing the pH electrode of pH ME Beverage reassemble the hoses as described in
section 4.3.

6.1.2 Filling the Measuring Cell of pH ME 6.2 Cleaning

with Storage Solution
1. Pull the pH electrode out of the protective tube
1. Disconnect the hose with the plug from the and inspect it for scratches, cracks, salt build-
measuring cell jack. up, or deposits on the ceramic diaphragm.

20 C88IB001EN-N
6 Upkeep and Cleaning

2. Rinse off any salt build-up with distilled or 6.3 Exchanging the O-Ring
deionized water.
The O-ring seals the measuring chamber.
6.2.1 Cleaning the Ceramic Diaphragm • With pH ME: The O-ring is leaky and has to be
replaced if liquid leaks from the pressure outlet
• In case of protein contamination, immerse the opening of pH ME.
pH electrode in 0.4 % HCl + 5 g/L pepsin for
several hours. • With pH ME Beverage: Check if the O-ring
needs to be replaced, when the measuring
• If you notice a blackening of the diaphragm results of a measuring system with pH ME
(due to silver compounds), immerse the pH Beverage do not get stable and all other
electrode in 0.4 % HCl + 76 g/L thiourea. reasons can be excluded.

6.2.2 Cleaning the pH Electrode pH ME Beverage

Remove contaminations of the pH electrode with 1. Clean the measuring cells by thoroughly rinsing
the corresponding cleaning solution from the table the measuring system with ultra-pure (bi-
below. distilled or deionized) water.
2. Pull the pH electrode out of the protective tube.
Contamination, 3. Store the pH electrode in buffer solution.
Cleaning solution
4. Unscrew the protective tube.
normal contamination 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M HNO3 5. Remove the O-ring from the measuring
fat, oil warm soap solution or chamber using the hook for O-ring removal
water-soluble organic (mat. no. 24951) from the pH ME accessories.
solvents (e.g. ethanol)
calcium deposits, 10 % HCl or citric acid
coatings of metal
proteins pepsin cleaning solution

1. Immerse the pH electrode in the cleaning

solution for approx. 30 minutes.
2. Rinse the pH electrode with distilled water after
each cleaning.
3. After the end of cleaning, store the pH electrode
in 3 M KCl solution.
TIP: In case the pH electrode has dried out for a
short time, put it in a storage solution overnight to
regenerate it. Fig. 15: Removing the O-ring of pH ME Beverage
TIP: Hamilton Cleaning 6. Insert a new O-ring (mat. no. 55232) from the
In general, you can use acids, alkaline solutions, pH ME accessories (three O-rings supplied).
and commonly used solvents for a short time to
7. Reassemble in reverse order.
clean electrodes with a glass shaft. Flush with water
after cleaning.
After cleaning, the electrode is likely to exhibit a pH ME
sluggish response time for a while, so place it in 1. Clean the measuring cells by thoroughly rinsing
storage solution for 15 minutes after cleaning. the measuring system with ultra-pure (bi-
distilled or deionized) water.
With PFD:
a. Set the activation lever of the PFD to the
“OFF” position to depressurize the
measuring system.

C88IB001EN-N 21
6 Upkeep and Cleaning

b. Tap <Menu> and select 5. Unscrew the three screws fixing the protective
- CarboQC ME Utilities > Continuous Rinse, tube and remove the protective tube.
- CarboQC Utilities > Continuous Rinse, or 6. Remove the O-ring from the measuring
- CboxQC Utilities > Continuous Rinse, chamber using the hook for O-ring removal
as appropriate. (mat. no. 24951) from the pH ME accessories.
c. Wait until the piston of the CO2 module has
reached its top position (valve open).
d. Tap <OK> and then <Home>.
With Xsample 510:
a. Tap <Menu> and select CarboQC ME
Utilities > Open Valve.
b. Wait until the piston of CarboQC ME has
reached its top position (valve open).
c. Tap <OK> and then <Home>.
2. Disconnect the hoses from the measuring cell
of pH ME.
3. Disconnect the pH electrode cable.
Fig. 17: Removing the O-ring of pH ME
4. Unscrew the pH electrode and store it in a
buffer solution, see section 6.1. 7. Insert a new O-ring (mat. no. 55232) from the
pH ME accessories (three O-rings supplied).
2 8. Reassemble in reverse order.
Check that the pressure outlet opening of the
protective tube points towards the measuring
cell plug, see fig. 16.

Fig. 16: Removing the protective tube of pH ME

1 Protective tube
2 Fixing screws
3 Pressure outlet opening

22 C88IB001EN-N
7 Maintenance and Repair

7 Maintenance and Repair

7.1 Maintenance Performed by an Following parts are generally excluded
from the warranty (wear and tear parts)
Authorized Anton Paar Service
• syringes
Engineer • hoses
• adapters, connectors, fittings
The measuring module requires a periodical • pump diaphragms
maintenance, which shall be performed by an • filters
authorized Anton Paar Service Engineer. 1 • O-rings, seals, gaskets
A missing maintenance may mean that under • cables
certain conditions your warranty is no longer valid. 2 • fuses
• batteries
Maintenance interval • desiccants
• protection foils and covers
once a year
• pH electrode
Parts to be exchanged at every All parts damaged in consequence of a fall of the
maintenance interval (wear and tear parts) instrument are generally excluded from the warranty
as well.
pH ME:
• hoses
• O-ring 7.2 Repair Performed by an Autho-
• plugs and jacks
rized Anton Paar Representative
pH ME Beverage:
• hoses In case your instrument needs repair, contact your
• adapters local Anton Paar representative, who will take care
• tube of the necessary steps. If your instrument needs to
• O-ring be returned, request an RMA (Return Material
Authorization Number). It must not be sent without
the RMA and the filled “Safety Declaration for
Parts to be exchanged at different Instrument Repairs”. Please make sure it is cleaned
maintenance intervals (wear and tear before return.
parts) TIP: Contact your local Anton Paar representative
pH electrode (1–3 years, see section 5.2) from the Anton Paar website under “Contact”
IMPORTANT: You must not return instruments that
are contaminated by radioactive materials,
infectious agents, or other harmful substances that
cause health hazards.

1 Please contact your Anton Paar representative to get an offer.

2 For detailed information see the general terms of delivery (GTD) on the Anton Paar website (https://www.anton-paar.com).

C88IB001EN-N 23
Appendix A: Technical Data

Appendix A: Technical Data

Measuring range pH 0–14

Repeatability s.d. 0.02 (in the range pH 3–7)

Resolution 0.01

Max. pressure of the pH measuring cell

pH ME Beverage – (not pressure-resistant)
pH ME 8 bar (116 psi)

Tolerance of the pH electrode

Slope –63.89 mV/pH to –54.43 mV/pH
Offset –30 mV to +30 mV

Required diameter of the pH electrode 12 mm

Required length of the pH electrode 120 mm

pH electrodes available at Anton Paara

for applications at atmospheric pressure: Hamilton Polilyte Labb
Hamilton Foodtrodeb (recommended for beverages)
for applications at pressures up to 8 bar (116 psi): Endress + Hauser CPS11b

Sample volume approx. 6 mL

Environmental conditions indoor use only

Ambient temperature 15 °C to 35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F)
Operation temperature 15 °C to 35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F)
Air humidity 10–90 % relative humidity, non-condensing
Pollution degree 2

Power supply by the master instrument

Dimensions (L x W x H) 150 mm x 70 mm x 160 mm (5.9 in x 2.8 in x 6.3 in)

Weight approx. 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)

a If you use other pH electrodes, check their suitability prior to use.
b See the instruction manual of the pH electrode for detailed technical data.

24 C88IB001EN-N
Appendix B: Output Quantities and Live Raw Data

A.1: Wetted Parts of pH ME Beverage A.2: Wetted Parts of pH ME

The following materials are in contact with the The following materials are in contact with the
samples and cleaning agents: samples and cleaning agents:

Material Part Material Part

ETFE adapters Glass pH electrode
Glass pH electrode Nitrile rubber (NBR) O-ring
Nitrile rubber (NBR) O-ring Polypropylene (PP) measuring cell plug,
PSU measuring cell measuring cell jack

PTFE adapters Polyurethane (PU) hoses

Silicone hoses Polyvinylidene fluoride measuring cell

Stainless steel 1.4571 adapters
Tygon hoses

Appendix B: Output Quantities and Live Raw Data

B.1: Output Quantities

Group: pH
pH Condition Current status of the pH measurement
pH Temperature Temperature in the pH measuring cell
pH Value Measured pH value of the sample
pH Voltage Voltage at the pH electrode during measurement

B.2: Live Raw Data

In this menu, you get a live view of sensor signals including raw data:
1. Tap <Menu> and select Service > Live Raw Data.
2. Select “pH ME”.

pH Condition Current status of the pH measurement

pH Error Only used for service purposes
pH Progress Only used for service purposes
pH State Only used for service purposes
pH Substate Only used for service purposes
pH Temperature Temperature in the pH measuring cell
pH Value Measured pH value of the sample
pH Voltage Voltage at the pH electrode during measurement

C88IB001EN-N 25
Appendix C: Troubleshooting

Appendix C: Troubleshooting
Q: What to do if the slope is out of range, Q: What to do if the offset is out of range,
see appendix A? see appendix A?
• Clean the pH electrode. • Clean the pH electrode.
• Replace the pH electrode with a new one. • Exchange the electrolyte solution (only valid for
pH electrodes with liquid electrolyte).
• Replace the pH electrode with a new one.

Appendix D: Module Firmware Versions

Versions of
module firmware / Date of Document
master instrument release number
1.001.005 / 1.60 19.08.2009 C88IB01A First firmware version released for the module
1.002.001 / 1.70 15.01.2010 C88IB001EN-A Menu item “Hold Time” changed to “Delay Time”
1.003.001 / 2.20 12.09.2011 C88IB001EN-B No changes for pH ME
1.003.004 / 2.30 May 2012 C88IB001EN-C pH adjustment can be performed with a sample
C88IB001EN-D changer
1.003.004 / 2.60 07.04.2015 C88IB001EN-F No changes for pH ME
1.003.004 / 2.70 27.07.2015 C88IB001EN-G
1.003.004 / 2.80 01.12.2015 C88IB001EN-H
1.004.002 / 2.90 09.05.2016 C88IB001EN-I
1.004.004 / 2.91 07.11.2016 C88IB001EN-K 3-point adjustment available
1.004.004 / 2.92 08.05.2017 C88IB001EN-L No changes for pH ME
1.004.004 / 2.93 24.11.2017
1.004.004 / 2.94 14.11.2018 C88IB001EN-M
1.004.004 / 2.97 24.07.2020 C88IB001EN-N Changes regarding the delay time
a Required software version (or later version)

26 C88IB001EN-N

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